Kaalak2009-12-29 13:05:37
So to set this up, at times Kaalak is a bit naïve. Since Lord Elostian returned to the basin, Kaalak decided to give a small offering of esteem to Kalikai in thanks for her part in rescuing his erstwhile patron away from Zenos.
Kaalak then receives a divine truefavor from Kalikai.
Elostian notes Kaalak’s offering to Kalikai, and asks him why he would offer essence to Kalikai as she nearly got him discorporated by her ‘drunken bumbling.’ Kaalak points out he didn’t know this, and he only knew that Kalikai had interrupted Elostian’s experiments, not put Elostian’s life in danger. After a bit of time, Elostian then states that Kaalak should not approach him while he is under Kalikai’s divine truefavor as it ‘stinks of booze.’
Kaalak then sets out to ask a potentially volatile goddess to take back a powerful gift she just bestowed, set things right with his Patron, and escape with his hide intact.
Thanks to Elostian and Kalikai!
enter obelisk
You reach out and carefully run your hand along the rough surface of a granite obelisk. The threads of liquid fire decorating the obelisk abruptly stop their continuous weaving of symbols and patterns and instead congregate around your hand. After a brief moment, the fiery threads wrap around you, wreathing your entire body tightly. Your vision turns red as a brief feeling of pure agony spears through you, the sensation as short as it is intense. As your sight returns you stand within the shallow waters of an oasis.
The Fulcrux of Kalikai.
Fine threads of burning aether congregate high above the oasis, forming a blazing orb that bathes the entire fulcrux in a harsh crimson light. An obelisk of weathered sandstone rises from the centre of the oasis, its surface decorated with flaming symbols.
You see a single exit leading through a sandstone obelisk.
The Fulcrux of Kalikai.
An oppressive feeling of heat and aridity lies in the air, invading the senses together with the acrid taste of sand. Rolling dunes stretch out as far as the eye can see, their shape and texture shifting perpetually as if following the whims of an unfelt wind. The only immutable aspect in the fulcrux presents itself as a deep depression in the sand where worn stone steps lead to a small oasis. As if placed in the eye of the storm, the sand surrounding the oasis and the water within it are perfectly calm, undisturbed by the ceaseless alteration that goes on just a foot beyond it. Fine threads of burning aether congregate high above the oasis, forming a blazing orb that bathes the entire fulcrux in a harsh crimson light. An obelisk of weathered sandstone rises from the centre of the oasis, its surface decorated with flaming symbols.
You bow respectfully to the master shrine of Kalikai.
Kaalak clears his throat a bit reservedly.
You say, "Lady Kalikai? Thank You for your favor. If You are so inclined, may we speak?"
Sudden sparks of fiery aether appear in the air around you, whirling erratically.
Kaalak begins to purposefully strew flowers over the shrine.
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, "Back so soon? What do you want, shard?"
Kaalak watches the sparkes with care.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Greetings Lady! Well as you know I am a seeker of knowledge. I was curious to know about You and Your interactions with my Lord. And about Your goals."
You say, "I've brought some candy. Please accept the humble offering."
You drop a soft mint coin.
You drop a sticky piece of caramel.
You drop a sticky piece of caramel.
You suddenly scoop up a sticky piece of caramel.
You drop a chewy piece of taffy.
You chant, "Aquisitio off."
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, "What do I need candy for? Have you nothing better and stronger, like a decent drink?"
You allow the charm of Acquisitio to leave you and are no longer gripped by an unnatural need to accumulate things.
drop wine
You drop a beryl vial.
drop wine
You drop a moonstone vial.
You say, "I've brought a small sampling of Eldrich wine from the kegs of a Pyromancer, Ixichigal. I hope it meets with your approval."
Sparks of blazing aether flare into being, whirling erratically before converging into the form of Kalikai.
You bow respectfully to Kalikai.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Now that sounds better, eh."
get vial
You pick up a beryl vial.
give wine to kalikai
You give a beryl vial to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
give rose to kalikai
You give an elegant pink rose to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
give rose to kalikai
You give a brilliant white rose to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
give rose to kalikai
You give an entrancing red rose to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
l kalikai
She is a radiant immortal and exudes a sense of agitation and turbulence which is only heightened by the flickers of blazing aether wreathing Her form. Tall and broad-shouldered, Her stature is nothing if not imposing and intimidating, adding a rough and unbending quality to Her appearance. Tanned to a dark reddish-brown hue, Her skin is weathered from extended exposure to the elements and a life well lived, crinkled laugh lines visible at the corner Her eyes. Her hair is cut haphazardly short and of a fiery red colour, bundled together and projecting chaotically from Her head in every direction. Broad metal rings bind the locks of hair in the middle and at the end, their surfaces constantly in flux, shifting and bending, making the rings appear more like liquid forcefully contained in its current form. Bleary and somewhat bloodshot, Her gaze would seem inattentive and obtuse if not for the striking green eyes that positively radiate with an intensity and passion that penetrates the very soul. She is wearing a pair of layered leather bracers, a pair of shifting scale leggings, a pair of sturdy leather boots, and a cuirass of shifting scales.
Kalikai peers at an elegant pink rose unscrupulously.
Kalikai begins to wield an elegant pink rose in Her left hand.
Kalikai tosses an elegant pink rose to you, and you catch it nimbly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "How about you wear that, eh?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You slip into an elegant pink rose.
You say to Kalikai, "Why thank you. The red one seems more Your color, Lady."
get vial
You pick up a moonstone vial.
Taking another draught of the eldritch wine, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Well, it is decent. Not as strong as firemead, but then nothing here seems to be."
Raising his vial to you, you say to Kalikai, "Cheers."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "And you just came to give me something to drink?"
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Or was there something else?"
Grinning, you say, "I came to ask questions, m'Lady. If You have the time to put up with my inquries."
You drop a cool tulip of dusk.
You drop a cluster of snapdragons.
You drop a cluster of snapdragons.
You drop a purple tulip.
You drop a cluster of snapdragons.
Shaking a vial, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Still something in here. Ask."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say, "And the shrine seemed to want a bit of interior redecorating. Certainly. May I ask about You and Your plans for the basin? And how You did ah rescue my Lord Elostian?"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "You are such a suckup, Kaalak. Flowers, Candy and Wine?"
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Plans for the Basin, eh?"
You have emoted: Kaalak with deft steady hands obtains a few sheafs of paper and a quill from his pack, a bit of sweat appearing at his brow.
Pinching Her nose in thought, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "I'll leave that to the First Circle. At least for as far as you need to know."
Kalikai grins broadly, a mischievous look entering Her green eyes.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You should drink something too you know."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Lord, you are familiar with states of matter. And that sometimes the correct answer to solve a problem is path independent?"
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
You say to Kalikai, "My pleasure to be drinking in such company. Lady, allow me to come to a request if You'll hear me."
Taking another draught of eldritch wine, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Sure."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say to Kalikai, "So. It has been said to me often that scientists are aloof, uncaring and analytical to a fault. Would you agree?"
You have emoted: Kaalak ponders thoughfully over his wine, holding his breath.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye utters a loud, booming laugh.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You should have met with old Crystalcakes. You might have liked Him, shard."
You have emoted: Kaalak smiles as his eyes take on a calculating wariness.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "To answer your question, I don't care whether they are. But if they miss out on the fun sides of life it's their own fault."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say, "Well Lady, in the spirit of unrestrained chaos and creation, I would like to humbly request a very small boon from You...if I am successful in attempting to convince you that they are driven by a zest for life."
You have emoted: Kaalak stands stock still, listening closely.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Hmm."
You say, "Fortune favoring the brave...or the foolhardy perhaps?"
Shaking a vial of eldritch wine, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Well you got My attention. Might as well use it and speak."
You have emoted: Kaalak clears his throat.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye takes another draught of wine, casting you a bored look.
You say, "So my Lady, the zest for life. You of no doubt note that it has myriad and manifold forms. New clothes for the revelry, a new conquest for pleasure or the finest firewine. All these things have a central impulse."
You say, "Curiosity. Wonder. Excitement for the new. Passion to possess it."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "It is the same impulse to drive us, we who wish to know."
Gulping down another mouthful of wine and yawning slightly, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Yes. And?"
You say, "Why does a child put its hand in the fire? To know. Ever wonder why a flower open's its petals at a time of day? To know. That is what gets the scientists up in the morning and into lab so quickly."
You say, "And it is with that constant fire even the wisest of Divine may be irritated if their time is distracted from experiments to be pulled elsewhere."
You say, "To you perhaps the joy of a volcano erupting, to others the wonder of pyroclastic flow and how it mixes with gasses to burn and explode?"
Leaning back against the obelisk, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Ah. So you DO have something you wanted to say after all, eh. I was wondering already where you were going with your blabber."
You say, "Yes. Sometimes I wonder why Lord puts up with my long windedness."
Taking another draught of wine and wiping Her mouth with her hand, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Well, then. Let me make a point of Mine."
You have emoted: Kaalak sips his wine casually, listening.
Staring intentedly at you, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Learning, is one thing. Being a complete fool and utter airhead about it, is quite another. The Windbag you call your Lord is not a warrior, holding a Soulless at bay is not within his powers."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Especially not someone such as Zenos. He should be happy enough I got him out in time."
Rolling Her eyes, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "But then, that's where your "scientists" come into play, eh."
You say, "While this is true m'Lady, I'm sure that sequences such as the Daath sequence had to be discovered through trial and error, experimentation but more importantly a burning desire to know and master the rules of the universe."
You say, "Lady, I do not weigh in on which God is right or wrong. That would be truly dicing with Fate."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Kalikai.
Her eyes blazing, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Of course. Putting yourself in danger for a fools errand is preferable."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say, "Knowledge and appeasing the passion that drives it is never a fools errand. I will drink the dregs be they sweet or bitter."
Kaalak upturns the vial into his mouth.
You say, "And besides. You honor me with Your presence. This is exciting."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Knowing your risks is necessary. And he did not."
You tilt your head and listen intently to Kalikai.
Waving Her hand, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Regardless, I do not care for his opinion. He has made it clear he has air in his head and little else."
You have emoted: Kaalak quirks a bemused smile.
You say to Kalikai, "Indeed but we small mortals do enjoy His presence so. Would you say Lady that I have presented a perhaps interesting point on passion and science?"
l kalikai
She is a radiant immortal and exudes a sense of agitation and turbulence which is only heightened by the flickers of blazing aether wreathing Her form. Tall and broad-shouldered, Her stature is nothing if not imposing and intimidating, adding a rough and unbending quality to Her appearance. Tanned to a dark reddish-brown hue, Her skin is weathered from extended exposure to the elements and a life well lived, crinkled laugh lines visible at the corner Her eyes. Her hair is cut haphazardly short and of a fiery red colour, bundled together and projecting chaotically from Her head in every direction. Broad metal rings bind the locks of hair in the middle and at the end, their surfaces constantly in flux, shifting and bending, making the rings appear more like liquid forcefully contained in its current form. Bleary and somewhat bloodshot, Her gaze would seem inattentive and obtuse if not for the striking green eyes that positively radiate with an intensity and passion that penetrates the very soul. She is wearing a pair of layered leather bracers, a pair of shifting scale leggings, a pair of sturdy leather boots, and a cuirass of shifting scales.
Swirling the remaining wine in the vial, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Perhaps. And at the very least you brought Me something new to drink."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "However, you are still not getting to the point, are you?"
You have emoted: Kaalak accedes the point and bows his head, hiding a smile.
You say to Kalikai, "My small boon, Lady Kalikai is really to get myself out of trouble, in blatant honesty. I'm between the void and the pyre so to speak. While I truly appreciate your generosity, given that Zenos's threat is nigh and that You are newly here to the basin, would it be possible to relocate Your divine essence manifesting in the favor You gave me to someone more martial? To guard against the Soulless?"
Swirling the wine absently and grinning broadly, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Ah."
You say, "But, beyond that."
You say, "And while I am...schooled in disassembling...I mean this honestly. Indeed Lady Kalikai, welcome to the Basin."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Your welcome is appreciated. As for your request.."
You have emoted: Kaalak bows his head.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "It would not be possible to relocate My divine essence manifesting in the favour I gave you."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Unless."
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You drink up."
Kalikai begins to wield a beryl vial in Her left hand.
Kaalak raises his vial in a toast.
Kalikai tosses a beryl vial to you, and you catch it nimbly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "All of it too."
Kaalak holds one vial in each hand and pours them down his throat.
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w ex-
You say, "Ixichigal brews some good stuff. I should try this more often."
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w ex-
You fumble about drunkenly.
You cast a suspicious eye about your surroundings.
You have emoted: Kaalak pushes his body against a pillar and drinks again.
Tapping Her foot in impatience, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "More."
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
You say, "Wooooooo!"
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w ex-
You fumble about drunkenly.
You say, "Why are there fouy viaals?"
You say, "Oooh."
sip wine
You fumble about drunkenly.
Kalikai grins broadly, a mischievous look entering Her green eyes.
You stumble and fall in your alcoholic haze.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "That will do."
'I'll just stay over here Lady. Keep my hands to myself
You say, "I'll jjuset staay over Herre Laddyb KKeep my h *hic* anids to Mysejf."
You have emoted: Kaalak grins like a fool.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "I am sure your Windbag will be delighted."
You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double over, retching violently.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Don't take it personally, shard, this is between me and him."
'Not at all
You say, "Nnot At all."
'As they say. Nothing ventured nothing gained
You say, "As tznEnm say. Nothing venturred nothing gfined *hic* ."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Ah and before I forget.."
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w exp-
The favour of Kalikai has worn off.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye lifts Her favour from you.
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Make sure to enjoy the wine, shard."
Threads of fiery aether coalesce around Kalikai, enshrouding Her form whole before bursting in an explosion of jittery sparks and fading from view.
'Lady, have a very nice evening. And may Your morning be filled with fire!
You say, "Cady, ha *hic* vvE a vvery nice eeeveninnB. And may Yoouuhr morning be ffilled wiwh fiRE!"
enter obelisk
You fumble about drunkenly.
enter obelisk
You fumble about drunkenly.
You fumble about drunkenly.
enter obelisk
You must first stand up before you can do that.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You say, "Roooo!"
enter obelisk
You fumble about drunkenly.
enter obelisk
You reach out and carefully run your hand along the rough surface of a sandstone obelisk. The threads of liquid fire decorating the obelisk abruptly stop their continuous weaving of symbols and patterns and instead congregate around your hand. After a brief moment, the fiery threads wrap around you, wreathing your entire body tightly. Your vision turns red as a brief feeling of pure agony spears through you, the sensation as short as it is intense. As your sight returns you stand within a dark cavern.
A torrid cavern of jagged rocks.
A granite obelisk leans against the cavern wall, its top broken off and cluttering the rock floor beneath.
You see exits leading northeast and through a granite obelisk.
'The Exit! I found it!
You say, "The Exit! I foun *hic* nd iot!"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Were you successful, Kaalak?"
You stumble and fall in your alcoholic haze.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Ow...VOicces pn mY head."
oto Yes Lord. All right as rain.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Cec Lo *hic* rrd. hlll right as raiN."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "I am not sure I speak drunk, Kaalak."
3615h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 15665en, 16730w exp-
oto Me either
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Me eiTheer."
oto Yes Lord. Objective achieved.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Yes *hic* Loord. O *hic* bjeiitiIve afhievvued."
Kaalak then receives a divine truefavor from Kalikai.
Elostian notes Kaalak’s offering to Kalikai, and asks him why he would offer essence to Kalikai as she nearly got him discorporated by her ‘drunken bumbling.’ Kaalak points out he didn’t know this, and he only knew that Kalikai had interrupted Elostian’s experiments, not put Elostian’s life in danger. After a bit of time, Elostian then states that Kaalak should not approach him while he is under Kalikai’s divine truefavor as it ‘stinks of booze.’
Kaalak then sets out to ask a potentially volatile goddess to take back a powerful gift she just bestowed, set things right with his Patron, and escape with his hide intact.
Thanks to Elostian and Kalikai!
enter obelisk
You reach out and carefully run your hand along the rough surface of a granite obelisk. The threads of liquid fire decorating the obelisk abruptly stop their continuous weaving of symbols and patterns and instead congregate around your hand. After a brief moment, the fiery threads wrap around you, wreathing your entire body tightly. Your vision turns red as a brief feeling of pure agony spears through you, the sensation as short as it is intense. As your sight returns you stand within the shallow waters of an oasis.
The Fulcrux of Kalikai.
Fine threads of burning aether congregate high above the oasis, forming a blazing orb that bathes the entire fulcrux in a harsh crimson light. An obelisk of weathered sandstone rises from the centre of the oasis, its surface decorated with flaming symbols.
You see a single exit leading through a sandstone obelisk.
The Fulcrux of Kalikai.
An oppressive feeling of heat and aridity lies in the air, invading the senses together with the acrid taste of sand. Rolling dunes stretch out as far as the eye can see, their shape and texture shifting perpetually as if following the whims of an unfelt wind. The only immutable aspect in the fulcrux presents itself as a deep depression in the sand where worn stone steps lead to a small oasis. As if placed in the eye of the storm, the sand surrounding the oasis and the water within it are perfectly calm, undisturbed by the ceaseless alteration that goes on just a foot beyond it. Fine threads of burning aether congregate high above the oasis, forming a blazing orb that bathes the entire fulcrux in a harsh crimson light. An obelisk of weathered sandstone rises from the centre of the oasis, its surface decorated with flaming symbols.
You bow respectfully to the master shrine of Kalikai.
Kaalak clears his throat a bit reservedly.
You say, "Lady Kalikai? Thank You for your favor. If You are so inclined, may we speak?"
Sudden sparks of fiery aether appear in the air around you, whirling erratically.
Kaalak begins to purposefully strew flowers over the shrine.
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, "Back so soon? What do you want, shard?"
Kaalak watches the sparkes with care.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Greetings Lady! Well as you know I am a seeker of knowledge. I was curious to know about You and Your interactions with my Lord. And about Your goals."
You say, "I've brought some candy. Please accept the humble offering."
You drop a soft mint coin.
You drop a sticky piece of caramel.
You drop a sticky piece of caramel.
You suddenly scoop up a sticky piece of caramel.
You drop a chewy piece of taffy.
You chant, "Aquisitio off."
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, "What do I need candy for? Have you nothing better and stronger, like a decent drink?"
You allow the charm of Acquisitio to leave you and are no longer gripped by an unnatural need to accumulate things.
drop wine
You drop a beryl vial.
drop wine
You drop a moonstone vial.
You say, "I've brought a small sampling of Eldrich wine from the kegs of a Pyromancer, Ixichigal. I hope it meets with your approval."
Sparks of blazing aether flare into being, whirling erratically before converging into the form of Kalikai.
You bow respectfully to Kalikai.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Now that sounds better, eh."
get vial
You pick up a beryl vial.
give wine to kalikai
You give a beryl vial to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
give rose to kalikai
You give an elegant pink rose to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
give rose to kalikai
You give a brilliant white rose to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
give rose to kalikai
You give an entrancing red rose to Kalikai, the Crimson Eye.
l kalikai
She is a radiant immortal and exudes a sense of agitation and turbulence which is only heightened by the flickers of blazing aether wreathing Her form. Tall and broad-shouldered, Her stature is nothing if not imposing and intimidating, adding a rough and unbending quality to Her appearance. Tanned to a dark reddish-brown hue, Her skin is weathered from extended exposure to the elements and a life well lived, crinkled laugh lines visible at the corner Her eyes. Her hair is cut haphazardly short and of a fiery red colour, bundled together and projecting chaotically from Her head in every direction. Broad metal rings bind the locks of hair in the middle and at the end, their surfaces constantly in flux, shifting and bending, making the rings appear more like liquid forcefully contained in its current form. Bleary and somewhat bloodshot, Her gaze would seem inattentive and obtuse if not for the striking green eyes that positively radiate with an intensity and passion that penetrates the very soul. She is wearing a pair of layered leather bracers, a pair of shifting scale leggings, a pair of sturdy leather boots, and a cuirass of shifting scales.
Kalikai peers at an elegant pink rose unscrupulously.
Kalikai begins to wield an elegant pink rose in Her left hand.
Kalikai tosses an elegant pink rose to you, and you catch it nimbly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "How about you wear that, eh?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You slip into an elegant pink rose.
You say to Kalikai, "Why thank you. The red one seems more Your color, Lady."
get vial
You pick up a moonstone vial.
Taking another draught of the eldritch wine, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Well, it is decent. Not as strong as firemead, but then nothing here seems to be."
Raising his vial to you, you say to Kalikai, "Cheers."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "And you just came to give me something to drink?"
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Or was there something else?"
Grinning, you say, "I came to ask questions, m'Lady. If You have the time to put up with my inquries."
You drop a cool tulip of dusk.
You drop a cluster of snapdragons.
You drop a cluster of snapdragons.
You drop a purple tulip.
You drop a cluster of snapdragons.
Shaking a vial, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Still something in here. Ask."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say, "And the shrine seemed to want a bit of interior redecorating. Certainly. May I ask about You and Your plans for the basin? And how You did ah rescue my Lord Elostian?"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "You are such a suckup, Kaalak. Flowers, Candy and Wine?"
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Plans for the Basin, eh?"
You have emoted: Kaalak with deft steady hands obtains a few sheafs of paper and a quill from his pack, a bit of sweat appearing at his brow.
Pinching Her nose in thought, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "I'll leave that to the First Circle. At least for as far as you need to know."
Kalikai grins broadly, a mischievous look entering Her green eyes.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You should drink something too you know."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Lord, you are familiar with states of matter. And that sometimes the correct answer to solve a problem is path independent?"
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
You say to Kalikai, "My pleasure to be drinking in such company. Lady, allow me to come to a request if You'll hear me."
Taking another draught of eldritch wine, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Sure."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say to Kalikai, "So. It has been said to me often that scientists are aloof, uncaring and analytical to a fault. Would you agree?"
You have emoted: Kaalak ponders thoughfully over his wine, holding his breath.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye utters a loud, booming laugh.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You should have met with old Crystalcakes. You might have liked Him, shard."
You have emoted: Kaalak smiles as his eyes take on a calculating wariness.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "To answer your question, I don't care whether they are. But if they miss out on the fun sides of life it's their own fault."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say, "Well Lady, in the spirit of unrestrained chaos and creation, I would like to humbly request a very small boon from You...if I am successful in attempting to convince you that they are driven by a zest for life."
You have emoted: Kaalak stands stock still, listening closely.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Hmm."
You say, "Fortune favoring the brave...or the foolhardy perhaps?"
Shaking a vial of eldritch wine, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Well you got My attention. Might as well use it and speak."
You have emoted: Kaalak clears his throat.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye takes another draught of wine, casting you a bored look.
You say, "So my Lady, the zest for life. You of no doubt note that it has myriad and manifold forms. New clothes for the revelry, a new conquest for pleasure or the finest firewine. All these things have a central impulse."
You say, "Curiosity. Wonder. Excitement for the new. Passion to possess it."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "It is the same impulse to drive us, we who wish to know."
Gulping down another mouthful of wine and yawning slightly, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Yes. And?"
You say, "Why does a child put its hand in the fire? To know. Ever wonder why a flower open's its petals at a time of day? To know. That is what gets the scientists up in the morning and into lab so quickly."
You say, "And it is with that constant fire even the wisest of Divine may be irritated if their time is distracted from experiments to be pulled elsewhere."
You say, "To you perhaps the joy of a volcano erupting, to others the wonder of pyroclastic flow and how it mixes with gasses to burn and explode?"
Leaning back against the obelisk, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Ah. So you DO have something you wanted to say after all, eh. I was wondering already where you were going with your blabber."
You say, "Yes. Sometimes I wonder why Lord puts up with my long windedness."
Taking another draught of wine and wiping Her mouth with her hand, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Well, then. Let me make a point of Mine."
You have emoted: Kaalak sips his wine casually, listening.
Staring intentedly at you, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Learning, is one thing. Being a complete fool and utter airhead about it, is quite another. The Windbag you call your Lord is not a warrior, holding a Soulless at bay is not within his powers."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Especially not someone such as Zenos. He should be happy enough I got him out in time."
Rolling Her eyes, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "But then, that's where your "scientists" come into play, eh."
You say, "While this is true m'Lady, I'm sure that sequences such as the Daath sequence had to be discovered through trial and error, experimentation but more importantly a burning desire to know and master the rules of the universe."
You say, "Lady, I do not weigh in on which God is right or wrong. That would be truly dicing with Fate."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Kalikai.
Her eyes blazing, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Of course. Putting yourself in danger for a fools errand is preferable."
Kalikai takes a long draught of a pale eldritch wine.
You say, "Knowledge and appeasing the passion that drives it is never a fools errand. I will drink the dregs be they sweet or bitter."
Kaalak upturns the vial into his mouth.
You say, "And besides. You honor me with Your presence. This is exciting."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Knowing your risks is necessary. And he did not."
You tilt your head and listen intently to Kalikai.
Waving Her hand, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Regardless, I do not care for his opinion. He has made it clear he has air in his head and little else."
You have emoted: Kaalak quirks a bemused smile.
You say to Kalikai, "Indeed but we small mortals do enjoy His presence so. Would you say Lady that I have presented a perhaps interesting point on passion and science?"
l kalikai
She is a radiant immortal and exudes a sense of agitation and turbulence which is only heightened by the flickers of blazing aether wreathing Her form. Tall and broad-shouldered, Her stature is nothing if not imposing and intimidating, adding a rough and unbending quality to Her appearance. Tanned to a dark reddish-brown hue, Her skin is weathered from extended exposure to the elements and a life well lived, crinkled laugh lines visible at the corner Her eyes. Her hair is cut haphazardly short and of a fiery red colour, bundled together and projecting chaotically from Her head in every direction. Broad metal rings bind the locks of hair in the middle and at the end, their surfaces constantly in flux, shifting and bending, making the rings appear more like liquid forcefully contained in its current form. Bleary and somewhat bloodshot, Her gaze would seem inattentive and obtuse if not for the striking green eyes that positively radiate with an intensity and passion that penetrates the very soul. She is wearing a pair of layered leather bracers, a pair of shifting scale leggings, a pair of sturdy leather boots, and a cuirass of shifting scales.
Swirling the remaining wine in the vial, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Perhaps. And at the very least you brought Me something new to drink."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "However, you are still not getting to the point, are you?"
You have emoted: Kaalak accedes the point and bows his head, hiding a smile.
You say to Kalikai, "My small boon, Lady Kalikai is really to get myself out of trouble, in blatant honesty. I'm between the void and the pyre so to speak. While I truly appreciate your generosity, given that Zenos's threat is nigh and that You are newly here to the basin, would it be possible to relocate Your divine essence manifesting in the favor You gave me to someone more martial? To guard against the Soulless?"
Swirling the wine absently and grinning broadly, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Ah."
You say, "But, beyond that."
You say, "And while I am...schooled in disassembling...I mean this honestly. Indeed Lady Kalikai, welcome to the Basin."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Your welcome is appreciated. As for your request.."
You have emoted: Kaalak bows his head.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "It would not be possible to relocate My divine essence manifesting in the favour I gave you."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Unless."
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You drink up."
Kalikai begins to wield a beryl vial in Her left hand.
Kaalak raises his vial in a toast.
Kalikai tosses a beryl vial to you, and you catch it nimbly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "All of it too."
Kaalak holds one vial in each hand and pours them down his throat.
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w ex-
You say, "Ixichigal brews some good stuff. I should try this more often."
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w ex-
You fumble about drunkenly.
You cast a suspicious eye about your surroundings.
You have emoted: Kaalak pushes his body against a pillar and drinks again.
Tapping Her foot in impatience, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "More."
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
You say, "Wooooooo!"
You take a long draught of a pale eldritch wine, hoping to quench your thirst.
As you take a deep swig of the wine, the leafy flavour of wormwood is the first thing capable of being recognised. Swiftly, both fruit and sugar cut through the initially bitter taste. It quickly becomes apparent to you that the translucent wine has been aged for quite some time. The bitter sweet liquid melds together blissfully, flowing warmly down your throat. A salty aftertaste leaves your mouth dry from the strange concoction.
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w ex-
You fumble about drunkenly.
You say, "Why are there fouy viaals?"
You say, "Oooh."
sip wine
You fumble about drunkenly.
Kalikai grins broadly, a mischievous look entering Her green eyes.
You stumble and fall in your alcoholic haze.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "That will do."
'I'll just stay over here Lady. Keep my hands to myself
You say, "I'll jjuset staay over Herre Laddyb KKeep my h *hic* anids to Mysejf."
You have emoted: Kaalak grins like a fool.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "I am sure your Windbag will be delighted."
You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double over, retching violently.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Don't take it personally, shard, this is between me and him."
'Not at all
You say, "Nnot At all."
'As they say. Nothing ventured nothing gained
You say, "As tznEnm say. Nothing venturred nothing gfined *hic* ."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Ah and before I forget.."
3828h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 16730en, 16730w exp-
The favour of Kalikai has worn off.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye lifts Her favour from you.
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Make sure to enjoy the wine, shard."
Threads of fiery aether coalesce around Kalikai, enshrouding Her form whole before bursting in an explosion of jittery sparks and fading from view.
'Lady, have a very nice evening. And may Your morning be filled with fire!
You say, "Cady, ha *hic* vvE a vvery nice eeeveninnB. And may Yoouuhr morning be ffilled wiwh fiRE!"
enter obelisk
You fumble about drunkenly.
enter obelisk
You fumble about drunkenly.
You fumble about drunkenly.
enter obelisk
You must first stand up before you can do that.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You say, "Roooo!"
enter obelisk
You fumble about drunkenly.
enter obelisk
You reach out and carefully run your hand along the rough surface of a sandstone obelisk. The threads of liquid fire decorating the obelisk abruptly stop their continuous weaving of symbols and patterns and instead congregate around your hand. After a brief moment, the fiery threads wrap around you, wreathing your entire body tightly. Your vision turns red as a brief feeling of pure agony spears through you, the sensation as short as it is intense. As your sight returns you stand within a dark cavern.
A torrid cavern of jagged rocks.
A granite obelisk leans against the cavern wall, its top broken off and cluttering the rock floor beneath.
You see exits leading northeast and through a granite obelisk.
'The Exit! I found it!
You say, "The Exit! I foun *hic* nd iot!"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Were you successful, Kaalak?"
You stumble and fall in your alcoholic haze.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Ow...VOicces pn mY head."
oto Yes Lord. All right as rain.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Cec Lo *hic* rrd. hlll right as raiN."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "I am not sure I speak drunk, Kaalak."
3615h, 3708m, 3495e, 10p, 15665en, 16730w exp-
oto Me either
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Me eiTheer."
oto Yes Lord. Objective achieved.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Yes *hic* Loord. O *hic* bjeiitiIve afhievvued."
Unknown2009-12-29 22:11:47
That was fun to read. Kailaiki sounds like a very fun divine - her choice of punishment was great.
Atellus2010-01-09 00:54:12
I agree, great log and thank you for sharing =)
Very well played on all sides.
Very well played on all sides.
Druken2010-01-09 05:02:53
That was pretty cool.
I had a run-in with Elostian earlier, actually. It's always fun to interact with people from the Other Side of things.