Unknown2009-08-26 02:19:08
This has been reviewed and studied since posting and a conclusion has been drawn...

Only half of the Fight, the beginning is pretty much the same

Only half of the Fight, the beginning is pretty much the same
Shaddus2009-08-26 03:05:26
Uh, learn to diagnose and switch sipping priority to ego?
Unknown2009-08-26 03:17:45
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Aug 25 2009, 11:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uh, learn to diagnose and switch sipping priority to ego?
...I think I know how to diagnose

EDIT: Count the number of Diagnoses Shaddus, learn2read.
Xanfinro2009-08-26 03:38:49
Going to have to agree with Shaddus about the sipping priority. If you can't switch on the fly, get out of the demesne and come back after switching. Telepaths are perfectly capable of taking out half your ego with one attack. If you don't cure, you die 8 seconds later.
2490h, 1459m, 0e, 10p, 21456en, 12244w, 5mo elrxkdbp-You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
focus body
sip fire
outr reishi
eat reishi
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
sip mana <---- This is wrong, and causes you to die.
Also, love potion? I'm not too familiar with monks, but is there a reason you're not using it? And healing scroll as well. No reason not to use that.
2490h, 1459m, 0e, 10p, 21456en, 12244w, 5mo elrxkdbp-You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
focus body
sip fire
outr reishi
eat reishi
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
sip mana <---- This is wrong, and causes you to die.
Also, love potion? I'm not too familiar with monks, but is there a reason you're not using it? And healing scroll as well. No reason not to use that.
Esano2009-08-26 04:07:27
Psyvamp scales dramatically, you generally only lose about a third of your ego on a six-second balance, not half. There might be exceptions with some really low ego races (unboosted illithoid?), but beyond that it's definitely in the sip/scroll/sparkle range.
Shiri2009-08-26 04:07:42
Only reason you wouldn't use love potion would be if you were a psymet monk using pheromones.
Chade2009-08-26 04:15:19
QUOTE (Ruiku @ Aug 26 2009, 04:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...I think I know how to diagnose
you can can't change sipping priority on the fly with Treant like you can with AG.
EDIT: Count the number of Diagnoses Shaddus, learn2read.

EDIT: Count the number of Diagnoses Shaddus, learn2read.
Heh, can't change sipping priorities on the fly eh?
Its not even that difficult.
Just put this in a script alias and adjust as necessary:
my_sip = {
= function (max) return max * 0.10 end,
= function (max) return max * 0.20 end,
= function (max) return max * 0.20 end
my_scroll = {
= function (max) return max * 0.30 end,
= function (max) return max * 0.50 end,
= function (max) return max * 0.50 end
my_sparkle = {
= function (max) return max * 0.25 end,
= function (max) return max * 0.75 end,
= function (max) return max * 0.75 end
Enter the alias and viola, sipping priorities adjusted on the fly.
Xanfinro2009-08-26 04:30:29
QUOTE (Esano @ Aug 25 2009, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Psyvamp scales dramatically, you generally only lose about a third of your ego on a six-second balance, not half. There might be exceptions with some really low ego races (unboosted illithoid?), but beyond that it's definitely in the sip/scroll/sparkle range.
I lose half, if I don't have Netzach up. Damned close to it if I DO get the +1 to bring me up to 12. 11 charisma is in the lower range, but it's not THAT bad.
Is Super 6 seconds? I thought it was 8.
Arak2009-08-26 05:00:39
Two questions:
How did you get hypochondria from fighting a telepath? And why did it take so long (and what was essentially an accident) to cure it?
EDIT: I take it hypochondria is from the amplifyphobia deal. But still, you diagnosed it like 5 times, how is the diag line not triggered?
How did you get hypochondria from fighting a telepath? And why did it take so long (and what was essentially an accident) to cure it?
EDIT: I take it hypochondria is from the amplifyphobia deal. But still, you diagnosed it like 5 times, how is the diag line not triggered?
Xanfinro2009-08-26 05:27:28
It was cured in a few places. Probably just really low on the cure priorities list, since it doesn't actually hinder anything. Example:
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 2mo elrxkdbp-You are:
sprawled on the ground.
an insomniac.
a certified hypochondriac.
outr wormwood <-- Cure attempt, since ONLY hypochondria is left
eat wormwood
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 2mo lrxkdbp-In a swift, fluid motion, you spring up from your hands to land crouched on your feet.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrxkdb-You attempt the Kata form of draze. <--Why are you using a bashing form?
* ka raze lorina right
You must regain equilibrium first.
* ka tahto lorina left
You must specify a body part to attack.
Bodyparts: head, chest, gut, rarm, larm, rleg, lleg
(For bashing NPCs.)
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrkdb-A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrkdb-You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 180.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrkdb-kata perform lorina raze
You eat a wormwood stem.
My, you feel healthier than you have in years. <--Hypochondria cured
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 2mo elrxkdbp-You are:
sprawled on the ground.
an insomniac.
a certified hypochondriac.
outr wormwood <-- Cure attempt, since ONLY hypochondria is left
eat wormwood
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 2mo lrxkdbp-In a swift, fluid motion, you spring up from your hands to land crouched on your feet.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrxkdb-You attempt the Kata form of draze. <--Why are you using a bashing form?
* ka raze lorina right
You must regain equilibrium first.
* ka tahto lorina left
You must specify a body part to attack.
Syntax: KA TAHTO
Bodyparts: head, chest, gut, rarm, larm, rleg, lleg
Syntax: KA TAHTO
(For bashing NPCs.)
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrkdb-A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrkdb-You remove 1 wormwood, bringing the total in the Rift to 180.
4222h, 3654m, 1306e, 10p, 21466en, 13768w, 1mo lrkdb-kata perform lorina raze
You eat a wormwood stem.
My, you feel healthier than you have in years. <--Hypochondria cured
Unknown2009-08-26 05:49:20
Could be a variety of reasons, I did not even notice hyponchondria at first, some of the skills were broken(now fixed) that would cause me to hit myself on rebounding if she wasn't even in the room.
Thanks Chade. ^^
I'll make it look a little bit prettier, over all it was messy on my part, I will be logging another fight soon
Thanks Chade. ^^
I'll make it look a little bit prettier, over all it was messy on my part, I will be logging another fight soon
Unknown2009-08-26 11:02:18
Chade already corrected you on the priorities bit.
That log is hard to read without carriage returns after the prompts.
Looks like some of your forms are using incorrect syntax now. Should fix that.
Maybe I should add triggers to pause curing in Bubble/Statue.
That log is hard to read without carriage returns after the prompts.
Looks like some of your forms are using incorrect syntax now. Should fix that.
Maybe I should add triggers to pause curing in Bubble/Statue.
Vathael2009-08-26 11:11:00
lol, i dont know how you relate monk changes to bad curing. telepaths arent hard to cure and if you cure them fine your ego isnt hard to keep up either.
Unknown2009-08-26 11:23:46
QUOTE (Vathael @ Aug 26 2009, 07:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol, i dont know how you relate monk changes to bad curing. telepaths arent hard to cure and if you cure them fine your ego isnt hard to keep up either.
Sell me your Chuck Norris system?
Ronny2009-08-26 13:21:34
Never really found it hard to predict TP combos. Maybe all TPs are predictable? Maybe the current TPs are? Curing for them isn't hard.
Also, as long as you don't get dominated to debate and don't constantly sip while addiction is up, they will never outpace sipping bromides, sparkles and scroll.
Also, as long as you don't get dominated to debate and don't constantly sip while addiction is up, they will never outpace sipping bromides, sparkles and scroll.
Vathael2009-08-26 14:58:01
lets not forget ego regeneration and beast heal ego.
Llandros2009-08-26 17:08:44
So Ruiku posts half a log of him getting pwned with no comparitive data or any comentary at all. This doesn't demonstrate any conection to the monk changes much less speak to how balanced they are.
Short of him telling people he's not taken the time to customize his system, this doesn't present any helpful information.
Short of him telling people he's not taken the time to customize his system, this doesn't present any helpful information.
Vathael2009-08-26 17:30:41
i think that has already been established, llandros
Unknown2009-08-26 18:07:36
Also, if you take the time you will see the horrid momentum loss, that forces me to rebuild momentum before dishing out anything that can stop a mage, i.e. scrambled brain, prone.
Ronny2009-08-26 18:42:53
QUOTE (Ruiku @ Aug 27 2009, 02:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, if you take the time you will see the horrid momentum loss, that forces me to rebuild momentum before dishing out anything that can stop a mage, i.e. scrambled brain, prone.
If you have great curing, it's easier to take the time to work out your offense, even during a fight. No conclusions can be drawn if you were hindered to hell during the entire fight. I never read that log though since the format was horrible!