Unknown2010-04-11 01:43:05
Long log is long.
Basic backstory: Outbreaks of new breeds of illithoid, controlled by Mumhatuti primarily. She tells us (aka Serenwilde) that it'd be good if we raise all the Queens and Zenobia so she can call a Council of Queens.
The most interesting thing about the Council was that the personalities of each individual Queen was really fleshed out. It was really fun (and funny) to watch!
I eliminated most clan chatter on SEG even though it was relevant.
Basic backstory: Outbreaks of new breeds of illithoid, controlled by Mumhatuti primarily. She tells us (aka Serenwilde) that it'd be good if we raise all the Queens and Zenobia so she can call a Council of Queens.
The most interesting thing about the Council was that the personalities of each individual Queen was really fleshed out. It was really fun (and funny) to watch!
I eliminated most clan chatter on SEG even though it was relevant.
** All hail Zenobia, Queen of Queens! I call, as is my right, a council of Queens! **
** I second this motion, supporting Hive Queen Mumhatuti. **
** Very well. Attend, Our children. We await you within Our chamber. **
Chamber of the Queen of Queens. (v13185)
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 4 kephera warriors here. There are 2 kephera attendants here. Zenobia the Queen of Queens reclines imperiously here, her compound eyes alight with an inner fire. Surrounded by a haze of stifling air, an azure phoenix soars on warm updrafts. Rika Talnara, Nature's Order is here, shrouded. She wields a platinum edged iron rapier in each hand. Kalas Alianna is here. Sadie, Daughter of the Argent Moon is here. She wields a feral wolf fang shofa in each hand. Sylphas Talnara is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda is here. She wields Kjat, Horizon Weft in her left hand and Tarmoj, Sunrise Warp in her right. Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo is here. He wields a tahto of fossilised basidion with both hands.
You see a single exit leading down.
Queen Mumhatuti walks in from the down with a faultless poise.
Hive Queen Rashepera regally strides in from the down, holding up the her deep maroon toga.
Queen Sethetmun wanders slowly in from the down, washed red robes dragged at her feet.
Mandibles chittering continuously, Queen Tutotophet walks in from the down with back straight and chin high.
Queen Khementen arrives from the down, draped in vibrant finery.
Queen Akhari arrives from the down.
Queen Imhohet arrives from the down with a busy countenance.
Loose robes swaying around her full figure, Queen Neferti skitters in from the down.
Chamber of the Queen of Queens. (v13185)
This large chamber has walls made up completely of glass providing an amazing view of the hive below from this height. The ceiling above is a glass dome supported by black metal frames that allows light from the pulsing ceiling to fill the chamber. The floor is made of meticulously polished marble that is decorated with black stones arranged in intricate, swirling designs. At the centre of the chamber is a large, circular table made of gleaming black stone that is decorate with a symbol of gold at its centre. Surrounding the table are eight thrones each of which are unique, and at the same time equal in elegance. Each throne is made from a solid, golden wax encrusted with precious gems and decorated with complex runic carvings. Faint psionic activity reaches up from the hive and quietly winds its way through the room. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 4 kephera warriors here. There are 2 kephera attendants here. Surrounded by a haze of stifling air, an azure phoenix soars on warm updrafts. Lounging here regally, Queen Rashepera surveys you through multi-faceted eyes of otherworldly beauty. Queen Khementen reclines here, her chitinous limbs arrayed artistically. Crooning a soft lullaby, Queen Akhari reigns over the hatcheries. Graceful and elegant, Queen Mumhatuti dominates the area with her presence. Zenobia the Queen of Queens reclines imperiously here, her compound eyes alight with an inner fire. Queen Sethetmun judiciously holds court here, a puzzled look upon her insectoid features. Coolly lording over the hive, Queen Imhohet directs the workers around her. Clicking her mandibles haughtily, Queen Tutotophet holds herself aloof from her surroundings. Queen Neferti skitters between the fungus growths, fawning over each. Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo is here. He wields a tahto of fossilised basidion with both hands. Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon is here, shrouded. He wields a wyvern inlaid viola of the flame in his left hand and a silver jeweler's hammer in his right. Rika Talnara, Nature's Order is here, shrouded. She wields a platinum edged iron rapier in each hand. Kalas Alianna is here. Sylphas Talnara is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Sadie, Daughter of the Argent Moon is here. She wields a feral wolf fang shofa in each hand. Raeri Stormcrow is here. He wields a golden sunburst shield in his left hand and a twilight lyre in his right. Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda is here. She wields Kjat, Horizon Weft in her left hand and Tarmoj, Sunrise Warp in her right.
You see a single exit leading down.
You see the following people here:
Placeus, Xypher, Alianna, Sylphas, Sadie, Raeri, Rika, Nejii, Solanis
Zenobia the Queen of Queens is an enormous kephera queen, twice as large as other kephera queens. She has an enormous distended abdomen which glows with an inner emerald light. She wears a golden toga over her thorax, encrusted with diamonds. Her compound eyes are alight with an inner fire, flaring with an intensity and intelligence. Though her movements are languorous and deliberate, there is a sense of great power humming under the surface of her placid demeanor.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Zenobia the Queen of Queens is holding.
Queen Mumhatuti stands here with a regal poise, her gaze dominating her surroundings with a graceful and elegant demeanor. Her large, tapered abdomen bespeaks of her right as a queen, with a vibrant yellow colouration. Her bright orange thorax is layered with two tiers, large segments of her chitinous exoskeleton appearing glossy. Her glittering eyes glow with dual shades of crimson and orange, glinting with serene attention to what is around her. She wears a long, elegant cream robe tied tightly around her waist, slit at the back where her abdomen extrudes, though her appearance as an awe inspiring kephera queen goes entirely undiminished.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Mumhatuti is holding.
An unusual example of the kephera species, Queen Rashepera stands here dressed in fine clothing that highly accentuates the shape and colour of her body, hems of which are embedded with small studs of sparkling opals and rubies. Her wide abdomen clarifies her status as queen, and has been inlaid with all manner of sparkling gems. A single sheet of maroon material swathes her form with many folds, covering her thorax and arms, occasionally slipping back to reveal layers of vibrant orange chitin. Her large crimson eyes glitter brightly, and a slightly tempting smile plays at her mouth.
Hive Queen Rashepera does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Rashepera is holding.
With a worn face, Hive Queen Sethetmun looks to be of an aged disposition. The skin of her head is beige in colour and crinkled with long lines across her forehead, smoothing back into a glossy scalp. The tones of her abdomen and thorax seem to have dulled slightly with time, no longer holding the normal vibrant colouration and instead appearing as a soft, almost gentle shade of orange. Old garments rest on her shoulders and cover the majority of her body, having also paled with time to a washed red. She occasionally moves her head jerkily as if suddenly remembering something and looking up to find it, though her eyes soon lose their concentration and fade back to a state akin to daydreaming.
Hive Queen Sethetmun does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Sethetmun is holding.
Standing aloof from her surroundings, the tall Queen Tutotophet looks dispassionately down at everything beneath her sight. Wearing nothing but her chitinous exoskeleton does nothing to decrease her royal elegance and demeanor, and the underbelly of her abdomen emanates a throbbing yellow light, whilst the back of it holds a brilliant orange sheen. A pair of mandibles extend from her mouth, clicking ravenously and almost continuously to create a buzzing noise that lingers around her. Her poise is straight and her back taut, chin high as if filled with disdain at the lesser beings around her.
Hive Queen Tutotophet does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Tutotophet is holding.
Lines crinkle the face of Queen Khementen's mouth, which is almost always tipped at the edges, upon the brink of smiling or laughing. A sheet of violet silk rests on her shoulders and extends downwards to her waist, whereupon rests topaz-blue, loose silken leggings that fall downwards to the ground. The underside of her large, tapering abdomen glows a deepsea blue whilst the chitinous anterior is an emerald green. Multi-faceted eyes of a deep crimson scan loosely over their surrroundings, paying little attention to detail.
Hive Queen Khementen does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Khementen is holding.
5300h, 6900m, 6600e, 10p, 23400en, 32400w elrxk<>- {30.222000000002}
Queen Imhohet's body is covered in tight, pristine cloth that does nothing to accentuate any note of flair or individuality. Her face unscrupulously surveys her surroundings and she is constantly checking production schedules on chart in one of her glittering hands. Her lips are flat and tight, never betrayed by the glimpse of emotion, and this sentiment is similarly echoed in the colouring of her body: primarily dark, almost black in tone, though clearly not neglected. She is much taller than the male of her species, as are all the females, and her demeanor augments her controlling mannerisms.
Hive Queen Imhohet does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Imhohet is holding.
Largest of the Hive Queens, this gluttonous female kephera seems to have an abominably large thorax, her exoskeleton sticking in between a very plump figure. With a similarly defined face, her composite eyes glitter with the dark blue depths of the Illteeth sea, each separate surface shining with a silver edge from the light of her surroundings. Her abdomen shines with a brilliant ruby light, the underside glowing contently to bathe the floor in a throbbing glow. A large, loose, royal robe is swathed over the entirety of her form, covering from the edge of her shoulders down to lie in excess on the floor. Beady eyes survey the fungus growing around her, as she moves swiftly between them, occasionally yawning or licking her lips.
Hive Queen Neferti does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Neferti is holding.
With a seemingly soft face, Queen Akhari looks tenderly around herself and makes use of any tidbit of spare time, tidying her surroundings whilst gentle murmuring a lullaby under her breath. Her large abdomen is a soft, gentle blue, underside of which throbs slowly through a spray of sapphire tones, whilst the top melts into a more aquamarine colour. She has a large thorax with three large inky segmented plates, wrapped loosely in a grey cloth with straps over her shoulders. Her eyes seem gentle, their multi-faceted surface glistening like large, perfect gemstones.
Hive Queen Akhari does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Akhari is holding.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Be greeted, Queens of Our Empire."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Greetings, oh great Queen of Queens."
Yawning slightly, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "What is the purpose of this, Mumhatuti."
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "It should be clear, Rashepera!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "The evil threatens its bonds, every day."
Hive Queen Khementen creases her brow in a frown.
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Queen Zenobia is here, now. She shall hold them at bay."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "They make bolder attempts each day!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Already strange, new breeds pierce the seal, despite our webs!"
Her compound eyes flashing nervously, Hive Queen Neferti says, "New breeds? Despite the seal?"
Stepping forward, Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "Our course of action is clear!"
Hive Queen Rashepera glances away, her eyes flashing with agitation.
Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "We must ramp up breeding efforts!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Rashepera breeds enough for all of us, Akhari."
Hive Queen Khementen gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Chittering in agitation, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Quiet, Tutotophet. Your envy is palpable."
Kalas Alianna busies herself examining the intricate floor designs.
Glancing about suddenly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Where is my tea? Why is everyone here?"
Glancing about worriedly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Where ARE we? Oh, hello Zenobia."
Kalas Alianna says, "There is little time for tea, Queen. This is important."
A hint of agitation entering her voice, Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Sister, it is a council of Queens."
Nervously, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "Mumhatuti! You need to send your warriors to my gardens!"
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "If you do not, we will all starve!"
Caustically, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "If you went on a diet, you'd feed all the hives twice over."
Scoldingly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "That isn't nice, Rashepera."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Are you all done yet?"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "I hope so! The solution is clear!"
Sighing, Hive Queen Khementen says, "Obviously not."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We must devote all of our males to the military!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We must charge the prison!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Purge it of all of its inhabitants!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Let not a single one survive!"
Patiently, Kalas Alianna says, "The surface demons will only return to their homes if you do that."
Her compound eyes glittering, Hive Queen Akhari says, "Oh yes. And you will lead them, Mumhatuti. Of course."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Terrible idea, I say."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Then what do you suggest, Neferti?"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Obviously..."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "We should take our time."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "We should all go back to our hives."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "And spend some time thinking about this."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Mumhatuti should send her warriors to protect my gardens and our shipments, and we should all enjoy some wonderful new squeesh fungus that the hyfae have started breeding."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Then, we can think about this. And once we come up with a solid solution, we should then meet again."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "You would have us waiting and stuffing our faces until the sky falls on us like a hundred tons of stone!"
Brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "The sky is heavier than a hundred tons of stone."
Caustically, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "You're sounding like Khementen now, Sethetmun."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Khementen?"
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh! Hello, Khementen."
Hive Queen Sethetmun flashes Hive Queen Khementen a joyous smile.
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "How are you dear."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Come to visit?"
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "My, I had the most delicious dipped fungus the other morning, Neferti sent it to me."
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "I wonder if I se- oh, hello Neferti!"
"Greetings!" Hive Queen Neferti says with a smile.
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Neferti, do you remember that fungus? It was small and white and you dipped it in that da-."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Enough!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We must STRIKE!"
Standing up, her naked form radiant, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "I know the solution."
Hive Queen Imhohet rolls her eyes.
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "My charisma and beauty shall rally our men!"
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "They shall come to fight for my affection."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Then we shall see even the surface dwellers understand why the Empire is superior to the evil."
Smiling kindly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Now now, Rashepera."
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "I know you are quite radiant, but I dare say!"
Her wrinkled face twisting into a smile, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "It will be wisdom, and temperance, and... And..."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "And..."
Nejii drops the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature.
The fallen corpse of a dark, serpentine creature lies revoltingly hewn apart.
He weighs about 327 pounds.
He is loyal to the Illithoid Prisoners.
You cannot see what the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature is holding.
Smiling, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh, what is that dear?"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "Oh yes! A just hand!"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "This is one of the new breeds of illithoid."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "That is what we need, yes. A just hand."
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "It is a new strain of the evil, according to Ambassador Horotep."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "The point is, as you can see, it is something to take seriously!"
Kalas Alianna says, "Maybe by their standards, but it's identical to what we've seen from the First Half of the Leviathan."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Of course it is, sister."
Hive Queen Tutotophet flashes Nejii a joyous smile.
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Just throwing this out there, but the Ambassador also mentioned the old matrons, who may have some answers for us."
Rika shrugs helplessly.
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "I tell you, there is nothing to be concerned about."
Kalas Alianna looks skeptical and says, "Can you be so sure, Queen?"
Standing up proudly, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "I am Hive Queen Tutotophet, and I rule by the divine right of my people. It is Keph's will that I rule."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "It is Keph's will that we succeed."
Smiling slightly, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "It is not a question."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "It is inevitable."
Kalas Alianna says, "I would never question the will of the Lady, but it cannot be executed lest we act in a timely manner."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "This is silly. You all are so insipid."
Glaring from one to the other, Hive Queen Imhohet says, "One of you just wants to breed babies upon babies."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "The other just wants to seduce the entire population."
Hive Queen Imhohet exclaims, "The next wishes to stuff her face!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Finally, some sense!"
Hive Queen Imhohet exclaims, "And you are as bad as any of them!"
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Caught up in your campaign you hardly think about the protection of the hives."
Hive Queen Imhohet exclaims, "Or business! Imagine what would happen if the wax and fungus shipments stopped coming to the hives!"
Hive Queen Neferti nods her head emphatically.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Oh, I see what it is!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "You're just concerned about your precious business agreements!"
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "Mumhatuti has the right of it, I think!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Yes, you two are just concerned about yourselves."
Smiling brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh dear, where did you put my tea?"
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order murmurs, "Most productive."
Hive Queen Khementen pats Sethetmun's hand gently, smiling softly.
Patiently, Kalas Alianna says, "This is presently not the situation for tea."
Standing up, Hive Queen Khementen says, "You all are fighting so incessantly you are stressing Sister Sethetmun."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Let us use some sense."
Kalas Alianna says, "Do tell, Sister."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "We have eight hives - nine including the Master Complex."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "All of which must be protected, and I think all can agree on this."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti grumbles her agreement.
Showing that she understands, Hive Queen Rashepera nods her head slowly.
Nejii closes her eyes and bows her head. There is a small shudder around you, and the wyrden woods environment melts away, revealing itself as truly constructed underground.
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Now."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Queen Akhari. Can we increase breeding productivity?"
Fumbling for a moment, Hive Queen Akhari says, "We-We-Well, probably, but it will take a few months at least until they can fight properly..."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We do not have months!"
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Then we must take volunteers from the worker males."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "I will speak to them. I am the most charming, and my good-spirit shall lift their hearts. They shall serve willingly."
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "I'm more charming than you!"
Chittering in amusement, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Dear, I believe they call that 'slutty', in the surface world."
Hive Queen Neferti half-scuffs, stuffing fungus into her mouth to hide her laugh.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Enough."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "We grow tired of this. This is why We rule over all of the Empire, and each of you your own hives."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "None of you can stand being in the same room as the other."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Each of you vying eagerly for scraps of power over your fellows."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Each of you bring something useful to this table."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "I have heard the Queen of the Hallifax Hive mention the matrons."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Neferti - what is their status."
Pausing for a moment, Hive Queen Neferti says, "Oh, um, well, I, uh."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Quit stuffing your face!"
Hive Queen Rashepera sniggers evilly.
Hive Queen Tutotophet scowls miserably.
Hive Queen Sethetmun scolds Rashepera quietly.
Hive Queen Neferti pauses and swallows, chittering to herself for a moment.
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Well I suppose. The hyfae have been relatively unharmed lately, so fungus production is up."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "They've been breeding new types of fungus, there is this delicious one, it's a small brown tubor-like fungus, and it has the most delicious flavour when you slice it and then serve it in a fine red wi-."
Hive Queen Rashepera heaves an almighty groan.
Hive Queen Neferti scowls miserably at Hive Queen Rashepera.
Hive Queen Neferti says, "As I was saying. Everything seems to be optimal."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "How have the hyfae been, in terms of combat support. Could they bolster Mumhatuti's ranks?"
Horrified, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "No!"
Catching herself, Hive Queen Neferti says, "That is, er, Queen of Queens, no. They do not fight."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "I see."
Brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "What about breeding a new kind of hyfae?"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Not possible."
Hive Queen Rashepera gives Hive Queen Neferti the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Not possible?"
Hive Queen Neferti scowls miserably.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Wasn't it you, Neferti, who commissioned them to grow a special type of hyfae to follow you about glowing a special shade of purple because it matched your toga?"
Hive Queen Neferti scowls miserably at Hive Queen Imhohet.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "So it is possible!"
Chittering, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "Well, anything is POSSIBLE, but nothing is quick! Nor easy!"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "It's long and painful, and you know we do not have the resources to breed new hyfae and then train them to fight..."
Smiling brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh, I do love the hyfae. I remember when they came and helped tame a wild case of fungal infections in Rashepera's hive."
Coldly, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "I wonder how that came about."
Hive Queen Rashepera scowls miserably at Hive Queen Tutotophet.
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "It is a waste of resources!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Queen of Queens!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "I beg of you! Command this! I could use hyfae warriors! They sing to the fungus and the stone - they could turn the very tunnels against the illithoid!"
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They are pacifists!"
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "That would be amazing! Imagine, the tunnels collapsing atop a hundred illithoids, not a single one of our strong, powerful warders lost in combat..."
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They will not fight!"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "Oh yes! I can see it now! It will be glorious - they will fight with the strength of ten warders!"
Frustrated, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They are not that strong!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet exclaims, "And they are not kephera - so their loss will not matter!"
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They will matter to ME!"
Kalas Alianna says, "That is a very narrow-minded viewpoint, Sister."
Kalas Alianna says, "If life possesses a soul, it has value. Otherwise, it does not. That is why we fight the evil."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "They are just spirits, dear. And they would give their life for the empire that has so long protected them."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "We request that you treat the hyfae with the respect due to them as fae. There is no "just" about spirits like them."
Kalas Alianna says, "Indeed."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Dear, they are not like you nor I. They're just spirits, simple creatures. They sing to fungus. How intelligent can they be? And they are members of the Empire."
Kalas Alianna says, "I believe they regard themselves as allies, not so much members."
Hive Queen Khementen exclaims, "Everyone must give something in exchange for the blessings of the Empire. Besides, these would just be special hyfae, bred for this purpose!"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "I beg to differ. Spirits are not animals. They have their own wills. They are allies, not tools."
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They are MY hyfae! -I- sing to my mushrooms!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Point in case!"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "Mumhatuti!"
Hive Queen Neferti chitters angrily, the air crackling between Neferti and Mumhatuti.
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "If they will consent to being bred and taught to fight, that is another matter. Neferti feels that this is not likely to be the case. Let us make a reasoned conclusion one way or another and then move on."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Akhari says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "Yes, thank you."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Were you aware Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens?"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "Heh."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "And perhaps the food supply of the Undervault, as well."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "I will keep that in mind, Queen."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "They are citizens of the Empire, and have been for countless centuries."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Their time to serve beyond the role of gardeners has come. I agree with Mumhatuti."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "This is the best course of action."
Kalas Alianna says, "They may serve, but ideally at their own behest."
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "No! This isn't fair! They're mine!"
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Perhaps we should ask them."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Enough, Neferti."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Hive Queen Rika of Hive Hallifax has the proper idea."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Though I am certain no citizen of the Empire would refuse the right to serve."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "I must protest, Queen of Queens! This is a travesty! The hy-."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Enough, Neferti."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "Someone mentioned something about matrons who answer the call of the queens and mediate between the Hives and the Hyfae."
You say, "Could they be called upon to assist in this matter?"
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Perhaps. We shall see."
The air crackles and hums as the Queen of Queens begins to concentrate - one by one, the Kephera Queens add their minds to hers.
In a wild explosion of multicoloured spores, Wise Lamella suddenly appears.
Crooked with age and radiating with a soft aura of power, this old woman is clearly of fungal origin. Much of Lamella's stalk is ridged and feathery, shrouded in strange, fungal robes. Each of her leaflike arms bear three-pronged endings, fashioned into some semblance of a hand. Her robes, fashioned of moss and molds, are littered with small mushrooms popping into existence all along its surface. A massive purple cap sits atop her head, spotted wildly with brilliant whites, yellows and greens. Her face is small, nearly non-existent, though two large round eyes rest just beneath the papery gills of her cap. A flurry of glowing, purple spores dance about Lamella, casting her age-stricken eyes in a pale and unforgiving light.
Wise Lamella appears to be extraordinarily strong.
She weighs about 120 pounds.
She is loyal to the Colony of the Hyfae.
You cannot see what Wise Lamella is holding.
Wise Lamella says, "Called you have, Queens?"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti gives Wise Lamella the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Doesn't look like she could take on anything."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Wise Lamella creases her brow in a frown.
Wise Lamella brushes one mushroom-like finger across the rim of her cauldron.
Wise Lamella says, "Yes, old Lamella is."
Wise Lamella says, "Remembers time Before, she does."
Wise Lamella says, "And had her people serve, she has."
Wise Lamella says, "Thank us the Queen of Queens need not. We serve for centuries, and centuries we serve more."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens nods her head at Wise Lamella.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "We have need, Lamella, of hyfae to supplement our own warriors."
Wise Lamella creases her brow in a frown.
Wise Lamella says, "Fight, my people do not."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We would need to breed new ones!"
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "Oh yes, glorious ones!"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "That shall destroy the Prison itself!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet exclaims, "With the righteousness of the Empire!"
Wise Lamella creases her brow in a frown.
Rubbing her stubbly chin, Wise Lamella says, "...Know if it is possible, we do not. Try, we can."
Wise Lamella says, "Happy to serve, the Hyfae have ever been."
Wise Lamella says, "From the Nightmare did the Queen of Queens save us, and so do we serve."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "When can it begin, Lamella?"
Wise Lamella says, "Time we will need, yes. Prepare we must."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "What do you need? I can provide manpower!"
Wise Lamella says, "Space to work we will need. And many to work the old magics..."
With surprising eagerness, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "I know!"
Calming slightly, Hive Queen Neferti says, "We can use my hive."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "They keep suggesting the matrons - we can use them."
Wise Lamella says, "Good the matrons would be. Helped with the Nightmare they did."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Very well then."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "How long shall it take?"
Wise Lamella looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Wise Lamella says, "Days to setup. Know how long to birth I do not."
Wise Lamella says, "We will need much... Ingredients. Mushrooms and old magics."
Chittering happily, Hive Queen Neferti says, "Celest, Hallifax and Serenwilde will assist - won't they?"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti gives Nejii the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera gives Nejii the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Sethetmun gives Rika the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Tutotophet gives Rika the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo says, "Celest will assist."
Hive Queen Khementen gives Placeus the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
"Good!" Hive Queen Akhari enthuses.
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Hallifax will help."
Kalas Alianna says, "The fate of our Hives are all intertwined. We will assist."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti claps her hands together merrily.
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Good! Then it is settled."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Let us say... In eight days. We convene in my hive."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "I shall send runners to the matrons to gather."
Hive Queen Neferti nods her head sagely.
Wise Lamella says, "Need more the Queens do?"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "I will not be able to attend, but I will alert the Wilde to your request."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "You are dismissed, Lamella."
Wise Lamella performs a graceful curtsey.
With a grandiose wave of her arm, Wise Lamella disappears in a churning cloud of multicoloured spores.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Very well."
Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo stands to attention.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Once the hyfae are birthed and old enough, they will be sent to Mumhatuti for training in the arts of war."
Hive Queen Neferti's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Chittering excitedly, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "Absolutely!"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "May I go, Queen of Queens?"
(Serenwilde Elite Guard): Alianna says, "I am concerned for her sudden eagerness in all this."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens nods her head at Hive Queen Neferti.
(Serenwilde Elite Guard): Alianna says, "Given the whole 'Nooooo they are miiiiiine' ordeal going on prior."
Loose robes swaying around her full figure, Queen Neferti skitters away to the down.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Something is not right."
Kalas Alianna says, "Do tell, Sister."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Neferti's scheming again, me thinks."
Chittering brightly, Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "Nonsense!"
(Serenwilde Elite Guard): Nejii says, "You have a point."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Paranoid, Mumhatuti?"
Brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Is it tea time, dear?"
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Absolutely, Sethetmun. Come, let us have tea."
Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "Oo, tea!"
Queen Khementen leaves to the down, her vibrant finery billowing behind her.
Her washed red robes scraping the floor as she moves, Queen Sethetmun wanders away to the down.
Queen Akhari leaves to the down.
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Caution and vigilance is always welcome in times such as these."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Agreed."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Keph watches over us. Do not be alarmed."
Hive Queen Tutotophet's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Her divine will shall guide us."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Neferti will act as she knows is best - and that is in accordance with the Queen of Queen's will."
Queen Tutotophet walks gracefully away to the down, back straight, chin high, and mandibles chittering.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti creases her brow in a frown.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Well, I will be increasing sentries posted!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "You should do the same!"
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order looks skeptical and says, "I am not sure any of you know "what is best"."
Hive Queen Rashepera gives Rika the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Of course I do."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "And I shall attend to it right now."
Her brilliant orange thorax glowing like fire, Hive Queen Rashepera floats serenely to the down.
Hive Queen Imhohet chatters in caustic bemusement.
Deep in thought, Alianna leans her cheek on her hand.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti inclines her head politely to those around her.
Queen Mumhatuti walks away to the down with a faultless poise.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "So amusing, the plottings of Queens."
Hive Queen Imhohet gives the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Get rid of that hideous thing."
Kalas Alianna says, "That is one way to put it."
You pick up the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Disgusting. Illithoids. Only from evil could such a thing be birthed."
Hive Queen Imhohet shakes her head.
Queen Imhohet leaves to the down, clicking gracefully.
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "We are not amused."
** I second this motion, supporting Hive Queen Mumhatuti. **
** Very well. Attend, Our children. We await you within Our chamber. **
Chamber of the Queen of Queens. (v13185)
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 4 kephera warriors here. There are 2 kephera attendants here. Zenobia the Queen of Queens reclines imperiously here, her compound eyes alight with an inner fire. Surrounded by a haze of stifling air, an azure phoenix soars on warm updrafts. Rika Talnara, Nature's Order is here, shrouded. She wields a platinum edged iron rapier in each hand. Kalas Alianna is here. Sadie, Daughter of the Argent Moon is here. She wields a feral wolf fang shofa in each hand. Sylphas Talnara is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda is here. She wields Kjat, Horizon Weft in her left hand and Tarmoj, Sunrise Warp in her right. Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo is here. He wields a tahto of fossilised basidion with both hands.
You see a single exit leading down.
Queen Mumhatuti walks in from the down with a faultless poise.
Hive Queen Rashepera regally strides in from the down, holding up the her deep maroon toga.
Queen Sethetmun wanders slowly in from the down, washed red robes dragged at her feet.
Mandibles chittering continuously, Queen Tutotophet walks in from the down with back straight and chin high.
Queen Khementen arrives from the down, draped in vibrant finery.
Queen Akhari arrives from the down.
Queen Imhohet arrives from the down with a busy countenance.
Loose robes swaying around her full figure, Queen Neferti skitters in from the down.
Chamber of the Queen of Queens. (v13185)
This large chamber has walls made up completely of glass providing an amazing view of the hive below from this height. The ceiling above is a glass dome supported by black metal frames that allows light from the pulsing ceiling to fill the chamber. The floor is made of meticulously polished marble that is decorated with black stones arranged in intricate, swirling designs. At the centre of the chamber is a large, circular table made of gleaming black stone that is decorate with a symbol of gold at its centre. Surrounding the table are eight thrones each of which are unique, and at the same time equal in elegance. Each throne is made from a solid, golden wax encrusted with precious gems and decorated with complex runic carvings. Faint psionic activity reaches up from the hive and quietly winds its way through the room. The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 4 kephera warriors here. There are 2 kephera attendants here. Surrounded by a haze of stifling air, an azure phoenix soars on warm updrafts. Lounging here regally, Queen Rashepera surveys you through multi-faceted eyes of otherworldly beauty. Queen Khementen reclines here, her chitinous limbs arrayed artistically. Crooning a soft lullaby, Queen Akhari reigns over the hatcheries. Graceful and elegant, Queen Mumhatuti dominates the area with her presence. Zenobia the Queen of Queens reclines imperiously here, her compound eyes alight with an inner fire. Queen Sethetmun judiciously holds court here, a puzzled look upon her insectoid features. Coolly lording over the hive, Queen Imhohet directs the workers around her. Clicking her mandibles haughtily, Queen Tutotophet holds herself aloof from her surroundings. Queen Neferti skitters between the fungus growths, fawning over each. Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo is here. He wields a tahto of fossilised basidion with both hands. Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon is here, shrouded. He wields a wyvern inlaid viola of the flame in his left hand and a silver jeweler's hammer in his right. Rika Talnara, Nature's Order is here, shrouded. She wields a platinum edged iron rapier in each hand. Kalas Alianna is here. Sylphas Talnara is here. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand and an athame dagger in his right. Sadie, Daughter of the Argent Moon is here. She wields a feral wolf fang shofa in each hand. Raeri Stormcrow is here. He wields a golden sunburst shield in his left hand and a twilight lyre in his right. Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda is here. She wields Kjat, Horizon Weft in her left hand and Tarmoj, Sunrise Warp in her right.
You see a single exit leading down.
You see the following people here:
Placeus, Xypher, Alianna, Sylphas, Sadie, Raeri, Rika, Nejii, Solanis
Zenobia the Queen of Queens is an enormous kephera queen, twice as large as other kephera queens. She has an enormous distended abdomen which glows with an inner emerald light. She wears a golden toga over her thorax, encrusted with diamonds. Her compound eyes are alight with an inner fire, flaring with an intensity and intelligence. Though her movements are languorous and deliberate, there is a sense of great power humming under the surface of her placid demeanor.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Zenobia the Queen of Queens is holding.
Queen Mumhatuti stands here with a regal poise, her gaze dominating her surroundings with a graceful and elegant demeanor. Her large, tapered abdomen bespeaks of her right as a queen, with a vibrant yellow colouration. Her bright orange thorax is layered with two tiers, large segments of her chitinous exoskeleton appearing glossy. Her glittering eyes glow with dual shades of crimson and orange, glinting with serene attention to what is around her. She wears a long, elegant cream robe tied tightly around her waist, slit at the back where her abdomen extrudes, though her appearance as an awe inspiring kephera queen goes entirely undiminished.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Mumhatuti is holding.
An unusual example of the kephera species, Queen Rashepera stands here dressed in fine clothing that highly accentuates the shape and colour of her body, hems of which are embedded with small studs of sparkling opals and rubies. Her wide abdomen clarifies her status as queen, and has been inlaid with all manner of sparkling gems. A single sheet of maroon material swathes her form with many folds, covering her thorax and arms, occasionally slipping back to reveal layers of vibrant orange chitin. Her large crimson eyes glitter brightly, and a slightly tempting smile plays at her mouth.
Hive Queen Rashepera does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Rashepera is holding.
With a worn face, Hive Queen Sethetmun looks to be of an aged disposition. The skin of her head is beige in colour and crinkled with long lines across her forehead, smoothing back into a glossy scalp. The tones of her abdomen and thorax seem to have dulled slightly with time, no longer holding the normal vibrant colouration and instead appearing as a soft, almost gentle shade of orange. Old garments rest on her shoulders and cover the majority of her body, having also paled with time to a washed red. She occasionally moves her head jerkily as if suddenly remembering something and looking up to find it, though her eyes soon lose their concentration and fade back to a state akin to daydreaming.
Hive Queen Sethetmun does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Sethetmun is holding.
Standing aloof from her surroundings, the tall Queen Tutotophet looks dispassionately down at everything beneath her sight. Wearing nothing but her chitinous exoskeleton does nothing to decrease her royal elegance and demeanor, and the underbelly of her abdomen emanates a throbbing yellow light, whilst the back of it holds a brilliant orange sheen. A pair of mandibles extend from her mouth, clicking ravenously and almost continuously to create a buzzing noise that lingers around her. Her poise is straight and her back taut, chin high as if filled with disdain at the lesser beings around her.
Hive Queen Tutotophet does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Tutotophet is holding.
Lines crinkle the face of Queen Khementen's mouth, which is almost always tipped at the edges, upon the brink of smiling or laughing. A sheet of violet silk rests on her shoulders and extends downwards to her waist, whereupon rests topaz-blue, loose silken leggings that fall downwards to the ground. The underside of her large, tapering abdomen glows a deepsea blue whilst the chitinous anterior is an emerald green. Multi-faceted eyes of a deep crimson scan loosely over their surrroundings, paying little attention to detail.
Hive Queen Khementen does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Khementen is holding.
5300h, 6900m, 6600e, 10p, 23400en, 32400w elrxk<>-
Queen Imhohet's body is covered in tight, pristine cloth that does nothing to accentuate any note of flair or individuality. Her face unscrupulously surveys her surroundings and she is constantly checking production schedules on chart in one of her glittering hands. Her lips are flat and tight, never betrayed by the glimpse of emotion, and this sentiment is similarly echoed in the colouring of her body: primarily dark, almost black in tone, though clearly not neglected. She is much taller than the male of her species, as are all the females, and her demeanor augments her controlling mannerisms.
Hive Queen Imhohet does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Imhohet is holding.
Largest of the Hive Queens, this gluttonous female kephera seems to have an abominably large thorax, her exoskeleton sticking in between a very plump figure. With a similarly defined face, her composite eyes glitter with the dark blue depths of the Illteeth sea, each separate surface shining with a silver edge from the light of her surroundings. Her abdomen shines with a brilliant ruby light, the underside glowing contently to bathe the floor in a throbbing glow. A large, loose, royal robe is swathed over the entirety of her form, covering from the edge of her shoulders down to lie in excess on the floor. Beady eyes survey the fungus growing around her, as she moves swiftly between them, occasionally yawning or licking her lips.
Hive Queen Neferti does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Neferti is holding.
With a seemingly soft face, Queen Akhari looks tenderly around herself and makes use of any tidbit of spare time, tidying her surroundings whilst gentle murmuring a lullaby under her breath. Her large abdomen is a soft, gentle blue, underside of which throbs slowly through a spray of sapphire tones, whilst the top melts into a more aquamarine colour. She has a large thorax with three large inky segmented plates, wrapped loosely in a grey cloth with straps over her shoulders. Her eyes seem gentle, their multi-faceted surface glistening like large, perfect gemstones.
Hive Queen Akhari does not even register your presence as a threat.
She weighs about 234 pounds.
She is loyal to the Kephera Hives.
You cannot see what Hive Queen Akhari is holding.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Be greeted, Queens of Our Empire."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Greetings, oh great Queen of Queens."
Yawning slightly, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "What is the purpose of this, Mumhatuti."
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "It should be clear, Rashepera!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "The evil threatens its bonds, every day."
Hive Queen Khementen creases her brow in a frown.
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Queen Zenobia is here, now. She shall hold them at bay."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "They make bolder attempts each day!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Already strange, new breeds pierce the seal, despite our webs!"
Her compound eyes flashing nervously, Hive Queen Neferti says, "New breeds? Despite the seal?"
Stepping forward, Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "Our course of action is clear!"
Hive Queen Rashepera glances away, her eyes flashing with agitation.
Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "We must ramp up breeding efforts!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Rashepera breeds enough for all of us, Akhari."
Hive Queen Khementen gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Chittering in agitation, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Quiet, Tutotophet. Your envy is palpable."
Kalas Alianna busies herself examining the intricate floor designs.
Glancing about suddenly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Where is my tea? Why is everyone here?"
Glancing about worriedly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Where ARE we? Oh, hello Zenobia."
Kalas Alianna says, "There is little time for tea, Queen. This is important."
A hint of agitation entering her voice, Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Sister, it is a council of Queens."
Nervously, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "Mumhatuti! You need to send your warriors to my gardens!"
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "If you do not, we will all starve!"
Caustically, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "If you went on a diet, you'd feed all the hives twice over."
Scoldingly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "That isn't nice, Rashepera."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Are you all done yet?"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "I hope so! The solution is clear!"
Sighing, Hive Queen Khementen says, "Obviously not."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We must devote all of our males to the military!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We must charge the prison!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Purge it of all of its inhabitants!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Let not a single one survive!"
Patiently, Kalas Alianna says, "The surface demons will only return to their homes if you do that."
Her compound eyes glittering, Hive Queen Akhari says, "Oh yes. And you will lead them, Mumhatuti. Of course."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Terrible idea, I say."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Then what do you suggest, Neferti?"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Obviously..."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "We should take our time."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "We should all go back to our hives."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "And spend some time thinking about this."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Mumhatuti should send her warriors to protect my gardens and our shipments, and we should all enjoy some wonderful new squeesh fungus that the hyfae have started breeding."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Then, we can think about this. And once we come up with a solid solution, we should then meet again."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "You would have us waiting and stuffing our faces until the sky falls on us like a hundred tons of stone!"
Brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "The sky is heavier than a hundred tons of stone."
Caustically, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "You're sounding like Khementen now, Sethetmun."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Khementen?"
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh! Hello, Khementen."
Hive Queen Sethetmun flashes Hive Queen Khementen a joyous smile.
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "How are you dear."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Come to visit?"
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "My, I had the most delicious dipped fungus the other morning, Neferti sent it to me."
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "I wonder if I se- oh, hello Neferti!"
"Greetings!" Hive Queen Neferti says with a smile.
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Neferti, do you remember that fungus? It was small and white and you dipped it in that da-."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Enough!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We must STRIKE!"
Standing up, her naked form radiant, Hive Queen Rashepera says, "I know the solution."
Hive Queen Imhohet rolls her eyes.
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "My charisma and beauty shall rally our men!"
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "They shall come to fight for my affection."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Then we shall see even the surface dwellers understand why the Empire is superior to the evil."
Smiling kindly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Now now, Rashepera."
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "I know you are quite radiant, but I dare say!"
Her wrinkled face twisting into a smile, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "It will be wisdom, and temperance, and... And..."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "And..."
Nejii drops the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature.
The fallen corpse of a dark, serpentine creature lies revoltingly hewn apart.
He weighs about 327 pounds.
He is loyal to the Illithoid Prisoners.
You cannot see what the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature is holding.
Smiling, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh, what is that dear?"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "Oh yes! A just hand!"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "This is one of the new breeds of illithoid."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "That is what we need, yes. A just hand."
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "It is a new strain of the evil, according to Ambassador Horotep."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "The point is, as you can see, it is something to take seriously!"
Kalas Alianna says, "Maybe by their standards, but it's identical to what we've seen from the First Half of the Leviathan."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Of course it is, sister."
Hive Queen Tutotophet flashes Nejii a joyous smile.
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Just throwing this out there, but the Ambassador also mentioned the old matrons, who may have some answers for us."
Rika shrugs helplessly.
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "I tell you, there is nothing to be concerned about."
Kalas Alianna looks skeptical and says, "Can you be so sure, Queen?"
Standing up proudly, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "I am Hive Queen Tutotophet, and I rule by the divine right of my people. It is Keph's will that I rule."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "It is Keph's will that we succeed."
Smiling slightly, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "It is not a question."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "It is inevitable."
Kalas Alianna says, "I would never question the will of the Lady, but it cannot be executed lest we act in a timely manner."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "This is silly. You all are so insipid."
Glaring from one to the other, Hive Queen Imhohet says, "One of you just wants to breed babies upon babies."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "The other just wants to seduce the entire population."
Hive Queen Imhohet exclaims, "The next wishes to stuff her face!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Finally, some sense!"
Hive Queen Imhohet exclaims, "And you are as bad as any of them!"
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Caught up in your campaign you hardly think about the protection of the hives."
Hive Queen Imhohet exclaims, "Or business! Imagine what would happen if the wax and fungus shipments stopped coming to the hives!"
Hive Queen Neferti nods her head emphatically.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Oh, I see what it is!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "You're just concerned about your precious business agreements!"
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "Mumhatuti has the right of it, I think!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Yes, you two are just concerned about yourselves."
Smiling brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh dear, where did you put my tea?"
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order murmurs, "Most productive."
Hive Queen Khementen pats Sethetmun's hand gently, smiling softly.
Patiently, Kalas Alianna says, "This is presently not the situation for tea."
Standing up, Hive Queen Khementen says, "You all are fighting so incessantly you are stressing Sister Sethetmun."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Let us use some sense."
Kalas Alianna says, "Do tell, Sister."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "We have eight hives - nine including the Master Complex."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "All of which must be protected, and I think all can agree on this."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti grumbles her agreement.
Showing that she understands, Hive Queen Rashepera nods her head slowly.
Nejii closes her eyes and bows her head. There is a small shudder around you, and the wyrden woods environment melts away, revealing itself as truly constructed underground.
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Now."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Queen Akhari. Can we increase breeding productivity?"
Fumbling for a moment, Hive Queen Akhari says, "We-We-Well, probably, but it will take a few months at least until they can fight properly..."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We do not have months!"
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Then we must take volunteers from the worker males."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "I will speak to them. I am the most charming, and my good-spirit shall lift their hearts. They shall serve willingly."
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "I'm more charming than you!"
Chittering in amusement, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Dear, I believe they call that 'slutty', in the surface world."
Hive Queen Neferti half-scuffs, stuffing fungus into her mouth to hide her laugh.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Enough."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "We grow tired of this. This is why We rule over all of the Empire, and each of you your own hives."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "None of you can stand being in the same room as the other."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Each of you vying eagerly for scraps of power over your fellows."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Each of you bring something useful to this table."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "I have heard the Queen of the Hallifax Hive mention the matrons."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Neferti - what is their status."
Pausing for a moment, Hive Queen Neferti says, "Oh, um, well, I, uh."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Quit stuffing your face!"
Hive Queen Rashepera sniggers evilly.
Hive Queen Tutotophet scowls miserably.
Hive Queen Sethetmun scolds Rashepera quietly.
Hive Queen Neferti pauses and swallows, chittering to herself for a moment.
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Well I suppose. The hyfae have been relatively unharmed lately, so fungus production is up."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "They've been breeding new types of fungus, there is this delicious one, it's a small brown tubor-like fungus, and it has the most delicious flavour when you slice it and then serve it in a fine red wi-."
Hive Queen Rashepera heaves an almighty groan.
Hive Queen Neferti scowls miserably at Hive Queen Rashepera.
Hive Queen Neferti says, "As I was saying. Everything seems to be optimal."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "How have the hyfae been, in terms of combat support. Could they bolster Mumhatuti's ranks?"
Horrified, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "No!"
Catching herself, Hive Queen Neferti says, "That is, er, Queen of Queens, no. They do not fight."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "I see."
Brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "What about breeding a new kind of hyfae?"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Not possible."
Hive Queen Rashepera gives Hive Queen Neferti the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Not possible?"
Hive Queen Neferti scowls miserably.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Wasn't it you, Neferti, who commissioned them to grow a special type of hyfae to follow you about glowing a special shade of purple because it matched your toga?"
Hive Queen Neferti scowls miserably at Hive Queen Imhohet.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "So it is possible!"
Chittering, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "Well, anything is POSSIBLE, but nothing is quick! Nor easy!"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "It's long and painful, and you know we do not have the resources to breed new hyfae and then train them to fight..."
Smiling brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Oh, I do love the hyfae. I remember when they came and helped tame a wild case of fungal infections in Rashepera's hive."
Coldly, Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "I wonder how that came about."
Hive Queen Rashepera scowls miserably at Hive Queen Tutotophet.
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "It is a waste of resources!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Queen of Queens!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "I beg of you! Command this! I could use hyfae warriors! They sing to the fungus and the stone - they could turn the very tunnels against the illithoid!"
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They are pacifists!"
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "That would be amazing! Imagine, the tunnels collapsing atop a hundred illithoids, not a single one of our strong, powerful warders lost in combat..."
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They will not fight!"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "Oh yes! I can see it now! It will be glorious - they will fight with the strength of ten warders!"
Frustrated, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They are not that strong!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet exclaims, "And they are not kephera - so their loss will not matter!"
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They will matter to ME!"
Kalas Alianna says, "That is a very narrow-minded viewpoint, Sister."
Kalas Alianna says, "If life possesses a soul, it has value. Otherwise, it does not. That is why we fight the evil."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "They are just spirits, dear. And they would give their life for the empire that has so long protected them."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "We request that you treat the hyfae with the respect due to them as fae. There is no "just" about spirits like them."
Kalas Alianna says, "Indeed."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Dear, they are not like you nor I. They're just spirits, simple creatures. They sing to fungus. How intelligent can they be? And they are members of the Empire."
Kalas Alianna says, "I believe they regard themselves as allies, not so much members."
Hive Queen Khementen exclaims, "Everyone must give something in exchange for the blessings of the Empire. Besides, these would just be special hyfae, bred for this purpose!"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "I beg to differ. Spirits are not animals. They have their own wills. They are allies, not tools."
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "They are MY hyfae! -I- sing to my mushrooms!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Point in case!"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "Mumhatuti!"
Hive Queen Neferti chitters angrily, the air crackling between Neferti and Mumhatuti.
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "If they will consent to being bred and taught to fight, that is another matter. Neferti feels that this is not likely to be the case. Let us make a reasoned conclusion one way or another and then move on."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Akhari says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens and food supply of the Undervault."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "Yes, thank you."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Were you aware Hive Queen Neferti oversees the gardens?"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "Heh."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "And perhaps the food supply of the Undervault, as well."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "I will keep that in mind, Queen."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "They are citizens of the Empire, and have been for countless centuries."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Their time to serve beyond the role of gardeners has come. I agree with Mumhatuti."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "This is the best course of action."
Kalas Alianna says, "They may serve, but ideally at their own behest."
Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "No! This isn't fair! They're mine!"
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Perhaps we should ask them."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Enough, Neferti."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Hive Queen Rika of Hive Hallifax has the proper idea."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Though I am certain no citizen of the Empire would refuse the right to serve."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "I must protest, Queen of Queens! This is a travesty! The hy-."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Enough, Neferti."
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "Someone mentioned something about matrons who answer the call of the queens and mediate between the Hives and the Hyfae."
You say, "Could they be called upon to assist in this matter?"
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Perhaps. We shall see."
The air crackles and hums as the Queen of Queens begins to concentrate - one by one, the Kephera Queens add their minds to hers.
In a wild explosion of multicoloured spores, Wise Lamella suddenly appears.
Crooked with age and radiating with a soft aura of power, this old woman is clearly of fungal origin. Much of Lamella's stalk is ridged and feathery, shrouded in strange, fungal robes. Each of her leaflike arms bear three-pronged endings, fashioned into some semblance of a hand. Her robes, fashioned of moss and molds, are littered with small mushrooms popping into existence all along its surface. A massive purple cap sits atop her head, spotted wildly with brilliant whites, yellows and greens. Her face is small, nearly non-existent, though two large round eyes rest just beneath the papery gills of her cap. A flurry of glowing, purple spores dance about Lamella, casting her age-stricken eyes in a pale and unforgiving light.
Wise Lamella appears to be extraordinarily strong.
She weighs about 120 pounds.
She is loyal to the Colony of the Hyfae.
You cannot see what Wise Lamella is holding.
Wise Lamella says, "Called you have, Queens?"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti gives Wise Lamella the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Doesn't look like she could take on anything."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Wise Lamella creases her brow in a frown.
Wise Lamella brushes one mushroom-like finger across the rim of her cauldron.
Wise Lamella says, "Yes, old Lamella is."
Wise Lamella says, "Remembers time Before, she does."
Wise Lamella says, "And had her people serve, she has."
Wise Lamella says, "Thank us the Queen of Queens need not. We serve for centuries, and centuries we serve more."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens nods her head at Wise Lamella.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "We have need, Lamella, of hyfae to supplement our own warriors."
Wise Lamella creases her brow in a frown.
Wise Lamella says, "Fight, my people do not."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "We would need to breed new ones!"
Hive Queen Rashepera exclaims, "Oh yes, glorious ones!"
Hive Queen Sethetmun exclaims, "That shall destroy the Prison itself!"
Hive Queen Tutotophet exclaims, "With the righteousness of the Empire!"
Wise Lamella creases her brow in a frown.
Rubbing her stubbly chin, Wise Lamella says, "...Know if it is possible, we do not. Try, we can."
Wise Lamella says, "Happy to serve, the Hyfae have ever been."
Wise Lamella says, "From the Nightmare did the Queen of Queens save us, and so do we serve."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "When can it begin, Lamella?"
Wise Lamella says, "Time we will need, yes. Prepare we must."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "What do you need? I can provide manpower!"
Wise Lamella says, "Space to work we will need. And many to work the old magics..."
With surprising eagerness, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "I know!"
Calming slightly, Hive Queen Neferti says, "We can use my hive."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "They keep suggesting the matrons - we can use them."
Wise Lamella says, "Good the matrons would be. Helped with the Nightmare they did."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Very well then."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "How long shall it take?"
Wise Lamella looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Wise Lamella says, "Days to setup. Know how long to birth I do not."
Wise Lamella says, "We will need much... Ingredients. Mushrooms and old magics."
Chittering happily, Hive Queen Neferti says, "Celest, Hallifax and Serenwilde will assist - won't they?"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti gives Nejii the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera gives Nejii the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Sethetmun gives Rika the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Tutotophet gives Rika the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo says, "Celest will assist."
Hive Queen Khementen gives Placeus the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
"Good!" Hive Queen Akhari enthuses.
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Hallifax will help."
Kalas Alianna says, "The fate of our Hives are all intertwined. We will assist."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti claps her hands together merrily.
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Good! Then it is settled."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "Let us say... In eight days. We convene in my hive."
Hive Queen Neferti says, "I shall send runners to the matrons to gather."
Hive Queen Neferti nods her head sagely.
Wise Lamella says, "Need more the Queens do?"
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "I will not be able to attend, but I will alert the Wilde to your request."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "You are dismissed, Lamella."
Wise Lamella performs a graceful curtsey.
With a grandiose wave of her arm, Wise Lamella disappears in a churning cloud of multicoloured spores.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Very well."
Grandmaster Placeus Diluculo stands to attention.
Zenobia the Queen of Queens says, "Once the hyfae are birthed and old enough, they will be sent to Mumhatuti for training in the arts of war."
Hive Queen Neferti's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Chittering excitedly, Hive Queen Neferti exclaims, "Absolutely!"
Hive Queen Neferti says, "May I go, Queen of Queens?"
(Serenwilde Elite Guard): Alianna says, "I am concerned for her sudden eagerness in all this."
Zenobia the Queen of Queens nods her head at Hive Queen Neferti.
(Serenwilde Elite Guard): Alianna says, "Given the whole 'Nooooo they are miiiiiine' ordeal going on prior."
Loose robes swaying around her full figure, Queen Neferti skitters away to the down.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Something is not right."
Kalas Alianna says, "Do tell, Sister."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Neferti's scheming again, me thinks."
Chittering brightly, Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "Nonsense!"
(Serenwilde Elite Guard): Nejii says, "You have a point."
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Paranoid, Mumhatuti?"
Brightly, Hive Queen Sethetmun says, "Is it tea time, dear?"
Hive Queen Khementen says, "Absolutely, Sethetmun. Come, let us have tea."
Hive Queen Akhari exclaims, "Oo, tea!"
Queen Khementen leaves to the down, her vibrant finery billowing behind her.
Her washed red robes scraping the floor as she moves, Queen Sethetmun wanders away to the down.
Queen Akhari leaves to the down.
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order says, "Caution and vigilance is always welcome in times such as these."
Hive Queen Mumhatuti says, "Agreed."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Keph watches over us. Do not be alarmed."
Hive Queen Tutotophet's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Her divine will shall guide us."
Hive Queen Tutotophet says, "Neferti will act as she knows is best - and that is in accordance with the Queen of Queen's will."
Queen Tutotophet walks gracefully away to the down, back straight, chin high, and mandibles chittering.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti creases her brow in a frown.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "Well, I will be increasing sentries posted!"
Hive Queen Mumhatuti exclaims, "You should do the same!"
Rika Talnara, Nature's Order looks skeptical and says, "I am not sure any of you know "what is best"."
Hive Queen Rashepera gives Rika the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "Of course I do."
Hive Queen Rashepera says, "And I shall attend to it right now."
Her brilliant orange thorax glowing like fire, Hive Queen Rashepera floats serenely to the down.
Hive Queen Imhohet chatters in caustic bemusement.
Deep in thought, Alianna leans her cheek on her hand.
Hive Queen Mumhatuti inclines her head politely to those around her.
Queen Mumhatuti walks away to the down with a faultless poise.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "So amusing, the plottings of Queens."
Hive Queen Imhohet gives the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Get rid of that hideous thing."
Kalas Alianna says, "That is one way to put it."
You pick up the corpse of a dark, serpentine creature.
Hive Queen Imhohet says, "Disgusting. Illithoids. Only from evil could such a thing be birthed."
Hive Queen Imhohet shakes her head.
Queen Imhohet leaves to the down, clicking gracefully.
Nejii Talnara, Heir to Kiakoda says, "We are not amused."
Lehki2010-04-11 02:24:28
Well we know what Neferti was scheming about. Instead of raising hyfae to assist Kephera warriors for fighting, raised them to assist Kephera warriors by mining.
Rika2010-04-11 02:25:15
I loved this. Was laughing so much during the first half of it.
Rael2010-04-11 02:55:12
Wow, looks like an amazing event! 

Ileein2010-04-11 02:56:51
I particularly liked Sethetmun. "Oh, hello Zenobia!"
Andmushroom Yoda Lamella.
All in all, this was very amusing. Well done!
All in all, this was very amusing. Well done!
Zallafar2010-04-11 06:05:39
This was super. Thanks for posting, Solanis.
Kiradawea2010-04-11 15:42:14
Sethetmun was awesome. Really, all of them were. I was laughing hard through all of it.
Shiri2010-04-11 15:47:35
I particularly enjoyed Zenobia. I also enjoyed our Team Serenwilde snarkfest on SEG that was conveniently edited from this log.
("Strike that outburst from the record.")

Unknown2010-04-11 15:56:26
Yes, this is such a lol log. The Queens are awesome!