Unknown2009-09-05 04:50:11
(Magnagora): Sthai says, "Iorden d'Murani is to wed Lyla Oubliette anon in the Silent Cathedral. All are welcome, as long as they comport themselves properly."
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler adjusts his posture, standing at parade rest.
Melville arrives following General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings trots in from the east.
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler says, "Brother."
Vathael steps down off of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings begins to follow Vathael obediently.
Melville doffs a dark crown with silken webs cordially.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth folds her hands within her sleeves.
You doff a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather cordially.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Do you have your ring yet?"
(Magnagora): Sthai says, "We will begin shortly. If more time is required to attend the ceremony, please notify me via tells."
A wide band of flawless glistening black onyx, this wedding ring has
been expertly inlaid with intricate designs in platinum. Interlocked
gears in all sizes form a loop around the band, wrapped in a wicked vine
with sharp thorns. At the top of the ring, right in the centre is a
small hole in the middle of the largest gear. A tiny droplet of garnet
hangs from a thorn at the bottom of the small hole, rounded slightly to
rise above the otherwise smooth surface of the ring.
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Iconoclast Quois, Prophet of the Subtle Vice.
It has been stamped with the seal of Steel Rose.
You display an onyx wedding ring of thorn entwined gears for all in the room to see.
Lyla nods her head at you.
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
Vathael easily vaults onto the back of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
You suddenly notice Seretenin casually standing in the location.
Seretenin inclines his head politely to those around him.
Xaldrin gives a pained sigh.
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
You doff a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather cordially.
Lyla nods her head at Seretenin.
Jozen looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
You suddenly notice Sahmiam casually standing in the location.
Sahmiam inclines his head politely to those around him.
Vathael steps down off of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings begins to follow Vathael obediently.
(Magnagora): Sthai says, "We begin, then."
Lyla nods her head at Sahmiam.
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler says, "I should have gotten the components for your hat, Iorden."
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler says, "That one dosn't suit just right..."
Clearing her throat, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "We shall begin. Please assume your positions, and do be silent."
You nod your head emphatically.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth casts a quelling glance at Xaldrin.
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler stares stonily ahead, unfased.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid moves to stand before Sthai.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth moves forwards to stand before the altar, drawing Lyla with by a hand.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid trots along obediently, curls bouncing.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Iorden d'Murani, come forwards to present yourself to your bride."
Iorden walks forward and stands besides Lyla.
Shifting and rumbling underfoot, the earth itself trembles in the grasp of vast Geomantic powers.
Spreading her hands, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Friends, associates, assembled, I bid you welcome and blessed in the name of the Masque and Our Lady of the Amaranth."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "In the names of the Lord of Lords and the Queen, may we be blessed and united as an Engine, much as Iorden and Lyla shall be united in marriage. May the purpose of the Engine find expression in the deeds of the many; much as it has found expression in the works of Iorden and Lyla."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth smiles faintly.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth turns, lifting her hand to Lyla.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid places her hand in Sthai's.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Lyla, "Lyla Oubliette, by what words and will do you come to be united with Iorden d'Murani?"
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise as she stares at Jozen.
Mechanical clankings rumble from deep beneath the ground, as though some great clockwork engine lay beneath your feet.
In a calm little voice, Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "I serve in obedience the hand that has been bound to mine by the will of my Mother. In blood and agony I bind myself to the one who has been chosen for me, with an unbreakable vow and an irremovable sign of my faith."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to you, "Iorden d'Murani, by what words and will do you come to be united with Lyla Oubliette in the auspices of House Oubliette?"
With confidence, you say, "I serve in obedience the hand that has been bound to mine by the will of the Engine. In life and undeath I bind myself to the one who has been chosen for me, with an unbreakable vow and an irremovable sign of my faith."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth nods and smiles faintly.
Vathael smirks.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Blessed before the Amaranth and Masque may you both stand. Before the Engine, then, Lyla, it be your will that you be united with Iorden?"
Sthai glances askance at Lyla.
Melville snickers softly to himself.
Melville d'Murani says, "I must congratulate you in advance, brother Iorden."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "It is."
Sthai stares coldly at Melville.
Jozen begins to wield the Gruesome Rod of Chastisement in his left hand.
Sthai hunches slightly and flares her body as she hisses warningly.
Jozen begins to wield the Sanguinary Orb of Belligerence in his right hand.
Sthai murmurs softly to herself.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "I will have silence in the Font."
Jozen peers about himself unscrupulously.
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "Indeed, marriage to your cousin is indeed quite the achievement."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Blessed before the Amaranth and Masque may you both stand. Before the Engine, then, Iorden, it be your will that you be united with Lyla?"
Sthai twitches spasmodically.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth turns in a sweeping of robes to glare at Vathael.
Melville d'Murani says to you, "You are the first of us to wed one born of the noblest blood. A daughter of she who renounced the family but may never renounce her bloodline."
Raising her voice, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Does House d'Murani object to this union, then?"
Sthai stares coldly at Melville.
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "I object, indeed."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "And if so, where stands the Seat of House d'Murani to speak for the family?"
In shock, Melville d'Murani says, "Oh! Not at all! I said it was an achievement. I meant it."
Melville chuckles long and heartily.
Luthe, Dilettante of Destruction says, "As the highest ranking member of the house in attendance, I bless their Union."
The air around Vathael blurs as he chants under his breath. He shakes his head and blinks in confusion.
At the darkest hour, the bell tower suddenly springs to life with sound. The shadows are given voice as its hallowed tones ring in celebration of midnight over Magnagora.
You smirk.
With a faint, smug smile, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The matter is moot. Lord Krackenor has not seen fit to challenge the union for the ensuing years of engagement. As Luthe d'Murani stands to vouch for the happy couple.."
Sthai nods her head at Luthe.
Vathael waves his hand dismissively.
Luthe inclines his head politely to those around him.
Sharply, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The wedding shall proceed."
Sthai narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Coldly, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Unless there is /further/ objection."
Jozen shrugs helplessly.
Melville d'Murani says, "Objections? Hah! My brother could not marry one of better blood than this."
Melville d'Murani says, "Proceed."
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "Keep it in the family, I suppose."
Quietly, Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "Blood must be pure."
You suddenly notice Shaddus casually standing in the location.
Shaddus inclines his head politely to those around him.
Vathael doffs a crowned helm of blood-flecked steel to Shaddus.
Witheringly, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "I will ask for silence in the name of the Masque and the Amaranth, if you respect nothing else."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid falls silent, crimson eyes wide and expectant.
Flatly, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "This is hardly a tavern to be making crude jokes in."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Now. Are there further /warranted/ objections?"
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth arches a mocking eyebrow.
Vathael shakes his head.
Vathael writes a word across a Magical Map of Mystery with a flourish, and lines blossom across the blank page, forming a map before his questing eyes.
Tilting back his head and closing his eyes, Shaddus's face becomes slack and the purple veins on his face and neck begin to protrude and pulse.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Good."
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence murmurs to Sthai, "You're welcome to bring the wanted guests to my private manse for a private ceremony."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth touches a pendant at her throat briefly, a faint smile on her lips.
Shaddus gives a serpentine key to Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Lyla, "Then by House Oubliette, let the ring be given to the beloved."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid extends a hand expectantly, offering over a little smile to you.
Melville hides a grin behind his hand.
Iorden takes up Lyla's hand and slides an onyx wedding band on her finger.
Lyla slips into an onyx wedding ring of thorn entwined gears.
Vathael grins mischievously at Melville.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth glances askance, eyes narrowed.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid returns the favour, sliding a ring onto your finger, and then draws out the small platinum spike that fits into the hole in the center.
Solemnly, Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Hold still, please."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid carefully fits the spike against the hole, and then drives it down into your finger with a sickening noise and a squirt of blood.
Iorden flinches for a brief moment.
Sthai taps her fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid extends her hand and waits patiently.
Melville grins mischievously at you.
Iorden draws out a small platinum spike and carefully fits it over the hole in the ring.
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "Go on, son, take your cousin's hand."
Jozen smirks.
Sthai begins to chant in a deep and baleful voice, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Vathael. Vicious spikes slam into his flesh and nail him to the cross. He screams in pain and agony as blood is splattered in all directions.
With a look of agony on his face, Vathael manages to writhe himself free of that which impaled him.
Jozen glares angrily at Sthai.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "You will. Be. SILENT."
Vathael chuckles long and heartily.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid braces herself, lips pursing lightly.
Iorden drives the spike through Lyla's finger with a swift movement.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid gives a little squeak, but otherwise remains silent as her finger trickles blood.
Shaddus licks his lips.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "In the name of the Masque and the Amaranth, I now pronounce you man and wife under House Oubliette."
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
With a faint, amused smirk, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "You may now kiss the bride."
Lyla gives you a peck on the cheek.
You kiss Lyla passionately.
Sthai taps her fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "I would call for a reception but I think we'll just assume a family reunion."
Sthai narrows her eyes at Vathael in an unnerving manner.
Jozen utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Vathael, "Don't make me bring up the seven fiancees, cousin."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Up."
Vathael smirks.
Shaddus's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Vathael, "Or Athine."
Vathael rolls his eyes.
Shaddus gags and sputters.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Or Sybl."
Vathael begins to chant in a deep and baleful voice, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Sthai. Vicious spikes slam into her flesh and nail her to the cross. She screams in pain and agony as blood is splattered in all directions.
Shaddus hides a grin behind his hand.
Sthai jerks as the iron cross pulls her limbs, resulting in a sickening crunch of bones.
With a look of agony on her face, Sthai manages to writhe herself free of that which impaled her.
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise.
Iorden picks up Lyla from the ground.
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says, "Wow. Talk about a rough wedding."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The ceremony is over."
Sthai narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "There will not be cake."
Opening his mouth wide, Shaddus gapes in wonder at Sthai.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "I suggest dispersal."
Jozen crosses his arms on his chest, sticks out his lower lip, and pouts.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "I had a cake but I ate it."
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says, "Blasphemy."
Seretenin inclines his head politely to those around him.
With a flourish, Jozen draws a vicious katana from a wax hardened leather scabbard.
You notice Seretenin casually stepping backwards. In the blink of an eye, he appears to have left the location.
Jozen's knuckles grow momentarily white as he strengthens his grip.
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says, "Pie is better anyway."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The cake is a lie, dear."
Shaddus inclines his head politely to those around him.
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says to Sthai, "F'ai Pie. That is all."
You notice Shaddus casually stepping backwards. In the blink of an eye, he appears to have left the location.
You doff a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather cordially to Vathael.
Sthai wrinkles her nose and sniffs.
Vathael doffs a crowned helm of blood-flecked steel cordially.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "Can I have a pony?"
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "I got married."
Melville d'Murani says, "Now, give them time to consumate the marriage of noble blood. The noblest!"
Melville inclines his head politely to those around him.
You say to Lyla, "Another one?"
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth murmurs, "Blue blood is best, of course."
The acrid stench of burning ozone permeates the air as the great engines of industry and planar science march ever forward.
Calem chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Calem leaves to the east.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "It died again."
Jozen spreads his arms wide, and the air between his hands begins to warp and twist, dancing with brilliant multicoloured light as he bores a hole through the fabric of the planes.
Sahmiam leaves to the east.
Chanting hoarsely, Melville is suddenly engulfed in a blaze of dark fire, rising up from the ashes as a ghost.
You say to Lyla, "I don't see why not?"
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Okay. Can I have three?"
You say to Lyla, "Eventually..."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth idly traces the gilded folds of a fan at her waist.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to Sthai, "Thank you, Mother."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Lyla, "You're quite welcome, dear."
Iorden will now be known as Iorden Oubliette, Memory of Decadence.
Sinister ritual chanting echoes faintly from afar, as shadowy, cloaked figures slip across the corner of your eye.
Vathael easily vaults onto the back of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings trots off to the east.
Calem arrives from the east.
You bow respectfully to Sthai.
Calem chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Lyla tilts her head curiously at Calem.
Sthai nods her head at you.
Lyla congratulates Calem with some wild clapping.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to Calem, "Yes, you look better."
Sthai raises an eyebrow at Calem.
He is a fiendish irontongue viscanti and He stands tall with a graceful and confident poise. Hair the colour of the deepest night sits perfectly groomed upon his head. His sparkling green eyes are surrounded by long, thick lashes. His arms are muscular and flow into deft, slender fingers. Muscular legs are followed by average sized feet. He skin is tan, while not being overly so. His overall appearance is that of being lithe and graceful. He is wearing a canvas backpack, an etched turquoise ring, an etched beryl ring, a coral kingdom ring, a garnet mercy ring, an emerald beauty ring, a sweeping crimson cloak, a pair of black shoes, a ladybug-shaped brooch, 2 thick platinum rings, robes accented by rose and thorn, an etched coral ring, an etched amethyst ring, an exquisite onyx and opal bracelet, and a bracelet of gems.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to Sthai, "He reincarnated."
Comprehension flashes across Sthai's face.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Indeed."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "If you'll pardon me, daughter, son."
Sthai gives Lyla a peck on the cheek.
Sthai gives you a peck on the cheek.
Sthai slowly hobbles east.
Kudos to Sthai for improvising the ceremony and to Vath and Melville for bringing in the fun
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler adjusts his posture, standing at parade rest.
Melville arrives following General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings trots in from the east.
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler says, "Brother."
Vathael steps down off of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings begins to follow Vathael obediently.
Melville doffs a dark crown with silken webs cordially.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth folds her hands within her sleeves.
You doff a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather cordially.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Do you have your ring yet?"
(Magnagora): Sthai says, "We will begin shortly. If more time is required to attend the ceremony, please notify me via tells."
A wide band of flawless glistening black onyx, this wedding ring has
been expertly inlaid with intricate designs in platinum. Interlocked
gears in all sizes form a loop around the band, wrapped in a wicked vine
with sharp thorns. At the top of the ring, right in the centre is a
small hole in the middle of the largest gear. A tiny droplet of garnet
hangs from a thorn at the bottom of the small hole, rounded slightly to
rise above the otherwise smooth surface of the ring.
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Iconoclast Quois, Prophet of the Subtle Vice.
It has been stamped with the seal of Steel Rose.
You display an onyx wedding ring of thorn entwined gears for all in the room to see.
Lyla nods her head at you.
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
Vathael easily vaults onto the back of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
You suddenly notice Seretenin casually standing in the location.
Seretenin inclines his head politely to those around him.
Xaldrin gives a pained sigh.
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
You doff a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather cordially.
Lyla nods her head at Seretenin.
Jozen looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
You suddenly notice Sahmiam casually standing in the location.
Sahmiam inclines his head politely to those around him.
Vathael steps down off of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings begins to follow Vathael obediently.
(Magnagora): Sthai says, "We begin, then."
Lyla nods her head at Sahmiam.
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler says, "I should have gotten the components for your hat, Iorden."
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler says, "That one dosn't suit just right..."
Clearing her throat, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "We shall begin. Please assume your positions, and do be silent."
You nod your head emphatically.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth casts a quelling glance at Xaldrin.
Grey Eclipse, Xaldrin d'Deneith, Chaotic Chronicler stares stonily ahead, unfased.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid moves to stand before Sthai.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth moves forwards to stand before the altar, drawing Lyla with by a hand.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid trots along obediently, curls bouncing.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Iorden d'Murani, come forwards to present yourself to your bride."
Iorden walks forward and stands besides Lyla.
Shifting and rumbling underfoot, the earth itself trembles in the grasp of vast Geomantic powers.
Spreading her hands, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Friends, associates, assembled, I bid you welcome and blessed in the name of the Masque and Our Lady of the Amaranth."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "In the names of the Lord of Lords and the Queen, may we be blessed and united as an Engine, much as Iorden and Lyla shall be united in marriage. May the purpose of the Engine find expression in the deeds of the many; much as it has found expression in the works of Iorden and Lyla."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth smiles faintly.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth turns, lifting her hand to Lyla.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid places her hand in Sthai's.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Lyla, "Lyla Oubliette, by what words and will do you come to be united with Iorden d'Murani?"
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
Jozen makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise as she stares at Jozen.
Mechanical clankings rumble from deep beneath the ground, as though some great clockwork engine lay beneath your feet.
In a calm little voice, Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "I serve in obedience the hand that has been bound to mine by the will of my Mother. In blood and agony I bind myself to the one who has been chosen for me, with an unbreakable vow and an irremovable sign of my faith."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to you, "Iorden d'Murani, by what words and will do you come to be united with Lyla Oubliette in the auspices of House Oubliette?"
With confidence, you say, "I serve in obedience the hand that has been bound to mine by the will of the Engine. In life and undeath I bind myself to the one who has been chosen for me, with an unbreakable vow and an irremovable sign of my faith."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth nods and smiles faintly.
Vathael smirks.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Blessed before the Amaranth and Masque may you both stand. Before the Engine, then, Lyla, it be your will that you be united with Iorden?"
Sthai glances askance at Lyla.
Melville snickers softly to himself.
Melville d'Murani says, "I must congratulate you in advance, brother Iorden."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "It is."
Sthai stares coldly at Melville.
Jozen begins to wield the Gruesome Rod of Chastisement in his left hand.
Sthai hunches slightly and flares her body as she hisses warningly.
Jozen begins to wield the Sanguinary Orb of Belligerence in his right hand.
Sthai murmurs softly to herself.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "I will have silence in the Font."
Jozen peers about himself unscrupulously.
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "Indeed, marriage to your cousin is indeed quite the achievement."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Blessed before the Amaranth and Masque may you both stand. Before the Engine, then, Iorden, it be your will that you be united with Lyla?"
Sthai twitches spasmodically.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth turns in a sweeping of robes to glare at Vathael.
Melville d'Murani says to you, "You are the first of us to wed one born of the noblest blood. A daughter of she who renounced the family but may never renounce her bloodline."
Raising her voice, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Does House d'Murani object to this union, then?"
Sthai stares coldly at Melville.
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "I object, indeed."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "And if so, where stands the Seat of House d'Murani to speak for the family?"
In shock, Melville d'Murani says, "Oh! Not at all! I said it was an achievement. I meant it."
Melville chuckles long and heartily.
Luthe, Dilettante of Destruction says, "As the highest ranking member of the house in attendance, I bless their Union."
The air around Vathael blurs as he chants under his breath. He shakes his head and blinks in confusion.
At the darkest hour, the bell tower suddenly springs to life with sound. The shadows are given voice as its hallowed tones ring in celebration of midnight over Magnagora.
You smirk.
With a faint, smug smile, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The matter is moot. Lord Krackenor has not seen fit to challenge the union for the ensuing years of engagement. As Luthe d'Murani stands to vouch for the happy couple.."
Sthai nods her head at Luthe.
Vathael waves his hand dismissively.
Luthe inclines his head politely to those around him.
Sharply, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The wedding shall proceed."
Sthai narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Coldly, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Unless there is /further/ objection."
Jozen shrugs helplessly.
Melville d'Murani says, "Objections? Hah! My brother could not marry one of better blood than this."
Melville d'Murani says, "Proceed."
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "Keep it in the family, I suppose."
Quietly, Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "Blood must be pure."
You suddenly notice Shaddus casually standing in the location.
Shaddus inclines his head politely to those around him.
Vathael doffs a crowned helm of blood-flecked steel to Shaddus.
Witheringly, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "I will ask for silence in the name of the Masque and the Amaranth, if you respect nothing else."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid falls silent, crimson eyes wide and expectant.
Flatly, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "This is hardly a tavern to be making crude jokes in."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Now. Are there further /warranted/ objections?"
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth arches a mocking eyebrow.
Vathael shakes his head.
Vathael writes a word across a Magical Map of Mystery with a flourish, and lines blossom across the blank page, forming a map before his questing eyes.
Tilting back his head and closing his eyes, Shaddus's face becomes slack and the purple veins on his face and neck begin to protrude and pulse.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Good."
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence murmurs to Sthai, "You're welcome to bring the wanted guests to my private manse for a private ceremony."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth touches a pendant at her throat briefly, a faint smile on her lips.
Shaddus gives a serpentine key to Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Lyla, "Then by House Oubliette, let the ring be given to the beloved."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid extends a hand expectantly, offering over a little smile to you.
Melville hides a grin behind his hand.
Iorden takes up Lyla's hand and slides an onyx wedding band on her finger.
Lyla slips into an onyx wedding ring of thorn entwined gears.
Vathael grins mischievously at Melville.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth glances askance, eyes narrowed.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid returns the favour, sliding a ring onto your finger, and then draws out the small platinum spike that fits into the hole in the center.
Solemnly, Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Hold still, please."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid carefully fits the spike against the hole, and then drives it down into your finger with a sickening noise and a squirt of blood.
Iorden flinches for a brief moment.
Sthai taps her fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid extends her hand and waits patiently.
Melville grins mischievously at you.
Iorden draws out a small platinum spike and carefully fits it over the hole in the ring.
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "Go on, son, take your cousin's hand."
Jozen smirks.
Sthai begins to chant in a deep and baleful voice, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Vathael. Vicious spikes slam into his flesh and nail him to the cross. He screams in pain and agony as blood is splattered in all directions.
With a look of agony on his face, Vathael manages to writhe himself free of that which impaled him.
Jozen glares angrily at Sthai.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "You will. Be. SILENT."
Vathael chuckles long and heartily.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid braces herself, lips pursing lightly.
Iorden drives the spike through Lyla's finger with a swift movement.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid gives a little squeak, but otherwise remains silent as her finger trickles blood.
Shaddus licks his lips.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "In the name of the Masque and the Amaranth, I now pronounce you man and wife under House Oubliette."
You have earned the blessing of the Elder Gods!
With a faint, amused smirk, Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "You may now kiss the bride."
Lyla gives you a peck on the cheek.
You kiss Lyla passionately.
Sthai taps her fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
General Vathael Feyranti, Knife of Fain says, "I would call for a reception but I think we'll just assume a family reunion."
Sthai narrows her eyes at Vathael in an unnerving manner.
Jozen utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Vathael, "Don't make me bring up the seven fiancees, cousin."
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Up."
Vathael smirks.
Shaddus's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Vathael, "Or Athine."
Vathael rolls his eyes.
Shaddus gags and sputters.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Or Sybl."
Vathael begins to chant in a deep and baleful voice, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Sthai. Vicious spikes slam into her flesh and nail her to the cross. She screams in pain and agony as blood is splattered in all directions.
Shaddus hides a grin behind his hand.
Sthai jerks as the iron cross pulls her limbs, resulting in a sickening crunch of bones.
With a look of agony on her face, Sthai manages to writhe herself free of that which impaled her.
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Sthai makes a quiet clicking noise.
Iorden picks up Lyla from the ground.
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says, "Wow. Talk about a rough wedding."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The ceremony is over."
Sthai narrows her eyes to thin slits.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "There will not be cake."
Opening his mouth wide, Shaddus gapes in wonder at Sthai.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "I suggest dispersal."
Jozen crosses his arms on his chest, sticks out his lower lip, and pouts.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "I had a cake but I ate it."
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says, "Blasphemy."
Seretenin inclines his head politely to those around him.
With a flourish, Jozen draws a vicious katana from a wax hardened leather scabbard.
You notice Seretenin casually stepping backwards. In the blink of an eye, he appears to have left the location.
Jozen's knuckles grow momentarily white as he strengthens his grip.
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says, "Pie is better anyway."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "The cake is a lie, dear."
Shaddus inclines his head politely to those around him.
Shaddus Mes'ard, of the Quietus Innocence says to Sthai, "F'ai Pie. That is all."
You notice Shaddus casually stepping backwards. In the blink of an eye, he appears to have left the location.
You doff a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather cordially to Vathael.
Sthai wrinkles her nose and sniffs.
Vathael doffs a crowned helm of blood-flecked steel cordially.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "Can I have a pony?"
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says, "I got married."
Melville d'Murani says, "Now, give them time to consumate the marriage of noble blood. The noblest!"
Melville inclines his head politely to those around him.
You say to Lyla, "Another one?"
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth murmurs, "Blue blood is best, of course."
The acrid stench of burning ozone permeates the air as the great engines of industry and planar science march ever forward.
Calem chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Calem leaves to the east.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "It died again."
Jozen spreads his arms wide, and the air between his hands begins to warp and twist, dancing with brilliant multicoloured light as he bores a hole through the fabric of the planes.
Sahmiam leaves to the east.
Chanting hoarsely, Melville is suddenly engulfed in a blaze of dark fire, rising up from the ashes as a ghost.
You say to Lyla, "I don't see why not?"
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to you, "Okay. Can I have three?"
You say to Lyla, "Eventually..."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth idly traces the gilded folds of a fan at her waist.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to Sthai, "Thank you, Mother."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says to Lyla, "You're quite welcome, dear."
Iorden will now be known as Iorden Oubliette, Memory of Decadence.
Sinister ritual chanting echoes faintly from afar, as shadowy, cloaked figures slip across the corner of your eye.
Vathael easily vaults onto the back of a skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings.
A skeletal, white stallion with leathery wings trots off to the east.
Calem arrives from the east.
You bow respectfully to Sthai.
Calem chews on his lip, deep in thought.
Lyla tilts her head curiously at Calem.
Sthai nods her head at you.
Lyla congratulates Calem with some wild clapping.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to Calem, "Yes, you look better."
Sthai raises an eyebrow at Calem.
He is a fiendish irontongue viscanti and He stands tall with a graceful and confident poise. Hair the colour of the deepest night sits perfectly groomed upon his head. His sparkling green eyes are surrounded by long, thick lashes. His arms are muscular and flow into deft, slender fingers. Muscular legs are followed by average sized feet. He skin is tan, while not being overly so. His overall appearance is that of being lithe and graceful. He is wearing a canvas backpack, an etched turquoise ring, an etched beryl ring, a coral kingdom ring, a garnet mercy ring, an emerald beauty ring, a sweeping crimson cloak, a pair of black shoes, a ladybug-shaped brooch, 2 thick platinum rings, robes accented by rose and thorn, an etched coral ring, an etched amethyst ring, an exquisite onyx and opal bracelet, and a bracelet of gems.
Requiem Lyla Oubliette, the Bloody Orchid says to Sthai, "He reincarnated."
Comprehension flashes across Sthai's face.
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "Indeed."
Seditionist Sthai Oubliette, Petal of the Amaranth says, "If you'll pardon me, daughter, son."
Sthai gives Lyla a peck on the cheek.
Sthai gives you a peck on the cheek.
Sthai slowly hobbles east.
Kudos to Sthai for improvising the ceremony and to Vath and Melville for bringing in the fun
Tekora2009-09-05 04:54:30
I missed the hobbling at the end. That's an awesome finish though. Friggin hilarious.
Unknown2009-09-05 05:37:18
Shaddus is a wedding crasher. O.O
Also, what is it with Magnagora and...circular...family trees?
Also, what is it with Magnagora and...circular...family trees?
Unknown2009-09-05 05:39:15
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Sep 5 2009, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shaddus is a wedding crasher. O.O
Also, what is it with Magnagora and...circular...family trees?
Also, what is it with Magnagora and...circular...family trees?
Noble blood is precious and should not mix with those unworthy of it.
Unknown2009-09-05 07:40:28
Where is all the blood and gore that I so expected of a Magnagoran wedding? At least a feast on the corpse of some poor random Magnagoran novice?
All the stories have been lies!
I have been so let down, how disappointing.
All the stories have been lies!
I have been so let down, how disappointing.

Zenon2009-09-05 15:32:46
QUOTE (Ruiku @ Sep 5 2009, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where is all the blood and gore that I so expected of a Magnagoran wedding? At least a feast on the corpse of some poor random Magnagoran novice?
All the stories have been lies!
I have been so let down, how disappointing.
All the stories have been lies!
I have been so let down, how disappointing.

There was that ring with a spike on it...
Casilu2009-09-05 16:47:19
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 4 2009, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Noble blood is precious and should not mix with those unworthy of it.
Then how the heck did I get in the d'Murani?

Unknown2009-09-05 16:53:43
Please, d'Murani quit the noble thing a while ago. Just another unimportant Magnagora family with a few members clinging to the family's glory days.
Casilu2009-09-05 17:07:02
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 5 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please, d'Murani quit the noble thing a while ago. Just another unimportant Magnagora family with a few members clinging to the family's glory days.
And you want me to speak to you with that bad attitude? HMPH!
Ronny2009-09-05 17:19:22

Celina2009-09-05 18:41:08
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 5 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please, d'Murani quit the noble thing a while ago. Just another unimportant Magnagora family with a few members clinging to the family's glory days.
Two way street. Some bad blood got in the family and people inside stopped caring, and people with your type of attitude decided to ignore the historical d'Murani nobility and brand them as "just another unimportant...family," when in reality that can't feasibly be "just another family."
Casilu2009-09-05 18:45:58
So, Othero, did you ever hear the one about the Viscanti Ur'Guard who payed a druid in-law a bunch of credits to repeatedly kill a noble in her city? If not, stick around...
Unknown2009-09-05 18:59:28
QUOTE (Celina @ Sep 5 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Two way street. Some bad blood got in the family and people inside stopped caring, and people with your type of attitude decided to ignore the historical d'Murani nobility and brand them as "just another unimportant...family," when in reality that can't feasibly be "just another family."
Lol, was mostly forum RP. d'Murani was a -lot- of things. Bad blood got in, those in charge who still cared got discouraged and left or stopped caring. I think Veo leaving caused the family to lose some focus. Bad blood abused their perks and Magnagora took them away. One of the big issues, at least in my mind, is a lot of the bad blood and new players taken in by them seemed to think being a noble instantly granted them perks and that they could walk around with a ego and be above everyone else. Which even in real life that isn't the case. Nobility is a trade-off. You get perks but if you are also expected to act a certain way. You're supposed to be the best of the best, Magnagora's best blood. The bad abusive members of d'Murani really debased the family and it brought down the rest of the other noble families. And without those strong set in stone nobles everyone in Magnagora likes to claim they are nobles and there is no group to knock them down. And just because they have a historical base doesn't mean the modern generation can't bring them into shame. Really, if anyone cares about d'Murani they should petition the council to hand perks and athourity back to these families. A good Magnagoran family is not just a family, it is a political machine.
Celina2009-09-05 20:18:25
QUOTE (Othero @ Sep 5 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol, was mostly forum RP. d'Murani was a -lot- of things. Bad blood got in, those in charge who still cared got discouraged and left or stopped caring. I think Veo leaving caused the family to lose some focus. Bad blood abused their perks and Magnagora took them away. One of the big issues, at least in my mind, is a lot of the bad blood and new players taken in by them seemed to think being a noble instantly granted them perks and that they could walk around with a ego and be above everyone else. Which even in real life that isn't the case. Nobility is a trade-off. You get perks but if you are also expected to act a certain way. You're supposed to be the best of the best, Magnagora's best blood. The bad abusive members of d'Murani really debased the family and it brought down the rest of the other noble families. And without those strong set in stone nobles everyone in Magnagora likes to claim they are nobles and there is no group to knock them down. And just because they have a historical base doesn't mean the modern generation can't bring them into shame. Really, if anyone cares about d'Murani they should petition the council to hand perks and athourity back to these families. A good Magnagoran family is not just a family, it is a political machine.
I'm aware, but it is an attitude many (most) have taken in Magnagora. Only so much can be blamed on the players in the family when the players of Magnagora started to disregard nobility/rank based RP as a whole. The family survived without Veonira for quite a while, and though it did decline a bit, it did not crumble until Magnagora's focus changed. The "egotistical novice noble" argument has been beaten to death, in all honesty, and was always blown way out of proportion. My character got called "arrogant without reason" more times than I can count, even though I had a resume longer than 95% of Magnagora. It was because people didn't like me that they decided to disregard me, much like many people didn't like nobility RP and decided to disregard it. It had been happening since the "glory days" when Veo was around when people outside the clique of nobility took offense to not being in it (gabranth always bitched about it, ninjakari banned d'murani members because we were "too powerful," etc.), but it wasn't until the family cohesion accompanied by the decline in political influence that the opposition to d'Murani started to get their way.
The "perks" were only power rationing, which Ixchilgal took away because Ixchilgal didn't care about nobility RP, and as Ixchilgal often did, he pursued personal OOC vendettas over what made sense IC. Instead, he drew up the most convoluted power laws in the history of Magnagora and gave book writers (because they are the ones that need the power, obviously) the bonus in rationing.
That's not to say there was not "bad blood," because there was in a sense. Only the "bad blood" had very little to do with Magnagora's decline in nobility based RP, rather the "bad blood" ruined internal d'Murani RP and people bailed because the rules for children weren't being enforced and mediocre members who didn't care for RP were becoming more common.