Romero2008-11-21 05:25:43
We all saw the shouting match and its on quotes if not, Eventru then flung Kyr to astral and I and Veracruz went to save him. From there, a conversation developed that was pretty fun. Eventru is pretty cool to talk to, really liked this as it shows Romero's arrogance for being so young and powerful
A swirl of sparkling motes of light appears over head and dumps Kyr
unceremoniously to the ground.
Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian says, "I'm sorry for pointing out that you're childish?"
A pinpoint of brilliant light forms in the air then expands in a flare of ivory
and gold into the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
Eventru raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Kyr peers about himself unscrupulously.
Kyr snaps his fingers.
A pan of iron filings.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. An enormous iron pan juts out
from the floating island of metal and is filled with iron filings, like a beach
of black sand. The filings and the pan itself are rusting, filling the air with
the tangy metallic scent of corrosion. A stone megalith rises up from the iron
filings here. Thrumming loudly, a wild node is planted firmly here, astral
energies swirling around it. Exuding pure malignancy, a ghastly altar awaits the
slaughter. Maker of Mountains Veracruz d'Murani, the Earthen Juggernaut is here,
shrouded. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand and a platinum shield with
Urlach's horn in his right. Eventru, Crown of the Exalted is here, surrounded by
a radiant halo of golden and ivory light. Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian is here.
You see exits leading east and west.
He is a radiant immortal and radiates a warm halo of golden and ivory light. His
shape is large, tanned and muscular, the lower part of His figure cloaked in
pristine white silk, flowing liquidly about His thighs and legs, the lowest ends
brushing across His feet and the ground beneath without stain or mark of
sullying. Across His thick and muscled waist lies a braided belt of white gold,
bound fast around the liquid silk with a careful knot. A thin sash of matching
silk flows diagonally across His well-muscled chest, fastened by a golden clasp
bearing His emblem by His right shoulder, glistening brightly in His radiance.
His face is smoothed and tan, lined by a full beard of glistening yellow-gold
curls, which leads up His face to a sun-kissed tangle of golden yellow hair.
Each of His eyes have an imperious gaze, tawny-streaked violet irises set
against a white background, bordering the dark pupils that glisten with a
vibrant warmth. He is wearing a violet iris streaked with tawny, a shimmering
toga of divine silk, a golden carnation, an ivory pendant bearing His symbol,
and a phial of holy water worn about His neck.
Maker of Mountains Veracruz d'Murani, the Earthen Juggernaut says to Kyr, "Be
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well."
Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian says to Veracruz, "That was pretty good timing, there."
Kyr is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Veracruz rubs his temples in frustration.
You say to Veracruz, "Don't bother."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Have you something to say, Veracruz?"
Eventru raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You incline your head politely to Eventru.
Maker of Mountains Veracruz d'Murani, the Earthen Juggernaut says, "I was
telling him to merely watch what he says."
Veracruz sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Veracruz inclines his head politely to Eventru.
You say to Eventru, "And you side with those of Serenwilde now?"
Veracruz looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Veracruz stares into his cupped hands.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "We shall side with them before We side with
your ilk - pitiful creatures, nothing more than hollow shells made mockeries of
the living by the forces that drive the Handmaidens."
Veracruz smirks.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And besides, this one sought to personally
offend Us. We shall in turn truly enjoy Ourselves."
Eventru looks exhausted and opens His mouth in an enormous yawn.
Flares of ivory and gold surround the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the
Exalted as He disappears in a fanfare of light and rapturous warmth.
Veracruz violently grabs at an invisible rope and whips it out into nothingness.
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Empress out of your deck.
You throw the card on the ground and it disappears.
A portal grows quickly, through which Kyr is drawn.
Kyr takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
"Ahah!" Kyr exclaims triumphantly.
Kyr is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Empress out of your deck.
On a floating rock amidst the astral currents.
There is an aetherways portal here.
There are no obvious exits.
You are transported by the power of the Divine.
On a floating rock amidst the astral currents.
This barren spire of rock floats amidst the astral currents, which whip
violently around. The faint moaning of voices carry haunting on the chilling
winds, caressing the barren grey spire of rock and withering it slowly away.
Beyond, the emptiness of the astral plane extends in all directions as far as
the eye can see. Far above, thirteen large spheres hang suspended, bumping into
one another erratically. There is an aetherways portal here.
There are no obvious exits.
A pinpoint of brilliant light forms in the air then expands in a flare of ivory
and gold into the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
Eventru ponders the situation.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted points into the distance, at one of the distant
You say to Eventru, "You ran off before I could finish talking."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "See, there?"
Kyr suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
Kyr takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
You say, "What is there, Crown?"
Eventru looks exhausted and opens His mouth in an enormous yawn.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Oh, that was Kyr. Though he is here, now."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru pats Kyr in a friendly manner.
Kyr tugs his chin thoughtfully.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You have a mouth upon you, little one."
Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian says to Eventru, "You are quite a persistent divine, you
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And like any beast, We shall break you of
your poor habits."
Eventru pats Kyr in a friendly manner.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Any good hound learns, eventually."
You say, "I simply say that we don't wish to hear of the forest's cries. I
wonder what has made you turn your back from those stronger..."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Stronger?"
Eventru pats you in a friendly manner.
A shivering cold caresses your skin.
You say to Eventru, "I kill those who are Demigods on my own."
You say, "Do you not see how new I am to the realms, and yet Rika and Asmodea
have died to me."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Yes. Feasting upon the energies of the
excoroperditio does indeed make one stronger."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Orlachmar learned such, to His great
Eventru ponders Kyr thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You say, "I need not be an avatar or Demigod, why would you not have us? Why
would you not see strength in the Engine?"
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Kyr ponders Eventru thoughtfully, looking Him up and down.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to you, "There is no strength, Romero, in
becoming your enemy."
Eventru looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You bore Us already."
Eventru pats Kyr in a friendly manner.
Kyr is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You say to Eventru, "I simply wish to know."
You say, "You align yourself with any but those who would do better."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "What do you wish to know, Romero? Do you
not see it, do you not realise?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "No. We align Ourselves with those who would
remain true to themselves."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Those who do not defile the gift of
You say, "I am true to myself, I have brought myself this far have I not? On my
own whims, on my own goals..."
Softly, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You mortals, you do not see. The
Traitors, they saw - they did not care. They thought themselves noble, proud,
strong. Stronger than the Soulless."
You reach over and caress a tarot card inscribed with the Soulless tenderly.
His gazing traveling into the distance, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says,
"That which We Elders possess is complete, it is perfect, it is absolute. It is
the gift of Dynara and the Nameless Son, that which cannot ever be taken away."
You say, "Part of the power of the soulless, it has seperated more of those from
their bodies than I count. Demigods included. What difference between their
greed, their lust for power and mine..."
As the sun passes below the horizon's edge, Mother Night unveils her terrible,
shadowy beauty, spreading darkness across the land.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It is Our soul, Our being, that which
Dynara Herself nurtured into being. You mortals, you are simply... Infinitely
small specks of that soul."
You say, "They are the same... as Divine looking down, you see their treachery,
their misdoings. You know the line between 'good' and 'evil' is hardly there,
why pick -them- for your fold."
His voice rising slowly in passion, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You all
have this gift! This part of the gift to Us!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "But you throw it away! Foolishly, you
abandon all that you were meant to be!"
You say, "And what am I meant to be that I am not becoming?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Just as the Traitors before you, you defy
your Creator, you defy all things good, all things right! You feed your soul to
the Soulless, even now!"e|
Romero arches an eyebrow, his scarred and tortured arms foldingover his robes
as he looks upon Eventru. He keeps mildly bowed in some gesture of respect while
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Even now your soul rots away, slowly
decaying, the energies of the Almighty hungering and feasting upon it, leaving
nothing but your empty, hollowed shell!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And look at you - some creature of undeath!
You should not be alive, mortal. You should not exist. Your time has come, for
the Fates to cradle your thread and reweave you into a new being."
A slight smile alights on his face, you say, "The soulless is not the taint. His
effects are not that great as to waste me away... Even so, we know he looked for
a host for his being, imagine to be that which is most feared."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted booms with a loud but hollow laughter, one that
echoes in the vast emptiness of the Astral Plane.
You say, "I would want a part of that of that ability to call out the fear of
others. Undeath touches me through mastery of myself, of my own fate, you might
slay me here and push me further away from my goal and you, but I will claim
higher and soon."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You sound like a friend of Ours. You think
you are stronger than that which is designed to devour? That which is the
ultimate hunter, the ultimate predator? Do you realise that you do not master
yourself, you submit to another's mastery?"
You say, "Whose mastery is that?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Each of you wretched creatures carry
onwards in some grand display of self-worth, that you are somehow powerful
individuals with a mastery of your own being while being but a cog in some
fantastic machinery you call this... This... This 'engine'."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "While all you do is trade the entirety of
your soul, your being, your awareness to the Almighty."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And slowly, ever so slowly, that which has
birthed Him and the Leviathan and Zenos and countless others feeds upon you,
taking away thin flakes from your soul."
You say, "Our own mastery contributes to the engine, that is how Magnagora
stands against the horde of Celestines and Serenwilders who would try us."
Softly, a hint of sadness in His voice, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And
you creatures do not even see it. You do not see it, you do not feel it, you are
entirely unaware of what is becoming you."
Shaking his head with an expression of dismay, you say, "What simply agitates me
that the fold you call your own, those numbers who swear their goodness to you.
They fail in their morals, they are hypocrites. They fail at their boundries
while I simply abandon them."
Softly, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "They are imperfect, We know.
Perhaps that is why We cherish them so. They make mistakes, and they learn. They
are aware - but they value one thing. All of them, they value one thing."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "They value themselves, their lives, their
beings - and, most importantly, their souls."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It is something you cannot trade without
You say, "Arrogance? Their own self-righteousness. That is all I see of them."
Shaking His head slowly as He turns away, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says,
"One day, little shard, you will have no soul left to you. Only the ravaging
hunger of the Soulless, much like that creature who calls Himself Fain. Fain was
a kind man, passionate, compassionate. He loved, and He paid the ultimate price
for His arrogance. A price that He did not foresee. A price that Ours will never
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "But one you chose to pay. That, Romero, is
why We cherish them, and despise you."
Flares of ivory and gold surround the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the
Exalted as He disappears in a fanfare of light and rapturous warmth.
Centre of the Necropolis.
A chandelier of gemstones and platinum shines in its own light. Rising up from
cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything here,
polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of the Megalith stands here
radiating a tainted presence. Swirling eddies of chaotic ether dance around a
marble shrine to Morgfyre that holds a crystal model of the planispheres. There
are 6 Ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 2 bloodhounds here. There are 5
plague lords here. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A
large, chestnut brown stallion with a white mane stands firm here.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
You are transported by the power of the Divine.|
You tell Eventru, Crown of the Exalted, "You would wish to have one such as me
in your flock. One so strong and capable to bring others to your cause."
The Divine voice of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted echoes in your head, "Yes,
Romero. We would wish for one strong and capable, one to bring others to Our
cause. Yet in that same breath, you defy your own statement - you creatures are
monstrosities, nightmares. You wash your hands of your own existence, of your
own life. You submit, and so proclaim masters of yourself. It is those who
submit to no cost, who remain masters of their own soul. That is the promise
Dynara gave We Elder Gods."
The Divine voice of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted echoes in your head, "Only
those who keep their soul may be masters of their own domain. Them, and no
others. That, Romero, is your most terrible shortcoming. That is why We cannot
cherish one such as you, not until you seek redemption and cleanse yourself of
the foul mark of the Almighty, could We cherish you. Oh, how We would cherish
one such as you - strong, powerful, pure, cleansed of that which poisons the
soul. Yet this... This thing, this creature you are now, We cannot cherish
A soft, sad song lingers in the air, a single angelic voice offering a rhapsodic
hymn as her Exalted Lord passes away from Mortal Perception.
Muttering, you say, "Then I shall cherish myself to ascendancy, Crown of the
A swirl of sparkling motes of light appears over head and dumps Kyr
unceremoniously to the ground.
Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian says, "I'm sorry for pointing out that you're childish?"
A pinpoint of brilliant light forms in the air then expands in a flare of ivory
and gold into the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
Eventru raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Kyr peers about himself unscrupulously.
Kyr snaps his fingers.
A pan of iron filings.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. An enormous iron pan juts out
from the floating island of metal and is filled with iron filings, like a beach
of black sand. The filings and the pan itself are rusting, filling the air with
the tangy metallic scent of corrosion. A stone megalith rises up from the iron
filings here. Thrumming loudly, a wild node is planted firmly here, astral
energies swirling around it. Exuding pure malignancy, a ghastly altar awaits the
slaughter. Maker of Mountains Veracruz d'Murani, the Earthen Juggernaut is here,
shrouded. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand and a platinum shield with
Urlach's horn in his right. Eventru, Crown of the Exalted is here, surrounded by
a radiant halo of golden and ivory light. Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian is here.
You see exits leading east and west.
He is a radiant immortal and radiates a warm halo of golden and ivory light. His
shape is large, tanned and muscular, the lower part of His figure cloaked in
pristine white silk, flowing liquidly about His thighs and legs, the lowest ends
brushing across His feet and the ground beneath without stain or mark of
sullying. Across His thick and muscled waist lies a braided belt of white gold,
bound fast around the liquid silk with a careful knot. A thin sash of matching
silk flows diagonally across His well-muscled chest, fastened by a golden clasp
bearing His emblem by His right shoulder, glistening brightly in His radiance.
His face is smoothed and tan, lined by a full beard of glistening yellow-gold
curls, which leads up His face to a sun-kissed tangle of golden yellow hair.
Each of His eyes have an imperious gaze, tawny-streaked violet irises set
against a white background, bordering the dark pupils that glisten with a
vibrant warmth. He is wearing a violet iris streaked with tawny, a shimmering
toga of divine silk, a golden carnation, an ivory pendant bearing His symbol,
and a phial of holy water worn about His neck.
Maker of Mountains Veracruz d'Murani, the Earthen Juggernaut says to Kyr, "Be
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well."
Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian says to Veracruz, "That was pretty good timing, there."
Kyr is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Veracruz rubs his temples in frustration.
You say to Veracruz, "Don't bother."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Have you something to say, Veracruz?"
Eventru raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You incline your head politely to Eventru.
Maker of Mountains Veracruz d'Murani, the Earthen Juggernaut says, "I was
telling him to merely watch what he says."
Veracruz sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Veracruz inclines his head politely to Eventru.
You say to Eventru, "And you side with those of Serenwilde now?"
Veracruz looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Veracruz stares into his cupped hands.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "We shall side with them before We side with
your ilk - pitiful creatures, nothing more than hollow shells made mockeries of
the living by the forces that drive the Handmaidens."
Veracruz smirks.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And besides, this one sought to personally
offend Us. We shall in turn truly enjoy Ourselves."
Eventru looks exhausted and opens His mouth in an enormous yawn.
Flares of ivory and gold surround the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the
Exalted as He disappears in a fanfare of light and rapturous warmth.
Veracruz violently grabs at an invisible rope and whips it out into nothingness.
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Empress out of your deck.
You throw the card on the ground and it disappears.
A portal grows quickly, through which Kyr is drawn.
Kyr takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
"Ahah!" Kyr exclaims triumphantly.
Kyr is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You shuffle one tarot card with the image of the Empress out of your deck.
On a floating rock amidst the astral currents.
There is an aetherways portal here.
There are no obvious exits.
You are transported by the power of the Divine.
On a floating rock amidst the astral currents.
This barren spire of rock floats amidst the astral currents, which whip
violently around. The faint moaning of voices carry haunting on the chilling
winds, caressing the barren grey spire of rock and withering it slowly away.
Beyond, the emptiness of the astral plane extends in all directions as far as
the eye can see. Far above, thirteen large spheres hang suspended, bumping into
one another erratically. There is an aetherways portal here.
There are no obvious exits.
A pinpoint of brilliant light forms in the air then expands in a flare of ivory
and gold into the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
Eventru ponders the situation.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted points into the distance, at one of the distant
You say to Eventru, "You ran off before I could finish talking."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "See, there?"
Kyr suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
Kyr takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
You say, "What is there, Crown?"
Eventru looks exhausted and opens His mouth in an enormous yawn.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Oh, that was Kyr. Though he is here, now."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru pats Kyr in a friendly manner.
Kyr tugs his chin thoughtfully.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You have a mouth upon you, little one."
Geophyte Kyr Ga'tian says to Eventru, "You are quite a persistent divine, you
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And like any beast, We shall break you of
your poor habits."
Eventru pats Kyr in a friendly manner.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Any good hound learns, eventually."
You say, "I simply say that we don't wish to hear of the forest's cries. I
wonder what has made you turn your back from those stronger..."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Stronger?"
Eventru pats you in a friendly manner.
A shivering cold caresses your skin.
You say to Eventru, "I kill those who are Demigods on my own."
You say, "Do you not see how new I am to the realms, and yet Rika and Asmodea
have died to me."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Yes. Feasting upon the energies of the
excoroperditio does indeed make one stronger."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Orlachmar learned such, to His great
Eventru ponders Kyr thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You say, "I need not be an avatar or Demigod, why would you not have us? Why
would you not see strength in the Engine?"
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Kyr ponders Eventru thoughtfully, looking Him up and down.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says to you, "There is no strength, Romero, in
becoming your enemy."
Eventru looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You bore Us already."
Eventru pats Kyr in a friendly manner.
Kyr is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
You say to Eventru, "I simply wish to know."
You say, "You align yourself with any but those who would do better."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "What do you wish to know, Romero? Do you
not see it, do you not realise?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "No. We align Ourselves with those who would
remain true to themselves."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Those who do not defile the gift of
You say, "I am true to myself, I have brought myself this far have I not? On my
own whims, on my own goals..."
Softly, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You mortals, you do not see. The
Traitors, they saw - they did not care. They thought themselves noble, proud,
strong. Stronger than the Soulless."
You reach over and caress a tarot card inscribed with the Soulless tenderly.
His gazing traveling into the distance, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says,
"That which We Elders possess is complete, it is perfect, it is absolute. It is
the gift of Dynara and the Nameless Son, that which cannot ever be taken away."
You say, "Part of the power of the soulless, it has seperated more of those from
their bodies than I count. Demigods included. What difference between their
greed, their lust for power and mine..."
As the sun passes below the horizon's edge, Mother Night unveils her terrible,
shadowy beauty, spreading darkness across the land.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It is Our soul, Our being, that which
Dynara Herself nurtured into being. You mortals, you are simply... Infinitely
small specks of that soul."
You say, "They are the same... as Divine looking down, you see their treachery,
their misdoings. You know the line between 'good' and 'evil' is hardly there,
why pick -them- for your fold."
His voice rising slowly in passion, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You all
have this gift! This part of the gift to Us!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "But you throw it away! Foolishly, you
abandon all that you were meant to be!"
You say, "And what am I meant to be that I am not becoming?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Just as the Traitors before you, you defy
your Creator, you defy all things good, all things right! You feed your soul to
the Soulless, even now!"e|
Romero arches an eyebrow, his scarred and tortured arms foldingover his robes
as he looks upon Eventru. He keeps mildly bowed in some gesture of respect while
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Even now your soul rots away, slowly
decaying, the energies of the Almighty hungering and feasting upon it, leaving
nothing but your empty, hollowed shell!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And look at you - some creature of undeath!
You should not be alive, mortal. You should not exist. Your time has come, for
the Fates to cradle your thread and reweave you into a new being."
A slight smile alights on his face, you say, "The soulless is not the taint. His
effects are not that great as to waste me away... Even so, we know he looked for
a host for his being, imagine to be that which is most feared."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted booms with a loud but hollow laughter, one that
echoes in the vast emptiness of the Astral Plane.
You say, "I would want a part of that of that ability to call out the fear of
others. Undeath touches me through mastery of myself, of my own fate, you might
slay me here and push me further away from my goal and you, but I will claim
higher and soon."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "You sound like a friend of Ours. You think
you are stronger than that which is designed to devour? That which is the
ultimate hunter, the ultimate predator? Do you realise that you do not master
yourself, you submit to another's mastery?"
You say, "Whose mastery is that?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Each of you wretched creatures carry
onwards in some grand display of self-worth, that you are somehow powerful
individuals with a mastery of your own being while being but a cog in some
fantastic machinery you call this... This... This 'engine'."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "While all you do is trade the entirety of
your soul, your being, your awareness to the Almighty."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And slowly, ever so slowly, that which has
birthed Him and the Leviathan and Zenos and countless others feeds upon you,
taking away thin flakes from your soul."
You say, "Our own mastery contributes to the engine, that is how Magnagora
stands against the horde of Celestines and Serenwilders who would try us."
Softly, a hint of sadness in His voice, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And
you creatures do not even see it. You do not see it, you do not feel it, you are
entirely unaware of what is becoming you."
Shaking his head with an expression of dismay, you say, "What simply agitates me
that the fold you call your own, those numbers who swear their goodness to you.
They fail in their morals, they are hypocrites. They fail at their boundries
while I simply abandon them."
Softly, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "They are imperfect, We know.
Perhaps that is why We cherish them so. They make mistakes, and they learn. They
are aware - but they value one thing. All of them, they value one thing."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "They value themselves, their lives, their
beings - and, most importantly, their souls."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "It is something you cannot trade without
You say, "Arrogance? Their own self-righteousness. That is all I see of them."
Shaking His head slowly as He turns away, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says,
"One day, little shard, you will have no soul left to you. Only the ravaging
hunger of the Soulless, much like that creature who calls Himself Fain. Fain was
a kind man, passionate, compassionate. He loved, and He paid the ultimate price
for His arrogance. A price that He did not foresee. A price that Ours will never
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "But one you chose to pay. That, Romero, is
why We cherish them, and despise you."
Flares of ivory and gold surround the glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the
Exalted as He disappears in a fanfare of light and rapturous warmth.
Centre of the Necropolis.
A chandelier of gemstones and platinum shines in its own light. Rising up from
cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything here,
polluting the air with its foul fumes. The Keeper of the Megalith stands here
radiating a tainted presence. Swirling eddies of chaotic ether dance around a
marble shrine to Morgfyre that holds a crystal model of the planispheres. There
are 6 Ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 2 bloodhounds here. There are 5
plague lords here. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A
large, chestnut brown stallion with a white mane stands firm here.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
You are transported by the power of the Divine.|
You tell Eventru, Crown of the Exalted, "You would wish to have one such as me
in your flock. One so strong and capable to bring others to your cause."
The Divine voice of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted echoes in your head, "Yes,
Romero. We would wish for one strong and capable, one to bring others to Our
cause. Yet in that same breath, you defy your own statement - you creatures are
monstrosities, nightmares. You wash your hands of your own existence, of your
own life. You submit, and so proclaim masters of yourself. It is those who
submit to no cost, who remain masters of their own soul. That is the promise
Dynara gave We Elder Gods."
The Divine voice of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted echoes in your head, "Only
those who keep their soul may be masters of their own domain. Them, and no
others. That, Romero, is your most terrible shortcoming. That is why We cannot
cherish one such as you, not until you seek redemption and cleanse yourself of
the foul mark of the Almighty, could We cherish you. Oh, how We would cherish
one such as you - strong, powerful, pure, cleansed of that which poisons the
soul. Yet this... This thing, this creature you are now, We cannot cherish
A soft, sad song lingers in the air, a single angelic voice offering a rhapsodic
hymn as her Exalted Lord passes away from Mortal Perception.
Muttering, you say, "Then I shall cherish myself to ascendancy, Crown of the
Unknown2008-11-21 05:35:31
Celina2008-11-21 05:56:25
Nifty. Fun to read.
Eventru pats people a lot.
Eventru pats people a lot.
Unknown2008-11-21 06:13:42
Ah, the Undeath/Living debate...what's the story with Undeath here in Lusternia? Undeath = no soul?
Good read, Romero. You play your character well.
Good read, Romero. You play your character well.
Daganev2008-11-21 06:36:57
QUOTE(Sadhyra @ Nov 20 2008, 10:13 PM) 585005
Ah, the Undeath/Living debate...what's the story with Undeath here in Lusternia? Undeath = no soul?
Good read, Romero. You play your character well.
Good read, Romero. You play your character well.
It depends on the time period.
Pre taint, undeath was just a cool magic ability of ther gods and vernals.
post taint, undeath is a form of being tainted.
Aison2008-11-21 06:57:03
Soulless is reserved for Gods and Illithoids.
Good log, fun to read.
Good log, fun to read.
Eventru2008-11-21 15:08:26
I very much enjoyed it myself, despite being semi-distracted at the time. Just goes to show, even Mags know what arpi means. 
As to undeath, I think there isn't enough available to make a decision one way or another, if it's soullessy or just something that's there.
I have my opinions, of course, as you all are welcome to form your own!
Of course, Estarra is going to take my opinions and furiously work to go in the opposite direction, so...

As to undeath, I think there isn't enough available to make a decision one way or another, if it's soullessy or just something that's there.
I have my opinions, of course, as you all are welcome to form your own!
Of course, Estarra is going to take my opinions and furiously work to go in the opposite direction, so...

Romero2008-11-22 12:33:27
QUOTE(Eventru @ Nov 21 2008, 10:08 AM) 585079
I very much enjoyed it myself, despite being semi-distracted at the time. Just goes to show, even Mags know what arpi means. 
As to undeath, I think there isn't enough available to make a decision one way or another, if it's soullessy or just something that's there.
I have my opinions, of course, as you all are welcome to form your own!
Of course, Estarra is going to take my opinions and furiously work to go in the opposite direction, so...

As to undeath, I think there isn't enough available to make a decision one way or another, if it's soullessy or just something that's there.
I have my opinions, of course, as you all are welcome to form your own!
Of course, Estarra is going to take my opinions and furiously work to go in the opposite direction, so...

I am still not used to RPing here and the whole environment is alot more rushed than what I am used to so I feel like I have to hammer out things. Not used to the emote system, targetting for emotes, or all the socials. But I had fun and the distraction wasn't noticed, I just had to hammer out responses so you wouldn't get bored, heh.
Either way, enjoyed it and interacting with the other side without either side seeing YOU MUST PRAY FOR SALVATION is always welcome.
Unknown2008-11-22 22:24:42
This is the kind of stuff that I love about Lusties RP. It's philosophical, not just BLARGH, I EAT YOUR LIVER CAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT! BLARGH! MY LIVER DOESN'T WANT TO BE EATEN, IT LOVES ARIX.