Unknown2009-12-12 13:41:34
For some reason, getting in trouble with divine leads to the most engaging situations I've been in. Punishment can be done in such creative ways, and arguing is far more interesting than the "I am in awe" of worship RP.
I made a pretty risky (and unappealing, I'm sure, from IC perspective) RP gamble, and Nocht anted up amazingly. This kind of interaction is what gives meat to conflict and punishment and makes struggles feel worthwhile and immersive, rather than just essence to collect or gold to pony up. Thank you so much for that.
The backstory to this is that Sadhyra ragequit Glom, went to Serenwilde, got a truckload of enemy statuses from Glom orgs, including Nocht. Rather quickly, she regretted the decision and worked to return, which was allowed on the pre-requisite that all enemy statuses were cleared. Rancoura, as the OH of Nocht, refused to clear the enemy status or give a line about what it would take. Nienla eventually unenemied, and everything seemed fine.
Nocht, however, had other ideas.
Only a few hours after Sadhyra had returned to Glomdoring, the enemy status is returned, with all mortals forbidden from removing it. No answer was given as to the cost to remove it. The Harbingers, and city, gave her three days to resolve the situation, and the only advice the Order could give was to write Him a letter begging forgiveness.
So, Sadhyra writes a letter...but far from the type expected. She awaits a response, but none is forthcoming. Only one day remains, now, and worry is beginning to gnaw at her. She speaks with her former fiancee on the matter....
You say, "Time is running out."
Ishant nods his head emphatically.
Ishant purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully gathers his thoughts.
Quietly, you say, "What shall I do if He refuses?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "Then we will have longer to get you back."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "It just means we have to make sure you're not treated cruelly in the interim."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
Ishant ponders the situation.
The air shudders as a voice whispers, "Do you believe your letter was an apology, child of y'Kaliath?"
You say, "Oh. There we go."
You incline your head politely to Ishant.
(walking to fulcrux)
You reach out and gently brush your hand against a delicate veil of shadows. Your senses suddenly dull as you feel yourself pulled into the entrancing darkness. As your senses return, you find yourself beneath a beautiful night sky.
The Fulcrux of Nocht. (Transcendental Fulcrux.)
A complex series of stones orbit around a stygian orb here. A rippling image of a beautiful night sky has been magically wrapped around the fulcrux here. King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian towers here. He wields an athame dagger in his left hand and a pair of diamond shears in his right.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "Unexpected. Hail, My Lord."
You stare implacably at Ishant.
You say, "You...come...quicker."
You crease your brow in a frown.
You feel an icy breath brush across your cheek as a hushed voice says, "I assumed you would want your love with you, child."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian laughs softly.
The blackthorn shudders, sending showers of white petals across the fulcrux as a soft voice whispers, "You object?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "My advocacy of my love almost caused her more issues, but thank you for allowing me to come."
Frowning, you say, "He goes where he wishes. He serves the Glomdoring before me. Surely that is evident, given how he picked the forest above me."
Raising her voice, you say, "I am no child of y'Kaliath, in any case."
You say, "I am a child of the Wyrd."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian smiles slightly, murmuring, "The y"kaliath is an ill-omened name at best, so one is wise to have abandoned it."
The air twists slowly around your form as the voice whispers coldly, "But I see her in your face, child... And I hear her in your voice. And she is here too, in your written word."
Folding one arm across her chest, you say, "I have abandoned and renounced that family." She exhales sharply, staring blankly ahead, as she continues. "You wished for an apology. You have one, now, and I think none could debase and grovel more than I have."
The image above churns violently as a hollow voice whispers, "Pride taints your words, just as it poisoned your mother."
You feel an icy breath brush across your cheek as a hushed voice says, "But... perhaps I judge too harshly..."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian purses his lips and delicately takes your hand. Gently he says, "Be respectful, Sadhyra, even though you apologised, you need to be repentent, even I do at times. Be measured and Our Lord will see the best of you."
Rancoura drops one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
Ishant bows respectfully to Rancoura.
You feel an icy breath brush across your cheek as a hushed voice says, "You shall read your apology to My Maven and to your love. We shall see how they feel, My little one."
You have emoted: Sadhyra lifts her chin, teeth clenching as she represses a shiver at the chill touch. "I have every right to have pride," she says, voice low. Clearly struggling, she states, "If I had nothing to be proud of, my departure would never have angered anyone, nor would return be so controversial."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Then take pride in your words, child."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow stands slowly, her dark gaze fixed on you.
Nocht gives an elegant white letter to you.
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "Read."
You have emoted: Sadhyra clutches the letter in her hand, parchment crumpling.
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Shortly, you say, "Lord Nocht."
Her tone even and expression flat, you say, "I apologize for my transgressions against You and Yours. Departing Your Order was a grevious mistake, and I now know how terribly I sinned for leaving. I am a foolish traitor, and deserve all of my punishment for betraying You. Indeed, to even consider departing Your fold is a crime deserving of death and damnation - to follow through surely is owed far worse, and You have shown benevolence far beyond what my worthless self deserves."
Continuing, you say, "I grovel before you, supplicant, obeisant, obedient, begging forgiveness for all the evil I have wrought against You. Nevermind that no physical attacks were done - for, verily, with each step I walked away, it is as if I drove a nail directly into Your heart."
You have emoted: Sadhyra inhales slowly, before reading onwards. "I beg Your divine forgiveness. I do not deserve to live, yet I breathe, which is gift enough, yet what is breath when it is drawn under the angry and ire-filled gaze of You, the darkest and most silent Lord in the Basin?"
Her tone growing more quiet, and her words slowing, you say, "Shallow and empty my breath, as my life, will remain until I have somehow, someway, earned a reprieve from the harshness and pain of Your scorn."
You say, "Please, tell me how I may serve You and redeem myself."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian looks at you softly, concern in his eyes.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Finish it."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow regards you steadily, her gaze and poise utterly neutral.
You have emoted: Sadhyra pauses, paper rustling as her fingers tighten, nearly ripping a corner of the letter. Exhaling, she finishes, "You most humble and unworthy wretch, maggot and failure....Sadhyra." She falls silent, lifting her head to stare blankly into the distance again.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "King. Maven. Do you find her words sincere?"
Keeping her gaze fixed on Sadhyra, Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "So do they sound."
You have emoted: Sadhyra allows a faint hint of a smile to curve her lips.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian purses his lips. Turning his gaze to the ground, softly he says, "I do think them sincere, even if over-done." He pauses a moment to keep his composure, "The maggot comment is undeniably Fain-esque, but I believe her intentions pure even with such...expression.."
Nocht, the Silent regards you quietly, His expression empty and cold.
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "You think all should forgive and forget your mistake, child. The forest is not meant to be so merciful."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow turns her gaze to the Silent Lord, still maintaining a cool neutrality as she listens.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "But there is potential within you, and I shall not discard potential if I believe it still shows some promise."
Her voice barely more than a murmur, you say, "As I said, I think I have every right to be proud. I at least have the capacity to hear the unspoken behind what is said. Your Seer..." She shrugs once, jaw tightening.
His eyebrow raising, Nocht, the Silent whispers, "My seer... what, child?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian tilts his head in curiousity, to listen to you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's stare slides sideways to skitter over Rancoura for a scant second, before she returns to gazing off into the distance. "She hears what she wishes to hear, not the truth hidden in the unspoken silence." Her words falter for a moment, and she swallows heavily, breath coming short - still, she has gone too far, and there is no turning back. The Kephera continues. "She is either dull or clouded by her own emotions, power and beliefs of what is right, to miss such a blatant message."
In a whispered conclusion, you say, "As she was when I first requested seeking amnesty."
Nocht, the Silent whispers to Rancoura, "Have you a response?"
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow nods slightly, bowing her head to the Silent Lord before turning her gaze once more upon you.
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "I have not been in Glomdoring for as long as some, but I have lived to see our dark, merciless forest to fall from what it once was. Cynicism may dwell amongst my more prominent traits, but it is indeed my belief that the commune would not have come to the state it is in had it possessed some. If there is a deeper truth in your words and your actions, Sadhyra, then it is well hidden beneath childish outrage and shamelss self-righteousness. Two traits which I, personally, wish never to see within a servant of the Wyrd or a devout of the Silent Lord."
Flatly, you say, "You are not addressing the point...Seer. You are merely addressing me, and what you dislike about me."
You say, "And your words illustrate what I have said, quite well."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers to you, "And clearly, the short conversations I have had with you demonstrate my attitudes as a whole?"
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "As I do not believe you have ever been in my guild, or truly conversed with me outside of this plea for amnesty and the review of your tasks as a Childe."
Her voice dropping to meet the whisper, almost hissing, you say, "Think, you fool. Why would your Lord have me read the letter to you, unless He saw some err in it?"
Rancoura stares coldly at you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets out a soft laugh. "Yet you did blindly nod, and agree, "Yes, Lord! Oh it is such marvelous grovelling!" did you not?"
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "Did I? Or is it you, Sadhyra, who heard what you wished to hear?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian shakes his head, lightly taking your shoulder.
You have emoted: Sadhyra turns to Nocht, daring to glance upon His visage for a scant moment, before His Divinity forces her to avert her eyes. Her tone quickens as she shrugs off the restraining hand.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Rancoura, "You are more reasonable than this. This need not be a personal issue between you two."
You say, "Blind obedience and worship may lead to devoted followers, but it leads to ones who are not fully capable. Would You have me sacrifice my spirit and pride and individuality, through debasing myself, and become a weak husk, a....maggot, as Your kin enjoy, or would You have those who are strong, even with faults, who serve You with their full strength?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Blind obedience? Do you feel the orders I give to have fault?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Or perhaps I am not wise enough to direct your steps?"
Exhaling sharply, you say, "I have erred, yes. But I realized my own error, and have sought to rectify that. I have embraced the Wyrd again and returned to the shadows. Yet You ask for apologies and sacrifice, when my only crime was to make a mistake - such mistakes are the foundations for wisdom and strength, for if we did not make them, how would we ever learn?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "It is not your mistake, I take issue with. Many of Mine have strayed."
You have emoted: Sadhyra frowns, falling silent in confusion.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "The current Scion included."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You, however, wish for your mistakes to be dismissed, as if they are nothing."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "And your apologies are filled with bitter contempt."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Do not mistake your demi-divinity for anything special, child. Even with it, you are but an insignificant speck within the cosmos."
Her voice halting, you say, "I was - am - nothing to You. Not a member of Your circle. I am not asking to return to Your fold. It's quite clear I am not wanted. All I want is to return to the Glomdoring."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "And you've come to Me with those words and insults of My Maven? I was ready to grant you mercy even though it's against My nature."
You say, "My apology was to prove a point, which Rancoura has illustrated - so many will pay lip service and go through motions as they feel they are appropriate. Any tasks or punitive punishment will just be that...motions gone through merely to clear a status from the hall of records."
With a faint smile, Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers to you, "Very well. Think what you wish, child. I rather do not feel the need to justify myself to you when it is clear that you are, once again, throwing an outrage and tantrum."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Nocht, "If I may, my Lord."
Nocht raises an eyebrow at Ishant.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Speak, King."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Nocht, "Her anger and words are directed against all that has occurred since she sought to rejoin. While here last time she felt useless even as a Guildmaster and demigod. Yet when she leaves the vitriol she receives exceeds any crime she commited. Then even worse is the threats and expectations people have should she rejoin. Her anger is against the sheer force utilised against her, which ultimately was represented by this order. She seeks to serve, but has a hard path recovering that which she had all along. The Maven while a respectful and upright member of your Court was not the best emissary, so I would pray that she be given understanding."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Rancoura, "I fully respect your work within the Order, just in this instance I think perhaps it became an issue."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "She served despite the hatred directed against her because of her form. It was a noble quality, but she has erased her standing with her mistakes. Fairness is of no matter. That is the reality of it."
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "How far will you go for My forgiveness, child?"
Dryly, you say, "Given that I am denied learning any skills because of the status, and that I have only one month remaining before I am expelled, permanently, I am rather limited in how far I can go."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Will you give Me only excuses, Sadhyra? Or do you seek My mercy?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian asks you, "You will try to the best of your ability though, correct?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Silence, King. She speaks for herself now."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Rancoura's lips.
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "It is your choice."
You have emoted: Sadhyra shifts her weight with a rattle of carapace. Her eyes flash for a moment, as she states, "I am sure You wish me to say "As far as it takes" but, as I have said, I am not going to pay empty lip service. I am on a short timeline, and if I am cast out again, I am not going to wander this land without a home. It may hurt, but I will give up the effort to appease the dark and demanding forest, and take residence elsewhere."
You say, "The limits I stated are not excuses. They are practicalities."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nocht's lips.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You still need work, child."
Quietly, you say, "I have never claimed perfection."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "There are two conditions to being unbranded as an enemy."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's posture stiffens as she risks another glance towards Nocht. Unconsciously, she draws in a deep, bated breath.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "As you have shown yourself to truly be your mother's child, you will bear the title of your family name with shame for three years. One year for your betrayal, a second for your arrogant words and a third for the insults towards My Maven."
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets the breath out with a hiss that is almost a keen. Her hand tenses, dropping to her side in a tight fist. With effort, she finally jerks her head in a sharp nod. "Very...well..." she acquiesces.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian looks away, a slight furrow on his brow.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Secondly, you will work underneath her and progress as if you wished to join those who are Mine once more. Whether you do or not is of no matter to Me, but if the Maven feels unfounded pride taints your mind, I will not be merciful."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You see with mortal eyes. I see far more. Keep that in mind."
You have emoted: Sadhyra glances away, her gaze transfixed by the terrifying, beautiful image wrapping around the chamber. After a long moment of heavy silence, she nods, wordlessly agreeing.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "So be it. Be gone, Sadhyra."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You as well, My Maven. I wish to speak with the King."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow bows her head to the Silent Lord, before turning towards the image.
You have emoted: Sadhyra bends at the waist in a stiff, though respectful, half-bow.
You stand before the wavering image of the night sky, your arms spread wide. In an instant, shadowy tendrils shoot out and wrap around as they forcibly drag you into the image. All fades to black before you are suddenly hurled into a dark cavern.
Beneath glimmering veins of amethyst. (Transcendental Fulcrux.)
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Billowing like a cloth in a gentle breeze, a veil of shadows covers a wall of the cavern here. Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow is here, shrouded. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand and a brilliant white rose in her right.
You will now be known as Sadhyra y'Kaliath, Murmur in the Dark, by order of Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow.
Rancoura has declared that you are, hereafter, no longer a formal enemy of the Divine Order of Nocht, the Silent.
I made a pretty risky (and unappealing, I'm sure, from IC perspective) RP gamble, and Nocht anted up amazingly. This kind of interaction is what gives meat to conflict and punishment and makes struggles feel worthwhile and immersive, rather than just essence to collect or gold to pony up. Thank you so much for that.
The backstory to this is that Sadhyra ragequit Glom, went to Serenwilde, got a truckload of enemy statuses from Glom orgs, including Nocht. Rather quickly, she regretted the decision and worked to return, which was allowed on the pre-requisite that all enemy statuses were cleared. Rancoura, as the OH of Nocht, refused to clear the enemy status or give a line about what it would take. Nienla eventually unenemied, and everything seemed fine.
Nocht, however, had other ideas.
Only a few hours after Sadhyra had returned to Glomdoring, the enemy status is returned, with all mortals forbidden from removing it. No answer was given as to the cost to remove it. The Harbingers, and city, gave her three days to resolve the situation, and the only advice the Order could give was to write Him a letter begging forgiveness.
So, Sadhyra writes a letter...but far from the type expected. She awaits a response, but none is forthcoming. Only one day remains, now, and worry is beginning to gnaw at her. She speaks with her former fiancee on the matter....
You say, "Time is running out."
Ishant nods his head emphatically.
Ishant purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully gathers his thoughts.
Quietly, you say, "What shall I do if He refuses?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "Then we will have longer to get you back."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "It just means we have to make sure you're not treated cruelly in the interim."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
Ishant ponders the situation.
The air shudders as a voice whispers, "Do you believe your letter was an apology, child of y'Kaliath?"
You say, "Oh. There we go."
You incline your head politely to Ishant.
(walking to fulcrux)
You reach out and gently brush your hand against a delicate veil of shadows. Your senses suddenly dull as you feel yourself pulled into the entrancing darkness. As your senses return, you find yourself beneath a beautiful night sky.
The Fulcrux of Nocht. (Transcendental Fulcrux.)
A complex series of stones orbit around a stygian orb here. A rippling image of a beautiful night sky has been magically wrapped around the fulcrux here. King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian towers here. He wields an athame dagger in his left hand and a pair of diamond shears in his right.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "Unexpected. Hail, My Lord."
You stare implacably at Ishant.
You say, "You...come...quicker."
You crease your brow in a frown.
You feel an icy breath brush across your cheek as a hushed voice says, "I assumed you would want your love with you, child."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian laughs softly.
The blackthorn shudders, sending showers of white petals across the fulcrux as a soft voice whispers, "You object?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says, "My advocacy of my love almost caused her more issues, but thank you for allowing me to come."
Frowning, you say, "He goes where he wishes. He serves the Glomdoring before me. Surely that is evident, given how he picked the forest above me."
Raising her voice, you say, "I am no child of y'Kaliath, in any case."
You say, "I am a child of the Wyrd."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian smiles slightly, murmuring, "The y"kaliath is an ill-omened name at best, so one is wise to have abandoned it."
The air twists slowly around your form as the voice whispers coldly, "But I see her in your face, child... And I hear her in your voice. And she is here too, in your written word."
Folding one arm across her chest, you say, "I have abandoned and renounced that family." She exhales sharply, staring blankly ahead, as she continues. "You wished for an apology. You have one, now, and I think none could debase and grovel more than I have."
The image above churns violently as a hollow voice whispers, "Pride taints your words, just as it poisoned your mother."
You feel an icy breath brush across your cheek as a hushed voice says, "But... perhaps I judge too harshly..."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian purses his lips and delicately takes your hand. Gently he says, "Be respectful, Sadhyra, even though you apologised, you need to be repentent, even I do at times. Be measured and Our Lord will see the best of you."
Rancoura drops one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
Ishant bows respectfully to Rancoura.
You feel an icy breath brush across your cheek as a hushed voice says, "You shall read your apology to My Maven and to your love. We shall see how they feel, My little one."
You have emoted: Sadhyra lifts her chin, teeth clenching as she represses a shiver at the chill touch. "I have every right to have pride," she says, voice low. Clearly struggling, she states, "If I had nothing to be proud of, my departure would never have angered anyone, nor would return be so controversial."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Then take pride in your words, child."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow stands slowly, her dark gaze fixed on you.
Nocht gives an elegant white letter to you.
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "Read."
You have emoted: Sadhyra clutches the letter in her hand, parchment crumpling.
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Shortly, you say, "Lord Nocht."
Her tone even and expression flat, you say, "I apologize for my transgressions against You and Yours. Departing Your Order was a grevious mistake, and I now know how terribly I sinned for leaving. I am a foolish traitor, and deserve all of my punishment for betraying You. Indeed, to even consider departing Your fold is a crime deserving of death and damnation - to follow through surely is owed far worse, and You have shown benevolence far beyond what my worthless self deserves."
Continuing, you say, "I grovel before you, supplicant, obeisant, obedient, begging forgiveness for all the evil I have wrought against You. Nevermind that no physical attacks were done - for, verily, with each step I walked away, it is as if I drove a nail directly into Your heart."
You have emoted: Sadhyra inhales slowly, before reading onwards. "I beg Your divine forgiveness. I do not deserve to live, yet I breathe, which is gift enough, yet what is breath when it is drawn under the angry and ire-filled gaze of You, the darkest and most silent Lord in the Basin?"
Her tone growing more quiet, and her words slowing, you say, "Shallow and empty my breath, as my life, will remain until I have somehow, someway, earned a reprieve from the harshness and pain of Your scorn."
You say, "Please, tell me how I may serve You and redeem myself."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian looks at you softly, concern in his eyes.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Finish it."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow regards you steadily, her gaze and poise utterly neutral.
You have emoted: Sadhyra pauses, paper rustling as her fingers tighten, nearly ripping a corner of the letter. Exhaling, she finishes, "You most humble and unworthy wretch, maggot and failure....Sadhyra." She falls silent, lifting her head to stare blankly into the distance again.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "King. Maven. Do you find her words sincere?"
Keeping her gaze fixed on Sadhyra, Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "So do they sound."
You have emoted: Sadhyra allows a faint hint of a smile to curve her lips.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian purses his lips. Turning his gaze to the ground, softly he says, "I do think them sincere, even if over-done." He pauses a moment to keep his composure, "The maggot comment is undeniably Fain-esque, but I believe her intentions pure even with such...expression.."
Nocht, the Silent regards you quietly, His expression empty and cold.
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "You think all should forgive and forget your mistake, child. The forest is not meant to be so merciful."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow turns her gaze to the Silent Lord, still maintaining a cool neutrality as she listens.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "But there is potential within you, and I shall not discard potential if I believe it still shows some promise."
Her voice barely more than a murmur, you say, "As I said, I think I have every right to be proud. I at least have the capacity to hear the unspoken behind what is said. Your Seer..." She shrugs once, jaw tightening.
His eyebrow raising, Nocht, the Silent whispers, "My seer... what, child?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian tilts his head in curiousity, to listen to you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra's stare slides sideways to skitter over Rancoura for a scant second, before she returns to gazing off into the distance. "She hears what she wishes to hear, not the truth hidden in the unspoken silence." Her words falter for a moment, and she swallows heavily, breath coming short - still, she has gone too far, and there is no turning back. The Kephera continues. "She is either dull or clouded by her own emotions, power and beliefs of what is right, to miss such a blatant message."
In a whispered conclusion, you say, "As she was when I first requested seeking amnesty."
Nocht, the Silent whispers to Rancoura, "Have you a response?"
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow nods slightly, bowing her head to the Silent Lord before turning her gaze once more upon you.
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "I have not been in Glomdoring for as long as some, but I have lived to see our dark, merciless forest to fall from what it once was. Cynicism may dwell amongst my more prominent traits, but it is indeed my belief that the commune would not have come to the state it is in had it possessed some. If there is a deeper truth in your words and your actions, Sadhyra, then it is well hidden beneath childish outrage and shamelss self-righteousness. Two traits which I, personally, wish never to see within a servant of the Wyrd or a devout of the Silent Lord."
Flatly, you say, "You are not addressing the point...Seer. You are merely addressing me, and what you dislike about me."
You say, "And your words illustrate what I have said, quite well."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers to you, "And clearly, the short conversations I have had with you demonstrate my attitudes as a whole?"
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "As I do not believe you have ever been in my guild, or truly conversed with me outside of this plea for amnesty and the review of your tasks as a Childe."
Her voice dropping to meet the whisper, almost hissing, you say, "Think, you fool. Why would your Lord have me read the letter to you, unless He saw some err in it?"
Rancoura stares coldly at you.
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets out a soft laugh. "Yet you did blindly nod, and agree, "Yes, Lord! Oh it is such marvelous grovelling!" did you not?"
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers, "Did I? Or is it you, Sadhyra, who heard what you wished to hear?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian shakes his head, lightly taking your shoulder.
You have emoted: Sadhyra turns to Nocht, daring to glance upon His visage for a scant moment, before His Divinity forces her to avert her eyes. Her tone quickens as she shrugs off the restraining hand.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Rancoura, "You are more reasonable than this. This need not be a personal issue between you two."
You say, "Blind obedience and worship may lead to devoted followers, but it leads to ones who are not fully capable. Would You have me sacrifice my spirit and pride and individuality, through debasing myself, and become a weak husk, a....maggot, as Your kin enjoy, or would You have those who are strong, even with faults, who serve You with their full strength?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Blind obedience? Do you feel the orders I give to have fault?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Or perhaps I am not wise enough to direct your steps?"
Exhaling sharply, you say, "I have erred, yes. But I realized my own error, and have sought to rectify that. I have embraced the Wyrd again and returned to the shadows. Yet You ask for apologies and sacrifice, when my only crime was to make a mistake - such mistakes are the foundations for wisdom and strength, for if we did not make them, how would we ever learn?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "It is not your mistake, I take issue with. Many of Mine have strayed."
You have emoted: Sadhyra frowns, falling silent in confusion.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "The current Scion included."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You, however, wish for your mistakes to be dismissed, as if they are nothing."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "And your apologies are filled with bitter contempt."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Do not mistake your demi-divinity for anything special, child. Even with it, you are but an insignificant speck within the cosmos."
Her voice halting, you say, "I was - am - nothing to You. Not a member of Your circle. I am not asking to return to Your fold. It's quite clear I am not wanted. All I want is to return to the Glomdoring."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "And you've come to Me with those words and insults of My Maven? I was ready to grant you mercy even though it's against My nature."
You say, "My apology was to prove a point, which Rancoura has illustrated - so many will pay lip service and go through motions as they feel they are appropriate. Any tasks or punitive punishment will just be that...motions gone through merely to clear a status from the hall of records."
With a faint smile, Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow whispers to you, "Very well. Think what you wish, child. I rather do not feel the need to justify myself to you when it is clear that you are, once again, throwing an outrage and tantrum."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Nocht, "If I may, my Lord."
Nocht raises an eyebrow at Ishant.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Speak, King."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Nocht, "Her anger and words are directed against all that has occurred since she sought to rejoin. While here last time she felt useless even as a Guildmaster and demigod. Yet when she leaves the vitriol she receives exceeds any crime she commited. Then even worse is the threats and expectations people have should she rejoin. Her anger is against the sheer force utilised against her, which ultimately was represented by this order. She seeks to serve, but has a hard path recovering that which she had all along. The Maven while a respectful and upright member of your Court was not the best emissary, so I would pray that she be given understanding."
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian says to Rancoura, "I fully respect your work within the Order, just in this instance I think perhaps it became an issue."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "She served despite the hatred directed against her because of her form. It was a noble quality, but she has erased her standing with her mistakes. Fairness is of no matter. That is the reality of it."
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "How far will you go for My forgiveness, child?"
Dryly, you say, "Given that I am denied learning any skills because of the status, and that I have only one month remaining before I am expelled, permanently, I am rather limited in how far I can go."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Will you give Me only excuses, Sadhyra? Or do you seek My mercy?"
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian asks you, "You will try to the best of your ability though, correct?"
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Silence, King. She speaks for herself now."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Rancoura's lips.
Nocht, the Silent whispers to you, "It is your choice."
You have emoted: Sadhyra shifts her weight with a rattle of carapace. Her eyes flash for a moment, as she states, "I am sure You wish me to say "As far as it takes" but, as I have said, I am not going to pay empty lip service. I am on a short timeline, and if I am cast out again, I am not going to wander this land without a home. It may hurt, but I will give up the effort to appease the dark and demanding forest, and take residence elsewhere."
You say, "The limits I stated are not excuses. They are practicalities."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nocht's lips.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You still need work, child."
Quietly, you say, "I have never claimed perfection."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "There are two conditions to being unbranded as an enemy."
You have emoted: Sadhyra's posture stiffens as she risks another glance towards Nocht. Unconsciously, she draws in a deep, bated breath.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "As you have shown yourself to truly be your mother's child, you will bear the title of your family name with shame for three years. One year for your betrayal, a second for your arrogant words and a third for the insults towards My Maven."
You have emoted: Sadhyra lets the breath out with a hiss that is almost a keen. Her hand tenses, dropping to her side in a tight fist. With effort, she finally jerks her head in a sharp nod. "Very...well..." she acquiesces.
King Ishant Nightshade, The Sable Librarian looks away, a slight furrow on his brow.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Secondly, you will work underneath her and progress as if you wished to join those who are Mine once more. Whether you do or not is of no matter to Me, but if the Maven feels unfounded pride taints your mind, I will not be merciful."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You see with mortal eyes. I see far more. Keep that in mind."
You have emoted: Sadhyra glances away, her gaze transfixed by the terrifying, beautiful image wrapping around the chamber. After a long moment of heavy silence, she nods, wordlessly agreeing.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "So be it. Be gone, Sadhyra."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You as well, My Maven. I wish to speak with the King."
Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow bows her head to the Silent Lord, before turning towards the image.
You have emoted: Sadhyra bends at the waist in a stiff, though respectful, half-bow.
You stand before the wavering image of the night sky, your arms spread wide. In an instant, shadowy tendrils shoot out and wrap around as they forcibly drag you into the image. All fades to black before you are suddenly hurled into a dark cavern.
Beneath glimmering veins of amethyst. (Transcendental Fulcrux.)
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Billowing like a cloth in a gentle breeze, a veil of shadows covers a wall of the cavern here. Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow is here, shrouded. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand and a brilliant white rose in her right.
You will now be known as Sadhyra y'Kaliath, Murmur in the Dark, by order of Priestess Rancoura Inseira, the Silence of Shadow.
Rancoura has declared that you are, hereafter, no longer a formal enemy of the Divine Order of Nocht, the Silent.
Talan2009-12-12 16:22:10
Definitely a 'we only hurt the ones we love' moment, but still... Vicious!
Must remember to ask Nocht for help contriving creative fines/punishments.
Must remember to ask Nocht for help contriving creative fines/punishments.
Diamondais2009-12-12 16:37:00
QUOTE (Talan @ Dec 12 2009, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Definitely a 'we only hurt the ones we love' moment, but still... Vicious!
Must remember to ask Nocht for help contriving creative fines/punishments.
Must remember to ask Nocht for help contriving creative fines/punishments.
Run away..
In fear!

Also, very neat!
Unknown2009-12-12 16:59:36
A couple times there I could of sworn he was going to pull out a scythe and cut you down! But still, awesome RP moment there. Best I've seen in a long time.
Unknown2009-12-12 17:01:05
I have to say, despite not having interacted with Nocht at all, he is by far my favorite God so far. I very much enjoy reading ya'lls logs of your time with him!
Unknown2009-12-12 17:42:25
Makes me wonder how the Forest of No Mercy seems to show so much of it to those who wish to join. Should try being just a little more elitist, but I know it wouldn't be the superpower it is today then.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.

Diamondais2009-12-12 17:46:25
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Dec 12 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Makes me wonder how the Forest of No Mercy seems to show so much of it to those who wish to join. Should try being just a little more elitist, but I know it wouldn't be the superpower it is today then.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.

If they tried that, they'd be in the same spot there were a few years ago. Threatened to be shut down.
Xenthos2009-12-12 17:48:09
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Dec 12 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Makes me wonder how the Forest of No Mercy seems to show so much of it to those who wish to join. Should try being just a little more elitist, but I know it wouldn't be the superpower it is today then.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.

Did you join Glomdoring when I wasn't looking?

Talan2009-12-12 18:10:07
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Dec 12 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Makes me wonder how the Forest of No Mercy seems to show so much of it to those who wish to join. Should try being just a little more elitist, but I know it wouldn't be the superpower it is today then.
As far as I know, blocking people from joining an org without an extremely good reason is not encouraged by the administration, as they would rather see people playing and enjoying the game wherever they wish to be than not. These constant little snipes are frustrating to read. In fact we have shifted toward being less forgiving, but knowing the head-banging-against-wall difficulty that some people have had in dealing with certain established groups in other orgs, it is hard to refuse those who want to make the hop.
Unknown2009-12-12 18:30:44
How many hours did you make her wait before you forgave her? Granted, Serenwilde shouldn't have taken her so quickly, either, but that was the mistake of one or two select individuals, not a pattern of behavior for the entire organization.
Just when I start looking forward to a little good RP with someone who fled Glomdoring, they're already back in Glomdoring. That's all I'm saying.
Xenthos: do you think Glomdoring would honestly want me?
Just when I start looking forward to a little good RP with someone who fled Glomdoring, they're already back in Glomdoring. That's all I'm saying.
Xenthos: do you think Glomdoring would honestly want me?

Xenthos2009-12-12 18:37:57
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Dec 12 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How many hours did you make her wait before you forgave her? Granted, Serenwilde shouldn't have taken her so quickly, either, but that was the mistake of one or two select individuals, not a pattern of behavior for the entire organization.
Just when I start looking forward to a little good RP with someone who fled Glomdoring, they're already back in Glomdoring. That's all I'm saying.
Xenthos: do you think Glomdoring would honestly want me?
Just when I start looking forward to a little good RP with someone who fled Glomdoring, they're already back in Glomdoring. That's all I'm saying.
Xenthos: do you think Glomdoring would honestly want me?

She wanted to return within like, 12 hours of joining Serenwilde. She's been working at it since then, up until this log.
And even then, she's not even "fully forgiven", which is why I asked if you were part of Glom. You seem to think you know the whole situation, heh. But she's got a chance to re-prove herself, which she wanted. She's with her friends again. And she worked hard to get back to this point-- knowing she was losing her guild honours, ministry, and positions of power / influence.
Unknown2009-12-12 18:45:36
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Dec 12 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Makes me wonder how the Forest of No Mercy seems to show so much of it to those who wish to join. Should try being just a little more elitist, but I know it wouldn't be the superpower it is today then.
Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.
This attitude is something that seems very unique to Lusternia. In pretty much every other game I've played, the focus is more on converting people (especially more skilled or established ones) to your side rather than punishing them to join. Conversely, if I had a credit for every person that joined Serenwilde in an attempt to escape something, only to end up running back home again, I'd double my income overnight.
Good on Nocht for trying, but He should've stuck to his guns on this one.

I've led "elitist" orgs before who have had selectivity in their RP. Even when the org was on top and dominating the land, I'd find ways to maintain that RP for those seeking induction, without making it a long series of menial tasks to slog through - beating me (or putting on a good show) in a duel, or mercilessly slaying their brother/sister/mother/wife to lay at my feet, for the evil/combat-focused city; for the thief guild, managing to pull off a theft through sheer charisma or trickery, or undergoing some kind of undercover mission, or even just finding the secret guildhouse through a series of clues embedded in guild lore around the land.
You can do a lot through creative tasks, even more so, I say, than through high fines, offerings, so on. The tasks still very much enhance that the org is selective and hard to join, through the nature of what the tasks entail...that is the tasks are still HARD, but they are hard on a character level - confronting a fear, showing an emotional severance, proving the ability to be cruel, displaying combat prowess or an affinity for stealth, demonstrating kindess - rather than just being something that's going to take a few days/weeks of grinding, which is hard on a player level. More creative solutions, like the ones I've mentioned, or the ones Nocht has picked also are more memorable and immediately engage the person in what the org stands for.
I think it's partially an IRE gameplay style. I've noticed that people tend to go for the more formalized, standardized requirements for most "prooving" tasks, be that advancement, enemy statuses, order progression, etc. This is a tangent, but I think the ability to have player-made and (easily) edited org help files and laws contributes to this. The more avenues you have to put things into a structure, the more likely you are to do it, which can be great (and it does save a lot of time, especially in larger orgs), but can also lead to inflexibility in situations, such as conversion/betrayal/returning/etc which would otherwise be a great potential for awesome self-growth/challenge situations, especially among younger characters. The RP becomes backseat to the "rules" that the org has written, even though the rules themselves are a RP thing that players have created.
Unknown2009-12-12 18:51:30
I must say I'm glad that Glomdoring and Nocht are smart enough to know how far to take No Mercy, it is wonderful RP and should be promoted whenever possible but at the end of the day this is a game and people should be able to play where they are happy. Thankfully Celest's RP lets us allow just about anyone to join, as long as we are careful not to allow people that obviously want to just disrupt or screw us or some such. I must say I like Glom, I wish I could play there some time. I love my Celest too much to leave though.
I hope more people learn the lesson of DON'T RAGE QQ so fast. It always seems to end up being a mistake. Though in this case at least it let you have all this nice RP goodness.
I hope more people learn the lesson of DON'T RAGE QQ so fast. It always seems to end up being a mistake. Though in this case at least it let you have all this nice RP goodness.
Unknown2009-12-12 19:10:01
Great RP! I'm sort of upset I missed this, being Scion and all, but exams have eaten up my life.
Mostly, I'm amused at how different my straying and Sadhyra's straying were, but Ried is one of those blind zealots, so...

Merik2009-12-12 19:28:31
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Dec 12 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Makes me wonder how the Forest of No Mercy seems to show so much of it to those who wish to join. Should try being just a little more elitist, but I know it wouldn't be the superpower it is today then.
Tried. Got CDF'd. People dislike confrontation, apparently.

Unknown2009-12-12 19:31:30
QUOTE (Merik @ Dec 12 2009, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tried. Got CDF'd. People dislike confrontation, apparently. 

You could say that a CDF is just another form of confrontation... at least yours got reversed, though. I would've loved to give Sadhyra a much harder time but I feared the iron fist of the Shadow Council coming down on the back of my head.
e: I? I meant Azoth, of course. *twiddle*
Unknown2009-12-12 19:32:27
Almost makes me want to throw my own zealotry out the window. 

Unknown2009-12-12 19:45:07
QUOTE (Azoth Nae'blis @ Dec 12 2009, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You could say that a CDF is just another form of confrontation... at least yours got reversed, though. I would've loved to give Sadhyra a much harder time but I feared the iron fist of the Shadow Council coming down on the back of my head.
e: I? I meant Azoth, of course. *twiddle*
I don't really think that randomly trying to PK me at the Nexus while I'm stuck with no guild skills is the most thought-provoking or impressive action you could have taken regarding the situation. There are plenty of other ways to go about getting what you want - look at how Sadhyra got you to apologize for earlier rudeness (even if only in vague words) through indirect action, by simply not inviting you to repeated a-bashes - that don't end up making you look like someone out for cheap PK and/or drama behind a "RP" excuse.e: I? I meant Azoth, of course. *twiddle*
Merik2009-12-12 19:45:40
Well, it wasn't a confrontation worth pursuing, really. It was just the 'I'm a higher rank than you, I don't need reasons, just shut up' CDF, and that's the least interesting style I've had used on me. Nowhere to particularly go with it.
Unknown2009-12-12 19:49:09
I never asked anyone to CDF or even step in, for the record. I merely left and went essence hunting.
Still, there are lots of ways you can just barely toe the line to keep getting your point across and create a hostile environment, without actually doing enough that CLs feel the need to step in. The trick is gauging how much.
Still, there are lots of ways you can just barely toe the line to keep getting your point across and create a hostile environment, without actually doing enough that CLs feel the need to step in. The trick is gauging how much.