Unknown2009-05-02 04:08:39
Amani thought of this ritual, and the rest of us just contributed. She's probably one of my ritual-writing idols now, she's so good.
With a gesture of welcome and a slight curtsey, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Greetings Glomdoring. I wish to thank each of you for attending this ritual. I also pray to our most holy Gods, Lord Nocht, Lady Viravain and Lord Shikari that They lend Their Divine attention to our workings here tonight and aide us in our venture."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom proclaims, "We have gathered here to invoke our Great Spirits. To entreat Them for the boon of Their consideration and blessing during these trying times. To offer our firm resolve in the face of an enemy encroaching and an enemy we must stand with. To affirm our Unity and our dedication to the Wyrd and the Spirits who guide us, though we may - by threat of a common enemy, be forced to have commerce with long-time foes and their own Spirits who are adversaries to our own."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Let us begin."
Looking from person to person, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Will those who will speak for their Guild step forward?"
Sidd takes a step forward.
Sidd nods his head emphatically.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist steps forward.
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow takes a step forward.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd steps forward.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom steps forward as well, completing the set.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom places her cauldron on the ground. She then takes a small bell made of obsidian glass from a pocket and begins pacing deosil, her steps a graceful dance as she moves in a circle from person to person. As she passes each individual she rings the bell, waiting until the delicate ringing tone fades away before moving on. The shadows which trail her steps swirl about their legs, clinging to each person like a living thing before sliding along in the Night Wtich's wake.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom returns to her starting point and slams her athame into the ground, sealing the circle. She bends and retrieves her cauldron and then carries it to the center of the circle where she places it once more upon the ground, then returning to her spot. Once she returns, she nods at Urazial.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd closes his eyes and inhales slowly. His hand moves to rest lightly on his lyre, fingers taking position on the delicate strings. Slowly, he begins strumming, his fingers moving with well practiced precision over the strings. Eyes opening slightly, he begins humming at a pitch barely heard over the crisp notes of his music.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd begins playing at a quicker pace as he circles the cauldron slowly. Looking at the audience surrounding him, his eyes stare into your own a moment as his humming becomes a sort of chant, the music and his voice weaving in and out of each other and becoming lost and emerging into something else. Gentle whispers can be heard faintly from the area, the shadows here and there writhing and darkening.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd stops and turns to face the cauldron. His fingers move so fast over the strings that they cut into the tips, sending drops of blood running down his lyre and falling to the ground as he begins to sing.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Under the starless sky, we bring the gifts of hidden wisdom."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Under the starless sky, the children of Night pray with darkened lips."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd glances down, the blood pooling at his feet slowly sinking into the ground.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Wreathed in blackened feathers, we bring the gifts of Wyrden wisdom."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Wreathed in blackened feathers, the children of Crow are ravenous."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd backs away slightly as the ground where the blood had been pulses and throbs, as though something were moving underneath.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd backs away slightly as the ground where the blood had been pulses and throbs, as though something were moving underneath.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Walking between honour and trickery, we bring the gifts of discipline and endurance."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Walking between honour and trickery, the children of the Ebonglom stand ready."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd slowly crouches down and watches as a tiny, pale hand emerges from the ground, followed by another. Gripping the earth, the smooth, glossy hands are followed by equally pale and fragile looking arms and soon a tiny doll of a beautiful young girl emerges, no stain touching her porcelain body.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Hidden in the shadows, we bring the gifts of the unseen."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Hidden in the shadows, the children of the Scorpion sharpen their claws."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd takes the doll in his hand, the music coming to a sudden end. Standing up, he holds the doll over the cauldron as his fingers tighten their grip on it.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Singing with madness, we fan the fury and harden the heart."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Singing with madness, the children of the Voice sing for those who will die."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd raises the doll higher as a sudden cracking sound is heard. The doll begins to writhe as countless cracks appear on it's smooth surface, the tiny lips open and a piercing scream echoes through the trees. Falling away into chunks and tiny pieces, the doll disappears into the cauldron.
Stepping forward, her arms raised in supplication, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Hail Night, Mother of Darkness; attend to us in this, our hour of need. Guide us down the tri-fold path, and grant us strength in your shadowy embrace. May Sun never find us unawares and Moon ever hide from Your Might."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Mother Night, we of the Glomdoring are ever Your own children. Your shadows, blessed by the cold comfort of Your most holy Darkness. Our hour of need is truly upon us now."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "We are charged with the protection of the Faethorn Realm, which is currently under threat from the vile and unnatural cities. They think to bend the Ethereal to their purpose and this cannot be born. We will stand against such an atrocity and if needs be, we will stand with the Seren."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Only such an extreme threat could warrant such an action. However, Your own teaching, Mother Night speaks to the necessity of being flexible in the face of adversity."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "" The shadows of Mother Night are an ever-shifting being. They evolve and reshape with the movement of Father Sun and Mother Night, adapting to their new enviroment. Adaptation is the tool of the strong." So says the Liturgy of Adaptation. So says the wisdom of Mother Night!"
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom lowers her arms and as she does so, the shadows deepen and a chill cuts through the air. The feeling of cold fingers gently grazing your cheek, the cold reaching through to your very soul, makes you shiver.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom makes her way to the cauldron in the middle of the circle, lowering her arms as she walks. When she reaches the cauldron, she reaches into her robes and brings out a glittering black rose wrapped in a web. With a whispered prayer, she drops it gently into the cauldron to rest beside the doll. She then turns and, without a backward glance, makes her way back to her place in the circle.
Stepping forward and holding her arms outstretched in front of her, a black feather cupped in her hands, Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow says, "Hail, Brother Crow, Scourge of the Heart of Darkness. Guide our wings, that we may soar within the embrace of Mother Night. Safeguard our nests, that our young may flourish amidst the Wyrd. And disciple our spirits, that we may continue to serve without thought to ourselves."
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow says, "And it is during this time that our service to the Glomdoring will be thoroughly tested, for we stand upon the Ethereal realm with the cities bearing down on us, and with those of the Wilde at our side."
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow says, "We are protectors of Glomdoring, her great trees, and her people. Whether upon the Prime or Ethereal planes, it is up to us to ensure the safety of our home. With this in mind, grant us Your blessing, Mighty Crow!"
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow brings her hands to her mouth and blows sharply on the black feather, sending it spiralling upwards through the air, picked up by an errant breeze. As it climbs higher in the firmament, you feel the faint itch of wings brush against your skin.
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow approaches the cauldron, withdrawing a golden sickle from her robes. When she reaches the cauldron, she rolls up the sleeve of her free arm to her shoulder and calmly cuts into her flesh with the arcing blade until she bleeds. The druid drops the now bloodied sickle into the cauldron, then turns with a flare of her wings and resumes her place in the circle.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "We gather together as defenders of not just the Great Spirits and the Fae, but of Nature itself. All Spirits, from the small squirrel to the vicious wolf, are with us in this effort. Make no mistake, this will not be an easy battle should the cities move against us, but it is one we can win. It is one that we will win. We are the Glomdoring, the Forest of No Mercy."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "You may have friends in Magnagora, or in New Celest, but if they attack Nature they are enemies of this Forest and will be stopped. Their blood, and that of their cohorts, the agitators seeking to defile Nature with the control of the Cities, will feed the Forest with their blood. To this purpose we dedicate ourselves now, and once more renew our pledge to our Forest. The pledge to serve, with our lives if need be, to see the Glomdoring grow strong."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist steps forward, placing a small token into the cauldron, carvings of the Spirits of Nature adorning its surface.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "F'ai Glomdoring."
Sidd takes another step forward.
Sidd says, "We are the Glomdoring."
Sidd says, "We are the Wyrd."
Sidd looks out at all those in attendance.
Sidd says, "Our strength lies in our unity, a belief the Nekotai incorporates into the very essence of our doctrine. The Idols of the Nekotai preaches this ideal: Spider, Wasp, Beetle, Bat and Scorpion. Each separate in thought but together formulating into what is the Nekotai. One's niche within the Wyrd is ever-existent, as such every member is responsible for Glomdoring."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sidd's lips.
Sidd says, "Just as Spider's tenacious planning leads it to victory, the Blacktalon's melds and bond with the forest prepare us for those who dare challenge us."
Sidd says, "Analogous to Beetle's innovation and creativity, the Harbingers' acute voices in harmonious song strike straight through the hearts of enemies."
Sidd says, "The Ebonguards sting strikes swift and true as Wasp overpowers its enemies in pure ferocity and astounding strength sweeping enemies aside with every swing."
Sidd says, "Bat's ability to move about and kill swiftly in the shadows is exemplified by the Shadowdancers, embracing Mother Night's grace and favor for their impeccable stealth and guile in unmatched might."
Sidd takes a scorpion, holds it high above his head, for all to see.
Sidd says, "Perhaps the strongest of all, Scorpion, the killer, firmly believes in the melding of all the idols into one true method. The Scorpion of perfection is what the Nekotai strives for in ourselves, as well as in all who dwell within glorious Glomdoring. Where perfection in oneself demands complete faultlessness, perfection in Glomdoring as a whole can be accomplished with the combination of our idolized guilds."
Sidd places the scorpion into the cauldron, watching it sink into the darkness.
Sidd says, "Together, we form our beloved forest in which shadows and darkness thrive."
Sidd says, "Together, we are Scorpion: The perfect killer, beauty incarnate."
Evaine slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Miryh slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Tau slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Sidd slides his opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Janalon slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Sidd says, "Together, we are the Wyrd."
Sidd takes a step back.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom raises her arms aloft and begins a soft sing-song chant in the language of the fae. The wind begins to pickup, and after a moment, a vortex is formed in the center of the circle, just above the cauldron containing the offerings. One by one they rise, drawn upward by the whirling wind. When all are aloft, the wind abruptly dies, but the offerings do not fall. They have vanished with the wind.
Sagging slightly, as if exhausted, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Our words have been heard and our tokens accepted. The our Spirits see that we are united and will bless our venture and we shall be triumphant over the cities. May it always be so."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom proclaims, "We have gathered here to invoke our Great Spirits. To entreat Them for the boon of Their consideration and blessing during these trying times. To offer our firm resolve in the face of an enemy encroaching and an enemy we must stand with. To affirm our Unity and our dedication to the Wyrd and the Spirits who guide us, though we may - by threat of a common enemy, be forced to have commerce with long-time foes and their own Spirits who are adversaries to our own."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Let us begin."
Looking from person to person, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Will those who will speak for their Guild step forward?"
Sidd takes a step forward.
Sidd nods his head emphatically.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist steps forward.
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow takes a step forward.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd steps forward.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom steps forward as well, completing the set.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom places her cauldron on the ground. She then takes a small bell made of obsidian glass from a pocket and begins pacing deosil, her steps a graceful dance as she moves in a circle from person to person. As she passes each individual she rings the bell, waiting until the delicate ringing tone fades away before moving on. The shadows which trail her steps swirl about their legs, clinging to each person like a living thing before sliding along in the Night Wtich's wake.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom returns to her starting point and slams her athame into the ground, sealing the circle. She bends and retrieves her cauldron and then carries it to the center of the circle where she places it once more upon the ground, then returning to her spot. Once she returns, she nods at Urazial.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd closes his eyes and inhales slowly. His hand moves to rest lightly on his lyre, fingers taking position on the delicate strings. Slowly, he begins strumming, his fingers moving with well practiced precision over the strings. Eyes opening slightly, he begins humming at a pitch barely heard over the crisp notes of his music.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd begins playing at a quicker pace as he circles the cauldron slowly. Looking at the audience surrounding him, his eyes stare into your own a moment as his humming becomes a sort of chant, the music and his voice weaving in and out of each other and becoming lost and emerging into something else. Gentle whispers can be heard faintly from the area, the shadows here and there writhing and darkening.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd stops and turns to face the cauldron. His fingers move so fast over the strings that they cut into the tips, sending drops of blood running down his lyre and falling to the ground as he begins to sing.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Under the starless sky, we bring the gifts of hidden wisdom."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Under the starless sky, the children of Night pray with darkened lips."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd glances down, the blood pooling at his feet slowly sinking into the ground.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Wreathed in blackened feathers, we bring the gifts of Wyrden wisdom."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Wreathed in blackened feathers, the children of Crow are ravenous."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd backs away slightly as the ground where the blood had been pulses and throbs, as though something were moving underneath.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd backs away slightly as the ground where the blood had been pulses and throbs, as though something were moving underneath.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Walking between honour and trickery, we bring the gifts of discipline and endurance."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Walking between honour and trickery, the children of the Ebonglom stand ready."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd slowly crouches down and watches as a tiny, pale hand emerges from the ground, followed by another. Gripping the earth, the smooth, glossy hands are followed by equally pale and fragile looking arms and soon a tiny doll of a beautiful young girl emerges, no stain touching her porcelain body.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Hidden in the shadows, we bring the gifts of the unseen."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Hidden in the shadows, the children of the Scorpion sharpen their claws."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd takes the doll in his hand, the music coming to a sudden end. Standing up, he holds the doll over the cauldron as his fingers tighten their grip on it.
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Singing with madness, we fan the fury and harden the heart."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd sings, "Singing with madness, the children of the Voice sing for those who will die."
Lord Urazial Inseira, Song of the Wyrd raises the doll higher as a sudden cracking sound is heard. The doll begins to writhe as countless cracks appear on it's smooth surface, the tiny lips open and a piercing scream echoes through the trees. Falling away into chunks and tiny pieces, the doll disappears into the cauldron.
Stepping forward, her arms raised in supplication, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Hail Night, Mother of Darkness; attend to us in this, our hour of need. Guide us down the tri-fold path, and grant us strength in your shadowy embrace. May Sun never find us unawares and Moon ever hide from Your Might."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Mother Night, we of the Glomdoring are ever Your own children. Your shadows, blessed by the cold comfort of Your most holy Darkness. Our hour of need is truly upon us now."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "We are charged with the protection of the Faethorn Realm, which is currently under threat from the vile and unnatural cities. They think to bend the Ethereal to their purpose and this cannot be born. We will stand against such an atrocity and if needs be, we will stand with the Seren."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Only such an extreme threat could warrant such an action. However, Your own teaching, Mother Night speaks to the necessity of being flexible in the face of adversity."
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "" The shadows of Mother Night are an ever-shifting being. They evolve and reshape with the movement of Father Sun and Mother Night, adapting to their new enviroment. Adaptation is the tool of the strong." So says the Liturgy of Adaptation. So says the wisdom of Mother Night!"
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom lowers her arms and as she does so, the shadows deepen and a chill cuts through the air. The feeling of cold fingers gently grazing your cheek, the cold reaching through to your very soul, makes you shiver.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom makes her way to the cauldron in the middle of the circle, lowering her arms as she walks. When she reaches the cauldron, she reaches into her robes and brings out a glittering black rose wrapped in a web. With a whispered prayer, she drops it gently into the cauldron to rest beside the doll. She then turns and, without a backward glance, makes her way back to her place in the circle.
Stepping forward and holding her arms outstretched in front of her, a black feather cupped in her hands, Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow says, "Hail, Brother Crow, Scourge of the Heart of Darkness. Guide our wings, that we may soar within the embrace of Mother Night. Safeguard our nests, that our young may flourish amidst the Wyrd. And disciple our spirits, that we may continue to serve without thought to ourselves."
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow says, "And it is during this time that our service to the Glomdoring will be thoroughly tested, for we stand upon the Ethereal realm with the cities bearing down on us, and with those of the Wilde at our side."
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow says, "We are protectors of Glomdoring, her great trees, and her people. Whether upon the Prime or Ethereal planes, it is up to us to ensure the safety of our home. With this in mind, grant us Your blessing, Mighty Crow!"
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow brings her hands to her mouth and blows sharply on the black feather, sending it spiralling upwards through the air, picked up by an errant breeze. As it climbs higher in the firmament, you feel the faint itch of wings brush against your skin.
Ried Nimaet, Eye of Crow approaches the cauldron, withdrawing a golden sickle from her robes. When she reaches the cauldron, she rolls up the sleeve of her free arm to her shoulder and calmly cuts into her flesh with the arcing blade until she bleeds. The druid drops the now bloodied sickle into the cauldron, then turns with a flare of her wings and resumes her place in the circle.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "We gather together as defenders of not just the Great Spirits and the Fae, but of Nature itself. All Spirits, from the small squirrel to the vicious wolf, are with us in this effort. Make no mistake, this will not be an easy battle should the cities move against us, but it is one we can win. It is one that we will win. We are the Glomdoring, the Forest of No Mercy."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "You may have friends in Magnagora, or in New Celest, but if they attack Nature they are enemies of this Forest and will be stopped. Their blood, and that of their cohorts, the agitators seeking to defile Nature with the control of the Cities, will feed the Forest with their blood. To this purpose we dedicate ourselves now, and once more renew our pledge to our Forest. The pledge to serve, with our lives if need be, to see the Glomdoring grow strong."
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist steps forward, placing a small token into the cauldron, carvings of the Spirits of Nature adorning its surface.
Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "F'ai Glomdoring."
Sidd takes another step forward.
Sidd says, "We are the Glomdoring."
Sidd says, "We are the Wyrd."
Sidd looks out at all those in attendance.
Sidd says, "Our strength lies in our unity, a belief the Nekotai incorporates into the very essence of our doctrine. The Idols of the Nekotai preaches this ideal: Spider, Wasp, Beetle, Bat and Scorpion. Each separate in thought but together formulating into what is the Nekotai. One's niche within the Wyrd is ever-existent, as such every member is responsible for Glomdoring."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sidd's lips.
Sidd says, "Just as Spider's tenacious planning leads it to victory, the Blacktalon's melds and bond with the forest prepare us for those who dare challenge us."
Sidd says, "Analogous to Beetle's innovation and creativity, the Harbingers' acute voices in harmonious song strike straight through the hearts of enemies."
Sidd says, "The Ebonguards sting strikes swift and true as Wasp overpowers its enemies in pure ferocity and astounding strength sweeping enemies aside with every swing."
Sidd says, "Bat's ability to move about and kill swiftly in the shadows is exemplified by the Shadowdancers, embracing Mother Night's grace and favor for their impeccable stealth and guile in unmatched might."
Sidd takes a scorpion, holds it high above his head, for all to see.
Sidd says, "Perhaps the strongest of all, Scorpion, the killer, firmly believes in the melding of all the idols into one true method. The Scorpion of perfection is what the Nekotai strives for in ourselves, as well as in all who dwell within glorious Glomdoring. Where perfection in oneself demands complete faultlessness, perfection in Glomdoring as a whole can be accomplished with the combination of our idolized guilds."
Sidd places the scorpion into the cauldron, watching it sink into the darkness.
Sidd says, "Together, we form our beloved forest in which shadows and darkness thrive."
Sidd says, "Together, we are Scorpion: The perfect killer, beauty incarnate."
Evaine slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Miryh slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Tau slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Sidd slides his opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Janalon slides her opposing nekai against each other, causing an earsplitting screech to warble through the blades.
Sidd says, "Together, we are the Wyrd."
Sidd takes a step back.
Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom raises her arms aloft and begins a soft sing-song chant in the language of the fae. The wind begins to pickup, and after a moment, a vortex is formed in the center of the circle, just above the cauldron containing the offerings. One by one they rise, drawn upward by the whirling wind. When all are aloft, the wind abruptly dies, but the offerings do not fall. They have vanished with the wind.
Sagging slightly, as if exhausted, Seer Amani Naevelle, Elder of Wisdom says, "Our words have been heard and our tokens accepted. The our Spirits see that we are united and will bless our venture and we shall be triumphant over the cities. May it always be so."
Iola2009-05-02 05:58:47
Man, I didn't realise you guys were holding this rite this soon
I'm really sad I missed it.

Unknown2009-05-02 07:15:33
It was awesome! 
