Musch client plugin

by Dysolis

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Dysolis2010-01-25 21:12:17
Was curious if anyone knew other than Ilyrain had plugins for mush client. Aethercraft plugins that helped with gunning and empath. Please let me know thank you.
Lorina2010-01-26 01:41:31
He has a working empath one that is a little shaky sometimes when it comes to module damage, but he doesn't have a working turret plugin.
Ilyarin2010-01-26 14:32:01
I don't????
Lorina2010-01-27 06:35:14
The one you sent me a couple of days ago doesn't! sad.gif
It doesn't recognize when the turret has balance or when a beast enters...
It is depressing. I still have it installed because of the TTC command and the highlighting when you miss or hit.
Your empath and siphon work peachy. Don't know what is up with turret!