DemesneTrack Plugin (MUSHClient)

by Ilyarin

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Ilyarin2009-07-31 12:15:11
This plugin has been developed to allow you to announce when people enter/leave your demesne. You can announce to any channel you wish, and you can announce to multiple channels.

The functionality can be extended by linking it to the EnemyAlly plugin. (Have both plugins uptodate and installed, enter the C_S SYNERGY command, then enter C_S RELOAD) Extended functionality allows you to limit your announcements to people who are on one of your customisable enemy lists.


Ilyarin2009-07-31 12:15:32
Elodres2009-09-06 07:18:28
This is so cool! Thanks bunches

Just a question: what is the syntax to remove clans from the list of clans I'm announcing to?
Ilyarin2009-09-06 09:45:18
The same as to add them. It is a toggling syntax.