Psychological shattering

by Prisch

Back to Chronicles of the Basin.

Prisch2009-02-01 07:03:08
Edited for your reading pleasure.

You suddenly notice Seretenin casually standing in the location.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers clasps his hand around your mouth, and wraps his chain about your neck.

You follow Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers ether to A darkened sanctum.

You murmur, "Mmmhff.."

You follow Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers northeast to A silent hollow.

Seretenin closes the steel door to the southwest.

You shiver violently.

You blink rapidly as your mind fills with white noise.

Seretenin chuckles long and heartily.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Far too easy."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Have a seat, Elfen."

Seretenin points off into the wild blue yonder.

You look about yourself in a mad panic.

You say, "What do you want."

You say, "Where is this."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "I want your help."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Please, be seated."

Tilting back his head and closing his eyes, Seretenin's face becomes slack and the purple veins on his face and neck begin to protrude and pulse.

You say, ""

Seretenin twirls a long black chain with steel scythes in the air overhead until an ominous whistling fills the air.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Yes, your help."

You sit yourself down on an asylum chair and make yourself comfortable.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "With or without your consent."

You have a look of shock on your face.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers lashes closed the restraints on the chair.

You stay perfectly still.

You say, "No.."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers grabs you by the chin and examines your face.

Seretenin ponders the situation.

You try to loosen the restraints in a desperate struggle.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Don't bother, Elfen. They won't budge."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "And don't bother trying to call for help. No one can hear you."

Seretenin takes a key from an iridescent black satin coin pouch.

Seretenin unlocks a sinister cabinet of steel and glass.

Seretenin opens a sinister cabinet of steel and glass.

You look about in utter terror.

Seretenin takes a bottle from a sinister cabinet of steel and glass.

You exclaim, "What are you going to do to me!"

You looks around desperately as your eyes begin to well up with tears.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "I am simply going to test a few theories I have."

Seretenin drops a bottle.

You stare implacably at a bottle.

The bottle is crafted from thick, green glass. Indeed, the opacity of the bottle is such that the contents, if there are any, remain completely hidden.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Now now, that's for later. If you're a good girl."

Seretenin closes a sinister cabinet of steel and glass.

Seretenin locks a sinister cabinet of steel and glass.

Seretenin gives you the once over.

You begin to hyperventilate.

Seretenin puts some gold sovereigns in an iridescent black satin coin pouch.

Seretenin scratches his head looking for an idea.

Tears fill your eyes and begin to slowly run down your face.

You say, "Please, don't hurt me.."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers searches his pockets.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Now, where did I put it?"

Seretenin takes a wooden blowgun from an iridescent black satin coin pouch.

Seretenin ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

Seretenin dips a dart into a vial, and then shoots it through a blowgun at you.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "There we go."

You blink in a daze, eyes beginning to wearily flutter.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Now, we can begin."

Taking a long black chain with steel scythes in two hands, Seretenin throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your head.

Seretenin wraps a long black chain with steel scythes about his wrists and wrenches it violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.

Seretenin ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "On a scale of 1 to 10, pray tell, what is the amount of pain you feel?"

Between choking sobs, you say, "Wh-why, why are you doing."

You say, "This to me.."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers murmurs, "Subject is still coherent. More stimulus is required."

Taking a long black chain with steel scythes in two hands, Seretenin throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your left arm.

You scream in utter agony.

You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "I'll leave that there for a moment."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Now tell me, Elfen. What do you love?"

Your eyes close lethargically.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "No, no... no sleeping."

Drawing back his left fist, Seretenin punches you in the head.

You say, "I, love.."

You say, "Maylea."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Maylea... ah. The Star-formed. Of course."

You say, "Maylea.."

You stare up at the ceiling deliriously.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Yes... it is a curious trait I have found in mortals. The need to attach themselves emotionally to a being greater than themselves."

You say, "Where is my, flower.."

You stare blankly into space.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Flower? What is this flower you speak of?"

Taking a long black chain with steel scythes in two hands, Seretenin throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your right arm.

Seretenin gives you the once over.

You say, "She will save me, She will.."

Seretenin ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

Pupils dilating, you say, "Nobody is here, to save me."

Seretenin gives you the once over.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers pulls a small vial from his belt and holds it above your mouth.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Drink. You are not finished."

You stare at thin air, tears leaking from your eyes.

You closes her mouth.

You close your eyes, curl up in a ball, and fall asleep.

Seretenin creases his brow in a frown.

Seretenin gives you the once over.

Seretenin wraps a long black chain with steel scythes about his wrists and wrenches it violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
You are jerked awake by the pain.

Seretenin gives you the once over.

Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "I must retrieve some research notes. I'll return. You will remain here."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "You may drink of the bottle. For now."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "It may ease your pain."

You shake silently.

Seretenin opens the steel door to the southwest.

Seretenin leaves to the southwest.

The steel door to the southwest closes abruptly.

Paralysed as you are, your body is not able to pick up anything.

You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.

Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.

You pick up a bottle.

You take a long draught of a red eye whiskey, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a drink from the whiskey, the red ice rubs against your lips, chilling them. The whiskey flows smoothly down your throat.

You cough softly.

You drop a bottle.

You say, "What am I thinking..?"

You say, "I need to get out of here.."

A silent hollow.
Allowing distorted glimpses of its sinister contents, a tall cabinet of steel and glass stands out of the way. Black iron twisted to form a sconce of vines and roses is here, the small candle within giving off a flickering light. This menacing chair sits in the corner, awaiting a victim. A stark steel table with thick restraints stands here. A painting of the Pillar of Dark Fate is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A bottle is here, littering the ground.
You see a single exit leading southwest.

You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.

You bow your head and close your eyes, and your body tingles with a healing warmth. At the cost of your own ego, you force your body to heal.

You begin to cry uncontrollably.

The steel door to the southwest is opened from the other side.

Seretenin arrives from the southwest.

Seretenin closes the steel door to the southwest.

You stare blankly at Seretenin.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Ok. I believe I have what I require. Back to our business."

You blink rapidly as your mind fills with white noise.

Seretenin puts some gold sovereigns in an iridescent black satin coin pouch.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Let us continue."

You grab your head in pain.

Seretenin dips a dart into a vial, and then shoots it through a blowgun at you.
Your limbs grow heavy and you groan feebly.

You let out a slight gasp then calm down.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Tell me, Elfen. What is your fondest memory?"

You say, " the Serenwilde.."

Seretenin ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

You say, "With my friends..."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers places his hand upon your head, and you can suddenly feel an alien presence within your mind, probing and interjecting itself into the memories that are emerging.

You stare off into the distance and your eyes turn black and dull.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers focuses intently as your memories begin to warp and change as portions are removed, and others changed. Your memory of playing in the Serenwilde is replaced with nightmares of being chased by ravenous predators through a burning forest, your friends slaughtered before your eyes by shadowed figures amongst the trees.

You raise your hands in the air, clinging desperately to nothing.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers cocks his head sideways as images of Maylea, the Bloom of Serenity flash through your mind, her face subtlely and gradually changing into that of an imposing red mask.

You smile softly.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers begins to ease his focus, as pains shoot through your head like a hammer striking an anvil, fragmenting your consciousness and mind.

Your eyes slowly roll.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers removes his hand, as a final image flashes before your eyes, that of Elostian, the Enigma, pointing and condemming you, before you turn, and see the imposing visage of Fain, Lord of the Red Masque, standing with arms open, ready to accept you as one of His.

You smile, tears rolling down your cheeks in a mixture of joy and despair.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Tell me, Elfen. What is your most cherished memory."

Quietly jibbering, you chant, "Ring around the rose, a pocketful of woes. Hush, hush, they all fall dead.."

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "And who do you love?"

You clutch your face, covered in blood.

You say, "This mask of red."

Seretenin nods his head emphatically.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "If that is the case, then there are some who would like to meet you. Shall we go to them?"

You begin to lick your fingers.

You nod your head slowly in understanding.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Very well."

Seretenin opens the steel door to the southwest.

You follow Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers southwest to A darkened sanctum.
Iaknek2009-02-01 11:42:02
I liked it. Very tempting, makes me reconsider playing.
Prisch2009-02-01 11:56:51
It was sort of spur of the moment so I had to improvise as best as I could and try to act terrified.

We were going to include a rescue moment but there was nobody for it.
Unknown2009-02-01 15:57:37
Glad I wasn't sitting at the aetherplex, I would have gone in protective mode and ruined the whole thing.
Prisch2009-02-01 16:06:31
It would've been interesting to say the least.

The whole backstory behind the eventual corruption of Prisch is pretty long and complicated.
It started out with a demonic spiritual implant, then a maturity gestation catalyst(Elostian), and the eventual shattering of her original mind. Which is this.
Shiri2009-02-01 16:12:15
Didn't you decide this all of yesterday?
Prisch2009-02-01 16:16:15
Not really, if you remember that secret league of enigmatic villian stuff.
The smaller details fall into place the way I want it to though. Creative license, Nejii!!
Shaddus2009-02-01 16:22:34
I'm proud of Seretenin.
Krackenor2009-02-01 16:36:10
So am I. This was well played.
Prisch2009-02-01 16:44:49
I wish I kept the log of talking to Sthai and Ixchilgal, then Fain chiming in on the conversation.
But I lost it.
Unknown2009-02-02 08:50:15
Hmm. Overall, an interesting read. There were some parts that were rather abrupt (eg the sudden, "Hello there, fancy some torture?") and that drew away from the believability of it, as did the rather (to the reader) apparently sudden reactions and shifts of mindset.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers cocks his head sideways as images of Maylea, the Bloom of Serenity flash through your mind, her face subtlely and gradually changing into that of an imposing red mask.

You smile softly.<---Relatively sane

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers begins to ease his focus, as pains shoot through your head like a hammer striking an anvil, fragmenting your consciousness and mind.

Your eyes slowly roll.<---Ouch? Unconscious? Reeling? Not so clear what is happening to Prisch here

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers removes his hand, as a final image flashes before your eyes, that of Elostian, the Enigma, pointing and condemming you, before you turn, and see the imposing visage of Fain, Lord of the Red Masque, standing with arms open, ready to accept you as one of His.

You smile, tears rolling down your cheeks in a mixture of joy and despair.

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "Tell me, Elfen. What is your most cherished memory."

Quietly jibbering, you chant, "Ring around the rose, a pocketful of woes. Hush, hush, they all fall dead.."<---Nutters

Grand Cenobite Seretenin, Herald of the Sun-Walkers says, "And who do you love?"

You clutch your face, covered in blood.

You say, "This mask of red."<--- Convert
If that helps clarify what I mean about abrupt. Maybe just make your emotes a bit longer, to include more physical signs of the internal transformations and reactions.

Seretenin had some very nice bits, and I really liked the imagery you guys used, melding the bloodied face and Fain's mask: a very clear and stark mental image. Many thanks for the great read!
Unknown2009-02-02 08:55:54
I truly enjoyed this read. Thanks, you guys, for some kick censor.gif RPing! I hope to see some more RP gems in the future!
Prisch2009-02-02 09:20:22
QUOTE (Sadhyra @ Feb 2 2009, 03:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm. Overall, an interesting read. There were some parts that were rather abrupt (eg the sudden, "Hello there, fancy some torture?") and that drew away from the believability of it, as did the rather (to the reader) apparently sudden reactions and shifts of mindset.

If that helps clarify what I mean about abrupt. Maybe just make your emotes a bit longer, to include more physical signs of the internal transformations and reactions.

Seretenin had some very nice bits, and I really liked the imagery you guys used, melding the bloodied face and Fain's mask: a very clear and stark mental image. Many thanks for the great read!

Remember that Prisch is drugged at this time.
Her willingness to drink from the bottle after he left, without even being told to do so is proof of her weak willpower and naivety.

Also, this is the culmination of multiple encounters with a group of people.
The eye rolling and smiling is in conjunction with Sertenin clutching Prisch's head while she is drenched in her own blood. I thought it was sort of creepy.

I appreciate your criticism though and agree with what you are saying for sure. It was pretty much spur of the moment so I was tossing the emotes out there on a whim, luckily the ending turned out rather well.

Edit: Grammar.