Rika2010-01-01 11:35:02
Yes, the title is a bit dorky.
I just came back from exploring places and was at the Matrix when this took place:
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice tells you, "What are you doing?"
Meep! What did I do?
(Hallifax): You say, "Is that You, Lord Elostian?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice tells you, "Is this entertaining?"
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Your estimation is correct."
How do I reply and not look weird to all the people standing at the Matrix???
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice tells you, "If you move somewhere more private, we may resort to speaking without bothering
everyone else in this location."
Saved! Moving to a nearby location
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well then, what were you pondering?"
You say, "I was reviewing a few texts I have in mind. And also trying to decide whether I should go hunting."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What kind of texts?"
You say, "I am thinking of continuing the books I had written about various places around the Basin."
You say, "Geography, if You like. I am trying to regain my title as a Planeswalker, so I felt it appropriate that I try to remember what I had written."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see. So the two are related. You appear to have quite some goals for yourself?"
You say, "It is always good to have something to aspire to. I have been successful in gaining the title before and wish to be as successful again."
Someone powerful says, "Indeed. And what other things do you aspire to?"
You say, "A greater appreciation of the many mysteries that the Basin holds. Eventru held a quiz earlier and I realise how much there is that I have yet
to know. I would very much like to expand on what I already know."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "In which fields?"
You say, "History, in particular."
Someone powerful says, "There are many sources available, though many also require a good deal of exploration to get to."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Are there other things you aspire to?"
You say, "There are many things I aspire to, my Lord. But I guess one of my greater hopes is to one day be able to walk the Basin as one of Lady Maylea's own again."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed, and is this looking hopeful?"
You say, "I cannot say. I dare not speak to Her again."
Someone powerful says, "How so?"
Someone logged in so he says we can move and we go to my manse
You ask, "Are You here?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That depends on your definition of 'here'."
Smiling softly, you say, "You have answered my question."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Now then, you were saying?"
You say, "And to answer Yours, I disappointed Lady Maylea greatly when I left Her. I do not know whether or not time has healed the wound I had left Her with."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why did you depart her order then?"
You say, "I named my manse the "Fields of Ambivalence" because I was once lost and confused. I thought I knew what I wanted but could never be sure. In my confusion, I left Her, my commune and my family."
You sadly say, "I was Her Avatar and one of the closest to Her. I doubt She would have been angry at me, but I would definitely have broken Her heart."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see, and these wanderings have eventually led you to Hallifax or did you return to the Serenwilde?"
You say, "I was Regent of the Serenwilde at the time. I had many enemies in those who tried to abuse their authority. They soon took the power and ensured that I could never return to the Serenwilde. I joined Celest after my time in Glomdoring, in hopes that I could help them with their fight against the Taint. Unfortunately, shortly after my arrival, circumstances changed dramatically, perhaps forcing them to give up that fight. I went into extended slumber shortly after that."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see, and now you have returned because there are new homes available to you."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, as to your question, the departure of an Avatar is a large event which costs a Patron a large amount of essence. However, that is not to say you could not return, there is only one way to find out, and that is to request an audience."
You say, "I returned a short time before the cities were freed. I had not intended on leaving Celest, but when I returned the situation with Magnagora was even worse than before my slumber. After Hallifax was freed, I was enchanted by Governor Cririk's views on harmony, beauty and justice. Perhaps conveniently, Sheia Silverwing saw it fit to throw me out of Celest for stating a few historical facts."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless, perhaps the political boundaries shall prove a larger problem than the social ones. I am unsure, I have not really looked into how relationships between the Serenwilde and Hallifax are developing, I have been more concerned with the organisations which have those Cousins in that may prove advantageous or disadvantageous to Me."
You say, "It is not the lost of essence that I am guilty of. I do not think Lady Maylea would care about things like that. It is the faith She had invested in me, which I gave up on."
You ask, "What do you mean by "advantageous or disadvantageous" to You?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, for example, I have always been on cordial note with Fain and Raezon but Me and Eventru do not get along well."
You say, "I noticed that You were.. giving a tour to Fain?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Fain asked to see some of the more interesting aspects of Hallifax. I was happy to oblige and accompany him, as I do not think him going on his own would have been appreciated by everyone to the same degree."
You say, "That is a fair assessment. I personally would have felt uncomfortable if I saw Him wandering through the city alone. I am still wary of the Traitors. It is perhaps the Excoroperditio in Them that I am most wary of."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I find them less obnoxious than some. Perhaps it is My more primal nature, who knows."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Will you attempt to return to Maylea then?"
You say, "I am not sure when the right time will be."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "No time like the present."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "If you procrastinate the question indefinitely, you deny yourself the possible questions that would follow."
You say, "It may not be something that an Elder such as Yourself may be able to comprehend, but.. it can be quite daunting to approach Them."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, if you pray to her and get smitten, surely you have your answer then?"
You say, "Lady Maylea is unlike Eventru. I doubt She would zap me, either."
I hope not anyway D:
You say, "But, I guess You are right. I will never know if I do not ask."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed, and it would impede further progress, even if the answer is negative, you may dedicate yourself more fully to your new directions."
You say, "The fear of rejection is one that plagues the minds of many mortals."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why do you fear rejection?"
You say, "I think it is because we do not want to have to seek an alternative path to the one we wish to follow."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How is this hesitation beneficial?"
You say, "How is violence and warfare beneficial?"
You say, "It is not beneficial, but somehow we still do it."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed, so now that you have noticed this, you may proceed, no?"
You say, "Yes, I think I will."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How stand relations with Serenwilde then?"
You ask, "On a personal level or with regards to Hallifax?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "With regards to Hallifax, friction between the two might impede your return, might it not?"
You say, "I would like to visit my home for many years ago, yes, but I have no intention of returning. Serenwilde has expressed their desire to remain neutral, which is a good thing."
You say, "For many years again, rather."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed. Though there are some who will view allegiance to a foreign deity as a bad thing, I have noticed this often in My followers when I was still unafilliated. And I was not even affiliated with an organisation that was opposed to others."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "But then, there are followers of the Exalted Oaf in this city as well, who seem to have no ill effects from this, much to My disappointment."
Hmm! An idea for when I feel like being zapped a couple hundred times.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "So perhaps My view is inaccurate."
You say, "I don't think political allegiances should dictate whether we can follow a particular Divine or not, as long as the teachings of that particular Divine are not in direct opposition to the culture and philosophy of the mortal's affiliated organisation."
You say, "I doubt a follower of Kalikai would survive in Hallifax, for example."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Perhaps. But divine always have agendas, dear Rika."
You say, "And so do mortals. Are we not to have friendships with those who do not share the same home as us?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I should be the last to advocate such."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless, I have imposed upon you for long enough. Perhaps we shall speak again."
You say, "It has certainly been a delightful and rewarding experience, Lord Elostian."
You say, "I will keep your advice in mind as I decide which path to take. Thank You."

Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice tells you, "What are you doing?"
Meep! What did I do?
(Hallifax): You say, "Is that You, Lord Elostian?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice tells you, "Is this entertaining?"
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Your estimation is correct."
How do I reply and not look weird to all the people standing at the Matrix???
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice tells you, "If you move somewhere more private, we may resort to speaking without bothering
everyone else in this location."
Saved! Moving to a nearby location
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well then, what were you pondering?"
You say, "I was reviewing a few texts I have in mind. And also trying to decide whether I should go hunting."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What kind of texts?"
You say, "I am thinking of continuing the books I had written about various places around the Basin."
You say, "Geography, if You like. I am trying to regain my title as a Planeswalker, so I felt it appropriate that I try to remember what I had written."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see. So the two are related. You appear to have quite some goals for yourself?"
You say, "It is always good to have something to aspire to. I have been successful in gaining the title before and wish to be as successful again."
Someone powerful says, "Indeed. And what other things do you aspire to?"
You say, "A greater appreciation of the many mysteries that the Basin holds. Eventru held a quiz earlier and I realise how much there is that I have yet
to know. I would very much like to expand on what I already know."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "In which fields?"
You say, "History, in particular."
Someone powerful says, "There are many sources available, though many also require a good deal of exploration to get to."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Are there other things you aspire to?"
You say, "There are many things I aspire to, my Lord. But I guess one of my greater hopes is to one day be able to walk the Basin as one of Lady Maylea's own again."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed, and is this looking hopeful?"
You say, "I cannot say. I dare not speak to Her again."
Someone powerful says, "How so?"
Someone logged in so he says we can move and we go to my manse
You ask, "Are You here?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That depends on your definition of 'here'."
Smiling softly, you say, "You have answered my question."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Now then, you were saying?"
You say, "And to answer Yours, I disappointed Lady Maylea greatly when I left Her. I do not know whether or not time has healed the wound I had left Her with."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why did you depart her order then?"
You say, "I named my manse the "Fields of Ambivalence" because I was once lost and confused. I thought I knew what I wanted but could never be sure. In my confusion, I left Her, my commune and my family."
You sadly say, "I was Her Avatar and one of the closest to Her. I doubt She would have been angry at me, but I would definitely have broken Her heart."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see, and these wanderings have eventually led you to Hallifax or did you return to the Serenwilde?"
You say, "I was Regent of the Serenwilde at the time. I had many enemies in those who tried to abuse their authority. They soon took the power and ensured that I could never return to the Serenwilde. I joined Celest after my time in Glomdoring, in hopes that I could help them with their fight against the Taint. Unfortunately, shortly after my arrival, circumstances changed dramatically, perhaps forcing them to give up that fight. I went into extended slumber shortly after that."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see, and now you have returned because there are new homes available to you."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, as to your question, the departure of an Avatar is a large event which costs a Patron a large amount of essence. However, that is not to say you could not return, there is only one way to find out, and that is to request an audience."
You say, "I returned a short time before the cities were freed. I had not intended on leaving Celest, but when I returned the situation with Magnagora was even worse than before my slumber. After Hallifax was freed, I was enchanted by Governor Cririk's views on harmony, beauty and justice. Perhaps conveniently, Sheia Silverwing saw it fit to throw me out of Celest for stating a few historical facts."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless, perhaps the political boundaries shall prove a larger problem than the social ones. I am unsure, I have not really looked into how relationships between the Serenwilde and Hallifax are developing, I have been more concerned with the organisations which have those Cousins in that may prove advantageous or disadvantageous to Me."
You say, "It is not the lost of essence that I am guilty of. I do not think Lady Maylea would care about things like that. It is the faith She had invested in me, which I gave up on."
You ask, "What do you mean by "advantageous or disadvantageous" to You?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, for example, I have always been on cordial note with Fain and Raezon but Me and Eventru do not get along well."
You say, "I noticed that You were.. giving a tour to Fain?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Fain asked to see some of the more interesting aspects of Hallifax. I was happy to oblige and accompany him, as I do not think him going on his own would have been appreciated by everyone to the same degree."
You say, "That is a fair assessment. I personally would have felt uncomfortable if I saw Him wandering through the city alone. I am still wary of the Traitors. It is perhaps the Excoroperditio in Them that I am most wary of."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I find them less obnoxious than some. Perhaps it is My more primal nature, who knows."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Will you attempt to return to Maylea then?"
You say, "I am not sure when the right time will be."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "No time like the present."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "If you procrastinate the question indefinitely, you deny yourself the possible questions that would follow."
You say, "It may not be something that an Elder such as Yourself may be able to comprehend, but.. it can be quite daunting to approach Them."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, if you pray to her and get smitten, surely you have your answer then?"
You say, "Lady Maylea is unlike Eventru. I doubt She would zap me, either."
I hope not anyway D:
You say, "But, I guess You are right. I will never know if I do not ask."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed, and it would impede further progress, even if the answer is negative, you may dedicate yourself more fully to your new directions."
You say, "The fear of rejection is one that plagues the minds of many mortals."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why do you fear rejection?"
You say, "I think it is because we do not want to have to seek an alternative path to the one we wish to follow."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How is this hesitation beneficial?"
You say, "How is violence and warfare beneficial?"
You say, "It is not beneficial, but somehow we still do it."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed, so now that you have noticed this, you may proceed, no?"
You say, "Yes, I think I will."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How stand relations with Serenwilde then?"
You ask, "On a personal level or with regards to Hallifax?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "With regards to Hallifax, friction between the two might impede your return, might it not?"
You say, "I would like to visit my home for many years ago, yes, but I have no intention of returning. Serenwilde has expressed their desire to remain neutral, which is a good thing."
You say, "For many years again, rather."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Indeed. Though there are some who will view allegiance to a foreign deity as a bad thing, I have noticed this often in My followers when I was still unafilliated. And I was not even affiliated with an organisation that was opposed to others."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "But then, there are followers of the Exalted Oaf in this city as well, who seem to have no ill effects from this, much to My disappointment."
Hmm! An idea for when I feel like being zapped a couple hundred times.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "So perhaps My view is inaccurate."
You say, "I don't think political allegiances should dictate whether we can follow a particular Divine or not, as long as the teachings of that particular Divine are not in direct opposition to the culture and philosophy of the mortal's affiliated organisation."
You say, "I doubt a follower of Kalikai would survive in Hallifax, for example."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Perhaps. But divine always have agendas, dear Rika."
You say, "And so do mortals. Are we not to have friendships with those who do not share the same home as us?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I should be the last to advocate such."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless, I have imposed upon you for long enough. Perhaps we shall speak again."
You say, "It has certainly been a delightful and rewarding experience, Lord Elostian."
You say, "I will keep your advice in mind as I decide which path to take. Thank You."
Anisu2010-01-01 11:52:15
Awesome log started by typical Elostian randomness 

Rika2010-01-04 21:41:31
I was questing and then this happened. I bolded the bit that made me want to post this.
Mushka streaks in, sitting up and adjusting her velvet stole.
Dantes scurries out of the shadows in pursuit of Mushka.
Mushka is a shapely rat, her sleek black fur beautifully arranged over her well-proportioned form. She is a solid night-black in colour, including her ears, tail and tiny black nose. Her twilight-blue eyes are solemn in expression though her quivering whiskers suggest an alertness of character. She is wearing a tiny embroidered stole of deep-blue velvet, shrugged stylishly over her diminutive shoulders. Whenever she scurries off, the stole is pushed up out of the way, to be quickly replaced with great care when she stops moving. She has long, elegant paws like hands which she gestures with expressively when she talks.
Mushka, of the Dusk looks to be crushingly strong.
She is strangely weightless.
She is loyal to Elostian, the Enigma.
You cannot see what Mushka, of the Dusk is holding.
This diminutive rat has stylish white fur, well-groomed with every hair perfectly in place. He is pure white without any markings, his tiny pink nose twitching constantly to catch the most interesting scents. He occasionally runs one small paw along his handsome whiskers, smoothing them back into place like a magnificent moustache. A stylish little blue silk neckerchief is tied around his neck in a complex knot, hiding a small monocle within its folds. His twilight-blue eyes twinkle with mischief and charm.
Dantes, of the Dawn looks to be crushingly strong.
He is strangely weightless.
He is loyal to Elostian, the Enigma.
You cannot see what Dantes, of the Dawn is holding.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Now, be nice. We are not acquainted yet, are we? You can't talk to a lady like that."
You smile softly.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "She doesn't seem to mind overly."
Mushka, of the Dusk gives a pained sigh.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "His Eminence has asked us to visit you and inquire if you have sought the attention of Lady Maylea yet."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "His Holiness."
You say, "Please tell Him that I have written Her a letter, but have not yet heard from Her."
You smile and say, "And I thank Him for His concern."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Ah, how disappointing."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "But then, She has not zapped you either."
You say, "I doubt She would zap me."
You say, "I notice that one of you is black and the other white. Your personalities, from our short conversation, appear to contrast, too."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "No they don't."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "No they don't."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Dantes, of the Dawn looks about himself suspiciously.
Mushka, of the Dusk looks about herself suspiciously.
The "No they don't" and eyeshifting bits were done at the same time
You say, "How peculiar. If you say so."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Well then, in that case we shall convey the message."
You smile and say, "Thank you."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "To His Eminence."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "His Holiness."
You nod your head emphatically.
Mushka, of the Dusk waves goodbye.
Dantes, of the Dawn waves goodbye.
You wave goodbye.
Mushka streaks in, sitting up and adjusting her velvet stole.
Dantes scurries out of the shadows in pursuit of Mushka.
Mushka is a shapely rat, her sleek black fur beautifully arranged over her well-proportioned form. She is a solid night-black in colour, including her ears, tail and tiny black nose. Her twilight-blue eyes are solemn in expression though her quivering whiskers suggest an alertness of character. She is wearing a tiny embroidered stole of deep-blue velvet, shrugged stylishly over her diminutive shoulders. Whenever she scurries off, the stole is pushed up out of the way, to be quickly replaced with great care when she stops moving. She has long, elegant paws like hands which she gestures with expressively when she talks.
Mushka, of the Dusk looks to be crushingly strong.
She is strangely weightless.
She is loyal to Elostian, the Enigma.
You cannot see what Mushka, of the Dusk is holding.
This diminutive rat has stylish white fur, well-groomed with every hair perfectly in place. He is pure white without any markings, his tiny pink nose twitching constantly to catch the most interesting scents. He occasionally runs one small paw along his handsome whiskers, smoothing them back into place like a magnificent moustache. A stylish little blue silk neckerchief is tied around his neck in a complex knot, hiding a small monocle within its folds. His twilight-blue eyes twinkle with mischief and charm.
Dantes, of the Dawn looks to be crushingly strong.
He is strangely weightless.
He is loyal to Elostian, the Enigma.
You cannot see what Dantes, of the Dawn is holding.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Now, be nice. We are not acquainted yet, are we? You can't talk to a lady like that."
You smile softly.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "She doesn't seem to mind overly."
Mushka, of the Dusk gives a pained sigh.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "His Eminence has asked us to visit you and inquire if you have sought the attention of Lady Maylea yet."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "His Holiness."
You say, "Please tell Him that I have written Her a letter, but have not yet heard from Her."
You smile and say, "And I thank Him for His concern."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Ah, how disappointing."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "But then, She has not zapped you either."
You say, "I doubt She would zap me."
You say, "I notice that one of you is black and the other white. Your personalities, from our short conversation, appear to contrast, too."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "No they don't."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "No they don't."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Dantes, of the Dawn looks about himself suspiciously.
Mushka, of the Dusk looks about herself suspiciously.
The "No they don't" and eyeshifting bits were done at the same time
You say, "How peculiar. If you say so."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Well then, in that case we shall convey the message."
You smile and say, "Thank you."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "To His Eminence."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "His Holiness."
You nod your head emphatically.
Mushka, of the Dusk waves goodbye.
Dantes, of the Dawn waves goodbye.
You wave goodbye.
Casilu2010-01-04 21:58:05
You still need some courage.
Ayisdra2010-01-05 00:10:52
Those two are a bit weird. Randomly appearing and surveying Ayisdra. And the fact I would have thought Elostian would have something else than rats...
Elostian2010-01-05 10:12:39
And you based this assumption upon your extensive knowledge of my order and character?
What's wrong with my rats?
What's wrong with my rats?
Casilu2010-01-05 10:14:30
QUOTE (Elostian @ Jan 5 2010, 02:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And you based this assumption upon your extensive knowledge of my order and character?
What's wrong with my rats?
What's wrong with my rats?
You should have had law ninjas.
Ileein2010-01-05 13:15:40
I like the rats. They're fun and make me think of lab rats, which makes me think of science which makes me think of Elostian, so it all works out in the end.
Eldanien2010-01-05 18:24:31
I've had pet rats for years. I don't know much about Elostian beyond brief talks as Tahtetso GA, but I'm suddenly inclined to learn more. Hrm.
Ayisdra2010-01-05 18:35:13
QUOTE (Elostian @ Jan 5 2010, 05:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And you based this assumption upon your extensive knowledge of my order and character?
What's wrong with my rats?
What's wrong with my rats?
Never said anything was wrong with your rats. I always thought you would have something more ... exotic
Unknown2010-01-05 18:53:01
Perhaps conveniently, Sheia Silverwing saw it fit to throw me out of Celest for stating a few historical facts.
I love it!

I'm sure Maylea is great, but go Elostian! I've never met him but based on all this I want to!
Casilu2010-01-05 19:16:40
QUOTE (SheiaSilverwing @ Jan 5 2010, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love it!
I'm sure Maylea is great, but go Elostian! I've never met him but based on all this I want to!

I'm sure Maylea is great, but go Elostian! I've never met him but based on all this I want to!
Maylea makes you play games. Some of these might involve babies in jars.
Unknown2010-01-06 07:19:06
I love the rats.
Of course, Thul's first response to hearing about them was wondering how much Celest would give us for them....
Of course, Thul's first response to hearing about them was wondering how much Celest would give us for them....
Siam2010-01-06 14:27:20
QUOTE (Elostian @ Jan 5 2010, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And you based this assumption upon your extensive knowledge of my order and character?
What's wrong with my rats?
What's wrong with my rats?
Nothing! They're cute!

Kaalak2010-01-09 00:29:46
QUOTE (Elostian @ Jan 5 2010, 02:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's wrong with my rats?
What a coincidence.

Shaddus2010-01-09 03:10:56
Once on my first character I was spoken to by a voice, though I don't remember what the "sound" was like. I thought it was a god and upon hindsight, it very well could have been either Lord Elostian, or a dreamweaver. I just know that I had never had any sort of interaction with an IRE god, so I thought I had to yell so they could hear me.
I feel like such a moron now.
I feel like such a moron now.
Shaddus2010-01-09 03:11:43
QUOTE (casilu @ Jan 5 2010, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maylea makes you play games. Some of these might involve babies in jars.
No no, you confuse Maylea with Fain.
Rika2010-01-18 09:55:58
More Elostian/rats fun! 
Mushka streaks in, sitting up and adjusting her velvet stole.
Dantes scurries out of the shadows in pursuit of Mushka.
You say, "Oh, hello!"
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Ahem, greeatings, miss Talnara."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Stop, I'm saying it."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "No, His Holiness asked me."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "No, His Eminence asked us both. Since I am the Lady, I get to say it."
You smile impishly and say, "Maybe you could say a word each?"
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Lords take precedence over ladies."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Dantes, of the Dawn.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "They so don't. You need to brush up on your etiquette."
Dantes, of the Dawn scowls miserably at Mushka, of the Dusk.
Mushka, of the Dusk scowls miserably at Dantes, of the Dawn.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "OK, fine."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Fine."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Paper, rock, scissors it is."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Dantes and Mushka both wave their little paws furiously three times.
Dantes sticks forth his little paw with two fingers extended.
Mushka sticks forth her little paw in a closed fist.
"Ha!" Mushka, of the Dusk exclaims with gusto.
You feel that Mushka, of the Dusk deserves some congratulations and you clap wildly.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Ok, fine, have your moment of glory."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Don't mind if I do."
You ask Mushka, of the Dusk, "What is it that the two of you wish to say ?"
You tilt your head and listen intently to Mushka, of the Dusk.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Ahem."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "His Eminence wishes to extend his congratulations to you for your achievement within the challenge of Nature. It is His hope that this shall be the first of many good things to come for the Commonwealth of Hallifax."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "His Holiness."
You smile and say to Mushka, of the Dusk, "Please thank Him for me. I share His hope that the city will continue to grow and prosper."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Uhm, there was something else, wasn't there?"
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Yes, there was. Can't you remember?"
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Uhm, no."
Mushka, of the Dusk blushes furiously.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
You give a rice-paper wrapped candy to Mushka, of the Dusk.
You say, "Perhaps some candy would help you remember!"
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Oh, why thank you."
You say to Dantes, of the Dawn, "You are no forgotten, either!"
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Very well, Dantes, you state the next bit then."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Why would I have reason to remember after you had been designated to do the announcing? I forgot instantly."
Mushka, of the Dusk gives Dantes, of the Dawn the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "What?"
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
You say, "Ah, greetings Lord Elostian!"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I can't trust you to do anything, can I? Very well, begone, vermin."

Mushka streaks in, sitting up and adjusting her velvet stole.
Dantes scurries out of the shadows in pursuit of Mushka.
You say, "Oh, hello!"
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Ahem, greeatings, miss Talnara."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Stop, I'm saying it."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "No, His Holiness asked me."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "No, His Eminence asked us both. Since I am the Lady, I get to say it."
You smile impishly and say, "Maybe you could say a word each?"
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Lords take precedence over ladies."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Dantes, of the Dawn.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "They so don't. You need to brush up on your etiquette."
Dantes, of the Dawn scowls miserably at Mushka, of the Dusk.
Mushka, of the Dusk scowls miserably at Dantes, of the Dawn.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "OK, fine."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Fine."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Paper, rock, scissors it is."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Dantes and Mushka both wave their little paws furiously three times.
Dantes sticks forth his little paw with two fingers extended.
Mushka sticks forth her little paw in a closed fist.
"Ha!" Mushka, of the Dusk exclaims with gusto.
You feel that Mushka, of the Dusk deserves some congratulations and you clap wildly.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Ok, fine, have your moment of glory."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Don't mind if I do."
You ask Mushka, of the Dusk, "What is it that the two of you wish to say ?"
You tilt your head and listen intently to Mushka, of the Dusk.
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Ahem."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "His Eminence wishes to extend his congratulations to you for your achievement within the challenge of Nature. It is His hope that this shall be the first of many good things to come for the Commonwealth of Hallifax."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "His Holiness."
You smile and say to Mushka, of the Dusk, "Please thank Him for me. I share His hope that the city will continue to grow and prosper."
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Uhm, there was something else, wasn't there?"
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Yes, there was. Can't you remember?"
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Uhm, no."
Mushka, of the Dusk blushes furiously.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
You give a rice-paper wrapped candy to Mushka, of the Dusk.
You say, "Perhaps some candy would help you remember!"
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Oh, why thank you."
You say to Dantes, of the Dawn, "You are no forgotten, either!"
Mushka, of the Dusk says, "Very well, Dantes, you state the next bit then."
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "Why would I have reason to remember after you had been designated to do the announcing? I forgot instantly."
Mushka, of the Dusk gives Dantes, of the Dawn the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Dantes, of the Dawn says, "What?"
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
You say, "Ah, greetings Lord Elostian!"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I can't trust you to do anything, can I? Very well, begone, vermin."
Unknown2010-01-18 10:32:37
Elostian seems mighty awesome.