Unknown2010-01-11 21:50:35
You ask, "Are You here?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That depends on your definition of 'here'."
You say, "Alright."
You say, "I'm an illithoid of simple questions."
You say, "I consider them the most wisest and the ones to lead to profound knowledge."
You say, "Now, to You, what is a Nexus of power?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What difference will My answer make to you?"
You ponder the situation.
You say, "It will not be a great difference, indeed."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Then why ask the question if the answer makes no difference?"
You say, "I would say that what I'm trying to ask is, is the Matrix any different than the pool of stars or the megalith of doom?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Are you different from another illithoid?"
You say, "In a way, yes."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "And in a way, no."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You see, you are not asking the right questions."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "This is a common problem, many people are just interested in answers, they do not stop to properly consider the question."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "While in fact it is the question that makes all the difference."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Define for me what you are really looking to learn."
You say, "I want to learn a connection."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Between what and what?"
You say, "Between the Matrix and the city and everything. I just started to wonder about the generator, and I began to ask questions to myself and to others. It made me go into the nature of the matrix."
You say, "Sorry about that pause."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That is too wide a subject. You will not be able to properly distill a single subject this way."
You say, "That is my preoccupation."
You say, "I... seem to have lost the way to think. I have forgotten how to ask the right questions."
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
You say, "The way of knoweldge is interesting. I love asking questions and ponder upon them. But I don't know where to start."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Try starting at the beginning."
You say, "Indeed. This is why I asked, what is a Nexus of Power?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How will the answer of this have to lead to your eventual object?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Simply because the answer will lead me to the questions I'm looking for."
You say, "This is just a theory, right now."
You say, "About the way I see things..."
You say, "You see, the cities go around gathering essence in attempts to make their nexuses grow in power. It is a noble cause for the mortal races, or just a way power-hungry individuals to get what they desire the most. However..."
You say, "I think the Matrix is different."
You say, "I think right now, the Matrix exists to sustain the Generator and the Generator to sustain the Matrix as well as our city."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "On what do you base this assumption?"
You say, "On the simple tasks to empower the generators."
You say, "Essence of creatures of the manifestation of the Matrix."
You say, "They power up the generator."
You say, "The generator in return gives energy to the Matrix."
You say, "Their existence is to perpetuate their own existence."
You say, "The Matrix world itself reflects the city."
You say, "You see the generators upon them. In a fashion."
You say, "However..."
You say, "The Matrix and its world reflects the plane of continuum."
You say, "And by that point, I'm starting to wonder which came first, if the chicken or the egg."
The air vibrates with a profound sense of amusement.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Are you still following your own reasoning?"
You say, "I believe I am. However I do believe that I've also lost my reasoning."
You say, "To which I go back to my original question..."
You ask, "What is a Nexus of Power?"
You ask, "Why the question?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Surely someone has answered this question before now?"
You say, "I do know, what it is. It is a reservoir of power in which mortals go about to fan their spark and grow in power to try to become as powerful as they once were."
You ask, "But, is it something else?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "An interesting question. Before you are able to determine the difference between nexuses, you first need to determine that a nexus is."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Seek Me again when you have found the answer to that question and we shall continue our reasoning."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Thank you and I'm sorry for my lost self."
You say, "I'm still so young, after all."
The air vibrates with a profound sense of amusement.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I shall take My leave then. We shall speak again."
The deep, resonant chime of a large bell oscillates through the air around you before fading into nothingness.
I guess it is true what they say about Elostian. He appears on the most unexpected of times so I had to shift gears a lot.

Unknown2010-01-11 22:23:36
Oh Elostian. 

Unknown2010-01-11 23:08:42
Hallifax monks need to have guns.
Unknown2010-04-09 19:34:49
Shamarah2010-04-09 21:33:30
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You need to see it for yourself.
Unknown2010-04-10 04:48:48
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Apr 9 2010, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You need to see it for yourself.
I see what you did there
Sylandra2010-06-08 19:14:19
Xavius2010-06-08 19:32:40
Oh, Elostian. I'm going to have to pin him down one day, just to see if I can out sophistrate the sophist.
Lillie2010-06-09 01:06:45
Could someone punch up the description of the Matrix/generator? My curiosity is piqued.