Unknown2009-08-10 09:33:31
Ok to start, nogfx sucks cause they dont do html and I can't find a site to host my htlm file of the log using CoffeCup html editor
Pretty much the start of the fight, before we had just been polevaulting around, we had agreed to no insta kill
-----------------------------------------kata perform asmoth raze
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p(Tripleflash), 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
smoke 123746
4826h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19630en, 13548w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4826h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19630en, 13548w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
You may take another dose of allheale.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You attempt the Kata form of hlk.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left leg with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19619en, 13554w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19619en, 13554w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19619en, 13554w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Asmoth swings his leg high into the air at your head.
apply health to head
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your head.
The deep damage in your head completely heals.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
smoke 123746
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
kata perform asmoth hra
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
kata perform asmoth hra
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hra.
* ka tahto asmoth rarm right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right arm with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
* ka tahto asmoth larm left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left arm with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19611en, 13566w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19611en, 13566w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You jump aside, narrowly avoiding the attack.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19603en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19603en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19603en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
You cease darting around and avoiding blows.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth legs2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
kata perform asmoth legs2
You attempt the Kata form of legs2.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left leg with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You cannot see that being here.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You detect nothing here by that name.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You detect nothing here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You cannot see that being here.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You detect nothing here by that name.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
ka polevault asmoth raze bomr
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You plant one end of a silver tahto etched with gold firmly on the ground and
vault yourself into the air, sailing easily to the southwest.
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--- a sand swept igneous intrusion 2:1:0 ---
A sand swept igneous intrusion.
Slight drafts filter through this volcanic domed intrusion, invoking a chilling
sensation. Red volcanic sands mix with the white from the sea, creating a swirl
of colors underfoot. The slight feint of wind on your face seems to draw you
into an archaic archway inlaid into this cavern. You see all but darkness
therein save for a slight aura which glows with an otherworldly stigma of
radiance. The walls are of igneous origin, and gaseous nodules emblazon the
cavern, giving it an eerie mark of antiquation. Glowing globes have been
casually littered across the sandy floor, providing a soft light into this
mysterious conclave. The light softly hovers on the water's surface, sending
patterns of light dancing around the surroundings in constantly shifting
directions. The cavern slopes down somewhat with the trails of sand leading to
a stilled sea passage from under the ridge. Whelk, cassis cornuta, syrinx, and
murex shells litter the sandy combs of this pristine underground pass. A
disheveled and rocky nook reveals a small grotto with sand in its wake leading
to the northeast. Coral formations bristle with light within the tranquil
undersea pass, forming along the rock and encroaching on the rooted beach.
Brother Asmoth is here, shrouded. He wields a flawless battle tahto etched with
delicate script with both hands.
You see exits leading northeast, northwest, and down.
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Asmoth razes your speed defence with a clawed fist.
Asmoth swings a flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script at you but
hits nothing but air.
sip quicksilver
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bomr.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth larm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's left arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm right
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19492en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19492en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, Asmoth strikes himself's left arm with a flawless battle
tahto etched with delicate script.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19484en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19484en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19484en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
smoke 123746
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19490en, 13626w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19490en, 13626w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hlk.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 5p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Asmoth razes your speed defence with a clawed fist.
Asmoth cracks a flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script precisely
into your left arm, causing spasms to numb your stiffening side.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
focus body
sip quicksilver
smoke 118047
apply health to arms
5031h, 3381m, 3618e, 5p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdbp-
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19469en, 13551w, 3mo exkdbp-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
Your left side tingles as feeling returns.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your arms.
The deep damage in your left arm completely heals.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
stance arms
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You enter a stance to protect your arms.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Your pipe has gone cold and dark.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Asmoth thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Asmoth cracks a flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script precisely
into your right arm, causing spasms to numb your stiffening side.
smoke 118047
apply health to arms
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your right arm must be free.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take a long drag off your pipe.
Your right side tingles as feeling returns.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your arms.
The deep damage in your right arm completely heals.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
light coltsfoot
light faeleaf
light myrtle
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Swinging a silver tahto etched with gold at Asmoth, you grit your teeth as it
is deflected by his tahto.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
light coltsfoot
light faeleaf
light myrtle
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bog myrtle leaf.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4705h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Asmoth firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
contort grapple
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Swinging a silver tahto etched with gold at Asmoth, you grit your teeth as it
is deflected by his tahto.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bog myrtle leaf.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
You have recovered balance on your legs.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You carefully writhe out of Asmoth's grapple, escaping his grasp.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19467en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19467en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of bomr.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth larm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's left arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm right
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
You rub some calcise on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is smashed.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth head2
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19459en, 13587w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of head2.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
As Asmoth is stabbed in the forehead, his eyes roll up into his head.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
As Asmoth is stabbed in the forehead, his eyes roll up into his head.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4845h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
With a quick spin, Asmoth kicks you in the head with his left foot.
stance head
apply health to head
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your head.
The deep damage in your head completely heals.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19455en, 13593w, 3mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19455en, 13593w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
stance head
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Asmoth razes your speed defence with a flawless battle tahto etched with
delicate script.
With a quick spin, Asmoth strikes your right leg with a flawless battle tahto
etched with delicate script.
With a quick spin, Asmoth strikes your right leg with a flawless battle tahto
etched with delicate script.
sip quicksilver
parry rleg 50
parry head 50
outr coltsfoot
eat coltsfoot
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You cease parrying.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your right leg.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your head.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You remove 1 coltsfoot, bringing the total in the Rift to 255.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You eat a plug of coltsfoot.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
stance legs
apply health to legs
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your right leg completely heals.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4571h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19427en, 13593w, 5mo exkdb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19427en, 13593w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
stance legs
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth chants rhythmically under his breath.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-

Pretty much the start of the fight, before we had just been polevaulting around, we had agreed to no insta kill
-----------------------------------------kata perform asmoth raze
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p(Tripleflash), 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5113h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19644en, 13548w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
smoke 123746
4826h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19630en, 13548w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4826h, 3299m, 3618e, 0p, 19630en, 13548w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
You may take another dose of allheale.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 0p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19640en, 13554w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You attempt the Kata form of hlk.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left leg with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19619en, 13554w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19619en, 13554w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19619en, 13554w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Asmoth swings his leg high into the air at your head.
apply health to head
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your head.
The deep damage in your head completely heals.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19629en, 13560w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
smoke 123746
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19615en, 13560w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
kata perform asmoth hra
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4895h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
kata perform asmoth hra
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19625en, 13566w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hra.
* ka tahto asmoth rarm right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right arm with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
* ka tahto asmoth larm left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left arm with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19611en, 13566w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19611en, 13566w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You jump aside, narrowly avoiding the attack.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19621en, 13572w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 1p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19607en, 13572w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19617en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19603en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19603en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19603en, 13578w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
You cease darting around and avoiding blows.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19613en, 13584w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19599en, 13584w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth legs2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
kata perform asmoth legs2
You attempt the Kata form of legs2.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left leg with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 2p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19595en, 13590w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You cannot see that being here.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You detect nothing here by that name.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You detect nothing here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You cannot see that being here.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You detect nothing here by that name.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19605en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
ka polevault asmoth raze bomr
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You plant one end of a silver tahto etched with gold firmly on the ground and
vault yourself into the air, sailing easily to the southwest.
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--- a sand swept igneous intrusion 2:1:0 ---
A sand swept igneous intrusion.
Slight drafts filter through this volcanic domed intrusion, invoking a chilling
sensation. Red volcanic sands mix with the white from the sea, creating a swirl
of colors underfoot. The slight feint of wind on your face seems to draw you
into an archaic archway inlaid into this cavern. You see all but darkness
therein save for a slight aura which glows with an otherworldly stigma of
radiance. The walls are of igneous origin, and gaseous nodules emblazon the
cavern, giving it an eerie mark of antiquation. Glowing globes have been
casually littered across the sandy floor, providing a soft light into this
mysterious conclave. The light softly hovers on the water's surface, sending
patterns of light dancing around the surroundings in constantly shifting
directions. The cavern slopes down somewhat with the trails of sand leading to
a stilled sea passage from under the ridge. Whelk, cassis cornuta, syrinx, and
murex shells litter the sandy combs of this pristine underground pass. A
disheveled and rocky nook reveals a small grotto with sand in its wake leading
to the northeast. Coral formations bristle with light within the tranquil
undersea pass, forming along the rock and encroaching on the rooted beach.
Brother Asmoth is here, shrouded. He wields a flawless battle tahto etched with
delicate script with both hands.
You see exits leading northeast, northwest, and down.
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19496en, 13596w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Asmoth razes your speed defence with a clawed fist.
Asmoth swings a flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script at you but
hits nothing but air.
sip quicksilver
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19506en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bomr.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth larm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's left arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm right
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19492en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19492en, 13602w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, Asmoth strikes himself's left arm with a flawless battle
tahto etched with delicate script.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19502en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 3p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19488en, 13608w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19498en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19484en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19484en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19484en, 13614w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19494en, 13620w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
smoke 123746
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19480en, 13620w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19490en, 13626w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19490en, 13626w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hlk.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 4p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 5p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Asmoth razes your speed defence with a clawed fist.
Asmoth cracks a flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script precisely
into your left arm, causing spasms to numb your stiffening side.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
focus body
sip quicksilver
smoke 118047
apply health to arms
5031h, 3381m, 3618e, 5p, 19469en, 13626w, 3mo exkdbp-
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19469en, 13551w, 3mo exkdbp-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
Your left side tingles as feeling returns.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your arms.
The deep damage in your left arm completely heals.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdbp-
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
stance arms
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You enter a stance to protect your arms.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5031h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19479en, 13557w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19465en, 13557w, 4mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Your pipe has gone cold and dark.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4744h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Asmoth thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Asmoth cracks a flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script precisely
into your right arm, causing spasms to numb your stiffening side.
smoke 118047
apply health to arms
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your right arm must be free.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take a long drag off your pipe.
Your right side tingles as feeling returns.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your arms.
The deep damage in your right arm completely heals.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19475en, 13563w, 4mo exkdb-
light coltsfoot
light faeleaf
light myrtle
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Swinging a silver tahto etched with gold at Asmoth, you grit your teeth as it
is deflected by his tahto.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
light coltsfoot
light faeleaf
light myrtle
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bog myrtle leaf.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4705h, 3131m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4705h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19461en, 13563w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Asmoth firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
contort grapple
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19471en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Swinging a silver tahto etched with gold at Asmoth, you grit your teeth as it
is deflected by his tahto.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bog myrtle leaf.
5132h, 3356m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo ekdb-
You have recovered balance on your legs.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You carefully writhe out of Asmoth's grapple, escaping his grasp.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 5p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19457en, 13569w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19467en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19467en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of bomr.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth larm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's left arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm right
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with calcise
kata perform asmoth bomr
You rub some calcise on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19453en, 13575w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is smashed.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3106m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19449en, 13581w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth head2
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
5132h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19459en, 13587w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of head2.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
As Asmoth is stabbed in the forehead, his eyes roll up into his head.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
As Asmoth is stabbed in the forehead, his eyes roll up into his head.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4845h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4845h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
With a quick spin, Asmoth kicks you in the head with his left foot.
stance head
apply health to head
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your head.
The deep damage in your head completely heals.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 6p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19445en, 13587w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19455en, 13593w, 3mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19455en, 13593w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
stance head
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4612h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Asmoth razes your speed defence with a flawless battle tahto etched with
delicate script.
With a quick spin, Asmoth strikes your right leg with a flawless battle tahto
etched with delicate script.
With a quick spin, Asmoth strikes your right leg with a flawless battle tahto
etched with delicate script.
sip quicksilver
parry rleg 50
parry head 50
outr coltsfoot
eat coltsfoot
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a drink from a bloodstone vial.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You cease parrying.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your right leg.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your head.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You remove 1 coltsfoot, bringing the total in the Rift to 255.
4345h, 3331m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You eat a plug of coltsfoot.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
stance legs
apply health to legs
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your right leg completely heals.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4858h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19441en, 13593w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head, sending him reeling.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4571h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19427en, 13593w, 5mo exkdb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19427en, 13593w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
stance legs
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth chants rhythmically under his breath.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Unknown2009-08-10 09:34:19
wait gets better and spammier
Asmoth lets out a massive belch into the air.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Asmoth flaps his arms madly.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth begins to tumble towards the northeast.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
smoke 123746
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
stance legs
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
stance legs
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
I do not recognize anything called that here.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
Brother Asmoth yells, "Kuroi is cute!"
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
Brother Asmoth yells, "I like cheese!"
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You cannot see that being here.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
ka polevault asmoth raze bomr
You plant one end of a silver tahto etched with gold firmly on the ground and
vault yourself into the air, sailing easily to the northeast.
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--- stalagmite studded grotto ----- 3:2:0 ---
Stalagmite studded grotto.
A sinuous causeway is here, formed of various kinds of coral, some so
otherworldly and eerie they seem to come from another time altogether. They
have grown around the white stalagmites and gaseous volcanic rock, sheathing it
in an elaborate filigree of color and shape that transcends time itself and
forms the causeway. It seems as if the water was drawn from its confinement
long ago, preserving the coral within this studded and crimson-sanded grotto.
Now-dormant volcanic vents are seen within the confinements of coral, possibly
nurturing this convolution of primeval evolution. Archaic images hover within
the coral all around as they faintly glow in and out of the various combed
surfaces and sandy niches. Brother Asmoth is here, shrouded. He wields a
flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script with both hands.
You see a single exit leading southwest.
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
stance legs
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19344en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19344en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bomr.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth larm left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's left arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm right
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
kata perform asmoth gut2
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19340en, 13623w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19340en, 13623w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19336en, 13629w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hlk.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left leg with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19325en, 13635w, 3mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth pauses, then laughs loudly yet half-heartedly, looking somewhat confused.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19297en, 13635w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19297en, 13635w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth lets out a massive belch into the air.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hra.
* ka tahto asmoth rarm right
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right arm with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
* ka tahto asmoth larm left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left arm with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
wipe staff
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a
silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
Driving at the bone, you jab Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19305en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19305en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a calamus root.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
Driving at the bone, you jab Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19291en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
I don't follow.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You enter a stance to protect your legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Esano tells you, "He's locked, go for insta."
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You continue to choke Asmoth with your bairak grapple.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
You raze Asmoth's speed defence with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19283en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth utters a shrill little laugh.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19283en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth flips the bird.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
tell esano agreed no insta
You tell Attendant Esano, Scion of the Shattered Earth, "Agreed no insta."
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You continue to choke Asmoth with your bairak grapple.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
smoke 123746
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth carefully writhes out of your grapple, escaping your grasp.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
A soft pink glow flows out of your chest and covers Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
Asmoth eats a reishi mushroom.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Esano tells you, "Ah."
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19285en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19285en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19285en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sprig of chervil.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
kata perform asmoth gut2
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19277en, 13707w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19277en, 13707w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
smoke 123746
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You attempt the Kata form of chest2.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
As Asmoth is stabbed in the forehead, his eyes roll up into his head.
* ka tahto asmoth chest right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's chest with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth coughs and wheezes as he is struck.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19248en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
You do not have someone grappled with the proper weapon in that hand.
You do not have someone grappled with the proper weapon in that hand.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
smoke 123746
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19251en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19251en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19251en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
Driving at the bone, you jab Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19254en, 13731w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19264en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19264en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19264en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19260en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
Your pipe has gone cold and dark.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19260en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19260en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
smoke 123746
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
Your pipe has gone cold and dark.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
light coltsfoot
light faeleaf
light myrtle
You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
A soft pink glow flows out of your chest and covers Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Unable to withstand more punishment, Asmoth collapses and dies.
You have slain Asmoth.
Defeated, Asmoth is cast out of the Arena.
You have been victorious and leave the Arena in triumph!
------------------ v10164 -------------------
--- before the Glomborolum ----- 0:-13:-2 ---
Before the Glomborolum.
\\» Resetting after arena event...
\\» Afflictions reset
\\» Balances reset
\\» Flags reset
\\» Todo queues reset
\\» Wounds reset
inr all herb
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. The bright sun
shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Crystalline glass
walls curve around a metal spiral staircase made of a light metal, creating the
effect of floating in a bubble beneath the sea. Several golden globes of light
float lazily in the air, illuminating a pedestal near the southern edge of the
bubble. The pedestal itself is crafted of natural coral, whose spikes and
ridges gracefully caress a large pearl which rests in the center of the
pedestal. Dominating the view is a massive dome which appears to be attached
just above the sea floor, rising to just beneath the waves. Shifting
reflections dance across the surface of the dome, allowing fleeting glimpses of
the activity within. A statue of Jethri stands here, memorializing his noble
You see a single exit leading up.
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
The Arena is once again open for combat.
\\» Kills: 4 Deaths: 4 (Asmoth)
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You store 8 coltsfoot, bringing the total to 263.
inr all herb
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
parry head 100
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
You must regain balance first.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
I do not recognize anything called that here.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You store 8 calamus, bringing the total to 222.
inr all herb
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You cease parrying.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your head.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You store 1 pennyroyal, bringing the total to 131.
inr all herb
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You store 2 horehound, bringing the total to 104.
inr all herb
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You see no herb in your inventory.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth lets out a massive belch into the air.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
Asmoth flaps his arms madly.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth begins to tumble towards the northeast.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
5083h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19437en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
smoke 123746
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
stance legs
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19423en, 13599w, 5mo exkdb-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
stance legs
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
I do not recognize anything called that here.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
Brother Asmoth yells, "Kuroi is cute!"
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 7p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
Brother Asmoth yells, "I like cheese!"
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Nothing can be seen here by that name.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You cannot see that being here.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19433en, 13605w, 5mo exkdb-
ka polevault asmoth raze bomr
You plant one end of a silver tahto etched with gold firmly on the ground and
vault yourself into the air, sailing easily to the northeast.
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--- stalagmite studded grotto ----- 3:2:0 ---
Stalagmite studded grotto.
A sinuous causeway is here, formed of various kinds of coral, some so
otherworldly and eerie they seem to come from another time altogether. They
have grown around the white stalagmites and gaseous volcanic rock, sheathing it
in an elaborate filigree of color and shape that transcends time itself and
forms the causeway. It seems as if the water was drawn from its confinement
long ago, preserving the coral within this studded and crimson-sanded grotto.
Now-dormant volcanic vents are seen within the confinements of coral, possibly
nurturing this convolution of primeval evolution. Archaic images hover within
the coral all around as they faintly glow in and out of the various combed
surfaces and sandy niches. Brother Asmoth is here, shrouded. He wields a
flawless battle tahto etched with delicate script with both hands.
You see a single exit leading southwest.
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
* ka raze asmoth right
You thrust a clawed fist towards Asmoth, ripping at the air before his face.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm left
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
stance legs
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4796h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19334en, 13611w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19344en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19344en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bomr.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth larm left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's left arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka bomir'rak asmoth rarm right
You crack a silver tahto etched with gold precisely into Asmoth's right arm,
causing spasms through his stiffening side.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his arms.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19330en, 13617w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
kata perform asmoth gut2
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19340en, 13623w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19340en, 13623w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 8p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19326en, 13623w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hlk
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19336en, 13629w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hlk.
* ka tahto asmoth lleg left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left leg with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right leg with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right leg, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken and his leg buckles.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19315en, 13629w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19325en, 13635w, 3mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth pauses, then laughs loudly yet half-heartedly, looking somewhat confused.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19311en, 13635w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19297en, 13635w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19297en, 13635w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth lets out a massive belch into the air.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 9p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19307en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13641w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth hra
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19303en, 13647w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of hra.
* ka tahto asmoth rarm right
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's right arm with a silver tahto etched
with gold.
Asmoth is stabbed in the right arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
* ka tahto asmoth larm left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's left arm with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth is stabbed in the left arm, and his flesh is burrowed through until the
bone is broken.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13647w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19299en, 13653w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
No more venoms will fit upon that item.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
stance legs
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19292en, 13653w, 5mo exkdb-
wipe staff
Being careful not to poison yourself, you wipe off all the poisons from a
silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19302en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
Driving at the bone, you jab Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19295en, 13659w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19305en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19305en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You are too focused on your current forms to change them.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a calamus root.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19298en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
Driving at the bone, you jab Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19291en, 13665w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth raze
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You must regain balance first.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
I don't follow.
stance legs
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You enter a stance to protect your legs.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Esano tells you, "He's locked, go for insta."
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19301en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a long drag off his pipe.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19287en, 13671w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You continue to choke Asmoth with your bairak grapple.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19297en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
You raze Asmoth's speed defence with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A dumb expression flashes on the face of Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19283en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth utters a shrill little laugh.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19283en, 13677w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth flips the bird.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
tell esano agreed no insta
You tell Attendant Esano, Scion of the Shattered Earth, "Agreed no insta."
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You continue to choke Asmoth with your bairak grapple.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19293en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You raze Asmoth's aura of rebounding with a silver tahto etched with gold.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
smoke 123746
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth carefully writhes out of your grapple, escaping your grasp.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19279en, 13683w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19289en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
A soft pink glow flows out of your chest and covers Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
Asmoth eats a reishi mushroom.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Esano tells you, "Ah."
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19275en, 13689w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19285en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19285en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19285en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
smoke 123746
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sprig of chervil.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19271en, 13695w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
4783h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19281en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a beryl vial.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4496h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19267en, 13701w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
kata perform asmoth gut2
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19277en, 13707w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19277en, 13707w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of gut2.
* ka tahto asmoth gut left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's gut with a silver tahto etched with gold.
As Asmoth is stabbed in the gut, his flesh is drilled until his spine snaps.
* ka tahto asmoth rleg right
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
smoke 123746
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his gut.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19263en, 13707w, 4mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth chest2
You attempt the Kata form of chest2.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
As Asmoth is stabbed in the forehead, his eyes roll up into his head.
* ka tahto asmoth chest right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's chest with a silver tahto etched with
Asmoth coughs and wheezes as he is struck.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5008h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19259en, 13713w, 3mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
Asmoth goes blank for a moment.
smoke 123746
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19255en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
A silver tahto etched with gold hits nothing but air as you swing it at Asmoth.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19248en, 13719w, 4mo exkdb-
Asmoth eats a sparkleberry.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 4mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 4mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
You do not have someone grappled with the proper weapon in that hand.
You do not have someone grappled with the proper weapon in that hand.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with senso
envenom staff with senso
kata perform asmoth choke bairakend
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some senso on a silver tahto etched with gold.
4845h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19258en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
smoke 123746
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19251en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19251en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth takes a drink from a garnet vial.
4558h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19251en, 13725w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You attempt the Kata form of bairakend.
* ka bairakobo
Driving at the bone, you jab Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19254en, 13731w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth gut2
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19264en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19264en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
envenom staff with mantakaya
kata perform asmoth choke1
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19264en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of choke1.
* ka bairak asmoth head
Stepping behind Asmoth, you lock his head with your a silver tahto etched with
gold, choking him.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka starkick asmoth head left
You swing your leg high into the air at Asmoth's head.
A confused look crosses the face of Asmoth.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You rub some mantakaya on a silver tahto etched with gold.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
Asmoth reads a scroll.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19250en, 13737w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19260en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
Your pipe has gone cold and dark.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19260en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
You have recovered balance on your left leg.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19260en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
You lose control of your right arm's grapple.
You lose control of your left arm's grapple.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Horror overcomes Asmoth's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
smoke 123746
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
Your pipe has gone cold and dark.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
light coltsfoot
light faeleaf
light myrtle
You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.
5070h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You lack the ability to initiate a new form with any limbs off balance.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 19246en, 13743w, 5mo exkdb-
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
A sizzling arc of electricity discharges from Asmoth and strikes you in the
A soft pink glow flows out of your chest and covers Asmoth.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
With a quick spin, you strike Asmoth's head with a silver tahto etched with
You twist a silver tahto etched with gold painfully as it strikes.
Unable to withstand more punishment, Asmoth collapses and dies.
You have slain Asmoth.
Defeated, Asmoth is cast out of the Arena.
You have been victorious and leave the Arena in triumph!
------------------ v10164 -------------------
--- before the Glomborolum ----- 0:-13:-2 ---
Before the Glomborolum.
\\» Resetting after arena event...
\\» Afflictions reset
\\» Balances reset
\\» Flags reset
\\» Todo queues reset
\\» Wounds reset
inr all herb
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. The bright sun
shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Crystalline glass
walls curve around a metal spiral staircase made of a light metal, creating the
effect of floating in a bubble beneath the sea. Several golden globes of light
float lazily in the air, illuminating a pedestal near the southern edge of the
bubble. The pedestal itself is crafted of natural coral, whose spikes and
ridges gracefully caress a large pearl which rests in the center of the
pedestal. Dominating the view is a massive dome which appears to be attached
just above the sea floor, rising to just beneath the waves. Shifting
reflections dance across the surface of the dome, allowing fleeting glimpses of
the activity within. A statue of Jethri stands here, memorializing his noble
You see a single exit leading up.
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
The Arena is once again open for combat.
\\» Kills: 4 Deaths: 4 (Asmoth)
smoke 123746
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
kata perform asmoth dam
You store 8 coltsfoot, bringing the total to 263.
inr all herb
5132h, 3381m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
parry head 100
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You attempt the Kata form of dam.
* ka tahto asmoth head left
Ahh, I am truly sorry, but I do not see anyone by that name here.
You must regain balance first.
* ka tahto asmoth head right
I do not recognize anything called that here.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You store 8 calamus, bringing the total to 222.
inr all herb
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You cease parrying.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your head.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You store 1 pennyroyal, bringing the total to 131.
inr all herb
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You store 2 horehound, bringing the total to 104.
inr all herb
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You see no herb in your inventory.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo ekdb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo exkdb-
You have recovered balance on your right arm.
You have recovered balance on your left arm.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo exkdb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
5132h, 3281m, 3618e, 10p, 20940en, 15015w, 5mo exkdb-
Ilyarin2009-08-10 10:06:01
They do do HTML. All my logs there are posted in HTML. However, there seems to be some sort of length limit (whether imposed purposefully or not).
Esano2009-08-10 10:08:41
They only do some types of HTML; they don't do the kind Mushclient logs in, but they do do the kind that zMud can.
Ilyarin2009-08-10 10:09:16
QUOTE (Esano @ Aug 10 2009, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They only do some types of HTML; they don't do the kind Mushclient logs in, but they do do the kind that zMud can.
Yes they do.

Esano2009-08-10 10:11:29
They didn't when I tried it a few months ago, before I set up my googlepages.
EDIT: Unless the size limit is REALLY small.
EDIT: Unless the size limit is REALLY small.
Ilyarin2009-08-10 10:32:26
All my logs on NOGFX are from Mushclient and are in HTML.
Razenth2009-08-10 19:26:20
Why do you people keep trying to pull off this no insta thing? If you guys are the only thing I have to work with in a Celestia defense, you better damn well be going for the instant.
Ilyarin2009-08-10 19:42:29
Because it's polite in a Celest v Celest spar. The Tahtetso instakill is notoriously hard to avoid after you get to a certain point, heh.
Celina2009-08-10 20:13:50
Oh, more monk logs. Awesome.
Impossible to keep up with regeneration stacking, double hemi whoring, sever spine out the wazoo. OH, but you didn't use the insta-kill!!!!1!11!11 Why are you posting this.
Haha, biofeedback. I didn't know people actually used that.
Impossible to keep up with regeneration stacking, double hemi whoring, sever spine out the wazoo. OH, but you didn't use the insta-kill!!!!1!11!11 Why are you posting this.
Haha, biofeedback. I didn't know people actually used that.
Unknown2009-08-10 21:11:10
I've died ten times already holding my breath in anticipation of the new monk report fixes.
Llandros2009-08-10 21:24:26
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Aug 10 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've died ten times already holding my breath in anticipation of the new monk report fixes.
Go on the test server and try them out. The more testers there are the faster the changes will go live.
Unknown2009-08-10 21:35:50
How do you access the test server?
Llandros2009-08-10 21:53:41
QUOTE (Enigma @ Aug 10 2009, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do you access the test server?
I don't remember if Charune made a public post or not, but if he didn't then just ask an envoy, they should have that info.
Celina2009-08-10 21:54:57
Port: 23
Port: 23
Llandros2009-08-10 22:01:50
Oh, and for feedback make any bug reports on the test server but any messages you want to send to Charune should be done on the real Lusternia server.
Unknown2009-08-10 22:54:51
QUOTE (Celina @ Aug 10 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, more monk logs. Awesome.
Impossible to keep up with regeneration stacking, double hemi whoring, sever spine out the wazoo. OH, but you didn't use the insta-kill!!!!1!11!11 Why are you posting this.
Haha, biofeedback. I didn't know people actually used that.
Impossible to keep up with regeneration stacking, double hemi whoring, sever spine out the wazoo. OH, but you didn't use the insta-kill!!!!1!11!11 Why are you posting this.
Haha, biofeedback. I didn't know people actually used that.

Unknown2009-08-10 23:09:05
Okay, I'm on the test server, but I'm no monk and Ruiku's ignoring me. 

Charune2009-08-11 00:31:23
And the current changes on the test server are now available at http://charune.no-ip.org:8080.
Unknown2009-08-11 02:22:16
I'm going to take a stab and say Kata Teach teaches someone else the form?