Unknown2008-11-29 00:56:46
I am trying to do something that I have no clue how to do. I just put in Treant Combat System and trying it out more but I am trying to figure out how to do something.
I want to make a targetting system so if I type in like X my attacks can target what x stands for.
X= mutt
my cosmicfire would attack any mutt I see if I press a key. Any ideas?
I am trying to do something that I have no clue how to do. I just put in Treant Combat System and trying it out more but I am trying to figure out how to do something.
I want to make a targetting system so if I type in like X my attacks can target what x stands for.
X= mutt
my cosmicfire would attack any mutt I see if I press a key. Any ideas?
Esano2008-11-29 01:15:28
A moment and I'll post one.
Esano2008-11-29 01:28:01
Copy this, go into the alias section of Mushclient, and press the 'paste' button.
x (whatever) to target it, then z to attack. You'll need to press enter after both of those (they're aliases, not macros).
If you want to just be able to push a key, Mushclient supports the f2-f12 keys without using Accelerator, and can support anything else using it. I just assign 'z' to F2.
To make the macro:
Find F2
Make it send z
Ensure that it's set to 'send now' (below the big white send box)
Hit OK, and save it.
Desitrus2008-11-29 01:31:31
This should be my example of why I have such a problem changing to MUSH.
Esano2008-11-29 01:47:09
I didn't actually write it in XML. That's just the way mushclient copies triggers over. It's much simpler to write it from inside Mushclient.
Unknown2008-11-29 02:00:10
Thank you
Unknown2008-11-29 02:28:46
I write 99% of my stuff in XML with my favorite text editor. I just use the ImportXML function to load from my files because it allows me to load multiple types of settings together (as opposed to pasting a group of aliases and then a group of triggers).
Unknown2008-11-29 03:26:20
Sorry for asking so many things,
But How would I go about making a simple thing like You have recovered equilibrium. with box frames and larger? Mush settings or coding?
But How would I go about making a simple thing like You have recovered equilibrium. with box frames and larger? Mush settings or coding?