Unknown2009-11-29 21:44:58
point cudgel gorgog
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at an enormous gorgog. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
4130h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Mana: -90|
An enormous gorgog flings a muscled arm out, his fist slamming into your gut and remaining there. Slowly, he begins to chant hoarse syllables beneath his breath, and a burning blast of boiling water slams into your flesh, blistering on contact.
2953h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -1177|
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2953h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take a drink from an absinthe-hued vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3943h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: 990|
An enormous gorgog flings a muscled arm out, his fist slamming into your gut and remaining there. Slowly, he begins to chant hoarse syllables beneath his breath, and a burning blast of boiling water slams into your flesh, blistering on contact.
2758h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -1185|
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
2758h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You bleed 29 health.
2729h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -29|
2729h, 5826m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<>-|Safe||Mana: -54|
point cudgel gorgog
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at an enormous gorgog. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
2729h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Mana: -90|
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2729h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take a drink from an absinthe-hued vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3441h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: 712|
An enormous gorgog opens its mouth, exposing a gaping maw from which foul and pestilent air blasts forth, searing the skin of everyone in the area.
2138h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -1303|
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
2344h, 5811m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<>-|Safe|
|Health: 206||Mana: 75|
point cudgel gorgog
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at an enormous gorgog. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
2344h, 5721m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Mana: -90|
An enormous gorgog flings a muscled arm out, his fist slamming into your gut and remaining there. Slowly, he begins to chant hoarse syllables beneath his breath, and a burning blast of boiling water slams into your flesh, blistering on contact.
1419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe|
|Health: -925||Mana: 249|
You bleed 17 health.
1402h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: -17|
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
1567h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: 165|
1567h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Mana: -54|
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1567h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You take a drink from an absinthe-hued vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe||Health: 747|
Munsia raises an arm, pointing in your direction and suddenly thousands of voices bombard you, urging you to watch your back, to kill, while startling you with unexpected screeches.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe|
You begin intense concentration to restore your equilibrium.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<>-|Safe|
Narsrim plays a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone, and you cry out as your deaf ears open up to the sound of a high-pitched note.
Your ears open up, though you lose your true hearing.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|
Dripping passage in the caves.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. The roughened black walls of the caves stretch out to the north, south, and southwest here, as revealed by the light shed from several crudely built torches that glow along the cave walls. Littering the walls around the torches are gouging marks, and the same marks are clumped together more closely around the torches themselves. Stalactites hang down from the ceiling, dripping water slowly into puddles forming beneath them, though some of them seem to have been slashed at, and their bottom points have been chopped off roughly. Crafted of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched. Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour towers here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand and a magic tome in her right. Scordatura Pizzicato, Narsrim D'cente`, Crescendo of Transformation is here, shrouded. He wields a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone in his left hand and a Wand of Illusions in his right.
You see exits leading north, south, and southwest.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|Safe|
Narsrim plays a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone and directs the exquisite notes towards you.
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Narsrim.
{* Narsrim has used PERFECT-FIFTH on you! *}
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!||Health: -622|
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
Thesia Cylys, the white tiger gazes intently at you, and you feel yourself drawn into his eyes, which swirl about in a kaleidoscopic array of swirling colours. Your vision slowly fades into nothing but curiously floating topaz spots.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
Munsia raises an arm, pointing in your direction and suddenly thousands of voices bombard you, urging you to watch your back, to kill, while startling you with unexpected screeches.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You drop to one knee, demonstrating your humility and respect.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
sprinkle salt
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You must regain equilibrium first.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
sprinkle salt
You must regain equilibrium first.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You bleed 15 health.
1677h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!||Health: -15|
The wrathful canticle of Ashtorath rings ominously in your ears.
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!||Health: -636|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
|Health: 206||Mana: 54|
You may be healed by a scroll again.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
Narsrim commands you in a booming voice.
{* You are being DOMINATED! *}
You wipe the paints off your face.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
A sick feeling ferments throughout your body.
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing you with intense, scorching heat.
sip frost
723h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!||Health: -524|
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
Steam rises from your skin as the fires that plague you are extinguished.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!||Health: 344|
Munsia empties out a coral vial into her mouth.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
The ache in your ear canals clears up.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<>-|DIAG!|
Narsrim points a silver spiderweb at you, and sparks fly out of it.
Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover you.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
You teeter and totter in a drunken parody of some dance.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!||Health: -648|
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
Munsia stares at you with a burning intensity.
419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
A terrible lethargy suddenly overwhelms you, making you feel mentally exhausted.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
|Health: -12||Mana: -269||Ego: -1811|
You must regain equilibrium first.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
A sudden headache makes you rub your temples for relief.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
A sudden headache makes you rub your temples for relief.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
You must regain equilibrium first.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" you moan, holding your head in pain.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<>-|DIAG!|
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing you with intense, scorching heat.
sip frost
You have been slain by an enormous gorgog.
The shadow of a crow falls out of your inventory.
A shadowcatcher web falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an enormous gorgog falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an enormous gorgog falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an enormous gorgog falls out of your inventory.
You feel a dark spirit calling your name, drawing you to it.
Kill Tracker: an_enormous_gorgog {5}
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!||Health: -407|
You are dead and cannot do that.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
You are dead and cannot do that.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
An enormous gorgog stares at Munsia, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing her with intense, scorching heat.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
Munsia takes a drink from an opal vial.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
Narsrim plays a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone and directs the soothing notes towards an enormous gorgog.
An enormous gorgog cocks his head at Narsrim and listens intently to the tone.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
An enormous gorgog settles down in a corner to sleep.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
say Weird
You say, "Weird."
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
Narsrim makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
The shadow of a crow seeps off to the north.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
Kelly tells you, "You ok?"
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<>-|DIAG!|
Munsia points her staff at an enormous gorgog, icy water erupting forth and pounding into his body. An enormous gorgog gasps from the shock of the cold water, the very breath knocked out of him.
Munsia has scored a CRITICAL hit!
No longer able to stand the brutal force of the icy waters, an enormous gorgog struggles for one last breath before succumbing to death.
An enormous gorgog has been slain by Munsia.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Munsia suddenly scoops up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
So besides all of the things I want to say about these two that will get me banned for life... what happened to my equilibrium? As soon as they came in I just couldn't do anything.
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at an enormous gorgog. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
4130h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
An enormous gorgog flings a muscled arm out, his fist slamming into your gut and remaining there. Slowly, he begins to chant hoarse syllables beneath his breath, and a burning blast of boiling water slams into your flesh, blistering on contact.
2953h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2953h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You take a drink from an absinthe-hued vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3943h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
An enormous gorgog flings a muscled arm out, his fist slamming into your gut and remaining there. Slowly, he begins to chant hoarse syllables beneath his breath, and a burning blast of boiling water slams into your flesh, blistering on contact.
2758h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
2758h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<
You bleed 29 health.
2729h, 5880m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<
2729h, 5826m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<
point cudgel gorgog
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at an enormous gorgog. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
2729h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2729h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You take a drink from an absinthe-hued vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3441h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
An enormous gorgog opens its mouth, exposing a gaping maw from which foul and pestilent air blasts forth, searing the skin of everyone in the area.
2138h, 5736m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
2344h, 5811m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkdb<
|Health: 206||Mana: 75|
point cudgel gorgog
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at an enormous gorgog. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
2344h, 5721m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
An enormous gorgog flings a muscled arm out, his fist slamming into your gut and remaining there. Slowly, he begins to chant hoarse syllables beneath his breath, and a burning blast of boiling water slams into your flesh, blistering on contact.
1419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
|Health: -925||Mana: 249|
You bleed 17 health.
1402h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
1567h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
1567h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1567h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You take a drink from an absinthe-hued vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
Munsia raises an arm, pointing in your direction and suddenly thousands of voices bombard you, urging you to watch your back, to kill, while startling you with unexpected screeches.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
You begin intense concentration to restore your equilibrium.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkdb<
Narsrim plays a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone, and you cry out as your deaf ears open up to the sound of a high-pitched note.
Your ears open up, though you lose your true hearing.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
Dripping passage in the caves.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. The roughened black walls of the caves stretch out to the north, south, and southwest here, as revealed by the light shed from several crudely built torches that glow along the cave walls. Littering the walls around the torches are gouging marks, and the same marks are clumped together more closely around the torches themselves. Stalactites hang down from the ceiling, dripping water slowly into puddles forming beneath them, though some of them seem to have been slashed at, and their bottom points have been chopped off roughly. Crafted of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched. Veradin Munsia D'cente`, Seeker of Honour towers here, shrouded. She wields a coral staff in her left hand and a magic tome in her right. Scordatura Pizzicato, Narsrim D'cente`, Crescendo of Transformation is here, shrouded. He wields a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone in his left hand and a Wand of Illusions in his right.
You see exits leading north, south, and southwest.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
Narsrim plays a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone and directs the exquisite notes towards you.
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Narsrim.
{* Narsrim has used PERFECT-FIFTH on you! *}
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
2314h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
{{{ Equilibrium Recovered }}}
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkb<
Thesia Cylys, the white tiger gazes intently at you, and you feel yourself drawn into his eyes, which swirl about in a kaleidoscopic array of swirling colours. Your vision slowly fades into nothing but curiously floating topaz spots.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, elrxkb<
Munsia raises an arm, pointing in your direction and suddenly thousands of voices bombard you, urging you to watch your back, to kill, while startling you with unexpected screeches.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You drop to one knee, demonstrating your humility and respect.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
sprinkle salt
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You must regain equilibrium first.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
sprinkle salt
You must regain equilibrium first.
1692h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You bleed 15 health.
1677h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
The wrathful canticle of Ashtorath rings ominously in your ears.
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1041h, 5916m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
|Health: 206||Mana: 54|
You may be healed by a scroll again.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
Narsrim commands you in a booming voice.
{* You are being DOMINATED! *}
You wipe the paints off your face.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1247h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
A sick feeling ferments throughout your body.
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing you with intense, scorching heat.
sip frost
723h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
Steam rises from your skin as the fires that plague you are extinguished.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
Munsia empties out a coral vial into her mouth.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
The ache in your ear canals clears up.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkb<
Narsrim points a silver spiderweb at you, and sparks fly out of it.
Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover you.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
You must regain equilibrium first.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
You teeter and totter in a drunken parody of some dance.
1067h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
Munsia stares at you with a burning intensity.
419h, 5970m, 5160e, 10p, lrxkbp<
A terrible lethargy suddenly overwhelms you, making you feel mentally exhausted.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<
|Health: -12||Mana: -269||Ego: -1811|
You must regain equilibrium first.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<
A sudden headache makes you rub your temples for relief.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<
A sudden headache makes you rub your temples for relief.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<
You must regain equilibrium first.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" you moan, holding your head in pain.
407h, 5701m, 3349e, 10p, lrxkbp<
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing you with intense, scorching heat.
sip frost
You have been slain by an enormous gorgog.
The shadow of a crow falls out of your inventory.
A shadowcatcher web falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an enormous gorgog falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an enormous gorgog falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of an enormous gorgog falls out of your inventory.
You feel a dark spirit calling your name, drawing you to it.
Kill Tracker: an_enormous_gorgog {5}
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
You are dead and cannot do that.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
You are dead and cannot do that.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
An enormous gorgog stares at Munsia, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing her with intense, scorching heat.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
Munsia takes a drink from an opal vial.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
Narsrim plays a darkwood mandolin encased in iron filigree and bone and directs the soothing notes towards an enormous gorgog.
An enormous gorgog cocks his head at Narsrim and listens intently to the tone.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
An enormous gorgog settles down in a corner to sleep.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
say Weird
You say, "Weird."
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
Narsrim makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
The shadow of a crow seeps off to the north.
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
Kelly tells you, "You ok?"
0h, 5701m, 3349e, 0p, elrx<
Munsia points her staff at an enormous gorgog, icy water erupting forth and pounding into his body. An enormous gorgog gasps from the shock of the cold water, the very breath knocked out of him.
Munsia has scored a CRITICAL hit!
No longer able to stand the brutal force of the icy waters, an enormous gorgog struggles for one last breath before succumbing to death.
An enormous gorgog has been slain by Munsia.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Munsia suddenly scoops up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
So besides all of the things I want to say about these two that will get me banned for life... what happened to my equilibrium? As soon as they came in I just couldn't do anything.
Esano2009-11-29 21:48:35
Munsia was using whispers, a phantasms ability that knocks offeq until you concentrate. You concentrated the first time she did that, but not the second, which sounds like a system failure.
Unknown2009-11-29 21:49:34
Mm. I'll add that to my enormous list of system failures which I can do nothing about, then.
I don't suppose they broke any rules in having that Gorgog kill me? Maybe? Maybe if it were in neutral territory? If Narsrim got shrubbed I swear I'd bounce around town Bugs Bunny-style until someone got me with a tranq gun.
I don't suppose they broke any rules in having that Gorgog kill me? Maybe? Maybe if it were in neutral territory? If Narsrim got shrubbed I swear I'd bounce around town Bugs Bunny-style until someone got me with a tranq gun.
Unknown2009-11-29 22:08:01
If it was to avoid Avenger, sure, you could issue. Except on this occasion you were in enemy territory so yeah.
Lehki2009-11-29 23:02:59
It looks like your system tried to concentrate the second time but got messed up by stupidity, but didn't try again.
Does your system just attempt to concentrate on affliction but not store a variable for it or something?
Does your system just attempt to concentrate on affliction but not store a variable for it or something?
Unknown2009-11-29 23:31:33
I can't find a variable for it, so probably not. It's also not too great when it comes to stupidity... for some reason absolutely none of the stupidity lines, even the really obvious ones (yelling about cheeese, trying to drop your pack, etc.), are used. So if you get hit with a masked stupidity you gotta diagnose it.
Shaddus2009-11-30 00:29:18
2009/11/29 02:22:52 - Azoth slew Captain Gil Kelrisim that was loyal to you.
This didn't help.
Razenth2009-11-30 01:21:11
Are you on your Celestine alt again?
Must... track... down!

Shaddus2009-11-30 01:30:29
QUOTE (Razenth @ Nov 29 2009, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you on your Celestine alt again?
Must... track... down!

I get around.
Unknown2009-11-30 04:47:48
Kelly tells you, "You ok?"

Munsia2009-11-30 05:02:15
Nienla2009-11-30 06:17:43
Whispers is a broken phantasms ability that when used in conjuction with Narsrim's PerfectFifth, means that you do not escape DeathSong. It also has the ability to be whored to the point (which it has) to enable someone to keep someone off eq for at least half a minute, effectively putting them out of commission in a group.
My next envoy is going to be for Whispers. Either to raise the eq cost of it, or the power cost. There's a reason why Munsia, Esano, and every other Mage abuses the living hell out of it right now.
Whispers is a broken phantasms ability that when used in conjuction with Narsrim's PerfectFifth, means that you do not escape DeathSong. It also has the ability to be whored to the point (which it has) to enable someone to keep someone off eq for at least half a minute, effectively putting them out of commission in a group.
My next envoy is going to be for Whispers. Either to raise the eq cost of it, or the power cost. There's a reason why Munsia, Esano, and every other Mage abuses the living hell out of it right now.

Shaddus2009-11-30 06:23:25
Antagonistic and borderline insulting post removed - Fain
Nienla2009-11-30 06:43:54
Not quite. I will give you the reasons why Whispers is broken, and why it needs revision:
1.) With the Divinefire 'mishap' that exists, there are people knowingly abusing said mishap to make sure that individuals are permanently off eq when they Divinefire, despite knowing of the present issue.
2.) Web, Truss, and other hindering abilities at least require more equilibrium from the user, allowing the victim to writhe out before they can get their eq back. This is false for a few of them, as someone can easily time web effectively to keep someone permanently webbed.
3.) Narsrim's Deathsong, with TaintedLove and Mugwump, pretty much brings the victim to the point where they have a split second to eat earwort, and sometimes it gives them no chance at all to escape the instakill. Though that is an issue mostly with TaintedLove, I feel that it need be brought up since Whispers is usually being utilized in conjuction with this.
Suffice to say, I have no issue with the ability meshing up well. Also, as far as I know, considering you're not even an Envoy, I don't really believe you're in any position to tell me to 'learn to envoy like you're supposed to'. If I recall correctly, being an Envoy requires me to address the imbalances that exist within combat.
1.) With the Divinefire 'mishap' that exists, there are people knowingly abusing said mishap to make sure that individuals are permanently off eq when they Divinefire, despite knowing of the present issue.
2.) Web, Truss, and other hindering abilities at least require more equilibrium from the user, allowing the victim to writhe out before they can get their eq back. This is false for a few of them, as someone can easily time web effectively to keep someone permanently webbed.
3.) Narsrim's Deathsong, with TaintedLove and Mugwump, pretty much brings the victim to the point where they have a split second to eat earwort, and sometimes it gives them no chance at all to escape the instakill. Though that is an issue mostly with TaintedLove, I feel that it need be brought up since Whispers is usually being utilized in conjuction with this.
Suffice to say, I have no issue with the ability meshing up well. Also, as far as I know, considering you're not even an Envoy, I don't really believe you're in any position to tell me to 'learn to envoy like you're supposed to'. If I recall correctly, being an Envoy requires me to address the imbalances that exist within combat.
Shaddus2009-11-30 06:52:21
Post deleted, three day ban imposed, warning raised - Fain
Shaddus2009-11-30 06:59:38
QUOTE (Nienla @ Nov 30 2009, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sure. 

Believe it or not, it's up to you.
Whispers is a simple skill. Just because it comes in handy when combined with another guild's skills, that doesn't make it broken.
Munsia2009-11-30 07:01:46
QUOTE (Nienla @ Nov 30 2009, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not quite. I will give you the reasons why Whispers is broken, and why it needs revision:
1.) With the Divinefire 'mishap' that exists, there are people knowingly abusing said mishap to make sure that individuals are permanently off eq when they Divinefire, despite knowing of the present issue.
2.) Web, Truss, and other hindering abilities at least require more equilibrium from the user, allowing the victim to writhe out before they can get their eq back. This is false for a few of them, as someone can easily time web effectively to keep someone permanently webbed.
3.) Narsrim's Deathsong, with TaintedLove and Mugwump, pretty much brings the victim to the point where they have a split second to eat earwort, and sometimes it gives them no chance at all to escape the instakill. Though that is an issue mostly with TaintedLove, I feel that it need be brought up since Whispers is usually being utilized in conjuction with this.
Suffice to say, I have no issue with the ability meshing up well. Also, as far as I know, considering you're not even an Envoy, I don't really believe you're in any position to tell me to 'learn to envoy like you're supposed to'. If I recall correctly, being an Envoy requires me to address the imbalances that exist within combat.
1.) With the Divinefire 'mishap' that exists, there are people knowingly abusing said mishap to make sure that individuals are permanently off eq when they Divinefire, despite knowing of the present issue.
2.) Web, Truss, and other hindering abilities at least require more equilibrium from the user, allowing the victim to writhe out before they can get their eq back. This is false for a few of them, as someone can easily time web effectively to keep someone permanently webbed.
3.) Narsrim's Deathsong, with TaintedLove and Mugwump, pretty much brings the victim to the point where they have a split second to eat earwort, and sometimes it gives them no chance at all to escape the instakill. Though that is an issue mostly with TaintedLove, I feel that it need be brought up since Whispers is usually being utilized in conjuction with this.
Suffice to say, I have no issue with the ability meshing up well. Also, as far as I know, considering you're not even an Envoy, I don't really believe you're in any position to tell me to 'learn to envoy like you're supposed to'. If I recall correctly, being an Envoy requires me to address the imbalances that exist within combat.
Envoy's aren't suppose to be bias.....lets look at choke

whorable at no real cost to you and when teamed up with another person, namely a bard... (WE'RE SPEAKING GROUP COMBAT THE ENTIRE TIME

Edit: After rereading. I'd like to add...Choke-why every noob in SD's whores it.....and it's totally broken omfgbbqhax!!!!1!!11
Lol@Nienla....Just because it works against you doesn't make it broken. Group combat = Group Combat.
Shaddus2009-11-30 07:04:37
QUOTE (Nienla @ Nov 30 2009, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, because using it to abuse a bug is clearly a part of the game's mechanics.
Every other IRE game has Disrupt in one form or another. Being able to abuse it doesn't mean it's bugged/needs to be nerfed. That means divinefire needs work.
Tell you what. I'll let you nerf Whispers if you will allow outrifting/clotting/insomnia during Choke, any action which doesn't require EQ/Balance. Your move.
Nienla2009-11-30 07:04:51
QUOTE (munsia @ Nov 30 2009, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Envoy's aren't suppose to be bias.....lets look at choke
whorable at no real cost to you and when teamed up with another person, namely a bard... (WE'RE SPEAKING GROUP COMBAT THE ENTIRE TIME
) it's virtually inescapable. Let's nerf choke and give it a 10p power cost?
As I said before, we got envoy's too.

whorable at no real cost to you and when teamed up with another person, namely a bard... (WE'RE SPEAKING GROUP COMBAT THE ENTIRE TIME

I'm sorry, I couldn't dissect anything of worth from that horribly constructed excuse of the English language. Oh, and feel free to envoy Choke. Let's see how that works out for you as the last time it was envoyed, no one could apparently come up for a solution for it. Though the general idea I've gathered from people is omgthisskillbreaksmysystemnerfnerfnerf.
Munsia2009-11-30 07:05:58
Wait, she said it's a Bug too?! LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOOLOOOLOLOLOL.....The Emo Glom's strike again.