Unknown2010-03-17 16:04:30
This is a list for the lazy (lasy?) so to speak.
Shamelessly stolen from
I found it when I was correcting a design. Big list, but it even has variants of the root words. Helpful for designers who smack into this error a lot.
abridgment abridgement
accessorize accessorise
acclimatize acclimatise
accouter accoutre
accouterment accoutrement
acknowledgment acknowledgement
actualization actualisation
actualize actualise
advertize advertise
adz adze
Africanize Africanise
afterward afterwards
aggrandize aggrandise
aggrandizement aggrandisement
aging ageing
agonize agonise
airplane aeroplane
alkalize alkalinise
alkalize alkalise
allegorize allegorise
almshouse almhouse
alphabetization alphabetisation
alphabetize alphabetise
aluminize aluminise
aluminum aluminium
ambiance ambience
ameba amoeba
Americanization Americanisation
Americanize Americanise
amortization amortisation
amortize amortise
amphitheater amphitheatre
analog analogue
analogize analogise
analyze analyse
analyzed analysed
analyzer analyser
analyzing analysing
anemia anaemia
anemic anaemic
anesthesia anaesthesia
anesthetic anaesthetic
anesthetizing anaesthetising
Anglicize Anglicise
annex annexe
annualize annualise
anodizing anodising
antagonize antagonise
anthologize anthologise
antiaircraft anti-aircraft
aphorize aphorise
apologize apologise
apothegm apophthegm
appall appal
appareled apparelled
appetizer appetiser
arbor arbour
archeology archaeology
archiepiscopal archipiscopal
ardor ardour
armor armour
armored armoured
armorer armourer
armoring armouring
armory armoury
aromatize aromatise
artifact artefact
atchoo atishoo
atomize atomise
atomizer atomiser
atomizing atomising
attitudinize attitudinise
authorization authorisation
authorize authorise
ax axe
B.S. B.Sc.
backward backwards
baptize baptise
barbecue barbeque
bark barque
barreled barrelled
barreling barrelling
bastardization bastardisation
bastardize bastardise
battle-ax battleaxe
bedeviled bedevilled
bedeviling bedevilling
beeper bleeper
beet beetroot
behavior behaviour
behavioral behavioural
behaviorism behaviourism
behaviorist behaviourist
behoove behove
bejeweled bejewelled
belabor belabour
Benedictine Benedectine
beside besides
bestialize bestialise
beveled bevelled
beveling bevelling
bisulfate bisulphate
blamable blameable
bobsled bobsleigh
bookkeeper book-keeper
boro borough
breathalyzer breathaliser
brutalize brutalise
bureaucratization bureaucratisation
bureaucratize bureaucratise
bureaus bureaux
burglarize burglarise
bylaw bye law
caesarean caesarian
caldron cauldron
caliber calibre
caliper calliper
calipers callipers
calisthenics callisthenics
canceled cancelled
canceling cancelling
candor candour
cannibalization cannibalisation
cannibalize cannibalise
canonization canonisation
canonize canonise
capitalization capitalisation
capitalize capitalise
caramelize caramelise
caravansaries caravanserais
caravansary caravanserai
carbonization carbonisation
carbonize carbonise
carburetor carburetter
carburetor carburettor
carburizing carburising
carcass carcas
catalog catalogue
catalyze catalyse
categorization categorisation
categorize categorise
cauterization cauterisation
cauterize cauterise
cauterizing cauterising
caviled cavilled
center centre
centerboard centreboard
centerfold centrefold
centering centring
centerpiece centrepiece
centiliter centilitre
centimeter centimetre
centralization centralisation
centralize centralise
cesarean cesarian
cesium caesium
chamomile camomile
channeled channelled
channeling channelling
characterization characteriszation
characterize characterise
check cheque
checkbook chequebook
checker chequer
checkered chequered
checkers chequers
chili chilli
chilies chillies
chiseled chiselled
Christianize Christianise
Christianized Christianised
cigarette cigaret
circularize circularise
citrus citrous
civilization civilisation
civilize civilise
clamor clamour
clangor clangour
clarinetist clarinettist
cognizance cognisance
cognizant cognisant
collectible collectable
collectivize collectivise
colonization colonisation
colonize colonise
colonnaded collonaded
color colour
colored coloured
colorful colourful
coloring colouring
colter coulter
commercialization commercialisation
commercialize commercialise
commission commision
communize communise
compartmentalization compartmentalisation
compartmentalize compartmentalise
complete compleat
computerization computerisation
computerize computerise
conceptualization conceptualisation
conceptualize conceptualise
conjuror conjurer
conventionalization conventionalisation
conventionalize conventionalise
cortexes cortices
councilor councillor
counselled counseled
counselling counseling
counselor counsellor
cozier cosier
cozies cosies
coziest cosiest
cozily cosily
cozy cosy
criticize criticise
cross-linking crosslinking
crueler crueller
cruelest cruellest
crystallization crystallisation
crystallize crystallise
crystallizing crystallising
cudgeled cudgelled
cudgeling cudgelling
curb kerb
curbside kerbside
curbstone kerbstone
cyclization cyclisation
cyclopedia cyclopaedia
daydream day-dream
decameter decametre
decarburizing decarburising
decentralization decentralise
decentralize decentralise
deciliter decilitre
decimeter decimetre
decolorize decolourise
decolorizing decolourising
decriminalization decriminalisation
decriminalize decriminalise
defense defence
defenseless defenceless
deflexion deflection
dehumanization dehumanisation
dehumanize dehumanise
demagnetization demagnetisation
demagnetize demagnetise
dematerialize dematerialise
demeanor demeanour
demilitarization demilitarisation
demilitarized demilitarised
demineralization demineralisation
demobilization demobilisation
demobilize demobilise
democratization democratisation
democratize democratise
demonize demonise
demoralization demoralisation
demoralize demoralise
demythologization demythologisation
demythologize demythologise
denationalization denationalisation
denationalize denationalise
deodorize deodorise
deodorizing deodorising
deoxidization deoxidisation
deoxidize deoxidise
departmentalization departmentalisation
departmentalize departmentalise
depersonalization depersonalisation
depersonalize depersonalise
depolarization depolarisation
depolarize depolarise
depolarizing depolarising
depolymerizing depolymerising
depressurization depressurisation
depressurize depressurise
deputize deputise
desalinization desalinisation
desalinize desalinise
desensitization desensitisation
desensitize desensitise
desensitizer desensitiser
desexualize desexualise
destabilization destabilisation
destabilize destabilise
desulfurizing desulfurising
devitalize devitalise
dexterous dextrous
dialed dialled
dialer dialler
dialing dialling
dialling dialing
dialog dialogue
dialogize dialogise
dialyze dialyse
diarrhea diarrhoea
digitalization digitalisation
digitise digitalise
digitization digitisation
dike dyke
discolor discolour
discolored discoloured
disemboweled disembowelled
disfavor disfavour
disheveled dishevelled
dishonor dishonour
dishonorable dishonourable
disk disc
disorganization disorganisation
disorganize disorganise
dispatch despatch
disulfide disulphide
dolor dolour
donut doughnut
doodad doodah
draft draught
dramatization dramatisation
dramatize dramatise
drypoint dry-point
Dukhobor Doukhobor
economize economise
economizer economiser
edema oedema
edematous oedematous
editorialize editorialise
effeminize effeminise
electrolyze electrolyse
elegize elegise
empathize empathise
emphasize emphasise
employe employee
enameled enamelled
enameling enamelling
enamor enamour
enclosure inclosure
encyclopedia encyclopaedia
encyclopedic encyclopaedic
endeavor endeavour
energize energise
enology oenology
enroll enrol
enrollment enrolment
enrolls enrols
ensorcell ensorcel
ensure insure
enthrall enthral
enthralls enthrals
eon aeon
epicenter epicentre
epitomize epitomise
equaled equalled
equaling equalling
equalization equalisation
equalize equalise
equalizing equalising
esophageal oesophagal
esophageal oesophageal
esophagi oesophagi
esophagoscope oesophagoscope
esophagus oesophagus
estrogen oestrogen
estrous oestrous
estrous oestrus
estrus oestrous
eternalize eternalise
etiology aetiology
etymologize etymologise
eulogize eulogise
evangelization evangelisation
evangelize evangelise
eviler eviller
evilest evillest
extemporization extemporisation
extemporize extemporise
externalization externalisation
externalization externalise
fairy tale fairy-tale
familiarization familiarisation
familiarize familiarise
fanaticize fanaticise
fantasize fantasise
favor favour
favorable favourable
favorite favourite
favoritism favouritism
fecal faecal
federalization federalisation
federalize federalise
feminization feminisation
feminize feminise
fertilization fertilisation
fertilize fertilise
fertilizer fertiliser
fertilizing fertilising
fertlizer fertiliser
fervor fervour
fetus foetus
fiascoes fiascos
fiber fibre
fiberboard fibreboard
fiberglass fibreglass
fibers fibres
fictionalize fictionalise
filter philtre
finalization finalisation
finalize finalise
flavor flavour
flavoring flavouring
flavorless flavourless
fledgling fledgeling
flextime flexitime
flower girl flower-girl
flower po flower-pot
fluidization fluidisation
fluidize fluidise
fluidized fluidised
fluidizing fluidising
focalization focalisation
focalize focalise
font fount
formalization formalisation
formalize formalise
formularization formularisation
formularize formularise
forward forwards
fossilization fossilisation
fossilize fossilise
fractionalization fractionalisation
fractionalize fractionalise
fraternization fraternisation
fraternize fraternise
fresh water freahwater
fulfill fulfil
fulfillment fulfilment
funneled funnelled
funneling funnelling
furor furore
gage gauge
galoshes goloshes
galvanization galvanisation
galvanize galvanise
galvanizing galvanising
gamboled gambolled
gamboling gambolling
garrote garrotte
gaveled gavelled
gaveling gavelling
gelatin gelatine
gelatinize gelatinise
gemology gemmology
generalization generalisation
generalize generalise
ghettoize ghettoise
glamorization glamourisation
glamorize glamourise
globalization globalisation
globalize globalise
glycerin glycerine
goiter goitre
gonorrhea gonorrhoea
gormandize gormandise
gourmandize gourmandise
gram gramme
graphitizing graphitising
graveled gravelled
gray grey
greenhouse glasshouse
groins groynes
grovelled groveled
grovelling groveling
grueling gruelling
gynecology gynaecology
gyrfalcon gerfalcon
harbor harbour
harmonize harmonise
hauler haulier
hematein haematein
hemoglobin haemoglobin
hemophilia haemophilia
hemorrhage haemorrage
hemorrhage haemorrhage
hemorrhoid haemorrhoid
heyday heydey
homeopath homoeopath
homeostasis homoeostasis
homogenizing homogenising
honor honour
honorable honourable
humor humour
hunting lodge hunting-lodge
iconoclastic iconaclastic
idealization idealisation
idealize idealise
idolization idolisation
idolize idolise
immobilization immobilisation
immobilize immobilise
immobilized immobilised
immortalize immortalise
immunization immunisation
immunize immunise
immunizing immunising
impanel empanel
incase encase
incognizant incognisant
individualization individualisation
individualize individualise
industrialization industrialisation
industrialize industrialise
inflection inflexion
initialed initialled
initialing initialling
initialization initialisation
initialize initialise
inquire enquire
inquiry enquiry
institutionalization institutionalisation
institutionalize institutionalise
intellectualize intellectualise
internalization internalisation
internalize internalise
internationalization internationalisation
internationalize internationalise
iodize iodise
ionization ionisation
ionize ionise
ionized ionised
isomerizing isomerising
italicization italicisation
italicize italicise
itemization itemisation
itemize itemise
jail gaol
jail goal
jeweler jeweller
jewelry jewellery
jewlry jewellery
judgment judgement
judgmental judgemental
katathermometer catathermometer
kenneled kennelled
key quay
kidnaped kidnapped
kilometer kilometre
kindergartner kindergartener
kit bag kitbag
knuckle-duster knuckleduster
labeled labelled
labeling labelling
labor labour
laborer labourer
laborers labourers
laborite labourite
lackluster lacklustre
land mine landmine
lasagna lasagne
launderette laundrette
leaned leant
leaped leapt
legalization legalisation
legalize legalise
legitimization legitimisation
legitimize legitimise
lemongrass lemon grass
leukemia leukaemia
leveled levelled
leveling levelling
liberalization liberalisation
liberalize liberalise
license licence
lionize lionise
lissome lissom
liter litre
livability liveability
livable liveable
lobotomize lobotomise
localization localisation
localize localise
localizing localising
lodgment lodgement
lower lour
lowered loured
lowering louring
lowers lours
lumber jacket lumberjacket
luster lustre
lustering lustring
lusterless lustreless
M.S. M.Sc.
macadamize macadamise
macadamized macadamised
maestro maestri
magnetization magnetisation
magnetize magnetise
magnetizing magnetising
magneto therapy mgnetotherapy
malleableizing malleabilising
malodor malodour
malodorous malodourous
maneuver manoeuvre
maneuverability manoeuvrability
maneuverable manoeuvrable
maneuvering manoeuvring
market place market-place
marshaled marshalled
marshaling marshalling
marveled marvelled
marveling marvelling
marvelous marvellous
matchetes machets
materialization materialisation
materialize materialise
mausoleum mauseoleum
maximization maximisation
maximize maximise
meager meagre
meagerly meagrely
meagerness meagreness
mechanization mechanisation
mechanize mechanise
medieval mediaeval
mementos mementoes
memorialize memorialise
memorization memorisation
memorize memorise
menorrhea menorrhoea
mercerization mercerisation
mercerize mercerise
mercerizing mercerising
mesmerize mesmerise
metabolize metabolise
metacenters metacentres
metalizing metallising
metastasize metastasise
meter metre
methodize methodise
militarize militarise
millenium millennium
milliliter millilitre
millimeter millimetre
mineralization mineralisation
mineralize mineralise
miniaturization miniaturisation
miniaturize miniaturise
minimization minimisation
minimize minimise
minimizing minimising
misbehavior misbehaviour
misdemeanor misdemeanour
misjudgment misjudgement
mislabeled mislabelled
mislabeling mislabelling
miter mitre
mobilization mobilisation
mobilize mobilise
modeled modelled
modeler modeller
modeling modelling
modernization modernisation
modernize modernise
modularize modularise
moisturize moisturise
moisturizer moisturiser
mold mould
molded moulded
molding moulding
molds moulds
moldy mouldy
mollusk mollusc
mollusks molluscs
molt moult
mom mum
mongrelize mongrelise
monolog monologue
monopolization monopolisation
monopolize monopolise
moralization moralisation
moralize moralise
motorize motorise
multicolor multicolour
mustache moustache
myna mina
naivetT naivety
narcotize narcotise
nationalization nationalisation
nationalize nationalise
naturalization naturalisation
naturalize naturalise
naught nought
nebulizers nebulisers
neighbor neighbour
neighborhood neighbourhood
neighborly neighbourly
neoclassical neo-classical
net nett
neuron neurone
neurons neurones
neutralization neutralisation
neutralize neutralise
neutralizer neutraliser
neutralizing neutralising
nite night
niter nitre
nonplused nonplussed
nonpluses nonplusses
nonplusing nonplussing
normalization normalisation
normalize normalise
northeast north-east
northwest north-west
notarize notarise
note paper note-paper
novelize novelise
novitiate noviciate
nursling nurseling
occurring occuring
octagonal octogonal
odor odour
offense offence
omelet omelette
optimization optimisation
optimize optimise
organization organisation
organize organise
organized organised
orthopedic orthopaedic
orthopedist orthopaedist
ostracize ostracise
outmaneuver outmanoeuvre
overcapitalization overcapitalisation
overcapitalize overcapitalise
overemphasize overemphasise
overspecialization overspecialisation
oxidization oxidisation
oxidize oxidise
oxidizing oxidising
ozonizing ozonising
pajama pyjama
pajamas pyjamas
palatalize palatalise
paleobotany palaeobotany
paleocene palaeocene
paleoclimatology palaeoclimatology
paleogeography palaeogeography
paleography palaeography
paleolithic palaeolithic
paleomagnetism palaeomagnetism
paleontologist palaeontologist
paleontology palaeontology
paleozoic palaeozoic
palletize palletise
panegyrize panegyrise
paneling panelling
panelist panellist
pantyhose panti-hose
paper currency papercurrency
paralyze paralyse
parceled parcelled
parceling parcelling
parenthesize parenthesise
parlor parlour
particularization particularisation
particularize particularise
pasteurization pasteurisation
pasteurize pasteurise
pasteurizing pasteurising
patronization patronisation
patronize patronise
patronizingly patronisingly
pauperization pauperisation
pauperize pauperise
pavilion pavillion
pedagogy paedagogy
pedaled pedalled
pedaling pedalling
pedestrianize pedestrianise
pediatric paediatric
pediatrician paediatrician
pedophile paedophile
pedophilia paedophilia
penalization penalisation
penalize penalise
peptize peptise
personalization personalisation
personalize personalise
phanastrons phantastrons
phase changing phasechanging
philosophize philosophise
philosophizer philosophiser
phlebotomize phlebotomise
phonies phoneys
phony phoney
photosensitize photosensitise
pilaf pilaff
pjamas pyjamas
plagiarize plagiarise
plasticizer plasticiser
plow plough
plowing ploughing
plowman ploughman
plunk plonk
poeticize poeticise
poetize poetise
polarization polarisation
polarize polarise
polarized polarised
politicization politicisation
politicize politicise
polyethylene polyethene
polyethylene polythene
polymerizable polymerisable
polymerization polymerisation
polymerize polymerise
polymerized polymerised
popularization popularisation
popularize popularise
practicing practising
preferred prefered
preignition pre-ignition
prejudgment prejudgement
pressurization pressurisation
pressurize pressurise
pretense pretence
prioritization prioritisation
prioritize prioritise
privatization privatisation
privatize privatise
prize prise
program programme
prolog prologue
propagandize propagandise
prophesy prophecy
proselytize proselytise
proselytizer proselytiser
pseudointellectual pseudo-intellectual
pseudoscience pseudo-science
psychoanalyze psychoanalyse
publicize publicise
pulverize pulverise
pulverizing pulverising
pummeled pummelled
pummeling pummelling
quarreled quarrelled
quarreler quarreller
raccoon racoon
radicalization radicalisation
radicalize radicalise
railroad railway
rancor rancour
randomization randomisation
randomize randomise
ratability rateability
ratable rateable
ratably rateably
rationalization rationalisation
rationalize rationalise
raveled ravelled
raveling ravelling
realizable realisable
realization realisation
realize realise
recognizable recognisable
recognizance recognisance
recognize recognise
recognizing recognising
reconnoiter reconnoitre
reconnoitered reconnoitres
reconnoitering reconnoitring
reconnoiters reconnoitred
redialed redialled
redialing redialling
refueled refuelled
refueling refuelling
regularization regularisation
regularize regularise
reinitialize reinitialise
relabeled relabelled
relabeling relabelling
remodeled remodelled
remodeling remodelling
remold remould
reorganization reorganisation
reorganize reorganise
resynchronization resynchronisation
resynchronize resynchronise
retroflection retroflexion
reveled revelled
reveler reveller
reveling revelling
revitalization revitalisation
revitalize revitalise
revolutionize revolutionise
rhapsodize rhapsodise
rigor rigour
rigorous rigors
rigourous rigours
ritualize ritualise
rivaled rivalled
rivaling rivalling
romanticize romanticise
routing routeing
rubberize rubberise
ruble rouble
rubles roubles
rumor rumour
rumormonger rumourmonger
saber sabre
salability saleability
salable saleable
saltpeter saltpetre
sanitize sanitise
satirize satirise
savanna savannah
savannas savannahs
savior saviour
saviors saviours
savor savour
savory savoury
saxophone saxaphone
scandalize scandalise
scepter sceptre
schematization schematisation
schematize schematise
scrutinize scrutinise
seborrhea seborrhoea
sectionalize sectionalise
secularization secularisation
secularize secularise
selvage selvedges
sensationalize sensationalise
sensitization sensitisation
sensitize sensitise
sensitizing sensitising
sentimentalize sentimentalise
septicemia septicaemia
sequined sequinned
sergeant serjeant
serialization serialisation
serialize serialise
sermonize sermonise
sermonizer sermoniser
sexualize sexualise
shakable shakeable
sheik sheikh
sheikdom sheikhdom
shop shoppe
shoveled shovelled
shoveling shovelling
shriveled shrivelled
shriveling shrivelling
signaled signalled
signaled signalling
signaler signaller
signalize signalise
singularize singularise
skeptic sceptic
skeptical sceptical
skeptically sceptically
skepticism scepticism
skillful skilful
skillfully skilfully
skillfulness skilfulness
slenderize slenderise
smolder smoulder
sniveled snivelled
sniveling snivelling
snorkeled snorkelled
snorkeling snorkelling
snowplow snowplough
socialization socialisation
socialize socialise
solemnization solemnisation
solemnize solemnise
soliloquize soliloquise
somber sombre
somberly sombrely
somberness sombreness
southeast south-east
southwest south-west
specialization specialisation
specialize specialise
specialties specialities
specialty speciality
specter spectre
specters spectres
spelled spelt
spilled spilt
spiraled spiralled
spiraling spiralling
spiritualize spiritualise
splendor splendour
stabilization stabilisation
stabilize stabilise
stabilizer stabiliser
standardization standardisation
standardize standardise
stenciled stencilled
stenciling stencilling
sterilization sterilisation
sterilize sterilise
stigmatize stigmatise
storied storyed
story storey
stylization stylisation
stylize stylise
stylized stylised
subsidization subsidisation
subsidize subsidise
subsidizing subsidising
subtotaled subtotalled
subtotaling subtotalling
suburbanize suburbanise
succor succour
sulfate sulphate
sulfide sulphide
sulfite sulphite
sulfur sulphur
sulfureted sulphuretted
sulfurous sulphurous
summarize summarise
summarized summarised
sunburned sunburnt
supersede supercede
swat swot
swiveled swivelled
symbolization symbolisation
symbolize symbolise
sympathize sympathise
sympathizer sympathiser
synchronization synchronisation
synchronize synchronise
synopsize synopsise
synthesize synthesise
synthesizer synthesiser
synthesizing systhesising
systematization systematisation
systematize systematise
tableting tabletting
tantalization tantalisation
tantalize tantalise
tasseled tasselled
teetotaler teetotaller
teetotalers teetotallers
temporization temporisation
temporize temporise
temporizer temporiser
tenderize tenderise
tenderizer tenderiser
terrorization terrorisation
terrorize terrorise
theater theatre
theologize theologise
theorize theorise
thiamin thiamine
tho though
thralldom thraldom
thru through
tinseled tinselled
tire tyre
ton tonne
totaled totalled
totaling totalling
toward towards
toweled towelled
toweling towelling
toxemia toxaemia
toxemic toxaemic
trammeling trammelling
tranquilization tranquillisation
tranquilize tranquillise
tranquilizer tranquilliser
transferable transferrable
transferal transferral
transistorize transistorise
transship tranship
transshipment transhipment
transvestitism transvestism
traumatize traumatise
traveled travelled
traveler traveller
traveler travelling
travelers traveller
traveling travelling
tricolor tricolour
trisulfate trisulphate
trivialize trivialise
tularemia tularaemia
tumor tumour
tunable tuneable
tunneled tunnelled
tunneling tunnelling
tyrannize tyrannise
ultrahigh ultra-high
ultramodern ultra-modern
unanalyzed unanalysed
unappetizing unappetising
unauthorized unauthorised
uncivilized uncivilised
uncolored uncoloured
undercapitalized undercapitalised
unfavorable unfavourable
unfavorably unfavourably
unfertilized unfertilised
unflavored unflavoured
unionization unionisation
unionize unionise
unitize unitise
universalize universalise
unlivable unliveable
unmovable unmoveable
unnamable unnameable
unorganized unorganised
unplowed unploughed
unpracticed unpractised
unpublicized unpublicised
unraveled unravelled
unraveling unravelling
unrealizable unrealisable
unrealized unrealised
unrecognizable unrecognisable
unrecognized unrecognised
unrivaled unrivalled
unsavorily unsavourily
unsavory unsavoury
unskillful unskilful
unskillfully unskilfully
unspecialized unspecialised
unspoiled unspoilt
unsubsidized unsubsidised
untamable untameable
untrammeled untrammelled
unutilized unutilised
urbanization urbanisation
urbanize urbanise
uremia uraemia
utilizable utilisable
utilization utilisation
utilize utilise
utilizing utilising
valor valour
valorization valorisation
valorize valorise
vandalize vandalise
vapor vapour
vaporization vaporisation
vaporize vaporise
vaporizer vaporiser
vaporware vapourware
varicolored varicoloured
verbalization verbalisation
verbalize verbalise
vial phial
victimization victimisation
victimize victimise
vigor vigour
vigorous vigourous
vise vice
visualization visualisation
visualize visualise
vitalization vitalisation
vitalize vitalise
vocalization vocalisation
vocalize vocalise
volatilization volatilisation
volatilize volatilise
vulcanization vulcanisation
vulcanize vulcanise
vulgarization vulgarisation
vulgarize vulgarise
wagon waggon
watercolor watercolour
weaseling weaselling
weatherize weatherise
westernize westernise
whir whirr
whiskey whisky
widthwise widthways
willful wilful
willfully wilfully
willfulness wilfulness
winterize winterise
wiveling swivelling
womanize womanise
womanizer womaniser
woolen woollen
woolens woollens
worshiped worshipped
yodeled yodelled
yodeling yodelling
Shamelessly stolen from
I found it when I was correcting a design. Big list, but it even has variants of the root words. Helpful for designers who smack into this error a lot.
abridgment abridgement
accessorize accessorise
acclimatize acclimatise
accouter accoutre
accouterment accoutrement
acknowledgment acknowledgement
actualization actualisation
actualize actualise
advertize advertise
adz adze
Africanize Africanise
afterward afterwards
aggrandize aggrandise
aggrandizement aggrandisement
aging ageing
agonize agonise
airplane aeroplane
alkalize alkalinise
alkalize alkalise
allegorize allegorise
almshouse almhouse
alphabetization alphabetisation
alphabetize alphabetise
aluminize aluminise
aluminum aluminium
ambiance ambience
ameba amoeba
Americanization Americanisation
Americanize Americanise
amortization amortisation
amortize amortise
amphitheater amphitheatre
analog analogue
analogize analogise
analyze analyse
analyzed analysed
analyzer analyser
analyzing analysing
anemia anaemia
anemic anaemic
anesthesia anaesthesia
anesthetic anaesthetic
anesthetizing anaesthetising
Anglicize Anglicise
annex annexe
annualize annualise
anodizing anodising
antagonize antagonise
anthologize anthologise
antiaircraft anti-aircraft
aphorize aphorise
apologize apologise
apothegm apophthegm
appall appal
appareled apparelled
appetizer appetiser
arbor arbour
archeology archaeology
archiepiscopal archipiscopal
ardor ardour
armor armour
armored armoured
armorer armourer
armoring armouring
armory armoury
aromatize aromatise
artifact artefact
atchoo atishoo
atomize atomise
atomizer atomiser
atomizing atomising
attitudinize attitudinise
authorization authorisation
authorize authorise
ax axe
B.S. B.Sc.
backward backwards
baptize baptise
barbecue barbeque
bark barque
barreled barrelled
barreling barrelling
bastardization bastardisation
bastardize bastardise
battle-ax battleaxe
bedeviled bedevilled
bedeviling bedevilling
beeper bleeper
beet beetroot
behavior behaviour
behavioral behavioural
behaviorism behaviourism
behaviorist behaviourist
behoove behove
bejeweled bejewelled
belabor belabour
Benedictine Benedectine
beside besides
bestialize bestialise
beveled bevelled
beveling bevelling
bisulfate bisulphate
blamable blameable
bobsled bobsleigh
bookkeeper book-keeper
boro borough
breathalyzer breathaliser
brutalize brutalise
bureaucratization bureaucratisation
bureaucratize bureaucratise
bureaus bureaux
burglarize burglarise
bylaw bye law
caesarean caesarian
caldron cauldron
caliber calibre
caliper calliper
calipers callipers
calisthenics callisthenics
canceled cancelled
canceling cancelling
candor candour
cannibalization cannibalisation
cannibalize cannibalise
canonization canonisation
canonize canonise
capitalization capitalisation
capitalize capitalise
caramelize caramelise
caravansaries caravanserais
caravansary caravanserai
carbonization carbonisation
carbonize carbonise
carburetor carburetter
carburetor carburettor
carburizing carburising
carcass carcas
catalog catalogue
catalyze catalyse
categorization categorisation
categorize categorise
cauterization cauterisation
cauterize cauterise
cauterizing cauterising
caviled cavilled
center centre
centerboard centreboard
centerfold centrefold
centering centring
centerpiece centrepiece
centiliter centilitre
centimeter centimetre
centralization centralisation
centralize centralise
cesarean cesarian
cesium caesium
chamomile camomile
channeled channelled
channeling channelling
characterization characteriszation
characterize characterise
check cheque
checkbook chequebook
checker chequer
checkered chequered
checkers chequers
chili chilli
chilies chillies
chiseled chiselled
Christianize Christianise
Christianized Christianised
cigarette cigaret
circularize circularise
citrus citrous
civilization civilisation
civilize civilise
clamor clamour
clangor clangour
clarinetist clarinettist
cognizance cognisance
cognizant cognisant
collectible collectable
collectivize collectivise
colonization colonisation
colonize colonise
colonnaded collonaded
color colour
colored coloured
colorful colourful
coloring colouring
colter coulter
commercialization commercialisation
commercialize commercialise
commission commision
communize communise
compartmentalization compartmentalisation
compartmentalize compartmentalise
complete compleat
computerization computerisation
computerize computerise
conceptualization conceptualisation
conceptualize conceptualise
conjuror conjurer
conventionalization conventionalisation
conventionalize conventionalise
cortexes cortices
councilor councillor
counselled counseled
counselling counseling
counselor counsellor
cozier cosier
cozies cosies
coziest cosiest
cozily cosily
cozy cosy
criticize criticise
cross-linking crosslinking
crueler crueller
cruelest cruellest
crystallization crystallisation
crystallize crystallise
crystallizing crystallising
cudgeled cudgelled
cudgeling cudgelling
curb kerb
curbside kerbside
curbstone kerbstone
cyclization cyclisation
cyclopedia cyclopaedia
daydream day-dream
decameter decametre
decarburizing decarburising
decentralization decentralise
decentralize decentralise
deciliter decilitre
decimeter decimetre
decolorize decolourise
decolorizing decolourising
decriminalization decriminalisation
decriminalize decriminalise
defense defence
defenseless defenceless
deflexion deflection
dehumanization dehumanisation
dehumanize dehumanise
demagnetization demagnetisation
demagnetize demagnetise
dematerialize dematerialise
demeanor demeanour
demilitarization demilitarisation
demilitarized demilitarised
demineralization demineralisation
demobilization demobilisation
demobilize demobilise
democratization democratisation
democratize democratise
demonize demonise
demoralization demoralisation
demoralize demoralise
demythologization demythologisation
demythologize demythologise
denationalization denationalisation
denationalize denationalise
deodorize deodorise
deodorizing deodorising
deoxidization deoxidisation
deoxidize deoxidise
departmentalization departmentalisation
departmentalize departmentalise
depersonalization depersonalisation
depersonalize depersonalise
depolarization depolarisation
depolarize depolarise
depolarizing depolarising
depolymerizing depolymerising
depressurization depressurisation
depressurize depressurise
deputize deputise
desalinization desalinisation
desalinize desalinise
desensitization desensitisation
desensitize desensitise
desensitizer desensitiser
desexualize desexualise
destabilization destabilisation
destabilize destabilise
desulfurizing desulfurising
devitalize devitalise
dexterous dextrous
dialed dialled
dialer dialler
dialing dialling
dialling dialing
dialog dialogue
dialogize dialogise
dialyze dialyse
diarrhea diarrhoea
digitalization digitalisation
digitise digitalise
digitization digitisation
dike dyke
discolor discolour
discolored discoloured
disemboweled disembowelled
disfavor disfavour
disheveled dishevelled
dishonor dishonour
dishonorable dishonourable
disk disc
disorganization disorganisation
disorganize disorganise
dispatch despatch
disulfide disulphide
dolor dolour
donut doughnut
doodad doodah
draft draught
dramatization dramatisation
dramatize dramatise
drypoint dry-point
Dukhobor Doukhobor
economize economise
economizer economiser
edema oedema
edematous oedematous
editorialize editorialise
effeminize effeminise
electrolyze electrolyse
elegize elegise
empathize empathise
emphasize emphasise
employe employee
enameled enamelled
enameling enamelling
enamor enamour
enclosure inclosure
encyclopedia encyclopaedia
encyclopedic encyclopaedic
endeavor endeavour
energize energise
enology oenology
enroll enrol
enrollment enrolment
enrolls enrols
ensorcell ensorcel
ensure insure
enthrall enthral
enthralls enthrals
eon aeon
epicenter epicentre
epitomize epitomise
equaled equalled
equaling equalling
equalization equalisation
equalize equalise
equalizing equalising
esophageal oesophagal
esophageal oesophageal
esophagi oesophagi
esophagoscope oesophagoscope
esophagus oesophagus
estrogen oestrogen
estrous oestrous
estrous oestrus
estrus oestrous
eternalize eternalise
etiology aetiology
etymologize etymologise
eulogize eulogise
evangelization evangelisation
evangelize evangelise
eviler eviller
evilest evillest
extemporization extemporisation
extemporize extemporise
externalization externalisation
externalization externalise
fairy tale fairy-tale
familiarization familiarisation
familiarize familiarise
fanaticize fanaticise
fantasize fantasise
favor favour
favorable favourable
favorite favourite
favoritism favouritism
fecal faecal
federalization federalisation
federalize federalise
feminization feminisation
feminize feminise
fertilization fertilisation
fertilize fertilise
fertilizer fertiliser
fertilizing fertilising
fertlizer fertiliser
fervor fervour
fetus foetus
fiascoes fiascos
fiber fibre
fiberboard fibreboard
fiberglass fibreglass
fibers fibres
fictionalize fictionalise
filter philtre
finalization finalisation
finalize finalise
flavor flavour
flavoring flavouring
flavorless flavourless
fledgling fledgeling
flextime flexitime
flower girl flower-girl
flower po flower-pot
fluidization fluidisation
fluidize fluidise
fluidized fluidised
fluidizing fluidising
focalization focalisation
focalize focalise
font fount
formalization formalisation
formalize formalise
formularization formularisation
formularize formularise
forward forwards
fossilization fossilisation
fossilize fossilise
fractionalization fractionalisation
fractionalize fractionalise
fraternization fraternisation
fraternize fraternise
fresh water freahwater
fulfill fulfil
fulfillment fulfilment
funneled funnelled
funneling funnelling
furor furore
gage gauge
galoshes goloshes
galvanization galvanisation
galvanize galvanise
galvanizing galvanising
gamboled gambolled
gamboling gambolling
garrote garrotte
gaveled gavelled
gaveling gavelling
gelatin gelatine
gelatinize gelatinise
gemology gemmology
generalization generalisation
generalize generalise
ghettoize ghettoise
glamorization glamourisation
glamorize glamourise
globalization globalisation
globalize globalise
glycerin glycerine
goiter goitre
gonorrhea gonorrhoea
gormandize gormandise
gourmandize gourmandise
gram gramme
graphitizing graphitising
graveled gravelled
gray grey
greenhouse glasshouse
groins groynes
grovelled groveled
grovelling groveling
grueling gruelling
gynecology gynaecology
gyrfalcon gerfalcon
harbor harbour
harmonize harmonise
hauler haulier
hematein haematein
hemoglobin haemoglobin
hemophilia haemophilia
hemorrhage haemorrage
hemorrhage haemorrhage
hemorrhoid haemorrhoid
heyday heydey
homeopath homoeopath
homeostasis homoeostasis
homogenizing homogenising
honor honour
honorable honourable
humor humour
hunting lodge hunting-lodge
iconoclastic iconaclastic
idealization idealisation
idealize idealise
idolization idolisation
idolize idolise
immobilization immobilisation
immobilize immobilise
immobilized immobilised
immortalize immortalise
immunization immunisation
immunize immunise
immunizing immunising
impanel empanel
incase encase
incognizant incognisant
individualization individualisation
individualize individualise
industrialization industrialisation
industrialize industrialise
inflection inflexion
initialed initialled
initialing initialling
initialization initialisation
initialize initialise
inquire enquire
inquiry enquiry
institutionalization institutionalisation
institutionalize institutionalise
intellectualize intellectualise
internalization internalisation
internalize internalise
internationalization internationalisation
internationalize internationalise
iodize iodise
ionization ionisation
ionize ionise
ionized ionised
isomerizing isomerising
italicization italicisation
italicize italicise
itemization itemisation
itemize itemise
jail gaol
jail goal
jeweler jeweller
jewelry jewellery
jewlry jewellery
judgment judgement
judgmental judgemental
katathermometer catathermometer
kenneled kennelled
key quay
kidnaped kidnapped
kilometer kilometre
kindergartner kindergartener
kit bag kitbag
knuckle-duster knuckleduster
labeled labelled
labeling labelling
labor labour
laborer labourer
laborers labourers
laborite labourite
lackluster lacklustre
land mine landmine
lasagna lasagne
launderette laundrette
leaned leant
leaped leapt
legalization legalisation
legalize legalise
legitimization legitimisation
legitimize legitimise
lemongrass lemon grass
leukemia leukaemia
leveled levelled
leveling levelling
liberalization liberalisation
liberalize liberalise
license licence
lionize lionise
lissome lissom
liter litre
livability liveability
livable liveable
lobotomize lobotomise
localization localisation
localize localise
localizing localising
lodgment lodgement
lower lour
lowered loured
lowering louring
lowers lours
lumber jacket lumberjacket
luster lustre
lustering lustring
lusterless lustreless
M.S. M.Sc.
macadamize macadamise
macadamized macadamised
maestro maestri
magnetization magnetisation
magnetize magnetise
magnetizing magnetising
magneto therapy mgnetotherapy
malleableizing malleabilising
malodor malodour
malodorous malodourous
maneuver manoeuvre
maneuverability manoeuvrability
maneuverable manoeuvrable
maneuvering manoeuvring
market place market-place
marshaled marshalled
marshaling marshalling
marveled marvelled
marveling marvelling
marvelous marvellous
matchetes machets
materialization materialisation
materialize materialise
mausoleum mauseoleum
maximization maximisation
maximize maximise
meager meagre
meagerly meagrely
meagerness meagreness
mechanization mechanisation
mechanize mechanise
medieval mediaeval
mementos mementoes
memorialize memorialise
memorization memorisation
memorize memorise
menorrhea menorrhoea
mercerization mercerisation
mercerize mercerise
mercerizing mercerising
mesmerize mesmerise
metabolize metabolise
metacenters metacentres
metalizing metallising
metastasize metastasise
meter metre
methodize methodise
militarize militarise
millenium millennium
milliliter millilitre
millimeter millimetre
mineralization mineralisation
mineralize mineralise
miniaturization miniaturisation
miniaturize miniaturise
minimization minimisation
minimize minimise
minimizing minimising
misbehavior misbehaviour
misdemeanor misdemeanour
misjudgment misjudgement
mislabeled mislabelled
mislabeling mislabelling
miter mitre
mobilization mobilisation
mobilize mobilise
modeled modelled
modeler modeller
modeling modelling
modernization modernisation
modernize modernise
modularize modularise
moisturize moisturise
moisturizer moisturiser
mold mould
molded moulded
molding moulding
molds moulds
moldy mouldy
mollusk mollusc
mollusks molluscs
molt moult
mom mum
mongrelize mongrelise
monolog monologue
monopolization monopolisation
monopolize monopolise
moralization moralisation
moralize moralise
motorize motorise
multicolor multicolour
mustache moustache
myna mina
naivetT naivety
narcotize narcotise
nationalization nationalisation
nationalize nationalise
naturalization naturalisation
naturalize naturalise
naught nought
nebulizers nebulisers
neighbor neighbour
neighborhood neighbourhood
neighborly neighbourly
neoclassical neo-classical
net nett
neuron neurone
neurons neurones
neutralization neutralisation
neutralize neutralise
neutralizer neutraliser
neutralizing neutralising
nite night
niter nitre
nonplused nonplussed
nonpluses nonplusses
nonplusing nonplussing
normalization normalisation
normalize normalise
northeast north-east
northwest north-west
notarize notarise
note paper note-paper
novelize novelise
novitiate noviciate
nursling nurseling
occurring occuring
octagonal octogonal
odor odour
offense offence
omelet omelette
optimization optimisation
optimize optimise
organization organisation
organize organise
organized organised
orthopedic orthopaedic
orthopedist orthopaedist
ostracize ostracise
outmaneuver outmanoeuvre
overcapitalization overcapitalisation
overcapitalize overcapitalise
overemphasize overemphasise
overspecialization overspecialisation
oxidization oxidisation
oxidize oxidise
oxidizing oxidising
ozonizing ozonising
pajama pyjama
pajamas pyjamas
palatalize palatalise
paleobotany palaeobotany
paleocene palaeocene
paleoclimatology palaeoclimatology
paleogeography palaeogeography
paleography palaeography
paleolithic palaeolithic
paleomagnetism palaeomagnetism
paleontologist palaeontologist
paleontology palaeontology
paleozoic palaeozoic
palletize palletise
panegyrize panegyrise
paneling panelling
panelist panellist
pantyhose panti-hose
paper currency papercurrency
paralyze paralyse
parceled parcelled
parceling parcelling
parenthesize parenthesise
parlor parlour
particularization particularisation
particularize particularise
pasteurization pasteurisation
pasteurize pasteurise
pasteurizing pasteurising
patronization patronisation
patronize patronise
patronizingly patronisingly
pauperization pauperisation
pauperize pauperise
pavilion pavillion
pedagogy paedagogy
pedaled pedalled
pedaling pedalling
pedestrianize pedestrianise
pediatric paediatric
pediatrician paediatrician
pedophile paedophile
pedophilia paedophilia
penalization penalisation
penalize penalise
peptize peptise
personalization personalisation
personalize personalise
phanastrons phantastrons
phase changing phasechanging
philosophize philosophise
philosophizer philosophiser
phlebotomize phlebotomise
phonies phoneys
phony phoney
photosensitize photosensitise
pilaf pilaff
pjamas pyjamas
plagiarize plagiarise
plasticizer plasticiser
plow plough
plowing ploughing
plowman ploughman
plunk plonk
poeticize poeticise
poetize poetise
polarization polarisation
polarize polarise
polarized polarised
politicization politicisation
politicize politicise
polyethylene polyethene
polyethylene polythene
polymerizable polymerisable
polymerization polymerisation
polymerize polymerise
polymerized polymerised
popularization popularisation
popularize popularise
practicing practising
preferred prefered
preignition pre-ignition
prejudgment prejudgement
pressurization pressurisation
pressurize pressurise
pretense pretence
prioritization prioritisation
prioritize prioritise
privatization privatisation
privatize privatise
prize prise
program programme
prolog prologue
propagandize propagandise
prophesy prophecy
proselytize proselytise
proselytizer proselytiser
pseudointellectual pseudo-intellectual
pseudoscience pseudo-science
psychoanalyze psychoanalyse
publicize publicise
pulverize pulverise
pulverizing pulverising
pummeled pummelled
pummeling pummelling
quarreled quarrelled
quarreler quarreller
raccoon racoon
radicalization radicalisation
radicalize radicalise
railroad railway
rancor rancour
randomization randomisation
randomize randomise
ratability rateability
ratable rateable
ratably rateably
rationalization rationalisation
rationalize rationalise
raveled ravelled
raveling ravelling
realizable realisable
realization realisation
realize realise
recognizable recognisable
recognizance recognisance
recognize recognise
recognizing recognising
reconnoiter reconnoitre
reconnoitered reconnoitres
reconnoitering reconnoitring
reconnoiters reconnoitred
redialed redialled
redialing redialling
refueled refuelled
refueling refuelling
regularization regularisation
regularize regularise
reinitialize reinitialise
relabeled relabelled
relabeling relabelling
remodeled remodelled
remodeling remodelling
remold remould
reorganization reorganisation
reorganize reorganise
resynchronization resynchronisation
resynchronize resynchronise
retroflection retroflexion
reveled revelled
reveler reveller
reveling revelling
revitalization revitalisation
revitalize revitalise
revolutionize revolutionise
rhapsodize rhapsodise
rigor rigour
rigorous rigors
rigourous rigours
ritualize ritualise
rivaled rivalled
rivaling rivalling
romanticize romanticise
routing routeing
rubberize rubberise
ruble rouble
rubles roubles
rumor rumour
rumormonger rumourmonger
saber sabre
salability saleability
salable saleable
saltpeter saltpetre
sanitize sanitise
satirize satirise
savanna savannah
savannas savannahs
savior saviour
saviors saviours
savor savour
savory savoury
saxophone saxaphone
scandalize scandalise
scepter sceptre
schematization schematisation
schematize schematise
scrutinize scrutinise
seborrhea seborrhoea
sectionalize sectionalise
secularization secularisation
secularize secularise
selvage selvedges
sensationalize sensationalise
sensitization sensitisation
sensitize sensitise
sensitizing sensitising
sentimentalize sentimentalise
septicemia septicaemia
sequined sequinned
sergeant serjeant
serialization serialisation
serialize serialise
sermonize sermonise
sermonizer sermoniser
sexualize sexualise
shakable shakeable
sheik sheikh
sheikdom sheikhdom
shop shoppe
shoveled shovelled
shoveling shovelling
shriveled shrivelled
shriveling shrivelling
signaled signalled
signaled signalling
signaler signaller
signalize signalise
singularize singularise
skeptic sceptic
skeptical sceptical
skeptically sceptically
skepticism scepticism
skillful skilful
skillfully skilfully
skillfulness skilfulness
slenderize slenderise
smolder smoulder
sniveled snivelled
sniveling snivelling
snorkeled snorkelled
snorkeling snorkelling
snowplow snowplough
socialization socialisation
socialize socialise
solemnization solemnisation
solemnize solemnise
soliloquize soliloquise
somber sombre
somberly sombrely
somberness sombreness
southeast south-east
southwest south-west
specialization specialisation
specialize specialise
specialties specialities
specialty speciality
specter spectre
specters spectres
spelled spelt
spilled spilt
spiraled spiralled
spiraling spiralling
spiritualize spiritualise
splendor splendour
stabilization stabilisation
stabilize stabilise
stabilizer stabiliser
standardization standardisation
standardize standardise
stenciled stencilled
stenciling stencilling
sterilization sterilisation
sterilize sterilise
stigmatize stigmatise
storied storyed
story storey
stylization stylisation
stylize stylise
stylized stylised
subsidization subsidisation
subsidize subsidise
subsidizing subsidising
subtotaled subtotalled
subtotaling subtotalling
suburbanize suburbanise
succor succour
sulfate sulphate
sulfide sulphide
sulfite sulphite
sulfur sulphur
sulfureted sulphuretted
sulfurous sulphurous
summarize summarise
summarized summarised
sunburned sunburnt
supersede supercede
swat swot
swiveled swivelled
symbolization symbolisation
symbolize symbolise
sympathize sympathise
sympathizer sympathiser
synchronization synchronisation
synchronize synchronise
synopsize synopsise
synthesize synthesise
synthesizer synthesiser
synthesizing systhesising
systematization systematisation
systematize systematise
tableting tabletting
tantalization tantalisation
tantalize tantalise
tasseled tasselled
teetotaler teetotaller
teetotalers teetotallers
temporization temporisation
temporize temporise
temporizer temporiser
tenderize tenderise
tenderizer tenderiser
terrorization terrorisation
terrorize terrorise
theater theatre
theologize theologise
theorize theorise
thiamin thiamine
tho though
thralldom thraldom
thru through
tinseled tinselled
tire tyre
ton tonne
totaled totalled
totaling totalling
toward towards
toweled towelled
toweling towelling
toxemia toxaemia
toxemic toxaemic
trammeling trammelling
tranquilization tranquillisation
tranquilize tranquillise
tranquilizer tranquilliser
transferable transferrable
transferal transferral
transistorize transistorise
transship tranship
transshipment transhipment
transvestitism transvestism
traumatize traumatise
traveled travelled
traveler traveller
traveler travelling
travelers traveller
traveling travelling
tricolor tricolour
trisulfate trisulphate
trivialize trivialise
tularemia tularaemia
tumor tumour
tunable tuneable
tunneled tunnelled
tunneling tunnelling
tyrannize tyrannise
ultrahigh ultra-high
ultramodern ultra-modern
unanalyzed unanalysed
unappetizing unappetising
unauthorized unauthorised
uncivilized uncivilised
uncolored uncoloured
undercapitalized undercapitalised
unfavorable unfavourable
unfavorably unfavourably
unfertilized unfertilised
unflavored unflavoured
unionization unionisation
unionize unionise
unitize unitise
universalize universalise
unlivable unliveable
unmovable unmoveable
unnamable unnameable
unorganized unorganised
unplowed unploughed
unpracticed unpractised
unpublicized unpublicised
unraveled unravelled
unraveling unravelling
unrealizable unrealisable
unrealized unrealised
unrecognizable unrecognisable
unrecognized unrecognised
unrivaled unrivalled
unsavorily unsavourily
unsavory unsavoury
unskillful unskilful
unskillfully unskilfully
unspecialized unspecialised
unspoiled unspoilt
unsubsidized unsubsidised
untamable untameable
untrammeled untrammelled
unutilized unutilised
urbanization urbanisation
urbanize urbanise
uremia uraemia
utilizable utilisable
utilization utilisation
utilize utilise
utilizing utilising
valor valour
valorization valorisation
valorize valorise
vandalize vandalise
vapor vapour
vaporization vaporisation
vaporize vaporise
vaporizer vaporiser
vaporware vapourware
varicolored varicoloured
verbalization verbalisation
verbalize verbalise
vial phial
victimization victimisation
victimize victimise
vigor vigour
vigorous vigourous
vise vice
visualization visualisation
visualize visualise
vitalization vitalisation
vitalize vitalise
vocalization vocalisation
vocalize vocalise
volatilization volatilisation
volatilize volatilise
vulcanization vulcanisation
vulcanize vulcanise
vulgarization vulgarisation
vulgarize vulgarise
wagon waggon
watercolor watercolour
weaseling weaselling
weatherize weatherise
westernize westernise
whir whirr
whiskey whisky
widthwise widthways
willful wilful
willfully wilfully
willfulness wilfulness
winterize winterise
wiveling swivelling
womanize womanise
womanizer womaniser
woolen woollen
woolens woollens
worshiped worshipped
yodeled yodelled
yodeling yodelling
Xavius2010-03-17 16:15:15
That list is an abuse of even mongrel Euro-English. 

Unknown2010-03-17 16:20:46
Key = quay, huh?
Shiri2010-03-17 16:25:43
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Mar 17 2010, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Key = quay, huh?
I don't know how it is in America but quays are for boats and lochs, not doors and locks. If you indeed spell the two things the same that could probably lead to a lot of confusion.

That list is kind of messed up though...no one spells jail "goal." Gaol, sure, though not much anymore.
EDIT: And swot is mostly for revising, not flyswatting, these days, and yeah the list goes on. Just try not to add Z where it doesn't belong and leave U in where it does and that's most things fixed already.
Sylphas2010-03-17 16:27:13
I say we ditch British English altogether in IRE and use Middle English instead.
Unknown2010-03-17 16:27:49
QUOTE (Xavius @ Mar 17 2010, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That list is an abuse of even mongrel Euro-English. 

If it fixes stuff to get designs through, it's "close enough for me"!
Shiri2010-03-17 16:30:16
QUOTE (Sylphas @ Mar 17 2010, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I say we ditch British English altogether in IRE and use Middle English instead.
I think in Achaea they used to have a scroll on how to use "ye" and "thou" correctly, though I may be imagining that.
Unknown2010-03-17 16:33:46
QUOTE (Shiri @ Mar 17 2010, 11:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
quays are for boats and lochs, not doors and locks.
Yeah. I actually had to look that one up. I've never lived near a large body of water, or a dock, so I've never heard "quay" before, or "key" used in any context like that. Confusing.
EDIT: And swot is mostly for revising, not flyswatting, these days, and yeah the list goes on. Just try not to add Z where it doesn't belong and leave U in where it does and that's most things fixed already.
Don't forget "re" for "er" on certain word endings - that's a stickler too.
Casilu2010-03-17 16:34:04
QUOTE (Shiri @ Mar 17 2010, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think in Achaea they used to have a scroll on how to use "ye" and "thou" correctly, though I may be imagining that.
We have it here too. HELP ELDER LANGUAGE.
Shiri2010-03-17 16:38:46
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Mar 17 2010, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah. I actually had to look that one up. I've never lived near a large body of water, or a dock, so I've never heard "quay" before, or "key" used in any context like that. Confusing.
I guess that's what we get for living on an island. (It's pronounced "kay", incidentally. "Key" also seems to be acceptable as a pronunciation though, so I can see why someone would make that mistake.)
Don't forget "re" for "er" on certain word endings - that's a stickler too.
Oops, yeah, that one's pretty common too.
Lendren2010-03-17 18:35:52
What Shiri means is, try to avoid spelling words the way they sound, whenever you have a choice. 
(Of course, it's easy to refute Webster by saying that replacing a few Ss, dropping unneeded Us, and switching around REs to fix English spelling is kind of like making a drag chute out of a handkerchief for a crashing 747. Still, at least he was heading in the right direction.)

(Of course, it's easy to refute Webster by saying that replacing a few Ss, dropping unneeded Us, and switching around REs to fix English spelling is kind of like making a drag chute out of a handkerchief for a crashing 747. Still, at least he was heading in the right direction.)
Xavius2010-03-17 22:16:11
QUOTE (Rainydays @ Mar 17 2010, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If it fixes stuff to get designs through, it's "close enough for me"!
No. The British column has a handful of archaic words, like the gaol Shiri mentioned. Straddled between columns are words that are not alternate spellings at all, but fully distinct words, like defense/defence, disk/disc, and font/fount (as I'm watching Chrome flag defence as misspelled. Bastards.) In the American column are straight misspellings, like thru and gage. I imagine there're probably a handful of misspelled words in the British column too that I've glossed over just because their whole vocabulary looks like a string of misspellings.
If you rely on that list, you get what you deserve.

Unknown2010-03-18 00:48:21
QUOTE (Xavius @ Mar 17 2010, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No. The British column has a handful of archaic words, like the gaol Shiri mentioned. Straddled between columns are words that are not alternate spellings at all, but fully distinct words, like defense/defence, disk/disc, and font/fount (as I'm watching Chrome flag defence as misspelled. Bastards.) In the American column are straight misspellings, like thru and gage. I imagine there're probably a handful of misspelled words in the British column too that I've glossed over just because their whole vocabulary looks like a string of misspellings.
If you rely on that list, you get what you deserve.
If you rely on that list, you get what you deserve.

Thru is in fact used in american english. I've used it on several essays without doubleplusbad comments.
Lawliet2010-03-18 01:07:17
Depressingly due to learning a lot of words off the internet and whatnot I can no longer tell what spelling to use for a lot of words, it's like I'm becoming more American. I feel unclean.
Xavius2010-03-18 01:35:01
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Mar 17 2010, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thru is in fact used in american english. I've used it on several essays without doubleplusbad comments.
Thru is a widely recognized degradation of the word through. It is not proper American English. Your teacher's apathy should not be confused with correctness.
Casilu2010-03-18 01:49:16
QUOTE (Lawliet @ Mar 17 2010, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Depressingly due to learning a lot of words off the internet and whatnot I can no longer tell what spelling to use for a lot of words, it's like I'm becoming more American. I feel unclean.
And sometimes, I spell things the British way. I feel my poor teeth screaming in pain already.

Diamondais2010-03-18 01:54:29
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Mar 17 2010, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thru is in fact used in american english. I've used it on several essays without doubleplusbad comments.
Thru should never be used unless it's to describe a Drive Thru, and only then because most of them are crap anyways

Kharaen2010-03-18 03:20:23
I sometimes use this: http://www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/Br...ianAmerican.htm
May not be as complete a list as the first post though, but easier to read through.
May not be as complete a list as the first post though, but easier to read through.
Sylphas2010-03-18 06:25:53
QUOTE (diamondais @ Mar 17 2010, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thru should never be used unless it's to describe a Drive Thru, and only then because most of them are crap anyways 

I'm pretty sure we got Thru from signage that benefited from shortening the word because of lack of space. Which means that unless you communicate solely in road signs, it's a misspelling.
Zallafar2010-03-18 09:49:13
If words are in common usage, they become part of the language. "Thru" may have been shorthand orginally, but it's common enough now to be considered legit. According to dictionaries. Just like "legit" is!