Unknown2008-11-20 21:11:48
Backstory here: http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php?s=&a...st&p=495757
Sadhyra is hunting spectres. Her mother comes along and somewhere in between haunting and ectoplasm, a bomb is dropped:
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "There is something I have been keeping from you."
Slowly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Dear, this is a tad important. I need you to not say anything of it to your father."
You say, "Father does not know?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "It's not about that. Do keep up."
Pointedly, as the spectre falls, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Lekius is your father by blood."
You blink.
You say, "....what?"
Lifting a hand to her cheek, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "My second husband is your father. By blood."
You have emoted: Sadhyra merely stares at you in shock. "Daedalion is not my father...?" she echoes.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "The Arrey Arrane of the Spiritsingers."
Flatly, you say, "I know who he is."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Daedalion is your father by all other rights."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance frowns and says, "And that will not ever change."
Pointedly, you say, "We became acquainted when he raided our commune."
Irritably, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "I know."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "I don't associate with him any longer."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "We lived in Magnagora together."
You have emoted: Sadhyra bites her lip, remaining silent. Tersely, she only nods.
You say, "Does he know of me?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He does not."
You say, "And you think that fair, for him?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He knows you were born."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He knows you exist."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He doesn't care to find you."
Slowly, you say, "I see."
Frowning delicately, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "It is by no fault of your own. He was always a selfish man."
With dry amusement, you say, "That certainly colors our meeting."
You say, "He and I have met, as I said. In the arena. We fought, and spoke for some time."
Showing that she understands, Somaria nods her head slowly.
With a dismissive shrug, you say, "What interesting twists fate brings."
You say, "Anyone else I'm related to? Just in case I fall in love, I'd rather discover sooner than later that they are my brothers or whatnot."
Somaria shakes her head.
A wry smile spreads across your face.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance asks, "You should put it from your mind in any case. Surely your feelings towards Daedalion are unwavering?"
You say, "Of course."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "During our time in Magnagora, though, with you on my hip still, I ventured to my Lord's fulcrux."
You have emoted: Sadhyra pauses, regarding you warily. "What's that...?" she asks.
A chill, eerie wind whips between the ruins, bringing with it the cold stench of rot.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "I placed my daughter upon the ground to play after making a short prayer and chatted idly with Lekius.."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Suddenly you were lifted and wounded. Lord Fain thought you to be a sacrifice of sorts.."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "After pleading from Lekius, the Lord gave you back to me and instead placed his blessing upon you."
You blink.
Slowly, you say, "The Lord Fain...blessed...me?"
Flatly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "You weren't elfen at the time."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's voice grows quiet, as an odd, strangled note enters it. "What...what was I, mother?"
Eyeing you for a moment, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "Viscanti. Likely due from my multiple reincarnations and having been born of taint."
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly blinks, her hands shaking slightly as she silently considers your words.
Carefully, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "It's a bit to take in."
Quietly, you say, "What does it mean?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra's fists clench as she nearly growls, "Is His touch still on me?"
Narrowing her eyes coldly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "His touch is forever upon those He chooses to grace it upon."
You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales sharply, before letting out a bitter laugh. "The twists fate brings indeed," she says in a low voice, her gaze lowering to her hands, her eyes tracing the slender, distinctively Elfen fingers.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance reaches out, stepping forward and slipping her arms around you, her gaze lowered to the ground behind you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra tilts her head sideways, angling it to lightly rest on your own shoulder. In a whisper, she confides, "Mother...I've been told what the Lord thinks of the Elfen."
Her voice little more than a meek murmur, you say, "He hates them, fully. A cold, consuming loathing. What will He do when He finds His blessing is on one of that hated race?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra turns to face you, her eyes growing wide in dismay. "What will happen to me, mother?" she asks, her voice faltering and helpless.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance sighs, stroking her fingertips over your back in a small attempt to soothe, before murmuring, "You have options, dearest. I had hoped to wait until you were older.. You could come with us should your father lose, fulfill your destiny. Even if he wins, you could turn to the Fates. Declare their error.."
You have emoted: Sadhyra closes her eyes, her hands rising to cross across her chest, her arms wrapping around her own body as if to confirm its reality. Holding herself tightly, she freezes for a long, silent moment. Finally, she says, in careful, measured tones, "I could."
Southwest junction of Spectre Island. (Spectre Isle.)
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Paths split in two directions here, one leading along a trail to the docks, and another leading towards the western shore. An old stone bench rests here near the trail edge, inviting a bit of calm collection. The sounds of the Sea of Despair echo slightly from this vantage point. A crumbled old sign lies off the trail in the scorched grass, ruined from the elements.
Leading you towards the stone bench to sit for a moment, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "He is not unforgiving. He is patient."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's eyes slowly open, although they remain more narrowed, thoughtful. An almost determined and calculating expression creeps across her face, as her lips draw into a flat line. Allowing herself to be herded to a seat, she asks, "What else is He?"
Thoughtfully, you say, "Tell me of Lord Fain. One must know one's benefactors."
Eloquently, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He is many things. Teaches many things. He is infinite power and infinite wisdom."
The soft, sibilant groans of spectres briefly murmur in the air.
Pointedly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "His followers are of the Elite. Sthai d'Murani, all of the Magnagoran Warlords, Bhairan, Thoros, Morvior. Many of my personal friends."
You have emoted: Sadhyra nods slowly, her gaze growing distant. "What does He demand of His followers?"
Waving her hand dismissively, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "He demands unwavering service and only the best of such products."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "He demands that you do all you can to honour Him."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He wishes to be all that matters."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance looks skeptical and says, "I have a book at home."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Shall we go? It's easier to quote it and allow you to review it."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You follow Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance west to A private athenaeum.
A private athenaeum.
Tall, graceful columns circle this airy library, supporting a glass-domed cupola which arches above the chamber. Paved with stained glass, the dome spans the room as light from the sky beyond filters down in colorful splashes against the marble flagstones of the floor below. Carved stone bookcases ring the library, filled with a variety of thick tomes, their cracked spines inscribed with arcane phrases in fading gilt script. Small pedestals stand between each shelf, each holding an elegant bust of a y'Kaliath noble, chiseled from smooth, ivory alabaster. To the southwest, the circle of columns breaks, flanking a large, ornate door, fashioned from wrought iron and frosted glass. Opening out to the plaza beyond, the metal frame of the door twines in intricate patterns of ivy and vines, while a half rose-window crowns the entry, leaded into a delicate design in emulation of peacock feathers unfolding in a semi-circle. A dark wood polished bookshelf inlaid with a silver five-pointed star sits against one wall here. A sinuous divan couch rests here, gleaming with silver embroidery. A large black pillow chair rests here invitingly. A painting of a bright point of light in the dreary forest is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall.
Somaria looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance draws the book from the shelf, opening it carefully. Trailing her finger over the text, she carefully reads, "Timor et Tremor. As the roaring of the Lion is the dread of LORD. HIS voice is fear and the people tremble. For Behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth and the rivers will gush with blood."
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly sinks to a seat in one of the chairs of the library, frowning in consternation at your words.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance's hands tremble slightly as if in memory as she continues, obviously skipping down, "HE is Master and I am HIS... ...For the future is CRIMSON BLOOD and pain. Wherefore I exalt and praise HIM, for in suffering of my foes am I made whole, always serving HIM. And the possessions of my enemies shall be rendered unto me, his wife is mine, his childer meat upon my table. And for I love the LORD, I hate HIS foes and HIS foes are mine. Swift striking is the LORD in HIS power, and sly beyond all other."
In another breath, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Let HIS praises be sung in the blood of the foe. For by BLOOD is HE known. And HE is called THE CRIMSON LORD, THE LORD OF THE MASQUE, and in the quietness of their hearts, all fear HIM."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance recites, "Timor et Tremor."
Somaria gives a personal journal to you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's hands tremble slightly as she folds them tightly in her lap. Wordlessly, she listens as you finish. Silently, she stares down at the journal, letting it rest in her lap. Her stare reluctantly passes over the tome, regarding it with distrust, as one would consider a venomous creature, coiled for striking.
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly, tentatively, runs her fingers along the book's cover, before she opens it herself, carefully turning the pages.
Too softly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Read on, child. Embrace your fate."
You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales sharply, her stare narrowing as her eyes flicker over the words. Quickly, she turns one page, reading faster and faster, color rising in her cheeks.
You have emoted: Sadhyra suddenly slams the book closed, one hand pressing tightly against the back cover as she directs her stare upwards at you in a harsh glare. "You linked me with a murderer," she says roughly, flushing in anger. "The Murderer of all murderers."
Her voice growing cold, you say, "This God is a Lord of Evil, is that it? Strength at all costs? No mercy to the foe?"
Narrowing her gaze, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "Hardly."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance exclaims to you, "Dare you condemn another of showing no Mercy when you reside in a forest that preaches it?!"
You have emoted: Sadhyra thrusts the journal back at you, saying in icy tones, "I do not relish it, or praise it. It is a duty, akin to a wolf's hunting. Neither good, nor bad, but necessary and a simple fact of life."
Hissing softly, you give a personal journal to Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance.
Somaria steps up to you and, in one smooth motion, backhands you viciously across the face.
Coldly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "You will learn to praise it, child."
Lightly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance asks, "I wonder.. What will you do when the time comes to face Him?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets her stare linger on the book in your hands, cheek bright crimson in response to your slap. Biting back a cry of pain, her gaze merely smoulders in resentful silence.
Lowering her hand to touch the burn of her strike, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Or perhaps we should journey to His dwelling now. Perhaps seeing HIM will inspire you."
Finally, in a more subdued voice, you say, "And if He kills me on sight? What then, mother dearest?" Her voice stresses the last word with a faintly sardonic tone.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "If He does, it will be because you are ungrateful for HIS mercy upon your pitiful soul."
With detached amusement, you say, "Perhaps He will reconsider His original view of me as a sacrifice. Will you live with that upon your conscience, then?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance frowns and says, "I was but an Elfen when I first met with him. Perhaps such will be the curse of my children."
You have emoted: Sadhyra sighs finally, bowing her head. "Very well," she agrees, slowly standing. "Show me everything."
You follow Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance ether to the Fulcrux of Fain.
The Fulcrux of Fain. (Transcendental Fulcrux.)
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Piles of skulls and other crude and vile offerings are strewn about the black obsidian flooring, which shines with a pale sheen. A ring of half melted red candles encircle the shrine to the god Fain, glorifying His existence. The walls of this temple are flat and cold, and when the firelight hits them on occasion, shadows of unnameable terrors awaken within their murky depths. A swirling cloud of crimson mist hangs heavily over the area. Thick red mists swathe an altar of polished black marble, swirling rhythmically to the distant throb of a waltz.
There are no obvious exits.
The crimson mists swirl about you like tiny fingers grasping outwards, trying to pull you in.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance asks, "Lord?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra shivers unconsciously, her skin prickling in the chill of the chamber. Her gaze scans the temple, drinking in the macabre sights; quickly skittering past the piles of skulls, her stare focuses on the altar itself, eyes squinting as she peers through the murky, crimson mists.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance casts her gaze towards you if only for a moment, a small flicker of concern crossing her expression.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's voice shakes, although her words are cold, as her instinctive response to the darkened chamber wars with her emotions. "So this is the temple of the Great Lord Fain?"
Coldly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Hardly. This is but His fulcrux, child."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Where you were marked to begin with, dear."
You have emoted: Sadhyra narrows her eyes at the shrine. "Was that the altar on which I was "blessed" then?" she asks, her words caustic, although a faint tremor undercuts her sarcasm.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance places a hand upon your back and coldly shoves you forward with the intention of putting you upon your knees.
Icily, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "You will learn respect in the face of One who has graced you so benevolently."
The wailing of captive souls echo here through the eternal void.
You have emoted: Sadhyra stiffens at your touch, but the sudden force is too much for her to react to. Tripping, she falls to the ground hard, hitting the floor with a sharp thud which echoes about the chamber. Her hands splayed on either side of her, she stares up at the shrine, fear slowly awakening in her eyes as the wailing of captive souls reaches her ears.
Taking her daughter by her hair and forcing her face to the ground, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses at you, "It is appropriate to grovel before His creations."
You have emoted: Sadhyra cries out in pain, her slender form no match for your force. Her body bends downwards, completely prostrated before the altar, as her cheek presses against the cold stone floor. Gasping, she whispers, almost inaudibly, "Who...what...are those moans?" Her hands scrabble for purchase on the slick, smooth surface of the paving, as her voice rises. "Where are we?!"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance pulls you by your hair slightly to face the altar, her grip like iron, her gaze like ice. She points to the altar and whispers harshly, "The moans are of those who have disappointed and betrayed HIM. We are in HIS hands and at HIS mercy. Learn of HIM, child, for HE is your salvation."
The crimson mists swirl about you like tiny fingers grasping outwards, trying to pull you in.
Malevolently, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance purrs, "Feel that, my dear? The pull of the mists? They hunger for you. Will you prove a disappointment, mine?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets out her breath in a low hiss, as a faint trail of tears wet her cheeks. In a last, weakened show of defiance, she twists her head, spitting on the floor before the shrine. "Perhaps I just may," she grunts, her arms giving out as she falls forwards.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance drops her daughter as you falls, appearing disgusted, faltering only for a moment to sympathy.
You have emoted: Sadhyra slumps to the ground. She breathes in slow, ragged breaths, her eyes averted from the shrine itself and focusing hazily on some spot on the floor before her.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses, "If you didn't have the essence of the Elfen in you, perhaps you wouldn't be so pathetically weak."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's fingers curl inwards, forming small fists, as her body tenses, as if expecting another blow.
In muffled, forced voice, you say, "I am Elfen because the fates decreed it. Because that is what returned me to you."
Lowering a hand to stroke her fingers through her daughter's hair, slowly and gently untangling it, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance murmurs, "Don't worry, dearest, we'll fix you yet."
You have emoted: Sadhyra turns her head away from you, burying it in her own ams. "Was it wrong for us to be reunited, if I had to have this form to achieve it?" Quietly, her shoulders shake, betraying a sob.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's form softens at your touch, unable to maintain her stiff barrier as you gently stroke her.
Gently, soothingly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance whispers to you, "Of course not. That is why we are able to change forms, dear."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance continues to detangle your hair, her fingers overly gentle in doing so, a complete and utter twist from her former anger.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's breathing slows, as she tentatively curls closer to you. Raising her head to rest it on your knee, she stares up at you, frowning faintly. "I...I like myself this way, though," she says haltingly, flinching as she speaks.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance strokes her fingertips intentionally over the sore mark upon your face from earlier. "Do you, child?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra winces at your hands brush over the bruise, her voice faltering. Wordlessly, she nods, remaining silent.
Her strokes pausing for a moment, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "You've never once felt, for even a moment, that 'tis not how you are truly to be?"
In a stubborn, quietly sulking voice, you say, "Never."
Perking slightly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance murmurs, "How do you expect to please your Master with such a form that does so disgust Him?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra hisses, drawing back for you. "He's not my master," she objects, shaking her head. "Not mine."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance resumes a grip upon your hair, her eyes narrowing harshly as she jerks you around slightly.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses, "He's not??"
You have emoted: Sadhyra yelps at the sudden pain, one hand raising to cling to your own wrist. Struggling against your grasp, she mumbles through gritted teeth, "Not...mine...I'm not...evil..."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance sighs as if annoyed by some sort of small irritation. Rising, she drags you by your hair towards the altar, jerking you by your hair almost wildly now to keep you from gaining any sort of stability.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's arms flail as she is dragged closer to the shrine, her legs kicking as she half-crawls in an attempt to lessen the pain.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance violent hurls you at the altar, her expression void of any real emotion. "Grovel, child, and we will go home," she hisses.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses, "Grovel and PRAY for HIS mercy for your PITIFUL form."
Endless whispers enter your mind, and you find yourself swarmed with their questions and requests.
You have emoted: Sadhyra tenses, resisting a bow. Her head turns, eyes trained on your expression for a long moment. Finally, she capitulates, overcome by your wrath and the chamber's dark, prying forces. Slumping downwards to press her forehead to the ground,
her voice faintly drifts up to you. "Are you pleased, mother?"
In a quiet, tired voice, you say, "I have debased myself, as you demanded. Can we leave, please.."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance offers a hand to help you up, her expression slightly calmer, as is somewhat satisfied. "We'll return another time."
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly, weakly reaches out to grab your hand as she staggers to her feet.
You follow Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance west to A private athenaeum.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Sit, then."
Somaria sits herself down on a sinuous brocade divan couch and makes herself comfortable.
You have emoted: Sadhyra gratefully falls into a seat, slumping backwards with exhaustion.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "You know, our visits could certainly be more pleasant with your cooperation, dearest."
You have emoted: Sadhyra pointedly turns away to stare at the bookshelves ringing the library. Flatly, she says, "Perhaps they could be," while offering no concessions.
Softly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "I love you, dearest."
You have emoted: Sadhyra merely closes her eyes, her head slumping down on her chest as she sinks into slumber, the pained expression leaving her face as the gentle touch of sleep smoothes her features.
She is a graceful elfen and seems barely on the cusp of womanhood, her tall, willowy form still slender and only beginning to develop gentle curves. Long, ebony hair frames the petite features of her face, the tresses bound up in an elaborate coif, curled and pinned back in an elegant display. Silver-streaked locks swirling through the updo highlight glints of pale gray in her ice-blue eyes, the color bright with a hint of liquid shimmer. Pale and wide, the orbs sit in arresting contrast to her dusky, olive-hued skin,
emphasizing high cheekbones and the sweep of her race's distinctive, pointed ears.
Somaria:emphasizing high cheekbones and the sweep of her race's distinctive, pointed ears.
She is a sinuous illithoid and yet appears more human, or perhaps elfen at any distance. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, the colors of fall swirling in a blend of greens and golds. These optics are set on a face delicately put together, and heavily
contrasting, neatly kept eyebrows accompanied by a gently curved nose. Her expression is void, her stare giving a glacial, impassionate, yet haunting weight with it's grace. Her hair is long, falling to the small of her back in razored, jagged ends, naturally the color of fresh snow, luminously white, though the ends have been streaked with ebony black. Long, pointed ears extend through the silken strands, twitching at every small, insignificant noise. A graceful jaw line is mounted on a long, delicate neck, slender shoulders influencing the rest of her frame in it's seemingly fragile form, curved with only what can be considered feminine sensuality. Her hands are worth a glance, perhaps, with the long fingers of an artist. Her skin is remarkably untouched by scars or bruising, only the faintest of lines running along her back as if from some past life or body. This is with the exception of her sternal mouth where, when revealed, a dark, ritualistic tattoo lines the skin.
contrasting, neatly kept eyebrows accompanied by a gently curved nose. Her expression is void, her stare giving a glacial, impassionate, yet haunting weight with it's grace. Her hair is long, falling to the small of her back in razored, jagged ends, naturally the color of fresh snow, luminously white, though the ends have been streaked with ebony black. Long, pointed ears extend through the silken strands, twitching at every small, insignificant noise. A graceful jaw line is mounted on a long, delicate neck, slender shoulders influencing the rest of her frame in it's seemingly fragile form, curved with only what can be considered feminine sensuality. Her hands are worth a glance, perhaps, with the long fingers of an artist. Her skin is remarkably untouched by scars or bruising, only the faintest of lines running along her back as if from some past life or body. This is with the exception of her sternal mouth where, when revealed, a dark, ritualistic tattoo lines the skin.
Sadhyra is hunting spectres. Her mother comes along and somewhere in between haunting and ectoplasm, a bomb is dropped:
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "There is something I have been keeping from you."
Slowly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Dear, this is a tad important. I need you to not say anything of it to your father."
You say, "Father does not know?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "It's not about that. Do keep up."
Pointedly, as the spectre falls, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Lekius is your father by blood."
You blink.
You say, "....what?"
Lifting a hand to her cheek, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "My second husband is your father. By blood."
You have emoted: Sadhyra merely stares at you in shock. "Daedalion is not my father...?" she echoes.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "The Arrey Arrane of the Spiritsingers."
Flatly, you say, "I know who he is."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Daedalion is your father by all other rights."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance frowns and says, "And that will not ever change."
Pointedly, you say, "We became acquainted when he raided our commune."
Irritably, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "I know."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "I don't associate with him any longer."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "We lived in Magnagora together."
You have emoted: Sadhyra bites her lip, remaining silent. Tersely, she only nods.
You say, "Does he know of me?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He does not."
You say, "And you think that fair, for him?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He knows you were born."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He knows you exist."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He doesn't care to find you."
Slowly, you say, "I see."
Frowning delicately, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "It is by no fault of your own. He was always a selfish man."
With dry amusement, you say, "That certainly colors our meeting."
You say, "He and I have met, as I said. In the arena. We fought, and spoke for some time."
Showing that she understands, Somaria nods her head slowly.
With a dismissive shrug, you say, "What interesting twists fate brings."
You say, "Anyone else I'm related to? Just in case I fall in love, I'd rather discover sooner than later that they are my brothers or whatnot."
Somaria shakes her head.
A wry smile spreads across your face.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance asks, "You should put it from your mind in any case. Surely your feelings towards Daedalion are unwavering?"
You say, "Of course."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "During our time in Magnagora, though, with you on my hip still, I ventured to my Lord's fulcrux."
You have emoted: Sadhyra pauses, regarding you warily. "What's that...?" she asks.
A chill, eerie wind whips between the ruins, bringing with it the cold stench of rot.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "I placed my daughter upon the ground to play after making a short prayer and chatted idly with Lekius.."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Suddenly you were lifted and wounded. Lord Fain thought you to be a sacrifice of sorts.."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "After pleading from Lekius, the Lord gave you back to me and instead placed his blessing upon you."
You blink.
Slowly, you say, "The Lord Fain...blessed...me?"
Flatly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "You weren't elfen at the time."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's voice grows quiet, as an odd, strangled note enters it. "What...what was I, mother?"
Eyeing you for a moment, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "Viscanti. Likely due from my multiple reincarnations and having been born of taint."
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly blinks, her hands shaking slightly as she silently considers your words.
Carefully, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "It's a bit to take in."
Quietly, you say, "What does it mean?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra's fists clench as she nearly growls, "Is His touch still on me?"
Narrowing her eyes coldly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "His touch is forever upon those He chooses to grace it upon."
You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales sharply, before letting out a bitter laugh. "The twists fate brings indeed," she says in a low voice, her gaze lowering to her hands, her eyes tracing the slender, distinctively Elfen fingers.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance reaches out, stepping forward and slipping her arms around you, her gaze lowered to the ground behind you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra tilts her head sideways, angling it to lightly rest on your own shoulder. In a whisper, she confides, "Mother...I've been told what the Lord thinks of the Elfen."
Her voice little more than a meek murmur, you say, "He hates them, fully. A cold, consuming loathing. What will He do when He finds His blessing is on one of that hated race?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra turns to face you, her eyes growing wide in dismay. "What will happen to me, mother?" she asks, her voice faltering and helpless.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance sighs, stroking her fingertips over your back in a small attempt to soothe, before murmuring, "You have options, dearest. I had hoped to wait until you were older.. You could come with us should your father lose, fulfill your destiny. Even if he wins, you could turn to the Fates. Declare their error.."
You have emoted: Sadhyra closes her eyes, her hands rising to cross across her chest, her arms wrapping around her own body as if to confirm its reality. Holding herself tightly, she freezes for a long, silent moment. Finally, she says, in careful, measured tones, "I could."
Southwest junction of Spectre Island. (Spectre Isle.)
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Paths split in two directions here, one leading along a trail to the docks, and another leading towards the western shore. An old stone bench rests here near the trail edge, inviting a bit of calm collection. The sounds of the Sea of Despair echo slightly from this vantage point. A crumbled old sign lies off the trail in the scorched grass, ruined from the elements.
Leading you towards the stone bench to sit for a moment, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "He is not unforgiving. He is patient."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's eyes slowly open, although they remain more narrowed, thoughtful. An almost determined and calculating expression creeps across her face, as her lips draw into a flat line. Allowing herself to be herded to a seat, she asks, "What else is He?"
Thoughtfully, you say, "Tell me of Lord Fain. One must know one's benefactors."
Eloquently, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He is many things. Teaches many things. He is infinite power and infinite wisdom."
The soft, sibilant groans of spectres briefly murmur in the air.
Pointedly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "His followers are of the Elite. Sthai d'Murani, all of the Magnagoran Warlords, Bhairan, Thoros, Morvior. Many of my personal friends."
You have emoted: Sadhyra nods slowly, her gaze growing distant. "What does He demand of His followers?"
Waving her hand dismissively, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "He demands unwavering service and only the best of such products."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "He demands that you do all you can to honour Him."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "He wishes to be all that matters."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance looks skeptical and says, "I have a book at home."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Shall we go? It's easier to quote it and allow you to review it."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You follow Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance west to A private athenaeum.
A private athenaeum.
Tall, graceful columns circle this airy library, supporting a glass-domed cupola which arches above the chamber. Paved with stained glass, the dome spans the room as light from the sky beyond filters down in colorful splashes against the marble flagstones of the floor below. Carved stone bookcases ring the library, filled with a variety of thick tomes, their cracked spines inscribed with arcane phrases in fading gilt script. Small pedestals stand between each shelf, each holding an elegant bust of a y'Kaliath noble, chiseled from smooth, ivory alabaster. To the southwest, the circle of columns breaks, flanking a large, ornate door, fashioned from wrought iron and frosted glass. Opening out to the plaza beyond, the metal frame of the door twines in intricate patterns of ivy and vines, while a half rose-window crowns the entry, leaded into a delicate design in emulation of peacock feathers unfolding in a semi-circle. A dark wood polished bookshelf inlaid with a silver five-pointed star sits against one wall here. A sinuous divan couch rests here, gleaming with silver embroidery. A large black pillow chair rests here invitingly. A painting of a bright point of light in the dreary forest is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall.
Somaria looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance draws the book from the shelf, opening it carefully. Trailing her finger over the text, she carefully reads, "Timor et Tremor. As the roaring of the Lion is the dread of LORD. HIS voice is fear and the people tremble. For Behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth and the rivers will gush with blood."
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly sinks to a seat in one of the chairs of the library, frowning in consternation at your words.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance's hands tremble slightly as if in memory as she continues, obviously skipping down, "HE is Master and I am HIS... ...For the future is CRIMSON BLOOD and pain. Wherefore I exalt and praise HIM, for in suffering of my foes am I made whole, always serving HIM. And the possessions of my enemies shall be rendered unto me, his wife is mine, his childer meat upon my table. And for I love the LORD, I hate HIS foes and HIS foes are mine. Swift striking is the LORD in HIS power, and sly beyond all other."
In another breath, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Let HIS praises be sung in the blood of the foe. For by BLOOD is HE known. And HE is called THE CRIMSON LORD, THE LORD OF THE MASQUE, and in the quietness of their hearts, all fear HIM."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance recites, "Timor et Tremor."
Somaria gives a personal journal to you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's hands tremble slightly as she folds them tightly in her lap. Wordlessly, she listens as you finish. Silently, she stares down at the journal, letting it rest in her lap. Her stare reluctantly passes over the tome, regarding it with distrust, as one would consider a venomous creature, coiled for striking.
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly, tentatively, runs her fingers along the book's cover, before she opens it herself, carefully turning the pages.
Too softly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Read on, child. Embrace your fate."
You have emoted: Sadhyra exhales sharply, her stare narrowing as her eyes flicker over the words. Quickly, she turns one page, reading faster and faster, color rising in her cheeks.
You have emoted: Sadhyra suddenly slams the book closed, one hand pressing tightly against the back cover as she directs her stare upwards at you in a harsh glare. "You linked me with a murderer," she says roughly, flushing in anger. "The Murderer of all murderers."
Her voice growing cold, you say, "This God is a Lord of Evil, is that it? Strength at all costs? No mercy to the foe?"
Narrowing her gaze, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "Hardly."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance exclaims to you, "Dare you condemn another of showing no Mercy when you reside in a forest that preaches it?!"
You have emoted: Sadhyra thrusts the journal back at you, saying in icy tones, "I do not relish it, or praise it. It is a duty, akin to a wolf's hunting. Neither good, nor bad, but necessary and a simple fact of life."
Hissing softly, you give a personal journal to Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance.
Somaria steps up to you and, in one smooth motion, backhands you viciously across the face.
Coldly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "You will learn to praise it, child."
Lightly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance asks, "I wonder.. What will you do when the time comes to face Him?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets her stare linger on the book in your hands, cheek bright crimson in response to your slap. Biting back a cry of pain, her gaze merely smoulders in resentful silence.
Lowering her hand to touch the burn of her strike, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Or perhaps we should journey to His dwelling now. Perhaps seeing HIM will inspire you."
Finally, in a more subdued voice, you say, "And if He kills me on sight? What then, mother dearest?" Her voice stresses the last word with a faintly sardonic tone.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "If He does, it will be because you are ungrateful for HIS mercy upon your pitiful soul."
With detached amusement, you say, "Perhaps He will reconsider His original view of me as a sacrifice. Will you live with that upon your conscience, then?"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance frowns and says, "I was but an Elfen when I first met with him. Perhaps such will be the curse of my children."
You have emoted: Sadhyra sighs finally, bowing her head. "Very well," she agrees, slowly standing. "Show me everything."
You follow Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance ether to the Fulcrux of Fain.
The Fulcrux of Fain. (Transcendental Fulcrux.)
A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Piles of skulls and other crude and vile offerings are strewn about the black obsidian flooring, which shines with a pale sheen. A ring of half melted red candles encircle the shrine to the god Fain, glorifying His existence. The walls of this temple are flat and cold, and when the firelight hits them on occasion, shadows of unnameable terrors awaken within their murky depths. A swirling cloud of crimson mist hangs heavily over the area. Thick red mists swathe an altar of polished black marble, swirling rhythmically to the distant throb of a waltz.
There are no obvious exits.
The crimson mists swirl about you like tiny fingers grasping outwards, trying to pull you in.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance asks, "Lord?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra shivers unconsciously, her skin prickling in the chill of the chamber. Her gaze scans the temple, drinking in the macabre sights; quickly skittering past the piles of skulls, her stare focuses on the altar itself, eyes squinting as she peers through the murky, crimson mists.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance casts her gaze towards you if only for a moment, a small flicker of concern crossing her expression.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's voice shakes, although her words are cold, as her instinctive response to the darkened chamber wars with her emotions. "So this is the temple of the Great Lord Fain?"
Coldly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Hardly. This is but His fulcrux, child."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Where you were marked to begin with, dear."
You have emoted: Sadhyra narrows her eyes at the shrine. "Was that the altar on which I was "blessed" then?" she asks, her words caustic, although a faint tremor undercuts her sarcasm.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance places a hand upon your back and coldly shoves you forward with the intention of putting you upon your knees.
Icily, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "You will learn respect in the face of One who has graced you so benevolently."
The wailing of captive souls echo here through the eternal void.
You have emoted: Sadhyra stiffens at your touch, but the sudden force is too much for her to react to. Tripping, she falls to the ground hard, hitting the floor with a sharp thud which echoes about the chamber. Her hands splayed on either side of her, she stares up at the shrine, fear slowly awakening in her eyes as the wailing of captive souls reaches her ears.
Taking her daughter by her hair and forcing her face to the ground, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses at you, "It is appropriate to grovel before His creations."
You have emoted: Sadhyra cries out in pain, her slender form no match for your force. Her body bends downwards, completely prostrated before the altar, as her cheek presses against the cold stone floor. Gasping, she whispers, almost inaudibly, "Who...what...are those moans?" Her hands scrabble for purchase on the slick, smooth surface of the paving, as her voice rises. "Where are we?!"
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance pulls you by your hair slightly to face the altar, her grip like iron, her gaze like ice. She points to the altar and whispers harshly, "The moans are of those who have disappointed and betrayed HIM. We are in HIS hands and at HIS mercy. Learn of HIM, child, for HE is your salvation."
The crimson mists swirl about you like tiny fingers grasping outwards, trying to pull you in.
Malevolently, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance purrs, "Feel that, my dear? The pull of the mists? They hunger for you. Will you prove a disappointment, mine?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets out her breath in a low hiss, as a faint trail of tears wet her cheeks. In a last, weakened show of defiance, she twists her head, spitting on the floor before the shrine. "Perhaps I just may," she grunts, her arms giving out as she falls forwards.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance drops her daughter as you falls, appearing disgusted, faltering only for a moment to sympathy.
You have emoted: Sadhyra slumps to the ground. She breathes in slow, ragged breaths, her eyes averted from the shrine itself and focusing hazily on some spot on the floor before her.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses, "If you didn't have the essence of the Elfen in you, perhaps you wouldn't be so pathetically weak."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's fingers curl inwards, forming small fists, as her body tenses, as if expecting another blow.
In muffled, forced voice, you say, "I am Elfen because the fates decreed it. Because that is what returned me to you."
Lowering a hand to stroke her fingers through her daughter's hair, slowly and gently untangling it, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance murmurs, "Don't worry, dearest, we'll fix you yet."
You have emoted: Sadhyra turns her head away from you, burying it in her own ams. "Was it wrong for us to be reunited, if I had to have this form to achieve it?" Quietly, her shoulders shake, betraying a sob.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's form softens at your touch, unable to maintain her stiff barrier as you gently stroke her.
Gently, soothingly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance whispers to you, "Of course not. That is why we are able to change forms, dear."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance continues to detangle your hair, her fingers overly gentle in doing so, a complete and utter twist from her former anger.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's breathing slows, as she tentatively curls closer to you. Raising her head to rest it on your knee, she stares up at you, frowning faintly. "I...I like myself this way, though," she says haltingly, flinching as she speaks.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance strokes her fingertips intentionally over the sore mark upon your face from earlier. "Do you, child?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra winces at your hands brush over the bruise, her voice faltering. Wordlessly, she nods, remaining silent.
Her strokes pausing for a moment, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "You've never once felt, for even a moment, that 'tis not how you are truly to be?"
In a stubborn, quietly sulking voice, you say, "Never."
Perking slightly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance murmurs, "How do you expect to please your Master with such a form that does so disgust Him?"
You have emoted: Sadhyra hisses, drawing back for you. "He's not my master," she objects, shaking her head. "Not mine."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance resumes a grip upon your hair, her eyes narrowing harshly as she jerks you around slightly.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses, "He's not??"
You have emoted: Sadhyra yelps at the sudden pain, one hand raising to cling to your own wrist. Struggling against your grasp, she mumbles through gritted teeth, "Not...mine...I'm not...evil..."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance sighs as if annoyed by some sort of small irritation. Rising, she drags you by your hair towards the altar, jerking you by your hair almost wildly now to keep you from gaining any sort of stability.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's arms flail as she is dragged closer to the shrine, her legs kicking as she half-crawls in an attempt to lessen the pain.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance violent hurls you at the altar, her expression void of any real emotion. "Grovel, child, and we will go home," she hisses.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance hisses, "Grovel and PRAY for HIS mercy for your PITIFUL form."
Endless whispers enter your mind, and you find yourself swarmed with their questions and requests.
You have emoted: Sadhyra tenses, resisting a bow. Her head turns, eyes trained on your expression for a long moment. Finally, she capitulates, overcome by your wrath and the chamber's dark, prying forces. Slumping downwards to press her forehead to the ground,
her voice faintly drifts up to you. "Are you pleased, mother?"
In a quiet, tired voice, you say, "I have debased myself, as you demanded. Can we leave, please.."
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance offers a hand to help you up, her expression slightly calmer, as is somewhat satisfied. "We'll return another time."
You have emoted: Sadhyra slowly, weakly reaches out to grab your hand as she staggers to her feet.
You follow Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance west to A private athenaeum.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Sit, then."
Somaria sits herself down on a sinuous brocade divan couch and makes herself comfortable.
You have emoted: Sadhyra gratefully falls into a seat, slumping backwards with exhaustion.
Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "You know, our visits could certainly be more pleasant with your cooperation, dearest."
You have emoted: Sadhyra pointedly turns away to stare at the bookshelves ringing the library. Flatly, she says, "Perhaps they could be," while offering no concessions.
Softly, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says to you, "I love you, dearest."
You have emoted: Sadhyra merely closes her eyes, her head slumping down on her chest as she sinks into slumber, the pained expression leaving her face as the gentle touch of sleep smoothes her features.
Rika2008-11-20 21:17:06
What an evil mother! Poor Sadhyra 

Somaria2008-11-20 21:24:17

Celina2008-11-20 21:35:03
Fain drama is always the best.
Good stuff. I enjoyed reading it!
Good stuff. I enjoyed reading it!
Noola2008-11-20 21:36:34
How cool! And Eeeeevil!
Iola2008-11-20 21:52:14

That was brilliant.
Shaddus2008-11-20 22:15:01
You know... half the time I don't know what to think about Somaria.. and half the time I'm amazed. Bravo.
Though, the part about Thoros and Morvior being your close friends made me chuckle
Though, the part about Thoros and Morvior being your close friends made me chuckle

Unknown2008-11-20 22:29:58
Poor Sadhyra. 
Good RP, though. Great RP.
(Btw, leaving because you lose an election is a bit silly.

Good RP, though. Great RP.
(Btw, leaving because you lose an election is a bit silly.

Urijah2008-11-20 22:36:29
That was outstanding! I demand more! More, I say!
Somaria2008-11-20 22:41:30
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Nov 20 2008, 02:29 PM) 584892
Poor Sadhyra.
Good RP, though. Great RP.
(Btw, leaving because you lose an election is a bit silly.

Good RP, though. Great RP.
(Btw, leaving because you lose an election is a bit silly.

No use remaining on a sinking ship with a captain that may as well me tinkerbell on crack.

Somaria2008-11-20 22:42:54
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Nov 20 2008, 02:15 PM) 584881
You know... half the time I don't know what to think about Somaria.. and half the time I'm amazed. Bravo.
Though, the part about Thoros and Morvior being your close friends made me chuckle
Though, the part about Thoros and Morvior being your close friends made me chuckle

She didn't necessarily mean those people. Simply that in general, some of her closer friends are in the Order.

Lekius2008-11-20 22:45:24
QUOTE(Sadhyra @ Nov 20 2008, 01:11 PM) 584859
Pointedly, as the spectre falls, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "Lekius is your father by blood."
You blink.
You say, "....what?"
Lifting a hand to her cheek, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "My second husband is your father. By blood."
You have emoted: Sadhyra merely stares at you in shock. "Daedalion is not my father...?" she echoes.
You blink.
You say, "....what?"
Lifting a hand to her cheek, Lady Somaria y'Kaliath, of Sinful Radiance says, "My second husband is your father. By blood."
You have emoted: Sadhyra merely stares at you in shock. "Daedalion is not my father...?" she echoes.
Totally cool with that part. Now come2Seren!
Iola2008-11-20 22:47:04
...quote less, Lekius 
ETA: Ninja'd. Bah.

ETA: Ninja'd. Bah.
Unknown2008-11-20 22:47:28
Yeah, followup should be interesting. I started Sadhyra just wanting to have a girly "pretty" character (the last character I rolled was a drunken, lady-obsessed male dwarf. Change is GOOD), and chose elfen female for that as an interim thing until I found my combat niche, so I could choose a race to best match that. Fun to see that arbitrary decision having exciting consequences.
Somaria2008-11-20 22:47:34
QUOTE(Lekius @ Nov 20 2008, 02:45 PM) 584899
Totally cool with that part. Now come2Seren!
She will so NOT.

Unknown2008-11-20 22:50:48
QUOTE(Somaria @ Nov 20 2008, 05:41 PM) 584896
No use remaining on a sinking ship with a captain that may as well me tinkerbell on crack. 

I take it you haven't seen a serious Myrkr.

But I must restate: This RP sequence was effing awesome.
Lekius2008-11-20 22:50:54
It'll take time but it'll happen. It'll happen. 

Somaria2008-11-20 22:53:20
QUOTE(Lekius @ Nov 20 2008, 02:50 PM) 584904
It'll take time but it'll happen. It'll happen. 

Lekius2008-11-20 22:54:31
QUOTE(Somaria @ Nov 20 2008, 02:53 PM) 584905

@Sadhyra: Lek won't beat you like 'Sommy Dearest' does!
Unknown2008-11-20 22:55:25
Lightsabers. High Noon. Avechna's Peak.