Unknown2009-10-06 14:07:04
All I can say is late nights make me goofy...
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Where is the Lord of Bats? Find him, Skyleur!"
Skyleur grunts noncommitally.
Sadhyra mumbles quietly to herself.
(Peasantface): Skyleur says, "Brennan is hitting on me again."
Sadhyra nags Skyleur like an old woman.
The corners of Skyleur's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Queen Sadhyra, of the Wyrden Hive says, "Find him! Find him!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "He keeps saying that to me."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "But I refuse."
Queen Sadhyra, of the Wyrden Hive says, "Oho."
Skyleur peers at Brennan Stormcrow unscrupulously.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Queen Sadhyra, of the Wyrden Hive says, "Playing hard to get, I see."
Skyleur blinks.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Brennan is hardly my type."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hrmph."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "For one, he has something I don't want in a mate between his legs."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hey now. Rowena never complained."
Skyleur utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I am not Rowena."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Clearly. She doesn't hurt my eyes to look at."
Skyleur growls menacingly at Brennan Stormcrow.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Yeah. I'm really scared."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "You aren't much to look at, skeleton man."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Oh no, oh help, I'm shaking in my boots."
Glaring at Brennan Stormcrow menacingly, Skyleur thumps his fists together and roars a thunderous snarl in his direction.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Help! Help! Skyleur is gonna kill m-."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Oh. Wait."
Brennan Stormcrow snickers sardonically at you.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I like you when you're less chatty."
Skyleur scratches his head looking for an idea.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Yeah, that's right. Find yourself an idea."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "It's hard, when you've never found one before."
Skyleur grunts noncommitally.
Brennan Stormcrow snickers softly.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Be glad you're Brennan Stormcrow."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Anyone else and I would chop you."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Uh huh."
Brennan Stormcrow looks obviously unimpressed.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Yea, uh huh."
Skyleur growls menacingly.
Brennan Stormcrow stifles a yawn.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Can you even get it up?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hey. You ever heard of rigormortis, kiddo?"
Skyleur utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Brennan Stormcrow flashes you a lascivious wink.
Evaine peers at Brennan Stormcrow unscrupulously.
Brennan Stormcrow completely ignores Evaine, not even registering her existence.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Ahhh, you got me there."
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "At least I notice you. That lizardy-thing...wouldn't register her presence with a ten foot..." He coughs, waggling one eyebrow. "...pole."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "So are you pleased with how Glomdoring is gaining more and more power and prestige?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Are you, now?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Where's my new nest, then, eh?"
Brennan Stormcrow shakes one fist indignantly.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Young whippersnappers. Getting rich, and you neglect the old man. I see how it is."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I can't make a nest, you need a Crow people."
Brennan Stormcrow lets out an indignant huff.
Skyleur grunts noncommitally.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "You could at least buy me some new robes."
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Maybe a facial."
Skyleur utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Evaine raises an eyebrow questioningly.
A slightly wistful expression crosses Brennan Stormcrow's face.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "I still need my gold for me."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Perhaps you should seek someone richer than me."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hmph. Don't you know anything?"
The Master Ravenwood Tree suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Kirovera steps through.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Nothing matters but the Glomdoring!"
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist says, "Glory be to the Glomdoring!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "And getting you new robes doesn't benefit Glomdoring."
Brennan Stormcrow extends a hand insistently.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Pay up, kiddo!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "You just stand there, and talk randomly."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "I'm the Ambassador, I'll have you know!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Then ask Mother Night and Brother Crow to get you some new robes."
Brennan Stormcrow glances aside, muttering something about the itchy feathers.
Kirovera gives Skyleur the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Kirovera, "He is crazy."
Skyleur shrugs helplessly.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Skyleur, "If he asks for something, it's best to give it to him."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Kirovera's got the right of it!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Kirovera, "I have not the gold for it anyway."
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "What is it you wish to have?"
Brennan Stormcrow strokes his chin thoughtfully, a small patch of skin dislodging at the musing motion.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Well, this kiddo here was telling me how great and powerful the Glomdoring's become - I'm just wondering where my share is!"
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Ah, everything we do, is for the Glory of the Glomdoring, just by you being of the Glomdoring, you benefit from it."
Skyleur nods his head at Kirovera, showing his acceptance.
Skyleur's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Evaine gives a midnight black rose to Sadhyra.
Sadhyra stares implacably at Evaine.
The corners of Evaine's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
The sound of drums rings violently in the air before falling back to a hushed rhythm.
Snorting, Brennan Stormcrow says, to Evaine, "It smells like you."
Sadhyra shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "What does, Brennan?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, to Evaine, "That flower you just gave the Queen. The poor girl probably will start gagging soon."
Sadhyra nods in agreement, covering her mouth with one clawed hand.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "I bet she'll gag, but it won't because of the flower. Filthy kepheran whore."
Sadhyra gives a horrified gasp.
Sadhyra narrows her eyes at Evaine. "Rude little lizard-lover," she retorts.
Evaine peers at Sadhyra unscrupulously.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Hey hey now."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "We are all of Glomdoring here."
Evaine peers at Skyleur unscrupulously.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Skyleur, "It's best to let them get it out of their system."
The sound of drums rings violently in the air before falling back to a hushed rhythm.
Brennan Stormcrow coughs loudly, rapping his chest in time with the drum beats. His skeletal frame shakes in rhythm.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Nothing matters but the Glomdoring!"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "...and maybe some new robes..."
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily at Brennan Stormcrow.
Glumly, Brennan Stormcrow says, to Skyleur, "I wasn't joking."
Softly, Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Nor was I. I have not the gold to afford your bone body with robes."
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "What kind of robes would you like?"
With a slow smile, Brennan Stormcrow says, to Kirovera, "Something majestic, befitting my position!"
Skyleur hides a grin behind his hand.
Brennan Stormcrow attempts a vain preening, the effect slightly ruined by a flash of teeth through his rotting skin.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Majestic, and possibly something befitting Mother Night, Brother Crow, as well as your position, aye?"
With a sage nod, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Yes, yes, and yes."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "I don't mind donating some of my gold to his robes."
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "I shall look to find something of the sort."
Brennan Stormcrow's eyes close, a content look of anticipation on his face.
Kirovera beckons Skyleur to her.
Skyleur points boldly towards the horizon and declares in a proud tone, "Onward!"
Skyleur leaves, following Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "I hope they remember to get them in a slim cut. More flattering."
Lady Evaine Nightshade waves her hand dismissively.
(Glomdoring): Sadhyra says, "Brennan wants me to request that you get the robes in a slim cut. He says that would be most flattering for his frame."
(Glomdoring): Sadhyra says, "...what little frame he has..."
(Glomdoring): Kirovera says, "Very well, I'll look into finding one of that fashion."
Brennan Stormcrow nods in satisfaction.
Skyleur arrives following Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist.
Skyleur nods his head emphatically.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "I believe we have found a decent set of Robes for you."
Skyleur stares implacably at Brennan Stormcrow.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Brennan Stormcrow lets out a surly cough, tipping his head in interest.
In a crochety voice, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Took you kids long enough."
Kirovera proudly shows off robes of the dark forest:
Cut from the finest of cloths, these rich brown robes envelop the wearer
comfortably and impart a sense of both power and secrecy. Emblazoned on
the front of the robes is a finely inscribed ravenwood tree, its form
set before a circle of white. The back of the robes is etched with a
solid black silhouette of a crow in flight, the wings of which continue
along the sleeves of the robes. Cunningly sewn into the back are hidden
openings which can allow for a wearer's wings. The cuffs and hem are of
an even deeper shade of brown, slowly blending into the rest of the
cloth. When raised, the hood shrouds the wearer's face in darkness,
effectively masking emotion and intent. Falling loosely around the
wearer's legs, the robes allow for ease of movement with the hem raised
a few inches above the ankles.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Will these do?"
Brennan Stormcrow strokes his chin thoughtfully, considering the robes with one critical eye (the other one obscured by a stray patch of molting skin).
With an approving nod, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Those look pretty nice, I have to admit."
Sadhyra hides a grin behind her hand.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I figured you would like how the cowl hides your face."
Sadhyra says, "Considering what he's wearing already..."
Skyleur nods his head at Sadhyra, showing his acceptance.
Sadhyra says, "Anything's an improvement!"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hey. Look who's talking, weevil. You're in no place to criticize appearances."
Sadhyra gives a horrified gasp.
Skyleur smiles softly.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "Agreed."
Sadhyra scowls fiercely, tipping her head away in anger.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "Perhaps someone should take her to the Swampghast."
Sadhyra narrows her eyes at Evaine in an unnerving manner.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "I dare say she wouldn't be worth much."
Brennan Stormcrow gestures towards the base of the Ravenwood.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Leave them there. I'll put them on in a moment. I don't really fancy changing in front of you all."
Skyleur rolls on the floor, laughing.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "I am sure the parts that people don't want to see have withered off many years ago."
Brennan Stormcrow plants his hands on his hips, sending his bones rattling.
"Haha!" laughs Skyleur.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers, "Place them within the Master?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Just on the ground. And shoo! All of you, I need some privacy!"
Skyleur leaves to the down.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist nods her head slowly as she places the Robes of the Dark Forest gently upon the ground.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Enjoy your bounty."
Under a dark root. (Glomdoring Forest.)
Sadhyra chews on her lip thoughtfully.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers, "Is he dressed?"
Sadhyra says, "I think he's had long enough to change. -I- wasn't waiting to see him disrobe!"
Sadhyra says, "Let's go check."
Before the Master Ravenwood Tree. (Glomdoring Forest.)
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Brennan Stormcrow stands here, garbed in a magnificent new set of robes of the dark forest. The Master Ravenwood Tree towers over everything here, pulsing with an immeasurable yet dark power.
You see a single exit leading north.
An illithoid scourge spares you a quick glance.
Skyleur arrives from the down.
Kirovera arrives from the down.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Rowena is beautiful."
Beaming, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Very nice. A perfect fit!"
Skyleur nods his head emphatically.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Now you have shared in the riches of our conquests."
Skyleur nods his head at himself.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Good, I'm glad you enjoy them."
Giving the boy a nudge with one withered elbow, Brennan Stormcrow says to Skyleur, "And I bet Rowena will like the new robes, too!"
Skyleur grins mischievously at Brennan Stormcrow.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Perhaps you should show them to her."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "If she doesn't like it, I can handle her for you friend."
A crooked smile creasing his decaying face, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Thank you both for the lovely garments. I feel like a new man!"
Skyleur nods his head emphatically.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Any time."
Brennan Stormcrow suddenly disappears into the undergrowth. A soft coo of delight is heard from below the Ravenwood before he quickly returns.
Winking, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Rowena liked em too!"
The corners of Skyleur's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers, "I'm glad both of you approve."
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Where is the Lord of Bats? Find him, Skyleur!"
Skyleur grunts noncommitally.
Sadhyra mumbles quietly to herself.
(Peasantface): Skyleur says, "Brennan is hitting on me again."
Sadhyra nags Skyleur like an old woman.
The corners of Skyleur's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Queen Sadhyra, of the Wyrden Hive says, "Find him! Find him!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "He keeps saying that to me."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "But I refuse."
Queen Sadhyra, of the Wyrden Hive says, "Oho."
Skyleur peers at Brennan Stormcrow unscrupulously.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Queen Sadhyra, of the Wyrden Hive says, "Playing hard to get, I see."
Skyleur blinks.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Brennan is hardly my type."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hrmph."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "For one, he has something I don't want in a mate between his legs."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hey now. Rowena never complained."
Skyleur utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I am not Rowena."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Clearly. She doesn't hurt my eyes to look at."
Skyleur growls menacingly at Brennan Stormcrow.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Yeah. I'm really scared."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "You aren't much to look at, skeleton man."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Oh no, oh help, I'm shaking in my boots."
Glaring at Brennan Stormcrow menacingly, Skyleur thumps his fists together and roars a thunderous snarl in his direction.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Help! Help! Skyleur is gonna kill m-."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Oh. Wait."
Brennan Stormcrow snickers sardonically at you.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I like you when you're less chatty."
Skyleur scratches his head looking for an idea.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Yeah, that's right. Find yourself an idea."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "It's hard, when you've never found one before."
Skyleur grunts noncommitally.
Brennan Stormcrow snickers softly.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Be glad you're Brennan Stormcrow."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Anyone else and I would chop you."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Uh huh."
Brennan Stormcrow looks obviously unimpressed.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Yea, uh huh."
Skyleur growls menacingly.
Brennan Stormcrow stifles a yawn.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Can you even get it up?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hey. You ever heard of rigormortis, kiddo?"
Skyleur utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Brennan Stormcrow flashes you a lascivious wink.
Evaine peers at Brennan Stormcrow unscrupulously.
Brennan Stormcrow completely ignores Evaine, not even registering her existence.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Ahhh, you got me there."
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "At least I notice you. That lizardy-thing...wouldn't register her presence with a ten foot..." He coughs, waggling one eyebrow. "...pole."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "So are you pleased with how Glomdoring is gaining more and more power and prestige?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Are you, now?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Where's my new nest, then, eh?"
Brennan Stormcrow shakes one fist indignantly.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Young whippersnappers. Getting rich, and you neglect the old man. I see how it is."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I can't make a nest, you need a Crow people."
Brennan Stormcrow lets out an indignant huff.
Skyleur grunts noncommitally.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "You could at least buy me some new robes."
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Maybe a facial."
Skyleur utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Evaine raises an eyebrow questioningly.
A slightly wistful expression crosses Brennan Stormcrow's face.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "I still need my gold for me."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Perhaps you should seek someone richer than me."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hmph. Don't you know anything?"
The Master Ravenwood Tree suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Kirovera steps through.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Nothing matters but the Glomdoring!"
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist says, "Glory be to the Glomdoring!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "And getting you new robes doesn't benefit Glomdoring."
Brennan Stormcrow extends a hand insistently.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Pay up, kiddo!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "You just stand there, and talk randomly."
Brennan Stormcrow says, "I'm the Ambassador, I'll have you know!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Then ask Mother Night and Brother Crow to get you some new robes."
Brennan Stormcrow glances aside, muttering something about the itchy feathers.
Kirovera gives Skyleur the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Kirovera, "He is crazy."
Skyleur shrugs helplessly.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Skyleur, "If he asks for something, it's best to give it to him."
Skyleur snickers softly to himself.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Kirovera's got the right of it!"
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Kirovera, "I have not the gold for it anyway."
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "What is it you wish to have?"
Brennan Stormcrow strokes his chin thoughtfully, a small patch of skin dislodging at the musing motion.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Well, this kiddo here was telling me how great and powerful the Glomdoring's become - I'm just wondering where my share is!"
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Ah, everything we do, is for the Glory of the Glomdoring, just by you being of the Glomdoring, you benefit from it."
Skyleur nods his head at Kirovera, showing his acceptance.
Skyleur's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Evaine gives a midnight black rose to Sadhyra.
Sadhyra stares implacably at Evaine.
The corners of Evaine's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
The sound of drums rings violently in the air before falling back to a hushed rhythm.
Snorting, Brennan Stormcrow says, to Evaine, "It smells like you."
Sadhyra shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "What does, Brennan?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, to Evaine, "That flower you just gave the Queen. The poor girl probably will start gagging soon."
Sadhyra nods in agreement, covering her mouth with one clawed hand.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "I bet she'll gag, but it won't because of the flower. Filthy kepheran whore."
Sadhyra gives a horrified gasp.
Sadhyra narrows her eyes at Evaine. "Rude little lizard-lover," she retorts.
Evaine peers at Sadhyra unscrupulously.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Hey hey now."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "We are all of Glomdoring here."
Evaine peers at Skyleur unscrupulously.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Skyleur, "It's best to let them get it out of their system."
The sound of drums rings violently in the air before falling back to a hushed rhythm.
Brennan Stormcrow coughs loudly, rapping his chest in time with the drum beats. His skeletal frame shakes in rhythm.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Nothing matters but the Glomdoring!"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "...and maybe some new robes..."
Skyleur chuckles long and heartily at Brennan Stormcrow.
Glumly, Brennan Stormcrow says, to Skyleur, "I wasn't joking."
Softly, Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Nor was I. I have not the gold to afford your bone body with robes."
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "What kind of robes would you like?"
With a slow smile, Brennan Stormcrow says, to Kirovera, "Something majestic, befitting my position!"
Skyleur hides a grin behind his hand.
Brennan Stormcrow attempts a vain preening, the effect slightly ruined by a flash of teeth through his rotting skin.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Majestic, and possibly something befitting Mother Night, Brother Crow, as well as your position, aye?"
With a sage nod, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Yes, yes, and yes."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "I don't mind donating some of my gold to his robes."
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "I shall look to find something of the sort."
Brennan Stormcrow's eyes close, a content look of anticipation on his face.
Kirovera beckons Skyleur to her.
Skyleur points boldly towards the horizon and declares in a proud tone, "Onward!"
Skyleur leaves, following Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "I hope they remember to get them in a slim cut. More flattering."
Lady Evaine Nightshade waves her hand dismissively.
(Glomdoring): Sadhyra says, "Brennan wants me to request that you get the robes in a slim cut. He says that would be most flattering for his frame."
(Glomdoring): Sadhyra says, "...what little frame he has..."
(Glomdoring): Kirovera says, "Very well, I'll look into finding one of that fashion."
Brennan Stormcrow nods in satisfaction.
Skyleur arrives following Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist.
Skyleur nods his head emphatically.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "I believe we have found a decent set of Robes for you."
Skyleur stares implacably at Brennan Stormcrow.
Brennan Stormcrow stares implacably at Skyleur.
Brennan Stormcrow lets out a surly cough, tipping his head in interest.
In a crochety voice, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Took you kids long enough."
Kirovera proudly shows off robes of the dark forest:
Cut from the finest of cloths, these rich brown robes envelop the wearer
comfortably and impart a sense of both power and secrecy. Emblazoned on
the front of the robes is a finely inscribed ravenwood tree, its form
set before a circle of white. The back of the robes is etched with a
solid black silhouette of a crow in flight, the wings of which continue
along the sleeves of the robes. Cunningly sewn into the back are hidden
openings which can allow for a wearer's wings. The cuffs and hem are of
an even deeper shade of brown, slowly blending into the rest of the
cloth. When raised, the hood shrouds the wearer's face in darkness,
effectively masking emotion and intent. Falling loosely around the
wearer's legs, the robes allow for ease of movement with the hem raised
a few inches above the ankles.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Will these do?"
Brennan Stormcrow strokes his chin thoughtfully, considering the robes with one critical eye (the other one obscured by a stray patch of molting skin).
With an approving nod, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Those look pretty nice, I have to admit."
Sadhyra hides a grin behind her hand.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "I figured you would like how the cowl hides your face."
Sadhyra says, "Considering what he's wearing already..."
Skyleur nods his head at Sadhyra, showing his acceptance.
Sadhyra says, "Anything's an improvement!"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Hey. Look who's talking, weevil. You're in no place to criticize appearances."
Sadhyra gives a horrified gasp.
Skyleur smiles softly.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "Agreed."
Sadhyra scowls fiercely, tipping her head away in anger.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "Perhaps someone should take her to the Swampghast."
Sadhyra narrows her eyes at Evaine in an unnerving manner.
Lady Evaine Nightshade says, "I dare say she wouldn't be worth much."
Brennan Stormcrow gestures towards the base of the Ravenwood.
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Leave them there. I'll put them on in a moment. I don't really fancy changing in front of you all."
Skyleur rolls on the floor, laughing.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "I am sure the parts that people don't want to see have withered off many years ago."
Brennan Stormcrow plants his hands on his hips, sending his bones rattling.
"Haha!" laughs Skyleur.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers, "Place them within the Master?"
Brennan Stormcrow says, "Just on the ground. And shoo! All of you, I need some privacy!"
Skyleur leaves to the down.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist nods her head slowly as she places the Robes of the Dark Forest gently upon the ground.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Enjoy your bounty."
Under a dark root. (Glomdoring Forest.)
Sadhyra chews on her lip thoughtfully.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers, "Is he dressed?"
Sadhyra says, "I think he's had long enough to change. -I- wasn't waiting to see him disrobe!"
Sadhyra says, "Let's go check."
Before the Master Ravenwood Tree. (Glomdoring Forest.)
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Brennan Stormcrow stands here, garbed in a magnificent new set of robes of the dark forest. The Master Ravenwood Tree towers over everything here, pulsing with an immeasurable yet dark power.
You see a single exit leading north.
An illithoid scourge spares you a quick glance.
Skyleur arrives from the down.
Kirovera arrives from the down.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "Rowena is beautiful."
Beaming, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Very nice. A perfect fit!"
Skyleur nods his head emphatically.
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says, "Now you have shared in the riches of our conquests."
Skyleur nods his head at himself.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Good, I'm glad you enjoy them."
Giving the boy a nudge with one withered elbow, Brennan Stormcrow says to Skyleur, "And I bet Rowena will like the new robes, too!"
Skyleur grins mischievously at Brennan Stormcrow.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Perhaps you should show them to her."
Wyrden Snare Skyleur, Ward of Cryger says to Brennan Stormcrow, "If she doesn't like it, I can handle her for you friend."
A crooked smile creasing his decaying face, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Thank you both for the lovely garments. I feel like a new man!"
Skyleur nods his head emphatically.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers to Brennan Stormcrow, "Any time."
Brennan Stormcrow suddenly disappears into the undergrowth. A soft coo of delight is heard from below the Ravenwood before he quickly returns.
Winking, Brennan Stormcrow says, "Rowena liked em too!"
The corners of Skyleur's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Seer Kirovera Rillaen, Wyrden Artist whispers, "I'm glad both of you approve."
Diamondais2009-10-06 14:52:14

Unknown2009-10-06 17:00:54
This made my day. 

Unknown2009-10-06 21:53:32
Just so nobody thinks I scammed the kids, I mailed them each 5k gold under random pretenses. Cuz, yeah, they were awesome!
Arix2009-10-06 21:57:02
Should have made him wear the Eventru robes
Unknown2009-10-06 22:33:25
Very awesome. And poor Sadhyra, hehe. Everybody is a critic.
And thank you all, I will NEVER be able to think of rigor mortis in a clean way ever again.
And thank you all, I will NEVER be able to think of rigor mortis in a clean way ever again.
Unknown2009-10-07 00:47:35
>_> I'm totally not sorry.
Konton2009-10-07 18:59:52
QUOTE (Drae @ Oct 6 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Very awesome. And poor Sadhyra, hehe. Everybody is a critic.
And thank you all, I will NEVER be able to think of rigor mortis in a clean way ever again.
And thank you all, I will NEVER be able to think of rigor mortis in a clean way ever again.
We play a game where Liches have kids some how and are married..... there was ever a way to think of that cleanly?
Also Sadhyra loved it, kinda makes me wonder what would happen if Miakoda had some thing like that happen.