Dynami2010-02-28 01:44:58
weave reflection at me
You weave a glamour and mold it until it becomes a reflection of yourself.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
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--- cobbled path before a cave -- -3:-1:0 ---
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
Cobbled path before a cave. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading southeast and west.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
You must regain equilibrium first.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam plucks at a small bug.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave phantom sahmiam
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You create an illusory phantom and send it into the mind of Sahmiam.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4774m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22925w sSixkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4774m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22925w sSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You must regain equilibrium first.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w sSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You must regain equilibrium first.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You see exits leading east and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19258en, 22939w esSixkb-
weave reflection at me
You weave a glamour and mold it until it becomes a reflection of yourself.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
es avenger
Participant Location
Dynami cobbled path passing a forest
Sahmiam cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal F
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
Sahmiam jumps aside, avoiding your blow.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w sSikb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w sSikb-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
You have recovered equilibrium.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the chest with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
parry chest 100
writhe grapple
apply health to chest
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam eats a wormwood stem.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You cease parrying.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your chest.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest completely heals.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4067h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You weave a glamour of wounding and send it at Sahmiam.
4067h, 4624m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
4067h, 4624m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
Sahmiam loses control of his grapple on you.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
psi substratus phobia sahmiam
psi id AmplifyPhobia sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
weave illusion Dynami slings a tiwaz rune and a nyd rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
You weave your illusion.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w sSixkb-
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w sSixkb-
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
writhe grapple
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w esSixkb-
You aren't grappled! You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSixkb-
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSixkb-
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSixkb-
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Leaping out from the shadows, Sahmiam suddenly waylays you, throwing you to the ground and then standing menacingly over you.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22922w esSixkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22922w esSixkbp-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22922w esSixkbp-
Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkb-
psi substratus phobia sahmiam
psi id AmplifyPhobia sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
weave illusion Dynami slings a tiwaz rune and a nyd rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You insert a fear into the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4974m, 3840e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w eSixkb-
You telepathically aggravate the centres of fear within the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
4346h, 4974m, 3690e, 10p, 19260en, 22828w eSxkb-
You tunnel into the identity of Sahmiam and drink the psychic energies there.
Sahmiam suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You weave your illusion.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
Sahmiam is gripped with fear, staring out with terrified eyes.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You are no longer immune from stun.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
psi substratus stupidity sahmiam
psi id paralyse sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
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------------------ 0:-3:0 -------------------
An intersection in forest trails.
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You see exits leading north, northeast, southeast, and west.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You see exits leading east and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19256en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave reflection at me
You weave a glamour and mold it until it becomes a reflection of yourself.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
sq n
There is nothing northwards for you to squint at!
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
sq nw
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
Cobbled path before a cave. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds.
You can see no further.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w esSixkb-
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Leaping out from the shadows, Sahmiam suddenly waylays you, throwing you to the ground and then standing menacingly over you.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22945w esSixkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22945w esSixkbp-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22945w esSixkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkbp-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
psi substratus phobia sahmiam
psi id AmplifyPhobia sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
weave illusion Dynami slings a tiwaz rune and a nyd rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You insert a fear into the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4974m, 3840e, 10p, 19260en, 22900w eSixkb-
You telepathically aggravate the centres of fear within the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
4346h, 4974m, 3690e, 10p, 19260en, 22850w eSxkb-
You tunnel into the identity of Sahmiam and drink the psychic energies there.
Sahmiam suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You weave your illusion.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You are no longer immune from stun.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
Sahmiam takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
Sahmiam eats a sparkleberry.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
Sahmiam eats a piece of black earwort.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the chest with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
writhe grapple
apply health to chest
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w ekb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest completely heals.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w ekb-
Sahmiam eats kombu seaweed.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w ekb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
Sahmiam eats a reishi mushroom.
4065h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the chest with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
writhe grapple
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sahmiam.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
apply health to chest
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest completely heals.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
psi substratus stupidity sahmiam
psi id paralyse sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You mute the higher thought processes of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
smoke 177399
3567h, 4974m, 3840e, 10p, 19260en, 22900w eSixkb-
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
3567h, 4974m, 3690e, 10p, 19260en, 22850w eSxkb-
You tunnel into the identity of Sahmiam and drink the psychic energies there.
Sahmiam suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam eats a sparkleberry.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam lets out a massive belch into the air.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam lovingly barks at his armpit.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam takes a drink from a gem-wrapped steel vial of the Leviathan.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Twirling a dark serrated chain so fast that it whistles, Sahmiam grazes your left arm, opening up a deep gash.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
parry chest 50
parry larm 50
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You cease parrying.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your chest.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left arm.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
Sahmiam eats a wormwood stem.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
With a look of concentration, Sahmiam unleashes a powerful kick at your right leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Taking a dark serrated chain in two hands, Sahmiam throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your left leg.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Your enhanced movement repels paralysis.
parry chest 50
parry rleg 50
writhe grapple
read 48021
sip health
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You cease parrying.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
psi substratus stupidity sahmiam
psi id paralyse sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
You adjust your attention spent parrying your chest.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your right leg.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2824h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22938w esSikb-
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
3171h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22938w esSikb-
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3809h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22938w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22926w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22902w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22890w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSikb-
3809h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4026h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
Sahmiam softly moos at your hand.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sahmiam.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
apply health to legs
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sahmiam razes your aura of rebounding with a dark serrated chain.
Sahmiam lashes out at your right leg with a dark serrated chain, snapping the bone with a crunch.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam snaps a dark serrated chain at your throat, crushing your windpipe.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
You are afflicted with asthma.
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the head with his right foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
apply melancholic to chest
outr arnica
apply arnica to head
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your right leg completely heals.
A warmth flows through your right leg.
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your chest.
Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.
smoke 177399
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You remove 1 arnica, bringing the total in the Rift to 832.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You chew an arnica bud, then spread it on your head.
The cartilage and nerves in your windpipe heal and your voice returns.
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam eats a wormwood stem.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Please try rewording.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 282.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You bleed 164 health.
2459h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
2893h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam carefully wipes all the poisons off of a dark serrated chain.
2893h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22872w esSixkbp-
You may apply another salve to yourself.
apply mending to legs
2893h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22872w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22860w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22848w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22836w esSixkbp-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your legs.
The bones in your right leg mend.
2893h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22836w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
I don't follow.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkbp-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You may apply another salve to yourself.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
Come now, you don't really mean that.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You may be healed by a scroll again.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the head with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Taking a dark serrated chain in two hands, Sahmiam throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your head.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You suddenly feel lightheaded.
You are afflicted with haemophilia.
sip sanguine
parry rleg 50
parry head 50
writhe grapple
read 48021
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
sip health
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
Your blood regains its ability to clot.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You cease parrying.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your right leg.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your head.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
1954h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
sip sanguine
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sahmiam.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
Sahmiam flashes the world a charmingly crooked grin.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2720h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22826w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
2720h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22826w esSixkb-
That went right over my head.
2720h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22826w esSixkb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2720h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22814w esSixkb-
You bleed 89 health.
2848h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22820w esSixkb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22808w esSixkb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
I missed that altogether.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22784w esSixkb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
I don't follow.
2848h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
sip health
2848h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3576h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
Sahmiam carefully wipes all the poisons off of a dark serrated chain.
3576h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the head with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam razes your aura of rebounding with a dark serrated chain.
Taking a dark serrated chain in two hands, Sahmiam throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your head.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You suddenly feel lightheaded.
You are afflicted with haemophilia.
sip sanguine
smoke 177399
writhe grapple
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
Your blood regains its ability to clot.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSikb-
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 281.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSikb-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
2226h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22760w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22748w esSikb-
I don't follow.
2226h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22748w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22736w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22724w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
Your meaning eludes me.
2226h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22724w esSikb-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
2226h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22738w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
2443h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22738w esSixkb-
Sahmiam wraps a dark serrated chain about his wrists and wrenches it violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
A dark serrated chain rips from your throat with such force that bits of flesh fly into the air and your head almost spins around in a full circle.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You are afflicted with blackedout.
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
You may be healed by a scroll again.
*****YOU'RE VISIBLE!*****
You come back into focus as the blur illusion vanishes.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
EDIT: Some comments or suggestions would be nice
You weave a glamour and mold it until it becomes a reflection of yourself.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
------------------- v5518 -------------------
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-- - - -
\\ | / /
--- cobbled path before a cave -- -3:-1:0 ---
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
Cobbled path before a cave. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading southeast and west.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
You must regain equilibrium first.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
------------------- v5517 -------------------
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-- - - -
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam plucks at a small bug.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave phantom sahmiam
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You create an illusory phantom and send it into the mind of Sahmiam.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4774m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22925w sSixkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4774m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22925w sSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You must regain equilibrium first.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w sSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You must regain equilibrium first.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
------------------- v5517 -------------------
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19260en, 22939w esSixkb-
------------------- v5520 -------------------
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-- - - -
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You see exits leading east and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 8p, 19258en, 22939w esSixkb-
weave reflection at me
You weave a glamour and mold it until it becomes a reflection of yourself.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
es avenger
Participant Location
Dynami cobbled path passing a forest
Sahmiam cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal F
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
------------------- v5517 -------------------
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-- - - -
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
Sahmiam jumps aside, avoiding your blow.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w sSikb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w sSikb-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
You have recovered equilibrium.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the chest with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
parry chest 100
writhe grapple
apply health to chest
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam eats a wormwood stem.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You cease parrying.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your chest.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest completely heals.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3850h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4067h, 4974m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave wounds sahmiam
You weave a glamour of wounding and send it at Sahmiam.
4067h, 4624m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
4067h, 4624m, 3990e, 9p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
Sahmiam loses control of his grapple on you.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22915w sSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
psi substratus phobia sahmiam
psi id AmplifyPhobia sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
weave illusion Dynami slings a tiwaz rune and a nyd rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
4284h, 4872m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22921w esSixkb-
You weave your illusion.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w sSixkb-
------------------- v5517 -------------------
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/ | \\ |
-- - - -
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w sSixkb-
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
writhe grapple
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w esSixkb-
You aren't grappled! You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22916w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSixkb-
------------------- v5517 -------------------
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---- - -
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSixkb-
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
4284h, 4847m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22922w esSixkb-
------------------- v5520 -------------------
\\ /
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---- - -
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- |
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/ | \\ |
-- - - -
\\ | / /
------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
Leaping out from the shadows, Sahmiam suddenly waylays you, throwing you to the ground and then standing menacingly over you.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22922w esSixkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22922w esSixkbp-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22922w esSixkbp-
Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.
4346h, 4922m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkbp-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22928w esSixkb-
psi substratus phobia sahmiam
psi id AmplifyPhobia sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
weave illusion Dynami slings a tiwaz rune and a nyd rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You insert a fear into the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4974m, 3840e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w eSixkb-
You telepathically aggravate the centres of fear within the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
4346h, 4974m, 3690e, 10p, 19260en, 22828w eSxkb-
You tunnel into the identity of Sahmiam and drink the psychic energies there.
Sahmiam suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You weave your illusion.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
Sahmiam is gripped with fear, staring out with terrified eyes.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You are no longer immune from stun.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
psi substratus stupidity sahmiam
psi id paralyse sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You have used that channel recently, and have not yet reopened your link to it.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
------------------- v5520 -------------------
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. Surrounded by raging lightning, a silver thunderbird spreads his white, leathery wings here, yellow eyes blazing with a keen intellect.
You see exits leading east and northwest.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
------------------- v5509 -------------------
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-- - - -
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------------------ 0:-3:0 -------------------
An intersection in forest trails.
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You see exits leading north, northeast, southeast, and west.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22950w esSixkb-
------------------- v5520 -------------------
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------------------ -1:-3:0 ------------------
Cobbled path passing a forest. (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You see exits leading east and northwest.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19256en, 22950w esSixkb-
weave reflection at me
You weave a glamour and mold it until it becomes a reflection of yourself.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
sq n
There is nothing northwards for you to squint at!
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
sq nw
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
Cobbled path before a cave. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds.
You can see no further.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w sSixkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4924m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w esSixkb-
------------------- v5517 -------------------
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/ | \\ |
-- - - -
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------------------ -2:-2:0 ------------------
Cobbled path at the edge of the Vernal Forest. (road).
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sohei Sahmiam Mes'ard, the Eternal Deception is here, shrouded. He wields a dark serrated chain with both hands.
You see exits leading east, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Leaping out from the shadows, Sahmiam suddenly waylays you, throwing you to the ground and then standing menacingly over you.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22945w esSixkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22945w esSixkbp-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19258en, 22945w esSixkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkbp-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
psi substratus phobia sahmiam
psi id AmplifyPhobia sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
weave illusion Dynami slings a tiwaz rune and a nyd rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You insert a fear into the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
smoke 177399
4346h, 4974m, 3840e, 10p, 19260en, 22900w eSixkb-
You telepathically aggravate the centres of fear within the mind of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
4346h, 4974m, 3690e, 10p, 19260en, 22850w eSxkb-
You tunnel into the identity of Sahmiam and drink the psychic energies there.
Sahmiam suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
4346h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You weave your illusion.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22945w xkb-
You are no longer immune from stun.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
Sahmiam takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
Sahmiam eats a sparkleberry.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
Sahmiam eats a piece of black earwort.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w xkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4346h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the chest with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
writhe grapple
apply health to chest
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w ekb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest completely heals.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w ekb-
Sahmiam eats kombu seaweed.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w ekb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
3848h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
Sahmiam eats a reishi mushroom.
4065h, 4949m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the chest with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
writhe grapple
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sahmiam.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
apply health to chest
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esikb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
The deep damage in your chest completely heals.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
psi substratus stupidity sahmiam
psi id paralyse sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You mute the higher thought processes of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
smoke 177399
3567h, 4974m, 3840e, 10p, 19260en, 22900w eSixkb-
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Sahmiam.
Sahmiam winces and rubs his temples.
3567h, 4974m, 3690e, 10p, 19260en, 22850w eSxkb-
You tunnel into the identity of Sahmiam and drink the psychic energies there.
Sahmiam suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam eats a sparkleberry.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3567h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam lets out a massive belch into the air.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam lovingly barks at his armpit.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam takes a drink from a gem-wrapped steel vial of the Leviathan.
3784h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Twirling a dark serrated chain so fast that it whistles, Sahmiam grazes your left arm, opening up a deep gash.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
parry chest 50
parry larm 50
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You cease parrying.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your chest.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left arm.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w exkb-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
Sahmiam eats a wormwood stem.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
With a look of concentration, Sahmiam unleashes a powerful kick at your right leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Taking a dark serrated chain in two hands, Sahmiam throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your left leg.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Your enhanced movement repels paralysis.
parry chest 50
parry rleg 50
writhe grapple
read 48021
sip health
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esixkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You cease parrying.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
psi substratus stupidity sahmiam
psi id paralyse sahmiam
psi superstratus PsychicVampirism sahmiam
You adjust your attention spent parrying your chest.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your right leg.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
2824h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22950w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2824h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22938w esSikb-
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
3171h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22938w esSikb-
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3809h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22938w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22926w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You must regain balance first.
3809h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22914w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22902w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22890w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3809h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSikb-
3809h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
4026h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
Sahmiam softly moos at your hand.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sahmiam.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22878w esSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
apply health to legs
4026h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sahmiam razes your aura of rebounding with a dark serrated chain.
Sahmiam lashes out at your right leg with a dark serrated chain, snapping the bone with a crunch.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam snaps a dark serrated chain at your throat, crushing your windpipe.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
You are afflicted with asthma.
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the head with his right foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
apply melancholic to chest
outr arnica
apply arnica to head
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your right leg completely heals.
A warmth flows through your right leg.
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Sahmiam's eyes.
2406h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your chest.
Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.
smoke 177399
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You remove 1 arnica, bringing the total in the Rift to 832.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You chew an arnica bud, then spread it on your head.
The cartilage and nerves in your windpipe heal and your voice returns.
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam eats a wormwood stem.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Please try rewording.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 282.
2623h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You bleed 164 health.
2459h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
2893h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
Sahmiam carefully wipes all the poisons off of a dark serrated chain.
2893h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22884w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22872w esSixkbp-
You may apply another salve to yourself.
apply mending to legs
2893h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22872w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22860w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22848w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22836w esSixkbp-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your legs.
The bones in your right leg mend.
2893h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22836w esSixkbp-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
I don't follow.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22824w esSixkbp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkbp-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkbp-
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You may apply another salve to yourself.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
Come now, you don't really mean that.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You may be healed by a scroll again.
2893h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the head with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Taking a dark serrated chain in two hands, Sahmiam throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your head.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You suddenly feel lightheaded.
You are afflicted with haemophilia.
sip sanguine
parry rleg 50
parry head 50
writhe grapple
read 48021
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
sip health
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
Your blood regains its ability to clot.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You cease parrying.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your right leg.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You adjust your attention spent parrying your head.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
1737h, 4674m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You read a Scroll of Healing.
You feel an invigorating energy rush through you.
1954h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
sip sanguine
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sahmiam.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSikb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
Sahmiam flashes the world a charmingly crooked grin.
2720h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22838w esSixkb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2720h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22826w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
2720h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22826w esSixkb-
That went right over my head.
2720h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22826w esSixkb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2720h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22814w esSixkb-
You bleed 89 health.
2848h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22820w esSixkb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22808w esSixkb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
I missed that altogether.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
2848h, 4809m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22796w esSixkb-
You carefully writhe out of Sahmiam's grapple, escaping his grasp.
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4749m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22784w esSixkb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2848h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
I don't follow.
2848h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
sip health
2848h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You take a drink from a ruby vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3576h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
Sahmiam carefully wipes all the poisons off of a dark serrated chain.
3576h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
Sahmiam's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a quick spin, Sahmiam kicks you in the head with his left foot.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
Sahmiam razes your aura of rebounding with a dark serrated chain.
Taking a dark serrated chain in two hands, Sahmiam throws it out to its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it tightly about your head.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You suddenly feel lightheaded.
You are afflicted with haemophilia.
sip sanguine
smoke 177399
writhe grapple
outr sparkleberry
eat sparkleberry
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
Sahmiam takes a long drag off his pipe.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You take a drink from an opal vial.
Your blood regains its ability to clot.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSixkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSikb-
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the Rift to 281.
1792h, 4689m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSikb-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
2226h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22772w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4914m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22760w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22748w esSikb-
I don't follow.
2226h, 4854m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22748w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4794m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22736w esSikb-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
2226h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22724w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
Your meaning eludes me.
2226h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22724w esSikb-
You may drink another purgative or curing potion.
2226h, 4734m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22738w esSikb-
weave whispher sahmiam
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
2443h, 4974m, 3990e, 10p, 19260en, 22738w esSixkb-
Sahmiam wraps a dark serrated chain about his wrists and wrenches it violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Sahmiam jerks back a dark serrated chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
A dark serrated chain rips from your throat with such force that bits of flesh fly into the air and your head almost spins around in a full circle.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Sahmiam.
You are afflicted with blackedout.
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
You may be healed by a scroll again.
*****YOU'RE VISIBLE!*****
You come back into focus as the blur illusion vanishes.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
EDIT: Some comments or suggestions would be nice
Shamarah2010-02-28 02:21:49
You weren't eating sparkleberry or using healing scroll for most of the fight. If you did that, you'd have been able to keep up with wounds.
Also, your choice of illusion totally bewilders me. Why justice and fear? (You should also be illusioning more often than once per combo. Illusion balance is much faster than psi.)
Also, your choice of illusion totally bewilders me. Why justice and fear? (You should also be illusioning more often than once per combo. Illusion balance is much faster than psi.)
Dynami2010-02-28 02:23:06
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Feb 27 2010, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You weren't eating sparkleberry or using healing scroll for most of the fight. If you did that, you'd have been able to keep up with wounds.
Also, your choice of illusion totally bewilders me. Why justice and fear?
Also, your choice of illusion totally bewilders me. Why justice and fear?
I was using healing scroll and sparkleberry. As for the illusion, I want him off herb balance so amplifyphobia won't stick.
Shamarah2010-02-28 02:25:13
You used each twice in the entire fight, you should have been using them earlier. As a general rule, when you fight a warrior or monk, your sparkle/scroll thresholds should be ABOVE your sip threshold so that you can spend your sip balance curing wounds instead of health.
Sure, but you should be illusioning high-priority herb afflictions to do that, not justice (a bottom-priority affliction) and fear (cured by COMPOSE). Try things like stupidity and impatience (ger/cen) instead.
Sure, but you should be illusioning high-priority herb afflictions to do that, not justice (a bottom-priority affliction) and fear (cured by COMPOSE). Try things like stupidity and impatience (ger/cen) instead.
Dynami2010-02-28 02:27:05
But if I have him use pennyroyal, he might end up curing the phobia istelf...
Shamarah2010-02-28 02:28:51
Well, illusion something else then. But there's no point to illusioning justice and fear.
Also, you never parried anything, are you sure you were wielding a shield? And were you using stances?
Also, you never parried anything, are you sure you were wielding a shield? And were you using stances?
Dynami2010-02-28 02:30:48
QUOTE (Shamarah @ Feb 27 2010, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, illusion something else then. But there's no point to illusioning justice and fear.
Also, you never parried anything, are you sure you were wielding a shield? And were you using stances?
Also, you never parried anything, are you sure you were wielding a shield? And were you using stances?
Yes, but I think I never parried anything because I am only up to parry in combat and I have stance set as an auto defense.
Sylphas2010-02-28 03:27:15
Realize that illusioning runes as a psion easy to pick up on if you can turn classes of afflictions on and off in your system.
Esano2010-02-28 03:42:07
Nyd is actually sensitivity, now - with the same restricts as the poison. If he's deaf with a decent system, he'll just ignore it.
Did you have an agreement not to use your demesne or something? You may consider it rather worthless, but the survival and affliction handling effects are just amazing. An extra affliction doesn't go amiss either.
You also weren't using reality, although as he was moving that's understandable.
You let him get too much momentum and didn't move away for the time required for him to cool down.
Oh, and I didn't see any phantomarmour up either. Should keep it up - for an unlucky monk it can be almost constant blackout.
Did you have an agreement not to use your demesne or something? You may consider it rather worthless, but the survival and affliction handling effects are just amazing. An extra affliction doesn't go amiss either.
You also weren't using reality, although as he was moving that's understandable.
You let him get too much momentum and didn't move away for the time required for him to cool down.
Oh, and I didn't see any phantomarmour up either. Should keep it up - for an unlucky monk it can be almost constant blackout.
Casilu2010-02-28 07:33:25
QUOTE (Esano @ Feb 27 2010, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, and I didn't see any phantomarmour up either. Should keep it up - for an unlucky monk it can be almost constant blackout.
Damn that skill.
Lawliet2010-02-28 19:04:56
Never occured to me to illusion runes, now to find a runist to find the lines :/
Dynami2010-03-01 01:06:39
QUOTE (Esano @ Feb 27 2010, 10:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nyd is actually sensitivity, now - with the same restricts as the poison. If he's deaf with a decent system, he'll just ignore it.
Did you have an agreement not to use your demesne or something? You may consider it rather worthless, but the survival and affliction handling effects are just amazing. An extra affliction doesn't go amiss either.
You also weren't using reality, although as he was moving that's understandable.
You let him get too much momentum and didn't move away for the time required for him to cool down.
Oh, and I didn't see any phantomarmour up either. Should keep it up - for an unlucky monk it can be almost constant blackout.
Did you have an agreement not to use your demesne or something? You may consider it rather worthless, but the survival and affliction handling effects are just amazing. An extra affliction doesn't go amiss either.
You also weren't using reality, although as he was moving that's understandable.
You let him get too much momentum and didn't move away for the time required for him to cool down.
Oh, and I didn't see any phantomarmour up either. Should keep it up - for an unlucky monk it can be almost constant blackout.
I don't have phantomarmour, reality, or claws. And yes, I am trying to spar people without my demesne.
Vesar2010-03-02 01:22:12
A couple of notes:
The key in my opinion to non-demesne combat is illusions. I think you're well on your way to realizing the full potential of a good illusion offense, but bear in mind that most people either
A) Don't know you're actually a telepath or
B ) Don't have a system that can reliably pick up on the difference.
You've got it started with rune illusions, but you could probably toss in some telekinetic and dreamweaving ones, as well. If you fight anyone who meet the above criteria (probably 95% of the people out there) then you can truly mess them up.
The key in my opinion to non-demesne combat is illusions. I think you're well on your way to realizing the full potential of a good illusion offense, but bear in mind that most people either
A) Don't know you're actually a telepath or
B ) Don't have a system that can reliably pick up on the difference.
You've got it started with rune illusions, but you could probably toss in some telekinetic and dreamweaving ones, as well. If you fight anyone who meet the above criteria (probably 95% of the people out there) then you can truly mess them up.
Unknown2010-03-02 18:18:30
Perhaps try yarrow illusions, a few of them are high priority and yarrow won't heal anything in telepathy if I'm not mistaken.
Nienla2010-03-03 00:01:00
Use your demesne. You're a mage. It doesn't make sense to neuter yourself when he's going to use all three of his skills against you, or anyone for that matter.
Unknown2010-04-09 12:56:42
QUOTE (Nienla @ Mar 2 2010, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Use your demesne. You're a mage. It doesn't make sense to neuter yourself when he's going to use all three of his skills against you, or anyone for that matter.
I would say it's wise to learn to fight without a demesne, so you don't limit yourself in combat. Definitely use it when the occasion calls for it/when it's needed, but don't limit yourself to it. Aeromancer demesne is basically non-demesne fighting anyways...you just get a lot of curing with it. And a few mental affs...ooOooOohh.
Nienla2010-04-09 16:25:10
QUOTE (Yukio @ Apr 9 2010, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would say it's wise to learn to fight without a demesne, so you don't limit yourself in combat. Definitely use it when the occasion calls for it/when it's needed, but don't limit yourself to it. Aeromancer demesne is basically non-demesne fighting anyways...you just get a lot of curing with it. And a few mental affs...ooOooOohh.
And incorrect. It does not make sense for a class to fight without the core of what their class is. In this case, it does not make sense for an Aeromancer to fight without his demesne. HOWEVER, right now considering that the Aeromancer demesne probably does more harm towards the offense of the Aeromancer than good, this may be the case. It amuses me that someone who has never played a Mage/Druid class is saying to learn how to fight without one though. You should try to do so yourself before telling another to do so.

Unknown2010-04-09 16:38:08
That might've been a little overly defensive. Learning to be more mobile in certain situations is certainly not a bad thing, and it only makes you a better fighter in the end.
Rakor2010-04-09 16:56:40
QUOTE (Nienla @ Apr 9 2010, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And incorrect. It does not make sense for a class to fight without the core of what their class is. In this case, it does not make sense for an Aeromancer to fight without his demesne. HOWEVER, right now considering that the Aeromancer demesne probably does more harm towards the offense of the Aeromancer than good, this may be the case. It amuses me that someone who has never played a Mage/Druid class is saying to learn how to fight without one though. You should try to do so yourself before telling another to do so.
And incorrect. It does not make sense for a class to fight without the core of what their class is. In this case, it does not make sense for an Aeromancer to fight without his demesne. HOWEVER, right now considering that the Aeromancer demesne probably does more harm towards the offense of the Aeromancer than good, this may be the case. It amuses me that someone who has never played a Mage/Druid class is saying to learn how to fight without one though. You should try to do so yourself before telling another to do so.

What a strange reaction. It makes perfect sense. Demesnes take time to set up, and there isn't always time. You don't have time to set up a demesne if you're jumping someone, for example. I don't think anyone is saying you shouldn't fight with a demesne, the point is that it's useful to know how to fight without it.
Nienla2010-04-09 18:34:05
QUOTE (Rakor @ Apr 9 2010, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What a strange reaction. It makes perfect sense. Demesnes take time to set up, and there isn't always time. You don't have time to set up a demesne if you're jumping someone, for example. I don't think anyone is saying you shouldn't fight with a demesne, the point is that it's useful to know how to fight without it.
Druid's don't jump people. Where have you been.