Unknown2010-04-16 06:50:32
Hello everyone. I thought I would take the time to post a log of what I saw as a very, very interesting and good roleplay I got to experience today, for both your enjoyment and occasional snarky comment. I found it both very compelling and very different, and I thought at the very least someone out there might enjoy it. So, here's a bit of background.
Drae has been a lonely, somewhat distant Dracnari all his life, with little in the way of love. He tried once, had it fail miserably, so he essentially gave up all hope. Aside from some games he played for his family's sake, he never really thought much would ever come in the way of mates. However, for many years he was both interested and strangely intrigued by Golgothura, a Kepheran member of Glomdoring. However, due to many reasons, he never let much come out of it. However, after encouragement from his sister, he decided to try and make something come of it, devising a test of sorts. He sent several "love poems" to her, careful to disguise both his person and location. His intent was to gauge her reaction, as well as test her to see if she could figure it out on his own. He awoke, and she requested to see him. The result is as follows.
Now, this is somewhat long, but bare with me, it has an interesting ending. Of course, if you truly hate the textwall, please, go to the rage thread and rage your heart out. Please, my treat.
Well, definitely an unexpected end to the day. Maybe I shouldn't have shirked mowing the lawn, hehe. However, a promise is a promise, so I guess Drae gets to deal with it. Anyhow, I hope you found it interesting, and I also hope it inspires you to go make some roleplay. The world really, really needs it.
Drae has been a lonely, somewhat distant Dracnari all his life, with little in the way of love. He tried once, had it fail miserably, so he essentially gave up all hope. Aside from some games he played for his family's sake, he never really thought much would ever come in the way of mates. However, for many years he was both interested and strangely intrigued by Golgothura, a Kepheran member of Glomdoring. However, due to many reasons, he never let much come out of it. However, after encouragement from his sister, he decided to try and make something come of it, devising a test of sorts. He sent several "love poems" to her, careful to disguise both his person and location. His intent was to gauge her reaction, as well as test her to see if she could figure it out on his own. He awoke, and she requested to see him. The result is as follows.
Now, this is somewhat long, but bare with me, it has an interesting ending. Of course, if you truly hate the textwall, please, go to the rage thread and rage your heart out. Please, my treat.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says to you, "Is there something you want?"
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Golgothura raises an eyebrow at you.
You say, "Well, I suppose there might be. Even though I didn't exactly request the meeting, I suppose I could be bothered to formulate something to say."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says to you, "Then, please..."
You say, "A little birdie told me you recieved some letters?"
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Formulate away."
Showing that she understands, Golgothura nods her head slowly.
You say, "I trust from the nature of our meeting right now the author wasn't as cunningly concealed as he seemed to think."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Thing about birdies..."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "They be weak."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's throat rumbles slightly as an amused sound rattles her maw.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You say, "So it has been said, hehe. And now that all is said and done, I suppose it would be good for me to find out what you thought."
You say, "So I can inform the author, of course. He's very interested to hear."
You wave your hand dismissively.
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's eyes flicker gently as her face groans into a smile.
Golgothura takes a blood stained scroll from a leather backpack.
Golgothura licks her lips.
Golgothura gives a blood stained scroll to you.
You ponder an illuminated scroll of the Enigma thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
You have emoted: Drae opens the scroll carefully, perusing it's contents.
(Page 1)
.\\\\ //.
\\\\. /\\ .//
// A worldless wanderer /^^^::^^^\\ \\\\
.\\\\ who wants what is theirs? \\\\V/::\\V// //. ((<==Really cool bat))
//. \\y\\,,/y/
\\\\ Who seeks and pursues (**)
.// to pillage my wares? UU
//. Rivers may dance and Shadows afix,
\\\\ but not even they would fall for your tricks.
.// What do you seek - my cold, hardened breast?
\\\\ A taut, woven nest? Surely, you jest.
//. The Barghests are laughing. Crying now, too.
\\\\ They humbly advise you to enjoy the view.
.// So, flit on away or insist your desire.
\\\\ I've no time for words, of this I tire.
//. Would you incline and indulge in my bite?
\\\\ Would you suffer long in love of the Night?
.// Seed virgin soils and face the gloom?
\\\\ Or pursue the womb? A tomb for my groom?
//. Stifle your voice or, indeed, grow a pair.
.// Entirely your choice. Speed or dispair.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Golgothura raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You say, "Very nice formulation there. The line about growing a pair, especially. Masterful in execution, without a doubt."
With a bored toss of her head, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "You flatter me."
Narrowing his eyes even as a smile curls his lips, you say, "Milady, you misjudge my intentions grossly. I fully stand by what I say. The only thing I ponder now is where this leaves us."
You say, "I must admit, this buisness is rather... beyond my normal scope of activites."
Crossing her arms coldly, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "I could get used to flattery. It is what you WANT that I am interested in."
Watching you carefully for any reaction, you say, "Also know that I truly do desire this to work out well. I care for things such as this greatly, that all might work out well, both for you, and for me."
You say, "So that leads us to the crux of the matter, does it not. The difference between what I want, and what I am wiling to ask for."
Your legs begin to tremble with weakness and you feel light-headed and dizzy. The thought of food looms foremost in your mind.
You double over in pain as your stomach virtually collapses.
You take a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
The potion heals and soothes you.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
You give a pained sigh.
You take a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
The potion heals and soothes you.
Her mouth twitching, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "What is it you want?"
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
Your legs collapse from under you and consciousness leaves you as you pass out from extreme hunger.
Golgothura raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You regain consciousness with a start.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You say, "Food, according to my stomach."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You say, "My mind, however...."
Marsali tells you, "How's it going?"
You tell Marsali Stormcrow, "I'm dying of hunger. Send me some food? I can't walk away right now."
With a loud yet playful whistle, a mechanical dirigible comes puttering in on currents of air, its metallic claw grasping a corncob platter, which it quickly deposits in your hands.
A mechanical dirigible bobs up and down on the air currents before jets of steam erupt from several of its valves, before puttering off.
You eat a corncob platter with gusto.
Surprisingly soft to eat, you begin on this corncob platter. The juices slide down the corner of your mouth as you finish, leaving behind a slightly salty aftertaste.
Your constitution is enhanced by eating a corncob platter.
You say, "My mind desires a woman who is both strong and intelligent. A woman who knows who she is, and isn't afraid of what others think. A woman who simply is something beyond what other females may be."
You ponder the situation.
Raising her eyebrow, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Oh?"
You say, "And I have looked carefully for someone like that, for a long, long time. And very few people have ever exhibited even the barest amount of those qualities."
You say, "And then there is someone like yourself. Where another female might simply swoon and gush about poems she has been receiving to her closest friends, you...."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You have emoted: Drae waves the letter about lazily.
You say, "Write one right back. And challenge me to come out and say it already."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness uncrosses her arms with a thin smile and begins to step closer to you.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness brushes her head against your own, placing her right hand upon your chest.
You say, "Now, what am I supposed to think of that? Not only do I have someone unwilling to play the casual game that so many others seem content to slave their lives toward, looking for that shining knight to sweep them off their feet, but I have someone who actually is confident enough in themself to sweep me right back."
You peer at Golgothura unscrupulously.
You say, "I suppose it leaves me with only one question. What do you want?"
With an impatient sigh, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "We've heard from your stomach and your mind... I want to know that which your heart craves."
You smile softly.
You say, "Always to the point. My heart craves someone who completes me, someone who is a step beyond the fantastic, someone who drives me to push everything I am toward bringing honour to her. Someone who is both able to understand me, and accept me for who I am, while at the same time seeing who I could be."
You ponder the situation.
Looking somewhat wistfully off into the distance, you say, "I suppose the word I'm looking for is someone to truly and wholeheartedly love."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness purrs, "You would love me?"
Focusing on your eyes intently, you say, "I would. Do you doubt my ability to?"
You whisper, "I will do.... whatever is required."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness takes your hand and holds it to her face. After a brief moment, her teeth find one of your fingers. After the slightest of pressure, Golgothura releases.
Bending her face close to your own, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "I doubt that you would accept mine."
Not moving in the slightest, you say, "What I do or do not accept is mine to decide. If I say I shall, I shall."
Marsali tells you, "Everything ok?"
You tell Marsali Stormcrow, "Wonderful, actually. Things are going well, I believe."
Marsali tells you, "Yay."
You ponder Golgothura thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Into your ear, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "You would do... whatever is required? Whatever I ask?"
You say, "The ultimate sacrifice. The giving of trust. You ask that I trust you? Trust you not to abuse my heart?"
You have emoted: Drae stares coldly, his face hardening.
((((Probably a minutes thought here IRL. I was totally slaving over whether I should give my word or not))))
You say, "I WILL do whatever is required."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness wraps her arms around your shoulders, pressing her head against your face.
Through tight lips, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "I would abuse all of you."
Stray rays of sunlight reflect lazily off the surface stone of the Black Tower while the cool shadows swirl within the confines of the Tower.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "...not only your heart."
Eyes seeking your face, you whisper, "Would not being apart from love be an abuse in and of itself?"
Fingers trailing your chin, you whisper, "I shall be clay in your hands. I will be only what you make me."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's tongue reaches out and touches your lips with quiet, shuddering restraint.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "I've only one request of you at this moment."
You have emoted: Drae stares at you silently, his only movement the rise and fall of his chest.
Kissing your face, then looking into your eyes with a silent beckoning, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "Run away with me?"
Taking in a shuddering breath, you whisper, "I will run only where you take me."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's face lifts toward the heavens, greeting Sun with a broad smile.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness turns toward you, grinning broadly.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Promise?"
You say, "I gave my word. I cannot give anything greater, or more binding."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "You would do so, now?"
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Run with me?"
With the faintest tone of resignation, you say, "I will do.... as you will."
You have emoted: Drae finds your eyes and holds your gaze.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness extends a long finger and, with a few short bends, motions you closer.
You have emoted: Drae slowly inches closer in unfaltering, fluid movement, eyes never leaving yours.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "Do you know how to heal a ship?"
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
You say, "I have some of the skills, but I have never used them before."
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Come."
Golgothura searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
You follow Golgothura ether to the Bridge of Tlaxos.
Anyania nods her head emphatically.
Golgothura inclines her head politely to Anyania.
Golgothura smiles wryly at you.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says, "So what will you bring to Gaudiguch."
Golgothura says to Anyania, "Myself, first and foremost. Biggest gift I could grant, if you think about it. I've been more concerned with what Gaudiguch will bring to me."
Golgothura tilts her head curiously.
You ponder Golgothura thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Golgothura says to Anyania, "Did you want more?"
You wrinkle your nose and sniff.
Golgothura taps her foot with mild impatience.
You say, "Smells.... Good."
You ponder the situation.
Golgothura beams broadly at you.
Golgothura says to you, "I'm glad you think so, darling."
You smile softly.
You tell Golgothura, "This silence is strange. I wonder if they're massing to kill me."
Golgothura tells you, "Nah, I won't let it happen."
You tell Golgothura, "Well, I suppose I won't feel bad if I fall asleep."
Golgothura's eyes grow bright.
Golgothura says to Anyania, "Are the voices... telling you things?"
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says, "Sorry."
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says to you, "Leave your org."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
Golgothura frowns at you.
You say, "Alright, glad to have you back."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
Fond thoughts of your homeland, Hallifax, fill your head as you leave it, ready to embark on new adventures elsewhere.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says, "Please."
Anyania asks you to repeat the oaths of the Holy Grand Duchy of Gaudiguch after her. You do, and you are admitted as the newest, proudest citizen of the Holy Grand Duchy of Gaudiguch!
You have been enrolled in the Order of the Secret Flame. See HELP COLLEGIUM for more information.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You blink.
(Gaudiguch): Anyania says, "Welcome, Golgothura and Drae."
Golgothura whispers to Anyania, "I'd swear we'd have to do everything for them."
Anyania nods her head enthusiastically.
Golgothura winks conspiratorially at you.
You say, "You'd think it would give me a little more.... warning."
Golgothura tilts her head curiously at you.
You say, "It didn't even ask me if I was sure."
You blink.
(Gaudiguch): Golgothura says, "Heh. Hold the warmth, please."
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says to Golgothura, "Most are off defending."
Comprehension flashes across Golgothura's face.
(Gaudiguch): Arteks says, "Welcome anyway, whether you want it said or not, it's there."
(House Stormcrow): You say, "Well, that was.... abrupt."
(Gaudiguch): Kialkarkea says, "Well then. Hello."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Kehehe, whats that?"
(House Stormcrow): You say, "I guess I'm Gaudi now."
(Gaudiguch): Golgothura says, "Ah. Thank you, thank you. Most pleased to be here."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Why?"
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "I thought you were an aeromancer."
(House Stormcrow): You say, "Yeah, I thought so too. Apparently Golgothura wanted me to join here with her."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Golgothura tilts her head curiously at you.
You say, "Well, I guess that's that."
Golgothura shrugs helplessly.
You peer at Golgothura unscrupulously.
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "So...you are a Gaudiguchan?"
Golgothura says to you, "Shall we go shopping?"
You say, "I told you I was ready, did I not?"
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Well I can't say I'm not happy about it!"
(House Stormcrow): You say, "I can't believe it! I didn't even get any warning!"
(Gaudiguch): Karasu says, "Annnd welcome..Was asleep."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Kehehe, oh suck it up!"
(House Stormcrow): You say, "No, literally. I did quit org while I was thinking about it, but without warning I was out, then got inducted here without even having to confirm. In like two seconds!"
You say to Golgothura, "Well, I must admit.... I never woke up today seeing myself here."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher (from the Aetherways) says, "You are Dracnari, and one they like! Why wouldn't you be so well accepted?"
You will now be known as Zephyr Drae Stormcrow, by order of Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti.
You will now be known as Drae Stormcrow, by order of Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti.
(House Stormcrow): You say, "I didn't even get to discuss it with my family, or my patron!"
(Market): Zymriel says, "Seeking artisian."
With a sly laugh, Golgothura says, "Surprise!"
Golgothura tilts her head back and slowly releases a high-pitched cackle, echoed by the gentle hiss of amused chittering.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Well, I'm not sure your Lord will be too pleased, but I'm happy with it!"
You say, "I guess. Now the only question is.... Where do I go from here?"
Xypher pounces on you, sending you rolling head over heels with him.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "See, I can track you better here."
You roll your eyes.
Golgothura says to you, "We go shoppi..."
You say, "Please. As if you ever had any trouble."
Golgothura ponders Xypher thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Xypher chuckles long and heartily.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "I did actually!"
You say to Xypher, "You know Golgothura, correct?"
Xypher nods his head at you.
Golgothura whispers, "Ugly toad."
Golgothura smiles wryly at Xypher.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "Ugly toad?"
Anyania leaves to the south.
You say, "Well, I see Golgothura knows you well."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "Well there is a reason I wear masks."
Xypher nods his head sagely.
Xypher sticks his tongue out and says 'Ack.'
Golgothura hides a grin behind her hand.
You say, "It's all the tackling. Hit your face onto my spikes one to many times."
Golgothura says to Xypher, "Are you still a jeweler?"
Xypher nods his head enthusiastically.
Xypher gives a silver jeweler's hammer a compassionate hug.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Xypher sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Xypher searches the air in front of him, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "Under attack."
You say, "Well, shopping, it is?"
You say, "Or can I nap first?"
With a laugh, Golgothura says, "I'll admit, chasing a girl to an opposing faction does defy the laws of ration."
: You have completed the 'Freshman' Achievement! You have earned 2 Lessons. ((WTF?))
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Leta tells you, "Draaaae. You left us for Gaudiguch?"
You tell Instructor Leta Skyplume, "I know! I'm still confused, believe me."
Golgothura puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
Golgothura says, "Shopping. Sure."
Golgothura inclines her head politely to Aliod.
You tell Instructor Leta Skyplume, "I'm really, really confused right now. Talking to a girl, talking about getting married, she asks me to come somewhere.... Boom, I'm in Guadi."
Phoebus tells you, "Nooo! You left me!" (((Sorry Phoeb. Honestly didn't see this.)))
Achievement List
--- id ---------------------- poi -- description -----------------------------
All Newbie Achievements
Convert 1 Convert a Bound Credit to Lessons
Refills 2 Refill a vial!
Sip For Your Life 1 Sip a Health Vial
Mana For Your Thoughts 1 Sip a Mana Vial
Pamper Your Ego 1 Sip a Bromide Vial
Bedazzled 2 Wear a piece of Jewelry
Map In Hand 1 Turn on your Mapview
Basic Communication 1 Talk to your City
Self Help 1 Begin using the 'Help' system
No Man's Manse 2 Enter a Manse
Registration Complete 5 Register!
Plant Food 2 Eat an Herb
Gnome Slayer 1 Slay 5 Gnomes
Newton's Bane 2 Slay 25 Gnomes
Gnomish Nightmare 3 Slay 100 Gnomes
Don't Fink, Just Do 1 Slay 5 Finks
Mucka's Terror 2 Slay 25 Finks
Got Finks? 3 Slay 100 Finks
Freshman 1 Complete 1 Collegium Quest
Sophomore 1 Complete 2 Collegium Quests
Junior 2 Complete 3 Collegium Quests
Senior 3 Complete 4 Collegium Quests
Salutatorian 4 Complete 5 Collegium Quests
Valedictorian 5 Complete 6 Collegium Quests
Medic! 5 Use the 'FirstAid' skill in Discernment
Some Personal Space 5 Gain and view your Rift
Arena Challenges
Lucky Bastard 1 Win 1 Free-For-All
Champion 3 Win 10 Free-For-Alls
Conqueror 5 Win 100 Free-For-Alls
Fist Of Klangratch 10 Win 1000 Free-For-Alls
Frost Fairy 2 Win 1 Freezetag Game
Ice Chest 5 Win 10 Freezetag Games
The Iceman 10 Win 100 Freezetag Games
Spry Of Foot 2 Win 1 Slippers Game
Godmother's Lackey 5 Win 10 Slippers Games
Lord Of Slippers 10 Win 100 Slippers Games
Duelist 1 Win 1 Arena Duel
Contender 3 Win 10 Arena Duels
Gladiator 5 Win 100 Arena Duels
Blade Of Klangratch 10 Win 1000 Arena Duels
General Achievements
Vermin Control Expert 2 Kill 100 Vermin
Vermin Control Champion 5 Kill 1000 Vermin
Verminator Extraordinaire 10 Kill 10,000 Vermin
Amateur Hunter 1 Kill 100 Creatures
Journeyman Hunter 3 Kill 1000 Creatures
Master Hunter 5 Kill 10,000 Creatures
Grand Master Hunter 10 Kill 50,000 Creatures
Type MORE to continue reading. (81% shown)
Leta tells you, "Awww, so you're not coming back?"
You tell Instructor Leta Skyplume, "I honestly don't know. I have to figure this out."
Leta tells you, "Kaaay. Meanwhile we'll look for a Hallifaxian girl to lure you back to Halli. -skip-."
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Golgothura raises an eyebrow at you.
You say, "Well, I suppose there might be. Even though I didn't exactly request the meeting, I suppose I could be bothered to formulate something to say."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says to you, "Then, please..."
You say, "A little birdie told me you recieved some letters?"
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Formulate away."
Showing that she understands, Golgothura nods her head slowly.
You say, "I trust from the nature of our meeting right now the author wasn't as cunningly concealed as he seemed to think."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Thing about birdies..."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "They be weak."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's throat rumbles slightly as an amused sound rattles her maw.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You say, "So it has been said, hehe. And now that all is said and done, I suppose it would be good for me to find out what you thought."
You say, "So I can inform the author, of course. He's very interested to hear."
You wave your hand dismissively.
The bright sun shines down upon you.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's eyes flicker gently as her face groans into a smile.
Golgothura takes a blood stained scroll from a leather backpack.
Golgothura licks her lips.
Golgothura gives a blood stained scroll to you.
You ponder an illuminated scroll of the Enigma thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
You have emoted: Drae opens the scroll carefully, perusing it's contents.
(Page 1)
.\\\\ //.
\\\\. /\\ .//
// A worldless wanderer /^^^::^^^\\ \\\\
.\\\\ who wants what is theirs? \\\\V/::\\V// //. ((<==Really cool bat))
//. \\y\\,,/y/
\\\\ Who seeks and pursues (**)
.// to pillage my wares? UU
//. Rivers may dance and Shadows afix,
\\\\ but not even they would fall for your tricks.
.// What do you seek - my cold, hardened breast?
\\\\ A taut, woven nest? Surely, you jest.
//. The Barghests are laughing. Crying now, too.
\\\\ They humbly advise you to enjoy the view.
.// So, flit on away or insist your desire.
\\\\ I've no time for words, of this I tire.
//. Would you incline and indulge in my bite?
\\\\ Would you suffer long in love of the Night?
.// Seed virgin soils and face the gloom?
\\\\ Or pursue the womb? A tomb for my groom?
//. Stifle your voice or, indeed, grow a pair.
.// Entirely your choice. Speed or dispair.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Golgothura raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You say, "Very nice formulation there. The line about growing a pair, especially. Masterful in execution, without a doubt."
With a bored toss of her head, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "You flatter me."
Narrowing his eyes even as a smile curls his lips, you say, "Milady, you misjudge my intentions grossly. I fully stand by what I say. The only thing I ponder now is where this leaves us."
You say, "I must admit, this buisness is rather... beyond my normal scope of activites."
Crossing her arms coldly, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "I could get used to flattery. It is what you WANT that I am interested in."
Watching you carefully for any reaction, you say, "Also know that I truly do desire this to work out well. I care for things such as this greatly, that all might work out well, both for you, and for me."
You say, "So that leads us to the crux of the matter, does it not. The difference between what I want, and what I am wiling to ask for."
Your legs begin to tremble with weakness and you feel light-headed and dizzy. The thought of food looms foremost in your mind.
You double over in pain as your stomach virtually collapses.
You take a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
The potion heals and soothes you.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
You give a pained sigh.
You take a drink from a stygian vial of wyrden splendours.
The potion heals and soothes you.
Her mouth twitching, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "What is it you want?"
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
Your legs collapse from under you and consciousness leaves you as you pass out from extreme hunger.
Golgothura raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You regain consciousness with a start.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You say, "Food, according to my stomach."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You say, "My mind, however...."
Marsali tells you, "How's it going?"
You tell Marsali Stormcrow, "I'm dying of hunger. Send me some food? I can't walk away right now."
With a loud yet playful whistle, a mechanical dirigible comes puttering in on currents of air, its metallic claw grasping a corncob platter, which it quickly deposits in your hands.
A mechanical dirigible bobs up and down on the air currents before jets of steam erupt from several of its valves, before puttering off.
You eat a corncob platter with gusto.
Surprisingly soft to eat, you begin on this corncob platter. The juices slide down the corner of your mouth as you finish, leaving behind a slightly salty aftertaste.
Your constitution is enhanced by eating a corncob platter.
You say, "My mind desires a woman who is both strong and intelligent. A woman who knows who she is, and isn't afraid of what others think. A woman who simply is something beyond what other females may be."
You ponder the situation.
Raising her eyebrow, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Oh?"
You say, "And I have looked carefully for someone like that, for a long, long time. And very few people have ever exhibited even the barest amount of those qualities."
You say, "And then there is someone like yourself. Where another female might simply swoon and gush about poems she has been receiving to her closest friends, you...."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You have emoted: Drae waves the letter about lazily.
You say, "Write one right back. And challenge me to come out and say it already."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness uncrosses her arms with a thin smile and begins to step closer to you.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness brushes her head against your own, placing her right hand upon your chest.
You say, "Now, what am I supposed to think of that? Not only do I have someone unwilling to play the casual game that so many others seem content to slave their lives toward, looking for that shining knight to sweep them off their feet, but I have someone who actually is confident enough in themself to sweep me right back."
You peer at Golgothura unscrupulously.
You say, "I suppose it leaves me with only one question. What do you want?"
With an impatient sigh, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "We've heard from your stomach and your mind... I want to know that which your heart craves."
You smile softly.
You say, "Always to the point. My heart craves someone who completes me, someone who is a step beyond the fantastic, someone who drives me to push everything I am toward bringing honour to her. Someone who is both able to understand me, and accept me for who I am, while at the same time seeing who I could be."
You ponder the situation.
Looking somewhat wistfully off into the distance, you say, "I suppose the word I'm looking for is someone to truly and wholeheartedly love."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness purrs, "You would love me?"
Focusing on your eyes intently, you say, "I would. Do you doubt my ability to?"
You whisper, "I will do.... whatever is required."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness takes your hand and holds it to her face. After a brief moment, her teeth find one of your fingers. After the slightest of pressure, Golgothura releases.
Bending her face close to your own, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "I doubt that you would accept mine."
Not moving in the slightest, you say, "What I do or do not accept is mine to decide. If I say I shall, I shall."
Marsali tells you, "Everything ok?"
You tell Marsali Stormcrow, "Wonderful, actually. Things are going well, I believe."
Marsali tells you, "Yay."
You ponder Golgothura thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Into your ear, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "You would do... whatever is required? Whatever I ask?"
You say, "The ultimate sacrifice. The giving of trust. You ask that I trust you? Trust you not to abuse my heart?"
You have emoted: Drae stares coldly, his face hardening.
((((Probably a minutes thought here IRL. I was totally slaving over whether I should give my word or not))))
You say, "I WILL do whatever is required."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness wraps her arms around your shoulders, pressing her head against your face.
Through tight lips, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "I would abuse all of you."
Stray rays of sunlight reflect lazily off the surface stone of the Black Tower while the cool shadows swirl within the confines of the Tower.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "...not only your heart."
Eyes seeking your face, you whisper, "Would not being apart from love be an abuse in and of itself?"
Fingers trailing your chin, you whisper, "I shall be clay in your hands. I will be only what you make me."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's tongue reaches out and touches your lips with quiet, shuddering restraint.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "I've only one request of you at this moment."
You have emoted: Drae stares at you silently, his only movement the rise and fall of his chest.
Kissing your face, then looking into your eyes with a silent beckoning, Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "Run away with me?"
Taking in a shuddering breath, you whisper, "I will run only where you take me."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness's face lifts toward the heavens, greeting Sun with a broad smile.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness turns toward you, grinning broadly.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Promise?"
You say, "I gave my word. I cannot give anything greater, or more binding."
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "You would do so, now?"
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Run with me?"
With the faintest tone of resignation, you say, "I will do.... as you will."
You have emoted: Drae finds your eyes and holds your gaze.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness extends a long finger and, with a few short bends, motions you closer.
You have emoted: Drae slowly inches closer in unfaltering, fluid movement, eyes never leaving yours.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness whispers, "Do you know how to heal a ship?"
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
You say, "I have some of the skills, but I have never used them before."
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
Seer Golgothura, Danseuse of Darkness says, "Come."
Golgothura searches the air in front of her, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
You follow Golgothura ether to the Bridge of Tlaxos.
Anyania nods her head emphatically.
Golgothura inclines her head politely to Anyania.
Golgothura smiles wryly at you.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says, "So what will you bring to Gaudiguch."
Golgothura says to Anyania, "Myself, first and foremost. Biggest gift I could grant, if you think about it. I've been more concerned with what Gaudiguch will bring to me."
Golgothura tilts her head curiously.
You ponder Golgothura thoughtfully, looking her up and down.
Golgothura says to Anyania, "Did you want more?"
You wrinkle your nose and sniff.
Golgothura taps her foot with mild impatience.
You say, "Smells.... Good."
You ponder the situation.
Golgothura beams broadly at you.
Golgothura says to you, "I'm glad you think so, darling."
You smile softly.
You tell Golgothura, "This silence is strange. I wonder if they're massing to kill me."
Golgothura tells you, "Nah, I won't let it happen."
You tell Golgothura, "Well, I suppose I won't feel bad if I fall asleep."
Golgothura's eyes grow bright.
Golgothura says to Anyania, "Are the voices... telling you things?"
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says, "Sorry."
A wry smile spreads across Golgothura's face.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says to you, "Leave your org."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
Golgothura frowns at you.
You say, "Alright, glad to have you back."
You feel your eyelids drooping; a sure sign that you need sleep.
Fond thoughts of your homeland, Hallifax, fill your head as you leave it, ready to embark on new adventures elsewhere.
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says, "Please."
Anyania asks you to repeat the oaths of the Holy Grand Duchy of Gaudiguch after her. You do, and you are admitted as the newest, proudest citizen of the Holy Grand Duchy of Gaudiguch!
You have been enrolled in the Order of the Secret Flame. See HELP COLLEGIUM for more information.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
You blink.
(Gaudiguch): Anyania says, "Welcome, Golgothura and Drae."
Golgothura whispers to Anyania, "I'd swear we'd have to do everything for them."
Anyania nods her head enthusiastically.
Golgothura winks conspiratorially at you.
You say, "You'd think it would give me a little more.... warning."
Golgothura tilts her head curiously at you.
You say, "It didn't even ask me if I was sure."
You blink.
(Gaudiguch): Golgothura says, "Heh. Hold the warmth, please."
Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti says to Golgothura, "Most are off defending."
Comprehension flashes across Golgothura's face.
(Gaudiguch): Arteks says, "Welcome anyway, whether you want it said or not, it's there."
(House Stormcrow): You say, "Well, that was.... abrupt."
(Gaudiguch): Kialkarkea says, "Well then. Hello."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Kehehe, whats that?"
(House Stormcrow): You say, "I guess I'm Gaudi now."
(Gaudiguch): Golgothura says, "Ah. Thank you, thank you. Most pleased to be here."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Why?"
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "I thought you were an aeromancer."
(House Stormcrow): You say, "Yeah, I thought so too. Apparently Golgothura wanted me to join here with her."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Golgothura tilts her head curiously at you.
You say, "Well, I guess that's that."
Golgothura shrugs helplessly.
You peer at Golgothura unscrupulously.
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "So...you are a Gaudiguchan?"
Golgothura says to you, "Shall we go shopping?"
You say, "I told you I was ready, did I not?"
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Well I can't say I'm not happy about it!"
(House Stormcrow): You say, "I can't believe it! I didn't even get any warning!"
(Gaudiguch): Karasu says, "Annnd welcome..Was asleep."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Kehehe, oh suck it up!"
(House Stormcrow): You say, "No, literally. I did quit org while I was thinking about it, but without warning I was out, then got inducted here without even having to confirm. In like two seconds!"
You say to Golgothura, "Well, I must admit.... I never woke up today seeing myself here."
(House Stormcrow): Xypher (from the Aetherways) says, "You are Dracnari, and one they like! Why wouldn't you be so well accepted?"
You will now be known as Zephyr Drae Stormcrow, by order of Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti.
You will now be known as Drae Stormcrow, by order of Hand of the Inferno, Anyania Feyranti.
(House Stormcrow): You say, "I didn't even get to discuss it with my family, or my patron!"
(Market): Zymriel says, "Seeking artisian."
With a sly laugh, Golgothura says, "Surprise!"
Golgothura tilts her head back and slowly releases a high-pitched cackle, echoed by the gentle hiss of amused chittering.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
(House Stormcrow): Xypher says, "Well, I'm not sure your Lord will be too pleased, but I'm happy with it!"
You say, "I guess. Now the only question is.... Where do I go from here?"
Xypher pounces on you, sending you rolling head over heels with him.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "See, I can track you better here."
You roll your eyes.
Golgothura says to you, "We go shoppi..."
You say, "Please. As if you ever had any trouble."
Golgothura ponders Xypher thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Xypher chuckles long and heartily.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "I did actually!"
You say to Xypher, "You know Golgothura, correct?"
Xypher nods his head at you.
Golgothura whispers, "Ugly toad."
Golgothura smiles wryly at Xypher.
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "Ugly toad?"
Anyania leaves to the south.
You say, "Well, I see Golgothura knows you well."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "Well there is a reason I wear masks."
Xypher nods his head sagely.
Xypher sticks his tongue out and says 'Ack.'
Golgothura hides a grin behind her hand.
You say, "It's all the tackling. Hit your face onto my spikes one to many times."
Golgothura says to Xypher, "Are you still a jeweler?"
Xypher nods his head enthusiastically.
Xypher gives a silver jeweler's hammer a compassionate hug.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Xypher sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Xypher searches the air in front of him, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
Tempest Hunter, Xypher Stormcrow, Senna's Dragoon says, "Under attack."
You say, "Well, shopping, it is?"
You say, "Or can I nap first?"
With a laugh, Golgothura says, "I'll admit, chasing a girl to an opposing faction does defy the laws of ration."
: You have completed the 'Freshman' Achievement! You have earned 2 Lessons. ((WTF?))
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Leta tells you, "Draaaae. You left us for Gaudiguch?"
You tell Instructor Leta Skyplume, "I know! I'm still confused, believe me."
Golgothura puts her hands on her hips and goes "Hmmm!"
Golgothura says, "Shopping. Sure."
Golgothura inclines her head politely to Aliod.
You tell Instructor Leta Skyplume, "I'm really, really confused right now. Talking to a girl, talking about getting married, she asks me to come somewhere.... Boom, I'm in Guadi."
Phoebus tells you, "Nooo! You left me!" (((Sorry Phoeb. Honestly didn't see this.)))
Achievement List
--- id ---------------------- poi -- description -----------------------------
All Newbie Achievements
Convert 1 Convert a Bound Credit to Lessons
Refills 2 Refill a vial!
Sip For Your Life 1 Sip a Health Vial
Mana For Your Thoughts 1 Sip a Mana Vial
Pamper Your Ego 1 Sip a Bromide Vial
Bedazzled 2 Wear a piece of Jewelry
Map In Hand 1 Turn on your Mapview
Basic Communication 1 Talk to your City
Self Help 1 Begin using the 'Help' system
No Man's Manse 2 Enter a Manse
Registration Complete 5 Register!
Plant Food 2 Eat an Herb
Gnome Slayer 1 Slay 5 Gnomes
Newton's Bane 2 Slay 25 Gnomes
Gnomish Nightmare 3 Slay 100 Gnomes
Don't Fink, Just Do 1 Slay 5 Finks
Mucka's Terror 2 Slay 25 Finks
Got Finks? 3 Slay 100 Finks
Freshman 1 Complete 1 Collegium Quest
Sophomore 1 Complete 2 Collegium Quests
Junior 2 Complete 3 Collegium Quests
Senior 3 Complete 4 Collegium Quests
Salutatorian 4 Complete 5 Collegium Quests
Valedictorian 5 Complete 6 Collegium Quests
Medic! 5 Use the 'FirstAid' skill in Discernment
Some Personal Space 5 Gain and view your Rift
Arena Challenges
Lucky Bastard 1 Win 1 Free-For-All
Champion 3 Win 10 Free-For-Alls
Conqueror 5 Win 100 Free-For-Alls
Fist Of Klangratch 10 Win 1000 Free-For-Alls
Frost Fairy 2 Win 1 Freezetag Game
Ice Chest 5 Win 10 Freezetag Games
The Iceman 10 Win 100 Freezetag Games
Spry Of Foot 2 Win 1 Slippers Game
Godmother's Lackey 5 Win 10 Slippers Games
Lord Of Slippers 10 Win 100 Slippers Games
Duelist 1 Win 1 Arena Duel
Contender 3 Win 10 Arena Duels
Gladiator 5 Win 100 Arena Duels
Blade Of Klangratch 10 Win 1000 Arena Duels
General Achievements
Vermin Control Expert 2 Kill 100 Vermin
Vermin Control Champion 5 Kill 1000 Vermin
Verminator Extraordinaire 10 Kill 10,000 Vermin
Amateur Hunter 1 Kill 100 Creatures
Journeyman Hunter 3 Kill 1000 Creatures
Master Hunter 5 Kill 10,000 Creatures
Grand Master Hunter 10 Kill 50,000 Creatures
Type MORE to continue reading. (81% shown)
Leta tells you, "Awww, so you're not coming back?"
You tell Instructor Leta Skyplume, "I honestly don't know. I have to figure this out."
Leta tells you, "Kaaay. Meanwhile we'll look for a Hallifaxian girl to lure you back to Halli. -skip-."
Well, definitely an unexpected end to the day. Maybe I shouldn't have shirked mowing the lawn, hehe. However, a promise is a promise, so I guess Drae gets to deal with it. Anyhow, I hope you found it interesting, and I also hope it inspires you to go make some roleplay. The world really, really needs it.
Unknown2010-04-16 07:04:10
Neat-o, but now I don't get to hang out with you anymore. Nooooo 

Unknown2010-04-16 07:32:59
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Drae, why are you still in My order?"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Heh, I was actually going to deal with that now. However, I seem to be trapped on a ship."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Allow Me to deal with it for you. I have no place in My order for social dissidents."
Elostian removes you from the Urynmal eya Llanitha of the Divine Order of Elostian, the Enigma
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Heh, I was actually going to deal with that now. However, I seem to be trapped on a ship."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Allow Me to deal with it for you. I have no place in My order for social dissidents."
Elostian removes you from the Urynmal eya Llanitha of the Divine Order of Elostian, the Enigma
Ouch. There's smiting, and then there's this. /happiness