Iola2008-12-04 16:05:28
I've included the clan discussion run-up so that this makes sense. Mostly wanted to post this here so that the others vaguely aware that the upset was going on got to see what happened
I can't rave enough about Lendren. Really, getting to RP about something I've been OOCly needing to do for ages is brilliant and this was so much fun. The baby thing was more of a catalyst for Iola realising things about herself.
ETA: Added in a missing line. Dialogue makes more sense now
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "A few days after you left they stopped letting me take the baby."
(Starfalls): You say, "What?"
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "After a few days of killing the baby instead, the village revolted."
(Starfalls): You say, "They k-."
(Starfalls): You say, "They WHAT?"
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "About ten times at my best guess. I left not long after they switched, um, 'tactics'."
(Starfalls): You say, "Who. Who was it."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "You know how these arguments go. There's no middle ground between bloodthirsty ends justify the means, and pacifist "snuggly", so I didn't argue much."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "Dylara is the one who decided, and Sarrasri and Gregori were the other main supporters."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "Why hasn't anyone posted in news about it?"
(Starfalls): You say, "It's a BABY. It's an innocent BABY. We were doing perfectly fine PROTECTING HIM."
(Starfalls): You say, "How DARE they?"
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "I spoke briefly to Nejii and he said he just didn't have time to post."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "Ah."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "He's usually the only one to post about things that happen on his watch."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "I agree, Iola."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "They probably realize how wrong they were for doing it, and don't want the commune to know."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "The argument made, such as it is, is that nature does what it has to do, that wild animals will kill even their own young when they need to. But it was clear that we didn't *need to* and no one even tried to address that."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "I felt that if I had argued it would have weakened the case by association with what people think they know about me."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "So I left it for others."
(Starfalls): You say, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "I mean, maybe if someone holding the baby was in a room full of enemies, with no hope of surviving, I could see killing it them..."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "Pops was pretty vocal."
(Starfalls): You say, "If I was maybe - oh Gods."
enter curtain
You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and leap at the curtain of water that is the source of Moon River, diving through the cascading torrents on pure faith. You feel your feet landing on a cool carpet of vegetation, and you open your eyes to find yourself standing in a silvery cavern containing an impossible ethereal forest.
Silver cavern behind a waterfall.
Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. Shimmering with ethereal energy, a twinkling, reflective pool stands here in a small clearing. Cascading in a silver mist, a curtain of falling water chimes quietly at the mouth of the cavern. A black and silver gray wolf pads around the area, shimmering wings flapping gently. A beautiful blue nymph with Lisaera's mark paces here alertly, bearing a frosted urn in her arms.
You see exits leading east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and through a rushing curtain of water.
Iola collapses before the pool, awash with tears.
You begin to wield a baby basket festooned with ribbons in your left hand.
Iola clutches the basket to her chest and begins to rock back and forward, sobbing freely.
(Starfalls): You say, "I should've been there. If I'd been there I could have saved it, I could have stopped them maybe I...oh my Lady where are You, please."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Do you think I was wrong not to be a more vocal part of the argument?"
(Starfalls): You say, "I - I don't - maybe. I'm not sure right now. I'm not sure of anything right now except Her."
(Starfalls): You say, "Cycles of Change go round you don't make them you don't cut them off you don't slit their throat like that."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I only didn't because I thought it would weaken the case, not because I didn't feel it was a wrong thing."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Who was this baby?"
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "The one Glomdoring wanted to sacrifice in their ritual."
(Starfalls): You say, "You can't take Spring and make it Winter you can't do that it doesn't work we were fine we were fine."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It's been my observation that when Dylara and Gregori and Sarrasri are set on something, there's no reasoning with them."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "They will always do what they think is right, no matter what anyone else says."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It lives in Stewartsville. When the villagers found out, they revolted. I can't blame them."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So, instead of protecting the baby, we killed it?"
(Starfalls): You say, "Please...please stop saying it."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Apparently it was Dylara's decision."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sorry."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Iola and I took care of him, him not it, for a few days before they stopped us."
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Er, why did they stop you?"
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It's just insane."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "They thought it was more efficient to do the deed themselves."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If you were doing a fine job on your own."
(Starfalls): You say, "I have the basket...I have the basket, it smells of him still...why did they put him through all that pain why did they."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Because they're bloodthirsty murderers?"
(Starfalls): You say, "I was so happy when I left I even wrote that - that stupid letter - I was so happy because we were doing the right thing and maybe we'd have a chance at rescuing Gloriana and now this."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Aetherways) says, "It was Lisaera that told me that Gloriana is gone, cannot be saved, must be let go of. She also frequently reminded many of us that the worst way to lose to the enemy is to become them."
(Starfalls): You say, "I can understand why She'd say that...She went through so much pain over saving Gloriana...when Lady Viravain took the Seal of Nature and turned against all of Them...but there's still a forest there, still a forest that needs cleansing, it might be Glomdoring now but that's no reason to give up, I won't ever give up, I won't."
(Starfalls): You say, "And they...and they just killed him, they killed him like the Wyrden would."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Well to be a little fair it was probably more humanely done, but still, it's disgusting."
Through wracking sobs, you say, "Please...please my Lady, I need You...I know You're always here and I can feel that but," she breaks off, breath hitching again. "I need to hear Your voice. I need to know, need to hear Someone say what they did isn't right...please.."
You have emoted: Iola rocks back and forth, cradling the basket in her arms.
With a quiet chirping, Giallyn, a humble song sparrow, flits in from the ether.
Lendren gives you a compassionate hug.
You give Lendren a look of inutterable sadness and begin to sob.
Lendren strokes your head in consolation.
Iola clutches the baby basket, rocking back and forth.
Giallyn, a humble song sparrow chirps melodiously, a quiet song evocative of past triumphs.
You lean on Lendren seeking consolation.
Lendren Starfall says, "Sorry I didn't do more."
You shake your head.
You say to Lendren, "It's not your fault. It's theirs."
Lendren Starfall says, "Nevertheless."
You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
Quietly, you say, "How can we live with people who would do something like that. Not just to kill him...I've killed before, when I've needed to...but there was no need.."
Lendren Starfall says, "I've been wondering that for most of my career. There are at least two Serenwildes and most of the time most of us can pretend otherwise."
Her knuckles turning white as she clutches the basket, you say, "...and now everyone carries on as if nothing happened, as if they didn't cause an innocent baby all that pain, as if the only important thing is destruction and death and victory."
Lendren Starfall says, "As they always have. They see no more compunction in their acts than the tainted do in theirs."
With a hint of bitterness, you say, "And these are the people I would be Champion of. These are the people I would fight to defend."
Lendren Starfall says, "And what else would you do? Break away from it, stop doing it?"
Angrily, you exclaim, "I never wanted this position!"
Iola claps a hand to her mouth and sobs.
Wearily, you ask, "What am I supposed to do? Sit here? Let them continue like they do, when I feel in my heart and in my soul that it's wrong?"
Lendren Starfall says, "Your choices are to stay or to leave. To stay means fighting against enemies within as well as without: to force Serenwilde somehow, someday, to address its gulfs in hopes of reforming after pain into a more cohesive whole. Isn't that better?"
Looking up at you with watery eyes, you ask, "How do you have so much hope? How can you look past all the things that are wrong here?"
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "I don't think either of those things is true. My hope is slender at best, and I don't look past the wrong. I just spent a long time, decades ago, asking myself what to do about it, and this is what I concluded."
Lendren Starfall says, "The only burden I can bear is the one on my shoulders, not anyone else's. I continue to do what I can to make Serenwilde what it should be, and I take comfort in knowing I did it, even when someone else does wrong and gets away with it."
Lendren Starfall says, "And when I can, I make a little nudge towards making it face its own gulfs. That has rarely had any effect, and thus my shortage of hope."
Softly, you say, "How do you ignore how much it hurts to see people do these things. People you trusted. People you thought were friends."
Lendren Starfall says, "I suppose I got scabs turned into scars back in Kalodan's day."
You say, "I would never leave. Please don't think I was considering that. It would hurt Her too much. I'd never do it. I just...I think maybe I...maybe I'm not what I once was. I'm not a warrior and people expect me to be. Maybe...maybe I should stop pretending that I am. I don't want to pretend things like they all pretend this is okay."
Lendren Starfall says, "I always thought you were better suited as High Wisdom than Heir, but I also always thought you could do either one."
Softly, you say, "I took this because I was asked to. And She wanted me to help them. I've tried...I'm trying...and only a few are taking my help. They need someone who can be an example for them to be proud of and follow now. I'm not that. I'm not that."
Lendren gives a pained sigh.
Lendren Starfall says, "Nonsense."
Lendren Starfall says, "They say they need that, they may think they need that, but that's not what they need."
Lendren gives a pained sigh.
Lendren Starfall says, "I need to go visit Norchatine. I'll be right back."
You nod your head emphatically.
Iola is cradling the basket and laughing to herself when you return.
Lendren chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Lendren Starfall says, "I suppose I'm not saying anything about whether you should hurt or whether you should do anything about the hurt."
Lendren creases his brow in a frown.
Lendren Starfall says, "I guess I'm just jumping too fast to the end of the story, or what I think is the end, and not helping you with this part of it."
You snuggle close to Lendren and lean comfortably on him.
Lendren embraces you with great ardour.
Lendren Starfall says, "It's hard to avoid sounding like a cliche... but this kind of thing is what gives us strength and resolve."
You have emoted: Iola gives a watery smile and nods.
Lendren Starfall says, "The gravest danger the taint has always posed is the seduction of seeing it achieve something in the short term and wanting to do the same."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "I just...I don't think I want to hurt people anymore. Not unless they hurt me or the people, the things I love. I don't think I want to go looking for ways to cause pain."
Lendren Starfall says, "Against that, all its armies and spells are nothing."
Lendren nods his head sagely.
Lendren Starfall says, "Sometimes the only thing that will save nine of us from falling into that trap is seeing the tenth of us fall into it with eyes open."
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
Lendren Starfall says to you, "What is your title?"
You say, "I have many. Which one?"
Lendren Starfall runs his hand soothingly over your hair while he talks.
Lendren Starfall says, "The one that goes with the position of which you speak."
Slowly, you say, "Heiress of Ellindel."
Lendren Starfall says, "Who was Ellindel?"
You say, "The first one to heal the fae. The first one to learn the Wiccan arts."
Lendren Starfall says, "Do any stories of her speak of her causing pain?"
You say, "No. No, she stopped it."
Lendren Starfall says, "Maybe what you need to be doing, then, is finding a way to become her Heiress perhaps more accurately than has been done in years."
You smile softly.
Lendren reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
Out of the blue, you say, "...a love letter. I wrote him a love letter. No, not a letter, a poem. That baby boy made me so happy I wrote a poem."
Lendren exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.
Iola claps her hand over her mouth as realisation dawns slowly on her face.
You say, "Oh...dear."
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
Quickly, you say, "That might sound like a jump of topic. It's not really, it...I...questions. Lots of questions. Parts of myself I'm missing because I have to be like this. Or I think I have to be like this."
Lendren tilts his head curiously.
Lendren Starfall says, "What parts of yourself are missing?"
With a hint of embarrassment, you say, "I used to be fun."
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "You're still fun sometimes."
You frown and say, "I wish it wasn't sometimes."
Smirking and speaking quickly, holding back the joke, Lendren Starfall says, "Of course you'd be more fun as a Spiritsinger.."
Lendren tickles you mercilessly!
Iola laughs and bats you away, but there's a pained look on her face.
Lendren Starfall says, "But you're still fun. You just forgot how to see it in yourself."
Lendren Starfall says, "And I think today's not the best day to start."
You say, "I just wonder how much longer I'll keep saying 'it's okay, I'll keep trying' until I give up."
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "Well, I haven't yet."
Pointedly, you say, "You're not a semi-pacifist masquerading as a warrior champion."
Lendren Starfall says, "And you're younger so you should be better able to stick it out than I am. So let's make it a race to see who lasts longer."
Lendren utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Lendren Starfall says, "Well, that's true. Plus my malady gives me an excuse... not that I need the excuse, but it does make it a little easier. Not that I wouldn't get rid of that malady in a heartbeat if I could either, but still, while it's around my neck I might as well get what I can from it."
Looking into the pool's swirling reflections, you say, "I promised Her I'd try, and that I'd believe in myself. I have, and I do. Just because I feel like I'm missing parts of myself doesn't mean I don't believe in myself. I believe in what I'm good at. And I'm remembering parts of me too, like how to love..." Iola pauses and blushes slightly. "I'm not sure at which point it becomes too much pretending."
You say, "I've been trying for almost five years now. How much longer do I let it go on?"
You give a pained sigh.
Sucking on his lower lip, Lendren Starfall says, "I don't know I see why you can't be the Heiress, and I mean it in the sense I said earlier, while also being fun and in love and whatever else you want to be. Unless you mean that it takes up too much of your time?"
You say, "I don't enjoy it. It feels like an actual service rather than the serving I'd like to be doing, if that makes sense. It feels like I'm not being true to what I am and in doing so I feel like I'm failing the Coven. But I promised Her I'd stay until there was someone else who could do it better."
Lendren nods his head.
Lendren Starfall says, "Then all I can suggest is to try to change it into something you can enjoy."
Lendren Starfall says, "Changing yourself into someone that can enjoy it just isn't going to work. I think that's what you've been trying to do."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "I suppose what I want to do is to just help people to help each other. It's just that at the moment...well no one's really interested in doing that. We're low in numbers. Morale is still low and has been for about a decade now. We're not cohesive like we once were. That's what hurts the most."
Lendren exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.
Lendren Starfall says, "Well, that's a subject where my thoughts are of nearly no value, I suspect. I only know what particular part of it comes to my ears. When my guild had that problem, I mostly just outwaited it, confident that if I kept the trunk strong the leaves would bloom in their own time."
You smile softly.
Lendren Starfall says, "But that metaphor is only as apt as the situation is similar, and it might not be. So I won't pretend that's your answer."
Lendren Starfall says, "In any case, if you made a promise, and you feel it has not yet been met, your job is to meet it. But don't imagine that you have to do everything else, too."
You say, "Combat is hardly the trunk of a Coven of ritualists. I see what you're saying but I don't think it can compare. I haven't had time to write rituals for...I don't know how long."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Lendren looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Lendren Starfall says, "What needs doing that takes up your time?"
You say, "Teaching people combat, something about which I know hardly anything. Trying to get the An'Taithe back up and running. The fact that I can't really juggle this and being Her Bearer all at once. More than that though, just being out and fighting all the time. It tires me out."
Lendren Starfall says, "How often do you have to be out fighting?"
You say, "Lately a lot."
You shrug helplessly.
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
You say, "But even then I feel like it's not enough."
Lendren Starfall looks around the cavern.
Lendren Starfall says, "Are you here hoping to speak to Her about this? Should I go?"
You say, "I am, but that's no reason for you to go."
Lendren Starfall says, "She might not be as likely to speak to you if I'm here. She's not very fond of me."
You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully gather your thoughts.
You say, "I think She'd understand that I need you here."
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "I suppose if She felt like speaking to you She would not let my presence interfere."
You say, "Exactly."
Lendren Starfall says, "She could be here talking to you this whole time and I wouldn't even know if She wished me not to."
The corners of Lendren's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "You know...I think I've already made a decision, I'm just waiting to hear from Her that it's okay."
You give a pained sigh.
Lendren nods his head.
You say, "Not that talking to you hasn't helped."
Lendren Starfall says, "I thought so too."
Watery-eyed, you say, "And somehow I know She'd say that whatever I do, She's proud of me, and that I should do what I feel in my heart is best. Because She is in my heart."
Lendren nods his head.
You remove the Silver Orb of Ellindel.
Lendren Starfall says, "It's possible She asked you to stay this long more for what you needed than for what the guild needed."
You reach over and caress the Silver Orb of Ellindel tenderly.
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "You know, I think She might have done."
Lendren Starfall says, "Not that I accept the distinction that clearly. The guild's strength is as the strength of its members."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Lendren Starfall says, "After you speak to her and make your decision, you have to promise me you will give me one hour to spend dancing."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Lendren Starfall says, "Not for a ritual, just for the joy of dancing."
Lendren nods his head sagely.
You give Lendren a compassionate hug.
With a growing hint of pride, you say, "I am always Chosen of Ellindel, no matter where I go. I know She is standing with my Lady and smiling. I am so very lucky. And you are the best brother ever."
Lendren snickers softly to himself.
Lendren Starfall says, "It's easy to be the best when I'm the only one around!"
You have emoted: Iola moves to kneel next to the pool and folds her hands in her lap.
You reach out and touch a pair of bracers of midnight blue, traced with silver scrollwork.
The scrollwork upon the bracers flashes brightly for a moment, before fading away again.
You say, "Thank you, my Lady, for Your trust in me. You have given me the opportunity to grow. I hope I have not let you down - but now I must help them in other ways. You have given me such strength...thank You."
You relinquish the title of the Heir of Ellindel. With a blinding flash, the Silver Orb of Ellindel leaves your possession.
You resigned from the Champion position of Moondancers.
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
Lendren chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Lendren embraces you with great ardour.
2008/12/04 15:46:03 - Iola resigned as Champion of Moondancers.
Lendren strokes your head in consolation.
You say to Lendren, "She is with me. I know Her answer, even if She doesn't speak it. I know this is the right thing to do. Now I shall make Her proud."
Lendren Starfall says to you, "As you already have."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.

I can't rave enough about Lendren. Really, getting to RP about something I've been OOCly needing to do for ages is brilliant and this was so much fun. The baby thing was more of a catalyst for Iola realising things about herself.
ETA: Added in a missing line. Dialogue makes more sense now

(Starfalls): Lendren says, "A few days after you left they stopped letting me take the baby."
(Starfalls): You say, "What?"
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "After a few days of killing the baby instead, the village revolted."
(Starfalls): You say, "They k-."
(Starfalls): You say, "They WHAT?"
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "About ten times at my best guess. I left not long after they switched, um, 'tactics'."
(Starfalls): You say, "Who. Who was it."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "You know how these arguments go. There's no middle ground between bloodthirsty ends justify the means, and pacifist "snuggly", so I didn't argue much."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "Dylara is the one who decided, and Sarrasri and Gregori were the other main supporters."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "Why hasn't anyone posted in news about it?"
(Starfalls): You say, "It's a BABY. It's an innocent BABY. We were doing perfectly fine PROTECTING HIM."
(Starfalls): You say, "How DARE they?"
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "I spoke briefly to Nejii and he said he just didn't have time to post."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "Ah."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "He's usually the only one to post about things that happen on his watch."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "I agree, Iola."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "They probably realize how wrong they were for doing it, and don't want the commune to know."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "The argument made, such as it is, is that nature does what it has to do, that wild animals will kill even their own young when they need to. But it was clear that we didn't *need to* and no one even tried to address that."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "I felt that if I had argued it would have weakened the case by association with what people think they know about me."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "So I left it for others."
(Starfalls): You say, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."
(Starfalls): Daan says, "I mean, maybe if someone holding the baby was in a room full of enemies, with no hope of surviving, I could see killing it them..."
(Starfalls): Lendren says, "Pops was pretty vocal."
(Starfalls): You say, "If I was maybe - oh Gods."
enter curtain
You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and leap at the curtain of water that is the source of Moon River, diving through the cascading torrents on pure faith. You feel your feet landing on a cool carpet of vegetation, and you open your eyes to find yourself standing in a silvery cavern containing an impossible ethereal forest.
Silver cavern behind a waterfall.
Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. Shimmering with ethereal energy, a twinkling, reflective pool stands here in a small clearing. Cascading in a silver mist, a curtain of falling water chimes quietly at the mouth of the cavern. A black and silver gray wolf pads around the area, shimmering wings flapping gently. A beautiful blue nymph with Lisaera's mark paces here alertly, bearing a frosted urn in her arms.
You see exits leading east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and through a rushing curtain of water.
Iola collapses before the pool, awash with tears.
You begin to wield a baby basket festooned with ribbons in your left hand.
Iola clutches the basket to her chest and begins to rock back and forward, sobbing freely.
(Starfalls): You say, "I should've been there. If I'd been there I could have saved it, I could have stopped them maybe I...oh my Lady where are You, please."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Do you think I was wrong not to be a more vocal part of the argument?"
(Starfalls): You say, "I - I don't - maybe. I'm not sure right now. I'm not sure of anything right now except Her."
(Starfalls): You say, "Cycles of Change go round you don't make them you don't cut them off you don't slit their throat like that."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I only didn't because I thought it would weaken the case, not because I didn't feel it was a wrong thing."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Who was this baby?"
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "The one Glomdoring wanted to sacrifice in their ritual."
(Starfalls): You say, "You can't take Spring and make it Winter you can't do that it doesn't work we were fine we were fine."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It's been my observation that when Dylara and Gregori and Sarrasri are set on something, there's no reasoning with them."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "They will always do what they think is right, no matter what anyone else says."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It lives in Stewartsville. When the villagers found out, they revolted. I can't blame them."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So, instead of protecting the baby, we killed it?"
(Starfalls): You say, "Please...please stop saying it."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Apparently it was Dylara's decision."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sorry."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Iola and I took care of him, him not it, for a few days before they stopped us."
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Er, why did they stop you?"
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It's just insane."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "They thought it was more efficient to do the deed themselves."
(Starfalls): Kuroi (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If you were doing a fine job on your own."
(Starfalls): You say, "I have the basket...I have the basket, it smells of him still...why did they put him through all that pain why did they."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Because they're bloodthirsty murderers?"
(Starfalls): You say, "I was so happy when I left I even wrote that - that stupid letter - I was so happy because we were doing the right thing and maybe we'd have a chance at rescuing Gloriana and now this."
(Starfalls): Lendren (from the Aetherways) says, "It was Lisaera that told me that Gloriana is gone, cannot be saved, must be let go of. She also frequently reminded many of us that the worst way to lose to the enemy is to become them."
(Starfalls): You say, "I can understand why She'd say that...She went through so much pain over saving Gloriana...when Lady Viravain took the Seal of Nature and turned against all of Them...but there's still a forest there, still a forest that needs cleansing, it might be Glomdoring now but that's no reason to give up, I won't ever give up, I won't."
(Starfalls): You say, "And they...and they just killed him, they killed him like the Wyrden would."
(Starfalls): Daan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Well to be a little fair it was probably more humanely done, but still, it's disgusting."
Through wracking sobs, you say, "Please...please my Lady, I need You...I know You're always here and I can feel that but," she breaks off, breath hitching again. "I need to hear Your voice. I need to know, need to hear Someone say what they did isn't right...please.."
You have emoted: Iola rocks back and forth, cradling the basket in her arms.
With a quiet chirping, Giallyn, a humble song sparrow, flits in from the ether.
Lendren gives you a compassionate hug.
You give Lendren a look of inutterable sadness and begin to sob.
Lendren strokes your head in consolation.
Iola clutches the baby basket, rocking back and forth.
Giallyn, a humble song sparrow chirps melodiously, a quiet song evocative of past triumphs.
You lean on Lendren seeking consolation.
Lendren Starfall says, "Sorry I didn't do more."
You shake your head.
You say to Lendren, "It's not your fault. It's theirs."
Lendren Starfall says, "Nevertheless."
You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
Quietly, you say, "How can we live with people who would do something like that. Not just to kill him...I've killed before, when I've needed to...but there was no need.."
Lendren Starfall says, "I've been wondering that for most of my career. There are at least two Serenwildes and most of the time most of us can pretend otherwise."
Her knuckles turning white as she clutches the basket, you say, "...and now everyone carries on as if nothing happened, as if they didn't cause an innocent baby all that pain, as if the only important thing is destruction and death and victory."
Lendren Starfall says, "As they always have. They see no more compunction in their acts than the tainted do in theirs."
With a hint of bitterness, you say, "And these are the people I would be Champion of. These are the people I would fight to defend."
Lendren Starfall says, "And what else would you do? Break away from it, stop doing it?"
Angrily, you exclaim, "I never wanted this position!"
Iola claps a hand to her mouth and sobs.
Wearily, you ask, "What am I supposed to do? Sit here? Let them continue like they do, when I feel in my heart and in my soul that it's wrong?"
Lendren Starfall says, "Your choices are to stay or to leave. To stay means fighting against enemies within as well as without: to force Serenwilde somehow, someday, to address its gulfs in hopes of reforming after pain into a more cohesive whole. Isn't that better?"
Looking up at you with watery eyes, you ask, "How do you have so much hope? How can you look past all the things that are wrong here?"
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "I don't think either of those things is true. My hope is slender at best, and I don't look past the wrong. I just spent a long time, decades ago, asking myself what to do about it, and this is what I concluded."
Lendren Starfall says, "The only burden I can bear is the one on my shoulders, not anyone else's. I continue to do what I can to make Serenwilde what it should be, and I take comfort in knowing I did it, even when someone else does wrong and gets away with it."
Lendren Starfall says, "And when I can, I make a little nudge towards making it face its own gulfs. That has rarely had any effect, and thus my shortage of hope."
Softly, you say, "How do you ignore how much it hurts to see people do these things. People you trusted. People you thought were friends."
Lendren Starfall says, "I suppose I got scabs turned into scars back in Kalodan's day."
You say, "I would never leave. Please don't think I was considering that. It would hurt Her too much. I'd never do it. I just...I think maybe I...maybe I'm not what I once was. I'm not a warrior and people expect me to be. Maybe...maybe I should stop pretending that I am. I don't want to pretend things like they all pretend this is okay."
Lendren Starfall says, "I always thought you were better suited as High Wisdom than Heir, but I also always thought you could do either one."
Softly, you say, "I took this because I was asked to. And She wanted me to help them. I've tried...I'm trying...and only a few are taking my help. They need someone who can be an example for them to be proud of and follow now. I'm not that. I'm not that."
Lendren gives a pained sigh.
Lendren Starfall says, "Nonsense."
Lendren Starfall says, "They say they need that, they may think they need that, but that's not what they need."
Lendren gives a pained sigh.
Lendren Starfall says, "I need to go visit Norchatine. I'll be right back."
You nod your head emphatically.
Iola is cradling the basket and laughing to herself when you return.
Lendren chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Lendren Starfall says, "I suppose I'm not saying anything about whether you should hurt or whether you should do anything about the hurt."
Lendren creases his brow in a frown.
Lendren Starfall says, "I guess I'm just jumping too fast to the end of the story, or what I think is the end, and not helping you with this part of it."
You snuggle close to Lendren and lean comfortably on him.
Lendren embraces you with great ardour.
Lendren Starfall says, "It's hard to avoid sounding like a cliche... but this kind of thing is what gives us strength and resolve."
You have emoted: Iola gives a watery smile and nods.
Lendren Starfall says, "The gravest danger the taint has always posed is the seduction of seeing it achieve something in the short term and wanting to do the same."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "I just...I don't think I want to hurt people anymore. Not unless they hurt me or the people, the things I love. I don't think I want to go looking for ways to cause pain."
Lendren Starfall says, "Against that, all its armies and spells are nothing."
Lendren nods his head sagely.
Lendren Starfall says, "Sometimes the only thing that will save nine of us from falling into that trap is seeing the tenth of us fall into it with eyes open."
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
Lendren Starfall says to you, "What is your title?"
You say, "I have many. Which one?"
Lendren Starfall runs his hand soothingly over your hair while he talks.
Lendren Starfall says, "The one that goes with the position of which you speak."
Slowly, you say, "Heiress of Ellindel."
Lendren Starfall says, "Who was Ellindel?"
You say, "The first one to heal the fae. The first one to learn the Wiccan arts."
Lendren Starfall says, "Do any stories of her speak of her causing pain?"
You say, "No. No, she stopped it."
Lendren Starfall says, "Maybe what you need to be doing, then, is finding a way to become her Heiress perhaps more accurately than has been done in years."
You smile softly.
Lendren reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
Out of the blue, you say, "...a love letter. I wrote him a love letter. No, not a letter, a poem. That baby boy made me so happy I wrote a poem."
Lendren exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.
Iola claps her hand over her mouth as realisation dawns slowly on her face.
You say, "Oh...dear."
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
Quickly, you say, "That might sound like a jump of topic. It's not really, it...I...questions. Lots of questions. Parts of myself I'm missing because I have to be like this. Or I think I have to be like this."
Lendren tilts his head curiously.
Lendren Starfall says, "What parts of yourself are missing?"
With a hint of embarrassment, you say, "I used to be fun."
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "You're still fun sometimes."
You frown and say, "I wish it wasn't sometimes."
Smirking and speaking quickly, holding back the joke, Lendren Starfall says, "Of course you'd be more fun as a Spiritsinger.."
Lendren tickles you mercilessly!
Iola laughs and bats you away, but there's a pained look on her face.
Lendren Starfall says, "But you're still fun. You just forgot how to see it in yourself."
Lendren Starfall says, "And I think today's not the best day to start."
You say, "I just wonder how much longer I'll keep saying 'it's okay, I'll keep trying' until I give up."
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "Well, I haven't yet."
Pointedly, you say, "You're not a semi-pacifist masquerading as a warrior champion."
Lendren Starfall says, "And you're younger so you should be better able to stick it out than I am. So let's make it a race to see who lasts longer."
Lendren utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Lendren Starfall says, "Well, that's true. Plus my malady gives me an excuse... not that I need the excuse, but it does make it a little easier. Not that I wouldn't get rid of that malady in a heartbeat if I could either, but still, while it's around my neck I might as well get what I can from it."
Looking into the pool's swirling reflections, you say, "I promised Her I'd try, and that I'd believe in myself. I have, and I do. Just because I feel like I'm missing parts of myself doesn't mean I don't believe in myself. I believe in what I'm good at. And I'm remembering parts of me too, like how to love..." Iola pauses and blushes slightly. "I'm not sure at which point it becomes too much pretending."
You say, "I've been trying for almost five years now. How much longer do I let it go on?"
You give a pained sigh.
Sucking on his lower lip, Lendren Starfall says, "I don't know I see why you can't be the Heiress, and I mean it in the sense I said earlier, while also being fun and in love and whatever else you want to be. Unless you mean that it takes up too much of your time?"
You say, "I don't enjoy it. It feels like an actual service rather than the serving I'd like to be doing, if that makes sense. It feels like I'm not being true to what I am and in doing so I feel like I'm failing the Coven. But I promised Her I'd stay until there was someone else who could do it better."
Lendren nods his head.
Lendren Starfall says, "Then all I can suggest is to try to change it into something you can enjoy."
Lendren Starfall says, "Changing yourself into someone that can enjoy it just isn't going to work. I think that's what you've been trying to do."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "I suppose what I want to do is to just help people to help each other. It's just that at the moment...well no one's really interested in doing that. We're low in numbers. Morale is still low and has been for about a decade now. We're not cohesive like we once were. That's what hurts the most."
Lendren exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from his lungs.
Lendren Starfall says, "Well, that's a subject where my thoughts are of nearly no value, I suspect. I only know what particular part of it comes to my ears. When my guild had that problem, I mostly just outwaited it, confident that if I kept the trunk strong the leaves would bloom in their own time."
You smile softly.
Lendren Starfall says, "But that metaphor is only as apt as the situation is similar, and it might not be. So I won't pretend that's your answer."
Lendren Starfall says, "In any case, if you made a promise, and you feel it has not yet been met, your job is to meet it. But don't imagine that you have to do everything else, too."
You say, "Combat is hardly the trunk of a Coven of ritualists. I see what you're saying but I don't think it can compare. I haven't had time to write rituals for...I don't know how long."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Lendren looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Lendren Starfall says, "What needs doing that takes up your time?"
You say, "Teaching people combat, something about which I know hardly anything. Trying to get the An'Taithe back up and running. The fact that I can't really juggle this and being Her Bearer all at once. More than that though, just being out and fighting all the time. It tires me out."
Lendren Starfall says, "How often do you have to be out fighting?"
You say, "Lately a lot."
You shrug helplessly.
Lendren purses his lips, deep in thought.
You say, "But even then I feel like it's not enough."
Lendren Starfall looks around the cavern.
Lendren Starfall says, "Are you here hoping to speak to Her about this? Should I go?"
You say, "I am, but that's no reason for you to go."
Lendren Starfall says, "She might not be as likely to speak to you if I'm here. She's not very fond of me."
You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully gather your thoughts.
You say, "I think She'd understand that I need you here."
A wry smile spreads across Lendren's face.
Lendren Starfall says, "I suppose if She felt like speaking to you She would not let my presence interfere."
You say, "Exactly."
Lendren Starfall says, "She could be here talking to you this whole time and I wouldn't even know if She wished me not to."
The corners of Lendren's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "You know...I think I've already made a decision, I'm just waiting to hear from Her that it's okay."
You give a pained sigh.
Lendren nods his head.
You say, "Not that talking to you hasn't helped."
Lendren Starfall says, "I thought so too."
Watery-eyed, you say, "And somehow I know She'd say that whatever I do, She's proud of me, and that I should do what I feel in my heart is best. Because She is in my heart."
Lendren nods his head.
You remove the Silver Orb of Ellindel.
Lendren Starfall says, "It's possible She asked you to stay this long more for what you needed than for what the guild needed."
You reach over and caress the Silver Orb of Ellindel tenderly.
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "You know, I think She might have done."
Lendren Starfall says, "Not that I accept the distinction that clearly. The guild's strength is as the strength of its members."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Lendren Starfall says, "After you speak to her and make your decision, you have to promise me you will give me one hour to spend dancing."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Lendren Starfall says, "Not for a ritual, just for the joy of dancing."
Lendren nods his head sagely.
You give Lendren a compassionate hug.
With a growing hint of pride, you say, "I am always Chosen of Ellindel, no matter where I go. I know She is standing with my Lady and smiling. I am so very lucky. And you are the best brother ever."
Lendren snickers softly to himself.
Lendren Starfall says, "It's easy to be the best when I'm the only one around!"
You have emoted: Iola moves to kneel next to the pool and folds her hands in her lap.
You reach out and touch a pair of bracers of midnight blue, traced with silver scrollwork.
The scrollwork upon the bracers flashes brightly for a moment, before fading away again.
You say, "Thank you, my Lady, for Your trust in me. You have given me the opportunity to grow. I hope I have not let you down - but now I must help them in other ways. You have given me such strength...thank You."
You relinquish the title of the Heir of Ellindel. With a blinding flash, the Silver Orb of Ellindel leaves your possession.
You resigned from the Champion position of Moondancers.
Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.
Lendren chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Lendren embraces you with great ardour.
2008/12/04 15:46:03 - Iola resigned as Champion of Moondancers.
Lendren strokes your head in consolation.
You say to Lendren, "She is with me. I know Her answer, even if She doesn't speak it. I know this is the right thing to do. Now I shall make Her proud."
Lendren Starfall says to you, "As you already have."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Serella2008-12-04 19:16:23
Aww. This log was really beautiful and sweet to read.
Kudos for Lendren and Iola! I think her reaction was roleplayed well, and a good trigger to make the decision to resign.
(I had to leave before the whole baby killing business happened and need to catch up on events, but should be some interesting RP once my character finds out.)

(I had to leave before the whole baby killing business happened and need to catch up on events, but should be some interesting RP once my character finds out.)
Unknown2008-12-04 19:28:13
This was a great, emotional read, and an awesome example of some sweet roleplay. 

Brylle2008-12-05 16:07:47
Really sweet, you guys rock.
I need to work on more RP.