Konton2009-05-10 04:51:36
Just a little healing rite for Lady Lisaera's Order following all the shrine and temple raids. No flames or zaps please.
Taking a spot next to the shrine, you say, "Would everyone join in a circle around me and the shrine?"
Solanis nods his head emphatically.
Gregori begins briskly walking in a wide circle, lifting his knees high, creating a path in the shape of a ring. As he trots faster and faster along this ringed path, you see a hazy image of a white stag running next to him.
The old woman upon the shrine, still smiling, slowly reaches over and pats Konton gently on the head.
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame steps forward, in towards a circle, smiling encouragingly towards you.
Moonsage Solanis Carthan takes his place beside the shrine, taking you by the hand.
Totem Carver Fern Mes'ard strides forward, taking a place next to her mother.
Kelysa shuffles over to Gregori and shyly takes his hand in her own.
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard whispers to Aiyana, "I made a bigger circle and brought Hart to the rite."
Gregori nods his head sagely.
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame whispers to Gregori, "I'm proud of you, dear. Always having to one-up everyone else and managing it."
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame rolls her eyes a little.
"Shh!" says Kelysa, putting a finger to her lips.
Taking a deep breath, you say, "We are all children of the Lady. We have all been hurt by the attacks on Her. Be it on the body, the heart, or the soul. While we can not forget or forgive this acts if we hold on to them they will poison us from now on."
say It is Spring. The time of renewal, the time of rebirth. The time of Awakening, together we will call on this time to heal us. We will call on the rain to take our hurts to that we can walk forward.
You raise your hands and clouds form and darken overhead, releasing a heavy rain that drenches the area.
The old woman upon the shrine lifts her head to gaze at the rain, her hands cupped to catch it.
Raising the hands clasped in his own, you say, "Let us offer our pain to the rain in voice! In tears! In whatever form let it be free to wash it away!"
A single teardrop coalesces in the corner of Kelysa's eyes.
A single tear drops from Gregori's eye as he stops his own heart, slaying himself instantly.
Gregori has been slain by misadventure.
Having been too much for the mortal threads of Gregori, he screams in agony as flames engulf his body and burn it to a crisp.
Kelysa picks up the corpse of Gregori.
4114h, 5583m, 5923e, 10p, 15800en, 22730w ex-
You have emoted: Konton throws back his head as he lets out a roar of rage and pain till his throat grows hoarse.
Kelysa leaves to the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
You blink.
Kelysa enters from the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
Gregori enters from the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
The rain falls down upon the silver shrine like many tears, mingling with the springing water and running in rivulets down the vined altar.
Kelysa thwaps Gregori on the head.
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard whispers to Aiyana, "I offered my pain..."
Solanis taps his foot with mild impatience.
With a pained voice, you say, "Please let you pain out, in a non-lethal way."
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard says, "Well I was kind of hoping someone would offer my body.. not.. .immolate it.."
Gregori shuffles his feet uneasily.
The old woman upon the shrine gazes at Gregori, tears of water running down her cheeks. She lifts her moonstone orb to cast light upon all.
Placing his hand on his throat to heal it, you say, "Gregori this is a ritual of healing, you just did yours in a very unexpected way. Everyone else, don't be afraid to let your pain out in any way. I just ask that my skills as a Healer not be needed."
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame thumps the ground beside her with her cudgel, closing her eyes slowly.
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard says, "Sacrifice is a teaching of the Sacred Grove, while it may seem unexpected, it was meant with the fullest of respect for the ritual."
Barely above a whisper, Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame says, "And Sacrifice is one of the few ways I know how to let my pain go."
Shouting out to the heavens, Aiyana releases her lifeforce, allowing the emerald aura of health and well-being to leave her for her allies.
The last of Aiyana's lifeforce seeps from her body as she slips peacefully into death.
Herself has been slain by Aiyana.
The body of Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame shimmers briefly and returns to life.
Gregori smiles softly at Aiyana.
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame opens her eyes slowly and gazes upwards.
The rain water drips down from the shrine to mingle with the infused blood upon the ground, turning a translucent red.
You say, "I understand then. Sometimes I forget that some healings need pain to happen. I just don't like when I can't prevent it."
Gregori smiles softly.
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard steps forward, raising her hand to swipe a quick stripe across her palm with her athame, allowing a few drops of her blood to fall to the ground by the altar.
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard says, "Blood for blood, I suppose. These are bloody times."
You nod your head emphatically.
With a soft smile crossing her muzzle, Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame says, "Bloody times, and only more to come. I know for sure I am willing to give my life as many times as I must for every one of you. Your pain is my pain, for we are all family."
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard raises her palm to the air, letting the rainwater run over her wound.
You say, "Yes. We will shed both blood and tears together, because we are a family. Let us always remember this. So we can help each other with wounds of body and heart."
You say, "In blood or tears we off our pain. Let it be washed away for a better tomarrow."
The rain gradually begins to lessen, the reddened water soaked by the sanctified ground, with small pools forming in the tiny dips upon the shrine.
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard steps forward cupping a palmful of water from the shrine in her bloodied hand, lifting it to her lips to sip a little, letting the rest run down her face.
Blushing brightly, you say, "I'm not sure what else to say or do at this point. All that I can say is no matter what let us always remember this healing. One brought by our love for each other and the Lady. Let us always remember it and that we will always be there to help one another."
Solanis nods his head emphatically.
Gregori begins briskly walking in a wide circle, lifting his knees high, creating a path in the shape of a ring. As he trots faster and faster along this ringed path, you see a hazy image of a white stag running next to him.
The old woman upon the shrine, still smiling, slowly reaches over and pats Konton gently on the head.
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame steps forward, in towards a circle, smiling encouragingly towards you.
Moonsage Solanis Carthan takes his place beside the shrine, taking you by the hand.
Totem Carver Fern Mes'ard strides forward, taking a place next to her mother.
Kelysa shuffles over to Gregori and shyly takes his hand in her own.
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard whispers to Aiyana, "I made a bigger circle and brought Hart to the rite."
Gregori nods his head sagely.
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame whispers to Gregori, "I'm proud of you, dear. Always having to one-up everyone else and managing it."
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame rolls her eyes a little.
"Shh!" says Kelysa, putting a finger to her lips.
Taking a deep breath, you say, "We are all children of the Lady. We have all been hurt by the attacks on Her. Be it on the body, the heart, or the soul. While we can not forget or forgive this acts if we hold on to them they will poison us from now on."
say It is Spring. The time of renewal, the time of rebirth. The time of Awakening, together we will call on this time to heal us. We will call on the rain to take our hurts to that we can walk forward.
You raise your hands and clouds form and darken overhead, releasing a heavy rain that drenches the area.
The old woman upon the shrine lifts her head to gaze at the rain, her hands cupped to catch it.
Raising the hands clasped in his own, you say, "Let us offer our pain to the rain in voice! In tears! In whatever form let it be free to wash it away!"
A single teardrop coalesces in the corner of Kelysa's eyes.
A single tear drops from Gregori's eye as he stops his own heart, slaying himself instantly.
Gregori has been slain by misadventure.
Having been too much for the mortal threads of Gregori, he screams in agony as flames engulf his body and burn it to a crisp.
Kelysa picks up the corpse of Gregori.
4114h, 5583m, 5923e, 10p, 15800en, 22730w ex-
You have emoted: Konton throws back his head as he lets out a roar of rage and pain till his throat grows hoarse.
Kelysa leaves to the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
You blink.
Kelysa enters from the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
Gregori enters from the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
The rain falls down upon the silver shrine like many tears, mingling with the springing water and running in rivulets down the vined altar.
Kelysa thwaps Gregori on the head.
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard whispers to Aiyana, "I offered my pain..."
Solanis taps his foot with mild impatience.
With a pained voice, you say, "Please let you pain out, in a non-lethal way."
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard says, "Well I was kind of hoping someone would offer my body.. not.. .immolate it.."
Gregori shuffles his feet uneasily.
The old woman upon the shrine gazes at Gregori, tears of water running down her cheeks. She lifts her moonstone orb to cast light upon all.
Placing his hand on his throat to heal it, you say, "Gregori this is a ritual of healing, you just did yours in a very unexpected way. Everyone else, don't be afraid to let your pain out in any way. I just ask that my skills as a Healer not be needed."
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame thumps the ground beside her with her cudgel, closing her eyes slowly.
Hierophant Gregori Mes'ard says, "Sacrifice is a teaching of the Sacred Grove, while it may seem unexpected, it was meant with the fullest of respect for the ritual."
Barely above a whisper, Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame says, "And Sacrifice is one of the few ways I know how to let my pain go."
Shouting out to the heavens, Aiyana releases her lifeforce, allowing the emerald aura of health and well-being to leave her for her allies.
The last of Aiyana's lifeforce seeps from her body as she slips peacefully into death.
Herself has been slain by Aiyana.
The body of Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame shimmers briefly and returns to life.
Gregori smiles softly at Aiyana.
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame opens her eyes slowly and gazes upwards.
The rain water drips down from the shrine to mingle with the infused blood upon the ground, turning a translucent red.
You say, "I understand then. Sometimes I forget that some healings need pain to happen. I just don't like when I can't prevent it."
Gregori smiles softly.
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard steps forward, raising her hand to swipe a quick stripe across her palm with her athame, allowing a few drops of her blood to fall to the ground by the altar.
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard says, "Blood for blood, I suppose. These are bloody times."
You nod your head emphatically.
With a soft smile crossing her muzzle, Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame says, "Bloody times, and only more to come. I know for sure I am willing to give my life as many times as I must for every one of you. Your pain is my pain, for we are all family."
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard raises her palm to the air, letting the rainwater run over her wound.
You say, "Yes. We will shed both blood and tears together, because we are a family. Let us always remember this. So we can help each other with wounds of body and heart."
You say, "In blood or tears we off our pain. Let it be washed away for a better tomarrow."
The rain gradually begins to lessen, the reddened water soaked by the sanctified ground, with small pools forming in the tiny dips upon the shrine.
Wilde Witch, Kelysa Mes'ard steps forward cupping a palmful of water from the shrine in her bloodied hand, lifting it to her lips to sip a little, letting the rest run down her face.
Blushing brightly, you say, "I'm not sure what else to say or do at this point. All that I can say is no matter what let us always remember this healing. One brought by our love for each other and the Lady. Let us always remember it and that we will always be there to help one another."
Kelysa2009-05-10 04:57:21
You know at the end there I expected a person or two to copy me, I just ended up looking weird. >_>
Gregori2009-05-10 04:59:36
yeah at the end I was about to do something, then Xiel and his broken spectacles gave everyone a heart attack so I ran off to defend faethorn, only to realize it wasn't faethorn he was in... then came back and lost my train of thought completely. I think most of us did at that point
I still like the ritual though and think we need more!
I still like the ritual though and think we need more!
Razenth2009-05-10 05:04:54
Sweet Light, we thought we guys were prepping for a raid...
Gregori2009-05-10 05:07:34
QUOTE (Razenth @ May 9 2009, 11:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sweet Light, we thought we guys were prepping for a raid...
It was the Hartstone lichseed ritual >.>
Unknown2009-05-10 05:19:04
QUOTE (Kelysa @ May 10 2009, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You know at the end there I expected a person or two to copy me, I just ended up looking weird. >_>
Teehee. I was thinking, NO WAY, I DO NOT DRINK BLOOD.
Kelysa2009-05-10 05:19:43
symbolism ftl 

Gregori2009-05-10 05:21:22
QUOTE (Kelysa @ May 9 2009, 11:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
symbolism ftl 

I was about to "face paint" for symbolism with the blood, had the emote half typed out when Xiel-dar went off

Konton2009-05-10 05:30:28
I was about to shot healing energy into the rain storm but Lisaera beat me with the lessening rain, and then my excuse is the same as everyone's for not joining in for a sip.
Unknown2009-05-10 13:01:49
QUOTE (Konton @ May 10 2009, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heiress Aiyana Mes'ard, of the Sterling Flame whispers to Gregori, "I'm proud of you, dear. Always having to one-up everyone else and managing it."
A single teardrop coalesces in the corner of Kelysa's eyes.
A single tear drops from Gregori's eye as he stops his own heart, slaying himself instantly.
A single teardrop coalesces in the corner of Kelysa's eyes.
A single tear drops from Gregori's eye as he stops his own heart, slaying himself instantly.
LOL. This was very entertaining.
Jack2009-05-10 14:59:09
Going to the jungle where the elephant roams
Got to get away, gonna make it my home
Losing my taste for the human race
Social grace is a waste of time
It's absurd when I look around
So sublime that it blows my mind
Naked in the rain, with a killer whale
I can't taste the salt when I lick his tail
Naaaaaaked in the rain
Doctor Doolittle, what's your secret?
Give it to me, doctor
Don't keep it
Got to get away, gonna make it my home
Losing my taste for the human race
Social grace is a waste of time
It's absurd when I look around
So sublime that it blows my mind
Naked in the rain, with a killer whale
I can't taste the salt when I lick his tail
Naaaaaaked in the rain
Doctor Doolittle, what's your secret?
Give it to me, doctor
Don't keep it
Gwylifar2009-05-10 16:12:44
Someone left the cake out in the rain.
Kelysa2009-05-10 18:45:46
This ritual WAS preceded by threats of chewy punishment cake if I didn't show up. >_> I think I HAD to show up when I pressure you into doing rituals, I think that's kinda a rule.
Konton2009-05-11 04:14:42
Well that threat was totally idle, although I wasn't kidding about giving it to Gregori when I mentioned it. Expect I wanted to change to word chewy with "Made of stone to be forced fed."
Iola2009-05-11 07:28:44
Yay, Konton is back. 

Konton2009-05-11 23:04:24
QUOTE (Iola @ May 11 2009, 02:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay, Konton is back. 

Never thought something a simple as me coming around would get such a response.
Edit: Mostly since I don't talk that much

Kelysa2009-05-12 03:54:02
Just keep coming around, most of us don't have the guts to spring random rituals together like you can. Or make sufficiently chewy cakes.