Unknown2009-12-12 00:12:26
(Magnagora): You say, "If anyone wants to attend mine and Snaithy's wedding,
we'll be in the Bell Tower which is... east of the Megalith. Keep going up when
you go in."
A panoramic view of the City.
Hanging down from the ceiling, a bell made out of solid bronze is here. A
painting of a wicked golden dagger on a ceremonial chain is proudly exhibited on
a nearby wall. A floating bubble of obsidian flame sparkles with a Divine
radiance as it levitates here.
You see a single exit leading down.
You nod your head emphatically.
Snaithy's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Pupil Luthian De'Unnero says, "Congratulations to both of you."
With a flourish of his arm, Luthian bows deeply.
With a wistful look on his face, Malarious touches a painting of a wicked golden
dagger on a ceremonial chain.
Snaithy thanks Luthian profusely.
Malarious nods his head emphatically.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Korimbu, "You."
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Korimbu, "I have no best man. Stand
next to me and attempt to look pretty."
Korimbu gives a horrified gasp.
Jarid smirks.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "I'm flattered."
Nivix's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
"Heh heh heh" Snaithy chuckles.
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "Hopefully I'm not late?"
You shake your head.
You say, "Not late."
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "Wonderful!"
Snaithy shuffles over to you and shyly takes your hand in his own.
You lay your head gently on Snaithy's shoulder, entwining his fingers with
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Who's doing it?"
You point accusingly at Malarious.
You say, "He is. 'cause he's the best."
You nod your head sagely.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Ah..a Reaper doing a wedding."
Snaithy smiles softly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I am there for death and new life
You say to Korimbu, "We could have you as the sacrifice."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Both are merely a gamble of fate."
You nod your head sagely.
"Oooooooooh!" Malarious says, eyes wide with wonder.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "An excellent idea!"
You say, "Being the best-man and all..."
You nod your head sagely.
Snaithy nods his head at you.
Snaithy stares at Korimbu and gives him a horribly cheesy grin.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Malarious would never accept it.. I'm his bestest
friend in the whole wide Basin."
Korimbu nods his head sagely at Malarious.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I can ribbonize korimbu you say?"
Nivix chuckles long and heartily.
You say to Malarious, "Yes."
Korimbu points an ornate steel rapier at Malarious.
You twiddle your thumbs.
Malarious taps his fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
You say to Korimbu, "I can tie you up."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Is this everyone?"
It is now the 18th of Dvarsh, 252 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Seeping upwards from the ground below, a group of wailing spirits begins to
swarm around the bell, increasing with speed every second.
The spirits suddenly clash together, and the bell tolls with enormous force.
At the darkest hour, the bell tower suddenly springs to life with sound. The
shadows are given voice as its hallowed tones ring in celebration of midnight
over Magnagora.
Satisfied with their duties, the spirits begin to fade away into nothing, and
are gone.
Snaithy nods his head emphatically.
You nod your head emphatically.
Snaithy closes his eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of his
"Ok!" Malarious exclaims.
Malarious clears his throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "We have the rings?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Snaithy smiles softly.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "Of sorts, yes."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "We have the best man and maid of
You pet a diamond wedding band ingratiatingly.
Snaithy nods his head at an anklet of twining roses.
You say, "Er."
You point accusingly at Jarid.
You say, "He's my maid."
Snaithy chuckles long and heartily.
Jarid snickers softly to himself.
Snaithy reaches over and ruffles Jarid's hair fondly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Close enough."
Snaithy gives Raezon a respectful salute.
You nod your head at Malarious.
Jarid laughs out loud.
Apprentice Korimbu is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in his left hand
and a twisted staff in his right. Raezon, the Forbidden is enshrouded in a pale
aura of azure flame that wreathes His body with energy. Pupil Luthian De'Unnero
is here. He wields a wyrm emblazoned shield in his right hand. Nivix, Devotee of
Dissonance is here. He wields a skewed, cacophonous mandolin in his left hand.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate is here. Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero is
here. He wields a tortured mandolin in his right hand. Zayah Jarid d'Deneith is
Malarious flashes Raezon a joyous smile.
Raezon nods His head.
You curtsey respectfully before Raezon.
Jarid bows respectfully to Raezon.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to Raezon, "Welcome to the festivities
Nivix bows respectfully to Raezon.
Snaithy gulps nervously.
Luthian bows respectfully to Raezon.
Raezon, the Forbidden says, "Go on. I can hardly avoid it before My shrine."
You open your mouth but say nothing.
Malarious's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Raezon, "We may make a sacrifice in
your honour, sir."
You say, "It's a very nice shrine."
Korimbu shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Making me set up my defenses.."
You flash Malarious a joyous smile.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Citizens, Questionables, and Raezons.
We are gathered here to witness as the beloved accept eachother in an eternal
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "And if you think we cant watch
eternities... you havent met Lord Raezon."
Snaithy's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Let no mortal argue their love is
genuine, as they stand before their chosen location and unexpected Divine
witness and pledge their devotion to one another."
Korimbu makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
You smile softly.
You whisper to Korimbu, "Stop snorting."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Within the cogs of the Engine those
truly bound to eachother will always come together, and find their better half
among us."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Even those recently of the Engine will
find their place inside the machinations."
Malarious nods his head at Snaithy.
Snaithy smiles softly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I am not one for long speeches or long
ceremonies, and I reserve the right to embarass and poke fun at the happy
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "So lets get to the good parts."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Snaithy, Ur'Guard of the Engine. Do you
have your ring for Marie?"
Korimbu blinks.
Snaithy blinks.
Malarious's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You peer at Malarious unscrupulously.
You say to Malarious, "Mean."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to you, "You all said you had the rings."
Malarious chuckles long and heartily.
You cross your arms on your chest, stick out your lower lip, and pout.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Clearly we will skip that part then."
Snaithy's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Anyway."
You murmur, "Men."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Snaithy, do you take Beldoria to be
yours forever and always? Shackles and binds alike."
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate smiles and says, "I certainly do."
Snaithy gazes deep into the soul of you, his heart in his eyes.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to you, "Beldoria, you have not yet
agreed, and are currently able to escape still. With this in mind would you take
Snaithy to be yours forever?"
Snaithy gulps nervously.
You say, "I do."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to you, "If you need to borrow any
shackles or binds we will notify the Nihilists."
You grin mischievously at Snaithy.
You nod your head sagely.
Malarious rubs his hands together and grins at Snaithy with evil satisfaction.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to you, "Bind away. I am yours."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You pat a length of rope in a friendly manner.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Then."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Place the first kiss of your marriage
and be bound by the chains of holy matrimony."
Snaithy clears his throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to you, "Beldoria, I was ready and
willing to give up on the idea of love and happiness within this world. You
brought me out of the lowest of the low and gave me something to live for.
Regardless of formalities and ceremony, my heart has been bound to yours for a
long time now, and will be so for an eternity."
Snaithy kisses you passionately.
Opening your mouth wide, you gape in wonder.
You kiss Snaithy passionately.
Korimbu gives up a round of applause.
Luthian gives up a round of applause.
Korimbu grins mischievously at Snaithy.
Jarid nods his head emphatically.
Jarid claps his hands together merrily.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Congrats!"
You tell Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate, "That was quite unfair."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Snaithy tells you, "-beam- how so?"
Snaithy beams broadly.
You see Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero shout, "Congratulations to Snaithy and
Beldoria on their wedding. May the Fates guide them in their union."
Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "Thank you everyone for your
Apprentice Korimbu says to Snaithy, "Congrats."
Malarious claps his hands together, and a fountain of coloured light leaps into
the air.
* * *
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* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * * * * *| BOOM! |* * * * * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
"Oooooooooh!" Jarid says, eyes wide with wonder.
Raezon, the Forbidden has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you.
Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Korimbu, "Thank you!"
You beam broadly at Raezon.
You say to Raezon, "Thank you, my Lord."
The corners of Nivix's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Snaithy gives Raezon a respectful salute.
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "A toast..."
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "...to the newlyweds."
Brother Ryboi, Supplicant of Humility shouts, "Congratulations Beldoria and
Snaithy. May you lead happy lives!"
Snaithy flashes Nivix a joyous smile.
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "Huzzah!"
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Huzzah!"
The corners of Nivix's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Korimbu crosses his arms and a shimmering elemental shield surrounds him.
You say, "My booze decayed."
The corners of Nivix's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
With a flourish of his arm, Nivix bows deeply.
Nivix leaves to the down.
Snaithy thanks Malarious profusely.
You tell Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero, "Thank you."
You flash Malarious a joyous smile.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Enjoy."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Want me to kill korimbu as a wedding
Malarious shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Snaithy nods his head affirmatively.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Or will the Lords favour suffice?"
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
Snaithy ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "I guess the favour is good."
"Heh heh heh" Snaithy chuckles.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to Korimbu, "You were saved a horrible
Korimbu rubs his hands together greedily.
Snaithy flashes Korimbu a joyous smile.
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
You say to Malarious, "You can still do it."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "With that I am off to run around."
You say, "He made me sad."
Malarious cackles hellishly.
Malarious gives Korimbu a horrified gasp.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to Korimbu, "You upset the bride!?"
Snaithy growls menacingly at Korimbu.
< Malarious killing Korimbu begins>
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Areast me now."
You give Jarid a friendly cuddle.
Jarid gives you a compassionate hug.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Wow."
Malarious plays a wailing, discordant chord on a tortured mandolin, directing
the dissonant notes at Korimbu
Korimbu screams in agony as the violent music threatens to rip him asunder.
Malarious plays a tortured mandolin and directs the trembling notes towards
Korimbu suddenly shudders and slumps his shoulders.
Green smoke leaks out of Korimbu's ears.
Green flames shoot out of Korimbu's eyes as his head explodes, leaving behind
nothing but a smouldering stump where his neck used to be.
Korimbu has been slain by Malarious. (awesome wedding present)
Someone powerful chuckles long and heartily.
(Magnagora): Malarious says, "Happy Wedding!"
(Magnagora): Snaithy says, "My thanks sir!"
(Magnagora): You say, "Thank you."
Snaithy chuckles long and heartily.
(Magnagora): Raezon says, "Thank you for your offering, Korimbu."
Snaithy gulps nervously.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I offered his corpse to the Lord."
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
we'll be in the Bell Tower which is... east of the Megalith. Keep going up when
you go in."
A panoramic view of the City.
Hanging down from the ceiling, a bell made out of solid bronze is here. A
painting of a wicked golden dagger on a ceremonial chain is proudly exhibited on
a nearby wall. A floating bubble of obsidian flame sparkles with a Divine
radiance as it levitates here.
You see a single exit leading down.
You nod your head emphatically.
Snaithy's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Pupil Luthian De'Unnero says, "Congratulations to both of you."
With a flourish of his arm, Luthian bows deeply.
With a wistful look on his face, Malarious touches a painting of a wicked golden
dagger on a ceremonial chain.
Snaithy thanks Luthian profusely.
Malarious nods his head emphatically.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Korimbu, "You."
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Korimbu, "I have no best man. Stand
next to me and attempt to look pretty."
Korimbu gives a horrified gasp.
Jarid smirks.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "I'm flattered."
Nivix's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
"Heh heh heh" Snaithy chuckles.
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "Hopefully I'm not late?"
You shake your head.
You say, "Not late."
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "Wonderful!"
Snaithy shuffles over to you and shyly takes your hand in his own.
You lay your head gently on Snaithy's shoulder, entwining his fingers with
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Who's doing it?"
You point accusingly at Malarious.
You say, "He is. 'cause he's the best."
You nod your head sagely.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Ah..a Reaper doing a wedding."
Snaithy smiles softly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I am there for death and new life
You say to Korimbu, "We could have you as the sacrifice."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Both are merely a gamble of fate."
You nod your head sagely.
"Oooooooooh!" Malarious says, eyes wide with wonder.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "An excellent idea!"
You say, "Being the best-man and all..."
You nod your head sagely.
Snaithy nods his head at you.
Snaithy stares at Korimbu and gives him a horribly cheesy grin.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Malarious would never accept it.. I'm his bestest
friend in the whole wide Basin."
Korimbu nods his head sagely at Malarious.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I can ribbonize korimbu you say?"
Nivix chuckles long and heartily.
You say to Malarious, "Yes."
Korimbu points an ornate steel rapier at Malarious.
You twiddle your thumbs.
Malarious taps his fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
You say to Korimbu, "I can tie you up."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Is this everyone?"
It is now the 18th of Dvarsh, 252 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Seeping upwards from the ground below, a group of wailing spirits begins to
swarm around the bell, increasing with speed every second.
The spirits suddenly clash together, and the bell tolls with enormous force.
At the darkest hour, the bell tower suddenly springs to life with sound. The
shadows are given voice as its hallowed tones ring in celebration of midnight
over Magnagora.
Satisfied with their duties, the spirits begin to fade away into nothing, and
are gone.
Snaithy nods his head emphatically.
You nod your head emphatically.
Snaithy closes his eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent of his
"Ok!" Malarious exclaims.
Malarious clears his throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "We have the rings?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Snaithy smiles softly.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "Of sorts, yes."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "We have the best man and maid of
You pet a diamond wedding band ingratiatingly.
Snaithy nods his head at an anklet of twining roses.
You say, "Er."
You point accusingly at Jarid.
You say, "He's my maid."
Snaithy chuckles long and heartily.
Jarid snickers softly to himself.
Snaithy reaches over and ruffles Jarid's hair fondly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Close enough."
Snaithy gives Raezon a respectful salute.
You nod your head at Malarious.
Jarid laughs out loud.
Apprentice Korimbu is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in his left hand
and a twisted staff in his right. Raezon, the Forbidden is enshrouded in a pale
aura of azure flame that wreathes His body with energy. Pupil Luthian De'Unnero
is here. He wields a wyrm emblazoned shield in his right hand. Nivix, Devotee of
Dissonance is here. He wields a skewed, cacophonous mandolin in his left hand.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate is here. Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero is
here. He wields a tortured mandolin in his right hand. Zayah Jarid d'Deneith is
Malarious flashes Raezon a joyous smile.
Raezon nods His head.
You curtsey respectfully before Raezon.
Jarid bows respectfully to Raezon.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to Raezon, "Welcome to the festivities
Nivix bows respectfully to Raezon.
Snaithy gulps nervously.
Luthian bows respectfully to Raezon.
Raezon, the Forbidden says, "Go on. I can hardly avoid it before My shrine."
You open your mouth but say nothing.
Malarious's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Raezon, "We may make a sacrifice in
your honour, sir."
You say, "It's a very nice shrine."
Korimbu shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Making me set up my defenses.."
You flash Malarious a joyous smile.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Citizens, Questionables, and Raezons.
We are gathered here to witness as the beloved accept eachother in an eternal
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "And if you think we cant watch
eternities... you havent met Lord Raezon."
Snaithy's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Let no mortal argue their love is
genuine, as they stand before their chosen location and unexpected Divine
witness and pledge their devotion to one another."
Korimbu makes a ridiculous face as he snorts and snuffles at the air.
You smile softly.
You whisper to Korimbu, "Stop snorting."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Within the cogs of the Engine those
truly bound to eachother will always come together, and find their better half
among us."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Even those recently of the Engine will
find their place inside the machinations."
Malarious nods his head at Snaithy.
Snaithy smiles softly.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I am not one for long speeches or long
ceremonies, and I reserve the right to embarass and poke fun at the happy
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "So lets get to the good parts."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Snaithy, Ur'Guard of the Engine. Do you
have your ring for Marie?"
Korimbu blinks.
Snaithy blinks.
Malarious's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You peer at Malarious unscrupulously.
You say to Malarious, "Mean."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to you, "You all said you had the rings."
Malarious chuckles long and heartily.
You cross your arms on your chest, stick out your lower lip, and pout.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Clearly we will skip that part then."
Snaithy's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Anyway."
You murmur, "Men."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Snaithy, do you take Beldoria to be
yours forever and always? Shackles and binds alike."
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate smiles and says, "I certainly do."
Snaithy gazes deep into the soul of you, his heart in his eyes.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to you, "Beldoria, you have not yet
agreed, and are currently able to escape still. With this in mind would you take
Snaithy to be yours forever?"
Snaithy gulps nervously.
You say, "I do."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to you, "If you need to borrow any
shackles or binds we will notify the Nihilists."
You grin mischievously at Snaithy.
You nod your head sagely.
Malarious rubs his hands together and grins at Snaithy with evil satisfaction.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to you, "Bind away. I am yours."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You pat a length of rope in a friendly manner.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Then."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Place the first kiss of your marriage
and be bound by the chains of holy matrimony."
Snaithy clears his throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
Maggot Snaithy, Ur'Guard Initiate says to you, "Beldoria, I was ready and
willing to give up on the idea of love and happiness within this world. You
brought me out of the lowest of the low and gave me something to live for.
Regardless of formalities and ceremony, my heart has been bound to yours for a
long time now, and will be so for an eternity."
Snaithy kisses you passionately.
Opening your mouth wide, you gape in wonder.
You kiss Snaithy passionately.
Korimbu gives up a round of applause.
Luthian gives up a round of applause.
Korimbu grins mischievously at Snaithy.
Jarid nods his head emphatically.
Jarid claps his hands together merrily.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Congrats!"
You tell Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate, "That was quite unfair."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Snaithy tells you, "-beam- how so?"
Snaithy beams broadly.
You see Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero shout, "Congratulations to Snaithy and
Beldoria on their wedding. May the Fates guide them in their union."
Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "Thank you everyone for your
Apprentice Korimbu says to Snaithy, "Congrats."
Malarious claps his hands together, and a fountain of coloured light leaps into
the air.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * * * * *| BOOM! |* * * * * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
"Oooooooooh!" Jarid says, eyes wide with wonder.
Raezon, the Forbidden has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you.
Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate says to Korimbu, "Thank you!"
You beam broadly at Raezon.
You say to Raezon, "Thank you, my Lord."
The corners of Nivix's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Snaithy gives Raezon a respectful salute.
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "A toast..."
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "...to the newlyweds."
Brother Ryboi, Supplicant of Humility shouts, "Congratulations Beldoria and
Snaithy. May you lead happy lives!"
Snaithy flashes Nivix a joyous smile.
Nivix, Devotee of Dissonance says, "Huzzah!"
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Huzzah!"
The corners of Nivix's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Korimbu crosses his arms and a shimmering elemental shield surrounds him.
You say, "My booze decayed."
The corners of Nivix's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
With a flourish of his arm, Nivix bows deeply.
Nivix leaves to the down.
Snaithy thanks Malarious profusely.
You tell Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero, "Thank you."
You flash Malarious a joyous smile.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Enjoy."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Want me to kill korimbu as a wedding
Malarious shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Snaithy nods his head affirmatively.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "Or will the Lords favour suffice?"
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
Snaithy ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Maggot Snaithy d'Deneith, Ur'Guard Initiate says, "I guess the favour is good."
"Heh heh heh" Snaithy chuckles.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to Korimbu, "You were saved a horrible
Korimbu rubs his hands together greedily.
Snaithy flashes Korimbu a joyous smile.
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
You say to Malarious, "You can still do it."
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "With that I am off to run around."
You say, "He made me sad."
Malarious cackles hellishly.
Malarious gives Korimbu a horrified gasp.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says to Korimbu, "You upset the bride!?"
Snaithy growls menacingly at Korimbu.
< Malarious killing Korimbu begins>
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Areast me now."
You give Jarid a friendly cuddle.
Jarid gives you a compassionate hug.
Apprentice Korimbu says, "Wow."
Malarious plays a wailing, discordant chord on a tortured mandolin, directing
the dissonant notes at Korimbu
Korimbu screams in agony as the violent music threatens to rip him asunder.
Malarious plays a tortured mandolin and directs the trembling notes towards
Korimbu suddenly shudders and slumps his shoulders.
Green smoke leaks out of Korimbu's ears.
Green flames shoot out of Korimbu's eyes as his head explodes, leaving behind
nothing but a smouldering stump where his neck used to be.
Korimbu has been slain by Malarious. (awesome wedding present)
Someone powerful chuckles long and heartily.
(Magnagora): Malarious says, "Happy Wedding!"
(Magnagora): Snaithy says, "My thanks sir!"
(Magnagora): You say, "Thank you."
Snaithy chuckles long and heartily.
(Magnagora): Raezon says, "Thank you for your offering, Korimbu."
Snaithy gulps nervously.
Blood Reaper, Malarious De'Unnero says, "I offered his corpse to the Lord."
Malarious snickers softly to himself.
Unknown2009-12-12 00:14:22
Oops. I made some errors when editing. I -am- sleepy!
Unknown2009-12-12 00:34:30
It's sooo cute! I enjoyed reading that! 

Unknown2009-12-12 01:28:46
Magnagora = Coalition of Ordered Gears?
Snaithy2009-12-12 11:15:10
Yeah I felt a little bad for Korimbu, but he DID upset my bride on her big day! Never had a God at a wedding before 

Shaddus2009-12-12 15:56:59
Just wait until you're at a wedding, and the god tells the bride and groom to have plenty of spawn to serve him.