Shaddus2009-04-27 01:51:53
Brilliant ribbons of light of ivory light streak up from New Celest as the shimmering dome about the city glows a brilliant white, turning nearly opaque. All nine of the city's beacons flare brilliantly, golden streaks of energy racing along the dome upwards to the Star of Celest.
Zynna arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
In a blaze of holy light, a celestial archangel suddenly appears.
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel flies in from the southeast, her sword drawn and shield held high.
In a blaze of holy light, a celestial archangel suddenly appears.
Jasmindra arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
Inagin arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
Celeris arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
Steingrim enters from the southeast, emanating an aura of immense power.
An archon of Eternal Light exclaims, "Salut, Steingrim!"
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom intones, "Your complete silence and undivided attention please. We begin."
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel raises her flaming sword high in salute, as do the ten archangels present, all turning towards Talkan as they make this gesture of respect.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom steps solemnly before the gathered crowd and takes up a position between Talkan and the Pool of Stars. He motions for the Dukes and Duchesses of the Star Council to stand with him along with a few select individuals. Together they form a semi-circle behind Talkan while facing the gathering.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light gathers with the other representatives, standing in a semi-circle behind Talkan, her back to the Pool of Stars.
Lady Jarana Farain places her hand on Naedaros' arm, drawing close to him as they sink into the crowd, both watching with cool detachment.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom leaves his position in the semi-circle, steps before Takan. He raises a hand briefly in a polite regal wave to the populace. He makes a formal bow acknowledging the presence of Lord Eventru.
Clearing his throat, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Greetings, citizens of the Resurgence of Light. This great day we gather to recognize a great feat, as another follows the path of the late Princess Marilynth, who herself followed the paths of the great Vernal Gods."
Smiling warmly at the gathering, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "This very day, one of our own shall wade into the sacred waters of the Pool of Stars, and draw upon them. Thrice before has this feat been done -- first by Marilynth herself, daughter of the Holy Emperor Ladantine VII, in a most noble act of self-sacrifice, hoping to awaken the Avenger to bring down those brought under Kethuru's influence."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom places the spine of the thick textbook in his left open hand. Then using a bookmark embellished with the Seal of New Celest he deftly opens the book. Scanning the page he seems satisfied and continues...
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom recites, "Though the Avenger turned His gaze towards the Almighty and away from the tainted mortals, She was not left without recourse. Diving into the Pool of Stars upon the Isle of Celest within the Crystal Sea, the Holy Princess did protect the Holy Plane of Celestia, and the blessed Plane of Water, from the influence of the defilers."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "In doing so, Marilynth made a great sacrifice of her own being, one that all of Old Celest made as well, alongside her. Few escaped the island in its final moments, and with it fell a great and influential empire - the imperial houses fell with them, as did the treasures and knowledge of that great time, when the Light ruled over the Basin of Life."
With a note of pride and reverence, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Yet, as is the nature of those who serve the Light, we survived -- the city was rebuilt upon the northwestern shores of the Inner Sea, and with much effort and work, the Pool of Stars was recreated -- and once more it was made manifest upon the Plane of Water and the Sacred Plane of Celestia, where the Light is made manifest. And so our connection to the Supernals was restored."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "In recent times, one of our own divine, Lord Ayridion, made a similar sacrifice -- to protect the Immanidivinus, a pure source of life and energy from which the Divine were created, He sacrificed His own life, creating an abyss, protecting it from the poisonous touch of the Great Muud. To this end, the path of Marilynth could never again be followed. Yet in His sacrifice, a shard of the mortal He once was, Soll Peulus, returned to us -- changed forever, much of his divinity gone. Known now as Ilyarin Peulus, he became a being different from any other known to the First World."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom now looks up from the written text. Finished, he deftly closes the textbook the sound of which cuts though the empty silence.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Soon New Celest gathered, with Lady Malicia of the Paladins at their centre, before the Pool of Stars. Together New Celest lent her their prayers and strength and, with the blessings of all New Celest's guilds, she waded into the waters, the first to follow Princess Marilynth in this deed. She rose through the waters and, with the blessings of the Light, she transcended mortality, joining Ilyarin Peulus as New Celest's first Vernal Ascendant. Soon she was followed by Desitrus Kamau of the Aquamancers, and he too joined the ranks of the Ascended."
With a welcoming smile acknowledging the gathered assembly, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Which brings us so now. Now, we stand before the Pool of Stars, here at the centre of our glorious city. Radiant and beautiful -- the Star of Celest radiates high above us, casting a shimmering dome of power around the city, protecting us, protecting each of you."
With the smallest flick of His finger, Eventru sends Daevos flying headlong into the depths of the Astral Plane.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please excuse the uninvited guest."
With a dramatic sweeping gestures, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Nine beacons glow with radiant beams of light, placed about the walls of the city, supporting this ancient artifact. Each lends their support to us today, as we move forward on this momentous occasion."
Turning on his heal, Steingrim takes a few steps towards the Pool of Stars before turning back towards the crowd taking up a new position slightly behind Talkan, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "This day, Talkan La'Saet, seeks to join the ranks of the Ascended. He walks the path of Desitrus, of Malicia. Of Marilynth Herself. He walks a path of sacrifice, of duty, of loyalty. One of courage, of purity, of faith."
His voice ringing loudly and clearly, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "He also walks another path, one many of us walk with him. He walks a path of pride, one of greatness -- indeed, today marks a day that, after which, Talkan may never again be of mortal stock. Let us all take pride in this great occasion, as he draws in the powers of the Pool of Stars and sheds his mortal coil."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom exclaims, "So let us all take pride in his achievements!"
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us lend him our prayers and hopes, for he has long stood as Hope's Defender."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us all pray that the Lady Shakiniel lends him Her shield, so he may protect us as She would."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us all rejoice as the Supernals take pride this day, as one of the Celestines rises to greatness."
With a respectful bow to Lord Eventru, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us all lend praise, as the Exalted Lord watches with His Court, as one of His devout imbibes himself with the essence of the Plane of Water, of the Light, of Celestia. Of each of us, for it is our sweat and tears and blood that have fallen for this deed."
His voice ringing out with reverence, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Celestines."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom steps back into his original position within the gathered Semi-Circle.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light steps forward with a soft rustle of her robes.
With pride, Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says, "This day is one of greatness, as one of our own Ascends. He shall be the first of us in the modern times, though others have walked this path before. Let us remember the life of Marilynth, one of beauty and devotion to the Light. Such a life has Talkan himself lived."
Addressing Talkan, Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says, "Let us also this day remember another - for it was Dionamus the Healer, one raised of merian stock, who perhaps first discovered Celestia and the Light, after the departure of the Elder Gods. Legions of angels came to at His call, defending the innocent, the pure, the true, fighting against the Soulless. As you Ascend today, Talkan, do not forget these duties, for the Healer shall be with you."
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light places her hands on each of Talkan's shoulders, murmuring a small blessing before performing the sign of the Supernals before him.
Aison leans close to Talkan and gently lays a kiss upon his forehead.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light steps back and bows before Talkan, stepping aside gracefully with a soft rustle of her robes.
In a clear pious voice, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Tahtetso."
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade inclines her head politely first to Aison and then to those gathered. She pauses briefly, flashing a warm smile to Talkan before straightening her back and turning to address the crowd.
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade says, "We of the Tahtetso learned our arts from the Kephera Empire, residing deep beneath the Basin of Life. These teachings have been given, so we might better defend the Light. On this day, we lend you our support, Talkan La'Saet, as you yourself rise to a great task - bringing the Light to the domothean realms, championing it to the First World."
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade says, "You shall rise and fight, however know you shall not fight alone. We shall fight alongside you, defend you, as you defend us, fight for us when we cannot fight with you. May you have the foresight of the Thousand Eyed Goddess, who saw all things, foresaw all possibilities, and may Her descendant's teachings ring true within you, and may harmony reign upon your soul."
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade presses her palms together over Talkan's heart and bows her head humbly, her wings outstretching and splintering the light into a shimmering burst of colors as she chants a harmonic mantra which creates a profound sense of peace before she turns and rejoins the circle.
In a respectful tone, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Aquamancers."
Lady Zynna La'Saet steps forward towards Talkan, smiling.
Lady Zynna La'Saet says, "It was the Aquamancers who were the first to walk the Plane of Water, and from there, our people found the Holy Plane of Celestia. It was your Saint Tresalyne who made this trek, followed by Javile Farain, who founded your guild. Ever have we stood by and served the Light and Celest, protecting her waters and shores."
Lady Zynna La'Saet says, "It was D'varsha the Teacher who first found a means to Ascend to Divinity, creating a construct of power in the ancient city of Glomborolum, far to the north beneath the Amberle Sea, named for Meridian's sister-mate. Still His wisdom and guidance flows through our people, guiding us and teaching us. And so we shall remain for you - teachers and guides, defenders and companions, throughout your days of service to the Light as one of our Ascendants. We give you this, and so lend our support."
Lady Zynna La'Saet says, "Remember always that the waters may heal and cleanse at one moment, then the tides may change to destructive and terrible force. May your fury and championship of the Light be cooled and tempered with the wisdom of the Merciful Justice, of the Teacher, and the caress of the tides."
Zynna pauses for a moment, frowning in concentration as a ball of water coalesces in her upturned palm.
Lady Zynna La'Saet gently blows on the ball of water, and it slowly lifts from her hand, expanding, until it hovers over Talkan for a moment before dispersing in thousands of shimmering droplets, anointing his head in purified elemental waters.
Talkan inclines his head politely to Zynna.
Lady Zynna La'Saet curtsies respectfully before Talkan and then steps back to join the semi-circle around him.
In a joyous tone with poetic flourishes, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Cantors."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege steps forward and nods her head in respect to Talkan.
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege says, "Long ago, the Elder Gods abandoned this world, hoping to return with a means of salvation for the home they left behind. The Keepers of the Song of Creation left more than a home, however - They left their Voices, to protect them and Lusternia, so that their powers could not be used for ill. The Voice of Rhapsody came to us, and taught us Her way, that of the Starhymn."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege says, "The angelic hosts of Celestia celebrate and cherish this music, and so they sing it, as well. Rapturous and exalting praise do they sing in hymns and psalms upon Celestia, as we sing them here in the Basin of Life."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege says, "This day, though, they sing praise of New Celest, the Resurgence of Light, blessed by the Supernals and Holy Celestia, for they mark this day in your name, as you offer yourself to Celestia and the Light. You shall become one with Celest, as Celest becomes one with you. Forget not that the Light is in all of us, each has their place - in the Tahtetso and the Aquamancers, the Celestines, the Cantors and the Paladins. Remember this and serve well, Talkan La'Saet, Hope's Defender, and the angels shall sing praise of you."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege bows in reverence to Talkan and gently strums her lyre in his direction. She turns and steps back into the semi-circle.
In a crisp formal cadence, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Paladins."
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade steps forward, standing a few feet in front of Talkan.
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade says, "Long ago, our guild swore an oath to the Supernals, to protect and serve the Light, and the Holy Empire's Star Council. After Dolph Inalai drank of the sacred waters upon the sands of Celestia, we served the Imperial Court without question or pause, as we do the Light still. We lend you our promise of strength, Talkan La'Saet, and our assistance in the trials to come. We shall lend blade when we can fight beside you, and our prayers when you must fight without us."
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade says, "Let us all remember this day of Juliana the Evenhanded, for She was Justice, of even mediation. War can be a senseless and wanton task, one of brutality and suffering. Juliana brought many together to fight, not for land, gold or power, but for a common goal: Survival. And so I hope you walk with this in mind, Talkan La'Saet, that all here lend you our hope, as we all fight for a common goal: The Light. The dark threat of the Taint ever lingers, and the Soulless sleep beneath the First World, waiting and dreaming of the days they may one day be free. We must fight together, Paladin and Aquamancer, Celestine and Cantor, Tahtetso and kinsman, for the glory and sanctity of the Light, Hope's Defender. Remember this - you are of all of us now. You are not of the Celestines or the Aquamancers, of the Light or of the Water. You are of Celest, of her people, of her kind. Fight with courage, lead with loyalty, and tread this path with both pride and duty."
With noble bearing, Inagin salutes Talkan, avowing his service to the Light, and his arms against the Taint.
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade turns sharply on his heels before smartly marching back into the semi-circle, standing at attention.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light steps up before Talkan once more, her features grave.
Aison humbly drops one knee to the ground before Talkan, genuflecting reverently in his presence.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says to Talkan, "To you, Talkan La'Saet, I give this artifact of our people, of New Celest. May you wear it as you ascend, and may you forever feel it's impression upon your brow, though it may not rest there then. May it serve to remind you that you serve all of Celest's people, not any one person or group of people, but all of us."
Aison quickly dusts herself off.
Talkan slips into the Celestial Crown.
Talkan flashes Aison a joyous smile.
Turning to face the crowd gathered, Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says, "To all of you, I give a gift. We, the Celestines, give to you Talkan La'Saet, to ascend, to serve you, to protect you, as he has protected us. I give to you all, with him, Raziela's love, to accept him as he is, Methrenton's fire, so we may together forge an ascendant we may all be proud of. I give to you all Elohora's brilliance, so we may see through the dark shadows in the times ahead, and Japhiel's wisdom to know the path the Light wills us all to travel. I also give to you Shakiniel's blessing of hope - for at times we may think we have nothing, though in truth, we will have at least this - for without the glimmer of hope, we cannot see the path before us."
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light bows low before the citizens who serve the Light, stepping aside with a soft rustle of her robes to return to her position behind Talkan.
Smiling benevolently before the masses, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "I thank each of you for imbuing me with your faith and trust."
Turning to face Aison, with a smile, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "I especially thank my good wife, Aison who has been at my side always. She is my pillar of strength."
Raising his voice as he turns back towards the crowd, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "My mother, who has taught us all how to achieve the most as a citizen, a mother and an Ascendant, raising me in the virtues of the Supernals and teaching me to defend our city and beliefs. My father, who smiles upon me at this moment, for transforming me into the man I have become and my family, who each represents our guild today and bestows me with the city's trust and power."
The distant, soft chiming of a bell echoes across the city, its beatific ring piercing the night with a welcoming, warming voice.
Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "In thanks, I serve."
His voice rising in volume, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "In memory of Princess Marylinth, I serve."
The timbre increasing in volume, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "For the Supernals, I serve!"
His voice in a booming yell, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "Glory to the Light, forever and ever! This day represents a new chapter in the struggle against the Taint, and I vow to you before the Supernals that I will spread our message into lands never before touched by their holy words!"
Nodding his approval while taking up a position next to Talkan, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "As each of the city's guilds' representatives have spoken, so shall I for the Righteous Principality of New Celest."
He motions for the remainder of those in the semi-circle to part, then after they do so, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Come, Talkan La'Saet, and take that which is yours now by right this day, for tomorrow, you shall no longer be simply Talkan La'Saet."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Tomorrow, you shall be a servant of Celest. May the Supernals bless you, Talkan, as each guild has blessed you, and may the memories of Dionamus, D'Varsha and Juliana guide you as you walk this new path in your life."
Talkan bows respectfully to Steingrim.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom exclaims, "Behold!"
Talkan steps towards the Pool of Stars and wades into its glistening depths. The waters bubble and froth violently around him and fill with brilliant starlight, glowing far brighter than the noontime sun. The thrumming of power fills the air, and the light pours through his mortal coil. Choirs of angels race across the skies, singing out in rapture, as Talkan is suffused by incredible powers and rises as a Vernal Ascendant!
You gasp with the realization that Talkan has reached the level of 2nd Order of the Hyperphysical.
Talkan's body glows briefly before exploding in a bright light.
A new Ascendant rises! By decree of Prince Steingrim and with full support of the Star Council, let it be known that the Righteous Principality of New Celest has this day imbued Talkan with the energies of the Pool of Stars, raising a Vernal Ascendant!
The Star of Celest flares into a dazzling radiance, dwarfing the late afternoon sunlight in intensity. Suddenly cosmic motes of light coalesce above the city, as the radiant image of Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, appears high above the city, smiling downwards upon its centre. Raising her hand skyward, she explodes into motes of sparkling light, which rain down upon the city.
Zynna arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
In a blaze of holy light, a celestial archangel suddenly appears.
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel flies in from the southeast, her sword drawn and shield held high.
In a blaze of holy light, a celestial archangel suddenly appears.
Jasmindra arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
Inagin arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
Celeris arrives following Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom.
Steingrim enters from the southeast, emanating an aura of immense power.
An archon of Eternal Light exclaims, "Salut, Steingrim!"
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom intones, "Your complete silence and undivided attention please. We begin."
The Handmaiden of Shakiniel raises her flaming sword high in salute, as do the ten archangels present, all turning towards Talkan as they make this gesture of respect.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom steps solemnly before the gathered crowd and takes up a position between Talkan and the Pool of Stars. He motions for the Dukes and Duchesses of the Star Council to stand with him along with a few select individuals. Together they form a semi-circle behind Talkan while facing the gathering.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light gathers with the other representatives, standing in a semi-circle behind Talkan, her back to the Pool of Stars.
Lady Jarana Farain places her hand on Naedaros' arm, drawing close to him as they sink into the crowd, both watching with cool detachment.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom leaves his position in the semi-circle, steps before Takan. He raises a hand briefly in a polite regal wave to the populace. He makes a formal bow acknowledging the presence of Lord Eventru.
Clearing his throat, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Greetings, citizens of the Resurgence of Light. This great day we gather to recognize a great feat, as another follows the path of the late Princess Marilynth, who herself followed the paths of the great Vernal Gods."
Smiling warmly at the gathering, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "This very day, one of our own shall wade into the sacred waters of the Pool of Stars, and draw upon them. Thrice before has this feat been done -- first by Marilynth herself, daughter of the Holy Emperor Ladantine VII, in a most noble act of self-sacrifice, hoping to awaken the Avenger to bring down those brought under Kethuru's influence."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom places the spine of the thick textbook in his left open hand. Then using a bookmark embellished with the Seal of New Celest he deftly opens the book. Scanning the page he seems satisfied and continues...
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom recites, "Though the Avenger turned His gaze towards the Almighty and away from the tainted mortals, She was not left without recourse. Diving into the Pool of Stars upon the Isle of Celest within the Crystal Sea, the Holy Princess did protect the Holy Plane of Celestia, and the blessed Plane of Water, from the influence of the defilers."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "In doing so, Marilynth made a great sacrifice of her own being, one that all of Old Celest made as well, alongside her. Few escaped the island in its final moments, and with it fell a great and influential empire - the imperial houses fell with them, as did the treasures and knowledge of that great time, when the Light ruled over the Basin of Life."
With a note of pride and reverence, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Yet, as is the nature of those who serve the Light, we survived -- the city was rebuilt upon the northwestern shores of the Inner Sea, and with much effort and work, the Pool of Stars was recreated -- and once more it was made manifest upon the Plane of Water and the Sacred Plane of Celestia, where the Light is made manifest. And so our connection to the Supernals was restored."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "In recent times, one of our own divine, Lord Ayridion, made a similar sacrifice -- to protect the Immanidivinus, a pure source of life and energy from which the Divine were created, He sacrificed His own life, creating an abyss, protecting it from the poisonous touch of the Great Muud. To this end, the path of Marilynth could never again be followed. Yet in His sacrifice, a shard of the mortal He once was, Soll Peulus, returned to us -- changed forever, much of his divinity gone. Known now as Ilyarin Peulus, he became a being different from any other known to the First World."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom now looks up from the written text. Finished, he deftly closes the textbook the sound of which cuts though the empty silence.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Soon New Celest gathered, with Lady Malicia of the Paladins at their centre, before the Pool of Stars. Together New Celest lent her their prayers and strength and, with the blessings of all New Celest's guilds, she waded into the waters, the first to follow Princess Marilynth in this deed. She rose through the waters and, with the blessings of the Light, she transcended mortality, joining Ilyarin Peulus as New Celest's first Vernal Ascendant. Soon she was followed by Desitrus Kamau of the Aquamancers, and he too joined the ranks of the Ascended."
With a welcoming smile acknowledging the gathered assembly, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Which brings us so now. Now, we stand before the Pool of Stars, here at the centre of our glorious city. Radiant and beautiful -- the Star of Celest radiates high above us, casting a shimmering dome of power around the city, protecting us, protecting each of you."
With the smallest flick of His finger, Eventru sends Daevos flying headlong into the depths of the Astral Plane.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please excuse the uninvited guest."
With a dramatic sweeping gestures, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Nine beacons glow with radiant beams of light, placed about the walls of the city, supporting this ancient artifact. Each lends their support to us today, as we move forward on this momentous occasion."
Turning on his heal, Steingrim takes a few steps towards the Pool of Stars before turning back towards the crowd taking up a new position slightly behind Talkan, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "This day, Talkan La'Saet, seeks to join the ranks of the Ascended. He walks the path of Desitrus, of Malicia. Of Marilynth Herself. He walks a path of sacrifice, of duty, of loyalty. One of courage, of purity, of faith."
His voice ringing loudly and clearly, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "He also walks another path, one many of us walk with him. He walks a path of pride, one of greatness -- indeed, today marks a day that, after which, Talkan may never again be of mortal stock. Let us all take pride in this great occasion, as he draws in the powers of the Pool of Stars and sheds his mortal coil."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom exclaims, "So let us all take pride in his achievements!"
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us lend him our prayers and hopes, for he has long stood as Hope's Defender."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us all pray that the Lady Shakiniel lends him Her shield, so he may protect us as She would."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us all rejoice as the Supernals take pride this day, as one of the Celestines rises to greatness."
With a respectful bow to Lord Eventru, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Let us all lend praise, as the Exalted Lord watches with His Court, as one of His devout imbibes himself with the essence of the Plane of Water, of the Light, of Celestia. Of each of us, for it is our sweat and tears and blood that have fallen for this deed."
His voice ringing out with reverence, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Celestines."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom steps back into his original position within the gathered Semi-Circle.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light steps forward with a soft rustle of her robes.
With pride, Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says, "This day is one of greatness, as one of our own Ascends. He shall be the first of us in the modern times, though others have walked this path before. Let us remember the life of Marilynth, one of beauty and devotion to the Light. Such a life has Talkan himself lived."
Addressing Talkan, Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says, "Let us also this day remember another - for it was Dionamus the Healer, one raised of merian stock, who perhaps first discovered Celestia and the Light, after the departure of the Elder Gods. Legions of angels came to at His call, defending the innocent, the pure, the true, fighting against the Soulless. As you Ascend today, Talkan, do not forget these duties, for the Healer shall be with you."
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light places her hands on each of Talkan's shoulders, murmuring a small blessing before performing the sign of the Supernals before him.
Aison leans close to Talkan and gently lays a kiss upon his forehead.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light steps back and bows before Talkan, stepping aside gracefully with a soft rustle of her robes.
In a clear pious voice, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Tahtetso."
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade inclines her head politely first to Aison and then to those gathered. She pauses briefly, flashing a warm smile to Talkan before straightening her back and turning to address the crowd.
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade says, "We of the Tahtetso learned our arts from the Kephera Empire, residing deep beneath the Basin of Life. These teachings have been given, so we might better defend the Light. On this day, we lend you our support, Talkan La'Saet, as you yourself rise to a great task - bringing the Light to the domothean realms, championing it to the First World."
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade says, "You shall rise and fight, however know you shall not fight alone. We shall fight alongside you, defend you, as you defend us, fight for us when we cannot fight with you. May you have the foresight of the Thousand Eyed Goddess, who saw all things, foresaw all possibilities, and may Her descendant's teachings ring true within you, and may harmony reign upon your soul."
Jasmindra La'Saet, Handmaiden of the Evenblade presses her palms together over Talkan's heart and bows her head humbly, her wings outstretching and splintering the light into a shimmering burst of colors as she chants a harmonic mantra which creates a profound sense of peace before she turns and rejoins the circle.
In a respectful tone, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Aquamancers."
Lady Zynna La'Saet steps forward towards Talkan, smiling.
Lady Zynna La'Saet says, "It was the Aquamancers who were the first to walk the Plane of Water, and from there, our people found the Holy Plane of Celestia. It was your Saint Tresalyne who made this trek, followed by Javile Farain, who founded your guild. Ever have we stood by and served the Light and Celest, protecting her waters and shores."
Lady Zynna La'Saet says, "It was D'varsha the Teacher who first found a means to Ascend to Divinity, creating a construct of power in the ancient city of Glomborolum, far to the north beneath the Amberle Sea, named for Meridian's sister-mate. Still His wisdom and guidance flows through our people, guiding us and teaching us. And so we shall remain for you - teachers and guides, defenders and companions, throughout your days of service to the Light as one of our Ascendants. We give you this, and so lend our support."
Lady Zynna La'Saet says, "Remember always that the waters may heal and cleanse at one moment, then the tides may change to destructive and terrible force. May your fury and championship of the Light be cooled and tempered with the wisdom of the Merciful Justice, of the Teacher, and the caress of the tides."
Zynna pauses for a moment, frowning in concentration as a ball of water coalesces in her upturned palm.
Lady Zynna La'Saet gently blows on the ball of water, and it slowly lifts from her hand, expanding, until it hovers over Talkan for a moment before dispersing in thousands of shimmering droplets, anointing his head in purified elemental waters.
Talkan inclines his head politely to Zynna.
Lady Zynna La'Saet curtsies respectfully before Talkan and then steps back to join the semi-circle around him.
In a joyous tone with poetic flourishes, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Cantors."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege steps forward and nods her head in respect to Talkan.
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege says, "Long ago, the Elder Gods abandoned this world, hoping to return with a means of salvation for the home they left behind. The Keepers of the Song of Creation left more than a home, however - They left their Voices, to protect them and Lusternia, so that their powers could not be used for ill. The Voice of Rhapsody came to us, and taught us Her way, that of the Starhymn."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege says, "The angelic hosts of Celestia celebrate and cherish this music, and so they sing it, as well. Rapturous and exalting praise do they sing in hymns and psalms upon Celestia, as we sing them here in the Basin of Life."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege says, "This day, though, they sing praise of New Celest, the Resurgence of Light, blessed by the Supernals and Holy Celestia, for they mark this day in your name, as you offer yourself to Celestia and the Light. You shall become one with Celest, as Celest becomes one with you. Forget not that the Light is in all of us, each has their place - in the Tahtetso and the Aquamancers, the Celestines, the Cantors and the Paladins. Remember this and serve well, Talkan La'Saet, Hope's Defender, and the angels shall sing praise of you."
Orator Celeris La'Saet, Love's Protege bows in reverence to Talkan and gently strums her lyre in his direction. She turns and steps back into the semi-circle.
In a crisp formal cadence, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Please attend the words of the Representative of the Paladins."
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade steps forward, standing a few feet in front of Talkan.
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade says, "Long ago, our guild swore an oath to the Supernals, to protect and serve the Light, and the Holy Empire's Star Council. After Dolph Inalai drank of the sacred waters upon the sands of Celestia, we served the Imperial Court without question or pause, as we do the Light still. We lend you our promise of strength, Talkan La'Saet, and our assistance in the trials to come. We shall lend blade when we can fight beside you, and our prayers when you must fight without us."
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade says, "Let us all remember this day of Juliana the Evenhanded, for She was Justice, of even mediation. War can be a senseless and wanton task, one of brutality and suffering. Juliana brought many together to fight, not for land, gold or power, but for a common goal: Survival. And so I hope you walk with this in mind, Talkan La'Saet, that all here lend you our hope, as we all fight for a common goal: The Light. The dark threat of the Taint ever lingers, and the Soulless sleep beneath the First World, waiting and dreaming of the days they may one day be free. We must fight together, Paladin and Aquamancer, Celestine and Cantor, Tahtetso and kinsman, for the glory and sanctity of the Light, Hope's Defender. Remember this - you are of all of us now. You are not of the Celestines or the Aquamancers, of the Light or of the Water. You are of Celest, of her people, of her kind. Fight with courage, lead with loyalty, and tread this path with both pride and duty."
With noble bearing, Inagin salutes Talkan, avowing his service to the Light, and his arms against the Taint.
Crusader Inagin La'Saet, Companion of the Blade turns sharply on his heels before smartly marching back into the semi-circle, standing at attention.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light steps up before Talkan once more, her features grave.
Aison humbly drops one knee to the ground before Talkan, genuflecting reverently in his presence.
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says to Talkan, "To you, Talkan La'Saet, I give this artifact of our people, of New Celest. May you wear it as you ascend, and may you forever feel it's impression upon your brow, though it may not rest there then. May it serve to remind you that you serve all of Celest's people, not any one person or group of people, but all of us."
Aison quickly dusts herself off.
Talkan slips into the Celestial Crown.
Talkan flashes Aison a joyous smile.
Turning to face the crowd gathered, Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light says, "To all of you, I give a gift. We, the Celestines, give to you Talkan La'Saet, to ascend, to serve you, to protect you, as he has protected us. I give to you all, with him, Raziela's love, to accept him as he is, Methrenton's fire, so we may together forge an ascendant we may all be proud of. I give to you all Elohora's brilliance, so we may see through the dark shadows in the times ahead, and Japhiel's wisdom to know the path the Light wills us all to travel. I also give to you Shakiniel's blessing of hope - for at times we may think we have nothing, though in truth, we will have at least this - for without the glimmer of hope, we cannot see the path before us."
Lady Hand Aison La'Saet, Bearer of the Light bows low before the citizens who serve the Light, stepping aside with a soft rustle of her robes to return to her position behind Talkan.
Smiling benevolently before the masses, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "I thank each of you for imbuing me with your faith and trust."
Turning to face Aison, with a smile, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "I especially thank my good wife, Aison who has been at my side always. She is my pillar of strength."
Raising his voice as he turns back towards the crowd, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "My mother, who has taught us all how to achieve the most as a citizen, a mother and an Ascendant, raising me in the virtues of the Supernals and teaching me to defend our city and beliefs. My father, who smiles upon me at this moment, for transforming me into the man I have become and my family, who each represents our guild today and bestows me with the city's trust and power."
The distant, soft chiming of a bell echoes across the city, its beatific ring piercing the night with a welcoming, warming voice.
Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "In thanks, I serve."
His voice rising in volume, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "In memory of Princess Marylinth, I serve."
The timbre increasing in volume, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "For the Supernals, I serve!"
His voice in a booming yell, Father Talkan La'Saet, Loyalty of Exultation says, "Glory to the Light, forever and ever! This day represents a new chapter in the struggle against the Taint, and I vow to you before the Supernals that I will spread our message into lands never before touched by their holy words!"
Nodding his approval while taking up a position next to Talkan, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "As each of the city's guilds' representatives have spoken, so shall I for the Righteous Principality of New Celest."
He motions for the remainder of those in the semi-circle to part, then after they do so, Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Come, Talkan La'Saet, and take that which is yours now by right this day, for tomorrow, you shall no longer be simply Talkan La'Saet."
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom says, "Tomorrow, you shall be a servant of Celest. May the Supernals bless you, Talkan, as each guild has blessed you, and may the memories of Dionamus, D'Varsha and Juliana guide you as you walk this new path in your life."
Talkan bows respectfully to Steingrim.
Prince Steingrim, Bearer of Resonating Doom exclaims, "Behold!"
Talkan steps towards the Pool of Stars and wades into its glistening depths. The waters bubble and froth violently around him and fill with brilliant starlight, glowing far brighter than the noontime sun. The thrumming of power fills the air, and the light pours through his mortal coil. Choirs of angels race across the skies, singing out in rapture, as Talkan is suffused by incredible powers and rises as a Vernal Ascendant!
You gasp with the realization that Talkan has reached the level of 2nd Order of the Hyperphysical.
Talkan's body glows briefly before exploding in a bright light.
A new Ascendant rises! By decree of Prince Steingrim and with full support of the Star Council, let it be known that the Righteous Principality of New Celest has this day imbued Talkan with the energies of the Pool of Stars, raising a Vernal Ascendant!
The Star of Celest flares into a dazzling radiance, dwarfing the late afternoon sunlight in intensity. Suddenly cosmic motes of light coalesce above the city, as the radiant image of Elohora, Lady of the Eternal Light, appears high above the city, smiling downwards upon its centre. Raising her hand skyward, she explodes into motes of sparkling light, which rain down upon the city.
Malicia2009-04-27 02:01:07
Congrats, Talkan!
))) That was beautiful. And I missed it, gah. :/

Razenth2009-04-27 02:22:16
It wasn't as actiony as yours Mali, but I approve too. I like the cultural references and the history especially. I'm a sucker for eloquent speeches.
Unknown2009-04-27 02:24:10
Since when is Talkan "warm"? Even on his good days the man's cold as a core sample from where I'm standing.
Nice ceremony though.
Nice ceremony though.
Aison2009-04-27 02:32:19
Kial, you never witnessed Talkan in bed, obviously
He's hawt there.

Unknown2009-04-27 02:32:59
QUOTE (Aison @ Apr 26 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kial, you never witnessed Talkan in bed, obviously.
Neither have you!

Edit: Congrats, Talkan.
Unknown2009-04-27 02:37:31
QUOTE (Aison @ Apr 26 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kial, you never witnessed Talkan in bed, obviously
He's hawt there.

I can hope my ass is made of ice cream, but that don't make me a hot fudge sundae!
Aison2009-04-27 02:37:43
Myrkr pretty much just pwned me... 

Unknown2009-04-27 02:40:43
Aison2009-04-27 02:42:24

Unknown2009-04-27 02:43:53
QUOTE (Aison @ Apr 26 2009, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I make it my business to know character relations. Sure, I'm nosey, but I also am able to call things long before they happen. See: Sidd and Nyir.

Rika2009-04-27 02:56:08
QUOTE (Aison @ Apr 27 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

It's not like you've said it on the forums a hundred times or anything.

Yiro2009-04-27 03:26:08
So...just nevermind on that subject of Aison and Talkan and the bedroom. No kids would exist man! 

Aison2009-04-27 03:29:26
They order their children online.
Celina2009-04-27 03:42:19
Very nice ceremony.
Yiro2009-04-27 03:43:24
That's why I never looked or acted like you both!?
Zalandrus2009-04-27 04:14:07
Very nice. I'm sorry I missed it...
Aison2009-04-27 04:16:27
QUOTE (Celina @ Apr 26 2009, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Very nice ceremony.
Would have been a lot nicer if certain asshats didn't attempt to disrupt it.
That was just rude, really. (Certain) orgs only get to do this maybe twice in a real life year.
Shaddus2009-04-27 04:23:39
QUOTE (Aison @ Apr 26 2009, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would have been a lot nicer if certain asshats didn't attempt to disrupt it.
That was just rude, really. (Certain) orgs only get to do this maybe twice in a real life year.
That was just rude, really. (Certain) orgs only get to do this maybe twice in a real life year.

Aison2009-04-27 04:25:26

I wasn't really active during his rise, so I don't know