Daganev2009-06-16 17:01:09
In the historical famillies section I read that house i'Xiia still isn't claimed.
Well, Daganev has some history with that house, and his current family situation is really all messed up (officially he is something other than a Treeripper, and he can't ever become a treeripper at this point, and I think everyone is inactive anyways.. so. Anyone interested in house i'Xiia?)
Here is the relevent pieces of History from Daganev's background:
Well, Daganev has some history with that house, and his current family situation is really all messed up (officially he is something other than a Treeripper, and he can't ever become a treeripper at this point, and I think everyone is inactive anyways.. so. Anyone interested in house i'Xiia?)
Here is the relevent pieces of History from Daganev's background:
Daganev's Background
Daganev was born on the 17th of Kiani, 84 years after the Coming of
Estarra on the edge of the Forest and Mountains to a couple of Taedae on
an island far to the east of the Basin. When Daganev was a young cub,
his parents left him in the path of a Tuarian hunting, party that lived
in the frozen north of the island. A member of this hunting party, Ragg,
took the young Taedae cub to be raised by the Treeripper family. As a
hornless Taedae in a village full of Taurians, Daganev was treated as
furniture. His opinions were not wanted and so he lived his life as best
he could; watching more than talking. As he grew up, he found that he
was stronger than most of the other Taurians and made the decision to
try to join the hunting parties, for in hunting there is little talking,
and strength is valued.
After one of the battles with the great Yeti tribe a group of 6 Taurians
were asked to go back to the mainland and gather more Taurians to help
the village. Everyone in the village was more than happy to see Daganev
the Taedae be part of this group. However, not everyone in the group was
happy to have Daganev go across the waters with them, and so Daganev
kept to himself as much as he could. When the group headed by Ragg made
it to the mainland, treachery befell Daganev.
As the group from the island made its way through the Glomdoring Forest,
where the Treerippers first made their large boats, a thorn beast and
black widow attacked Daganev, pulling him apart from the rest of the
group. The poison of the black widow mixed with the large vines from the
thorn beast hit Daganev hard on his head, almost cleaving his head in
two, and knocking him out of the trees into a hidden crevice on the
forest floor. Not cared about by the rest of the group, Daganev was left
alone unconscious in the forest for an unknown amount of time, until he
was awoken by the high pitched shouts of a young Furrikin. Angry and
upset by his large headache, Daganev bounced up to see what was making
so much noise. Seeing it was just a small Furrikin being attacked by the
very same thorn beasts, Daganev lunged forward protecting the Furrikin,
whose name later was known to be Furloch, and slayed the beast that hit
his head.
After some conversation with Furloch, Daganev found that his ability to
speak was greatly hindered and most of his memories where lost. Daganev
was not able to tell Furloch where he came from or where he was going,
but decided to help Furloch and protect him while they headed to the
nearest city. Furloch, noticing the wound on Daganevs head and thinking
it a bit too ghastly, suggested that when they reach the city they try
to find someone willing to fix his wounds. Daganev, ever so grateful to
this idea, swore to Furloch that he would protect him and teach him to
be able to survive the Thorn beasts on his own. Furloch told Daganev
that this was unnecessary, but Daganev insisted Insisted to the point
where he would beat Furloch if he refused.
And so, after wandering through the Glomdoring forest, into the blasted
wastelands and eventually finding the Lich Gate of Magnagora, Daganev
led Furloch from building to building trying to find a healer of some
sort. Despite losing many of his memories, certain character traits and
trained behaviors stayed with Daganev, and so when he entered the city
full of strange looking Viscanti, he did not ask for directions or any
such thing, not wanting to disrupt what was going on. The first thing
Daganev found in Magnagora was the forge, and upon seeing it gave in to
heart filled memories of weapons and service, and found the forge to be
just the perfect size for Furloch to stay in. And so, Daganev locked
Furloch in the forge and made sure he kept it clean when not in use.
Eventually, Daganev found the Tower of Ixiia to get his wounds healed,
and after spending so much time in the forge, met various Urguard to
which he became attached and decided to live out his life in their
Vestian 10th, 107 CE
As Daganev and Furloch began their life in Magnagora, Daganev discovered
that there was more to being a citizen and serving the Ur'guard than
forging and slaying eels. Dagnev, due to his massive head injury was
unable to read or write, and so Daganev asked Furloch to do his reading
and writing for him.
Even before the first emperor was chosen in Magnagora, Furloch was
causing trouble writing politically active posts to criticize any he
felt was not doing what was best for Magnagora and the Taint. Perhaps
because of these posts, Daganev was looked at as an asset to the city,
and was soon appointed to be the Second Trade Minister of Mangagora,
taking the place of Chade, who became the first Emperor.
Daganev often used Furloch to do his public announcements and record the
various comings and goings of the Commodities and Money of the
Magnagoraian Empire. Do to their hard work, Rexali and Furloch became
the first Aides to the ministry of Trade.
Vestian 11th, 107 CE
As the Empire of Magnagora grew, Celest began to construct a shield that
would defend it against the Taint. Furred that Celest would have
something Magnagora didn't the citizens of Magnagora aided mostly by
Arilyon began working on a device that they knew nothing about, but that
House i'Xiia wanted to start.
Daganev, in all his desire to help Magnagora in anyway possible swore
Feality to House i'Xiia and began to do whatever could be done to help
raise what was then to be known as the Necromantate, or as Daganev would
call it, "the Dead brain." In the back of his mind, Daganev had hoped
that this "Dead Brain" would help his own hindered brain become more
useful as his responsibilities grew.
Unknown to Arilyon or anyone else at this time, Daganev, with his strong
desire to serve those who lead him, started to have a crush on Arilyon
that would bring him much joy and unhappiness in the future
Vestian 11th, 107 CE
Daganev often followed around Arilyon in the city, as she became the
Guild Master of the Geomancers and so, not only did she become the
object of Daganev's obsession, but she would also prove to be a good way
for Daganev to learn what the city needed most.
Unfortunately for Daganev, Arilyon was friendly with quite a few people
who could not see the desire in Daganev's eyes and perhaps, even wanted
to have Arilyon for themselves. It did not take long for Valek, a
powerful player in the city of Magnagora who often was working behind
the scenes, to become suspicious of Daganev often showing up where
Arilyon and her friends would relax and gossip.
Overtime, and after his close friend Chade stepped down as Emperor, this
cold feud between Daganev and Valek grew until Daganev felt that there
was more politics in the service of Magnagora than his small brain could
handle. Because of perceived slights, Daganev decided that the best way
he could serve the city would be to resign as Minister of Trade of avoid
any conflicts with citizens in the Future.
As Furloch was Daganev's closest aide and was the one who was truly
doing all the work anyways, Chade and later Daevos, appointed Furloch as
the next Trade Minister, and so, feeling betrayed by his own love for
the city of Magangora and those who worked for it, Daganev's short time
as Minister of Trade came to an end.
Vestian 11th, 107 CE
After some time of Furloch being the Minister of Trade, Daganev was once
again betrayed. Not much is known of the reasons why Furloch betrayed
Daganev and Magnagora, but one can assume the years of abuse Furloch
experienced left him bitter. It is also rumored that similar events that
happened to Daganev, happened to Furloch just before his ran away from
Magnagora with their gold and commodities.
Daganev was left for quite some time without anyone to read the news to
him or write letters for him to customers. However, many in the city of
Magnagora such as Bricriu and Venox did what they could for him while he
searched for new ways to help his Empire and Emperor.
Ever faithful to his loyalties, Daganev refused to give up on finding a
close friend in Magnagora to whom he could be of service and spent many
days and nights trying to catch the attention of Nayl, the sister of
Nepthystia, one of his best and most loyal customers.
Vestian 12th, 107 CE
Doing what he could to help those who sword to, Daganev spent much time
with Tsai, one of the few known members of House i'Xiia doing what he
could for him here and there, often running errands to collect
commodities or to be an ear for new policies within the Ur'guard. After
being an undersecretary for the Ur'Guard and gathering some gold, Tsai
asked Daganev to help he officially record the House of i'Xiia with him
as a member. Daganev was more than happy to do so, however the Fates
would decide otherwise.
An old member of the Ur'guard, and now a member of the Serenguard,
Tharruk had a vision when bonding with Old Man Rock, the spirit of the
rock and told him to remember his promises. Tharruk Treeripper, brother
of Thorgil Treeripper, the manager of the Ur'guard Armory suddenly
remembered that this Tae'dae that he spent many hours training with
looked surprisingly similar to an old Tae'dae he once promised to help
raise and protect. Due to Daganev's state as an undead Lich, it was not
easy to recognize the hallow faced Tae'dae as the same Daganev who lived
in the village on the island to the east all those years ago. However,
just before Daganev officially gave money over to the hall of Records,
Tharruk remembered the face and his promise and tried to tell Daganev of
his past.
Unable to remember most of it, but knowing that Tharruk had indeed
helped him during his time in the Ur'guard, Daganev listed and felt the
emotional Truth of what was being told him. Reminding Tsai that Daganev
was but a servant and did not feel proper helping to rebuild the House
i'Xiia, Daganev embraced his cousin Tharruk and Torgith and took on the
name Treeripper as fate had decided so many years ago.
Juliary 20th, 115 CE
Some 60 months after finally getting Nayl to accept his proposal,
Daganev had one of the monumental days of his life.
One day, Viravain came to the Basin, and some days after that she began
to attempt to bring back Gloriana. At this point in time Daganev's early
memory of how he became strong in the Glomdoring came back to him and he
saught to find out why this goddess was destroying his history.
This inquiry created a bond between Daganev and Viravain, a bond that
seemed harmless at first, but grew into something that was beyond what
Daganev ever thought possible. All his life, Daganev followed the orders
of his leaders, and those orders led him to Magnagora where he joined an
army. But the leaders Daganev had did not appreciate his work, and not
untill Viravain showed himself did he recognize who his true leader
was...The forest without mercy, the Glomdoring.
His training as an Ur'guard taught him Discipline and this taught him to
see hardship as a source of strength. Never forgetting those who raised
him and cared for him, Daganev looks to Magnagora and the Ur'guard
specifically with respect and admiration. And this led to his most
momentus day of his life thus far.
On that day, Daganev found himself the Guildmaster of the Ebonguard, a
Member of the Shadow Council, and Husband to Nayl.
Vestian 13th, 120 CE
After spending some time in the Glomdoring Forest, Daganev began to find
himself changing. His old methods of life soon fell way to his new
position as a leader of the Ebonguard and Glomdoring. The mask he use to
wear as a follower of Fain, was no longer working its purpose, and so an
era of change came over Daganev. Taking example from Viravain, Daganev
began to question the so called 'Taint' and began pondering with great
ponderance over what this change in the world was really about.
When the Village of Paavik fell under the control of Glomdoring, Daganev
was forced to look into the Krokani and their way of life. Discovering
that they have an innate ability to see through falsehood and
manipulation, and being that they along with the Aslarans were the only
ones to ever hold back the taint, Daganev found his way into the body of
a Krokani. The age of Manipulation and secrets in Daganev's life came to
a close as he embranced deception openly for all the world to see.
Kiani 16th, 122 CE
On this day did Daganev truly bond with his weapons. One weapon, bearing
the mark of winter and ice was named 'Urlach's Heart,' the other imbued
with the power of lightning was named after the month in early autumn
and the famous vernal god, and so dubbed 'Klangar's Fury.' In honour of
this bond, Daganev received two tattoos upon his wrists so that even
when kept in his sheathe, the power of his weapons would be with him.
Estar 9th, 127 CE
It has been a few busy years since I have last been able to write the
words of my history, and it has been a turbulent era for myself. Nayl
and I, have finally been able to refind our daughter that was taken away
from us while we worked for Magnagora. Shayle has been a blessing to us
and our family. Now, wih her help the Treerippers have been able to
purchase a shop in Magnagora, and with the training we have given
her,Shayle became the Third Queen of Night since Rowena Stormcrow first
passed her mantle to other mortals.
Shanthin 1st, 153 CE
As time progresses, My bond with Mother Night and with Glomdoring
It has been a few years now since the power of Glomdoring has allowed me
grow and prosper, and now, that Glomdoring has become the Cultural
Center of the Basin, and our Power exceeds 1 million. I can reveil to
the world the truth about me, that has been hidden for so long.
I am a changeling, I have always taken on the race that best suits me.
The trickery and goals I have sought from being this race or that have
come to an end, and now I do not need to hide the nature of my being.
Am I male? Am I female? Am I a tae'dae? A Krokani? A Human? A Faeling?
It does not matter, for now all is changeable.
What will forever be constant is that I am now a Treeripper, and an
Ebonguard, and part of Glomdoring.
Nothing Matters but Glomdoring!
Daganev was born on the 17th of Kiani, 84 years after the Coming of
Estarra on the edge of the Forest and Mountains to a couple of Taedae on
an island far to the east of the Basin. When Daganev was a young cub,
his parents left him in the path of a Tuarian hunting, party that lived
in the frozen north of the island. A member of this hunting party, Ragg,
took the young Taedae cub to be raised by the Treeripper family. As a
hornless Taedae in a village full of Taurians, Daganev was treated as
furniture. His opinions were not wanted and so he lived his life as best
he could; watching more than talking. As he grew up, he found that he
was stronger than most of the other Taurians and made the decision to
try to join the hunting parties, for in hunting there is little talking,
and strength is valued.
After one of the battles with the great Yeti tribe a group of 6 Taurians
were asked to go back to the mainland and gather more Taurians to help
the village. Everyone in the village was more than happy to see Daganev
the Taedae be part of this group. However, not everyone in the group was
happy to have Daganev go across the waters with them, and so Daganev
kept to himself as much as he could. When the group headed by Ragg made
it to the mainland, treachery befell Daganev.
As the group from the island made its way through the Glomdoring Forest,
where the Treerippers first made their large boats, a thorn beast and
black widow attacked Daganev, pulling him apart from the rest of the
group. The poison of the black widow mixed with the large vines from the
thorn beast hit Daganev hard on his head, almost cleaving his head in
two, and knocking him out of the trees into a hidden crevice on the
forest floor. Not cared about by the rest of the group, Daganev was left
alone unconscious in the forest for an unknown amount of time, until he
was awoken by the high pitched shouts of a young Furrikin. Angry and
upset by his large headache, Daganev bounced up to see what was making
so much noise. Seeing it was just a small Furrikin being attacked by the
very same thorn beasts, Daganev lunged forward protecting the Furrikin,
whose name later was known to be Furloch, and slayed the beast that hit
his head.
After some conversation with Furloch, Daganev found that his ability to
speak was greatly hindered and most of his memories where lost. Daganev
was not able to tell Furloch where he came from or where he was going,
but decided to help Furloch and protect him while they headed to the
nearest city. Furloch, noticing the wound on Daganevs head and thinking
it a bit too ghastly, suggested that when they reach the city they try
to find someone willing to fix his wounds. Daganev, ever so grateful to
this idea, swore to Furloch that he would protect him and teach him to
be able to survive the Thorn beasts on his own. Furloch told Daganev
that this was unnecessary, but Daganev insisted Insisted to the point
where he would beat Furloch if he refused.
And so, after wandering through the Glomdoring forest, into the blasted
wastelands and eventually finding the Lich Gate of Magnagora, Daganev
led Furloch from building to building trying to find a healer of some
sort. Despite losing many of his memories, certain character traits and
trained behaviors stayed with Daganev, and so when he entered the city
full of strange looking Viscanti, he did not ask for directions or any
such thing, not wanting to disrupt what was going on. The first thing
Daganev found in Magnagora was the forge, and upon seeing it gave in to
heart filled memories of weapons and service, and found the forge to be
just the perfect size for Furloch to stay in. And so, Daganev locked
Furloch in the forge and made sure he kept it clean when not in use.
Eventually, Daganev found the Tower of Ixiia to get his wounds healed,
and after spending so much time in the forge, met various Urguard to
which he became attached and decided to live out his life in their
Vestian 10th, 107 CE
As Daganev and Furloch began their life in Magnagora, Daganev discovered
that there was more to being a citizen and serving the Ur'guard than
forging and slaying eels. Dagnev, due to his massive head injury was
unable to read or write, and so Daganev asked Furloch to do his reading
and writing for him.
Even before the first emperor was chosen in Magnagora, Furloch was
causing trouble writing politically active posts to criticize any he
felt was not doing what was best for Magnagora and the Taint. Perhaps
because of these posts, Daganev was looked at as an asset to the city,
and was soon appointed to be the Second Trade Minister of Mangagora,
taking the place of Chade, who became the first Emperor.
Daganev often used Furloch to do his public announcements and record the
various comings and goings of the Commodities and Money of the
Magnagoraian Empire. Do to their hard work, Rexali and Furloch became
the first Aides to the ministry of Trade.
Vestian 11th, 107 CE
As the Empire of Magnagora grew, Celest began to construct a shield that
would defend it against the Taint. Furred that Celest would have
something Magnagora didn't the citizens of Magnagora aided mostly by
Arilyon began working on a device that they knew nothing about, but that
House i'Xiia wanted to start.
Daganev, in all his desire to help Magnagora in anyway possible swore
Feality to House i'Xiia and began to do whatever could be done to help
raise what was then to be known as the Necromantate, or as Daganev would
call it, "the Dead brain." In the back of his mind, Daganev had hoped
that this "Dead Brain" would help his own hindered brain become more
useful as his responsibilities grew.
Unknown to Arilyon or anyone else at this time, Daganev, with his strong
desire to serve those who lead him, started to have a crush on Arilyon
that would bring him much joy and unhappiness in the future
Vestian 11th, 107 CE
Daganev often followed around Arilyon in the city, as she became the
Guild Master of the Geomancers and so, not only did she become the
object of Daganev's obsession, but she would also prove to be a good way
for Daganev to learn what the city needed most.
Unfortunately for Daganev, Arilyon was friendly with quite a few people
who could not see the desire in Daganev's eyes and perhaps, even wanted
to have Arilyon for themselves. It did not take long for Valek, a
powerful player in the city of Magnagora who often was working behind
the scenes, to become suspicious of Daganev often showing up where
Arilyon and her friends would relax and gossip.
Overtime, and after his close friend Chade stepped down as Emperor, this
cold feud between Daganev and Valek grew until Daganev felt that there
was more politics in the service of Magnagora than his small brain could
handle. Because of perceived slights, Daganev decided that the best way
he could serve the city would be to resign as Minister of Trade of avoid
any conflicts with citizens in the Future.
As Furloch was Daganev's closest aide and was the one who was truly
doing all the work anyways, Chade and later Daevos, appointed Furloch as
the next Trade Minister, and so, feeling betrayed by his own love for
the city of Magangora and those who worked for it, Daganev's short time
as Minister of Trade came to an end.
Vestian 11th, 107 CE
After some time of Furloch being the Minister of Trade, Daganev was once
again betrayed. Not much is known of the reasons why Furloch betrayed
Daganev and Magnagora, but one can assume the years of abuse Furloch
experienced left him bitter. It is also rumored that similar events that
happened to Daganev, happened to Furloch just before his ran away from
Magnagora with their gold and commodities.
Daganev was left for quite some time without anyone to read the news to
him or write letters for him to customers. However, many in the city of
Magnagora such as Bricriu and Venox did what they could for him while he
searched for new ways to help his Empire and Emperor.
Ever faithful to his loyalties, Daganev refused to give up on finding a
close friend in Magnagora to whom he could be of service and spent many
days and nights trying to catch the attention of Nayl, the sister of
Nepthystia, one of his best and most loyal customers.
Vestian 12th, 107 CE
Doing what he could to help those who sword to, Daganev spent much time
with Tsai, one of the few known members of House i'Xiia doing what he
could for him here and there, often running errands to collect
commodities or to be an ear for new policies within the Ur'guard. After
being an undersecretary for the Ur'Guard and gathering some gold, Tsai
asked Daganev to help he officially record the House of i'Xiia with him
as a member. Daganev was more than happy to do so, however the Fates
would decide otherwise.
An old member of the Ur'guard, and now a member of the Serenguard,
Tharruk had a vision when bonding with Old Man Rock, the spirit of the
rock and told him to remember his promises. Tharruk Treeripper, brother
of Thorgil Treeripper, the manager of the Ur'guard Armory suddenly
remembered that this Tae'dae that he spent many hours training with
looked surprisingly similar to an old Tae'dae he once promised to help
raise and protect. Due to Daganev's state as an undead Lich, it was not
easy to recognize the hallow faced Tae'dae as the same Daganev who lived
in the village on the island to the east all those years ago. However,
just before Daganev officially gave money over to the hall of Records,
Tharruk remembered the face and his promise and tried to tell Daganev of
his past.
Unable to remember most of it, but knowing that Tharruk had indeed
helped him during his time in the Ur'guard, Daganev listed and felt the
emotional Truth of what was being told him. Reminding Tsai that Daganev
was but a servant and did not feel proper helping to rebuild the House
i'Xiia, Daganev embraced his cousin Tharruk and Torgith and took on the
name Treeripper as fate had decided so many years ago.
Juliary 20th, 115 CE
Some 60 months after finally getting Nayl to accept his proposal,
Daganev had one of the monumental days of his life.
One day, Viravain came to the Basin, and some days after that she began
to attempt to bring back Gloriana. At this point in time Daganev's early
memory of how he became strong in the Glomdoring came back to him and he
saught to find out why this goddess was destroying his history.
This inquiry created a bond between Daganev and Viravain, a bond that
seemed harmless at first, but grew into something that was beyond what
Daganev ever thought possible. All his life, Daganev followed the orders
of his leaders, and those orders led him to Magnagora where he joined an
army. But the leaders Daganev had did not appreciate his work, and not
untill Viravain showed himself did he recognize who his true leader
was...The forest without mercy, the Glomdoring.
His training as an Ur'guard taught him Discipline and this taught him to
see hardship as a source of strength. Never forgetting those who raised
him and cared for him, Daganev looks to Magnagora and the Ur'guard
specifically with respect and admiration. And this led to his most
momentus day of his life thus far.
On that day, Daganev found himself the Guildmaster of the Ebonguard, a
Member of the Shadow Council, and Husband to Nayl.
Vestian 13th, 120 CE
After spending some time in the Glomdoring Forest, Daganev began to find
himself changing. His old methods of life soon fell way to his new
position as a leader of the Ebonguard and Glomdoring. The mask he use to
wear as a follower of Fain, was no longer working its purpose, and so an
era of change came over Daganev. Taking example from Viravain, Daganev
began to question the so called 'Taint' and began pondering with great
ponderance over what this change in the world was really about.
When the Village of Paavik fell under the control of Glomdoring, Daganev
was forced to look into the Krokani and their way of life. Discovering
that they have an innate ability to see through falsehood and
manipulation, and being that they along with the Aslarans were the only
ones to ever hold back the taint, Daganev found his way into the body of
a Krokani. The age of Manipulation and secrets in Daganev's life came to
a close as he embranced deception openly for all the world to see.
Kiani 16th, 122 CE
On this day did Daganev truly bond with his weapons. One weapon, bearing
the mark of winter and ice was named 'Urlach's Heart,' the other imbued
with the power of lightning was named after the month in early autumn
and the famous vernal god, and so dubbed 'Klangar's Fury.' In honour of
this bond, Daganev received two tattoos upon his wrists so that even
when kept in his sheathe, the power of his weapons would be with him.
Estar 9th, 127 CE
It has been a few busy years since I have last been able to write the
words of my history, and it has been a turbulent era for myself. Nayl
and I, have finally been able to refind our daughter that was taken away
from us while we worked for Magnagora. Shayle has been a blessing to us
and our family. Now, wih her help the Treerippers have been able to
purchase a shop in Magnagora, and with the training we have given
her,Shayle became the Third Queen of Night since Rowena Stormcrow first
passed her mantle to other mortals.
Shanthin 1st, 153 CE
As time progresses, My bond with Mother Night and with Glomdoring
It has been a few years now since the power of Glomdoring has allowed me
grow and prosper, and now, that Glomdoring has become the Cultural
Center of the Basin, and our Power exceeds 1 million. I can reveil to
the world the truth about me, that has been hidden for so long.
I am a changeling, I have always taken on the race that best suits me.
The trickery and goals I have sought from being this race or that have
come to an end, and now I do not need to hide the nature of my being.
Am I male? Am I female? Am I a tae'dae? A Krokani? A Human? A Faeling?
It does not matter, for now all is changeable.
What will forever be constant is that I am now a Treeripper, and an
Ebonguard, and part of Glomdoring.
Nothing Matters but Glomdoring!
Shaddus2009-06-16 18:34:00
That is an inspiring and well thought out story.
Daganev2009-06-16 18:40:24
Thanks. Its all actual in game events. (except for the initial background stuff)
Ishant2009-06-16 19:23:41
Rowena Stormcrow is interesting, was she called that once, or just your way of recording it?
History like this is good to have this late into Lusternia's life, it's almost regrettable more people didn't do it if you're right about only 22 people have a history.
History like this is good to have this late into Lusternia's life, it's almost regrettable more people didn't do it if you're right about only 22 people have a history.
Nariah2009-06-16 19:27:38
Hmm, considering myself a pro on the history of Magnagoran Great Houses I have to say that I really can't see it. For one, I am 99% sure you'd have to be Magnagoran and majority of the family to be turned into it, Magnagoran as well. Two, i'Xiia predominately consisted of mugwumps, and now viscanti, whilst your ties are distinctly tae'dae/taurian/other. Third, i'Xiia are the mad, ruthless, and extremely conceited researchers/scientists of Magnagora and I, personally, would have a stroke if there was no effort made from re-founded Houses to try and continue with their destined roles (yes, I am conservative and anal like that). That's like founding the artistic y'Bolgari and making them all be assassins.
PS. Ur'Guard ties would more hint at the stereotypically militaristic n'Rotri or d'Murani whose High Seat was once Commander of ur'Guard.
PS. Ur'Guard ties would more hint at the stereotypically militaristic n'Rotri or d'Murani whose High Seat was once Commander of ur'Guard.
Daganev2009-06-16 19:30:11
QUOTE (Ishant @ Jun 16 2009, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rowena Stormcrow is interesting, was she called that once, or just your way of recording it?
History like this is good to have this late into Lusternia's life, it's almost regrettable more people didn't do it if you're right about only 22 people have a history.
History like this is good to have this late into Lusternia's life, it's almost regrettable more people didn't do it if you're right about only 22 people have a history.
I don't remember about her name. But bear in mind, I played Daganev as someone who had his brain damaged and wasn't very smart about things.
Daganev2009-06-16 19:36:16
QUOTE (Nariah @ Jun 16 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm, considering myself a pro on the history of Magnagoran Great Houses I have to say that I really can't see it. For one, I am 99% sure you'd have to be Magnagoran and majority of the family to be turned into it, Magnagoran as well. Two, i'Xiia predominately consisted of mugwumps, and now viscanti, whilst your ties are distinctly tae'dae/taurian/other. Third, i'Xiia are the mad, ruthless, and extremely conceited researchers/scientists of Magnagora and I, personally, would have a stroke if there was no effort made from re-foudned Houses to try and continue with their destined roles (yes, I am conservative and anal like that). That's like founding the artistic y'Bolgari and making them all be assassins.
PS. Ur'Guard ties would more hint at the stereotypically militaristic n'Rotri or d'Murani whose High Seat was once Commander of ur'Guard.
PS. Ur'Guard ties would more hint at the stereotypically militaristic n'Rotri or d'Murani whose High Seat was once Commander of ur'Guard.
Well, Daganev would be the dumb lab assistant aka Igor in the Frankenstein movies. But otherwise I completely agree with you, (but had forgotten most of that information). Now that you mention it, I believe that is why I ended up deciding to take the Treeripper route instead. But if someone wants to be the smart scientist (what Furloch was supposed to be. *grumble*) I might be open to it.
(Now I just have to wait for Shayle to come and say nooooooooo)

However at this point in history, I don't think the family has to be directly living in Magnagora. People have moved and shifted so much that as long as the twisted scientist types were accepted somewhere, there isn't any reason why family members wouldn't have explored to learn new things. (like trying to decipher what the Wyrd was, or the affects of the fae on the Supernals/Demonlords etc.)
edit: Also, the larger the family the more likely you are to have "outcasts" and people who don't fit the family tradition. (But I agree, that the core has to be there)
Nariah2009-06-16 19:40:48
I agree with the whole migration thing, sure, but tell me, how happy would Glomdoring be if a Magnagoran claimed Stormcrow? Or better yet, how happy would Serenwilde be if a viscanti nicked the Lunseer? Taurian happy.
Hm, I do recall an admin telling me once that turning a family that was half in Glom and half in Mag into one of Magnagoran Great Houses was out of question, too.
Hm, I do recall an admin telling me once that turning a family that was half in Glom and half in Mag into one of Magnagoran Great Houses was out of question, too.
Daganev2009-06-16 19:47:34
QUOTE (Nariah @ Jun 16 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with the whole migration thing, sure, but tell me, how happy would Glomdoring be if a Magnagoran claimed Stormcrow? Or better yet, how happy would Serenwilde be if a viscanti nicked the Lunseer? Taurian happy.
Hm, I do recall an admin telling me once that turning a family that was half in Glom and half in Mag into one of Magnagoran Great Houses was out of question, too.
Hm, I do recall an admin telling me once that turning a family that was half in Glom and half in Mag into one of Magnagoran Great Houses was out of question, too.
But they currently exist, don't they? I think it would all depend on who the people were and why it happened and what the history was.
Shayle2009-06-16 20:02:49
Provided Daganev stays Shayle's daddy, I don't care what his history is. 

Daganev2009-06-16 20:07:57

Catarin2009-06-16 20:14:33
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 16 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But they currently exist, don't they? I think it would all depend on who the people were and why it happened and what the history was.
I'd have to disagree with this a bit. A historical family isn't really a personal thing that you can do whatever you want with. (Well, in theory it isn't anyway) People, especially people in the org the family is traditionally tied to, are going to have an attachment to that family - as it is laid out in the histories. To me that means that at least the founders and preferably the majority of the first generation are a part of the traditional org. And the founders should definitely stand out as being a great example of that family. Otherwise what's the point of it being a historical family?
It's like if I said "Oh yeah, I'm Inalai. Except I live in Magnagora. And I hate fighting. Ew swords. And the Light sucks. And the Empire was full of fail." It doesn't matter how good the reasons were behind it. It still really sucks for the org that has the historical attachment to that family.
It seems like you should start with a solid foundation based on the histories (at least through the majority of the first generation) and branch out into different storylines after that.
Daganev2009-06-16 20:30:20
Good points.
Any mag mad scientists out there interested?
Any mag mad scientists out there interested?
Enero2009-06-16 21:21:54
QUOTE (daganev @ Jun 16 2009, 09:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good points.
Any mag mad scientists out there interested?
Any mag mad scientists out there interested?
Not sure about mad scientists but I could create a Light preaching Mearian zealot from New Celest if that helps >.>
Sorries, couldn't resist :-/
Celina2009-06-16 22:03:41
I am enamored with the idea of i'Xiia and would have loved to actually start it myself, and would have if it weren't for the rage thrown at me from various people over it.
I think, if it weren't for the Glomdoring issue, you'd do marvelously with founding a historical family. However, the not being a Magnagoran is an issue. On the one hand, Magnagora has kind of stopped caring about their historical Great Houses. They really don't mean squat in terms over Magnagoran RP these days. On the other hand, I think starting a Magnagoran Great House out of Magnagora is just bad form. The Great Houses are supposed to BE the city, and though that might not be practiced at the moment, it just feels wrong to start something something in Glom that is so connected with Magnagora.
When I look at the d'Murani during it's peak, there was the Glomdoring side and the Magnagoran side. They were connected only by name. The Magnagoran side were snobby, elitist, and acted like the privileged bitches they were. They feuded and plotted against other great houses. The Glom side didn't involve themselves in any of it, really, because one) Glomdoring doesn't give a hoot about Mag great houses, and two) the environment is just different.
I just don't think it'd be fair to the House, is what I'm saying.
I think, if it weren't for the Glomdoring issue, you'd do marvelously with founding a historical family. However, the not being a Magnagoran is an issue. On the one hand, Magnagora has kind of stopped caring about their historical Great Houses. They really don't mean squat in terms over Magnagoran RP these days. On the other hand, I think starting a Magnagoran Great House out of Magnagora is just bad form. The Great Houses are supposed to BE the city, and though that might not be practiced at the moment, it just feels wrong to start something something in Glom that is so connected with Magnagora.
When I look at the d'Murani during it's peak, there was the Glomdoring side and the Magnagoran side. They were connected only by name. The Magnagoran side were snobby, elitist, and acted like the privileged bitches they were. They feuded and plotted against other great houses. The Glom side didn't involve themselves in any of it, really, because one) Glomdoring doesn't give a hoot about Mag great houses, and two) the environment is just different.
I just don't think it'd be fair to the House, is what I'm saying.
Daganev2009-06-16 22:17:20
With all the plotting and scheming that Magnagora has done to "take over" Glomdoring, maybe its time Glomdoring does some plotting/scheming to "take over" Magangora ('s great house of I'Xiia
edit: Anyone know what ever happened to Tsai? I know he got kicked out of the ur'guard at one point, but I don't know what happened since.

edit: Anyone know what ever happened to Tsai? I know he got kicked out of the ur'guard at one point, but I don't know what happened since.
Xenthos2009-06-16 22:42:57
Now they will start calling me Xenthos i'Xiia in announce posts. 

Astraea2009-06-17 04:08:06
Be quiet, you d'Illici, you!
Unknown2009-07-04 04:11:46
Great background, so serious and informative... but...
"Am I male? Am I female?"
Sorta ruined the atmosphere for me... >_>
"Am I male? Am I female?"
Sorta ruined the atmosphere for me... >_>