Great Runes of Influencing

by Unknown

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Unknown2009-02-09 04:59:30
So I was wondering if the great runes of influencing that are available for 100 credits are actually worth it?
Xiel2009-02-09 05:11:25
Any little bit of influencing buff helps if you're really into influencing, I guess. I got those runes and a fully trained beast for influencing and it looks like it's fast, but that might just be due to the demigod bard thing too.
Aramel2009-02-09 05:32:18
I borrowed an empowering rune once and it made guard influencing quicker by about 1 hit. Not a great deal (charismatic aura would probably make more difference) but if speed really matters, it's good.
Unknown2009-02-09 12:23:41
The runes aren't bad, if you do a lot of influencing. CharismaticAura is about three times better, but it stacks with the runes and several other things. If you're going to buff your influencing, go for as much as you can to save you that time: runes, lessons in Influence and Dramatics, beast, beauty blessing, etc.
Unknown2009-02-09 19:14:53
Alright well thanks! I decided to trans influence seeing as how the general consensus is that charismaticaura is better than the influencing rune and I was like 102 credits away from trans its the better buy.