Llesvelt2009-12-22 15:51:14
So, it seems that Hallifax and Gaudiguch are going to open op for player joinage.
Personally, I think its wonderful! My current character, Llesvelt, was made before I knew, yet he still fits so perfectly in Hallifax. I hope more Trills, Lucidians and others will find themselves drawn to enter Hallifax and perhaps to begin roleplaying in the Hallifax mood. As well as Dracnari and others with Gaudiguch.
I hope these will grow to become interesting havens of roleplaying for studious perfectionists and chaotic tricksters alike. Along with all the other magnificent character concepts that will be given birth, naturally.
Personally, I think its wonderful! My current character, Llesvelt, was made before I knew, yet he still fits so perfectly in Hallifax. I hope more Trills, Lucidians and others will find themselves drawn to enter Hallifax and perhaps to begin roleplaying in the Hallifax mood. As well as Dracnari and others with Gaudiguch.
I hope these will grow to become interesting havens of roleplaying for studious perfectionists and chaotic tricksters alike. Along with all the other magnificent character concepts that will be given birth, naturally.
Jules2009-12-23 01:09:10
I'm going to ask this question:
What is the Roleplay for both cities?
I can't imagine being in a communist city-state being much fun... But Gaudiguch seems cool! But again, I dunno any roleplay outside of Celest.
What is the Roleplay for both cities?
I can't imagine being in a communist city-state being much fun... But Gaudiguch seems cool! But again, I dunno any roleplay outside of Celest.
Twilxo2010-01-15 05:21:30
How is any way is Hallifax communist? It used to be run by a board of shareholders, for goodness sake. Its uber-capitalist!
Shaddus2010-01-15 05:24:29
QUOTE (Twilxo @ Jan 15 2010, 12:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How is any way is Hallifax communist? It used to be run by a board of shareholders, for goodness sake. Its uber-capitalist!
  /ˈkɒmyəˌnɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA
Use communism in a Sentence
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1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
2. (often initial capital letter) a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
3. (initial capital letter) the principles and practices of the Communist party.
4. communalism.
  /ˈkɒmyəˌnɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA
Use communism in a Sentence
See images of communism
Search communism on the Web
1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
2. (often initial capital letter) a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
3. (initial capital letter) the principles and practices of the Communist party.
4. communalism.
Rough usage of Communism, but there you go.
Twilxo2010-01-20 08:26:51
And yet again, the internet fails. Sorry, but you can't just define communism that way because you disagree with it. Its like saying Zimbabwe is a democracy, or Bainimarama's dictatorship in Fiji is a democracy, because they call themselves one. What -that- defines is state capitalism. Look it up.
Casilu2010-01-20 08:58:51
QUOTE (Twilxo @ Jan 20 2010, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And yet again, the internet fails. Sorry, but you can't just define communism that way because you disagree with it. Its like saying Zimbabwe is a democracy, or Bainimarama's dictatorship in Fiji is a democracy, because they call themselves one. What -that- defines is state capitalism. Look it up.
I'm sorry, but Shaddus's definition is technically correct. That is the best kind of correct.
Unknown2010-02-05 07:40:57
The cities are weird though. Scuchi and Cririk pretty much said that the two cities should be at war, but the Seekers of the Eternal Flame and Hallifax Matrix Institute have been working together RP-wise ever since their inception in the game's wee years.
Saran2010-02-05 08:26:54
QUOTE (Scintillia @ Feb 5 2010, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The cities are weird though. Scuchi and Cririk pretty much said that the two cities should be at war, but the Seekers of the Eternal Flame and Hallifax Matrix Institute have been working together RP-wise ever since their inception in the game's wee years.
Admin says >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> player rp
Rahil2010-02-05 08:29:27
QUOTE (Scintillia @ Feb 5 2010, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The cities are weird though. Scuchi and Cririk pretty much said that the two cities should be at war, but the Seekers of the Eternal Flame and Hallifax Matrix Institute have been working together RP-wise ever since their inception in the game's wee years.
...thus giving the playerbase the option of going one way or the other? You can have a pro-war and anti-war camp in each city with historical justification for their opinions.
RP wise though, weren't Scuchi and Cririk stuck in their respective time-locked cities for 500 years? It would make sense that racial tensions might ease over time while the lucidians and dracnari work to free their home towns, while the xenophobia of the past remains as strong as ever in our thawed cavelizardcrystals
Xenthos2010-02-05 12:39:02
QUOTE (Rahil @ Feb 5 2010, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
RP wise though, weren't Scuchi and Cririk stuck in their respective time-locked cities for 500 years? It would make sense that racial tensions might ease over time while the lucidians and dracnari work to free their home towns, while the xenophobia of the past remains as strong as ever in our thawed cavelizardcrystals
... until you go to the Skarch Desert and talk to the Mesa Compound / Nomad Camp!
And watch them go to war with one another regularly.
Rahil2010-02-05 13:17:12
Mm well if they'd freed the cities we might be in trouble. Luckily they were too busy mashing one another's heads in to notice. Speaking of which, have the NPCs in Skarch even noticed the return of the cities? It's been a long time since I went down there.
Xenthos2010-02-05 17:42:33
QUOTE (Rahil @ Feb 5 2010, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mm well if they'd freed the cities we might be in trouble. Luckily they were too busy mashing one another's heads in to notice. Speaking of which, have the NPCs in Skarch even noticed the return of the cities? It's been a long time since I went down there.
Are you aware of how the quest to do the Hand works? At all?

Given that I did a large amount of the work for Saaga to put in the hand at the end, I have to say you're wrong. They wouldn't have been freed without the denizens in the Skarch. They are not only a part of the quest, they are the entire quest!
Rahil2010-02-06 00:31:08

Doman2010-02-06 05:32:21
well, the people in the observatory, specifically the one with the teleporter, mentions using it to go to "The Lost city of Hallifax", like he couldn't take a few steps and enter an elevator.
Esano2010-02-06 05:37:05
That is something you should bug or typo.
Lendren2010-02-06 05:41:44
QUOTE (Doman @ Feb 6 2010, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well, the people in the observatory, specifically the one with the teleporter, mentions using it to go to "The Lost city of Hallifax", like he couldn't take a few steps and enter an elevator.
That's kind of funny.
Of course, Abeytu still confuses novices by telling them about a quest to help a tree grow that has been full-grown for decades. (To be fair, there is still a time when watering it serves some purpose, but it's not the one Abeytu's telling people about, and it's not relevant to the novices he confuses with this thing constantly.) So maybe you can chalk it up to the same inability to learn which explains why Stewartsville is always surprised by that murder, and why the aslaran tribe leader in the Moors can keep three of the four stones safe perfectly for decades, but the minute he gets the fourth one, he loses all four within a few days.
Then again, I know a lot of players who have the same kinds of problems...