Synergy Plugin (MUSHClient)

by Ilyarin

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Ilyarin2009-07-30 10:40:01
This plugin has been developed to allow my other plugins to access one another. The intention here is to allow plugins to work in a synergistic manner, complementing each other. I am currently developing a plugin called DemesneTrack which can be complemented by EnemyAlly. This is hopefully the first of many.


Ilyarin2009-07-30 10:40:29
Syntaxes (Parenthesis in syntax denote optional phrases.)

  C_S SYNERGY 540ac053a207fb3bb2d614e5
    (Sets the hexadecimal id of the Synergy plugin. The id above is the id for the current version. If you think it has changed since you last used the syntax, just send this again.)

Refer to this post for installation guidelines.