Nazin2009-08-26 21:27:17
Hey guys, I haven't played this game in almost a year but I still remember some of the great characters I met while playing. I'm working as a freelance designer and illustrator, and need to create some new fantasy concept art for my sketchbook - so I'm asking for some help!
I need descriptions! - Not a ton, just a few characters to noodle around with for practice. If you've got a unique character with an interesting description, post it here or shoot me a PM. I can't respond to everyone, but if something catches my eye, I'd be glad to send you the image of your character in exchange for allowing me to put your idea in pixels. No cost, just for fun - no copyrights no nothin'. Thanks so much!
Mods: If this needs to be moved to The Real World or something, please go right ahead!
I need descriptions! - Not a ton, just a few characters to noodle around with for practice. If you've got a unique character with an interesting description, post it here or shoot me a PM. I can't respond to everyone, but if something catches my eye, I'd be glad to send you the image of your character in exchange for allowing me to put your idea in pixels. No cost, just for fun - no copyrights no nothin'. Thanks so much!
Mods: If this needs to be moved to The Real World or something, please go right ahead!
Casilu2009-08-26 21:54:33
She is a fiendish archlich brood viscanti and is somewhat tall, her thin body standing proud. Her skin is a light pink while her hair is a beautiful and long fiery wave, two small pointed ears stick out from behind her head. Her head is strangely shaped like a bulb, her eyes are large, glowing amber almonds in her head , and resting below her eyes are a small nose and a small set of lips. Her body is well-curved, distinctly graceful and well-endowed with large, rounded hips. A large wing of black feathers extends out of the right side of her back, seemingly flawless while the other side has a small wing, also black, but that looks like a bat's, although, it is usually folded up closely against her back. Two tails rest at the base of her spine, rather long and slimy, whipping about in a fluid manner, as if they have a mind of their own. Each are about the length of her body, sometimes wrapping around an arm or a leg, the end of the tail simply rounds off at the end. A black vine covered in thorns wraps around her right arm, weaving in and out of the armour and digging into the skin as seen by the occasional drops of blood from a twitch or move of the arm.
Nyir2009-08-27 02:15:12
If you're interested, here you go:
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling vernal ascendant covered with black feathers and is a peculiar humanoid creature possessed by pronounced crow-like features. Over her lips is a long, black beak, its jagged, razor edges promising a certain ease with cutting and ripping. Glowing with inner fire, fiendish crimson eyes betray a certain sharpness to her character mirrored by the occasional twitch of a pointed elfen ear or jerk of her head. Ill-kempt, sickly orange hair adorns her, falling in disarrayed tangles past her shoulders. Twin pairs of great feathered wings sprout from her back, their spans casting an umbral shroud upon her cadaverous body, which bears gnarled, bird's talons on her hands and her feet. Wafting from her person is the faint, but unceasing, stench of bile and rot accompanied by the dull, monotonous buzz of an insect or two that is undoubtedly drawn to the odour, a constant undertone to her presence wherever she goes. Her face is painted with an intricate spiderweb and a bone nose. She is wearing a thin emerald band, 2 etched coral rings, a jewelled ring of the Wyrd, a shadowed cloak with an onyx clasp, a long black leather coat lined with crimson silk, a soft, crystal blue leather pack, a silver eyebrow hoop set with a ruby through her right eyebrow, 10 pocketbelts, black robes of crows, a thin turquoise band, 2 etched garnet rings, a blackened crow's feather brooch, a weathered ivory charm necklace, a thin diamond band, and an eight-eyed ruby spider ring.
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling vernal ascendant covered with black feathers and is a peculiar humanoid creature possessed by pronounced crow-like features. Over her lips is a long, black beak, its jagged, razor edges promising a certain ease with cutting and ripping. Glowing with inner fire, fiendish crimson eyes betray a certain sharpness to her character mirrored by the occasional twitch of a pointed elfen ear or jerk of her head. Ill-kempt, sickly orange hair adorns her, falling in disarrayed tangles past her shoulders. Twin pairs of great feathered wings sprout from her back, their spans casting an umbral shroud upon her cadaverous body, which bears gnarled, bird's talons on her hands and her feet. Wafting from her person is the faint, but unceasing, stench of bile and rot accompanied by the dull, monotonous buzz of an insect or two that is undoubtedly drawn to the odour, a constant undertone to her presence wherever she goes. Her face is painted with an intricate spiderweb and a bone nose. She is wearing a thin emerald band, 2 etched coral rings, a jewelled ring of the Wyrd, a shadowed cloak with an onyx clasp, a long black leather coat lined with crimson silk, a soft, crystal blue leather pack, a silver eyebrow hoop set with a ruby through her right eyebrow, 10 pocketbelts, black robes of crows, a thin turquoise band, 2 etched garnet rings, a blackened crow's feather brooch, a weathered ivory charm necklace, a thin diamond band, and an eight-eyed ruby spider ring.
Lorina2009-08-27 02:18:48
No more pictures for Nyir. You have like...4
Nyir2009-08-27 02:24:33
QUOTE (Lorina @ Aug 27 2009, 03:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No more pictures for Nyir. You have like...4
Two are MS paint doodles that, while made of pure awesome, lack some essential features of Nyir. Like her red eyes! Also, she manifests four wings now post-ascendance and I want to see someone interpret that if they want to give it a shot.

Unknown2009-08-27 02:26:27
She is a compound-eyed kephera and is an exotic example of her alien race. Bipedal, her body is roughly feminine and humanoid in shape, yet clearly insectoid in its details. A smooth carapace shrouds her slender frame in a rich range of hues swirling in marbled arcs of colour. Glowing with an almost liquid sheen in ambient light, the chiton glistens a deep purple, streaked with shades of crimson, while a hint of darker indigo lustres at the edges where the natural armour fuses to her delicate body. Beneath the barbed plates, her thorax sharply tapers to an hourglass-thin waist,
before flaring out into wide hips which curve downwards into slim, spindly legs. Ridged by sharp shards of exoskeleton, their razored edges promise swift and deadly treatment to any enemies. Her long, angular face matches the lines of her elongated form, with high cheekbones and deep-set, faceted ebony eyes resting above a full-lipped mouth, lined with a set of needle-sharp teeth.
before flaring out into wide hips which curve downwards into slim, spindly legs. Ridged by sharp shards of exoskeleton, their razored edges promise swift and deadly treatment to any enemies. Her long, angular face matches the lines of her elongated form, with high cheekbones and deep-set, faceted ebony eyes resting above a full-lipped mouth, lined with a set of needle-sharp teeth.
Lorina2009-08-27 02:41:49
QUOTE (Nyir @ Aug 26 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Two are MS paint doodles that, while made of pure awesome, lack some essential features of Nyir. Like her red eyes! Also, she manifests four wings now post-ascendance and I want to see someone interpret that if they want to give it a shot.

You have four wings now...? >.>
Casilu2009-08-27 02:42:37
QUOTE (Lorina @ Aug 26 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have four wings now...? >.>
Casilu has tentacles, I think I win.
Nazin2009-08-27 05:31:54
Hey, thanks guys! Casilu, I will post your character (in her be-tentacled glory) here tomorrow after work!
Kiradawea2009-08-27 07:05:24
Hmm, maybe I could help.
This is Kira.
And this is Jeanne, her companion.
I hope it's of use to you.
This is Kira.
She is a bouncing furrikin and rather small for her kind, being barely a foot high and she is covered with short fur that is of a bright grey colour. On each side of her head, large round ears jut out, coloured a brighter grey than the rest of her fur. The iris of her sparkling eyes are coloured green. Her head is only partly round, with her face ending in a slightly elongated snout. Her nose is uncovered by fur, and has a light pink colour. Small whiskers protrude from her nose, and they twitch occasionally. Her arms are of average length, and rather thin, ending in small hands with short, dull claws. Her legs are also of average length, neither particularily long and slender, nor short and stubby. Her feet are small, and unlike her hands, they are covered in the same short fur as the rest of her body. Her tail is no longer than a few inches, and covered in thicker fur. Otherwise, it is fairly nondescript.
And this is Jeanne, her companion.
Before you is a creature of an indeterminable species. When standing on two legs, she reaches just shy of one foot tall. Her entire body is covered in short whitish fur, the exception being some odd purple markings on her belly and ears that resemble wind-currents and celestial objects. Her forepaws are a bit too long, and end in slender paws with three digits and a thumb on each, while her hind paws have clearly defined ankles. Small claws poke out through the fur on her paws, allowing her to easily grasp at the ground and objects around her. Her ears are long and wide, almost circular, and twist around towards any and all sources of sound. Her face is round and typically cute, with small features arranged to give her a perpetually happy look. Small round eyes are positioned on the front of her face to give her depth vision, and those same eyes shine with a childlike curiosity and appreciation of the world around her. She has a cute black button nose smack in the centre of her face that occasionally twitches. Her mouth is quite average, with slim lips and two cute upper-fangs perpetually sticking out of her mouth. Her most distinct trait however, is the long, flexible tail that ends in a dish-like appendage shaped like a star. The tail seems to constantly sway around in erratic patterns, and the star-like appendage twists and turns towards everything of interest.
I hope it's of use to you.
Fania2009-08-27 08:39:14
Not much to Fania:
But she has freaking sweet gold toenails!
She is an ordinary human and six feet tall. Her slender figure is frail, but maintains its shapely curves. A slight blue hue graces her pale, slightly translucent, skin. Cascading down her back is a wild mass of ebony curls. Beautiful flowers are woven into her hair. Large amethyst eyes peer out from thick lashes, and seem larger on her thin face. Faint shadows have set under her eyes making her appear tired. Long and graceful are her arms and legs. Her feet are finely arched and her toenails have been painted a shimmering transparent gold.
But she has freaking sweet gold toenails!
Aerotan2009-08-27 15:51:01
He is a bouncing furrikin and is covered from large, pointed ears, to the tips of clawed toes in a fine brown fur. His snout is pointed and blunt, and his eyes large and keen. Two small fangs peek over his lower lip, their points only just visible. When he opens his mouth, more fangs and teeth become apparent, though these are much smaller. Stretching from his wrists to the base of his tiny tail are two thick membranes of skin, forming vestigal wings.
Not much, but this is Danna.Nazin2009-08-27 22:33:54
Thanks for all the replies, guys! You all have great descriptions, I don't know which one I'll do next! Anyway, here's Casilu, sorry about the generic armor - I'm sure you have much pimper custom stuff! Hope you like it; send me a PM if you'd like a larger file.

Probably won't be able to turn the next one around so quickly, I have a lot of stuff to do... I'll try and do another in a few days!

Probably won't be able to turn the next one around so quickly, I have a lot of stuff to do... I'll try and do another in a few days!
Kiradawea2009-08-27 22:43:38
That one's rather nifty. Me like. You're quite good.
Casilu2009-08-27 22:50:29
Awesome, thanks. 

Tervic2009-08-27 23:03:00
What I want to know is how the eff do you do something so absofreaking gorgeous in one day.
Nazin2009-08-27 23:24:36
Thanks guys!
Tervic - Thanks; I like to do fantasy art in my free time when I'm not working on design or other illustration stuff. I had a few extra hours yesterday and today, so I was able to really jam on this one. I'd say I spent between 3 and 4 hours on it, maybe?
Nyir - You're next! This one will probably take longer, I have a few things I need to get out the door by this weekend.
Tervic - Thanks; I like to do fantasy art in my free time when I'm not working on design or other illustration stuff. I had a few extra hours yesterday and today, so I was able to really jam on this one. I'd say I spent between 3 and 4 hours on it, maybe?
Nyir - You're next! This one will probably take longer, I have a few things I need to get out the door by this weekend.
Shaddus2009-08-27 23:30:17
Shaddus's Description
He is a sinuous illithoid and stands with a cautious air, acutely aware and surveying his surroundings with a guarded eye. He walks with a lumbering, disjointed gait, his gaunt, slightly emaciated form contrasting sharply with the ravenous gleam that governs his visage. A violent silver scar lances diagonally across his cheek to his brow, the marred flesh furrowing the tissue across one abysmal crimson eye, the other, a revolting, void eye socket, the flesh framing the nefarious, shadow inhabited cavity mutilated and flaccid. His body is encased in a dark ebon pelt of bristly, coarse fur, whorls of snowy white and slate grey marking intricate patterns in the fur in a faint imitation of myriad runic characters. A multitude of old, grizzled scars crisscross his form marking him as no stranger to confrontation. A painful, malignant brand has scorched away the fur and silvered the bordering flesh on his left shoulder, the skin reddened angrily, blazing with sinful radiance, the shape suggestive of a leering mask. He is wearing a sleek black leg scabbard, a blackened chain link bracelet, a golden brooch set with a black fire opal, 4 large brooches of crystallised salt and sulfur, 3 beryl eagle brooches, a brooch mimicking the shape of a scorpion, 3 cameo brooches, a simple silver cloak brooch, a gold and opal phoenix rising necklace, 2 diamond hummingbird brooches, a blackened steel jakari frogge, a crown of daggers, a cruel crimson mask covered in black ritualistic markings, a red prize ribbon pendant, robes of an Illithoid Grand Cenobite, a black angelskin war cloak of Fain, a bracelet of silver webs, a thin sapphire band, a grimly carved crimson mask, a black leather belt with a silver leaf buckle, a shimmering pack of dusky rose pink, and a brace of darts.
He is a sinuous illithoid and stands with a cautious air, acutely aware and surveying his surroundings with a guarded eye. He walks with a lumbering, disjointed gait, his gaunt, slightly emaciated form contrasting sharply with the ravenous gleam that governs his visage. A violent silver scar lances diagonally across his cheek to his brow, the marred flesh furrowing the tissue across one abysmal crimson eye, the other, a revolting, void eye socket, the flesh framing the nefarious, shadow inhabited cavity mutilated and flaccid. His body is encased in a dark ebon pelt of bristly, coarse fur, whorls of snowy white and slate grey marking intricate patterns in the fur in a faint imitation of myriad runic characters. A multitude of old, grizzled scars crisscross his form marking him as no stranger to confrontation. A painful, malignant brand has scorched away the fur and silvered the bordering flesh on his left shoulder, the skin reddened angrily, blazing with sinful radiance, the shape suggestive of a leering mask. He is wearing a sleek black leg scabbard, a blackened chain link bracelet, a golden brooch set with a black fire opal, 4 large brooches of crystallised salt and sulfur, 3 beryl eagle brooches, a brooch mimicking the shape of a scorpion, 3 cameo brooches, a simple silver cloak brooch, a gold and opal phoenix rising necklace, 2 diamond hummingbird brooches, a blackened steel jakari frogge, a crown of daggers, a cruel crimson mask covered in black ritualistic markings, a red prize ribbon pendant, robes of an Illithoid Grand Cenobite, a black angelskin war cloak of Fain, a bracelet of silver webs, a thin sapphire band, a grimly carved crimson mask, a black leather belt with a silver leaf buckle, a shimmering pack of dusky rose pink, and a brace of darts.
Threw in the items he was wearing at the time, to see if you can do those as well.
Unknown2009-08-28 00:56:51
Draw this thing:
p tapestry
The sleek, liquid silks of this pale tapestry hang suspended from a
slender tube of blackened steel, dangling loosely in the air and giving
some movement to the gruesome scene woven into their threads. A muted,
sickeningly orange sky lies low over a shattered landscape of tossed
earth and broken stone, strewn liberally with gleaming yellow blood and
chunks of writhing blue flesh. The apparent source of these carnal
remains are two raging, blue-skinned leviathans, both alien and strange
beyond normal reckoning. One resembles a giant, six-legged, five-eyed
crab: the other seems a swollen wasp with tentacles in the place of
wings. Both are locked in combat with a smaller, more familiar figure to
whom the eye is drawn. Alone amidst the maelstrom of colour and chaos,
He is clad in armour of forged darkness, the otherworldy metal joints
gleaming dully in the dying light of a pale green sun. A huge black
halberd is held in His hands, smoothly moving through a lashing tentacle
to meet the charge of the monstrous crab. A tall, lean figure, His
muscles stand out clearly underneath taut, pale skin, lined with
sweeping tribal tattoos of ebon ink. The esoteric patterns crawl up His
neck and around His face, emphasizing its stern, angular lines, finally
framing His ebon eyes with a tiny flourish. He seems impassive in the
face of His foes, but subtle pieces of carriage and gaze hint at the
carefully controlled rage that lies beneath His methodical slaughter.
It has 34 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 100 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
The sleek, liquid silks of this pale tapestry hang suspended from a
slender tube of blackened steel, dangling loosely in the air and giving
some movement to the gruesome scene woven into their threads. A muted,
sickeningly orange sky lies low over a shattered landscape of tossed
earth and broken stone, strewn liberally with gleaming yellow blood and
chunks of writhing blue flesh. The apparent source of these carnal
remains are two raging, blue-skinned leviathans, both alien and strange
beyond normal reckoning. One resembles a giant, six-legged, five-eyed
crab: the other seems a swollen wasp with tentacles in the place of
wings. Both are locked in combat with a smaller, more familiar figure to
whom the eye is drawn. Alone amidst the maelstrom of colour and chaos,
He is clad in armour of forged darkness, the otherworldy metal joints
gleaming dully in the dying light of a pale green sun. A huge black
halberd is held in His hands, smoothly moving through a lashing tentacle
to meet the charge of the monstrous crab. A tall, lean figure, His
muscles stand out clearly underneath taut, pale skin, lined with
sweeping tribal tattoos of ebon ink. The esoteric patterns crawl up His
neck and around His face, emphasizing its stern, angular lines, finally
framing His ebon eyes with a tiny flourish. He seems impassive in the
face of His foes, but subtle pieces of carriage and gaze hint at the
carefully controlled rage that lies beneath His methodical slaughter.
It has 34 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 100 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Sohei Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence.
Razenth2009-08-28 01:15:14
Who IS that beast!?