Zallafar2009-12-01 06:58:34
I realized that I was handling pinned leg very badly and have been working to improve it. At the time of this spar, I didn't know yet that the same leg could be pinned twice or that pinned leg prevents all other curing. I am trying to understand how pinned leg works, and this log really confuses me. I get the same leg pinned twice, and after contorting off the first one, I seem to be impaled but not impaled. And I can't figure out the proning at all. Any enlightenment would be appreciated.
5381h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-forwardflip kilana
You leap forward, flipping into the air and slamming your feet against Kilana.
5381h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
Kilana stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
5530h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
5530h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana strikes deep into your right foot, pinning it down with a platinum edged iron rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
(first pinleg, but it doesn't prone me)
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
5530h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-contort
04:48:37.716] With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. You are feebly struck in your right leg with the blade.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-unparry
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-parry rleg 100
Your body is too unbalanced to be able to writhe free of the weapon.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-parry rleg 100
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
4960h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
You bleed 153 health.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-clot
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana strikes deep into your right foot, pinning it down with a platinum edged iron rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
(second pin, also doesn't prone me)
Your insomnia has cleared up.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-unparry
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-parry rleg 100
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb- who here
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Kilana takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her arms.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb- scan
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-weave mesmerize kilana
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-stance legs
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-forwardflip kilana
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
You bleed 100 health.
4746h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb- who here
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Blood drips from Kilana's nose as rainbow lights swirl around her in a maddening frenzy.
The swirling of ancestral spirits inspires you with memories of fealty and duty.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb- scan
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-weave mesmerize kilana
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-contort
You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled you.
(finally start doing something about it)
4689h, 5975m, 7500e, 5p ekb-
You bleed 112 health.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 5p ekb-
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb- who here
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb-
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
(released one pin)
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-diagnose
You are:
captivated by the music of Zallafar.
suffering from a pierced right leg.
(this is weird, all of a sudden I'm prone, and the reason doesn't show up in diagnose??)
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-light 203430
smoke callback: unique3464
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-smoke 203430
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
The hole impaling your right leg muscles closes.
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-insomnia
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p exkbp- scan
Your trained eyes scan the surrounding area.
You make out the figure of Kilana.
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Kilana suddenly scoops up a gruesome scalp.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
Your insomnia has cleared up.
4616h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-light 203430
smoke callback: unique3468
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-beast order heal health
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-smoke 203430
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-stance legs
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-unparry
A nimbus of green light surrounds a large wyvern with leather wings, who then nuzzles you as a surge of healing energies suffuses your body.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-parry lleg 100
You take a long drag off your pipe.
The hole impaling your left leg muscles closes.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-parry lleg 100
You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.
(I am? Didn't know that! I'm pinned but it's not preventing me from doing all sorts of curing anyway??)
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-contort
You cease parrying.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-insomnia
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left leg.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left leg.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled you.
5052h, 5880m, 7500e, 6p ekbp-
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p ekbp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p ekbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp- who here
You see the following people here:
Kilana, Zallafar
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You bleed 60 health.
4992h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-clot
4992h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4992h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kilana slams a platinum edged iron rapier down upon you. Kilana hacks off your left ear, and blood fills your ear canal, making you somewhat dizzy.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily substance.
5268h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kilana slams a platinum edged iron rapier down upon you. Kilana cleanly hacks off your scalp, and blinding pain and blood reverberates across your entire head.
5045h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5045h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5045h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
One of your ancestral spirits swirls before you and is dispersed as it absorbs some of the attack.
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
(released the second pin)
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkb- scan
(and I'm no longer prone)
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkb-drink allheale
5381h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-forwardflip kilana
You leap forward, flipping into the air and slamming your feet against Kilana.
5381h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
Kilana stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
5530h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
5530h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana strikes deep into your right foot, pinning it down with a platinum edged iron rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
(first pinleg, but it doesn't prone me)
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
5530h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-contort
04:48:37.716] With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. You are feebly struck in your right leg with the blade.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-unparry
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-parry rleg 100
Your body is too unbalanced to be able to writhe free of the weapon.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-parry rleg 100
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p ekb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
5293h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
4960h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
You bleed 153 health.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-clot
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4807h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana strikes deep into your right foot, pinning it down with a platinum edged iron rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
(second pin, also doesn't prone me)
Your insomnia has cleared up.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-unparry
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-parry rleg 100
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb- who here
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
Kilana takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her arms.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4570h, 6090m, 7500e, 4p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb- scan
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-weave mesmerize kilana
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-stance legs
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-forwardflip kilana
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4846h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
You bleed 100 health.
4746h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb- who here
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Blood drips from Kilana's nose as rainbow lights swirl around her in a maddening frenzy.
The swirling of ancestral spirits inspires you with memories of fealty and duty.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4413h, 6300m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb- scan
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-weave mesmerize kilana
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-
4689h, 6225m, 7500e, 5p exkb-contort
You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled you.
(finally start doing something about it)
4689h, 5975m, 7500e, 5p ekb-
You bleed 112 health.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 5p ekb-
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb- who here
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb-
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb-insomnia
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p ekb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-clot
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything other than thinking of escaping it.
4577h, 5975m, 7500e, 6p exkb-
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
(released one pin)
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-diagnose
You are:
captivated by the music of Zallafar.
suffering from a pierced right leg.
(this is weird, all of a sudden I'm prone, and the reason doesn't show up in diagnose??)
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-light 203430
smoke callback: unique3464
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-smoke 203430
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
The hole impaling your right leg muscles closes.
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-
4853h, 6290m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-insomnia
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p xkbp-
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p exkbp- scan
Your trained eyes scan the surrounding area.
You make out the figure of Kilana.
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
4853h, 6190m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Kilana suddenly scoops up a gruesome scalp.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Kilana carefully wipes all the poisons off of a platinum edged iron rapier.
4853h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
Your insomnia has cleared up.
4616h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-light 203430
smoke callback: unique3468
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
You shrug off the effects of the poison.
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-beast order heal health
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-smoke 203430
That pipe is already lit and burning nicely.
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-stance legs
4379h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-unparry
A nimbus of green light surrounds a large wyvern with leather wings, who then nuzzles you as a surge of healing energies suffuses your body.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-parry lleg 100
You take a long drag off your pipe.
The hole impaling your left leg muscles closes.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-parry lleg 100
You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.
(I am? Didn't know that! I'm pinned but it's not preventing me from doing all sorts of curing anyway??)
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-contort
You cease parrying.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-insomnia
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left leg.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left leg.
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5052h, 6130m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled you.
5052h, 5880m, 7500e, 6p ekbp-
You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p ekbp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p ekbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp- who here
You see the following people here:
Kilana, Zallafar
5052h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You bleed 60 health.
4992h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-clot
4992h, 5780m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
4992h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kilana slams a platinum edged iron rapier down upon you. Kilana hacks off your left ear, and blood fills your ear canal, making you somewhat dizzy.
Your illusory doppleganger completely absorbs the damage.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily substance.
5268h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kilana slams a platinum edged iron rapier down upon you. Kilana cleanly hacks off your scalp, and blinding pain and blood reverberates across your entire head.
5045h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5045h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
5045h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
One of your ancestral spirits swirls before you and is dispersed as it absorbs some of the attack.
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkbp-
(released the second pin)
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkb- scan
(and I'm no longer prone)
4756h, 5720m, 7500e, 6p exkb-drink allheale
Unknown2009-12-01 07:51:24
suffering from a pierced right leg.
That's what proned you.
You then cure it here:
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
(released one pin)
The hole impaling your right leg muscles closes.
(First pierced leg)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then two hits to lleg:
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
(Pierced leg, not pinned leg)
The hole impaling your left leg muscles closes.
(Cured left pierced leg.)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then you tried doing something that pinned leg says no to and said omg:
You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
That's what proned you.
You then cure it here:
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
(released one pin)
The hole impaling your right leg muscles closes.
(First pierced leg)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then two hits to lleg:
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
(Pierced leg, not pinned leg)
The hole impaling your left leg muscles closes.
(Cured left pierced leg.)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then you tried doing something that pinned leg says no to and said omg:
You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
Desitrus2009-12-01 19:28:29
I guess pointing out that pinleg never prones you, only prevents you from becoming un-proned wouldn't be a waste here. It also doesn't prevent the cures it used to, just insomnia.
Unknown2009-12-01 20:39:12
I'm kinda hoping that all this impale/pinleg/crucify/antlers stuff gets improved with the combat streamlining, but not holding my breath, either. (It's not like I actually e-mailed about it, so...)
Such a pain to track and cure.
Such a pain to track and cure.
Zallafar2009-12-02 08:33:57
Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to see a few glimmers of light, but I'm still majorly confused.
Does the attack that pinned my leg also cause the pierced leg? So it gives both of these afflictions at once:
- suffering from a pierced right leg.
- pinned at the right leg.
Because otherwise I don't see the pierced leg being afflicted unless it was before the log started. I have the pierced leg affliction line as: "your (left|right) leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray." From examining the log before what was posted, I did get a pierced right leg but it was clearly cured too.
So it looked like contorting off the first pin caused the proning but that was just a coincidence? The wiki says that pierced leg will occasionally knockdown. But it does so without a message telling you it happened?
So I'm prone from the pierced leg, but curing it doesn't unprone me. It's only when I contort off the pinned leg that I get unproned? Crazy.
In the first part of the posted log the pinned leg prevents unparry, parry, clot, insomnia, who here, mesmerize, stance, forward flip. Are you saying that it doesn't prevent other cures (besides clot and insomnia) like eating an herb or drinking a potion? Is there a pattern to what it prevents and doesn't?
And if my leg is pinned twice, why does contorting off just one pin allow clot, insomnia, stance, unparry, and parry then?
I appreciate all the help.
QUOTE (AllergictoSabres @ Nov 30 2009, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
suffering from a pierced right leg.
That's what proned you.
You then cure it here:
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
(released one pin)
The hole impaling your right leg muscles closes.
(First pierced leg)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then two hits to lleg:
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
(Pierced leg, not pinned leg)
The hole impaling your left leg muscles closes.
(Cured left pierced leg.)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then you tried doing something that pinned leg says no to and said omg:
You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
That's what proned you.
You then cure it here:
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
(released one pin)
The hole impaling your right leg muscles closes.
(First pierced leg)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then two hits to lleg:
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
With a focused look, Kilana strikes at you with a platinum edged iron rapier. Kilana powerfully strikes your left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
(Pierced leg, not pinned leg)
The hole impaling your left leg muscles closes.
(Cured left pierced leg.)
(Smoking myrtle)
Then you tried doing something that pinned leg says no to and said omg:
You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from that which impaled you.
Does the attack that pinned my leg also cause the pierced leg? So it gives both of these afflictions at once:
- suffering from a pierced right leg.
- pinned at the right leg.
Because otherwise I don't see the pierced leg being afflicted unless it was before the log started. I have the pierced leg affliction line as: "your (left|right) leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray." From examining the log before what was posted, I did get a pierced right leg but it was clearly cured too.
So it looked like contorting off the first pin caused the proning but that was just a coincidence? The wiki says that pierced leg will occasionally knockdown. But it does so without a message telling you it happened?
QUOTE (Desitrus @ Dec 1 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess pointing out that pinleg never prones you, only prevents you from becoming un-proned wouldn't be a waste here. It also doesn't prevent the cures it used to, just insomnia.
So I'm prone from the pierced leg, but curing it doesn't unprone me. It's only when I contort off the pinned leg that I get unproned? Crazy.
In the first part of the posted log the pinned leg prevents unparry, parry, clot, insomnia, who here, mesmerize, stance, forward flip. Are you saying that it doesn't prevent other cures (besides clot and insomnia) like eating an herb or drinking a potion? Is there a pattern to what it prevents and doesn't?
And if my leg is pinned twice, why does contorting off just one pin allow clot, insomnia, stance, unparry, and parry then?
I appreciate all the help.
Zallafar2009-12-13 04:32:27
Does pinned leg only prevent some actions when you have two pinned legs and not with just one?
Unknown2009-12-13 07:01:22
Piercedleg (limb) is a medium wound affliction. So yeah, they could both be afflicted on the same set of hits.
Shaddus2009-12-13 07:25:42
QUOTE (Zallafar @ Dec 12 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does pinned leg only prevent some actions when you have two pinned legs and not with just one?
So far as I know, no. Pinleg is pinleg no matter what, but some people doublepinleg, and rend one to do damage/poisons while the other stays in to pin you down and keep you from healing as well.
Something I've never understood is not being able to use Insomnia during pinleg. Why?
Charune2009-12-13 07:30:44
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Dec 13 2009, 02:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
not being able to use Insomnia during pinleg.
You can use merbloom to get the same effect while pinlegged.
Shaddus2009-12-13 15:04:36
QUOTE (Charune @ Dec 13 2009, 01:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can use merbloom to get the same effect while pinlegged.
Well yeah, I got that. It's just the idea of not being able to use Insomnia itself. It doesn't make sense to me, oh well.
Lehki2009-12-13 17:10:20
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Dec 13 2009, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well yeah, I got that. It's just the idea of not being able to use Insomnia itself. It doesn't make sense to me, oh well.
I think pinleg used to prevent more, but then that was changed and they left insomnia in order to preserve sleeplocking with pinleg.
Unknown2009-12-13 18:53:27
Who actually carries Merbloom around anyway? Insomnia doesn't even take balance.
Xenthos2009-12-13 18:59:04
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Dec 13 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who actually carries Merbloom around anyway? Insomnia doesn't even take balance.
Merbloom: 2000
Unknown2009-12-13 19:10:28
Insomnia uses mana. Merbloom does not. Same reason I always carried around magical salt.
Mirami2009-12-13 20:35:53
Does Pinleg give piercedleg when cured? I seem to remember it doing so.
Unknown2009-12-14 09:16:37
I just find it funny that having a sword through your leg is so painful you can't perform any actions, yet missing both ears and a scalp, being riddled with splinters and thorns, or being disemboweled doesn't interfere with any of those same actions. Har.
Casilu2009-12-14 19:49:15
Did someone say riddled?