Gregori2009-02-11 07:53:29
Shiri2009-02-11 08:01:52
Is something wrong with the log or do you really have whole people gagged? Or maybe I'm just not reading it right...I keep not seeing Desitrus or Akui do anything but it looks like they're still there and not being feared out cause they get webbed occasionally.
Desitrus2009-02-11 08:10:29
That's because I was whoring my timed instakill, it's just not as cool as chasm so they can prevent me with a web. Akui on the other hand was meditating on the philosophy of biscuits or something.
Unknown2009-02-11 08:17:13
QUOTE (Shiri @ Feb 11 2009, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is something wrong with the log or do you really have whole people gagged? Or maybe I'm just not reading it right...I keep not seeing Desitrus or Akui do anything but it looks like they're still there and not being feared out cause they get webbed occasionally.
There is a very good reason you don't see me doing anything.
I wasn't.
The last thing I need is getting enemied for an astral spat and then getting jumped when I'm hunting. I'm slow enough xp wise on my own that I just seriously don't need that. So rather than exercise a demonstration in foregone conclusions, I went with the possum strategy, and eventually got gusted out for whatever reason. Which was fine with me!
Though, I was surprised to be back on prime in front of the death seal, seeing as for some reason I thought we were still on Virgo.
(Edit- though the biscut meditation thing is definitely cooler than the truth.)
Gregori2009-02-11 08:21:05
Akui was our cheerleader. Obviously she is a good one. We won with no losses.
Shiri2009-02-11 08:23:07
So it was more like 4v5 EDIT: cannot count. Although I can't be sure if all the Mags were attacking either...I notice the demesne is gagged at least. Pretty good (especially considering how "butthurt" Thoros was over being teamed earlier.

Unknown2009-02-11 08:25:21
Thoros/Ceren/Celina/Malarious/Esano vs. Desitrus/me/Gregori/Sarrasri/Xiel.
Was 5v5. I did bad math too.
Thoros/Ceren/Celina/Malarious/Esano vs. Desitrus/me/Gregori/Sarrasri/Xiel.
Was 5v5. I did bad math too.
Gregori2009-02-11 08:25:26
QUOTE (Shiri @ Feb 11 2009, 02:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So it was more like 4v5. Although I can't be sure if all the Mags were attacking either...I notice the demesne is gagged at least. Pretty good (especially considering how "butthurt" Thoros was over being teamed earlier.

Yeah the Demesne gagging is actually the part of the log that shouldn't be gagged. I actually have pretty echoes, but I switched how I do my stuff earlier and it gagged out all the echoes (even though I see them when they happen). Rather annoying and I am now in the middle of spending 2 hours fixing all that.
Shiri2009-02-11 08:30:02
Yeah looks like I can't count to 5!
Fair enough on the gagging. Can you repost that when it's fixed so we can see what's missing or does it not work like that?
Fair enough on the gagging. Can you repost that when it's fixed so we can see what's missing or does it not work like that?
Desitrus2009-02-11 09:00:31
Gregori2009-02-11 09:34:49
Link changed to place with no bandwidth limits... or so they claim.
Unknown2009-02-11 09:44:57
I'm just curious but, what on earth is this?
Malarious swings a tortured mandolin with all his might, smashing it into your head with a resounding ring.
Malarious swings a tortured mandolin with all his might, smashing it into your head with a resounding ring.
Shiri2009-02-11 09:46:21
Shieldriposte. Sometimes procs on parry and stuns you for a few seconds (he has a shieldrune on his instrument.)
Unknown2009-02-11 09:54:18
Darned. And here I thought Shadowbeat had this awesome targeted ability that smashes your instrument into the person's head violently, channeling rock stars and their guitars.
Arix2009-02-11 10:36:03
Afterwards, Malarious trashed his hotel room for no explicable reason
Malarious2009-02-11 12:48:47
QUOTE (Arix @ Feb 11 2009, 05:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Afterwards, Malarious trashed his hotel room for no explicable reason
I would have invited you to the party Arix but I felt the drunken run would be more proper, and I dont like company when drunk.
I wish Shadowbeat had that kind of ability XD
Anyone notice just how easily whored you can do demesne? Sapling over and over and its almost impossible to break? Interesting aint it? Time to move chopping down so its on par with illusory terrain eh? Also, nerf Gregori?
Gregori2009-02-11 12:52:49
QUOTE (Malarious @ Feb 11 2009, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, nerf Gregori?
I finally got a 'nerf Gregori'
I am one of the cool kids now.
I would like to take this moment to thank all those who helped me get to this point; my mother, my father... my mastercard.
Malarious2009-02-11 12:56:25
QUOTE (Gregori @ Feb 11 2009, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I finally got a 'nerf Gregori'
I am one of the cool kids now.
I would like to take this moment to thank all those who helped me get to this point; my mother, my father... my mastercard.
I finally got a 'nerf Gregori'
I am one of the cool kids now.
I would like to take this moment to thank all those who helped me get to this point; my mother, my father... my mastercard.
Thats not a good sign.
And I cant let you sportingly post a log without requiring you be nerfed. Not that its hard for a druid to need a nerf, we all know how much they utterly rock right? XD
#if (debt == bad) {
#if (@mastercard == @paymethod) {
Gregori2009-02-11 12:56:58
QUOTE (Malarious @ Feb 11 2009, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone notice just how easily whored you can do demesne? Sapling over and over and its almost impossible to break? Interesting aint it? Time to move chopping down so its on par with illusory terrain eh?
Sure, if we are discussing on par though, then I should be able to sapling my entire demesne with one button press too. Or another druid shouldn't be able to break my meld period if my sapling is in the room. I mean... if we are talking about making the skills equal and all.
Malarious2009-02-11 13:01:57
QUOTE (Gregori @ Feb 11 2009, 07:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sure, if we are discussing on par though, then I should be able to sapling my entire demesne with one button press too. Or another druid shouldn't be able to break my meld period if my sapling is in the room. I mean... if we are talking about making the skills equal and all.
Yours is harder to break, they can illusion their whole demesne (for alot of power, so this is moot)
Your demesne is also 10 times better