Everiine2009-01-20 20:26:05
Based on Elryn's post, I've redone bookbinding, rearranged some abilities, and added new ones. It's just a rough idea, but what do people think (yes, even if you don't like it)?
Italics are changes to existing skills.
Bold denotes a completely new ability
Explanation of Changes
The Lower Tier
The first half of Bookbinding focuses on the actual binding of books, with a few exceptions.
The most common form of writing found in Lusternia and it is not at all available to the skillset built around writing. Even Artists can create their own paper to work from. I don't propose that this replace the Post Office letters, but instead, if you get a letter from a Bookbinder it will be cheaper, even if they charge for the service.
Gold Outlay: 25 gold
This is the longest explanation. As it is, it takes higher skill to bind bigger, more elaborate books. I do not disagree with this. However, because of the high cost of the larger books and the lack of demand for them, the very high slots in the Bookbinding skill are filled with abilities we will rarely use. This proposal aims to keep the spirit of the skill levels of books alive while freeing up higher slots for more useful abilities. Here, I have combined the books of the same size into single skills. The only difference between personal books and organizational books are who can write in them. In my opinion, that has little to do with the actual book. Thus, it makes sense to combine journals and textbooks, which are the same books just with different authors.
Also, as an incentive for theses books to be used more, I have made the smallest bookbindings (letters, papers, and booklets) able to be written in outside of a desk. I do not believe that this will create a "Get Out of Battle Free" card if these bookbindings are treated the same as GHELP or CHELP scrolls and can only be written in with full health and mana. Writing at a desk would eliminate this requirement.
Language Changes
I have increased the number of languages learned, allowing a Bookbinder to study half of all racial languages available. I have also added an extra use for a language, a small bonus in influencing. I also propose that existing areas or new areas be released that only speak in native languages. This will not alienate the normal player anymore so than requiring Influencing in quests or Scaling in the Snow Valley, as will be explained in a later skill.
I have moved Translate language much further down. It makes more sense to me that as soon as you know another language you are able to translate it. I did not see a reason to keep it so high.
The Upper Tier
The second half of Bookbinding focuses on using the bindings and magically enhancing them with a few exceptions.
Magic Scrolls
First, I have eliminated the magic scroll ability as a separate ability. A magic scroll is useless on its own- you can not sell it to someone else blank as they won't be able to do anything with it. And it is no use selling it to another bookbinder who can scribe it, because if a bookbinder can scribe a magic scroll, he already has the ability to make his own. Instead, I have put the ability to make a magic scroll in with the first type of magic scroll you can make, Defense Scrolls.
I have combined Healing and Protection scrolls into one (and Disruption and Curses) for a couple of reasons. First, it is not unheard of to have one ability make a number of things. Second, it freed up some other slots for abilities. Third, I felt that if magic scrolls were to be combined, they should be combined in a logical way. I felt that Defense and Offense was a good combination, so went with that.
I have also increased the charges on a magic scroll from 1 intially to 10 initially. This helps to keep Bookbinding on its own. A scroll with just 1 charge is next to useless unless you immediately run and find an enchanter or buy a cube. What a tradesman makes should be able to function well on its own, though still be able to accept enhancements.
A great idea, most recently brought up by Elryn. The contract would not be binding in any mechanical way, but it also prevents "contracts" from being written by one person on a scroll or letter and forging someone's signature. This way, you can be absolutely certain that the contract was indeed signed by the person it claims to be signed by. An excellent RP addition in all areas.
Teach Language
It has been noted that it perhaps is unfair or nonsense that only a bookbinder can learn another language. With this skill, the learned bookbinder can now teach others a language. However, bookbinders need to have some advantage in languages. For this, I took inspiration from my own and others' encounters with foreign languages. When one does not fluently know a language, it is often much easier to read and understand a language, where you mind can analyze an external source. However, without knowing the ins and outs of a language, it is far harder to formulate your own thoughts in it to write or speak it. Thus, someone who learns a language from a bookbinder will be able to read and understand it, but not write or speak it.
Miscellaneous changes
I have clarified that once a book is sealed, it can be unsealed (at least, I think that is the case).
I hope to increase the demand for books by lowering the gold outlays for them, as follows:
Gold Outlays
Papers: 100 gold
Booklets: 500 gold
SmallBooks: 1000 gold
Large Books: 1500 gold
Epics: 2000 gold
I have lowered the number of pages in books (except for the largest) in an attempt to encourage the use of the larger books. With the lowered gold outlay, I don't think it will be too much of a problem.
I have changed Divine so that the bookbinder can understand it if spoken (don't know if this works like this already).
I have changed the requirement of WIELDing a Magic Tome to simply having it in your inventory. No other tradeskill (except for maybe Alchemy, I'm not sure) requires it's trans ability/object to be wielded, so I feel this is fair.
And that's it!
Italics are changes to existing skills.
Bold denotes a completely new ability
Creates: Letters (1 page)
You have learned the papercraft and can now create simple letters that serve as parcels. Letters can be mailed through the post office, however, they cannot be published or shelved. You do not need to be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a letter.
Creates: Scrolls, Pamphlets (2 pages)
You have learned to create the simplest of documents. Scrolls are for personal use and pamphlets are for organizational use. You do not need to be at a desk to write in these papers. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a paper.
Syntax: STUDY
Everytime you learn this skill you learn a new racial language. Once you learn a language you will not be able to switch it with another language, so choose carefully. You will be able to understand, speak, read and write in any language learned in this fashion. Type SPEAK for a list of known languages.
Influencing a denizen in their native language will give you a bonus to your influencing attempts.
You can translate a book into any racial language that you know. Only those who know the language can read it. You need 5 applications of magic ink to translate a book. If an author seals his or her book, it may not be translated unless unsealed first.
Creates: Journals, Textbooks (10 pages)
You have learned the basics of binding, able to bind small booklets. Journals are for personal use and Textbooks for organizational use. You do not need to be at a desk to write in these booklets. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a booklet.
Creates: Books, Compendiums (20 pages)
You have learned to standards of binding, able to bind common books. Books are for personal use, Compendiums for organizational use. You need to be at a desk to write in these books. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a book.
Creates: Manual, Codex (50 pages)
You have learned the finer arts of binding, able to bind larger books. Manuals are for personal use and Codices are for organizational use. You need to be at a desk to write in these books. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a book.
Creates: Tome, Omnibus (100 pages)
You have mastered the art of binding, able to bind the largest books. Tomes are for personal use and Omnibi are for organizational use. You need to be at a desk to write in these books. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft an epic.
You have learned how to imbue words with defensive magical properties. You will first need to bind a magic scroll, which costs 1 leather and 1 gold commodity. Using 10 applications of Magical Ink (available from an alchemist) you must then scribe a healing or protection script onto the scroll. The scroll will begin with 10 charges but can be charged by an enchanter for up to 50 charges. The scroll may either be read normally (which will target yourself) or read to another.
For a Healing scroll, the effects of the scroll will partially refresh health, mana and ego but, unlike other healing magic, the amount healed will be weighted according to which of these statistics is in greater need. In other words, if the percent of your health is damaged more than your mana, more of this magic will be used to heal your health rather than your mana.
When a Protection scroll is read, an aura of protection will encase you or your target. Note that this aura can be easily dissolved by a mage or a druid; however, while it is around you, you will be protected from some demesne effects, such as: spores, pollen, swarm, stillwater, needlerain, jellies, poison clouds, duststorm, sickening.
You have learned to magically scribe the unique signature of a person onto a scroll. You will need a blank magic scroll and 20 applications of magical ink. Once the contract has been written, the author can REQUEST SIGNATURE OF . There is not limit to the number of signatures a contract can contain, and all signatures will show up when the contract is examined or read.
This will make a copy of another original of a book. Although you will still need the commodities necessary to make the book, it will not cost any gold. You will, however, also need 5 applications of magic ink. Copied books will be exactly like the originals, and the magical nature of the ink allows all copies to be updated as the author edits his original book. If the author seals his or her book, it may not be copied unless unsealed first.
This is a complete rewriting of a book's content into enchanted script, which can then only be read by members of a specific organization. You will need 15 applications of magical ink to do such a translation. If an author seals his or her book, it may not be set in enchanted script unless unsealed first.
Syntax: TEACH TO
Confident in your ability as a linguist, you can now teach any racial language you know to another. However, because the other person has not studied the language as thorougly as you have, their learning will be incomplete. A person who learns a language in this way will only be able to read and understand a language, not speak it or write it.
You will need a blank magic scroll and 10 applications of magical ink prepared by an alchemist in order to scribe the script of disruption. The scroll will begin with 10 charges but may be charged by a highly skilled enchanter for up to 50 charges.
For a Disruption scroll, if the person it is read to is psionic and has a locked channel, that channel will be unlocked. If that person has more than one channel locked, one channel at random will be unlocked.
For a Curses scroll, the person it is read to will be afflicted by a random curse.
You will now know divine script and understand it when spoken, however, you won't be able to speak it. Books written in divine can only be read by gods and other scribes who know it.
The magic tome can only be used by the bookbinder who created it, and he or she may only ever possess one. It will contain the scripted spells of healing, protection, curses and disruption. Although enchanters can charge the book like a magic scroll, it can alternately be charged in a unique manner. If the tome is in your inventory and you are damaged, the book will siphon part of the damage and charge itself until it is at its maximum of 50 per spell. Each spell will only siphon a specific type of damage into charges:
o Healing: Magical Damage
o Protection: Cold or Fire Damage
o Disruption: Psionic Damage
o Curses: Poison Damage
To make a magic tome, you will need a full vial (50 applications) of magical ink. You will also need the following commodities: leather 50 wood 50 gold 25
Creates: Letters (1 page)
You have learned the papercraft and can now create simple letters that serve as parcels. Letters can be mailed through the post office, however, they cannot be published or shelved. You do not need to be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a letter.
Creates: Scrolls, Pamphlets (2 pages)
You have learned to create the simplest of documents. Scrolls are for personal use and pamphlets are for organizational use. You do not need to be at a desk to write in these papers. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a paper.
Syntax: STUDY
Everytime you learn this skill you learn a new racial language. Once you learn a language you will not be able to switch it with another language, so choose carefully. You will be able to understand, speak, read and write in any language learned in this fashion. Type SPEAK for a list of known languages.
Influencing a denizen in their native language will give you a bonus to your influencing attempts.
You can translate a book into any racial language that you know. Only those who know the language can read it. You need 5 applications of magic ink to translate a book. If an author seals his or her book, it may not be translated unless unsealed first.
Creates: Journals, Textbooks (10 pages)
You have learned the basics of binding, able to bind small booklets. Journals are for personal use and Textbooks for organizational use. You do not need to be at a desk to write in these booklets. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a booklet.
Creates: Books, Compendiums (20 pages)
You have learned to standards of binding, able to bind common books. Books are for personal use, Compendiums for organizational use. You need to be at a desk to write in these books. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a book.
Creates: Manual, Codex (50 pages)
You have learned the finer arts of binding, able to bind larger books. Manuals are for personal use and Codices are for organizational use. You need to be at a desk to write in these books. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft a book.
Creates: Tome, Omnibus (100 pages)
You have mastered the art of binding, able to bind the largest books. Tomes are for personal use and Omnibi are for organizational use. You need to be at a desk to write in these books. You must be in a proper bookbinding workshop to craft an epic.
You have learned how to imbue words with defensive magical properties. You will first need to bind a magic scroll, which costs 1 leather and 1 gold commodity. Using 10 applications of Magical Ink (available from an alchemist) you must then scribe a healing or protection script onto the scroll. The scroll will begin with 10 charges but can be charged by an enchanter for up to 50 charges. The scroll may either be read normally (which will target yourself) or read to another.
For a Healing scroll, the effects of the scroll will partially refresh health, mana and ego but, unlike other healing magic, the amount healed will be weighted according to which of these statistics is in greater need. In other words, if the percent of your health is damaged more than your mana, more of this magic will be used to heal your health rather than your mana.
When a Protection scroll is read, an aura of protection will encase you or your target. Note that this aura can be easily dissolved by a mage or a druid; however, while it is around you, you will be protected from some demesne effects, such as: spores, pollen, swarm, stillwater, needlerain, jellies, poison clouds, duststorm, sickening.
You have learned to magically scribe the unique signature of a person onto a scroll. You will need a blank magic scroll and 20 applications of magical ink. Once the contract has been written, the author can REQUEST SIGNATURE OF
This will make a copy of another original of a book. Although you will still need the commodities necessary to make the book, it will not cost any gold. You will, however, also need 5 applications of magic ink. Copied books will be exactly like the originals, and the magical nature of the ink allows all copies to be updated as the author edits his original book. If the author seals his or her book, it may not be copied unless unsealed first.
This is a complete rewriting of a book's content into enchanted script, which can then only be read by members of a specific organization. You will need 15 applications of magical ink to do such a translation. If an author seals his or her book, it may not be set in enchanted script unless unsealed first.
Syntax: TEACH
Confident in your ability as a linguist, you can now teach any racial language you know to another. However, because the other person has not studied the language as thorougly as you have, their learning will be incomplete. A person who learns a language in this way will only be able to read and understand a language, not speak it or write it.
You will need a blank magic scroll and 10 applications of magical ink prepared by an alchemist in order to scribe the script of disruption. The scroll will begin with 10 charges but may be charged by a highly skilled enchanter for up to 50 charges.
For a Disruption scroll, if the person it is read to is psionic and has a locked channel, that channel will be unlocked. If that person has more than one channel locked, one channel at random will be unlocked.
For a Curses scroll, the person it is read to will be afflicted by a random curse.
You will now know divine script and understand it when spoken, however, you won't be able to speak it. Books written in divine can only be read by gods and other scribes who know it.
The magic tome can only be used by the bookbinder who created it, and he or she may only ever possess one. It will contain the scripted spells of healing, protection, curses and disruption. Although enchanters can charge the book like a magic scroll, it can alternately be charged in a unique manner. If the tome is in your inventory and you are damaged, the book will siphon part of the damage and charge itself until it is at its maximum of 50 per spell. Each spell will only siphon a specific type of damage into charges:
o Healing: Magical Damage
o Protection: Cold or Fire Damage
o Disruption: Psionic Damage
o Curses: Poison Damage
To make a magic tome, you will need a full vial (50 applications) of magical ink. You will also need the following commodities: leather 50 wood 50 gold 25
Explanation of Changes
The Lower Tier
The first half of Bookbinding focuses on the actual binding of books, with a few exceptions.
The most common form of writing found in Lusternia and it is not at all available to the skillset built around writing. Even Artists can create their own paper to work from. I don't propose that this replace the Post Office letters, but instead, if you get a letter from a Bookbinder it will be cheaper, even if they charge for the service.
Gold Outlay: 25 gold
This is the longest explanation. As it is, it takes higher skill to bind bigger, more elaborate books. I do not disagree with this. However, because of the high cost of the larger books and the lack of demand for them, the very high slots in the Bookbinding skill are filled with abilities we will rarely use. This proposal aims to keep the spirit of the skill levels of books alive while freeing up higher slots for more useful abilities. Here, I have combined the books of the same size into single skills. The only difference between personal books and organizational books are who can write in them. In my opinion, that has little to do with the actual book. Thus, it makes sense to combine journals and textbooks, which are the same books just with different authors.
Also, as an incentive for theses books to be used more, I have made the smallest bookbindings (letters, papers, and booklets) able to be written in outside of a desk. I do not believe that this will create a "Get Out of Battle Free" card if these bookbindings are treated the same as GHELP or CHELP scrolls and can only be written in with full health and mana. Writing at a desk would eliminate this requirement.
Language Changes
I have increased the number of languages learned, allowing a Bookbinder to study half of all racial languages available. I have also added an extra use for a language, a small bonus in influencing. I also propose that existing areas or new areas be released that only speak in native languages. This will not alienate the normal player anymore so than requiring Influencing in quests or Scaling in the Snow Valley, as will be explained in a later skill.
I have moved Translate language much further down. It makes more sense to me that as soon as you know another language you are able to translate it. I did not see a reason to keep it so high.
The Upper Tier
The second half of Bookbinding focuses on using the bindings and magically enhancing them with a few exceptions.
Magic Scrolls
First, I have eliminated the magic scroll ability as a separate ability. A magic scroll is useless on its own- you can not sell it to someone else blank as they won't be able to do anything with it. And it is no use selling it to another bookbinder who can scribe it, because if a bookbinder can scribe a magic scroll, he already has the ability to make his own. Instead, I have put the ability to make a magic scroll in with the first type of magic scroll you can make, Defense Scrolls.
I have combined Healing and Protection scrolls into one (and Disruption and Curses) for a couple of reasons. First, it is not unheard of to have one ability make a number of things. Second, it freed up some other slots for abilities. Third, I felt that if magic scrolls were to be combined, they should be combined in a logical way. I felt that Defense and Offense was a good combination, so went with that.
I have also increased the charges on a magic scroll from 1 intially to 10 initially. This helps to keep Bookbinding on its own. A scroll with just 1 charge is next to useless unless you immediately run and find an enchanter or buy a cube. What a tradesman makes should be able to function well on its own, though still be able to accept enhancements.
A great idea, most recently brought up by Elryn. The contract would not be binding in any mechanical way, but it also prevents "contracts" from being written by one person on a scroll or letter and forging someone's signature. This way, you can be absolutely certain that the contract was indeed signed by the person it claims to be signed by. An excellent RP addition in all areas.
Teach Language
It has been noted that it perhaps is unfair or nonsense that only a bookbinder can learn another language. With this skill, the learned bookbinder can now teach others a language. However, bookbinders need to have some advantage in languages. For this, I took inspiration from my own and others' encounters with foreign languages. When one does not fluently know a language, it is often much easier to read and understand a language, where you mind can analyze an external source. However, without knowing the ins and outs of a language, it is far harder to formulate your own thoughts in it to write or speak it. Thus, someone who learns a language from a bookbinder will be able to read and understand it, but not write or speak it.
Miscellaneous changes
I have clarified that once a book is sealed, it can be unsealed (at least, I think that is the case).
I hope to increase the demand for books by lowering the gold outlays for them, as follows:
Gold Outlays
Papers: 100 gold
Booklets: 500 gold
SmallBooks: 1000 gold
Large Books: 1500 gold
Epics: 2000 gold
I have lowered the number of pages in books (except for the largest) in an attempt to encourage the use of the larger books. With the lowered gold outlay, I don't think it will be too much of a problem.
I have changed Divine so that the bookbinder can understand it if spoken (don't know if this works like this already).
I have changed the requirement of WIELDing a Magic Tome to simply having it in your inventory. No other tradeskill (except for maybe Alchemy, I'm not sure) requires it's trans ability/object to be wielded, so I feel this is fair.
And that's it!
Vionne2009-01-20 20:45:09
You can create simple paper crafts.
  Cards: wood 1
  Sketch sheets: wood 1
You can create simple paper crafts.
  Cards: wood 1
  Sketch sheets: wood 1
Why does your bookbinding skill have a "you have learned papercraft and therefore can do this" ? <- based on that, shouldn't it be in papercraft, not bookbinding? Or would you prefer to move the arts papercraft skill to bookbinding (which would make sense to me!)
The influence boost would be great!
The scroll will begin with 10 charges but can be charged by an enchanter for up to 50 charges.
I forget: can you recharge an enchanted scroll thing with a cube?
Also: When I was going around trying to get copies of books for Elostian's order, I noticed that books were incredibly buggy -- and I never understood why I needed to find the author of a book in order to copy it. How does that make logical sense -- and why would an author be upset that I had a copy of the book?
For copying, what I'd prefer to see is -- all of the costs you need now, not needing it to be unsealed (you might not even need the original, I still don't see why you can't copy a copy), but part of the fee gets mailed to the author. So that book writers actually have a chance to get something positive out of people liking their stuff enough to want a copy for another (personal/smallorg) library... and not only that, but it'd be nice to KNOW, sort of like a director gets paid and is able to know, when someone looks at your project.
Everiine2009-01-20 20:57:47
QUOTE (vionne @ Jan 20 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can create simple paper crafts.
  Cards: wood 1
  Sketch sheets: wood 1
You can create simple paper crafts.
  Cards: wood 1
  Sketch sheets: wood 1
Why does your bookbinding skill have a "you have learned papercraft and therefore can do this" ? <- based on that, shouldn't it be in papercraft, not bookbinding? Or would you prefer to move the arts papercraft skill to bookbinding (which would make sense to me!)
Papercraft is the wrong word, I had it there originally then meant to change it. A different word would work better. The point is, it allows you to make letters.
I forget: can you recharge an enchanted scroll thing with a cube?
As far as I know you can. However, scrolls when they are made have only 1 charge on them-- meaning that you must immediately find a cube or enchanter to made the scroll anything but a one-shot item. By increasing the initial charge to 10, the scroll is now useable on its own, but can still be recharged with more charges.
Also: When I was going around trying to get copies of books for Elostian's order, I noticed that books were incredibly buggy -- and I never understood why I needed to find the author of a book in order to copy it. How does that make logical sense -- and why would an author be upset that I had a copy of the book?
For copying, what I'd prefer to see is -- all of the costs you need now, not needing it to be unsealed (you might not even need the original, I still don't see why you can't copy a copy), but part of the fee gets mailed to the author. So that book writers actually have a chance to get something positive out of people liking their stuff enough to want a copy for another (personal/smallorg) library... and not only that, but it'd be nice to KNOW, sort of like a director gets paid and is able to know, when someone looks at your project.
For copying, what I'd prefer to see is -- all of the costs you need now, not needing it to be unsealed (you might not even need the original, I still don't see why you can't copy a copy), but part of the fee gets mailed to the author. So that book writers actually have a chance to get something positive out of people liking their stuff enough to want a copy for another (personal/smallorg) library... and not only that, but it'd be nice to KNOW, sort of like a director gets paid and is able to know, when someone looks at your project.
What makes copying so annoying is it's magical properties. When you copy a book, it's a magical copy, and every time the original is edited the copies are changed immediately as well. This is where sealing and unsealing the book comes in, I think, though I am puzzled by it too.
Vionne2009-01-20 21:01:36
Then it's buggy, because all of the copies I made didn't update in the temple library when they won prestige, etc.
edit -- besides, who ever edits a book once it's been published, and how many people really want copies of unpublished books?
edit2 -- and if it's rechargeable by cube, how hard is it to find a cube, really? I still don't really understand why 1v10 matters.
edit -- besides, who ever edits a book once it's been published, and how many people really want copies of unpublished books?
edit2 -- and if it's rechargeable by cube, how hard is it to find a cube, really? I still don't really understand why 1v10 matters.
Everiine2009-01-20 21:07:03
QUOTE (vionne @ Jan 20 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then it's buggy, because all of the copies I made didn't update in the temple library when they won prestige, etc.
edit -- besides, who ever edits a book once it's been published, and how many people really want copies of unpublished books?
edit -- besides, who ever edits a book once it's been published, and how many people really want copies of unpublished books?
Then it needs to be looked into anyway, bleh.
edit2 -- and if it's rechargeable by cube, how hard is it to find a cube, really? I still don't really understand why 1v10 matters.
It's not hard to find a cube, the point is, you shouldn't -have- to. To use a magic scroll, you MUST find a cube and recharge it when you make it, because otherwise, you use it once and it's gone. I am opposed to that necessity and crutch.
Vionne2009-01-20 21:12:23
I'm not sure why that's a big deal, though. To get a waterwalking enchant made, you MUST find a jeweler first.
(buying one already set up doesn't count -- you can buy fully enchanted healing scrolls in shops too)
(buying one already set up doesn't count -- you can buy fully enchanted healing scrolls in shops too)
Jigan2009-01-20 21:14:25
QUOTE (vionne @ Jan 20 2009, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then it's buggy, because all of the copies I made didn't update in the temple library when they won prestige, etc.
edit -- besides, who ever edits a book once it's been published, and how many people really want copies of unpublished books?
edit2 -- and if it's rechargeable by cube, how hard is it to find a cube, really? I still don't really understand why 1v10 matters.
edit -- besides, who ever edits a book once it's been published, and how many people really want copies of unpublished books?
edit2 -- and if it's rechargeable by cube, how hard is it to find a cube, really? I still don't really understand why 1v10 matters.
I've been wanting to purchase books for my bookshelf. Even if they aren't published.

Vionne2009-01-20 21:16:10
(well, to me, I don't see the point of writing a book and not publishing it, unless you put it in a guild library that's super secret or it has a special purpose, like Kharaen's compendiums, because in Glomdoring you get shiny gold and favors for publishing, and a shot at shiny credits for prestige)
Everiine2009-01-21 01:09:29
QUOTE (Jigan @ Jan 20 2009, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been wanting to purchase books for my bookshelf. Even if they aren't published.


The library system is somewhat restrictive and deters the making of copies. Why have your own copy of a book when you can get from the library? And depending on the library or bookshelf, for free?
Noola2009-01-21 01:47:35
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jan 20 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The library system is somewhat restrictive and deters the making of copies. Why have your own copy of a book when you can get from the library? And depending on the library or bookshelf, for free?

The Library system is not restrictive! It's one of the most awesome things about Lusternia. As for why you'd want your own copy of a book, well, cause it's yours. You don't have wait to read it if it's checked out at the library.
Everiine2009-01-21 01:55:01
QUOTE (vionne @ Jan 20 2009, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure why that's a big deal, though. To get a waterwalking enchant made, you MUST find a jeweler first.
(buying one already set up doesn't count -- you can buy fully enchanted healing scrolls in shops too)
(buying one already set up doesn't count -- you can buy fully enchanted healing scrolls in shops too)
The problem is bookbinders are restricted on both ends. A Jeweler can make a ring, then get an Enchanter to enchant it. Or an Enchanter can get a ring from a Jeweler, then enchant it. A Bookbinder needs an Alchemist first, to get magic ink to write anything magical, then when we do write it, we have to send it off to an Enchanter to get it enchanted. It bugs me. Whether it's the same for other trades I don't know.
QUOTE (Noola)
The Library system is not restrictive! It's one of the most awesome things about Lusternia. As for why you'd want your own copy of a book, well, cause it's yours. You don't have wait to read it if it's checked out at the library.
You've never tried to get a copy made of a book you didn't write, have you. It's difficult, to say the least.
And at least for me, with the Library, I have no need to have my own copy because I can go to any Great Library and get it. But maybe that's just me.
Jigan2009-01-21 02:00:47
4058h, 3918m, 3315e, 7p, 17820w esSilrx-browse
Syntax to browse an annex:
See LIBRARY and CATALOGUE for more commands.
4058h, 3918m, 3315e, 7p, 17820w esSilrx-library
See BROWSE and CATALOGUE for more commands.
4058h, 3918m, 3315e, 7p, 17820w esSilrx-catalogue
Syntax to search the catalogue:
See LIBRARY and BROWSE for more commands.
I would like to suggest the following:
1. Allow people to browse by date.
2. Allow people to browse by most recently added.
3. Remove mandatory sealing.
4. Allow libraries to seal a book at the request of the author.
5. Allow libraries to sell copies of a book for a price set by the author with a kickback to the author.
6. Or, allow the author to seal a book and set an unsealing fee so it can be copied.
7. If option 3 is taken, remove all seals from all books in great libraries.
The thing is, right now, sealing is a problem. You have to have the book taken from the library, then find the author, have them unseal it, then copy it, then have it resealed, then put back in the library, which borks up it's prestige and such if I remember correctly.
No. Bad mojo. I want my history books, I don't want to run through the obstacle course. If I want to do that, I'll go searching in an ancient temple looking for old scrolls and have them translated if I survive the traps.

Syntax to browse an annex:
See LIBRARY and CATALOGUE for more commands.
4058h, 3918m, 3315e, 7p, 17820w esSilrx-library
See BROWSE and CATALOGUE for more commands.
4058h, 3918m, 3315e, 7p, 17820w esSilrx-catalogue
Syntax to search the catalogue:
See LIBRARY and BROWSE for more commands.
I would like to suggest the following:
1. Allow people to browse by date.
2. Allow people to browse by most recently added.
3. Remove mandatory sealing.
4. Allow libraries to seal a book at the request of the author.
5. Allow libraries to sell copies of a book for a price set by the author with a kickback to the author.
6. Or, allow the author to seal a book and set an unsealing fee so it can be copied.
7. If option 3 is taken, remove all seals from all books in great libraries.
The thing is, right now, sealing is a problem. You have to have the book taken from the library, then find the author, have them unseal it, then copy it, then have it resealed, then put back in the library, which borks up it's prestige and such if I remember correctly.
No. Bad mojo. I want my history books, I don't want to run through the obstacle course. If I want to do that, I'll go searching in an ancient temple looking for old scrolls and have them translated if I survive the traps.

Noola2009-01-21 02:00:58
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jan 20 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You've never tried to get a copy made of a book you didn't write, have you. It's difficult, to say the least.
And at least for me, with the Library, I have no need to have my own copy because I can go to any Great Library and get it. But maybe that's just me.
And at least for me, with the Library, I have no need to have my own copy because I can go to any Great Library and get it. But maybe that's just me.
All it takes is waiting until the year-long publication lock is over and then having either the author or editor (if there is one) check it out so you get the original. The only actual hard part is finding a bookbinder who can make copies... but I can do that myself with this character so, that step is taken care of.
Noola2009-01-21 02:06:09
QUOTE (Jigan @ Jan 20 2009, 08:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The thing is, right now, sealing is a problem. You have to have the book taken from the library, then find the author, have them unseal it, then copy it, then have it resealed, then put back in the library, which borks up it's prestige and such if I remember correctly.
No. Bad mojo. I want my history books, I don't want to run through the obstacle course. If I want to do that, I'll go searching in an ancient temple looking for old scrolls and have them translated if I survive the traps.

No. Bad mojo. I want my history books, I don't want to run through the obstacle course. If I want to do that, I'll go searching in an ancient temple looking for old scrolls and have them translated if I survive the traps.

Books are locked for the first year because they have to go through the review process. After that, the author and editor (if there is one) can check out the original. The original can be copied - no unsealing involved. I know this because this is the process, exactly, that I did to get a copy of that book on the earth element and taint (which was a prestige winning book) copied for Ixchilgal.
Everiine2009-01-21 02:09:34
QUOTE (Jigan @ Jan 20 2009, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would like to suggest the following:
1. Allow people to browse by date.
2. Allow people to browse by most recently added.
3. Remove mandatory sealing.
4. Allow libraries to seal a book at the request of the author.
5. Allow libraries to sell copies of a book for a price set by the author with a kickback to the author.
6. Or, allow the author to seal a book and set an unsealing fee so it can be copied.
7. If option 3 is taken, remove all seals from all books in great libraries.
The thing is, right now, sealing is a problem. You have to have the book taken from the library, then find the author, have them unseal it, then copy it, then have it resealed, then put back in the library, which borks up it's prestige and such if I remember correctly.
No. Bad mojo. I want my history books, I don't want to run through the obstacle course. If I want to do that, I'll go searching in an ancient temple looking for old scrolls and have them translated if I survive the traps.

1. Allow people to browse by date.
2. Allow people to browse by most recently added.
3. Remove mandatory sealing.
4. Allow libraries to seal a book at the request of the author.
5. Allow libraries to sell copies of a book for a price set by the author with a kickback to the author.
6. Or, allow the author to seal a book and set an unsealing fee so it can be copied.
7. If option 3 is taken, remove all seals from all books in great libraries.
The thing is, right now, sealing is a problem. You have to have the book taken from the library, then find the author, have them unseal it, then copy it, then have it resealed, then put back in the library, which borks up it's prestige and such if I remember correctly.
No. Bad mojo. I want my history books, I don't want to run through the obstacle course. If I want to do that, I'll go searching in an ancient temple looking for old scrolls and have them translated if I survive the traps.

I approve this message.
QUOTE (Noola @ Jan 20 2009, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All it takes is waiting until the year-long publication lock is over and then having either the author or editor (if there is one) check it out so you get the original. The only actual hard part is finding a bookbinder who can make copies... but I can do that myself with this character so, that step is taken care of.
Sometimes its a lot harder to find the original author than it is to find a bookbinder who can copy. I've read some really great things in the Library by people I have never heard of and don't play anymore. How are we supposed to get copies of those?
Noola2009-01-21 02:12:54
QUOTE (Everiine @ Jan 20 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I approve this message.
Sometimes its a lot harder to find the original author than it is to find a bookbinder who can copy. I've read some really great things in the Library by people I have never heard of and don't play anymore. How are we supposed to get copies of those?
Sometimes its a lot harder to find the original author than it is to find a bookbinder who can copy. I've read some really great things in the Library by people I have never heard of and don't play anymore. How are we supposed to get copies of those?
Well, honestly, you're not. It's up to the author if copies of their books get sold or mass produced and all.
Jigan2009-01-21 02:17:52
QUOTE (Noola @ Jan 20 2009, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, honestly, you're not. It's up to the author if copies of their books get sold or mass produced and all.
I think you are missing the point.
If I want a scroll by Aiakon? He's the one that unseals it, if memory serves. I believe all items are sealed before being put in the library or sommat. Most people don't think about things like that and just put them in.
Thus, since Aiakon no longer plays, I can not get a copy of his scroll, unless I do it manually. Even if he wanted to give them away, since he no longer plays, I don't get the scroll.

Noola2009-01-21 02:19:54
QUOTE (Jigan @ Jan 20 2009, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you are missing the point.
If I want a scroll by Aiakon? He's the one that unseals it, if memory serves. I believe all items are sealed before being put in the library or sommat. Most people don't think about things like that and just put them in.
Thus, since Aiakon no longer plays, I can not get a copy of his scroll, unless I do it manually.

If I want a scroll by Aiakon? He's the one that unseals it, if memory serves. I believe all items are sealed before being put in the library or sommat. Most people don't think about things like that and just put them in.
Thus, since Aiakon no longer plays, I can not get a copy of his scroll, unless I do it manually.

What are you talking about? The only sealing that happens, unless, I suppose the author specifically does it, is the lock that a book is put in for ONE IG YEAR during which no one, not even the author can make copies or edit. Once that is over though, the author and editor (if there is one) can check out the original and copy it. I've done it, I know it's true.
And, like I said above, if the author isn't around then you just don't get a copy. Cause, like I said, it's the author's book, and up to them if it's sold or mass produced.
Unknown2009-01-21 03:40:54
Alternate solution: Copy and paste. Not as classy, but it does get you a copy of the book.
Everiine2009-01-21 03:47:43
QUOTE (Greleag @ Jan 20 2009, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alternate solution: Copy and paste. Not as classy, but it does get you a copy of the book.
But then the book has you listed as the author, and that could cause quite a controversy in itself.
But how did we get from bookbinding to the Library system?
