Your ideal prompt?

by Unknown

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Unknown2010-01-11 09:22:09
I'm working on a new(!) system, and I'd like to know: What would YOUR ideal prompt look like? I mean every last little detail, from when the values turn to yellow/red to what the balance checking should look like, to what color the text is. The more detailed your post is, the more I like you.

Also, please, please, for the love of god PLEASE do not contact me asking to try the system out. I already have my testers picked out, and odds are, you aren't one.
Unknown2010-01-11 11:26:05
What client?
Xavius2010-01-11 11:33:30
My prompt should know my offense and track my opponent's curing behind the scenes, then simply tell me what button to push in big orange letters when I'm not prone and have balance.

Barring that, I like Lusty's default prompt.
Unknown2010-01-11 11:59:42
Something like this. Yellow is clickable MXP. Pretty self explanatory.
Unknown2010-01-11 18:21:37
Zarquan: Mudlet.

Xavius: That would probably be possible.

AllergictoSabres: I lol'd.

Also, while clickable MXP in a prompt isn't a bad idea, the IWIN button could only work well if you've got choke.
Jules2010-01-11 20:34:53
My ideal prompt would be something that showed relevant information to you, either below the actual IRE Prompt, or replacing the Status Prompt area entirely. Show if you have all of your defenses up, what your current target is, etc... And any important afflictions that you have, use MXP to click-and-cure them automatically, putting them at the top of the curing queue. Mudlet's being implemented with MXP for the 1.1 release... Which comes out sometime in the future, but can't exactly say when! Heh!
Unknown2010-01-11 20:36:07
Stop plugging your system in my thread sad.gif
Unknown2010-01-11 20:41:23
There was no plug anywhere in that post...
Unknown2010-01-11 21:01:48
- balances, including curing balances

as an example:


With the color changing for the stat blocks on the left of the - based on configurable percentages. I would likely put it in a miniconsole at the bottom, with the bottom border set to just above the miniconsole, make the font size configurable, and then deleteLine() the actual prompt that comes in. Have the balances in two different colors depending on whether you have the balance or do not... for example dark_green if you have the balance, red if you do not have the balance. I probably left some balances out... (H)erb (S)ip (P)urgative (Sp)arkleberry (L)eftarm ®ightarm (B)alance (E)quilibrium ... obviously, that can be tuned... I also added momentum in the example, cuz I forgot it in the description up top.

Certain messages, such as regaining equilibrium and balances can be sent to the <> block, and gagged from the main window output, making it easier to follow the general flow of combat, though I'd leave messages like target putting up rebounding and such in the main window, so you can tell more easily at a glance how the combat has been progressing. If you wanted to collect the triggers for each classes actions and replace the flowery lines with the basic information, that could be useful too. Though I do kind of like reading the descriptions sometimes.

Keep in mind, though, I don't know much about combat specifics yet, I'm still a newbie when it comes to these things. but the general layout is how I think it'd be easiest for me to keep track of my own current state at a glance. Especially if there's a miniconsole off to one side tracking wounds, perhaps a block with afflictions, with a for not afflicted or for afflicted.

I know that's a lot of input, and not all of it is directly prompt related, but maybe it'll help you come up with something.
Unknown2010-01-11 21:18:29
Demonnic, I think I love you.
Janalon2010-01-11 21:23:28
QUOTE (Kyriel @ Jan 11 2010, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Zarquan: Mudlet.

Would this be private, or something you would be willing to release on a wider scale (whether pay-for add on, or open source).

Also, what about (Be)ast balance? Suppose you could also do something for psionic channels... though they regain balance quick enough. Something like (Id|Sup|Sub)
Unknown2010-01-11 21:23:56
I like the default prompt, except for the section which displays if you have all of your balances back to be highlighted if they are all present.

Other than that I keep info like my current target in a separate bar which is part of the GUI I made for cMUD.
Tervic2010-01-11 21:24:53
QUOTE (Janalon @ Jan 11 2010, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would this be private, or something you would be willing to release on a wider scale (whether pay-for add on, or open source).

Also, what about (Be)ast balance? Suppose you could also do something for psionic channels... though they regain balance quick enough. Something like (Id|Sup|Sub)

Don't the psi channels already show on the ingame prompt flagset?
Jules2010-01-11 21:26:50
QUOTE (Tervic @ Jan 11 2010, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't the psi channels already show on the ingame prompt flagset?

They do, but they hide along with everything else that's there. Having something like (Sup|Sub|Id) to flag would make life a hella lot easier.
Unknown2010-01-11 21:44:28
QUOTE (Janalon @ Jan 11 2010, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would this be private, or something you would be willing to release on a wider scale (whether pay-for add on, or open source).

Also, what about (Be)ast balance? Suppose you could also do something for psionic channels... though they regain balance quick enough. Something like (Id|Sup|Sub)

The system is called Venom, and will be for sale for an as of yet undecided amount of credits when it's done. Keep your eye on the Mechanic's Corner and it'll show up eventually.

Edit: Unless you meant just the prompt, in which case it's much too integrated into Venom to really release as an addon, though I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to write something similar.
Shryke2010-01-12 00:47:07
3475h, 5715m, 5715e, 10p, 19400en, 26525w esSilrxk-+Melville+ ||

That's my prompt (when not afflicted, I have a ton of stuff that is echo'd to the prompt) Actually, I'll just show you what goes into it if you wanna try to decipher it.

#if (%ismember( equilibrium, @mechanics) and %ismember( balance, @mechanics)) {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo %if( %ismember( substratus, @mechanics), "%ansi(green)Sub", %if( @substratus=locked, "%ansi(yellow)L", "%ansi(red)*"))"%ansi(blue)|"%if( %ismember( superstratus, @mechanics), "%ansi(green)Spr", %if( @superstratus=locked, "%ansi(yellow)L", "%ansi(red)*"))"%ansi(blue)|"%if( %ismember( id, @mechanics), "%ansi(green)Id", %if( @id=locked, "%ansi(yellow)L", "%ansi(red)*"))}} {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi(red)*"}}
#if %ismember( sprawled, @afflictions) {#var Prompt_Echo {@prompt_echo "%ansi( red)>PRONE<"}}
#if %ismember( octave, @mechanics) {#var Prompt_Echo {@prompt_echo "%ansi( red)>octave<"}}
#if %ismember( slitlock, @mechanics) {#var Prompt_Echo {@prompt_echo "%ansi( red,yellow)**SLITLOCK**"}}
#if %proper( @DW.status)!=Healthy {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi(black)%proper( @steely.parry) %proper( @steely.stance)"}}
#if %proper( @DW.status)=Heavy {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi(yellow)wHEAVYw"}}
#if %proper( @DW.status)=Critical {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi(red,yellow)wCRITICALw"}}
#if @intrees {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi(yellow,green)*|*IN-TREES*|*"}}
#if %ismember( impaled, @entanglements) {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi(yellow,red)**IMPALED-FLIGHT**"}}
#if (@shielded) {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi( green)<%ansi( red)WARNING%ansi( green)>"}}
#if (@psishielded) {#var Prompt_Echo {@Prompt_Echo "%ansi( green)<%ansi( red,blue)SHATTER%ansi( green)>"}}
#sayp {%if( @afflictions, %ansi( yellow, black), %ansi( blue, black))"+"%ansi( red)@target%if( @afflictions, %ansi( yellow), %ansi( blue))"+ ||"}
#var Prompt_Echo %null
Shaddus2010-01-12 01:19:10
My ideal prompt would have my health/mana/ego in percentages, and what afflictions my enemy has. It would also tell me if I were choked/sapped/aeoned/about to die from deathnote/instakill.