Unknown2010-04-01 12:55:29
Aaand signups open! Feel free to pick your role and/or sign up for a spot.
1. Arix - Cirno
2. Xavius - Nitori
3. Solanis - Satori
4. Ileein - Patchouli
5. Saran - Alice
6. Romertien - Kogasa
7. Vendetta - Komachi
8. Siam - Youmu
9. Kiradawea - Suika
10. Gleip - Utsuho
11. Tekora - Yuyuko
12. Bali - Hina
13. Shiri - Tewi
14. Shulamit - Reisen
Role List
Patchouli Knowledge: Ileein
~The Unmoving Great Library~ Water Sign "Jellyfish Princess"
A powerful but anemic magician, Patchouli is the epitome of mind over matter. On most days, though, her asthma and general poor health triumphs over both.
Once a night, you may PROTECT someone with your spellcard, rendering them safe from nightkills. You may use this on yourself.
Komachi Onozuka: Vendetta
~Guide of the Sanzu no Kawa~ Exchange "Unhesitating Life, Unfortunate Life"
A laid-back shinigami with the power of manipulating distance, Komachi ferries dead spirits across the Sanzu River and into the afterlife.. when she isn't napping or slacking on the job.
You may SWAP positions with your target at night with your spellcard, causing all powers targetting you during that phase to take effect on your target instead. This may not be used on consecutive nights.
Satori Komeiji: Solanis
~The Girl Even The Evil Spirits Fear~ Memory Sign "Brain Fingerprint"
Mistress of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, Satori's ability to read hearts and minds makes other people fearful of her, but well-loved by animals that can't normally be understood.
You may READ your target once every night to track their movements and find out what they've been up to.
Utsuho Reiuji: Gleip
~The Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame~ Raven Sign "Yatagarasu Dive"
Possessing the power to manipulate nuclear fusion, Utsuho is one of Satori's pets, a Hell raven living in the Palace of the Earth Spirits. Her job is to maintain the flames of the Hell of Blazing Fires.
Once a day, you may DIVE at a target with your spellcard and end their life. You will need to rest for one day after using your power before it recharges enough to use again.
1. Arix - Cirno
2. Xavius - Nitori
3. Solanis - Satori
4. Ileein - Patchouli
5. Saran - Alice
6. Romertien - Kogasa
7. Vendetta - Komachi
8. Siam - Youmu
9. Kiradawea - Suika
10. Gleip - Utsuho
11. Tekora - Yuyuko
12. Bali - Hina
13. Shiri - Tewi
14. Shulamit - Reisen
Role List

~The Unmoving Great Library~ Water Sign "Jellyfish Princess"
A powerful but anemic magician, Patchouli is the epitome of mind over matter. On most days, though, her asthma and general poor health triumphs over both.
Once a night, you may PROTECT someone with your spellcard, rendering them safe from nightkills. You may use this on yourself.

~Guide of the Sanzu no Kawa~ Exchange "Unhesitating Life, Unfortunate Life"
A laid-back shinigami with the power of manipulating distance, Komachi ferries dead spirits across the Sanzu River and into the afterlife.. when she isn't napping or slacking on the job.
You may SWAP positions with your target at night with your spellcard, causing all powers targetting you during that phase to take effect on your target instead. This may not be used on consecutive nights.

~The Girl Even The Evil Spirits Fear~ Memory Sign "Brain Fingerprint"
Mistress of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, Satori's ability to read hearts and minds makes other people fearful of her, but well-loved by animals that can't normally be understood.
You may READ your target once every night to track their movements and find out what they've been up to.

~The Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame~ Raven Sign "Yatagarasu Dive"
Possessing the power to manipulate nuclear fusion, Utsuho is one of Satori's pets, a Hell raven living in the Palace of the Earth Spirits. Her job is to maintain the flames of the Hell of Blazing Fires.
Once a day, you may DIVE at a target with your spellcard and end their life. You will need to rest for one day after using your power before it recharges enough to use again.
Unknown2010-04-01 12:55:42

~The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella~ Rain Sign "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story"
A karakasa born from an abandoned umbrella, Kogasa has the power to surprise humans, though she hasn't been very successful thus far. Her "boo!" has only attracted beatings, so she's resorted to reading classic ghost stories to improve her technique.
You may HANG AROUND a target once every night, making you well-placed to see the comings and goings in your target's vicinity.

~Lunatic Moon Rabbit~ Spread Sign "Invisible Full Moon"
One of the legendary lunar rabbits who fled from the Moon to Earth, Reisen now lives and works at Eientei for Kaguya and Eirin, using her lunacy-inducing eyes to protect her home.
Once every night, you may using your spellcard to ROLEBLOCK someone and prevent them from taking any action.

~White Rabbit of Good Fortune~ "Ancient Duper"
At least 1,300 years old despite her childlike appearance, Tewi is the leader of the earth rabbits in Eientei and a consummate trickster. Seeing her is said to grant good luck and fortune.
Once every night, you may TRICK one target into directing their action towards another target of your choice.

~Aquatic Engineer~ Kappa "Exteeeending Aaaaarm"
A shy Kappa who lives on Youkai Mountain, Nitori has the power to control water as well as being a brilliant engineer. She likes humans well enough, but doesn't know how to act around them.
At night, you may RESEARCH someone else's power and use your engineering prowess to create a one-use device that replicates its effects. You may not copy any power more than once, research for two nights in a row if your research succeeds, or research another power while you still have use of one.

~Nagashi-hina of the Hidden God~ Bad Luck Sign "Biorhythm of the Apotropaic God"
Hina is the leader of the Nagashi-bina doll army, with the ability to store up curses and absorb misfortune from those around her. Her job is to scare people away from Youkai Mountain, not out of malice, but for their own good.
Once every night, you may SPIN around a target to absorb all actions that might be taken against them into yourself.

~Seven-Colored Puppeteer~
One of the few people known to live in the Forest of Magic, Alice is a magician renowned for her skillful manipulation of and specialisation in all kinds of dolls. She carries around a locked grimoire.
Spy Sign "Seeker Dolls" - Once, during the night, you may send out a seeker doll to investigate one target, gleaning from their actions their alignment.
Crimson Sign "Holland Doll" - Once, during the night, you may send out a Holland doll to roleblock a target of your choice.
Doll "Futuristic Hourai" - Once, during the night, you may send out Hourai to protect a target of your choice.
Curse Sign "Shanghai Doll" - Once, during the day or night, you may send out Shanghai to kill a target of your choice.
You may only use one of your dolls during each day or night phase.

~Ghostly Girl in the Netherworld Tower~ Deadly Butterfly "Endless Nap"
The ghost princess of Hakugyokurou, a ghost shrine overlooking the netherworld, Yuyuko was once a human who committed suicide in order to place a seal on the Saigyou Ayakashi, a dangerous youkai cherry tree. She has the power to invoke death in mortals.
Once every night, you may use your spellcard to INVOKE DEATH in a target of your choice.

~Ghostly Gardener~ Heaven Viewing Sword "Slash of Clearing the Six Senses"
Part human and part ghost, Youmu tends to the gardens in Hakugyokurou along with serving and protecting her mistress, Yuyuko. She wields two blades, Roukanken and Hakurouken, and is good at swordsmanship.
Once in the game, either during the day or night, you may use your spellcard to trigger a global roleblock for the entirety of that phase. This affects everyone, preventing active powers from being used and disabling all passives.

~Tiny Pandemonium~ Great Oni "Missing Purple Power"
Currently the only oni living aboveground in Gensokyo, Suika has enough physical strength to throw large boulders singlehandedly despite her small size. She loves to drink and party.
Due to your strength and toughness, you take an extra two people to lynch and have a 50% immunity to nightkills. Once during the game, you may use your spellcard to smash Tenshi's keystones around all affected characters. This will make you lose both your lynch and nightkill resistances for the rest of the game.

~Small Ice Fairy~ Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze"
An ice fairy of the lake, Cirno is not particularly intelligent, behaving as childishly as her appearance and size implies. However, she is THE STRONGEST.. or at least exceptionally strong for her kind. She enjoys freezing frogs and watching them thaw.
Once every night, you may FREEZE a target of your choice with your spellcard, preventing them from taking any action as well as protecting them from nightkills.
Arix2010-04-01 12:59:43
I call first spot
Xavius2010-04-01 13:15:06
Unknown2010-04-01 13:18:14
Yay fanks.
Mirami2010-04-01 13:20:02
Give me #6.
Unknown2010-04-01 13:24:02
#6 as requested!
Ileein2010-04-01 14:25:16
I'm in!
Saran2010-04-01 14:34:15
Unknown2010-04-01 15:02:35
Tempting. I'll take a spot in the unlikely event that we run out of people who want to join and need more, otherwise feel free to fill up without me.
Shiri2010-04-01 15:02:46
Siam2010-04-01 15:24:26
Tekora2010-04-01 16:41:39
Unknown2010-04-01 18:00:42
Roles are up! Let me know if there are any clarifications that should be made.
Quick note: "Tenshi's keystones" refers to this game's equivalent of doused arsonist targets. I'll release the scum roles once we start.
Quick note: "Tenshi's keystones" refers to this game's equivalent of doused arsonist targets. I'll release the scum roles once we start.
Xavius2010-04-01 18:20:00
Nitori Kawashiro: AVAILABLE
~Aquatic Engineer~ Kappa "Exteeeending Aaaaarm"
A shy Kappa who lives on Youkai Mountain, Nitori has the power to control water as well as being a brilliant engineer. She likes humans well enough, but doesn't know how to act around them.
At night, you may RESEARCH someone else's power and use your engineering prowess to create a one-use device that replicates its effects. You may not copy any power more than once, research for two nights in a row, or research another power while you still have use of one.
~Aquatic Engineer~ Kappa "Exteeeending Aaaaarm"
A shy Kappa who lives on Youkai Mountain, Nitori has the power to control water as well as being a brilliant engineer. She likes humans well enough, but doesn't know how to act around them.
At night, you may RESEARCH someone else's power and use your engineering prowess to create a one-use device that replicates its effects. You may not copy any power more than once, research for two nights in a row, or research another power while you still have use of one.
Kiradawea2010-04-01 18:40:01
Life is a party, and apparently I handle this role well. Sign me up for Suika please?
Gleip2010-04-01 18:56:07
Why did it have to be girls. Yet, it could be fun to try again so make me that hell-raven. Utsuho. I want to make nuklear explosions.
Unknown2010-04-01 19:10:54
I am both terrified and intrigued.
in. choose a role for me
in. choose a role for me
Xavius2010-04-01 19:21:40
Hina Kagiyama: AVAILABLE
~Nagashi-hina of the Hidden God~ Bad Luck Sign "Biorhythm of the Apotropaic God"
Hina is the leader of the Nagashi-bina doll army, with the ability to store up curses and absorb misfortune from those around her. Her job is to scare people away from Youkai Mountain, not out of malice, but for their own good.
Once every night, you may SPIN around a target to absorb all actions that might be taken against them into yourself.
~Nagashi-hina of the Hidden God~ Bad Luck Sign "Biorhythm of the Apotropaic God"
Hina is the leader of the Nagashi-bina doll army, with the ability to store up curses and absorb misfortune from those around her. Her job is to scare people away from Youkai Mountain, not out of malice, but for their own good.
Once every night, you may SPIN around a target to absorb all actions that might be taken against them into yourself.
That's what Bali wants.
Shulamit2010-04-01 19:21:53
Uhm, same. I am unsure of most of this, so uhm, any role is good?