Harkux2009-11-26 04:21:31
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout pulls her klangaxe from her pack, and with an absent twirl, sinks it into the ground halfway up the blade.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel grips the haft of the klangaxe near the upward-facing base.
Mahvek nods her head at you.
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout rests her hands on top of Mahvek's, gazing at her lovingly.
You smile and say, "Before I begin to preach, Selskia wished to present something for the couple."
You nod your head at Selskia.
Selskia smiles softly.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth steps forward out of the crowd to face Mahvek and Meae.
Mahvek flashes Selskia a joyous smile.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says, "I simply wished to give my wedding gifts a little early, such that Lady Maylea's presence may be felt, and add perhaps a touch more beauty to this already lovely scene."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout turns her head reluctantly from Mahvek, smiling curiously at Selskia.
Selskia gives a warm tulip of dawn to Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says to Meae, "To you, Meae, I give you the flower of dawn."
Selskia gives a cool tulip of dusk to Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says to Mahvek, "And to you, Mahvek, I give you the flower of dusk."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "They're lovely.."
Mahvek smiles softly.
Meae smiles softly.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says, "Just as dusk and dawn, you two are different, yet without the other, life would not go on. The two halves make the whole, for without setting of the sun, how can the sun once again rise?"
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says, "I wish you two eternal happiness, and that your love my continue so long as the sun rises and sets, as all cycles of nature. There will be good times as the sun rises, as with the dawning of love, and harder ones as the sun falls, where love will hold you until the new dawn."
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth beams to Meae and Mahvek, before stepping back into the group, with a nod to you.
You smile and say, "Let us begin, then."
Meae closes her eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of her surroundings.
Meae exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel's knuckles tighten on the haft of the axe planted in the ground and a smile steals across her face.
Warmly, you say, "Meae and Mahvek, I have had the pleasure of knowing you two for a long time, and it is an honour for me to be here for the two of you, as the sun begins to chase down into the horizon, longing for Mother Night. Unlike Father Sun, however, you two have found your counterpart, your other half, your signifigant, and your lover."
Glancing from Mahvek to Meae, then between them as she smiles, you say, "It is on this day, the twentieth day of the mid-spring that I stand here with the both of you. I can see the love between the both of you clear as day, as much the same as it was when I began to see it years upon years ago."
Aiyana steps close to Meae and Mahvek, Mogwog trailing beside her, inhaling deeply before letting her breath out slowly. A little smile creeps across her lips as she looks between the two.
Softly urging, you say, "Could you two lift your eyes, and gaze into those of the other? Gaze deeply, and find the love within those eyes that is there for you."
Mahvek gazes deep into the soul of Meae, her heart in her eyes.
Birds fill your ears with serenades of happiness and love.
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout gazes up into Mahvek's eyes lovingly, a faint blush creeping across her cheeks.
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
Nudging Mogwog gently with the tips of her fingers, you say, "It is with one ring I gift to you two, to symbolize the love of the past. A ring is an ended circuit, where you can see what is, and what once was. What once was, was meeting, romance, and courting. This first cycle ends here today, beneath the graces of rising Mother Moon, when the past ends, and your future together begins."
Mogwog, the lumbering rockeater gives a ring of silver vines grasping a sapphire crescent moon to Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel.
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Sliding a ring out of the medicine pouch close to her heart, you say, "And it is with the second ring that I gift to you, to symbolize the unending cycle of love. While a ring is an ended circuit, it goes on and on. As your past ends this day, and your future begins, it goes on and on as you two craft a future together, possibly find yourself with a family together, and walk all paths of life hand in hand, and shelter one another from all storms that are to come."
You give a ring of silver vines grasping a sapphire crescent moon to Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout.
Smiling warmly, you say, "It is with matching rings that I gift to you, to symbolize your relationship. While you two are different, you are now one in the same. You now share a love, a future...a heartbeat, a love. You share memories, and this brings completeness and symmetry."
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Placing a hand on the shoulders of both Meae and Mahvek, you say, "If there are any words between you two that you wish to share, please. I urge you to speak."
Mahvek nods her head.
Meae nods her head emphatically.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "I'll go first."
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "Meae, when I got here, ya were sorta already established, ya know? Or at least it seemed that way to me. Ya had Ilaveuse, ya had friends, an' a life, ya know? I had no idea what to expect comin' here, but I sorta clung to ya instantly. But as I got to know ya, I realized that ya were a person, just like everybody else, ya know? An' ever since then, we've done... everythin' together. Grown together, learned together, an' loved each other th' whole way. I've never really known life without ya, ya know? Everythin' I am, an' now everythin' I'm goin' to become, is infused with everythin' that makes ya who ya are, ya know? Ya are me, an' I love ya for it."
Meae smiles softly.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "Couldn't live without ya, babe. I dunno what life is without ya."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "Mahvek.. when i met you, i was torn between silly ideas of people i thought i loved. When i saw your passion.. experienced what it is that makes you so beautiful.. it was only then that i really knew what love was. And to this day, when i look into your eyes, i feel that same love, that same ache to be with you as long as i can. Every time i look at you, i love you a little bit more.. i can't live without that feelin.."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "You're the reason i can be me. I just can't exist without ya."
Aiyana takes a few steps back as Mogwog steps up, honking dramatically. He lifts his lumbering hands to take a hold of one hand of Mahvek, one of Meae. Continuing to honk on in a strange tongue only he understands, he places one hand against the other, comparing the sizes and the shapes, the differences and the similarities. He then pushes the fingers between one another, continuing to honk explanitorally as he gently forces the hands to hold eachother, before setting them, together, down against the hilt of the Klangaxe. He holds both of his bulky hands down upon theirs as he looks between the two, grinning a toothy grin before stepping away, allowing Aiyana to step forward once more.
Clearing her throat as she glances through the crowd, you say, "Does anyone have a reason why Mahvek and Meae should not be wed?"
The sky lightens and stars fade as Father Sun approaches the horizon in his neverending quest to capture Mother Night.
You smile softly.
You say, "I suppose not, then!"
Aiyana places her hands on the shoulders of Mahvek and Meae once more as Mogwog removes the strings of runes and motes from his antlers. Taking the strings, he slides them loosely around the wrists of both before skittering back once more.
You say, "Mahvek, do you take Meae to be yours as long as your Thread is part of the Tapestry of Life, to love and to hold, to cherish, and walk with for the rest of your mortal days?"
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "I do."
You say, "And Meae? Do you take Mahvek to be yours as long as your Thread is part of the Tapestry of Life, to love and to hold, to cherish, and walk with for the rest of your mortal days?"
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "I do."
You formally wed Meae to Mahvek.
You say, "It is with the presence of Lady Lisaera and with the blessings of the Spirits that I bless you two today, and see you two together into your future together. It is with great pleasure as a friend to both of you, that I pronounce you wed."
Aiyana curtseys low to both Meae and Mahvek as she takes a slow step backwards.
You shout, "Congratulations to Meae and Mahvek, who are wed upon this morning!"
I felt pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel grips the haft of the klangaxe near the upward-facing base.
Mahvek nods her head at you.
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout rests her hands on top of Mahvek's, gazing at her lovingly.
You smile and say, "Before I begin to preach, Selskia wished to present something for the couple."
You nod your head at Selskia.
Selskia smiles softly.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth steps forward out of the crowd to face Mahvek and Meae.
Mahvek flashes Selskia a joyous smile.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says, "I simply wished to give my wedding gifts a little early, such that Lady Maylea's presence may be felt, and add perhaps a touch more beauty to this already lovely scene."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout turns her head reluctantly from Mahvek, smiling curiously at Selskia.
Selskia gives a warm tulip of dawn to Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says to Meae, "To you, Meae, I give you the flower of dawn."
Selskia gives a cool tulip of dusk to Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says to Mahvek, "And to you, Mahvek, I give you the flower of dusk."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "They're lovely.."
Mahvek smiles softly.
Meae smiles softly.
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says, "Just as dusk and dawn, you two are different, yet without the other, life would not go on. The two halves make the whole, for without setting of the sun, how can the sun once again rise?"
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth says, "I wish you two eternal happiness, and that your love my continue so long as the sun rises and sets, as all cycles of nature. There will be good times as the sun rises, as with the dawning of love, and harder ones as the sun falls, where love will hold you until the new dawn."
Keeper Selskia Mes'ard, Bluebell of Truth beams to Meae and Mahvek, before stepping back into the group, with a nod to you.
You smile and say, "Let us begin, then."
Meae closes her eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of her surroundings.
Meae exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel's knuckles tighten on the haft of the axe planted in the ground and a smile steals across her face.
Warmly, you say, "Meae and Mahvek, I have had the pleasure of knowing you two for a long time, and it is an honour for me to be here for the two of you, as the sun begins to chase down into the horizon, longing for Mother Night. Unlike Father Sun, however, you two have found your counterpart, your other half, your signifigant, and your lover."
Glancing from Mahvek to Meae, then between them as she smiles, you say, "It is on this day, the twentieth day of the mid-spring that I stand here with the both of you. I can see the love between the both of you clear as day, as much the same as it was when I began to see it years upon years ago."
Aiyana steps close to Meae and Mahvek, Mogwog trailing beside her, inhaling deeply before letting her breath out slowly. A little smile creeps across her lips as she looks between the two.
Softly urging, you say, "Could you two lift your eyes, and gaze into those of the other? Gaze deeply, and find the love within those eyes that is there for you."
Mahvek gazes deep into the soul of Meae, her heart in her eyes.
Birds fill your ears with serenades of happiness and love.
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout gazes up into Mahvek's eyes lovingly, a faint blush creeping across her cheeks.
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
Nudging Mogwog gently with the tips of her fingers, you say, "It is with one ring I gift to you two, to symbolize the love of the past. A ring is an ended circuit, where you can see what is, and what once was. What once was, was meeting, romance, and courting. This first cycle ends here today, beneath the graces of rising Mother Moon, when the past ends, and your future together begins."
Mogwog, the lumbering rockeater gives a ring of silver vines grasping a sapphire crescent moon to Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel.
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Sliding a ring out of the medicine pouch close to her heart, you say, "And it is with the second ring that I gift to you, to symbolize the unending cycle of love. While a ring is an ended circuit, it goes on and on. As your past ends this day, and your future begins, it goes on and on as you two craft a future together, possibly find yourself with a family together, and walk all paths of life hand in hand, and shelter one another from all storms that are to come."
You give a ring of silver vines grasping a sapphire crescent moon to Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout.
Smiling warmly, you say, "It is with matching rings that I gift to you, to symbolize your relationship. While you two are different, you are now one in the same. You now share a love, a future...a heartbeat, a love. You share memories, and this brings completeness and symmetry."
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Placing a hand on the shoulders of both Meae and Mahvek, you say, "If there are any words between you two that you wish to share, please. I urge you to speak."
Mahvek nods her head.
Meae nods her head emphatically.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "I'll go first."
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "Meae, when I got here, ya were sorta already established, ya know? Or at least it seemed that way to me. Ya had Ilaveuse, ya had friends, an' a life, ya know? I had no idea what to expect comin' here, but I sorta clung to ya instantly. But as I got to know ya, I realized that ya were a person, just like everybody else, ya know? An' ever since then, we've done... everythin' together. Grown together, learned together, an' loved each other th' whole way. I've never really known life without ya, ya know? Everythin' I am, an' now everythin' I'm goin' to become, is infused with everythin' that makes ya who ya are, ya know? Ya are me, an' I love ya for it."
Meae smiles softly.
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "Couldn't live without ya, babe. I dunno what life is without ya."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "Mahvek.. when i met you, i was torn between silly ideas of people i thought i loved. When i saw your passion.. experienced what it is that makes you so beautiful.. it was only then that i really knew what love was. And to this day, when i look into your eyes, i feel that same love, that same ache to be with you as long as i can. Every time i look at you, i love you a little bit more.. i can't live without that feelin.."
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "You're the reason i can be me. I just can't exist without ya."
Aiyana takes a few steps back as Mogwog steps up, honking dramatically. He lifts his lumbering hands to take a hold of one hand of Mahvek, one of Meae. Continuing to honk on in a strange tongue only he understands, he places one hand against the other, comparing the sizes and the shapes, the differences and the similarities. He then pushes the fingers between one another, continuing to honk explanitorally as he gently forces the hands to hold eachother, before setting them, together, down against the hilt of the Klangaxe. He holds both of his bulky hands down upon theirs as he looks between the two, grinning a toothy grin before stepping away, allowing Aiyana to step forward once more.
Clearing her throat as she glances through the crowd, you say, "Does anyone have a reason why Mahvek and Meae should not be wed?"
The sky lightens and stars fade as Father Sun approaches the horizon in his neverending quest to capture Mother Night.
You smile softly.
You say, "I suppose not, then!"
Aiyana places her hands on the shoulders of Mahvek and Meae once more as Mogwog removes the strings of runes and motes from his antlers. Taking the strings, he slides them loosely around the wrists of both before skittering back once more.
You say, "Mahvek, do you take Meae to be yours as long as your Thread is part of the Tapestry of Life, to love and to hold, to cherish, and walk with for the rest of your mortal days?"
Unblooded Mahvek Valente, Keep of Raguel says, "I do."
You say, "And Meae? Do you take Mahvek to be yours as long as your Thread is part of the Tapestry of Life, to love and to hold, to cherish, and walk with for the rest of your mortal days?"
Lodgekeeper Meae Valente, Eagle Scout says, "I do."
You formally wed Meae to Mahvek.
You say, "It is with the presence of Lady Lisaera and with the blessings of the Spirits that I bless you two today, and see you two together into your future together. It is with great pleasure as a friend to both of you, that I pronounce you wed."
Aiyana curtseys low to both Meae and Mahvek as she takes a slow step backwards.
You shout, "Congratulations to Meae and Mahvek, who are wed upon this morning!"
I felt pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
Harkux2009-11-26 04:24:43
And I just noticed how many times I actually messed up.
Wooow, I need sleep.
Wooow, I need sleep.
Kelysa2009-11-26 19:00:31
Ahahaha nice use of rockeater!