Parabollus2009-03-17 01:06:32
A short (and I do mean short) spar between me and Kiradawea. Figured I'd post it here for amusement's sake. Although if you do have pointers, I'd appreciate them!

You accept Kiradawea's challenge, and enter the portal, ready to do battle.
An empty sinking marketplace. (road).
You see exits leading east, southwest, and northwest.
Kiradawea arrives from the ether.
In a blaze of holy light, a celestial archangel suddenly appears.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea puts some gold sovereigns in a purple leather backpack.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'That was fast.
You say, "That was fast."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Now,."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance exclaims, "Attack me!"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-headcombo kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
Your vision blurs as your target suddenly shifts away from you, causing you to
lose track of your target.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w sSix-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-headcombo kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's chest with a silver tahto etched with
* ka punch kira chest right
Drawing back your right fist, you punch Kiradawea in the chest.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11166en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "That's timeslip. Try
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of judo.
* ka hold kira
You firmly hold Kiradawea in place with an iron-strong grip.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11169en, 10520w, 2mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of judowhk.
* ka throw
You swiftly grab Kiradawea and hurl her forcefully to the ground.
* ka kick kira head left
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your left foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11165en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
Kiradawea stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11175en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11175en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whackhead.
* ka tahto kira head left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka tahto kira head right
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka kick kira head right
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your right foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11154en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11164en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11164en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whackhead2.
* ka tahto kira head left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka tahto kira head right
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka kick kira head left
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your left foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11143en, 10520w, 5mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11143en, 10520w, 5mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11143en, 10520w, 5mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whackhead3.
* ka tahto kira head left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
You hear the crack of a bone snapping.
Kiradawea's head is hit with a loud crack, causing her to reel about
* ka tahto kira head right
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
You hear the crack of a bone snapping.
Kiradawea's head is hit with a loud crack, causing her to reel about
* ka kick kira head right
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your right foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11122en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Okay."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11122en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11132en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11132en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Stop."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11132en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Kiradawea nods her head emphatically.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11142en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Broken jaw. Broken
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11152en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11162en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11162en, 10520w, 2mo esSix-
Kiradawea chants softly to herself, and her body momentarily becomes
transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11172en, 10520w, 2mo esSix-'So I did good?
You smile and say, "So I did good?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
As Kiradawea rubs her fingers against a phial of celestial holy water, she is
surrounded by holy light.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Ah right."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Arnica."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea chews an arnica bud, then spreads it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea nods her head emphatically.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Pretty good."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Of course, I didn't
do anything to actually hit you."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance asks, "And the afflictions
were subpar, but you probably haven't transcended Tahtetso yet have you?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'Well, I can imagine you'll probably do some damage.
You say, "Well, I can imagine you'll probably do some damage."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea nods her head emphatically.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea places a hand on her head and chants softly to herself. Her head glows
with an inner light and looks healthier.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'And no, I haven't transcended Tahtetso yet either.
You say, "And no, I haven't transcended Tahtetso yet either."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea places a hand on her gut and chants softly to herself. Her gut glows
with an inner light and looks healthier.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her chest.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea places a hand on her right arm and chants softly to herself. Her right
arm glows with an inner light and looks healthier.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'So what now?
You say, "So what now?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea chants softly to herself, and her body momentarily becomes
transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "I kick your tail?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea bows her head in prayer and is surrounded by a nimbus of light. She
places a hand upon the shoulder of a celestial archangel, whose eyes briefly
flare with a blinding luminescence.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'Bring it! I'll try to hit you back in the meantime!
You say, "Bring it! I'll try to hit you back in the meantime!"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
The corners of Kiradawea's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "On the head? This'll
be fun."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Three."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Two."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "One."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-hitchest kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's chest with a silver tahto etched with
* ka punch kira chest right
Drawing back your right fist, you punch Kiradawea in the chest.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11166en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike you and
cause your very being to quake.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSixp-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSixp-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whack2.
* ka tahto kira chest right
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSixp-focus body
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10445w esSixp-
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Kiradawea to cover you.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10445w esSixp-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike you and
cause your very being to quake.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10451w esSixp-
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10451w esSixp-
Kiradawea calls down a beam of brilliant light upon you.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10457w esSixp-hitchest kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10457w esSixp-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike you and
cause your very being to quake.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10463w esSixp-
Kiradawea chants and a column of topaz light appears before her. She points at
you and the column of light obediently moves to envelop you, a voice whispering
in your mind that you will be judged.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10463w esSixp-focus body
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
2684h, 1987m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10388w esSixp-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 1987m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10388w esSixp-
The column of topaz light that surrounds you brightens and intensifies, as you
feel the presence within your mind shuffle through your memories, pulling out
and laying all your past mistakes before you.
2684h, 1987m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10388w esSixp-
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
2684h, 2062m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10394w esSixp-
You have been judged wanting! The column of topaz light flares and becomes a
beacon of cold white light that consumes your soul.
You have been slain by Kiradawea.
An empty sinking marketplace. (road).
You see exits leading east, southwest, and northwest.
Kiradawea arrives from the ether.
In a blaze of holy light, a celestial archangel suddenly appears.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea puts some gold sovereigns in a purple leather backpack.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'That was fast.
You say, "That was fast."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Now,."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance exclaims, "Attack me!"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-headcombo kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
Your vision blurs as your target suddenly shifts away from you, causing you to
lose track of your target.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w sSix-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-headcombo kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's chest with a silver tahto etched with
* ka punch kira chest right
Drawing back your right fist, you punch Kiradawea in the chest.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11166en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "That's timeslip. Try
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of judo.
* ka hold kira
You firmly hold Kiradawea in place with an iron-strong grip.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11169en, 10520w, 2mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of judowhk.
* ka throw
You swiftly grab Kiradawea and hurl her forcefully to the ground.
* ka kick kira head left
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your left foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11165en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
Kiradawea stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11175en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11175en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whackhead.
* ka tahto kira head left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka tahto kira head right
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka kick kira head right
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your right foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11154en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11164en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11164en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whackhead2.
* ka tahto kira head left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka tahto kira head right
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
A silver tahto etched with gold grinds into Kiradawea's jaw, crushing the bones.
* ka kick kira head left
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your left foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11143en, 10520w, 5mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11143en, 10520w, 5mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11143en, 10520w, 5mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whackhead3.
* ka tahto kira head left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
You hear the crack of a bone snapping.
Kiradawea's head is hit with a loud crack, causing her to reel about
* ka tahto kira head right
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's head with a silver tahto etched with
You hear the crack of a bone snapping.
Kiradawea's head is hit with a loud crack, causing her to reel about
* ka kick kira head right
With a quick spin, you kick Kiradawea in the head with your right foot.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11122en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Okay."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11122en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your right leg.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11132en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11132en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Stop."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11132en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Kiradawea nods her head emphatically.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11142en, 10520w, 4mo esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Broken jaw. Broken
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11152en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11162en, 10520w, 3mo esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11162en, 10520w, 2mo esSix-
Kiradawea chants softly to herself, and her body momentarily becomes
transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11172en, 10520w, 2mo esSix-'So I did good?

You smile and say, "So I did good?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
As Kiradawea rubs her fingers against a phial of celestial holy water, she is
surrounded by holy light.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Ah right."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Arnica."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea chews an arnica bud, then spreads it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea nods her head emphatically.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Pretty good."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Of course, I didn't
do anything to actually hit you."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance asks, "And the afflictions
were subpar, but you probably haven't transcended Tahtetso yet have you?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'Well, I can imagine you'll probably do some damage.
You say, "Well, I can imagine you'll probably do some damage."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea nods her head emphatically.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea places a hand on her head and chants softly to herself. Her head glows
with an inner light and looks healthier.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'And no, I haven't transcended Tahtetso yet either.
You say, "And no, I haven't transcended Tahtetso yet either."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea places a hand on her gut and chants softly to herself. Her gut glows
with an inner light and looks healthier.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her chest.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea places a hand on her right arm and chants softly to herself. Her right
arm glows with an inner light and looks healthier.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'So what now?
You say, "So what now?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea chants softly to herself, and her body momentarily becomes
transparent, then solidifies and rebuilds itself.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "I kick your tail?"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Kiradawea bows her head in prayer and is surrounded by a nimbus of light. She
places a hand upon the shoulder of a celestial archangel, whose eyes briefly
flare with a blinding luminescence.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-'Bring it! I'll try to hit you back in the meantime!
You say, "Bring it! I'll try to hit you back in the meantime!"
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
The corners of Kiradawea's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "On the head? This'll
be fun."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Three."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "Two."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-
Priestess Kiradawea Startail, Compassion's Radiance says, "One."
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10520w esSix-hitchest kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
With a quick spin, you strike Kiradawea's chest with a silver tahto etched with
* ka punch kira chest right
Drawing back your right fist, you punch Kiradawea in the chest.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11166en, 10520w, 1mo esSix-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike you and
cause your very being to quake.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSixp-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSixp-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of whack2.
* ka tahto kira chest right
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
2684h, 2412m, 2148e, 9p, 11176en, 10520w, 1mo esSixp-focus body
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10445w esSixp-
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Kiradawea to cover you.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10445w esSixp-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike you and
cause your very being to quake.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10451w esSixp-
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
2684h, 2162m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10451w esSixp-
Kiradawea calls down a beam of brilliant light upon you.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10457w esSixp-hitchest kira
You attempt the Kata form of whackrem.
* ka tahto kira chest left
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10457w esSixp-
A celestial archangel's eyes shoot forth beams of holy light that strike you and
cause your very being to quake.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10463w esSixp-
Kiradawea chants and a column of topaz light appears before her. She points at
you and the column of light obediently moves to envelop you, a voice whispering
in your mind that you will be judged.
2684h, 2237m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10463w esSixp-focus body
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
2684h, 1987m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10388w esSixp-
Bleeding wounds open up on the body of Kiradawea, whose eyes glow with holy
2684h, 1987m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10388w esSixp-
The column of topaz light that surrounds you brightens and intensifies, as you
feel the presence within your mind shuffle through your memories, pulling out
and laying all your past mistakes before you.
2684h, 1987m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10388w esSixp-
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
2684h, 2062m, 2148e, 9p, 11180en, 10394w esSixp-
You have been judged wanting! The column of topaz light flares and becomes a
beacon of cold white light that consumes your soul.
You have been slain by Kiradawea.
Kiradawea2009-03-17 01:12:21
I just want to say, I've never seen Judge from this time. It's probably the most awesome instakill out there. As for what you should've done here, you should've writhed or, if you're an acrobat, contorted. Afterwards you need to either get out of there or incapitate me somehow. Judge won't work if the target leaves the room.
Kiradawea2009-03-17 01:20:12
Although... you didn't get the "Tight bindings prevent you" message when web prevented you? That's funny. Is that how it works for monks?
Jack2009-03-17 01:22:20
Most awesome instakill is clearly sacrifice. They RIP YOUR HEART OUT. Then it's wrack/absolve. They RIP YOUR SOUL OUT. Hell, Soulless is cooler than Judge.
Furien2009-03-17 01:22:39
Yeah, move when someone's judging you.
Also, I notice you're using Nexus. Don't! That'll take you a long way.
Also, I notice you're using Nexus. Don't! That'll take you a long way.
Unknown2009-03-17 01:23:13
Homegrown combat reflexes?
Kiradawea2009-03-17 01:26:38
QUOTE (Jack @ Mar 17 2009, 02:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Most awesome instakill is clearly sacrifice. They RIP YOUR HEART OUT. Then it's wrack/absolve. They RIP YOUR SOUL OUT. Hell, Soulless is cooler than Judge.
Yeah, but Judge guilts you to death. How can you beat something using guilt to kill you?
Esano2009-03-17 01:27:26
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 17 2009, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just want to say, I've never seen Judge from this time. It's probably the most awesome instakill out there.
Nah, phantomspheres.
All that work has to be worth something, right?
And Parabollus, have you ever come across judge before? You also never sent 'stand' that I could see - and you can writhe and focus body at the same time.
Parabollus2009-03-17 01:56:01
QUOTE (Furien @ Mar 16 2009, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, I notice you're using Nexus. Don't! That'll take you a long way.
Hmm...never thought my MUD client would be the problem here. Here's the thing though - I mainly use Nexus for convenience's sake since it's the one that pops up when I click that big shiny "Play Lusternia" button on the main website. That and I don't really know how to use MUD clients other than Nexus...yeah, I'm a MUD client n00b.

So, on that note, if you have another MUD client to recommend, then I'd like one that would meet these criteria:
- Easy to use
- Can flash in big bold letters or something whenever I'm knocked down so I know when to STAND (all that text flying by makes it hard to see in Nexus)
- And is FREE. (This is the most important bit. I have no monies.)
I'm probably going to hazard a guess that there is no MUD client that meets all three of these criteria, but I don't know...maybe you can pleasantly surprise me!

Casilu2009-03-17 02:02:02
QUOTE (Esano @ Mar 16 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nah, phantomspheres.
All that work has to be worth something, right?
All that work has to be worth something, right?
Or deathtouch. I just touch you and you fall over dead.
Also, just get MUSH and get Treant. Free client and system.
Shiri2009-03-17 02:02:16
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 17 2009, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Although... you didn't get the "Tight bindings prevent you" message when web prevented you? That's funny. Is that how it works for monks?
It's been like that for way too long and they keep sending back messages saying they don't understand what the problem is when I mention it.
EDIT: P.S crunch is the most awesome instakill
Shaddus2009-03-17 02:02:37
Mush is free. System from Ethelon is 25 credits. System from Zarquan is... I dunno, but supposed to be good as well. And they will make sure you stadnd.
Casilu2009-03-17 02:05:44
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Mar 16 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mush is free. System from Ethelon is 25 credits. System from Zarquan is... I dunno, but supposed to be good as well. And they will make sure you stadnd.
Treant is free and I really like it so far. It's not quite as fast as I'm used to, but it works wonerfully.
Jack2009-03-17 02:06:34
QUOTE (Kiradawea @ Mar 17 2009, 01:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, but Judge guilts you to death. How can you beat something using guilt to kill you?
Vhaas2009-03-17 02:10:05
QUOTE (Parabollus @ Mar 17 2009, 02:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm...never thought my MUD client would be the problem here. Here's the thing though - I mainly use Nexus for convenience's sake since it's the one that pops up when I click that big shiny "Play Lusternia" button on the main website. That and I don't really know how to use MUD clients other than Nexus...yeah, I'm a MUD client n00b. 
So, on that note, if you have another MUD client to recommend, then I'd like one that would meet these criteria:
I'm probably going to hazard a guess that there is no MUD client that meets all three of these criteria, but I don't know...maybe you can pleasantly surprise me!

So, on that note, if you have another MUD client to recommend, then I'd like one that would meet these criteria:
- Easy to use
- Can flash in big bold letters or something whenever I'm knocked down so I know when to STAND (all that text flying by makes it hard to see in Nexus)
- And is FREE. (This is the most important bit. I have no monies.)
I'm probably going to hazard a guess that there is no MUD client that meets all three of these criteria, but I don't know...maybe you can pleasantly surprise me!

Zarquan's free system is for MUSH client, which is free and extremely quick. I use it for hamster hunts or just to read the morning paper when everyone else is logged in. : /
However, MUSH is not so user-friendly for non-coders unfamiliar with lua, or at least someone of my ability (or lack thereof).
ZMUD or CMUD have the nicest, most newbie-friendly setups and helpfiles I have seen but they cost $25-35. They are also rumored to lag in the large raids Lusternia is notorious for.
You can download a 30-day free trial of the latest ZMUD client here. For all it's shortcomings (having no updated, pre-made system on these forums to my knowledge) it is still generally very useful and usable. If you like it and want to run with it, I will give you my old license.

Vhaas2009-03-17 02:13:55
Oh, I forgot to add! I thought it was very neat that you had a city-mate/instructor willing to step into the ring and teach you like that. People like that are few and far between. You know who you are.
Rodngar2009-03-17 02:16:54
QUOTE (Parabollus @ Mar 16 2009, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm...never thought my MUD client would be the problem here. Here's the thing though - I mainly use Nexus for convenience's sake since it's the one that pops up when I click that big shiny "Play Lusternia" button on the main website. That and I don't really know how to use MUD clients other than Nexus...yeah, I'm a MUD client n00b. 
So, on that note, if you have another MUD client to recommend, then I'd like one that would meet these criteria:
I'm probably going to hazard a guess that there is no MUD client that meets all three of these criteria, but I don't know...maybe you can pleasantly surprise me!

So, on that note, if you have another MUD client to recommend, then I'd like one that would meet these criteria:
- Easy to use
- Can flash in big bold letters or something whenever I'm knocked down so I know when to STAND (all that text flying by makes it hard to see in Nexus)
- And is FREE. (This is the most important bit. I have no monies.)
I'm probably going to hazard a guess that there is no MUD client that meets all three of these criteria, but I don't know...maybe you can pleasantly surprise me!

Get MUSHClient, an old copy of zMUD, or buy a new copy of that or cMUD. It's actually cheaper than a PS3 or XBox game.
The LARGEST PORTION of combat is writing a system to defend yourself. You cannot and will not survive competitively on Nexus, in my opinion.
As for your actual performance, you need to work on scaling your usage of momentum. When you have four momentum just sitting there doing nothing with it, you should be really making an attempt to segue in to using something - put a Boost in to a combo that drops some momentum for a huge bit of offense. If I recall right, Tahtetso and Ninjakari have the very obnoxious afflictions from momentum and a lot of their stuff is incredibly cheap ka-wise. Use that to your advantage.
Work on hindering offense while dealing damage, too - a broken jaw and nose aren't going to do any good in stopping somebody like Kirad from attacking you. The best defense is a good offense in a lot of cases - preventing somebody from hitting you is a great way to start your way to victory, really.
Parabollus2009-03-17 02:27:06
QUOTE (Jack @ Mar 16 2009, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You, sir, win this thread.
In the meantime, @Vhaas: thank you for the generous offer! I'll go get ZMUD soon and let you know what I think. (I would right now but I should probably go to bed soon. But like a fool I'll probably stay up late reading the forums. It's more effective than coffee at keeping me up.)

Havulma2009-03-17 09:15:11
On another note, it is probably not a good idea to be a dracnari monk. The dexterity of 10 is quite terrible, and I wouldn't enjoy the slower sipping balance either. But there are many other things you could do before that too, as mentioned before, get a client and system among others.
Kiradawea2009-03-17 09:46:17
Heh, listen to Rodngar. If you want to win you have to be relentless on the offense. Especially as a monk. Broken Nose and Jaw are good for racking up damage a little, but what you really want it to disrupt my curing and force me on the defensive. What I really had here that made the difference was reliable passive paralysis against your I'm guessing Novice discipline. Focusbody is quicker the more discipline you have, so until then it'll be quite easy for Celestines to kill your momentum.
Anyway, if you find ZMUD to not be to your taste, I'll gladly try and help you set up MUSH and Treant. It works quite well from what I've heard, but I think you're going to need to either program or find your own targetting system.
Anyway, if you find ZMUD to not be to your taste, I'll gladly try and help you set up MUSH and Treant. It works quite well from what I've heard, but I think you're going to need to either program or find your own targetting system.