Asmoth2009-09-02 22:51:02
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
{{{ Right Arm Recovered }}}
{{{ Left Arm Recovered }}}
You attempt the Kata form of raze1.
You snap a long black chain with steel scythes at the right arm of Jozen, which then dangles uselessly at his side.
With a deft flick of your wrist, you whip Jozen's right leg with a long black chain with steel scythes, lashing the skin from his flesh.
The chain catches Jozen's ankle, knocking him prone.
Your momentum increases.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: gut_wounds with health
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut partially heals.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You rub some dulak on a long black chain with steel scythes.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You rub some senso on a long black chain with steel scythes.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left arm.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen flips the bird.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen eats a sparkleberry.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Jozen.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
{{{ You have Rebounding! }}}
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
The blood in your veins boils, cycling quickly through your body before you can bleed.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<>-|Safe||Ego: -285|
{{{ Left Arm Recovered }}}
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 3mo elxkdb<>-|Safe|
{{{ Right Arm Recovered }}}
You attempt the Kata form of raze2.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You thrust a clawed fist towards Jozen, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Jozen's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
With a deft flick of your wrist, you whip Jozen's head with a long black chain with steel scythes, lashing the skin from his flesh.
Your momentum increases.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen takes a long drag off his pipe.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: chest_wounds with health
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest partially heals.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 403.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
4902h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
|Health: 465||Ego: 428|
Jozen stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
{* jozen is up! *}
4902h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen carefully wipes all the poisons off of a vicious katana.
4902h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<>-|Safe|
Holding a vicious katana poised at an angle overhead, Jozen unleashes a violent assault at your left arm. Your left arm is completely struck through, which flies through the air as blood splurts out in a fountain at the severed shoulder joint.
4302h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdbp<>-|STUN!||Health: -600|
{{{ Left Arm Recovered }}}
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elxkdbp<>-|STUN!|
|Health: 245||Ego: 75|
Jozen takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elxkdbp<>-|STUN!|
{{{ Right Arm Recovered }}}
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdbp<>-|STUN!|
beast order attack jozen
kata perform jozen tangle yank legs
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdbp<>-|STUN!|
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdbp<>-|STUN!|
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: amputated_leftarm with regeneration to arms
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
The blood in your veins boils, cycling quickly through your body before you can bleed.
4547h, 4284m, 2561e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe||Ego: -893|
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4547h, 4284m, 2561e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: ego with bromide
You take a drink from a garnet vial.
Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego.
4547h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe||Ego: 764|
beast order attack jozen
kata perform jozen tangle yank legs
With a focused look, Jozen strikes at you with a vicious katana. Jozen strikes deep into your right shoulder, which collapses a nerve and sends spasms throughout your limp arm.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -600|
A haughty pegasus with leathery bat wings slashes Jozen viciously.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen carefully wipes all the poisons off of a vicious katana.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You attempt the Kata form of tangle.
You must have two legs to do that.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You are no longer immune from stun.
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The allheale burns your throat and makes your eyes water.
The pains in your stomach subside.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You may apply another salve to yourself.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Jozen.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
kata terminate
You are not performing any Kata form.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen carefully wipes all the poisons off of a vicious katana.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
Jozen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Jozen strikes at you with a vicious katana. You are feebly struck in your right leg with the blade.
3347h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -600|
beast order attack jozen
kata perform jozen raze raze1 raze2
Jozen takes a long drag off his pipe.
3347h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 402.
3347h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
|Health: 490||Ego: 428|
You must wait before you can order your beast again.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
You lack a left arm to do that with.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
A new left arm grows where the old one was, though one that is quite sickly and in poor repair.You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: collapsed_right with regeneration to arms
You must wait before you can order your beast again.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
You lack a left arm to do that with.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
A new left arm grows where the old one was, though one that is quite sickly and in poor repair.
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
--- Connected for 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 5 seconds. ---
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: mangled_leftarm with regeneration to arms
The collapsed nerves in your right arm spasm uncontrollably, the tremors spreading through your body.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
--- Connected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- © 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000
{{{ Right Arm Recovered }}}
{{{ Left Arm Recovered }}}
You attempt the Kata form of raze1.
You snap a long black chain with steel scythes at the right arm of Jozen, which then dangles uselessly at his side.
With a deft flick of your wrist, you whip Jozen's right leg with a long black chain with steel scythes, lashing the skin from his flesh.
The chain catches Jozen's ankle, knocking him prone.
Your momentum increases.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
CURING: gut_wounds with health
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut partially heals.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
You rub some dulak on a long black chain with steel scythes.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
You rub some senso on a long black chain with steel scythes.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left arm.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
Jozen flips the bird.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
Jozen eats a sparkleberry.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
Jozen takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Jozen.
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
{{{ You have Rebounding! }}}
4437h, 4284m, 3236e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
The blood in your veins boils, cycling quickly through your body before you can bleed.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 3mo exkdb<
{{{ Left Arm Recovered }}}
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 3mo elxkdb<
{{{ Right Arm Recovered }}}
You attempt the Kata form of raze2.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You thrust a clawed fist towards Jozen, ripping at the air before his face.
You raze Jozen's aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
With a deft flick of your wrist, you whip Jozen's head with a long black chain with steel scythes, lashing the skin from his flesh.
Your momentum increases.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
Jozen takes a long drag off his pipe.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
CURING: chest_wounds with health
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest partially heals.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 403.
4437h, 4284m, 2951e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
4902h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
|Health: 465||Ego: 428|
Jozen stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
{* jozen is up! *}
4902h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
Jozen carefully wipes all the poisons off of a vicious katana.
4902h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdb<
Holding a vicious katana poised at an angle overhead, Jozen unleashes a violent assault at your left arm. Your left arm is completely struck through, which flies through the air as blood splurts out in a fountain at the severed shoulder joint.
4302h, 4284m, 3379e, 10p, 4mo exkdbp<
{{{ Left Arm Recovered }}}
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elxkdbp<
|Health: 245||Ego: 75|
Jozen takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elxkdbp<
{{{ Right Arm Recovered }}}
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdbp<
beast order attack jozen
kata perform jozen tangle yank legs
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdbp<
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdbp<
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
CURING: amputated_leftarm with regeneration to arms
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4547h, 4284m, 3454e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
The blood in your veins boils, cycling quickly through your body before you can bleed.
4547h, 4284m, 2561e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4547h, 4284m, 2561e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
CURING: ego with bromide
You take a drink from a garnet vial.
Ah, the soothing bromides help strengthen your ego.
4547h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
beast order attack jozen
kata perform jozen tangle yank legs
With a focused look, Jozen strikes at you with a vicious katana. Jozen strikes deep into your right shoulder, which collapses a nerve and sends spasms throughout your limp arm.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
A haughty pegasus with leathery bat wings slashes Jozen viciously.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
Jozen carefully wipes all the poisons off of a vicious katana.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You attempt the Kata form of tangle.
You must have two legs to do that.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You are no longer immune from stun.
You take a drink from a turquoise vial.
The allheale burns your throat and makes your eyes water.
The pains in your stomach subside.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You may apply another salve to yourself.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Jozen.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 4mo elrxkdb<
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
kata terminate
You are not performing any Kata form.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
Jozen carefully wipes all the poisons off of a vicious katana.
3947h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
Jozen's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Jozen strikes at you with a vicious katana. You are feebly struck in your right leg with the blade.
3347h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
beast order attack jozen
kata perform jozen raze raze1 raze2
Jozen takes a long drag off his pipe.
3347h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 402.
3347h, 4284m, 3325e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
|Health: 490||Ego: 428|
You must wait before you can order your beast again.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
You lack a left arm to do that with.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
A new left arm grows where the old one was, though one that is quite sickly and in poor repair.You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
CURING: collapsed_right with regeneration to arms
You must wait before you can order your beast again.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You attempt the Kata form of raze.
You lack a left arm to do that with.
You are unable to continue executing your Kata form.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
A new left arm grows where the old one was, though one that is quite sickly and in poor repair.
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
--- Connected for 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 5 seconds. ---
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
CURING: mangled_leftarm with regeneration to arms
The collapsed nerves in your right arm spasm uncontrollably, the tremors spreading through your body.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
--- Connected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- © 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000
Tervic2009-09-03 17:12:48
What's the question? I see you d/c'd at the end there, but other than that...?
Kante2009-09-03 17:35:11
QUOTE (Tervic @ Sep 3 2009, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's the question? I see you d/c'd at the end there, but other than that...?
Maybe he's just bitching, but since his bitch is in a combat log, he put it here?
Casilu2009-09-03 17:40:19
QUOTE (Tervic @ Sep 3 2009, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's the question? I see you d/c'd at the end there, but other than that...?
Actually, he connected at the end end and disconnect a few seconds earlier.
Tervic2009-09-03 17:45:45
QUOTE (casilu @ Sep 3 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, he connected at the end end and disconnect a few seconds earlier.
But... he didn't even die! So what's the problem?
Unknown2009-09-03 17:46:52
I don't think it's something for Ethelon to find and fix. Looks like his router is screwy or something. Heh.
Casilu2009-09-03 17:47:25
QUOTE (Tervic @ Sep 3 2009, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But... he didn't even die! So what's the problem?
If you want a connection as stable as my mind, go ahead puddin'.

Tervic2009-09-03 17:54:42
QUOTE (casilu @ Sep 3 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you want a connection as stable as my mind, go ahead, puddin'. 

No thanks, I'll pass.
Alef2009-09-03 18:24:48
A new left arm grows where the old one was, though one that is quite sickly and in poor repair.
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
--- Connected for 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 5 seconds. ---
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: mangled_leftarm with regeneration to arms
The collapsed nerves in your right arm spasm uncontrollably, the tremors spreading through your body.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
--- Connected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- © 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000
I thought it was about this. He disconnected and some input still came through. Though, I'm not sure what happened/caused it.
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
--- Connected for 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 5 seconds. ---
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
CURING: mangled_leftarm with regeneration to arms
The collapsed nerves in your right arm spasm uncontrollably, the tremors spreading through your body.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
--- Connected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- © 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000
I thought it was about this. He disconnected and some input still came through. Though, I'm not sure what happened/caused it.
Unknown2009-09-03 20:06:35
I think they call that buffering. 

Alef2009-09-03 20:38:03
Oh. Well, I feel kinda dumb now.
It was early evening and I hadn't had my nap.. I can't be held accountable.
It was early evening and I hadn't had my nap.. I can't be held accountable.
Tervic2009-09-03 21:11:09
QUOTE (Alef @ Sep 3 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A new left arm grows where the old one was, though one that is quite sickly and in poor repair.
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
--- Connected for 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 5 seconds. ---
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
CURING: mangled_leftarm with regeneration to arms
The collapsed nerves in your right arm spasm uncontrollably, the tremors spreading through your body.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
--- Connected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- © 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000
I thought it was about this. He disconnected and some input still came through. Though, I'm not sure what happened/caused it.
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
--- Connected for 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 5 seconds. ---
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
CURING: mangled_leftarm with regeneration to arms
The collapsed nerves in your right arm spasm uncontrollably, the tremors spreading through your body.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
3837h, 4284m, 3753e, 10p, 3mo elrxkdb<
--- Connected on Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 6:44 PM ---
Rapture Runtime Environment v2.1.3 -- © 2007 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
Multi-User License: 100-0000-000
I thought it was about this. He disconnected and some input still came through. Though, I'm not sure what happened/caused it.
Asmoth2009-09-04 09:32:23
I didn't quit, the game just automatically did.
Outta nowhere, while I was streaming a radio station on Windows Media Player which never skipped a beat, that's why I thought something was jacked up with the system, thought it flooded the game or something and caused a disconnect.
Outta nowhere, while I was streaming a radio station on Windows Media Player which never skipped a beat, that's why I thought something was jacked up with the system, thought it flooded the game or something and caused a disconnect.
Casilu2009-09-04 21:16:04
QUOTE (Asmoth @ Sep 4 2009, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didn't quit, the game just automatically did.
Outta nowhere, while I was streaming a radio station on Windows Media Player which never skipped a beat, that's why I thought something was jacked up with the system, thought it flooded the game or something and caused a disconnect.
Outta nowhere, while I was streaming a radio station on Windows Media Player which never skipped a beat, that's why I thought something was jacked up with the system, thought it flooded the game or something and caused a disconnect.
Probable problem bolded.
Shaddus2009-09-04 21:27:51
QUOTE (casilu @ Sep 4 2009, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probable problem bolded.
Actually, Eth's system has done the same thing to me. Sometimes it just spazzes out.
Ethelon2009-09-04 22:59:38
Often the random disconnects have been due to crossing triggers between the system and self made triggers of the client. In this case though, it looks like you just lag/disconnected. If it happens again and you suspect it's the system, you know I'll help you figure it out