Elostian2010-04-04 00:03:08
Recovered from an old, forgotten Hallifax archive, these historical records were saved on crystal and provide a genuine image of the Sentinel Company of Temporal Anomalies as they served before the fall of the Holy Celestine Empire. We are very happy and proud to have recovered them.
Sentinel historical documents
Sentinel historical documents
Rodngar2010-04-04 00:04:43
edit: I was hoping this was a LoreWiki update to show us Aeonics.
edit: I was hoping this was a LoreWiki update to show us Aeonics.
Eventru2010-04-04 00:04:48
Elostian! I told you that I didn't want those pictures of us made public! Everyone's going to know we're actually brothers. 

Unknown2010-04-04 00:07:17
Wow.. that was really good! Thanks for sharing.
EDIT: Nevermind, watched it through.
EDIT: Nevermind, watched it through.
Unknown2010-04-04 02:07:28
I like the gods who run Lusternia! They're so frisky and fun.
Elostian2010-04-04 09:58:50
The Sentinel guild is chuck full of references, I'd be interested to see how many of them are caught. Some are blatantly obvious, some much less so. Feel free to post. Also, whoever is the first to post a correct real life image of the Sentinels (or the organisation they are primarily based on) gets a cookie.
Shulamit2010-04-04 10:02:54
From the smidge I've read, I keep thinking Time Lords, with the whole, protectors of the time stream. Well, if the new season is to be believed that's what they're around for.
Ignore me if I'm wrong.
Ignore me if I'm wrong.
Elostian2010-04-04 10:04:40
Well, that's a skill reference (which I suppose is what everyone has looked at thus far), the real references are in the guild titles, the guildhall descriptions, Irima's description, the banner and the helpfile. Especially the guildhall has a few.
Shulamit2010-04-04 10:06:52
Do I get half a cookie then? *sad*
Elostian2010-04-04 10:10:58
I don't see any pictures?
Shulamit2010-04-04 10:15:08
Let's uhm, see if I can do a picture.
Ok, so that's the skill set. Uhm, with a picture

Ok, so that's the skill set. Uhm, with a picture
Ssaliss2010-04-04 10:17:14
Only having read the HELP SENTINELS part, the Army of the Blue King came to mind:

Granted, I've seen nothing at all of the guildhall or Irima though!

Granted, I've seen nothing at all of the guildhall or Irima though!
Elostian2010-04-04 10:18:19
Shulamit: Nice try, but I'm afraid that's the Matrix Research Institute.
Ssalis is warmer, but not quite there.
Ssalis is warmer, but not quite there.
Shulamit2010-04-04 10:22:04
Oh. It is?
Sooo...must find someway not to go insane while waiting to become a Time Lord now.
Uhm...not going so well.
Also, looking at the guild hall, and it's tickling the back of my brain, argh
Sooo...must find someway not to go insane while waiting to become a Time Lord now.
Uhm...not going so well.
Also, looking at the guild hall, and it's tickling the back of my brain, argh
Rika2010-04-04 10:55:28
Hey, the vow is based on the Swiss Guard's (in fact, other than colouring, the uniform worn by Irima is similar too).
Ssaliss2010-04-04 10:59:59
Can't be Swiss Guard, or their swords would look something like this:
EDIT: Removed.

EDIT: Okay, so that was big. Check this.
EDIT: Removed.

EDIT: Okay, so that was big. Check this.
Shulamit2010-04-04 11:06:39
Ok, so I can't figure it out. And for some reason, it's making me think of my last Call of Cthulhu game, but then again, that group went everywhere.
It does remind me of our time in Italy. During fascism.
I hope I'm just insane.
It does remind me of our time in Italy. During fascism.
I hope I'm just insane.
Rika2010-04-04 11:12:13
These look like halberds to me. 

Ssaliss2010-04-04 11:13:23
Rika2010-04-04 11:16:39
Psssh. That's just a cheap way of trying to back out of a lost argument.