Reiha2010-01-29 16:07:23
Just discovered this site (Omegle) via failblog. Some of my failed random trolls. 
Feel free to share yours...

Stranger: hi
You: Finally, somebody who doesn't disconnect right away.
You: 'sup
Stranger: asl?
You: 14/f/ca
Stranger: okej
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Finally, somebody who doesn't disconnect right away.
You: 'sup
Stranger: asl?
You: 14/f/ca
Stranger: okej
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 12
You: 42?
Your conversational partner has disconnected
Stranger: 12
You: 42?
Your conversational partner has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello.
You: If you want my a/s/l you're wasting your time.
Stranger: Rest assured, I wasn't going to ask.
Stranger: I was going to tell you not to ask.
You: Holy crap, somebody normal.
Stranger: I wouldn't go that far.
You: Normal enough.
Stranger: *cough*
You: And you can spell.
Stranger: Well, yes, I can spell.
You: You're 1 in 4053, baby.
Stranger: 4024 to me.
Stranger: Hello.
You: If you want my a/s/l you're wasting your time.
Stranger: Rest assured, I wasn't going to ask.
Stranger: I was going to tell you not to ask.
You: Holy crap, somebody normal.
Stranger: I wouldn't go that far.
You: Normal enough.
Stranger: *cough*
You: And you can spell.
Stranger: Well, yes, I can spell.
You: You're 1 in 4053, baby.
Stranger: 4024 to me.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
You: You must be from the UK if my last 5 predictions have been correct.
Stranger: Hello , asl?
You: 14/m/ny
Stranger: No
Stranger: 14 f Spain
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Hello
You: You must be from the UK if my last 5 predictions have been correct.
Stranger: Hello , asl?
You: 14/m/ny
Stranger: No
Stranger: 14 f Spain

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Feel free to share yours...

Shaddus2010-01-29 18:10:48
Note: I've never met this person before in my life, and this conversation got... weird. May not be suitable for work/kids. Just sayin'
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyyyyyyyyyy
You: yo
Stranger: who are you?
You: wait, you're the same person I just talked to.
Stranger: sure?
You: pretty sure, you have the same name
Stranger: oh, really?
You: yeah, how scary
Stranger: well then, hey martin, did you manage to sell those cars?
You: yeah, to a pair of hookers and a pimp with a limp
Stranger: aha, glad it worked out for ya then :)
You: yeah. How's the cat?
Stranger: still horribly fat.
so our date is still up? saturday at the Den?
You: yeah. You bring the string cheese, I'll have the toiletpaper and teabags on hand.
Stranger: good, cant wait!
You: make sure to leave the cat at home, he tried to eat my feet last time. I barely escaped with half of one.
Stranger: yeah, sorry about that
Stranger: ill lock him in the cellar
You: alright, that works.
You: Oh, did you want to bring the tequila and hacksaw, or should I?
Stranger: im kinda broke at the momen, do you mind?
You: nah, it's cool. You can grab it next time you can.
You: I think I still have some tequila left from my daughter's birthday party, I'll use that to save money
Stranger: good!
Stranger: so i guess youre bringing the lot then
You: yeah, I'll be there. Are you still driving that horse drawn buggy, or should I look for another vehicle?
You: I never could understand you mennonites
Stranger: hey dont! i love those horses! we could ride bareback on the beach, watching the seguils?
You: Hrm, alright. Bring Dave with you, he likes that sort of thing
Stranger: dave? bloody dave? after all he've done? ..really?
You: Dude, it wasn't his fault. He was drunk and on shrooms. MY shrooms, I might add, which he still owes me 20$ for.
Stranger: well i dont understand why youre not mad at him, after what he did to me! and then, to even mention him.. and btw, yuo bringing some shrooms aswell?
You: I might, I'll have to dig some up. Dave ate the whole damn bag I had stashed away
You: lousy sob
Stranger: yeah thats exactly what he is, that filthy ma
Stranger: n
You: I've got half a mind to go to his place and rip the wallpaper off his walls out of spite
You: if he weren't out manwhoring for spare cash, I just might do that.
Stranger: why dont you do just that? itd make me feel better aswell
You: I might, I'll send you a sample to put on your walls so you can laugh at him.
You: you may want to wash it first though
Stranger: i really dont want anything from that mans house
Stranger: why did you think id want to bring dave anyway?sereously
You: Well, I hadn't thought about it, but he makes the chicks laugh
Stranger: you make me laugh too, more than dave anyway
You: yeah, but I'm taken. You remember that one fat chick last time who ended up sitting on my lap?
Stranger: yeah, what about her? i didnt think she'de be your taste anyway. i mean, we've known each other since our childhood, and i though... well.. me.. you
You: Well, yeah, but sometimes I like to dip into the "other side" if you know what I mean.
You: it's all gravy
Stranger: well, whats the point of our date anyway then, if youre gonna make fat chicks sit on your lap all the time?
You: Because we're supposed to see the Rocky Horror Picture show, remember? That's better than fat chicks,
Stranger: have you ever considered, you know, us two, as.. more than just friends?
You: no. You don't like my manboobs, or at least that's what you said last time.
Stranger: well i was drunk
Stranger: and hig
You: alright. Next time I suppose you can sit on my lap
You: wear that little slinky dress you have, with the slit on the side
You: I'll wear my corset with the hooks in it
Stranger: awesome
You: I have some stunning stiletto heels I'll try on
Stranger: ok, now i remember why i said no last time
You: ?
Stranger: pleace no stilettos?
You: why not, you didn't mind them at first
Stranger: well, martin, to be honest, at first... it was ok, but when you started walking on my back it really hurt!
You: but you DID ask me to pop your back :(
You: I mean, you even shaved it for me
Stranger: well, as i said, i was both high and drunk
You: no wonder you left patches of hair, you shaved while you were drunk. Lesigh.
You: I wish I had known
Stranger: yeah, but hey, whats done is done
You: yeah. Anyway, I'll be there with spurs on. Saturday, you said?
Stranger: thats what i said yes, at the Den, at 2100
You: 2100, got it.
You: Just wanted to make sure, that one timeI showed up you were at the OTHER Den. You know, Mike's place across town.
You: Well, Mike and Jaamil's
Stranger: i mean the Den, in Teignmouth, Devon, England. right? not mike's den
You: Yeah, that's fine. Speaking of which, I never did get that stain out of my trousers.
Stranger: ill help you once
You: any idea what gets out mustard and pickle Juice?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: im not good at those things, you know
You: bleh, true.
You: So, I must be off. Talk to you later, and don't forget to send me a message later on just to say hi
Stranger: okey, see you! have a nice evening! dont forget that wall you said you had to repair!
You: Alright, thanks for reminding me!
You: peace out, and tell your brother I said hi
Stranger: yeah, btw hes right here, says hi too, and he says that you have to.... get his stuff on time, whatever that means
You: Tell him I said he'll get his stuff when he fronts me the money, not before
Stranger: ok, concider it done
Stranger: see you later or tomorrow at the Den!
You: alright!
Stranger: heyyyyyyyyyy
You: yo
Stranger: who are you?
You: wait, you're the same person I just talked to.
Stranger: sure?
You: pretty sure, you have the same name
Stranger: oh, really?
You: yeah, how scary
Stranger: well then, hey martin, did you manage to sell those cars?
You: yeah, to a pair of hookers and a pimp with a limp
Stranger: aha, glad it worked out for ya then :)
You: yeah. How's the cat?
Stranger: still horribly fat.
so our date is still up? saturday at the Den?
You: yeah. You bring the string cheese, I'll have the toiletpaper and teabags on hand.
Stranger: good, cant wait!
You: make sure to leave the cat at home, he tried to eat my feet last time. I barely escaped with half of one.
Stranger: yeah, sorry about that
Stranger: ill lock him in the cellar
You: alright, that works.
You: Oh, did you want to bring the tequila and hacksaw, or should I?
Stranger: im kinda broke at the momen, do you mind?
You: nah, it's cool. You can grab it next time you can.
You: I think I still have some tequila left from my daughter's birthday party, I'll use that to save money
Stranger: good!
Stranger: so i guess youre bringing the lot then
You: yeah, I'll be there. Are you still driving that horse drawn buggy, or should I look for another vehicle?
You: I never could understand you mennonites
Stranger: hey dont! i love those horses! we could ride bareback on the beach, watching the seguils?
You: Hrm, alright. Bring Dave with you, he likes that sort of thing
Stranger: dave? bloody dave? after all he've done? ..really?
You: Dude, it wasn't his fault. He was drunk and on shrooms. MY shrooms, I might add, which he still owes me 20$ for.
Stranger: well i dont understand why youre not mad at him, after what he did to me! and then, to even mention him.. and btw, yuo bringing some shrooms aswell?
You: I might, I'll have to dig some up. Dave ate the whole damn bag I had stashed away
You: lousy sob
Stranger: yeah thats exactly what he is, that filthy ma
Stranger: n
You: I've got half a mind to go to his place and rip the wallpaper off his walls out of spite
You: if he weren't out manwhoring for spare cash, I just might do that.
Stranger: why dont you do just that? itd make me feel better aswell
You: I might, I'll send you a sample to put on your walls so you can laugh at him.
You: you may want to wash it first though
Stranger: i really dont want anything from that mans house
Stranger: why did you think id want to bring dave anyway?sereously
You: Well, I hadn't thought about it, but he makes the chicks laugh
Stranger: you make me laugh too, more than dave anyway
You: yeah, but I'm taken. You remember that one fat chick last time who ended up sitting on my lap?
Stranger: yeah, what about her? i didnt think she'de be your taste anyway. i mean, we've known each other since our childhood, and i though... well.. me.. you
You: Well, yeah, but sometimes I like to dip into the "other side" if you know what I mean.
You: it's all gravy
Stranger: well, whats the point of our date anyway then, if youre gonna make fat chicks sit on your lap all the time?
You: Because we're supposed to see the Rocky Horror Picture show, remember? That's better than fat chicks,
Stranger: have you ever considered, you know, us two, as.. more than just friends?
You: no. You don't like my manboobs, or at least that's what you said last time.
Stranger: well i was drunk
Stranger: and hig
You: alright. Next time I suppose you can sit on my lap
You: wear that little slinky dress you have, with the slit on the side
You: I'll wear my corset with the hooks in it
Stranger: awesome
You: I have some stunning stiletto heels I'll try on
Stranger: ok, now i remember why i said no last time
You: ?
Stranger: pleace no stilettos?
You: why not, you didn't mind them at first
Stranger: well, martin, to be honest, at first... it was ok, but when you started walking on my back it really hurt!
You: but you DID ask me to pop your back :(
You: I mean, you even shaved it for me
Stranger: well, as i said, i was both high and drunk
You: no wonder you left patches of hair, you shaved while you were drunk. Lesigh.
You: I wish I had known
Stranger: yeah, but hey, whats done is done
You: yeah. Anyway, I'll be there with spurs on. Saturday, you said?
Stranger: thats what i said yes, at the Den, at 2100
You: 2100, got it.
You: Just wanted to make sure, that one timeI showed up you were at the OTHER Den. You know, Mike's place across town.
You: Well, Mike and Jaamil's
Stranger: i mean the Den, in Teignmouth, Devon, England. right? not mike's den
You: Yeah, that's fine. Speaking of which, I never did get that stain out of my trousers.
Stranger: ill help you once
You: any idea what gets out mustard and pickle Juice?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: im not good at those things, you know
You: bleh, true.
You: So, I must be off. Talk to you later, and don't forget to send me a message later on just to say hi
Stranger: okey, see you! have a nice evening! dont forget that wall you said you had to repair!
You: Alright, thanks for reminding me!
You: peace out, and tell your brother I said hi
Stranger: yeah, btw hes right here, says hi too, and he says that you have to.... get his stuff on time, whatever that means
You: Tell him I said he'll get his stuff when he fronts me the money, not before
Stranger: ok, concider it done
Stranger: see you later or tomorrow at the Den!
You: alright!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: WTF UP!
You: how are you?
Stranger: im male
You: me too, congratulations!
You: whoo!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
Stranger: hi
You: WTF UP!
You: how are you?
Stranger: im male
You: me too, congratulations!
You: whoo!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
Riluna2010-01-29 20:05:18
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hello
You: how was your day?
Stranger: ok, i'm watching the simpsons
You: all day?
Stranger: no
You: that would get boring
Stranger: just for a while
Stranger: yes
Stranger: by the way are you looking to buy a panda
You: a panda?
Stranger: yes, a chinese one
You: which one?
Stranger: a chinese one
You: there are two different chinese pandas
Stranger: well i know of the one type and this is the one type i'm selling
You: a giant one or a red one?
Stranger: giant panda
Stranger: red pandas tend to look more pink and so i think of them not as pandas
Stranger: he is a breathing and waddling condition
You: I dont have bamboo here
Stranger: if you want us to courier him to you
You: can you also sell me a square mile bamboo forest, and send it by mail to me?
Stranger: bamboo is easy enough to purchase it doesnt remain fresh for long though so you have to buy it in small
You: you need my email address?
Stranger: amounts
Stranger: i cant sell you a bamboo forest as i dont own one
Stranger: you just have to purchase fresh bamboo in small installments online
You: but why do i need a giant panda without a bamboo forest?
Stranger: however this transaction is unfortunateley for us illegal so i cannot have your email address we must do it all in person
Stranger: i will hand the panda to you myself
Stranger: well then buy a plantation where the panda is i dont care i just need him outta my handas
You: can you send me the panda in a zip or rar package?
Stranger: hes too big they dont make em big enough
You: you can also password protect these packages
You: or you could upload the panda to rapidshare
You: do you want to sell me a panda?!
Stranger: what are you talking about
Stranger: these are real pandas
Stranger: you cant password protect them and upload them,
You: WTF
You: I cant?
Stranger: the live and breath and if you wanna pay $800,000
Stranger: i can send you a panda but its not a joke i'm not messing around
You: even amazon sends me books by email, you you cant sell me a panda by mail?
Stranger: no because its an illegal transaction i cant do anything that can be traced
You: you dont get traced by rapidshare
Stranger: we will just have to meet in person and i will have to hand you the panda in a box or something
Stranger: rapidshare is a file uploading site, this is not a file, this is a panda!!
You: you can upload panda.rar to rapidshare
Stranger: no i cannot do this it is a real panda what the heck is wrong with you
Stranger: are you gonna buy it for real?
You: upload it, gimme me the link, and I pay you
Stranger: upload what a picture of the panda
You: upload the panda
Stranger: i cannot upload a panda you fool!
Stranger: it is a real panda in a guarded place
You: so get it out of the guarded place with a USB stick
Stranger: i cannot do this
Stranger: a panda cannot fit onto a usb stick
Stranger: i cannot do technology when selling you a panda fooL!
You: are you that retarded?
Stranger: no i am not retarded i am trying to sell a panda
You: get it on USB stick, get the USB stick out of the guarded place, put the panda into a password protected package, upload it to rapidshare, gimme the link and I give you the money
You: or do you need money to by a USB stick
Stranger: it is not a panda on a usb stick in a guarded place, it is a real life panda
Stranger: you cannot put that on a USB stick, are you that retarded?
You: im that retarded tp buy a real giant panda?
Stranger: it is real and you said you were interested in it
You: do i have 800k USD?
Stranger: what
Stranger: what does that even men
Stranger: *mean
You: k = 1000
USD = US Dollar
You: seems like you are retarded
Stranger: i thought it was usb things
Stranger: yes, do you have 800,000
Stranger: in any money
Stranger: £/$800,000
You: can I pay with zimbabwean dollar?
Stranger: i dont think so let me ask
Stranger: i am callinfg my employer one moment
Stranger: he says if it is paid in zimbabwean dollars then it will cost 1,200,000
You: thats a good price...
You: I hope shipping is included
Stranger: yeah i think
You: I'll call you tomorrow, I have to talk with my husband first
Stranger: would he like a panda
Stranger: i can give you two
You: thx for the offer, I call you tomorrow
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hello
You: how was your day?
Stranger: ok, i'm watching the simpsons
You: all day?
Stranger: no
You: that would get boring
Stranger: just for a while
Stranger: yes
Stranger: by the way are you looking to buy a panda
You: a panda?
Stranger: yes, a chinese one
You: which one?
Stranger: a chinese one
You: there are two different chinese pandas
Stranger: well i know of the one type and this is the one type i'm selling
You: a giant one or a red one?
Stranger: giant panda
Stranger: red pandas tend to look more pink and so i think of them not as pandas
Stranger: he is a breathing and waddling condition
You: I dont have bamboo here
Stranger: if you want us to courier him to you
You: can you also sell me a square mile bamboo forest, and send it by mail to me?
Stranger: bamboo is easy enough to purchase it doesnt remain fresh for long though so you have to buy it in small
You: you need my email address?
Stranger: amounts
Stranger: i cant sell you a bamboo forest as i dont own one
Stranger: you just have to purchase fresh bamboo in small installments online
You: but why do i need a giant panda without a bamboo forest?
Stranger: however this transaction is unfortunateley for us illegal so i cannot have your email address we must do it all in person
Stranger: i will hand the panda to you myself
Stranger: well then buy a plantation where the panda is i dont care i just need him outta my handas
You: can you send me the panda in a zip or rar package?
Stranger: hes too big they dont make em big enough
You: you can also password protect these packages
You: or you could upload the panda to rapidshare
You: do you want to sell me a panda?!
Stranger: what are you talking about
Stranger: these are real pandas
Stranger: you cant password protect them and upload them,
You: WTF
You: I cant?
Stranger: the live and breath and if you wanna pay $800,000
Stranger: i can send you a panda but its not a joke i'm not messing around
You: even amazon sends me books by email, you you cant sell me a panda by mail?
Stranger: no because its an illegal transaction i cant do anything that can be traced
You: you dont get traced by rapidshare
Stranger: we will just have to meet in person and i will have to hand you the panda in a box or something
Stranger: rapidshare is a file uploading site, this is not a file, this is a panda!!
You: you can upload panda.rar to rapidshare
Stranger: no i cannot do this it is a real panda what the heck is wrong with you
Stranger: are you gonna buy it for real?
You: upload it, gimme me the link, and I pay you
Stranger: upload what a picture of the panda
You: upload the panda
Stranger: i cannot upload a panda you fool!
Stranger: it is a real panda in a guarded place
You: so get it out of the guarded place with a USB stick
Stranger: i cannot do this
Stranger: a panda cannot fit onto a usb stick
Stranger: i cannot do technology when selling you a panda fooL!
You: are you that retarded?
Stranger: no i am not retarded i am trying to sell a panda
You: get it on USB stick, get the USB stick out of the guarded place, put the panda into a password protected package, upload it to rapidshare, gimme the link and I give you the money
You: or do you need money to by a USB stick
Stranger: it is not a panda on a usb stick in a guarded place, it is a real life panda
Stranger: you cannot put that on a USB stick, are you that retarded?
You: im that retarded tp buy a real giant panda?
Stranger: it is real and you said you were interested in it
You: do i have 800k USD?
Stranger: what
Stranger: what does that even men
Stranger: *mean
You: k = 1000
USD = US Dollar
You: seems like you are retarded
Stranger: i thought it was usb things
Stranger: yes, do you have 800,000
Stranger: in any money
Stranger: £/$800,000
You: can I pay with zimbabwean dollar?
Stranger: i dont think so let me ask
Stranger: i am callinfg my employer one moment
Stranger: he says if it is paid in zimbabwean dollars then it will cost 1,200,000
You: thats a good price...
You: I hope shipping is included
Stranger: yeah i think
You: I'll call you tomorrow, I have to talk with my husband first
Stranger: would he like a panda
Stranger: i can give you two
You: thx for the offer, I call you tomorrow
You have disconnected.
Kalaneya2010-01-29 20:17:18
Yo, that's a fantastic deal. A panda for 1,200,000 Zimbabwean is $3168.69.
Munsia2010-01-29 23:01:47
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye stands here casually, threads of fiery aether swirling capriciously about Her form. She wields a huge and VERY CLEAN banner reading TULLY FOR ASCENSION 2010 in Her left hand.
Furien2010-01-29 23:04:18
Xavius2010-01-29 23:05:30
QUOTE (munsia @ Jan 29 2010, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye stands here casually, threads of fiery aether swirling capriciously about Her form. She wields a huge and VERY CLEAN banner reading TULLY FOR ASCENSION 2010 in Her left hand.
Someone fails at reading thread titles.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: Hi, stranger!
Stranger: asl ?
You: Old, male, your front lawn.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey
You: Hi, stranger!
Stranger: asl ?
You: Old, male, your front lawn.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Too easy.
Reiha2010-01-29 23:45:27
I was going to post these earliers, but forums were down for me. I thought I was banned for a moment for "making a terrible thread that encourages trolling." 
I get along with the Dutch, but Polish...
Even white fat guys need love
Too young?
Nice guy or pervert that buys flour?

I get along with the Dutch, but Polish...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
Stranger: whats your name??
You: Jordie
Stranger: I'm Filip
Stranger: where are u from??
You: Alabama
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: I'm from Poland
Stranger: how old are u??
You: 49
You: You?
Stranger: 18
You: Oh, a youthful Polish creature.
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hello
Stranger: whats your name??
You: Jordie
Stranger: I'm Filip
Stranger: where are u from??
You: Alabama
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: I'm from Poland
Stranger: how old are u??
You: 49
You: You?
Stranger: 18

You: Oh, a youthful Polish creature.
Stranger: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Even white fat guys need love

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Are you Horny Girl ? wanna Cam ?
You: I'm a morbidly obese white male in his 50's. You tell me.
Your conversational partner has disconnected
Stranger: Are you Horny Girl ? wanna Cam ?
You: I'm a morbidly obese white male in his 50's. You tell me.
Your conversational partner has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: asl
You: 53/m/ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: asl
You: 53/m/ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Too young?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: asl?
You: 14/f/ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected
.Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: asl?

You: 14/f/ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected
Nice guy or pervert that buys flour?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: asl?
You: Hello
You: 16/f/ca
Stranger: young friend from the north!
You: ...uh?
You: You from Mexico?
Stranger: not from mexico, but in mexico
Stranger: 30 m on a business trip
You: M?
Stranger: male
You: Ah
You: What do u do 4 a living?
Stranger: seems like i travel for a living. i actually am a buyer for flour
Stranger: i travel to different places working out deals to buy flour
Stranger: weird, i know
You: You need to travel to buy flour? It's all white anyway!
Stranger: its amazing the different types.
Stranger: not the flour you have in the grocery store.
You: orly?
Stranger: specialty flour for restaurants
You: Ah, sounds like fun
Stranger: not really. That's why its called work!
Stranger: what do you do? High school?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: asl?
You: Hello
You: 16/f/ca
Stranger: young friend from the north!
You: ...uh?
You: You from Mexico?
Stranger: not from mexico, but in mexico
Stranger: 30 m on a business trip
You: M?
Stranger: male
You: Ah
You: What do u do 4 a living?
Stranger: seems like i travel for a living. i actually am a buyer for flour
Stranger: i travel to different places working out deals to buy flour
Stranger: weird, i know
You: You need to travel to buy flour? It's all white anyway!
Stranger: its amazing the different types.
Stranger: not the flour you have in the grocery store.
You: orly?
Stranger: specialty flour for restaurants
You: Ah, sounds like fun
Stranger: not really. That's why its called work!
Stranger: what do you do? High school?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Reiha2010-01-29 23:47:41
The blunt approach
But I wanted to get to know you
I am fat IRL but that's just rude.
Nigga plz
This troll got schooled. Although I'm kinda glad I don't know the serial killers by heart.
Ummm... is this one of you?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: Are you an internet predator?
Stranger: not really
Stranger: sometimes
You: That was a surprisngly honest answer. Will I be seeing you on Dateline?
Stranger: are you a girl?
You: I do have a vajayjay
Stranger: can i see some of ur pics
You: You first
Stranger: u really a female?
You: How do I know you're not some lesbian pretending to be a guy?
Stranger: youll see
Stranger: wats ur email
You: Then pics or it didn't happen
You: You can post a link here
Stranger: its private on my account in facebook
You: photobucket
Stranger: ok
Stranger: wait ill upload
Stranger: how old are u
You: 43
Stranger: send ur pics first
Stranger: then i will
Stranger: give me your link
You: Oh no, I'm not falling for that trick. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me thrice, shame on me.
Stranger: really huh
Stranger: i wont fool you i assure you
Stranger: why dont u send urs first
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey i would like to speak to a women between 40-50
You: I'm a fat white male with man boobs. Does that count?
Your conversational partner has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: asl
You: 68/f/ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?

You: Are you an internet predator?
Stranger: not really
Stranger: sometimes
You: That was a surprisngly honest answer. Will I be seeing you on Dateline?
Stranger: are you a girl?
You: I do have a vajayjay
Stranger: can i see some of ur pics
You: You first
Stranger: u really a female?
You: How do I know you're not some lesbian pretending to be a guy?
Stranger: youll see
Stranger: wats ur email
You: Then pics or it didn't happen
You: You can post a link here
Stranger: its private on my account in facebook
You: photobucket
Stranger: ok
Stranger: wait ill upload
Stranger: how old are u
You: 43
Stranger: send ur pics first
Stranger: then i will
Stranger: give me your link
You: Oh no, I'm not falling for that trick. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me thrice, shame on me.
Stranger: really huh
Stranger: i wont fool you i assure you
Stranger: why dont u send urs first
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey i would like to speak to a women between 40-50
You: I'm a fat white male with man boobs. Does that count?
Your conversational partner has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: asl
You: 68/f/ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: no sex.....not happening
You: Hello, please be someone normal.
You: !
Stranger: yup
You: Thank god
You: So, how are you?
Connection imploded. <--- WTF?!
Stranger: no sex.....not happening
You: Hello, please be someone normal.
You: !
Stranger: yup
You: Thank god
You: So, how are you?
Connection imploded. <--- WTF?!
But I wanted to get to know you
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: asl
You: You don't waste time
You: 19/f/ca
Stranger: horny?
You: No, I've had my ovaries removed due to complications arising from cancer. Why, are you?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: asl
You: You don't waste time
You: 19/f/ca
Stranger: horny?
You: No, I've had my ovaries removed due to complications arising from cancer. Why, are you?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I am fat IRL but that's just rude.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi hey
You: How are you?
Stranger: fat
You: Me, too!
You: zomg!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Hello
Stranger: hi hey
You: How are you?
Stranger: fat
You: Me, too!
You: zomg!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Nigga plz
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello hello
Stranger: Sup nigga
You: nothin' much, brotato
Stranger: ya dawg
You: U a fine
Stranger: nah man,. i iz a fine mann
You: Oh
Stranger: wazzup?
You: nothin much just chillin u?
Stranger: I disconeting you mannn
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Hello hello
Stranger: Sup nigga
You: nothin' much, brotato
Stranger: ya dawg
You: U a fine

Stranger: nah man,. i iz a fine mann
You: Oh
Stranger: wazzup?
You: nothin much just chillin u?
Stranger: I disconeting you mannn
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey, Looking For Female Im Male
You: Looking for Chewbacca, I'm a nerd
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: Hey, Looking For Female Im Male

You: Looking for Chewbacca, I'm a nerd
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
This troll got schooled. Although I'm kinda glad I don't know the serial killers by heart.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I so would like to
Ted Bundy
You: I'd rather do Gary, he so fine
You: And clown sex FTW
Stranger: Gacy then
You: Gacy, Gary, same difference!
Stranger: No
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: I so would like to

You: I'd rather do Gary, he so fine
You: And clown sex FTW
Stranger: Gacy then
You: Gacy, Gary, same difference!
Stranger: No
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Ummm... is this one of you?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: WHAT? OKAY!!!
Stranger: SHAREN!
Stranger: YESH!
Stranger: NO
Stranger: ONE WORD
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: WHAT? OKAY!!!
Stranger: SHAREN!
Stranger: YESH!
Stranger: NO
Stranger: ONE WORD
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Shaddus2010-01-30 00:04:27
Woman, I've seen your pictures. You ain't fat.
Unknown2010-01-30 00:10:33
You're not actually 14. Right?
Shaddus2010-01-30 00:12:39
QUOTE (Azoth Nae'blis @ Jan 29 2010, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're not actually 14. Right?
Reiha's like 20 something and hot and azn.
Reiha2010-01-30 00:15:10
I'm a pudgy, white, 14 year old girl from Cali, thank you very much.
Also, rick roll!
Also, rick roll!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: I think...
Stranger: I could fall in love with this girl
You: We're no strangers to love
Stranger: Not you...
Stranger: The girl i was just with
You: You know the rules, and so do I
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Hi
Stranger: I think...
Stranger: I could fall in love with this girl
You: We're no strangers to love
Stranger: Not you...
Stranger: The girl i was just with
You: You know the rules, and so do I
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Shamarah2010-01-30 01:18:50
I've taken to responding to asl requests with "(random 4-digit number) n/a mars". Also:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi iam looking for hot girl have webcam if u r add me
You: I'm actually an energy being, having shed my physical form ages ago
You: so i don't think i can help you there
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi iam looking for hot girl have webcam if u r add me
You: I'm actually an energy being, having shed my physical form ages ago
You: so i don't think i can help you there
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Reiha2010-01-30 01:38:37
You got rid of your other one, it wasn't so bad
It was cute.

Shaddus2010-01-30 01:40:17
QUOTE (Reiha @ Jan 29 2010, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You got rid of your other one, it wasn't so bad
It was cute.

I'm still mad at Reiha. You talk a good game, but you're only 14?

I thought I was in e-love.
Reiha2010-01-30 01:44:38
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jan 29 2010, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm still mad at Reiha. You talk a good game, but you're only 14? 
I thought I was in e-love.

I thought I was in e-love.
And white and from Cali, baby. Wanna meet my father Chris?
Shamarah2010-01-30 01:57:44
It's boring when you go out of your way to be entertaining and people don't disconnect but don't really play along either.
Reiha2010-01-30 02:00:06
That's true. 
And my current troll turned into making a new lady friend from England. Or so they claim. I was going to disconnect because it seemed boring at first (too nice), but once we started talking about vegetarianism...
She's actually quite awesome @_@

And my current troll turned into making a new lady friend from England. Or so they claim. I was going to disconnect because it seemed boring at first (too nice), but once we started talking about vegetarianism...
She's actually quite awesome @_@
Shaddus2010-01-30 02:00:17
QUOTE (Reiha @ Jan 29 2010, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And white and from Cali, baby. Wanna meet my father Chris?

How to kill a conversation in Omegle:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: no, I'm not horny
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
You: no, I'm not horny
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.