Eamon2010-03-10 21:29:11
Hi, this is from today's raid in Etherwilde, which was kind of fun despite all the dying I did
Here's my perspective on one of our (futile?) charges. I know what I'm doing wrong in the choke-deathsong thing (earwort needs a much higher priority in my choke queue, for one thing). But have a look at the 3 rad runes in a row dragging me back into choke! 
Like I said, this was a fun one. Wondering if anyone has thoughts on things we could try differently.
PS - sorry the log's a bit messy... it was just a copy-paste, not something I've prettified for you all. Enjoy!

Like I said, this was a fun one. Wondering if anyone has thoughts on things we could try differently.
PS - sorry the log's a bit messy... it was just a copy-paste, not something I've prettified for you all. Enjoy!
You follow Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight south to among a rain of colour and
mist. (5373)
Among a rain of colour and mist. (Serenwilde Forest.)
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the south.
Serenguard Azzad is here, shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar in his left hand
and a black and white steel rose scimitar in his right. Druid Kreon Zayah is here,
shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand and a leather sling in his right.
Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red starleaf violin with marble
inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by four pale ancestral spirits. Stargazer
Sondayga, Invoker of the Spirits is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield
in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight
is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and gold in each
You see exits leading north and south.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-sq s
A wall obscures your vision.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-melt s
You point a flame shaped ring of fire opal towards the south, and sparks fly out of it.
The icewall to the south quickly melts as you ignite it.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-ql
Among a rain of colour and mist. (Serenwilde Forest.)
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here.
You see exits leading north and south.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-sq s
Amid flowering green.
There is a maelstrom of rainbow colours whipping violently around. The silvery leaves
of a faebush gently billow in the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A
brilliant beam of pale light descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of
a gargantuan granite dish. Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a
lordly hippogriff stands here, surrounded by green flames. Serenguard Azzad is here,
shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar in his left hand and a black and white steel
rose scimitar in his right. Druid Kreon Zayah is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic
cudgel in his left hand and a leather sling in his right. Stargazer Sondayga, Invoker
of the Spirits is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield in his left hand
and an athame dagger in his right. K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons of Crow is
here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing athame of lustrous onyx
in her right. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand. Celina, the
Heartless is here, shrouded. She wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left
hand and a dark shield in the form of crow wings in her right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith,
Arimi's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold in each hand. Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red starleaf
violin with marble inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by four pale ancestral
You can see no further.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-s
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
A wall blocks your way.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-s
A wall blocks your way.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-leap s
You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap southwards.
Amid flowering green.
There is a maelstrom of rainbow colours whipping violently around. The silvery leaves
of a faebush gently billow in the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A
brilliant beam of pale light descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of
a gargantuan granite dish. Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a
lordly hippogriff stands here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the north. Druid Kreon Zayah is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in
his left hand and a leather sling in his right. K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons
of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing athame of
lustrous onyx in her right. Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red
starleaf violin with marble inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by five pale
ancestral spirits. Serenguard Azzad is here, shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar
in his left hand and a black and white steel rose scimitar in his right. Stargazer
Sondayga, Invoker of the Spirits is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield
in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Celina, the Heartless is here,
shrouded. She wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left hand and a dark
shield in the form of crow wings in her right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight is
here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and gold in each
hand. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Celina, who raises a dark shield in the form of
crow wings. Azzad's scimitar cuts her shield, which completely absorbs the blow.
Sidd eats a sprig of marjoram.
Celina leaps up into the air and twists around in a scissor kick, slamming powerfully
into her foes.
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her chest for
a small surface wound.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Kolm, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Kolm disappears in a flash of light.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
You raze Celina's speed defence with an elfen rapier.
Whispering to himself, Sondayga points at Celina.
--==>> Celina applied on chest chest chest <<==--
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Azzad suddenly begins dancing wildly about to the beat of the music.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Celina.
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Celina clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
A brownie runs up and tickles Celina's sides.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA LLEG RIGHT HAND.
* * * STANCE lleg RIGHT * * *
Focusing on her left leg, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier, who smoothly steps
away from the blow. You almost lose your balance as your thrust fails to connect.
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her belly, merely scratching
the flesh.
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her left arm,
striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
Horror overcomes Celina's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Celina's eyes become vacant and wider as a silver light envelops her.
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming emerald green
iridescence into you.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming lustrous violet
swirls into Azzad.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming lustrous violet
swirls into Sondayga.
You remove 1 kombu, bringing the total in the Rift to 711.
You eat kombu seaweed.
Your nerves suddenly calm down.
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
elxkdb >
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
You execute the Hackall maneuver: HACK DOWN CELINA RIGHT HAND.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam an elfen rapier down upon Celina. You hack her
chest, leaving a small surface wound.
--==>> Celina applied on chest chest chest <<==--
You may eat or smoke another herb.
Celina eats a reishi mushroom.
Your mind is able to focus once again.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla points a mystic cudgel at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a
thorny embrace.
Whispering to himself, Sondayga points at Celina.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Sidd's eyes glow golden as he reaches out and places a palm on Celina's chest, power
crackling in the air around them.
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
Celina prepares to somersault to the north.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
You have recovered balance on your legs.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Celina, who raises a dark shield in the form of
crow wings. Azzad's scimitar cuts her shield, which completely absorbs the blow.
Kolm's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Kolm strikes at Celina with an enormous assault rapier of dark
iron and gold. Kolm stumbles forward as he fails to connect.
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her belly,
merely scratching the flesh.
With a focused look, Kolm strikes at Celina with an enormous assault rapier of dark
iron and gold. Kolm powerfully strikes her left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Azzad, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Azzad disappears in a flash of light.
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
You cannot see that being here.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
Sidd eats a sparkleberry.
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
You cannot see that being here.
current target = nienla
Kolm gazes at Sidd with love and adoration.
elrxkdb >
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming scarlet red light
into you.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming incandescent blue
striations into Sondayga.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming incandescent blue
striations and deep indigo whorls into Kolm.
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
elrxkdbp >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
Sidd gazes at Sondayga with love and adoration.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
A brownie runs up and tickles Celina's sides.
Sondayga suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
current target = celina
Nienla gazes at you with love and adoration.
Kolm's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Kolm razes Celina's aura of rebounding with an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kolm slams an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold down upon Celina. Kolm's weapon hacks through the air, missing completely.
You raze Celina's speed defence with an elfen rapier.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Hackall maneuver: HACK DOWN CELINA RIGHT HAND.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam an elfen rapier down upon Celina, who raises a
dark shield in the form of crow wings. Your rapier hacks her shield, which completely
absorbs the blow.
Celina follows through by swinging a dark shield in the form of crow wings with all her
might, smashing it into your head with a resounding ring.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kolm slams an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold down upon Celina. Kolm's weapon hacks through the air, missing completely.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kolm slams an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold down upon Celina. Kolm hacks her cheek for a small flesh wound.
--==>> Celina applied on gut gut gut <<==--
Whispering to himself, Sondayga points at Celina.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd hits his left
thigh for a minor bruise.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Sidd to rake across the skin of Kolm.
Horror overcomes Kolm's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. With an elegant
stroke, Sidd crushes his left leg, knocking him to the ground.
Sidd takes a drink from a ceramic serving bottle.
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
Kolm eats a sprig of chervil.
--==>> Kolm applied on legs legs legs <<==--
Celina appears to play a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit, but you hear no sound.
Kolm cries out in astonishment.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
The end of Nienla's cudgel forms a knotty burl and she points it at Sondayga. The burl
pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Kolm suddenly begins dancing wildly about to the beat of the music.
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
Focusing on her right arm, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier. You merely clip
her right arm for a small cut.
A leprechaun bumps into Celina and quickly apologizes.
You are no longer immune from stun.
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the disharmonic notes
towards Kolm.
Blood trickles out of Kolm's ears and from the corners of his eyes.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Celina to rake across the skin of Kolm.
Celina's eyes become vacant and wider as a silver light envelops her.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
A banshee stares at Celina, then suddenly emits a high-pitched screech at her, causing
the colour to drain from her face.
The crone crosses her shriveled arms and turns her dark, penetrating gaze upon Celina.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Celina eats a reishi mushroom.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Sidd slams a darkened hammer down upon Kolm. Sidd smites
his chest, leaving a small bruise.
Horror overcomes Kolm's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Sidd slams a darkened hammer down upon Kolm. Sidd smites
his chest, leaving a small bruise.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Kolm eats a sprig of chervil.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
6550h, 5150m, 5940e, 10p elxkdb-v
--==>> Celina applied on head head head <<==--
elxkdb >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Kolm reads a scroll.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming bright yellow flashes
and vibrant orange hues into Sondayga.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming deep indigo whorls
into you.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming incandescent blue
striations into Kolm.
elrxkdb >
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Celina eats a reishi mushroom.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
Nienla slings a rad rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the south.
Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red starleaf violin with marble
inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits. Serenguard
Azzad is here, shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar in his left hand and a black
and white steel rose scimitar in his right.
You see exits leading north and south.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
You cannot see that being here.
6095h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-leap s
You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap southwards.
Amid flowering green.
There is a maelstrom of rainbow colours whipping violently around. The silvery leaves
of a faebush gently billow in the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A
brilliant beam of pale light descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of
a gargantuan granite dish. Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a
lordly hippogriff stands here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the north. K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons of Crow is here. She wields
a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault
rapier of dark iron and gold in each hand. Celina, the Heartless is here, shrouded. She
wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left hand and a dark shield in the
form of crow wings in her right. Stargazer Sondayga, Invoker of the Spirits is here,
shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield in his left hand and an athame dagger in
his right. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
elrkdb >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
Kolm eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
A brownie runs up and tickles Celina's sides.
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
--==>> Celina applied on head head head <<==--
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina right arm NEG <<==--
Focusing on her right arm, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier. You strike her
right arm, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Kolm takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd hits his left
thigh for a minor bruise.
Horror overcomes Kolm's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. With an elegant
stroke, Sidd strikes his left leg, knocking him to the ground.
Kolm takes a drink from a coral vial.
Celina creates a sparkling cloud and then molds it until it appears like herself.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
Kolm eats a sprig of chervil.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Kolm takes a drink from a turquoise vial.
Kolm suddenly begins dancing wildly about to the beat of the music.
A reflection of Celina blinks out of existence.
6295h, 5300m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-c2
--==>> PINLEG and REND <<==--
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
The end of Nienla's cudgel forms a knotty burl and she points it at Kolm. The burl pops
and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Celina creates a sparkling cloud and then molds it until it appears like herself.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
A reflection of Celina blinks out of existence.
--==>> Celina applied on legs legs legs <<==--
lrxkdb >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
Kolm reads a scroll.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sidd razes Kolm's aura of rebounding with a darkened hammer.
The maelstrom of violent rainbow colours whipping riotously around slowly dissipate.
Sidd razes Kolm's speed defence with a darkened hammer.
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Kolm takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Celina gazes at Kolm with love and adoration.
elrxkdb >
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Kolm eats a piece of black earwort.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd cuffs the side
of his face lightly.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd strikes his jaw,
which shatters and hangs loose.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Kolm takes a drink from a coral vial.
Sidd gazes at Kreon with love and adoration.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Kolm stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA LLEG RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina left leg NEG <<==--
Focusing on her left leg, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier. You strike her
left leg, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Barrin appears to play a gleaming red starleaf violin with marble inlays, but you hear
no sound.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elxkdb-c2
--==>> PINLEG and REND <<==--
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Nienla with love and adoration.
--==>> Celina applied on legs legs legs <<==--
Sidd sings, "Bring the voices of the fae."
Celina, the Heartless sings, "Bring the voices of the fae."
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Barrin, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Barrin disappears in a flash of light.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You execute the Pinhard maneuver: LUNGE CELINA LLEG RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina left leg NEG <<==--
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Celina's left leg with an elfen rapier. You strike
her left leg, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
elxkdb >
You execute the Pinhard maneuver: LUNGE CELINA LLEG LEFT HAND.
--==>> celina left leg NEG <<==--
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Celina's left leg with an elfen rapier. You strike
her left leg, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
exkdb >
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
A squirrel skitters through the treetops somewhere above.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
* @ * @ * ---- LEFT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
<<< POISONS: 2 X SLEEP >>>
--==>> Celina applied on legs legs legs <<==--
You execute the Pinhard maneuver: LUNGE CELINA RLEG RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina right leg MEDIUM <<==--
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Celina's right leg with an elfen rapier. You
powerfully strike into her right leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
elxkdb >
There is no one impaled upon your weapon.
Celina prepares to somersault to the north.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Sidd eats a piece of black earwort.
Nienla points a mystic cudgel at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a
thorny embrace.
* @ * @ * ---- LEFT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
elrxkdbp >
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla swings an arcing athame of lustrous onyx with all her might, smashing it into
your head with a resounding ring.
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Nienla. Azzad cuts her cheek for a small flesh
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Nienla. Azzad cuts her right leg,
but only manages to nick her thigh.
Horror overcomes Nienla's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
--==>> Nienla applied on head head head <<==--
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. Your left leg is
elegantly crushed and swept out from under you, knocking you to the ground.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Sidd to rake across your skin.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
elrkdbp >
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are hit on the
left thigh for a minor bruise.
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
elrkdbp >
Sidd takes a drink from a ceramic serving bottle.
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
* PARRY on lleg | head | chest *
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your left leg partially heals.
* PARRY on head | chest | gut *
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
elrkdbp >
You remove 1 pennyroyal, bringing the total in the Rift to 1472.
You eat a bunch of pennyroyal.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Azzad, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Azzad disappears in a flash of light.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
You may eat or smoke another herb.
You are no longer immune from stun.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You take a long drag off your pipe.
You stand straight up.
* * * DOING CHOKE PREP * * *
Dipping his hand into a shadow cauldron, Sidd pulls out a long shadow and releases it
into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
You remove 5 marjoram, bringing the total in the Rift to 1995.
You remove 5 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 1954.
You remove 5 reishi, bringing the total in the Rift to 128.
You have nothing in your inventory capable of starting a fire.
You have nothing in your inventory capable of starting a fire.
You have nothing in your inventory capable of starting a fire.
You hold no "gold".
You call a halt to the regenerative process.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
--==>> Nienla applied on legs legs legs <<==--
You bleed 150 health.
Sondayga has bled to death.
elrxkdb >
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 1953.
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
elrxkdb >
elrxkdb >
elrxkdb >
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
6549h, 5280m, 5940e, 6p elrxkdb-who here
You see the following people here:
Sidd, Nienla, Eamon
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
* * * Easy mode = 3 * * *
* * * SYSTEM OFF * * *
Shadows suddenly leap out from every corner, violently whirling in a sudden surge. When
the shadows dissipate slightly, you gasp as you feel strands of darkness still cling to
you, binding you to Sidd in a suffocating, choking embrace.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla points a mystic cudgel at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a
thorny embrace.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
* * * CHOKE >>> Entangled - summer
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
The icewall to the north suddenly melts as it is ignited from the opposite side.
Turning your head to the south, you beseech the Spirits of Summer to set you free. A
sparkling wind comes forth from the south and burns away the ties that bind you.
lrxkdb >
6549h, 5230m, 5940e, 6p lrxkdb-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You bleed 41 health.
lrxkdb >
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Nienla points a thin diamond band towards the north, and sparks fly out of it.
An icewall rises up to the north.
6508h, 5230m, 5940e, 6p elrxkdb-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You must regain balance first.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
You tumble out of the room.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. A humble song sparrow twitters cheerily here, flickers
of aetherspace around her wings conveying a dizzying sense of scale. An icewall is
here, blocking passage to the south.
You see exits leading north and south.
You sense the shadow binding and choking you and Sidd beginning to depart.
elrkdb >
You bleed 27 health.
elrkdb >
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
A rad rune whizzes in from the south and hits you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Amid flowering green.
The shadows have been gathered here. The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in
the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A brilliant beam of pale light
descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of a gargantuan granite dish.
Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a lordly hippogriff stands
here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the north.
Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand. K'inare Nienla Nightshade,
the Talons of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing
athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
6523h, 5400m, 5940e, 7p elrkdb-n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: north
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sidd razes your aura of rebounding with a darkened hammer.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = north
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
(Serenwilde): Kolm (from the Nexus World of Serenwilde) says, "Back to mother."
A wall blocks your way.
(Serenwilde): Kolm (from the Nexus World of Serenwilde) says, "Back to mother."
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. Your left leg is
elegantly crushed and swept out from under you, knocking you to the ground.
elrkdbp >
6225h, 5400m, 5940e, 7p elrkdbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
elrxkdbp >
You bleed 14 health.
elrxkdbp >
Swinging a darkened hammer in an underhand arc, Sidd strikes at you. You are smashed in
the chest and receive a small bruise.
elrxkdbp >
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
The end of Nienla's cudgel forms a knotty burl and she points it at you. The burl pops
and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into your flesh.
elrkdbp >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
* * * CHOKE >>> Bleeding
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Swinging a darkened hammer in an underhand arc, Sidd strikes at you. You are barely
fazed from getting smashed in the gut.
elrkdbp >
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
Swinging a darkened hammer in an underhand arc, Sidd strikes at you. You receive only a
red welt from your left leg being smashed.
elrkdbp >
You tumble out of the room.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. A humble song sparrow twitters cheerily here, flickers
of aetherspace around her wings conveying a dizzying sense of scale. An icewall is
here, blocking passage to the south. Celina, the Heartless is here, shrouded. She
wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left hand and a dark shield in the
form of crow wings in her right.
You see exits leading north and south.
You sense the shadow binding and choking you and Sidd beginning to depart.
elrkdbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> Bleeding
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You bleed 204 health.
elrkdbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> CURED * * *
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
% KILL: no process 0
You sense the choking effect of the shadow leaving you.
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
A rad rune whizzes in from the south and hits you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Amid flowering green.
The shadows have been gathered here. The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in
the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A brilliant beam of pale light
descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of a gargantuan granite dish.
Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a lordly hippogriff stands
here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the north.
Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand. K'inare Nienla Nightshade,
the Talons of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing
athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
* PARRY on lleg | gut | head *
4831h, 5400m, 5940e, 8p elrkdbp-n
You are already an insomniac.
elrkdbp >
You store 5 marjoram, bringing the total to 2000, which is the maximum for that type of
You store 4 chervil, bringing the total to 1957.
You store 5 reishi, bringing the total to 133.
You rub a medicine bag against your left leg, allowing the healing properties of the
herbs inside to soak through your flesh.
The deep damage in your left leg partially heals.
* PARRY on gut | head | chest *
elrkdbp >
You must regain balance first.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
elrkdbp >
elrkdbp >
elrkdbp >
elrkdbp >
What do you want to eat?
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkdbp >
* PARRY on gut | head | chest *
You must possess balance in order to do that.
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 8p elrkdbp-n
You must regain balance first.
elrkdbp >
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkdbp-t n
You must regain balance first.
You take a long drag off your pipe.
Celina's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit, and you cry out as your deaf ears open
up to the sound of a high-pitched note.
Your ears open up, though you lose your true hearing.
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkbp-t n
You must regain balance first.
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkbp-t n
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the exquisite notes towards
* * * PFIFTH => GUST Celina DIR * * *
* * * PFIFTH => FEAR Celina * * *
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Celina.
You bleed 95 health.
elrkbp >
The beat of the music pounds into your head, and you cannot stop yourself from dancing
wildly to the rhythm.
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
% UNDEF: Macro "makenexthit" was not defined.
* * * Easy mode = 3 * * *
* * * SYSTEM OFF * * *
Shadows suddenly leap out from every corner, violently whirling in a sudden surge. When
the shadows dissipate slightly, you gasp as you feel strands of darkness still cling to
you, binding you to Sidd in a suffocating, choking embrace.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
(Serenwilde): Barrin says, "Celina fired."
The icewall to the north suddenly melts as it is ignited from the opposite side.
4438h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
You tumble out of the room.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. A humble song sparrow twitters cheerily here, flickers
of aetherspace around her wings conveying a dizzying sense of scale. Druid Kreon Zayah
is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand and a leather sling in
his right. Lendren Starfall, Tiriel is here, shrouded. She wields a scuffed mandolin
bearing the stories of the road in her left hand and a golden paintbrush in her right.
She is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits.
You see exits leading north and south.
You sense the shadow binding and choking you and Sidd beginning to depart.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
elrkbp >
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
A rad rune whizzes in from the south and hits you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Amid flowering green.
The shadows have been gathered here. The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in
the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A brilliant beam of pale light
descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of a gargantuan granite dish.
Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a lordly hippogriff stands
here, surrounded by green flames. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each
hand. Celina, the Heartless is here, shrouded. She wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark
Spirit in her left hand and a dark shield in the form of crow wings in her right.
K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in
her left hand and an arcing athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
elrkbp >
4983h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: north
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = north
You must regain balance first.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
You bleed 82 health.
elrkbp >
4901h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-f
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the disharmonic notes
towards you.
The reverberating sound echoes through your head, pounding you with excruciating pain.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Celina to rake across your skin.
elrkbp >
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sidd razes your aura of rebounding with a darkened hammer.
You must regain balance first.
3628h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-f
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Autoclot off
Wounds open up all over your body and you start to bleed.
Nienla points a thin diamond band towards the north, and sparks fly out of it.
An icewall rises up to the north.
You must regain balance first.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
* * * CHOKE >>> Stand
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the exquisite notes towards
* * * PFIFTH => GUST Celina DIR * * *
* * * PFIFTH => FEAR Celina * * *
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Celina.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. Your left leg is
smacked with a force that goes to the bone.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Sidd to rake across your skin.
elrxkbp >
3330h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkbp-f
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* * * CHOKE >>> Stand
You must first stand up before you can do that.
3330h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkbp-f
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
The beat of the music pounds into your head, and you cannot stop yourself from dancing
wildly to the rhythm.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
You must possess balance in order to do that.
You bleed 597 health.
elrkbp >
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
2435h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-stan
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* * * CHOKE >>> Health low
The ache in your ear canals clears up.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* * * DIRGE ATTEMPT => GUST DIR! * * *
"Sleep tight in the depth of Night," sings Celina, as a lordly ebon viola of Dark
Spirit plays deep, dark melodies, and she looks directly at you.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Sidd with love and adoration.
You touch your medicine bag and feel your wounds close and heal.
elrkbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> Bleeding
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
3677h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-stand
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
elrkbp >
4222h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You must possess balance in order to do that.
Celina gazes at you with love and adoration.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
3924h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
* * * DIRGE ATTEMPT => GUST Celina DIR! * * *
The throat of Celina undulates and warbles as she continues to maintain the moaning
note of her song. Ominous black shadows rise out of the ground, slowly circling around
You bleed 597 health.
elrkbp >
* * * PFIFTH => GUST Celina DIR * * *
* * * PFIFTH => FEAR Celina * * *
You find you cannot bear to part from Celina.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla swings an arcing athame of lustrous onyx with all her might, smashing it into
your head with a resounding ring.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
3029h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
3029h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> Health low
Throwing back her head, Celina lets loose a blood curdling caw, bringing the killing
note of her song to a screeching conclusion. The swirling black shadows that surround
you suddenly wrap tightly around your body, painfully squeezing the life from you in
mere moments.
You have been slain by Celina.
* * * ME VITAE * * *
>>>> Resetting afflicts variables...
* * * AEON >>> CURED * * *
% KILL: no process 0
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
* * * SAP >>> CURED * * *
% KILL: no process 0
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
>>>> ... afflicts variables reset
* * * CHOKE >>> CURED * * *
% KILL: no process 0
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
As your soul leaves your body, the elixir vitae courses through your spirit and
suddenly bursts in a bright light, forming a new body around your soul.
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
mist. (5373)
Among a rain of colour and mist. (Serenwilde Forest.)
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the south.
Serenguard Azzad is here, shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar in his left hand
and a black and white steel rose scimitar in his right. Druid Kreon Zayah is here,
shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand and a leather sling in his right.
Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red starleaf violin with marble
inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by four pale ancestral spirits. Stargazer
Sondayga, Invoker of the Spirits is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield
in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight
is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and gold in each
You see exits leading north and south.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-sq s
A wall obscures your vision.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-melt s
You point a flame shaped ring of fire opal towards the south, and sparks fly out of it.
The icewall to the south quickly melts as you ignite it.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-ql
Among a rain of colour and mist. (Serenwilde Forest.)
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here.
You see exits leading north and south.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-sq s
Amid flowering green.
There is a maelstrom of rainbow colours whipping violently around. The silvery leaves
of a faebush gently billow in the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A
brilliant beam of pale light descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of
a gargantuan granite dish. Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a
lordly hippogriff stands here, surrounded by green flames. Serenguard Azzad is here,
shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar in his left hand and a black and white steel
rose scimitar in his right. Druid Kreon Zayah is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic
cudgel in his left hand and a leather sling in his right. Stargazer Sondayga, Invoker
of the Spirits is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield in his left hand
and an athame dagger in his right. K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons of Crow is
here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing athame of lustrous onyx
in her right. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand. Celina, the
Heartless is here, shrouded. She wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left
hand and a dark shield in the form of crow wings in her right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith,
Arimi's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold in each hand. Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red starleaf
violin with marble inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by four pale ancestral
You can see no further.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-s
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
A wall blocks your way.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-s
A wall blocks your way.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-leap s
You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap southwards.
Amid flowering green.
There is a maelstrom of rainbow colours whipping violently around. The silvery leaves
of a faebush gently billow in the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A
brilliant beam of pale light descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of
a gargantuan granite dish. Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a
lordly hippogriff stands here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the north. Druid Kreon Zayah is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in
his left hand and a leather sling in his right. K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons
of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing athame of
lustrous onyx in her right. Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red
starleaf violin with marble inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by five pale
ancestral spirits. Serenguard Azzad is here, shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar
in his left hand and a black and white steel rose scimitar in his right. Stargazer
Sondayga, Invoker of the Spirits is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield
in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Celina, the Heartless is here,
shrouded. She wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left hand and a dark
shield in the form of crow wings in her right. Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight is
here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and gold in each
hand. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Celina, who raises a dark shield in the form of
crow wings. Azzad's scimitar cuts her shield, which completely absorbs the blow.
Sidd eats a sprig of marjoram.
Celina leaps up into the air and twists around in a scissor kick, slamming powerfully
into her foes.
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her chest for
a small surface wound.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Kolm, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Kolm disappears in a flash of light.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
You raze Celina's speed defence with an elfen rapier.
Whispering to himself, Sondayga points at Celina.
--==>> Celina applied on chest chest chest <<==--
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Azzad suddenly begins dancing wildly about to the beat of the music.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Celina.
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Celina clenches her fists and grits her teeth.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
A brownie runs up and tickles Celina's sides.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA LLEG RIGHT HAND.
* * * STANCE lleg RIGHT * * *
Focusing on her left leg, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier, who smoothly steps
away from the blow. You almost lose your balance as your thrust fails to connect.
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her belly, merely scratching
the flesh.
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her left arm,
striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
Horror overcomes Celina's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Celina's eyes become vacant and wider as a silver light envelops her.
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming emerald green
iridescence into you.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming lustrous violet
swirls into Azzad.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming lustrous violet
swirls into Sondayga.
You remove 1 kombu, bringing the total in the Rift to 711.
You eat kombu seaweed.
Your nerves suddenly calm down.
You focus your mind intently on curing your mental maladies.
elxkdb >
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
You execute the Hackall maneuver: HACK DOWN CELINA RIGHT HAND.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam an elfen rapier down upon Celina. You hack her
chest, leaving a small surface wound.
--==>> Celina applied on chest chest chest <<==--
You may eat or smoke another herb.
Celina eats a reishi mushroom.
Your mind is able to focus once again.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla points a mystic cudgel at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a
thorny embrace.
Whispering to himself, Sondayga points at Celina.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Sidd's eyes glow golden as he reaches out and places a palm on Celina's chest, power
crackling in the air around them.
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
Celina prepares to somersault to the north.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
You have recovered balance on your legs.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Celina, who raises a dark shield in the form of
crow wings. Azzad's scimitar cuts her shield, which completely absorbs the blow.
Kolm's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Kolm strikes at Celina with an enormous assault rapier of dark
iron and gold. Kolm stumbles forward as he fails to connect.
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Celina. Azzad cuts her belly,
merely scratching the flesh.
With a focused look, Kolm strikes at Celina with an enormous assault rapier of dark
iron and gold. Kolm powerfully strikes her left leg, and blood fountains out in a thick
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Azzad, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Azzad disappears in a flash of light.
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
You cannot see that being here.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
Sidd eats a sparkleberry.
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
You cannot see that being here.
current target = nienla
Kolm gazes at Sidd with love and adoration.
elrxkdb >
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming scarlet red light
into you.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming incandescent blue
striations into Sondayga.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming incandescent blue
striations and deep indigo whorls into Kolm.
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
elrxkdbp >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
Sidd gazes at Sondayga with love and adoration.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
A brownie runs up and tickles Celina's sides.
Sondayga suddenly stumbles as the air is filled with a high-pitched thrum.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
current target = celina
Nienla gazes at you with love and adoration.
Kolm's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Kolm razes Celina's aura of rebounding with an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kolm slams an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold down upon Celina. Kolm's weapon hacks through the air, missing completely.
You raze Celina's speed defence with an elfen rapier.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Hackall maneuver: HACK DOWN CELINA RIGHT HAND.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam an elfen rapier down upon Celina, who raises a
dark shield in the form of crow wings. Your rapier hacks her shield, which completely
absorbs the blow.
Celina follows through by swinging a dark shield in the form of crow wings with all her
might, smashing it into your head with a resounding ring.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kolm slams an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold down upon Celina. Kolm's weapon hacks through the air, missing completely.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kolm slams an enormous assault rapier of dark iron and
gold down upon Celina. Kolm hacks her cheek for a small flesh wound.
--==>> Celina applied on gut gut gut <<==--
Whispering to himself, Sondayga points at Celina.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd hits his left
thigh for a minor bruise.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Sidd to rake across the skin of Kolm.
Horror overcomes Kolm's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. With an elegant
stroke, Sidd crushes his left leg, knocking him to the ground.
Sidd takes a drink from a ceramic serving bottle.
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
Kolm eats a sprig of chervil.
--==>> Kolm applied on legs legs legs <<==--
Celina appears to play a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit, but you hear no sound.
Kolm cries out in astonishment.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
The end of Nienla's cudgel forms a knotty burl and she points it at Sondayga. The burl
pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Kolm suddenly begins dancing wildly about to the beat of the music.
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
Focusing on her right arm, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier. You merely clip
her right arm for a small cut.
A leprechaun bumps into Celina and quickly apologizes.
You are no longer immune from stun.
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the disharmonic notes
towards Kolm.
Blood trickles out of Kolm's ears and from the corners of his eyes.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Celina to rake across the skin of Kolm.
Celina's eyes become vacant and wider as a silver light envelops her.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
A banshee stares at Celina, then suddenly emits a high-pitched screech at her, causing
the colour to drain from her face.
The crone crosses her shriveled arms and turns her dark, penetrating gaze upon Celina.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Celina eats a reishi mushroom.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Sidd slams a darkened hammer down upon Kolm. Sidd smites
his chest, leaving a small bruise.
Horror overcomes Kolm's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Sidd slams a darkened hammer down upon Kolm. Sidd smites
his chest, leaving a small bruise.
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Kolm eats a sprig of chervil.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
6550h, 5150m, 5940e, 10p elxkdb-v
--==>> Celina applied on head head head <<==--
elxkdb >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Kolm reads a scroll.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming bright yellow flashes
and vibrant orange hues into Sondayga.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming deep indigo whorls
into you.
The maelstrom of rainbow colours whips violently around, slamming incandescent blue
striations into Kolm.
elrxkdb >
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Celina eats a reishi mushroom.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
Nienla slings a rad rune at you, hitting you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the south.
Barrin Starleaf is here, shrouded. He wields a gleaming red starleaf violin with marble
inlays in his left hand. He is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits. Serenguard
Azzad is here, shrouded. He wields a jade sickle scimitar in his left hand and a black
and white steel rose scimitar in his right.
You see exits leading north and south.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
You cannot see that being here.
6095h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkdb-leap s
You bunch your powerful muscles and launch yourself in a majestic leap southwards.
Amid flowering green.
There is a maelstrom of rainbow colours whipping violently around. The silvery leaves
of a faebush gently billow in the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A
brilliant beam of pale light descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of
a gargantuan granite dish. Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a
lordly hippogriff stands here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking
passage to the north. K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons of Crow is here. She wields
a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
Warden Kolm Cu'Sith, Arimi's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields an enormous assault
rapier of dark iron and gold in each hand. Celina, the Heartless is here, shrouded. She
wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left hand and a dark shield in the
form of crow wings in her right. Stargazer Sondayga, Invoker of the Spirits is here,
shrouded. He wields a metal treebark shield in his left hand and an athame dagger in
his right. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
elrkdb >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
Kolm eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
A brownie runs up and tickles Celina's sides.
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
--==>> Celina applied on head head head <<==--
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA RARM RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina right arm NEG <<==--
Focusing on her right arm, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier. You strike her
right arm, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Kolm takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd hits his left
thigh for a minor bruise.
Horror overcomes Kolm's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. With an elegant
stroke, Sidd strikes his left leg, knocking him to the ground.
Kolm takes a drink from a coral vial.
Celina creates a sparkling cloud and then molds it until it appears like herself.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
Kolm eats a sprig of chervil.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Kolm takes a drink from a turquoise vial.
Kolm suddenly begins dancing wildly about to the beat of the music.
A reflection of Celina blinks out of existence.
6295h, 5300m, 5940e, 10p lrxkdb-c2
--==>> PINLEG and REND <<==--
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
The end of Nienla's cudgel forms a knotty burl and she points it at Kolm. The burl pops
and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his flesh.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Kolm.
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Celina creates a sparkling cloud and then molds it until it appears like herself.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
A reflection of Celina blinks out of existence.
--==>> Celina applied on legs legs legs <<==--
lrxkdb >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
Kolm reads a scroll.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sidd razes Kolm's aura of rebounding with a darkened hammer.
The maelstrom of violent rainbow colours whipping riotously around slowly dissipate.
Sidd razes Kolm's speed defence with a darkened hammer.
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
Kolm takes a long drag off his pipe.
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Kolm takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Celina gazes at Kolm with love and adoration.
elrxkdb >
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Kolm eats a piece of black earwort.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Kolm eats a sparkleberry.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd cuffs the side
of his face lightly.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at Kolm with a darkened hammer. Sidd strikes his jaw,
which shatters and hangs loose.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Kolm takes a drink from a coral vial.
Sidd gazes at Kreon with love and adoration.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Kolm stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You execute the Pin maneuver: STRIKE CELINA LLEG RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina left leg NEG <<==--
Focusing on her left leg, you strike at Celina with an elfen rapier. You strike her
left leg, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Barrin appears to play a gleaming red starleaf violin with marble inlays, but you hear
no sound.
6550h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elxkdb-c2
--==>> PINLEG and REND <<==--
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Nienla with love and adoration.
--==>> Celina applied on legs legs legs <<==--
Sidd sings, "Bring the voices of the fae."
Celina, the Heartless sings, "Bring the voices of the fae."
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Barrin, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Barrin disappears in a flash of light.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You execute the Pinhard maneuver: LUNGE CELINA LLEG RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina left leg NEG <<==--
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Celina's left leg with an elfen rapier. You strike
her left leg, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
elxkdb >
You execute the Pinhard maneuver: LUNGE CELINA LLEG LEFT HAND.
--==>> celina left leg NEG <<==--
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Celina's left leg with an elfen rapier. You strike
her left leg, striking a major artery that splurts blood in all directions.
exkdb >
Celina eats a yarrow sprig.
Celina eats a sparkleberry.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
A squirrel skitters through the treetops somewhere above.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Celina.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
* @ * @ * ---- LEFT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
<<< POISONS: 2 X SLEEP >>>
--==>> Celina applied on legs legs legs <<==--
You execute the Pinhard maneuver: LUNGE CELINA RLEG RIGHT HAND.
--==>> celina right leg MEDIUM <<==--
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Celina's right leg with an elfen rapier. You
powerfully strike into her right leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
elxkdb >
There is no one impaled upon your weapon.
Celina prepares to somersault to the north.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
You raze Celina's aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier.
Celina takes a long drag off her pipe.
Sidd eats a piece of black earwort.
Nienla points a mystic cudgel at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a
thorny embrace.
* @ * @ * ---- LEFT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
* @ * @ * ---- RIGHT ARM BAL ---- * @ * @ *
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
elrxkdbp >
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla swings an arcing athame of lustrous onyx with all her might, smashing it into
your head with a resounding ring.
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Azzad swings a jade sickle scimitar at Nienla. Azzad cuts her cheek for a small flesh
Azzad swings a black and white steel rose scimitar at Nienla. Azzad cuts her right leg,
but only manages to nick her thigh.
Horror overcomes Nienla's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
--==>> Nienla applied on head head head <<==--
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd carefully wipes all the poisons off of a darkened hammer.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. Your left leg is
elegantly crushed and swept out from under you, knocking you to the ground.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Sidd to rake across your skin.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
elrkdbp >
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are hit on the
left thigh for a minor bruise.
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
elrkdbp >
Sidd takes a drink from a ceramic serving bottle.
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
* PARRY on lleg | head | chest *
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your left leg partially heals.
* PARRY on head | chest | gut *
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
elrkdbp >
You remove 1 pennyroyal, bringing the total in the Rift to 1472.
You eat a bunch of pennyroyal.
You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
Nienla shakes out a rad rune from her rune bag into her palm.
Nienla slings a rad rune at Azzad, hitting him in the chest.
Blinking in astonishment, Azzad disappears in a flash of light.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
You may eat or smoke another herb.
You are no longer immune from stun.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You take a long drag off your pipe.
You stand straight up.
* * * DOING CHOKE PREP * * *
Dipping his hand into a shadow cauldron, Sidd pulls out a long shadow and releases it
into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
You remove 5 marjoram, bringing the total in the Rift to 1995.
You remove 5 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 1954.
You remove 5 reishi, bringing the total in the Rift to 128.
You have nothing in your inventory capable of starting a fire.
You have nothing in your inventory capable of starting a fire.
You have nothing in your inventory capable of starting a fire.
You hold no "gold".
You call a halt to the regenerative process.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
--==>> Nienla applied on legs legs legs <<==--
You bleed 150 health.
Sondayga has bled to death.
elrxkdb >
You remove 1 chervil, bringing the total in the Rift to 1953.
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
elrxkdb >
elrxkdb >
elrxkdb >
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
6549h, 5280m, 5940e, 6p elrxkdb-who here
You see the following people here:
Sidd, Nienla, Eamon
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
* * * Easy mode = 3 * * *
* * * SYSTEM OFF * * *
Shadows suddenly leap out from every corner, violently whirling in a sudden surge. When
the shadows dissipate slightly, you gasp as you feel strands of darkness still cling to
you, binding you to Sidd in a suffocating, choking embrace.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla points a mystic cudgel at you and vines shoot forth, entangling you with a
thorny embrace.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
* * * CHOKE >>> Entangled - summer
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
The icewall to the north suddenly melts as it is ignited from the opposite side.
Turning your head to the south, you beseech the Spirits of Summer to set you free. A
sparkling wind comes forth from the south and burns away the ties that bind you.
lrxkdb >
6549h, 5230m, 5940e, 6p lrxkdb-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You bleed 41 health.
lrxkdb >
* @ * @ * ---- EQM RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Nienla points a thin diamond band towards the north, and sparks fly out of it.
An icewall rises up to the north.
6508h, 5230m, 5940e, 6p elrxkdb-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You must regain balance first.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
You tumble out of the room.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. A humble song sparrow twitters cheerily here, flickers
of aetherspace around her wings conveying a dizzying sense of scale. An icewall is
here, blocking passage to the south.
You see exits leading north and south.
You sense the shadow binding and choking you and Sidd beginning to depart.
elrkdb >
You bleed 27 health.
elrkdb >
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
A rad rune whizzes in from the south and hits you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Amid flowering green.
The shadows have been gathered here. The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in
the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A brilliant beam of pale light
descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of a gargantuan granite dish.
Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a lordly hippogriff stands
here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the north.
Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand. K'inare Nienla Nightshade,
the Talons of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing
athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
6523h, 5400m, 5940e, 7p elrkdb-n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: north
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sidd razes your aura of rebounding with a darkened hammer.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = north
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
(Serenwilde): Kolm (from the Nexus World of Serenwilde) says, "Back to mother."
A wall blocks your way.
(Serenwilde): Kolm (from the Nexus World of Serenwilde) says, "Back to mother."
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. Your left leg is
elegantly crushed and swept out from under you, knocking you to the ground.
elrkdbp >
6225h, 5400m, 5940e, 7p elrkdbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
elrxkdbp >
You bleed 14 health.
elrxkdbp >
Swinging a darkened hammer in an underhand arc, Sidd strikes at you. You are smashed in
the chest and receive a small bruise.
elrxkdbp >
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
The end of Nienla's cudgel forms a knotty burl and she points it at you. The burl pops
and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into your flesh.
elrkdbp >
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
* * * CHOKE >>> Bleeding
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Swinging a darkened hammer in an underhand arc, Sidd strikes at you. You are barely
fazed from getting smashed in the gut.
elrkdbp >
You eat a sprig of chervil.
Your bleeding slows as your blood clots.
You may eat or smoke another herb.
Swinging a darkened hammer in an underhand arc, Sidd strikes at you. You receive only a
red welt from your left leg being smashed.
elrkdbp >
You tumble out of the room.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. A humble song sparrow twitters cheerily here, flickers
of aetherspace around her wings conveying a dizzying sense of scale. An icewall is
here, blocking passage to the south. Celina, the Heartless is here, shrouded. She
wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit in her left hand and a dark shield in the
form of crow wings in her right.
You see exits leading north and south.
You sense the shadow binding and choking you and Sidd beginning to depart.
elrkdbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> Bleeding
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You bleed 204 health.
elrkdbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> CURED * * *
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
% KILL: no process 0
You sense the choking effect of the shadow leaving you.
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
A rad rune whizzes in from the south and hits you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Amid flowering green.
The shadows have been gathered here. The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in
the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A brilliant beam of pale light
descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of a gargantuan granite dish.
Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a lordly hippogriff stands
here, surrounded by green flames. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the north.
Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each hand. K'inare Nienla Nightshade,
the Talons of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in her left hand and an arcing
athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
* PARRY on lleg | gut | head *
4831h, 5400m, 5940e, 8p elrkdbp-n
You are already an insomniac.
elrkdbp >
You store 5 marjoram, bringing the total to 2000, which is the maximum for that type of
You store 4 chervil, bringing the total to 1957.
You store 5 reishi, bringing the total to 133.
You rub a medicine bag against your left leg, allowing the healing properties of the
herbs inside to soak through your flesh.
The deep damage in your left leg partially heals.
* PARRY on gut | head | chest *
elrkdbp >
You must regain balance first.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
elrkdbp >
elrkdbp >
elrkdbp >
elrkdbp >
What do you want to eat?
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkdbp >
* PARRY on gut | head | chest *
You must possess balance in order to do that.
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 8p elrkdbp-n
You must regain balance first.
elrkdbp >
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkdbp-t n
You must regain balance first.
You take a long drag off your pipe.
Celina's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit, and you cry out as your deaf ears open
up to the sound of a high-pitched note.
Your ears open up, though you lose your true hearing.
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkbp-t n
You must regain balance first.
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
4533h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkbp-t n
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
Sidd takes a long drag off his pipe.
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the exquisite notes towards
* * * PFIFTH => GUST Celina DIR * * *
* * * PFIFTH => FEAR Celina * * *
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Celina.
You bleed 95 health.
elrkbp >
The beat of the music pounds into your head, and you cannot stop yourself from dancing
wildly to the rhythm.
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
* * * CHOKED BY Sidd * * *
% UNDEF: Macro "makenexthit" was not defined.
* * * Easy mode = 3 * * *
* * * SYSTEM OFF * * *
Shadows suddenly leap out from every corner, violently whirling in a sudden surge. When
the shadows dissipate slightly, you gasp as you feel strands of darkness still cling to
you, binding you to Sidd in a suffocating, choking embrace.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
(Serenwilde): Barrin says, "Celina fired."
The icewall to the north suddenly melts as it is ignited from the opposite side.
4438h, 5000m, 5940e, 9p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
You tumble out of the room.
Among a rain of colour and mist.
The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in the wind. The reflection of a monolith
of stone flickers and wavers in the air here, occasionally allowing glimpses of a grove
on the other side of the image. Glowing with protective power, an elegant altar shaped
from shining silver stands here, emitting a sense of security. An oak sapling clings
tenaciously to the ground here. A humble song sparrow twitters cheerily here, flickers
of aetherspace around her wings conveying a dizzying sense of scale. Druid Kreon Zayah
is here, shrouded. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left hand and a leather sling in
his right. Lendren Starfall, Tiriel is here, shrouded. She wields a scuffed mandolin
bearing the stories of the road in her left hand and a golden paintbrush in her right.
She is surrounded by five pale ancestral spirits.
You see exits leading north and south.
You sense the shadow binding and choking you and Sidd beginning to depart.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
elrkbp >
* * * HIT WITH RAD -- RUN!!! * * *
A rad rune whizzes in from the south and hits you in the chest.
You see nothing but a blur of colour and feel the ground shift beneath your feet.
Amid flowering green.
The shadows have been gathered here. The silvery leaves of a faebush gently billow in
the wind. A flowering archway rises up from the ground. A brilliant beam of pale light
descends from the firmament, glimmering with the image of a gargantuan granite dish.
Massive black wings filling much of the space around her, a lordly hippogriff stands
here, surrounded by green flames. Sidd towers here. He wields a darkened hammer in each
hand. Celina, the Heartless is here, shrouded. She wields a lordly ebon viola of Dark
Spirit in her left hand and a dark shield in the form of crow wings in her right.
K'inare Nienla Nightshade, the Talons of Crow is here. She wields a mystic cudgel in
her left hand and an arcing athame of lustrous onyx in her right.
You see exits leading north and through a shimmering beam of moonlight.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
elrkbp >
4983h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: north
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = north
You must regain balance first.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sidd.
You bleed 82 health.
elrkbp >
4901h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-f
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the disharmonic notes
towards you.
The reverberating sound echoes through your head, pounding you with excruciating pain.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Celina to rake across your skin.
elrkbp >
Celina takes a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Sidd's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Sidd razes your aura of rebounding with a darkened hammer.
You must regain balance first.
3628h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-f
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Autoclot off
Wounds open up all over your body and you start to bleed.
Nienla points a thin diamond band towards the north, and sparks fly out of it.
An icewall rises up to the north.
You must regain balance first.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
* * * CHOKE >>> Stand
Celina plays a lordly ebon viola of Dark Spirit and directs the exquisite notes towards
* * * PFIFTH => GUST Celina DIR * * *
* * * PFIFTH => FEAR Celina * * *
The lyrical sound invokes a strange longing for Celina.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. Your left leg is
smacked with a force that goes to the bone.
Thin tendrils of shadow reach out from Sidd to rake across your skin.
elrxkbp >
3330h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkbp-f
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* * * CHOKE >>> Stand
You must first stand up before you can do that.
3330h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrxkbp-f
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
The beat of the music pounds into your head, and you cannot stop yourself from dancing
wildly to the rhythm.
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Nienla.
You must possess balance in order to do that.
You bleed 597 health.
elrkbp >
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
2435h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-stan
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* * * CHOKE >>> Health low
The ache in your ear canals clears up.
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
* * * DIRGE ATTEMPT => GUST DIR! * * *
"Sleep tight in the depth of Night," sings Celina, as a lordly ebon viola of Dark
Spirit plays deep, dark melodies, and she looks directly at you.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
Your heart thumps as you gaze at Sidd with love and adoration.
You touch your medicine bag and feel your wounds close and heal.
elrkbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> Bleeding
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
3677h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-stand
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
elrkbp >
4222h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You must possess balance in order to do that.
Celina gazes at you with love and adoration.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
3924h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
* * * DIRGE ATTEMPT => GUST Celina DIR! * * *
The throat of Celina undulates and warbles as she continues to maintain the moaning
note of her song. Ominous black shadows rise out of the ground, slowly circling around
You bleed 597 health.
elrkbp >
* * * PFIFTH => GUST Celina DIR * * *
* * * PFIFTH => FEAR Celina * * *
You find you cannot bear to part from Celina.
* @ * @ * ---- BAL RECOVERED ---- * @ * @ *
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
Nienla's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Nienla swings an arcing athame of lustrous onyx with all her might, smashing it into
your head with a resounding ring.
Nienla takes a long drag off her pipe.
You may use another health, mana, or bromide potion, or medicine bag.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
3029h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
3029h, 5400m, 5940e, 10p elrkbp-t n
@PRESEND set CHOKE action to: tumble n
* * * CHOKE >>> Action = tumble n
Thick shadows drag against your every action.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
With a focused look, Sidd strikes at you with a darkened hammer. You are struck in the
gut, and the wind is knocked out of you.
elrkbp >
* * * CHOKE >>> Health low
Throwing back her head, Celina lets loose a blood curdling caw, bringing the killing
note of her song to a screeching conclusion. The swirling black shadows that surround
you suddenly wrap tightly around your body, painfully squeezing the life from you in
mere moments.
You have been slain by Celina.
* * * ME VITAE * * *
>>>> Resetting afflicts variables...
* * * AEON >>> CURED * * *
% KILL: no process 0
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
* * * SAP >>> CURED * * *
% KILL: no process 0
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
>>>> ... afflicts variables reset
* * * CHOKE >>> CURED * * *
% KILL: no process 0
* * * Easy mode = 0 * * *
As your soul leaves your body, the elixir vitae courses through your spirit and
suddenly bursts in a bright light, forming a new body around your soul.
You begin to tumble agilely to the north.
Unknown2010-03-10 21:50:51
That's some rough luck with the rad, heh.
Btw should probably all mash on the same leg instead of having all your BM's just swinging away wherever.
Btw should probably all mash on the same leg instead of having all your BM's just swinging away wherever.
Nienla2010-03-10 23:10:37
Yeah. I was surprised I got you to come back that many times with Rad.
Unknown2010-03-11 03:34:28
More pinleg, also, your prompt.. I don't understand it.
Lehki2010-03-11 04:21:39
QUOTE (Ruiku @ Mar 10 2010, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
More pinleg, also, your prompt.. I don't understand it.
Change in health/mana/ego/power since last, current balances/deaf/blind/etc., time, target, targeted body parts.
Unknown2010-03-11 04:47:30
Ah, duh.
Also from what I remember, Celina doesn't have splendours, more lunge!
Also from what I remember, Celina doesn't have splendours, more lunge!