Harkux2008-12-26 08:33:33
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Behold the hosts of the dark forest,
gathered to thank Brother Crow for his blessings and protection on our glorious
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let there be silence
and attention! We have come to honor Brother Crow!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Behold the hosts of the dark forest,
gathered to thank Mother Night for her her blessings and wisdom for our glorious
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let there be silence
and attention! We have come to honor Mother Night!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Behold the hosts of the dark forest,
gathered to thank Lady Viravain for Her blessings and goodwill towards our
glorious commune!"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let there be silence
and attention! We have come to honor Lady Viravain!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Indeed, we have come to honor the greater
spirits that protect, inspire, and lead us while our hearts are purified and we
wait anxiously for the day we shall ascend as a unified whole to engulf the
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "For Brother Crow, the swift, for Brother
Crow, the mighty, for Brother Crow, the devoted, for Brother Crow, the
triumphant, we offer our voices in praise."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let all present
respond to our prayers with "Glory be to Brother Crow!""
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "In honor of Blood Thirst, who rejects the
pains of fickle want in favor of the patient vigilance for true victory, we
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blood Thirst brings us the patience to wait
for the proper day of our ascension and rule over the Basin. We worship Crow by
waiting and watching for the time to take flight and darken the skies. Behold
the vigilant hosts of the Dark Forest!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Ciaran sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Gmory be to Bro *hic* theer Cr *hic*
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "Leave
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Leave it to a dwarf to show up drunk. GG."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "You are
breaking the law."
(Random OOC clan): Nys says, "Yay RP."
(Random OOC clan): Nys says, "Bad timing tho."
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Seriously."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Sorry, I'm sober now."
Kundu glares angrily at Ciaran.
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Black Sorrow brings us the firm resolve to
ignore our individual pains where they interfere with action that needs to be
taken for the glory of Glomdoring. We worship Crow by standing ready through all
the trials of life. Behold the stalwart hosts of the Dark Forest!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "In honor of False Memory, who rejects the
lies and false ideology of our enemies for the truth that is Glomdoring, we
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "False Memory brings us the peace of mind to
work for the glory of Glomdoring. We worship Crow by leaving behind our
anxieties of days past. Behold the fearless hosts of the Dark Forest!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the
undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard
the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
With a crooked grin, Ironbeard the Magnanimous gushes, "Because it's a special
time. A special celebration, Lithios!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "In honor of Dark Spirit, who rejects the
standards of the cities and the city-aligned commune for the secure knowledge of
our eternal dominance, we pray."
With a sudden look of concentration, Ironbeard the Magnanimous smiles a crooked
smile, rubs his ample stomach, and fades to nothingness, followed by the sound
of a distant belch.
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the
undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard
the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
Laughing deeply, Ironbeard the Magnanimous proclaims, "Happy Anniversary,
-Some Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
With a sudden look of concentration, Ironbeard the Magnanimous smiles a crooked
smile, rubs his ample stomach, and fades to nothingness, followed by the sound
of a distant belch.
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the
undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard
the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
With a crooked grin, Ironbeard the Magnanimous gushes, "Because it's a special
time. A special celebration, Manach!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Dark Spirit brings the promise of our
ascension, the joy of communal victory, and the peace the will be obtained when
all mortal civilization submits to the will of the Shadow Court. We worship Crow
by rejoicing that our victory will come! Behold the triumphant hosts of the Dark
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
(Random OOC clan): Urazial says, "Ironbeard is griefing your
(Random OOC clan): You say, "GG Ironbeard. Two :censored: dwarves ruining
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Glory be to he who brings terror to our
enemies on four swift wings!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Glory be to he who empowers our druids and
our warriors!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Glory be to he who stands forever in
service to the Lady of the Summer Song!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Tarkers's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Sleep is griefing ur liturgy."
Tarkers pants heavily in his sleep, turning and twitching.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "For Mother Night, the
all-seeing, for Mother Night, the wise, for Mother Night, for Mother Night, the
unseen, we offer our voices in praise."
2583h, 2865m, 3036e, 10p, 10945en, 12655w ex-
(Random OOC Clan): Nys says, "The grief just doesn't stop <3."
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Let all present respond to our prayers with
"Glory be to Mother Night!""
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "In honor of Lhiannan
Shee-Slaugh, who perceives the mysteries of both death and life, we pray."
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Lhiannan brings us
the intuition of subtle undercurrents and the keen perception of changes in our
world. We worship Mother Night by remaining forever aware and forever
thoughtful. Behold the discerning hosts of the Glomdoring!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "In honor of Glumki,
King of the Redcaps, who perceives the dual nature of all things, we pray."
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glumki brings us the
skills to play both sides of conflict, to turn our enemies against each other,
and to bring confusion to those who refuse to submit to the Glomdoring. We
worship Mother Night by putting the glory of the Glomdoring above the narrow
pursuits and desires of the foreigners. Behold the manipulative hosts of the
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "In honor of Gwyllgi,
Dog of Darkness, who perceives the hidden trails the uninitiated fear to tread,
we pray."
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Gwyllgi brings us the
terror of the Night, the keen senses to see paths unwalked by those of weaker
minds and weaker bodies. We worship Mother Night by withholding our intentions
from those who do not serve as we serve and operating forever under the shroud
of darkness. Behold the unseen hosts of the Glomdoring!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Krellan, "Remove
yourself if you are drunk."
(Random OOC Clan): Malarious (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Griefing?
(Random OOC Clan): Tarkers says, "Oh there is griefin' a happenin'
(Glomdoring): Mikalia says, "Get him out."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Gregori here."
Tarkers Tar'sel roars, "Gregori."
-Gregori griefs, people fight, lots of hoopla, he leaves, calmness-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Let me resume then."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Gwyllgi brings us the
terror of the Night, the keen senses to see paths unwalked by those of weaker
minds and weaker bodies. We worship Mother Night by withholding our intentions
from those who do not serve as we serve and operating forever under the shroud
of darkness. Behold the unseen hosts of the Glomdoring!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glory be to she who
sharpens minds by turning away that which is falsely illuminated!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glory be to she who
empowers our wiccans and our warriors!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glory be to she who
stands forever in service to the Mistress of the Webs!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "We owe our existence to Lady Viravain, who
has given us all that we hold dear. Let us be thankful for Her gifts and raise
our voices in praise and thanksgiving for lending us the bounty of the Dark
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be She who restored the Master
Ravenwood, which empowers Glomdoring's faithful."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Let all present
respond to our prayers with "Hail, Lady Viravain!""
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be She who has proven Herself
greater than Almighty Kethuru by removing the last traces of his touch from this
holy land, once defiled by the cities' treachery."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be She who illumined the teachings
of our great spirits for all to study and imitate."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be Her valiant brother, Lord
Shikari, who leads us on the fields of battle."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be Her holy court, those
commissioned to lead through Her and for Her."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
-Gregori griefing Mikalia in the spam, apparently goes ignored, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be those who await the fulfillment
of the promise that the divisions of mortal civilization will pass away, when
only Glomdoring will remain, and all will become Glomdoring."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "We who have found favor with the Lady and
live under Her grace in the Glomdoring show our gratitude through sacrifices of
blood, gold, and labor. Though some may be mighty and some may be humble, we
each bring offerings according to our means. Let us now offer a token of our
thanks to She who provides us with all these good things."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "If you have corpses,
please offer them to Lady Viravain at this time. If you do not, or your corpses
have turned to dust, please offer gold in its place."
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "As one commune we live, we work, and we
offer back the blessings of our forest. Let us then as one commune share the
teachings of our home."
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "The Eye of Crow, Kundu, will now be
Mikalia gives the Docets of Crow to Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of
the Night.
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "These are the
teachings of the Glomdoring. Let all who hear take these words to heart. Nothing
matters but Glomdoring."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Crow certainly does
not. What is past can be remade. Never admit you are crippled or weak, or ever
have been. You are always strong, always victorious, always with the upper
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Write your own
histories, do not allow others to write them for you. On the larger scope, which
is of course Glomdoring, we know that Glomdoring is and has always been the most
glorious place within creation. Never doubt it. Never let facts get in the way."
-Mikalia being Gregori-griefed, he leaves, la la la
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Accept the truth as
Crow wants it to be remembered. After all, NOTHING matters but Glomdoring."
-Gregori comes back, griefs Mikalia, la la la-
-Spam of people fighting dreamweaving Gregori, la la la-
(Glomdoring): Trelian says, "Scry it, kill the body, kill the weaver."
(Glomdoring): Kundu says, "It is at the moon tree."
(Glomdoring): Mikalia says, "Aye it is."
-skipping some deffing spam from everyone, la la la...-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says to Ironbeard the
Magnanimous, "I still haven't had my present."
Ironbeard the Magnanimous exclaims, "There is xo gift finer thun bhe giift of
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "We could make an offering of him."
Urazial ponders Ironbeard the Magnanimous thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous's eyes twinkle enchantingly at Urazial.
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "If someone brings out somv foooOd, I
hjve drtnks."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "That dwarf speaks the
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night asks Urazial, "You think we
can take him?"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Urazial, "He is
pretty drunk."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows steps in front of Ironbeard defensively.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "I have a question
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "For our dwarven
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest asks, "Do dwarves know how
to read?"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Probably not."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows puts his arm around Krellan, forming a
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "One of you two please
read me the very last paragraph of CHELP LAWS."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers, "Krellan sho."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm whispers, "What'sh thee plan?"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers to Krellan, "I'm think *hic* in
can't read."
Mikalia bops herself on the head.
"Bah!" Mikalia retorts disgustedly.
Mikalia bops Ciaran on the head.
Mikalia bops Ciaran on the head.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Second one is because
you made me miss the first."
"Hmph!" Mikalia snorts.
Ciaran slaps his thighs and guffaws like an old man.
Krellan points at Ciaran and laughs heartily.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest beats Krellan over the head
with her cudgel.
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers to Krellan, "So we're Going with
can't *hic* read right?"
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Ouch *hic* h!"
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm asks Ciaran, "YyoU can cead?"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Rig *hic* ht, so we can't read."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "The law reads, "No
citizen of Glomdoring should be drunk within the boundaries of the forest."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm looks confused and says to
Ciaran, "V cann barely see righb nrw."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "The ONLY exception is
within the guildhalls."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Well eheN it's okay!
We'ree in the Guildhalll!"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "No, we are not."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "No, we are not."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "We are at the Drums
of the Dead."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "A location which
should be respected."
Ciaran bows respectfully to the Drums of the Dead.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Both of you go sit in
a manse and sober up. Do not set foot in the forest boundaries again until you
are sober."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Go."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "La *hic* sT tiMe yk
*hic* Kuh sent mee awaY, this neew champiOn ended uup dYing!"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "Come
uith us, we've got drinks."
With a flourish of his arm, Ciaran bows deeply.
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm yells, "NoOOo, I don't want to
leeave yket!"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Leave, now."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows yells, "Waiit, wwe're coming back."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Sorry abou *hic* t that."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "I apologize on behalf
of the Murder that you all have had to witness this."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "Now."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers to Krellan, "Doesn't lyok good."
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Im giggling IRL
Nys rubs her temples in frustration.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest asks, "Does the word
ostracized mean anything to either of you?"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers, "Krellann you're about to get me
in trouble."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm stamps his foot into the dirt
and plants his bottle in the ground.
Mikalia raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "You are
doing that all on your own."
(Random OOC clan): Tarkers says, "Oh gods, you're amazing Krellan."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows tiptoes slowly..
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "YeaH! Guildhaxl of the
You thrust your palm towards your forehead and hit it with a resounding *smack*!
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows yells, "See you ardhnemesis."
Looking around, Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Oh
kknow, wqeee's Cfarran."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Fleeeeeeee!"
readlog blacktalon
2008/12/26 04:26:49 - Imandyn stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new
2008/12/26 07:16:32 - Kundu guilddisfavoured Krellan for: public Drunkeness when
told to remove himself.
2008/12/26 07:24:52 - Mikalia declared Gregori to be a formal enemy. Reason:
disruption of the liturgies.
2008/12/26 07:45:04 - Mikalia outguilded Krellan.
(Fledglings): Mikalia says, "Alright get over here for the rite."
(Fledglings): Mikalia says, "The drama is over."
Oh, silly silly Glom. :3 The drama is never over <3
gathered to thank Brother Crow for his blessings and protection on our glorious
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let there be silence
and attention! We have come to honor Brother Crow!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Behold the hosts of the dark forest,
gathered to thank Mother Night for her her blessings and wisdom for our glorious
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let there be silence
and attention! We have come to honor Mother Night!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Behold the hosts of the dark forest,
gathered to thank Lady Viravain for Her blessings and goodwill towards our
glorious commune!"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let there be silence
and attention! We have come to honor Lady Viravain!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Indeed, we have come to honor the greater
spirits that protect, inspire, and lead us while our hearts are purified and we
wait anxiously for the day we shall ascend as a unified whole to engulf the
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "For Brother Crow, the swift, for Brother
Crow, the mighty, for Brother Crow, the devoted, for Brother Crow, the
triumphant, we offer our voices in praise."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Let all present
respond to our prayers with "Glory be to Brother Crow!""
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "In honor of Blood Thirst, who rejects the
pains of fickle want in favor of the patient vigilance for true victory, we
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blood Thirst brings us the patience to wait
for the proper day of our ascension and rule over the Basin. We worship Crow by
waiting and watching for the time to take flight and darken the skies. Behold
the vigilant hosts of the Dark Forest!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Ciaran sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Gmory be to Bro *hic* theer Cr *hic*
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "Leave
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Leave it to a dwarf to show up drunk. GG."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "You are
breaking the law."
(Random OOC clan): Nys says, "Yay RP."
(Random OOC clan): Nys says, "Bad timing tho."
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Seriously."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Sorry, I'm sober now."
Kundu glares angrily at Ciaran.
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Black Sorrow brings us the firm resolve to
ignore our individual pains where they interfere with action that needs to be
taken for the glory of Glomdoring. We worship Crow by standing ready through all
the trials of life. Behold the stalwart hosts of the Dark Forest!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "In honor of False Memory, who rejects the
lies and false ideology of our enemies for the truth that is Glomdoring, we
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "False Memory brings us the peace of mind to
work for the glory of Glomdoring. We worship Crow by leaving behind our
anxieties of days past. Behold the fearless hosts of the Dark Forest!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the
undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard
the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
With a crooked grin, Ironbeard the Magnanimous gushes, "Because it's a special
time. A special celebration, Lithios!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "In honor of Dark Spirit, who rejects the
standards of the cities and the city-aligned commune for the secure knowledge of
our eternal dominance, we pray."
With a sudden look of concentration, Ironbeard the Magnanimous smiles a crooked
smile, rubs his ample stomach, and fades to nothingness, followed by the sound
of a distant belch.
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the
undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard
the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
Laughing deeply, Ironbeard the Magnanimous proclaims, "Happy Anniversary,
-Some Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
With a sudden look of concentration, Ironbeard the Magnanimous smiles a crooked
smile, rubs his ample stomach, and fades to nothingness, followed by the sound
of a distant belch.
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the
undisputed intensity of a Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard
the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile about himself as he arrives.
With a crooked grin, Ironbeard the Magnanimous gushes, "Because it's a special
time. A special celebration, Manach!"
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Dark Spirit brings the promise of our
ascension, the joy of communal victory, and the peace the will be obtained when
all mortal civilization submits to the will of the Shadow Court. We worship Crow
by rejoicing that our victory will come! Behold the triumphant hosts of the Dark
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
(Random OOC clan): Urazial says, "Ironbeard is griefing your
(Random OOC clan): You say, "GG Ironbeard. Two :censored: dwarves ruining
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Glory be to he who brings terror to our
enemies on four swift wings!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Glory be to he who empowers our druids and
our warriors!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Glory be to he who stands forever in
service to the Lady of the Summer Song!"
-Glory be to Brother Crow spam-
Tarkers's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Sleep is griefing ur liturgy."
Tarkers pants heavily in his sleep, turning and twitching.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "For Mother Night, the
all-seeing, for Mother Night, the wise, for Mother Night, for Mother Night, the
unseen, we offer our voices in praise."
2583h, 2865m, 3036e, 10p, 10945en, 12655w ex-
(Random OOC Clan): Nys says, "The grief just doesn't stop <3."
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Let all present respond to our prayers with
"Glory be to Mother Night!""
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "In honor of Lhiannan
Shee-Slaugh, who perceives the mysteries of both death and life, we pray."
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Lhiannan brings us
the intuition of subtle undercurrents and the keen perception of changes in our
world. We worship Mother Night by remaining forever aware and forever
thoughtful. Behold the discerning hosts of the Glomdoring!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "In honor of Glumki,
King of the Redcaps, who perceives the dual nature of all things, we pray."
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glumki brings us the
skills to play both sides of conflict, to turn our enemies against each other,
and to bring confusion to those who refuse to submit to the Glomdoring. We
worship Mother Night by putting the glory of the Glomdoring above the narrow
pursuits and desires of the foreigners. Behold the manipulative hosts of the
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "In honor of Gwyllgi,
Dog of Darkness, who perceives the hidden trails the uninitiated fear to tread,
we pray."
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Gwyllgi brings us the
terror of the Night, the keen senses to see paths unwalked by those of weaker
minds and weaker bodies. We worship Mother Night by withholding our intentions
from those who do not serve as we serve and operating forever under the shroud
of darkness. Behold the unseen hosts of the Glomdoring!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Krellan, "Remove
yourself if you are drunk."
(Random OOC Clan): Malarious (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Griefing?
(Random OOC Clan): Tarkers says, "Oh there is griefin' a happenin'
(Glomdoring): Mikalia says, "Get him out."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Gregori here."
Tarkers Tar'sel roars, "Gregori."
-Gregori griefs, people fight, lots of hoopla, he leaves, calmness-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Let me resume then."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Gwyllgi brings us the
terror of the Night, the keen senses to see paths unwalked by those of weaker
minds and weaker bodies. We worship Mother Night by withholding our intentions
from those who do not serve as we serve and operating forever under the shroud
of darkness. Behold the unseen hosts of the Glomdoring!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glory be to she who
sharpens minds by turning away that which is falsely illuminated!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glory be to she who
empowers our wiccans and our warriors!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Glory be to she who
stands forever in service to the Mistress of the Webs!"
-Glory be to Mother Night spam-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "We owe our existence to Lady Viravain, who
has given us all that we hold dear. Let us be thankful for Her gifts and raise
our voices in praise and thanksgiving for lending us the bounty of the Dark
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be She who restored the Master
Ravenwood, which empowers Glomdoring's faithful."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Let all present
respond to our prayers with "Hail, Lady Viravain!""
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be She who has proven Herself
greater than Almighty Kethuru by removing the last traces of his touch from this
holy land, once defiled by the cities' treachery."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be She who illumined the teachings
of our great spirits for all to study and imitate."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be Her valiant brother, Lord
Shikari, who leads us on the fields of battle."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be Her holy court, those
commissioned to lead through Her and for Her."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
-Gregori griefing Mikalia in the spam, apparently goes ignored, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "Blessed be those who await the fulfillment
of the promise that the divisions of mortal civilization will pass away, when
only Glomdoring will remain, and all will become Glomdoring."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "We who have found favor with the Lady and
live under Her grace in the Glomdoring show our gratitude through sacrifices of
blood, gold, and labor. Though some may be mighty and some may be humble, we
each bring offerings according to our means. Let us now offer a token of our
thanks to She who provides us with all these good things."
-Hail Lady Viravain spam, la la la-
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "If you have corpses,
please offer them to Lady Viravain at this time. If you do not, or your corpses
have turned to dust, please offer gold in its place."
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "As one commune we live, we work, and we
offer back the blessings of our forest. Let us then as one commune share the
teachings of our home."
Druid Trelian, Talons of Crow says, "The Eye of Crow, Kundu, will now be
Mikalia gives the Docets of Crow to Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of
the Night.
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "These are the
teachings of the Glomdoring. Let all who hear take these words to heart. Nothing
matters but Glomdoring."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Crow certainly does
not. What is past can be remade. Never admit you are crippled or weak, or ever
have been. You are always strong, always victorious, always with the upper
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Write your own
histories, do not allow others to write them for you. On the larger scope, which
is of course Glomdoring, we know that Glomdoring is and has always been the most
glorious place within creation. Never doubt it. Never let facts get in the way."
-Mikalia being Gregori-griefed, he leaves, la la la
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Accept the truth as
Crow wants it to be remembered. After all, NOTHING matters but Glomdoring."
-Gregori comes back, griefs Mikalia, la la la-
-Spam of people fighting dreamweaving Gregori, la la la-
(Glomdoring): Trelian says, "Scry it, kill the body, kill the weaver."
(Glomdoring): Kundu says, "It is at the moon tree."
(Glomdoring): Mikalia says, "Aye it is."
-skipping some deffing spam from everyone, la la la...-
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says to Ironbeard the
Magnanimous, "I still haven't had my present."
Ironbeard the Magnanimous exclaims, "There is xo gift finer thun bhe giift of
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd says, "We could make an offering of him."
Urazial ponders Ironbeard the Magnanimous thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Ironbeard the Magnanimous's eyes twinkle enchantingly at Urazial.
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "If someone brings out somv foooOd, I
hjve drtnks."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "That dwarf speaks the
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night asks Urazial, "You think we
can take him?"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Urazial, "He is
pretty drunk."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows steps in front of Ironbeard defensively.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "I have a question
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "For our dwarven
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest asks, "Do dwarves know how
to read?"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Probably not."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows puts his arm around Krellan, forming a
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "One of you two please
read me the very last paragraph of CHELP LAWS."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers, "Krellan sho."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm whispers, "What'sh thee plan?"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers to Krellan, "I'm think *hic* in
can't read."
Mikalia bops herself on the head.
"Bah!" Mikalia retorts disgustedly.
Mikalia bops Ciaran on the head.
Mikalia bops Ciaran on the head.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Second one is because
you made me miss the first."
"Hmph!" Mikalia snorts.
Ciaran slaps his thighs and guffaws like an old man.
Krellan points at Ciaran and laughs heartily.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest beats Krellan over the head
with her cudgel.
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers to Krellan, "So we're Going with
can't *hic* read right?"
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Ouch *hic* h!"
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm asks Ciaran, "YyoU can cead?"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Rig *hic* ht, so we can't read."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "The law reads, "No
citizen of Glomdoring should be drunk within the boundaries of the forest."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm looks confused and says to
Ciaran, "V cann barely see righb nrw."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "The ONLY exception is
within the guildhalls."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Well eheN it's okay!
We'ree in the Guildhalll!"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "No, we are not."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "No, we are not."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "We are at the Drums
of the Dead."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "A location which
should be respected."
Ciaran bows respectfully to the Drums of the Dead.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Both of you go sit in
a manse and sober up. Do not set foot in the forest boundaries again until you
are sober."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "Go."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "La *hic* sT tiMe yk
*hic* Kuh sent mee awaY, this neew champiOn ended uup dYing!"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says to Ironbeard the Magnanimous, "Come
uith us, we've got drinks."
With a flourish of his arm, Ciaran bows deeply.
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm yells, "NoOOo, I don't want to
leeave yket!"
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Leave, now."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows yells, "Waiit, wwe're coming back."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows says, "Sorry abou *hic* t that."
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest says, "I apologize on behalf
of the Murder that you all have had to witness this."
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "Now."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers to Krellan, "Doesn't lyok good."
(Random OOC clan): You say, "Im giggling IRL

Nys rubs her temples in frustration.
Druidess Mikalia Moonbane, Keeper of the Black Nest asks, "Does the word
ostracized mean anything to either of you?"
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows whispers, "Krellann you're about to get me
in trouble."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm stamps his foot into the dirt
and plants his bottle in the ground.
Mikalia raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says to Ciaran, "You are
doing that all on your own."
(Random OOC clan): Tarkers says, "Oh gods, you're amazing Krellan."
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows tiptoes slowly..
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "YeaH! Guildhaxl of the
You thrust your palm towards your forehead and hit it with a resounding *smack*!
Penumbra Ciaran, Servant of Shadows yells, "See you ardhnemesis."
Looking around, Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Oh
kknow, wqeee's Cfarran."
Voice of Crow, Krellan, Rider of the Wyrden Storm says, "Fleeeeeeee!"
readlog blacktalon
2008/12/26 04:26:49 - Imandyn stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new
2008/12/26 07:16:32 - Kundu guilddisfavoured Krellan for: public Drunkeness when
told to remove himself.
2008/12/26 07:24:52 - Mikalia declared Gregori to be a formal enemy. Reason:
disruption of the liturgies.
2008/12/26 07:45:04 - Mikalia outguilded Krellan.
(Fledglings): Mikalia says, "Alright get over here for the rite."
(Fledglings): Mikalia says, "The drama is over."
Oh, silly silly Glom. :3 The drama is never over <3
Unknown2008-12-26 08:40:57
Well, Krellan and the phrase 'not rogue' never did go well together.
Revan2008-12-26 08:43:06
Uber fail on Mikalia for kicking Krellan out. She was obviously in the ironbeard Guild territory. Tsk...
Gregori2008-12-26 08:43:23
The best parts of that ritual were "gregori griefs mikalia".
Unknown2008-12-26 08:44:16
this was just too funny
Mikalia2008-12-26 08:46:01
Sad but true: This now makes twice I've outguilded Krellan...
Also.. I sooo meant to say the Gwyllgi line twice
Also.. I sooo meant to say the Gwyllgi line twice
Unknown2008-12-26 08:52:49
QUOTE (Mikalia @ Dec 26 2008, 03:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also.. I sooo meant to say the Gwyllgi line twice
I don't think anybody noticed. At least I didn't, untill you pointed it out. We were just auto spamming
Valarien2008-12-26 12:04:51
This is the very essence of Glomdoring, I think, this hilarity.
The RP, the Griefing, the Internal Drama, oh yes. This rite -IS- Glomdoring.
At any rate, I applaud the RP of the affair, mostly, but can't figure out what to make of Krellan's outguilding. I can only hope that some other episode occurred that actually warranted kicking somebody out of the guild entirely, as I just can't rationalize it. Disfavour, sure, stern talking to, sure, but outguilding?
Seems a bit... much.
The RP, the Griefing, the Internal Drama, oh yes. This rite -IS- Glomdoring.
At any rate, I applaud the RP of the affair, mostly, but can't figure out what to make of Krellan's outguilding. I can only hope that some other episode occurred that actually warranted kicking somebody out of the guild entirely, as I just can't rationalize it. Disfavour, sure, stern talking to, sure, but outguilding?
Seems a bit... much.
Aramel2008-12-26 12:05:45
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Write your own
histories, do not allow others to write them for you. On the larger scope, which
is of course Glomdoring, we know that Glomdoring is and has always been the most
glorious place within creation. Never doubt it. Never let facts get in the way."
-Mikalia being Gregori-griefed, he leaves, la la la
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Accept the truth as
Crow wants it to be remembered. After all, NOTHING matters but Glomdoring."
-Gregori comes back, griefs Mikalia, la la la-
histories, do not allow others to write them for you. On the larger scope, which
is of course Glomdoring, we know that Glomdoring is and has always been the most
glorious place within creation. Never doubt it. Never let facts get in the way."
-Mikalia being Gregori-griefed, he leaves, la la la
Partisan Kundu Kor'Lathh Wyrden Admiral of the Night says, "Accept the truth as
Crow wants it to be remembered. After all, NOTHING matters but Glomdoring."
-Gregori comes back, griefs Mikalia, la la la-
The timing of this totally made me laugh.
Shryke2008-12-26 12:23:25
It's good to be back.
This little RP event made me pretty happy, and is inspiring a bit more RP for Ciaran, I just hope BTs gets their heads straight and let Krellan back in. Outguilding him was pretty ridiculous.
This little RP event made me pretty happy, and is inspiring a bit more RP for Ciaran, I just hope BTs gets their heads straight and let Krellan back in. Outguilding him was pretty ridiculous.
Urazial2008-12-26 12:33:02
I'm not sure that log really has anything to do with rp. I'm not saying that I agree with the outcome, but then again I also don't agree with disrupting what is supposed to be something of cultural importance to the BTs and Glom. It was clear that not everyone was pleased with the drunken grandstanding and those involved chose to ignore the warnings. 

Ashteru2008-12-26 13:19:04
Lol, why do I miss the fun. D:
Shryke2008-12-26 14:17:21
QUOTE (Urazial @ Dec 26 2008, 04:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure that log really has anything to do with rp. I'm not saying that I agree with the outcome, but then again I also don't agree with disrupting what is supposed to be something of cultural importance to the BTs and Glom. It was clear that not everyone was pleased with the drunken grandstanding and those involved chose to ignore the warnings. 

Role Played: Ciaran, DRUNK.
He drinks on hunting trips, is currently drunk, and runs into Krellan, who is also drinking. Drunken antics ensue. Ciaran, who is normally quiet and keeps down opens up and loses his barrier and acts like a fool.
Maybe my definition of RP is off.

Sorry to those I frustrated, take it out on me by being pissed at me ICly and making me pay, not on the forums.
Unknown2008-12-26 15:34:51
This made me literally laugh out loud. Krellan is fastly becoming my Glom hero. The best part was them demanding to know if Krellan was drunk before he even did anything - and it turning out that he was.
I am guessing this is the tailend of the drinking session the boys started before I had to go to work? I drove off chuckling, and am amused to see what resulted.
Yeah, the outguilding sucks, but, as Urazial says, they did rather earn punishment. However, I don't see how it's not RP - on the contrary, I think it's RP actually affecting IC circumstances for once, which people have recently been ranting doesn't happen.
I am guessing this is the tailend of the drinking session the boys started before I had to go to work? I drove off chuckling, and am amused to see what resulted.
Yeah, the outguilding sucks, but, as Urazial says, they did rather earn punishment. However, I don't see how it's not RP - on the contrary, I think it's RP actually affecting IC circumstances for once, which people have recently been ranting doesn't happen.
Unknown2008-12-26 16:46:17
Ooh, we never did the veneration to Mother Night when I was a BT. I guess the guilds were still largely separate back then. I can't say outguilding Krellan was the proper punishment - a communedisfavour, I can see, since he was breaking commune laws.
Just sayin'.
But yes, this made me
quite a bit. I like how Ironbeard griefed you all first.
Just sayin'.
But yes, this made me

Mikalia2008-12-26 17:23:03
QUOTE (Valarien @ Dec 26 2008, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is the very essence of Glomdoring, I think, this hilarity.
The RP, the Griefing, the Internal Drama, oh yes. This rite -IS- Glomdoring.
At any rate, I applaud the RP of the affair, mostly, but can't figure out what to make of Krellan's outguilding. I can only hope that some other episode occurred that actually warranted kicking somebody out of the guild entirely, as I just can't rationalize it. Disfavour, sure, stern talking to, sure, but outguilding?
Seems a bit... much.
The RP, the Griefing, the Internal Drama, oh yes. This rite -IS- Glomdoring.
At any rate, I applaud the RP of the affair, mostly, but can't figure out what to make of Krellan's outguilding. I can only hope that some other episode occurred that actually warranted kicking somebody out of the guild entirely, as I just can't rationalize it. Disfavour, sure, stern talking to, sure, but outguilding?
Seems a bit... much.
Well it was actually the fact that he persisted AFTER the disfavour, which from the IC point of view was very very poor represenation of the Blacktalon as well as being highly disrespectful to Crow, Night and Viravain.
Unknown2008-12-26 17:35:37
the log was posted to show the hilarity that ensued
I think the IC repercussions were completely warranted.
considering his rank within the guild, he was expected to set a sort of example, and as such, did not, representing the Blacktalon to the rest of the commune in a less than respectable way, almost spitting in the face of authority
I think the IC repercussions were completely warranted.
considering his rank within the guild, he was expected to set a sort of example, and as such, did not, representing the Blacktalon to the rest of the commune in a less than respectable way, almost spitting in the face of authority
Unknown2008-12-26 18:00:05
As long as Krellan doesn't get kicked from the commune, who cares.
Krellan2008-12-26 19:01:21
The whole thing made me laugh while me and Ciaran were doing it. Oh boy, I only wish that KAE was fully there. Hahah what was funnier to me was that I actually didn't hear Kundu tell me to leave so when I first saw the GDF I let Krellan act out even more drunkenly thinking it was undeserved without a warning and it makes me laugh that I see he said it to me in the log.
It's a little sucky that bits and pieces of the log got lost, or like the beginning of the log. But Gregori was griefing before the start of the log as well. And drunk Krellan showed up. This is before Kundu said Gregori, meaning that he was the dreamweaver. It was actually Krellan who called out Gregori over CT and chased him away the first and that's how they knew Krellan was mad drunk. Then he left again cause they told him to leave and Trelian died to Gregori and that's where the drunken slur of look what happens when you make me leave!
Ohh yeah hahaha also missed in the log is where Krellan was being accused of the dreamweaving, so much funnies in that.
And where Krellan randomly seems to try to claim the room at Dwarven GH, a line got lost where Ciaran first suggests it.
I'm not sure if all the missed stuff makes it funnier or not though.
It's a little sucky that bits and pieces of the log got lost, or like the beginning of the log. But Gregori was griefing before the start of the log as well. And drunk Krellan showed up. This is before Kundu said Gregori, meaning that he was the dreamweaver. It was actually Krellan who called out Gregori over CT and chased him away the first and that's how they knew Krellan was mad drunk. Then he left again cause they told him to leave and Trelian died to Gregori and that's where the drunken slur of look what happens when you make me leave!
Ohh yeah hahaha also missed in the log is where Krellan was being accused of the dreamweaving, so much funnies in that.
And where Krellan randomly seems to try to claim the room at Dwarven GH, a line got lost where Ciaran first suggests it.
I'm not sure if all the missed stuff makes it funnier or not though.
Unknown2008-12-26 19:05:23
QUOTE (Nys @ Dec 26 2008, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
almost spitting in the face of authority
This is Krellan's m.o. I hope it didn't come as a surprise to anyone!