Unknown2010-04-18 03:48:58
So... first time I've ever talked to a Divine, and joined an Order, I found it fun and nice, ahehe... So, just sharing.
Lyreth very much,
The Fulcrux of Lyreth.
A magnificent grand harp with lustrous golden strings stands here, ancient symbols carved upon its silvery-grey surface. A giant, opaque prism of crystal juts out of the ground, glowing faintly with a boundless array of colours. Shifting endlessly, a luminous vortex of energy has pooled within a ring of smooth black stones. Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince stands here, surrounded by paeans of unearthly music. Pectus is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields a violin of insanity in her left hand and a magic spatula in her right. Sleepwalker Xaldrin d'Deneith, Saccharine Cumulus is here. He wields a long dagger in his left hand.
There are no obvious exits.
You ask Lyreth, "When will Your Order be open?"
Lyreth ponders the situation.
The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I shall have to think."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It will be open..."
Looking at Lyreth hopefully, Xaldrin raises his hand high in the air.
Bouncing up and down slightly, hardly visible, you ask, "Oh, may I know when You decide, then?"
Lyreth lifts His head to the sky and sings a single, achingly beautiful note into the wind. Before you can blink, He collapses into a cascade of incandescent motes which evaporates into the aether.
This room has not been mapped.
Eye of the storm.
An archway composed of coruscating light stands solemnly within the clearing, its rippling surface illuminating the area with a gentle azure glow. Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince stands here, surrounded by paeans of unearthly music.
There are no obvious exits.
You are transported by the power of the Divine.
"Ahah!" Lyreth exclaims triumphantly.
You blink.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yes, well, if you want in, you should tell Me why!"
You ask, "... where did my cousin go?"
You blink.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Oh, I only borrowed you for a moment. Thunderbird killer was getting a little anxious."
Lyreth glances askance.
Brushing himself up, looking around nervously, you ask, "W-Well... why I want to join Your Order?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince nods slightly, smiling.
You say, "I used to be of Glomdoring, though..."
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
You say, "I was always expected to join Lord Nocht's Order..."
You say, "His title unnerves me already, 'The Silent', never really fun."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Lyreth murmurs softly to Himself.
You tilt your head curiously.
You say, "And I quite adore music, yes..."
You say, "Always considered being a Bard."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
You say, "Though, I realized how I can continue to write poetry, without the magicla ear-wrenching music."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Absolutely true."
You say, "Magical, rather."
You cough softly.
Lyreth tilts His head curiously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You are very interesting."
You say, "Lord, do You think there is a possibility to... 'live TOO much' or be swayed by the tides o--."
You smile softly.
You say, "Thank you."
You say, "... I seem to be swayed by the events of my life, at the moment."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Live too much? There isn't such a thing."
You say, "I simply... Follow how they go, or..."
You say, "Go mad."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "So, I go along."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Life is the greatest gift of all. If you are content with your dealings in life, then have at it."
Grunting as he rolls his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest again, you say, "... I sporadically switched from Glomdoring to Gaudiguch and then Hallifax... after a few years."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Perhaps it merely means you haven't yet found where you should be."
Tapping his lower lip, you say, "... yes, along with the person."
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "... I sometimes believe I am destined to live along with a whole plethora of manse pets."
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
You say, "I only have poetry to calm me down."
Nodding to himself, swaying from side to side, you say, "A good outlet of rage.."
You say, "As I am horrible at combat."
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
Stopping his swaying, easing his weight onto one foot, you say, "Though I doubt I could rhyme my aunt to death when she does actively hunt me down."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Your aunt, you say?"
You nod your head affirmatively.
You say, "I left my family within Glomdoring."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Terrible. That sounds terrible."
You say, "... they do not take kindly to that."
You shake your head.
You say, "She wants my head, yes."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Their own blood."
Lyreth wrinkles His nose in distaste.
You say, "They quite take it skin-deep with the saying..."
You say, "'Nothing Matters but Glomdoring.'"
Lyreth rolls His eyes.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Fanatics."
You snicker softly to yourself.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Right, then!"
You exclaim, "They keep expecting me to do things!"
You tilt your head curiously.
You ask, "What, then?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I have two stipulations."
Lyreth rubs His hands together and grins at you with evil satisfaction.
You blink.
You tilt your head and listen intently.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Firstly, I would very much like for you to enjoy yourself. Amusement, fun, contentment, and pleasure are all part of life, and should be savored."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Regardless of where you are or what is concerned."
Purring with a nod, you say, "My tea and cookies.."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "No worrying!"
Lyreth nods His head emphatically.
You say, "... all my emotions have been, as of the moment..."
You look undecided and say, "Frown, frown, frown, grunt, frown."
Lyreth wrinkles His nose in distaste.
Grinning, you say, "And then eating ice cream or cookies and then doing this face."
Lyreth tickles you mercilessly!
You blush furiously.
You giggle happily.
Jumping back, you exclaim, "H-Hey!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "That's rule number one of My Order!"
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "No frown frown grunt."
Lyreth nods His head emphatically.
You say, "... I should find another pack to fill with sweets and tea, then."
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Lyreth beams broadly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "That is a splendid idea!"
You exclaim, "I should get a picnic basket!"
Utterly entranced, Lyreth emits a long "Ooooh."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "They have picnic baskets?"
You say, "... Shulamit and I should make one."
You nod your head affirmatively at yourself.
Lyreth claps His hands together merrily.
You say, "What would be Your personal..."
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
You ponder the situation.
Lyreth turns His attention towards you as His ears perk up in interest.
You ask, "Taste?"
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You exclaim, "I could make your harp its clasp!"
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ah, a wonderful idea!"
You ask, "What colours would you like, Lord?"
Lyreth ponders the situation.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What colours would you suggest?"
You say, "I personally like silver, blue and red..."
Gulping as he looks to the side, you say, "... maybe black, but... that would seem gloomy."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ooh, yes, and we don't want gloomy."
You ask, "Yellow and silver?"
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yellow and silver!"
Lyreth beams broadly.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You've the best ideas."
You laughingly say, "I believe I have been having a gargantuan mental block."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Hmm, well, you'll want to fix that!"
You say, "Procrastinating on my entry to a literary contest in Hallifax."
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Lyreth peers at a figurine of the Diamond Sphere of Axiomatic Supremacy unscrupulously.
You say, "This is refreshing, a new project."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "They seem very...complicated, there."
You ask, "... is that another one of those City Apparati?"
You say, "... or apparatuses..."
You scratch your head in confusion.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I haven't the faintest. One of Mine gave it to Me!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I just know it's pretty."
Lyreth beams broadly.
Frowning, you say, "... I only ever joined Hallifax for one reason."
"Oh?" Lyreth exclaims quizzically.
You say, "Not used to mathematics and... flying."
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
You say, "Well, same reason I left the Forest and went to Gaudiguch..."
You say, "And then to Hallifax..."
Scratching the back of his neck, squinting, you say, "What a hopeless romantic, I am."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "I should stop risking my life, yes."
You nod your head at yourself.
You say, "... if it does not turn out fun?"
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Lyreth snickers softly to Himself.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Sometimes one must weigh the lesser of two evils."
You ask, "Which is?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "If you stop risking your life -and- are happy with your situation, then by all means."
You ask, "Those are the two evils?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In what you propose!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Running for your life is not appealing."
You scratch your head in confusion.
You ask, "So I should face the danger, my aunt?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "But neither is not being happy, in My mind."
You say, "... happiness and contentment."
Lyreth nods His head emphatically.
You say, "... but then wanting more."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince smiles and says, "It is something to think about."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Now, then. I've a favour to ask, I suppose."
You say, "Glomdoring and my family were never fun..."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
You smile and say, "What is it?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I would gladly like to accept you into My Order, if you would be happy with that."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "If it is something you wish, understand."
His eyes glinting a darker gold, you exclaim, "That is the favour?!"
You exclaim, "Of course!"
You bounce up and down.
You cough softly.
Clearing his throat, you say, "Pardon the increase in my tone.."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "However, my essence is weak, and having a member not of Celest puts a very slight drain on that."
Blushing as he scratches the corner of his eye, you say, "... excited, I am."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus, I would greatly appreciate the occasional offering, if you stumble across one of My shrines!"
You nod your head affirmatively.
You ask, "Where are they?"
You say, "I payed my fine to Celest, thankfully."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "The one in My fulcrux will do, but there are others. Tosha, Tolborolla, Zoaka, and two in Celest itself."
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth beams broadly.
Lyreth baptises you into the Fledglings of Verse of the Divine Order of Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
You beam broadly.
You exclaim, "Thank you!"
(Fledglings of Verse): Lyreth says, "Welcome, Nicholo, who assures Me that mortals do not, in fact, sweat butter!"
You exclaim, "I would hug You if I did not run the risk of being electrocuted out of my wits!"
(Fledglings of Verse): Arin (from Celestia, Plane of Light) says, "Lies!"
You are not in the Middle Circle of the Divine Order of Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Lyreth gives you a compassionate hug.
You beam broadly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Hugs are good!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Right, then, off with you."
You ask, "... to where?"
You blink.
Lyreth points accusingly at an archway of coruscating light.
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You bow respectfully to Lyreth.
Lyreth flashes you a joyous smile.
You exclaim, "Thank You, Lord!"
You embrace Lyreth with great ardour.
You enter an archway of coruscating light and the world momentarily fades to black as you are flung headlong through the aether.
Before the Portal of Fate.
Seething with arcane energy, the Portal of Fate floats before you. There are 2 armoured owls here. A grotesque ghast squats here, dragging its taloned hands on the ground. A black direwolf is here, blending in with the shadows. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. Covered in bone armour, a striped badger is here, licking its paws. A striped badger is here, licking its paws. There are 2 armoured bats here. Covered in bone armour, watching you warily, a silver-furred vixen sniffs the air. Covered in bone armour, a red fox stands here, cautiously listening to the surroundings. Xiphoid Caelicus is here. He wields a golden lightning tahto staff with both hands.
You see a single exit leading out.

The Fulcrux of Lyreth.
A magnificent grand harp with lustrous golden strings stands here, ancient symbols carved upon its silvery-grey surface. A giant, opaque prism of crystal juts out of the ground, glowing faintly with a boundless array of colours. Shifting endlessly, a luminous vortex of energy has pooled within a ring of smooth black stones. Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince stands here, surrounded by paeans of unearthly music. Pectus is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields a violin of insanity in her left hand and a magic spatula in her right. Sleepwalker Xaldrin d'Deneith, Saccharine Cumulus is here. He wields a long dagger in his left hand.
There are no obvious exits.
You ask Lyreth, "When will Your Order be open?"
Lyreth ponders the situation.
The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I shall have to think."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It will be open..."
Looking at Lyreth hopefully, Xaldrin raises his hand high in the air.
Bouncing up and down slightly, hardly visible, you ask, "Oh, may I know when You decide, then?"
Lyreth lifts His head to the sky and sings a single, achingly beautiful note into the wind. Before you can blink, He collapses into a cascade of incandescent motes which evaporates into the aether.
This room has not been mapped.
Eye of the storm.
An archway composed of coruscating light stands solemnly within the clearing, its rippling surface illuminating the area with a gentle azure glow. Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince stands here, surrounded by paeans of unearthly music.
There are no obvious exits.
You are transported by the power of the Divine.
"Ahah!" Lyreth exclaims triumphantly.
You blink.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yes, well, if you want in, you should tell Me why!"
You ask, "... where did my cousin go?"
You blink.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Oh, I only borrowed you for a moment. Thunderbird killer was getting a little anxious."
Lyreth glances askance.
Brushing himself up, looking around nervously, you ask, "W-Well... why I want to join Your Order?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince nods slightly, smiling.
You say, "I used to be of Glomdoring, though..."
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar constellations that tell the tales of myth and legend.
You say, "I was always expected to join Lord Nocht's Order..."
You say, "His title unnerves me already, 'The Silent', never really fun."
You crease your brow in a frown.
Lyreth murmurs softly to Himself.
You tilt your head curiously.
You say, "And I quite adore music, yes..."
You say, "Always considered being a Bard."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
You say, "Though, I realized how I can continue to write poetry, without the magicla ear-wrenching music."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Absolutely true."
You say, "Magical, rather."
You cough softly.
Lyreth tilts His head curiously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You are very interesting."
You say, "Lord, do You think there is a possibility to... 'live TOO much' or be swayed by the tides o--."
You smile softly.
You say, "Thank you."
You say, "... I seem to be swayed by the events of my life, at the moment."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Live too much? There isn't such a thing."
You say, "I simply... Follow how they go, or..."
You say, "Go mad."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "So, I go along."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Life is the greatest gift of all. If you are content with your dealings in life, then have at it."
Grunting as he rolls his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest again, you say, "... I sporadically switched from Glomdoring to Gaudiguch and then Hallifax... after a few years."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Perhaps it merely means you haven't yet found where you should be."
Tapping his lower lip, you say, "... yes, along with the person."
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "... I sometimes believe I am destined to live along with a whole plethora of manse pets."
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
You say, "I only have poetry to calm me down."
Nodding to himself, swaying from side to side, you say, "A good outlet of rage.."
You say, "As I am horrible at combat."
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
Stopping his swaying, easing his weight onto one foot, you say, "Though I doubt I could rhyme my aunt to death when she does actively hunt me down."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Your aunt, you say?"
You nod your head affirmatively.
You say, "I left my family within Glomdoring."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Terrible. That sounds terrible."
You say, "... they do not take kindly to that."
You shake your head.
You say, "She wants my head, yes."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Their own blood."
Lyreth wrinkles His nose in distaste.
You say, "They quite take it skin-deep with the saying..."
You say, "'Nothing Matters but Glomdoring.'"
Lyreth rolls His eyes.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Fanatics."
You snicker softly to yourself.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Right, then!"
You exclaim, "They keep expecting me to do things!"
You tilt your head curiously.
You ask, "What, then?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I have two stipulations."
Lyreth rubs His hands together and grins at you with evil satisfaction.
You blink.
You tilt your head and listen intently.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Firstly, I would very much like for you to enjoy yourself. Amusement, fun, contentment, and pleasure are all part of life, and should be savored."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Regardless of where you are or what is concerned."
Purring with a nod, you say, "My tea and cookies.."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "No worrying!"
Lyreth nods His head emphatically.
You say, "... all my emotions have been, as of the moment..."
You look undecided and say, "Frown, frown, frown, grunt, frown."
Lyreth wrinkles His nose in distaste.
Grinning, you say, "And then eating ice cream or cookies and then doing this face."
Lyreth tickles you mercilessly!
You blush furiously.
You giggle happily.
Jumping back, you exclaim, "H-Hey!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "That's rule number one of My Order!"
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "No frown frown grunt."
Lyreth nods His head emphatically.
You say, "... I should find another pack to fill with sweets and tea, then."
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Lyreth beams broadly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "That is a splendid idea!"
You exclaim, "I should get a picnic basket!"
Utterly entranced, Lyreth emits a long "Ooooh."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "They have picnic baskets?"
You say, "... Shulamit and I should make one."
You nod your head affirmatively at yourself.
Lyreth claps His hands together merrily.
You say, "What would be Your personal..."
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
You ponder the situation.
Lyreth turns His attention towards you as His ears perk up in interest.
You ask, "Taste?"
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You exclaim, "I could make your harp its clasp!"
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ah, a wonderful idea!"
You ask, "What colours would you like, Lord?"
Lyreth ponders the situation.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What colours would you suggest?"
You say, "I personally like silver, blue and red..."
Gulping as he looks to the side, you say, "... maybe black, but... that would seem gloomy."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ooh, yes, and we don't want gloomy."
You ask, "Yellow and silver?"
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yellow and silver!"
Lyreth beams broadly.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You've the best ideas."
You laughingly say, "I believe I have been having a gargantuan mental block."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Hmm, well, you'll want to fix that!"
You say, "Procrastinating on my entry to a literary contest in Hallifax."
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Lyreth peers at a figurine of the Diamond Sphere of Axiomatic Supremacy unscrupulously.
You say, "This is refreshing, a new project."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "They seem very...complicated, there."
You ask, "... is that another one of those City Apparati?"
You say, "... or apparatuses..."
You scratch your head in confusion.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I haven't the faintest. One of Mine gave it to Me!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I just know it's pretty."
Lyreth beams broadly.
Frowning, you say, "... I only ever joined Hallifax for one reason."
"Oh?" Lyreth exclaims quizzically.
You say, "Not used to mathematics and... flying."
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
You say, "Well, same reason I left the Forest and went to Gaudiguch..."
You say, "And then to Hallifax..."
Scratching the back of his neck, squinting, you say, "What a hopeless romantic, I am."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "I should stop risking my life, yes."
You nod your head at yourself.
You say, "... if it does not turn out fun?"
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Lyreth snickers softly to Himself.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Sometimes one must weigh the lesser of two evils."
You ask, "Which is?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "If you stop risking your life -and- are happy with your situation, then by all means."
You ask, "Those are the two evils?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In what you propose!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Running for your life is not appealing."
You scratch your head in confusion.
You ask, "So I should face the danger, my aunt?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "But neither is not being happy, in My mind."
You say, "... happiness and contentment."
Lyreth nods His head emphatically.
You say, "... but then wanting more."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince smiles and says, "It is something to think about."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Now, then. I've a favour to ask, I suppose."
You say, "Glomdoring and my family were never fun..."
You tilt your head and listen intently.
You smile and say, "What is it?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I would gladly like to accept you into My Order, if you would be happy with that."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "If it is something you wish, understand."
His eyes glinting a darker gold, you exclaim, "That is the favour?!"
You exclaim, "Of course!"
You bounce up and down.
You cough softly.
Clearing his throat, you say, "Pardon the increase in my tone.."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "However, my essence is weak, and having a member not of Celest puts a very slight drain on that."
Blushing as he scratches the corner of his eye, you say, "... excited, I am."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus, I would greatly appreciate the occasional offering, if you stumble across one of My shrines!"
You nod your head affirmatively.
You ask, "Where are they?"
You say, "I payed my fine to Celest, thankfully."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "The one in My fulcrux will do, but there are others. Tosha, Tolborolla, Zoaka, and two in Celest itself."
You nod your head affirmatively.
Lyreth beams broadly.
Lyreth baptises you into the Fledglings of Verse of the Divine Order of Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
You beam broadly.
You exclaim, "Thank you!"
(Fledglings of Verse): Lyreth says, "Welcome, Nicholo, who assures Me that mortals do not, in fact, sweat butter!"
You exclaim, "I would hug You if I did not run the risk of being electrocuted out of my wits!"
(Fledglings of Verse): Arin (from Celestia, Plane of Light) says, "Lies!"
You are not in the Middle Circle of the Divine Order of Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Lyreth gives you a compassionate hug.
You beam broadly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Hugs are good!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Right, then, off with you."
You ask, "... to where?"
You blink.
Lyreth points accusingly at an archway of coruscating light.
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You bow respectfully to Lyreth.
Lyreth flashes you a joyous smile.
You exclaim, "Thank You, Lord!"
You embrace Lyreth with great ardour.
You enter an archway of coruscating light and the world momentarily fades to black as you are flung headlong through the aether.
Before the Portal of Fate.
Seething with arcane energy, the Portal of Fate floats before you. There are 2 armoured owls here. A grotesque ghast squats here, dragging its taloned hands on the ground. A black direwolf is here, blending in with the shadows. Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. Covered in bone armour, a striped badger is here, licking its paws. A striped badger is here, licking its paws. There are 2 armoured bats here. Covered in bone armour, watching you warily, a silver-furred vixen sniffs the air. Covered in bone armour, a red fox stands here, cautiously listening to the surroundings. Xiphoid Caelicus is here. He wields a golden lightning tahto staff with both hands.
You see a single exit leading out.
Eldanien2010-04-18 03:57:32
It takes all kinds. But even though I have a sweet tooth, that went a bit far. Oof.