Trace2010-05-07 19:28:42
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT CGT
Dandera 2 On On On
Trace 3 On On On
Currently, there are 2 members on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.
Citizen Rank Position CT
Yiro Goodman City Minister On
Kalin Grand Duke Freedom Council On
Aiyana Goodwoman City Minister On
Munsia Lady On
Dandera Peasant On
Arcanis Peasant On
Utorkus Peasant On
Lysandus Peasant City Aide On
Trace Peasant On
Currently, there are 9 Citizens on this Plane and 3 on other Planes.
Pyromage Trace
Played : 8 days, 15 hours, and 14 minutes Vote Wgt : 10
This Week : 0 days, 21 hours, and 17 minutes Mindset : Pedantic
Before the Eternal Flame.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. The great
Pyramid opens to a wide platform that extends outwards many feet, creating an
expansive view over the entire city of Gaudiguch. Wide blocks of sandstone have
been neatly joined, the cracks between them partially filled until little more
than slight indentations remain. The passage leads about ten feet out, a wide
path roughly six feet wide and with high walls on either side to act as guards
from walking over the edge. A bulbous circular section forms at the end of the
passage with a diameter nearing fifteen metres that also bears a three-foot wall
around its circumference, the centre of which has been removed so that the
Eternal Flame can float half below and half above the level of the floor. Its
great effulgence casts an unobstructed white incandescence, flickering with
prismatic hues, upon the entire shelf and pierces through the thick smoke and
soot that hangs heavily here, combusting continuously in sudden spurts and
creating writhing tongues of fire that dance in the air to form the Nexus. Thin,
cursive script has been inked neatly on the stones nearest to the flame, written
neatly in the tongue of the dracnari. To the south, the great structures of the
city are clearly visible: the many pulsating emerald irises that form domes in
the distance, the dense houses with minute alleyways between their boundaries,
and the smaller pyramids of the Illuminati, the Templars and the Pyromancers. An
elegant chandelier of antique silver is gracefully suspended from the ceiling.
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame lounges languidly in the heat of
the nexus. The Eternal Flame burns here, a towering inferno of white flame that
flashes with a chaotic spray of colour. An orb of blazing aether shifts and
turns continuously as it hovers above a plain granite pedestal. There are 2
great brindle mastives here. Mistress Aiyana Disati is here. Lysandus Eldunari
is here. He wields a golden webbed klangaxe with both hands. Kalin Disati is
here. He wields an icy steel hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading north, east, and west.
You say, "Still no power contest update, guess were officially not doing that
Svelika arrives from the east.
A subtle increase in illumination and a shower of red sparks herald the entrance
of a ruby red phoenix from the east.
Svelika leaves to the west.
Showering her surroundings in red sparks by flapping her wings, a ruby red
phoenix takes flight and leaves to the west.
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "Ixchilgal has a hard time being awake."
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "He'll probably be around this month."
You say, "I wont hold my breath."
Aiyana shrugs helplessly.
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "Not his fault he can't be in the realms. He
You say, "Yeah but it doesnt make sense to take on such duties if one cant
participate enough to fulfill them."
Malarious has bled to death.
Mistress Aiyana Disati says to you, "He's had the duties before the issues
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "These are only recent."
You say, "Maybe something should be done about replacing him. Its been going on
Mistress Aiyana Disati sticks out her tongue and says, "Maybe you should talk to
the Freedom Council about that, not just sit around talking to the open air
about it."
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "It produces better results."
Kalin Disati says, "Why? Cause he isn't saying who won 3 credits? He is here
enough to do the actual important part of the job."
You say, "Oh, excuse me, i didnt realize i was just talking to the open air."
Cheerful, multicoloured flames burst into life before blazing a brilliant white,
joining the towering inferno.
Arcanis arrives from the west.
Arcanis puts some gold sovereigns in a leather backpack.
You say, "If its not important to follow through with the contest, then i guess
we shouldnt really have one. Since its posted, people come to expect it to be an
ongoing event."
You see exits leading north, east, and west.
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Arcanis says, "Contest?"
Arcanis says, "What contest?"
You say to Arcanis, "Exactly."
Lysandus Eldunari says, "The purpose of this event or contest is to motivate us
to gather more power for the city."
Arcanis says, "Do we have a contest?"
Kalin Disati says, "I am sure people can suck it up over noti winning 1 - 3
credits a couple times."
Kalin Disati says, "Top tace maybe -you- can't, but I am sure others can."
Arcanis says, "Anyone want an increase to their stats?"
Lysandus Eldunari says, "If you're here only for the rewards and not doing it
for your fellow citymates, then you aren't helping at all."
Kalin coughs softly.
Kalin Disati says to you, "Maybe -you- can't, but I am sure others can."
You say, "Maybe ive sucked it up plenty already, maybe i just think in order for
the situation to improve, it ought to be discussed."
Svelika arrives from the west.
A subtle increase in illumination and a shower of red sparks herald the entrance
of a ruby red phoenix from the west.
Svelika leaves to the east.
Showering her surroundings in red sparks by flapping her wings, a ruby red
phoenix takes flight and leaves to the east.
"Eh?" Lysandus says curiously.
Lysandus Eldunari says, "It's been discussed many times already Trace."
Kalin Disati says to you, "Maybe you should stop whining and do something
without crying about not getting a reward for it."
You say, "Looks like i lose either way, if i say nothing, then i didnt make any
effort, if i say anything, im just not sucking it up enough, or im gathering
power for the wrong reasons."
With a wistful look on his face, Arcanis touches the Eternal Flame.
Arcanis looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Arcanis says, "What we need is villages."
Arcanis says, "That will help us alot."
You say, "I have never stopped gathering power, reward or no."
You say, "If all i wanted were three measly credits, id just go buy them."
Lysandus Eldunari says, "Then why are you complaining about Ixchilgal then?"
You say, "Because he announced a contest to be held regularly, and its not being
followed through with."
Kalin Disati says, "On the contrary villages will hurt us more thna help us
right at this moment. With Glomdoring raiding every village eveyr month there is
nothing we would be doing except defend villages constantly."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame exclaims, "Man, that place gives me
the heebies AND the jeebies. All the shadows and spider webs, the darkness and
the dampness - no thank you!"
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Arcanis says, "Oh if the village is attacked, it gives less?"
You say, "I think if out leaders say their going to host a contest, they should
either host it, or cancel it."
Mistress Aiyana Disati says to Arcanis, "Glomdoring hands whatever they can't
have to Hallifax or Celest, and raiding whatever isn't controlled by any of
them... and then we don't have many people who can influence well enough to get
a village when they actually revolt because of the randomness of the times they
choose to."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame rolls her eyes heavily.
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame says, "Bunch of boring crystal
freaks, I tell ya. All cold and emotionless - probably not a heart that beats in
the whole damn city."
Aiyana sways back and forth.
Lysandus Eldunari says, "The contest is still on going."
Lysandus Eldunari says, "And why are you concerned of the contest when you say
you are content gathering power, reward or no?"
Oozing sarcasm, Mistress Aiyana Disati says to Lysandus, "But it wasn't
announced on time it's the end of the world, Ixchilgal is so irrisponsible."
Aiyana clears her throat.
Aiyana drops Mogwog, the lumbering rockeater.
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "Follow me, Mogwog!"
Mogwog, the lumbering rockeater begins to follow closely behind Aiyana.
You say, "Excuse me, i should have known that speaking out over this would only
make me a target for criticisms."
Kalin Disati says to Lysandus, "The same reason he is constantly asking people
to tell him his power donations for the last 6 weaves. He is lieing about not
The last vestiges of some sultry, mystical canticle reach your ears before
fading away.
You say, "Who have i asked about my contributions?"
You say, "Yeah, im a liar, and f-censored-k you too."
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Kalin raises an eyebrow at you.
Kalin Disati says, "You can retract that or find a new home."
You say, "Fine by me, if thats how its got to be."
With a flourish, Aiyana draws an aslaran tribal rapier from a feathered
With a flourish, Aiyana draws an aslaran tribal rapier from a feathered
Arcanis says, "Easy everyone...lets not lose tempers."
The muffled turning and grumbling of wheels on stone pass by outside, followed
by the sharp crack of a beastmaster's whip.
You say, "If i cant speak my mind without being called names, i dont need to be
Arcanis says, "Who called you names..I didnt see anyone say any names.."
You say, "Kalin just called me a liar."
Kalin eats a kafe bean.
Kalin takes a drink from an opal vial.
Kalin clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
Kalin takes a drink from an opal vial.
Kalin takes a drink from an amethyst vial.
Lysandus Eldunari says, "And that's no excuse to go cussing at someone,
especially to the leader of Gaudiguch."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame exclaims, "Baby, this is where it's
You say, "As i said, its not the credit rewards i care about, i simply want the
contest to be held as we were told it would be, and the winners to be announced
as they had been."
The muffled turning and grumbling of wheels on stone pass by outside, followed
by the sharp crack of a beastmaster's whip.
Lysandus Eldunari says, "Ever heard of an on-going contest? Until it's
officially announced that it's cancelled, then it's cancelled."
Kalin Disati says, "Well tough. Sometimes issues come up."
Mistress Aiyana Disati says, "Hello contridictions. How are you today?"
You say, "Well whatever, im not retracting anything."
Kalin Disati brands you a traitor to Gaudiguch and casts you out.
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
the Portal of Fate.
His eyes glowing a fearsome yellow, Kalin stares at you with a burning gaze, and
you cannot help but shudder at the intensity of the malice directed towards you.
Kalin whips an icy steel hammer through the air in front of you, to no effect.
With a heavy overhand stroke, Kalin slams an icy steel hammer down upon you. You
are smited in the chest and receive a small bruise.
You teleport along the aether strands to the Portal of Fate.
Sylphas2010-05-07 19:49:57
I'm not sure what the point of posting this was, really.
Trace2010-05-07 19:55:09
QUOTE (Sylphas @ May 7 2010, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure what the point of posting this was, really.
The point of my having posted this was that I am sure various players whose characters have been involved with Trace might be curious as to what happened to him, and as I have no intention of playing him further, nor speaking to them about him as an alter ego, this will be the best way for them to get some idea of what happened. In case they wondered.
Ileein2010-05-07 20:16:56
Ffs Glomdoring did not give its villages to Hallifax.
Unknown2010-05-07 20:58:22
QUOTE (Trace @ May 7 2010, 07:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You say, "Yeah, im a liar, and f-censored-k you too."
You forced his hand by saying that to his face in front of his subordinates. Besides, you don't openly criticize city officials without first making sure you have ALOT of people who agree with you, even in a so-called city of "freedom". That being said, you shouldn't quit. This can't possibly be the worst thing anyone has been kicked out for, and depending on what Trace does now, he might have the chance of getting back in sometime in the future.
Unknown2010-05-07 22:06:50
Now Gaudiguch is... Without a Trace.
Unknown2010-05-07 22:29:28
Gaudiguch seems to have ended up a really cliqueish, "watch what you say to who" kind of place. Doesn't seem to match the setting at all. Freedom apparently doesn't include freedom of speech 
Kicking someone from an org is the most serious thing you can do to them, far more serious than PKing them, and should never be done over a verbal argument.

Kicking someone from an org is the most serious thing you can do to them, far more serious than PKing them, and should never be done over a verbal argument.
Unknown2010-05-07 22:31:14
QUOTE (Jello @ May 7 2010, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gaudiguch seems to have ended up a really cliqueish, "watch what you say to who" kind of place. Doesn't seem to match the setting at all. Freedom apparently doesn't include freedom of speech 
Kicking someone from an org is the most serious thing you can do to them, far more serious than PKing them, and should never be done over a verbal argument.

Kicking someone from an org is the most serious thing you can do to them, far more serious than PKing them, and should never be done over a verbal argument.
I've been trying to think of real world places where "you should never criticize public officials" is the norm. And you know, I can't think of a single one that would have been a good place to live.
Zallafar2010-05-07 22:41:02
QUOTE (Zarquan @ May 7 2010, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now Gaudiguch is... Without a Trace.
Ack. Ack ack.
Doman2010-05-07 22:52:56
North Koreaguch
Gregori2010-05-07 22:58:49
First of all, not the first incident with Trace.
Second of all, 'Freedom' does not mean 'actions without consequences'
Third of all, if everyone who openly criticized or insulted city officials was kicked Gaudiguch would be a much smaller place.
That's all I am saying on the subject.
Second of all, 'Freedom' does not mean 'actions without consequences'
Third of all, if everyone who openly criticized or insulted city officials was kicked Gaudiguch would be a much smaller place.
That's all I am saying on the subject.
Aliod2010-05-07 23:02:03
I can't count how many times Aliod has called Kalin an Aromatic A$$@$#E, so yeah, cussing openly in at the nexus to such a degree was probably the last nail in said coffin
Unknown2010-05-07 23:08:38
QUOTE (kristabel @ May 7 2010, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You forced his hand by saying that to his face in front of his subordinates. Besides, you don't openly criticize city officials without first making sure you have ALOT of people who agree with you, even in a so-called city of "freedom". That being said, you shouldn't quit. This can't possibly be the worst thing anyone has been kicked out for, and depending on what Trace does now, he might have the chance of getting back in sometime in the future.

And you sure as

Aliod2010-05-07 23:12:21
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ May 8 2010, 12:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
, that was entirely uncalled for. There's no law against speaking out, even if it's rude. That was just an abuse of power.
And you sure as
criticise city officials. I may not agree with trace, but if you have something to say, say it. Don't be a coward.

And you sure as

Well, I doubt it was the fact of what was said, but more along the lines of the words used. Kalin did give him a chance to retract what he said and he didn't take it. Criticising is all fine and dandy but time and a place for everything, and at the Nexus is not it.
Unknown2010-05-07 23:22:58
If the nexus isn't the place to do it, it seems unlikely that the city channel and the city newsboards are the places. Maybe gaudi should set up "designated protest areas" like China has 
Seriously though, it's just not hard (at all) to be chill about people who are angry, yet Gaudi seems to have failed in this area with the number of people they've removed over what they said, not just Trace.

Seriously though, it's just not hard (at all) to be chill about people who are angry, yet Gaudi seems to have failed in this area with the number of people they've removed over what they said, not just Trace.
Aliod2010-05-07 23:27:26
QUOTE (Jello @ May 7 2010, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the nexus isn't the place to do it, it seems unlikely that the city channel and the city newsboards are the places. Maybe gaudi should set up "designated protest areas" like China has 
Seriously though, it's just not hard (at all) to be chill about people who are angry, yet Gaudi seems to have failed in this area with the number of people they've removed over what they said, not just Trace.

Seriously though, it's just not hard (at all) to be chill about people who are angry, yet Gaudi seems to have failed in this area with the number of people they've removed over what they said, not just Trace.
Or how about in private if you are going to drop the F-bomb when the nexus was crowded? He could of issued him for that but he gave Trace the chance to retract what he said or leave. He refused.
And this isn't the first time people have been smacked in the face for using the F word at the Nexus either, why just a few days ago someone got disfavoured, and they eventually left
Unknown2010-05-07 23:33:53
I just strongly feel that something like PK or the normal language rules stuff would be a more appropriate punishment for something like swearing or being annoying, than kicking from an org. You guys lost Dysolis for threats, almost lost Munsia, the list might go on... other orgs have handled these issues better than Gaudiguch has.
Urazial2010-05-07 23:34:30
QUOTE (Trace @ May 7 2010, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mistress Aiyana Disati says to Arcanis, "Glomdoring hands whatever they can't
have to Hallifax or Celest, and raiding whatever isn't controlled by any of
them... and then we don't have many people who can influence well enough to get
a village when they actually revolt because of the randomness of the times they
choose to."
have to Hallifax or Celest, and raiding whatever isn't controlled by any of
them... and then we don't have many people who can influence well enough to get
a village when they actually revolt because of the randomness of the times they
choose to."
My favorite part of the story.

Gregori2010-05-07 23:41:35
QUOTE (Jello @ May 7 2010, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just strongly feel that something like PK or the normal language rules stuff would be a more appropriate punishment for something like swearing or being annoying, than kicking from an org. You guys lost Dysolis for threats, almost lost Munsia, the list might go on... other orgs have handled these issues better than Gaudiguch has.
Ok I lied. I will reply again.
Dysolis wasn't kicked for threats or anything of the sort and Munsia hasn't been almost either. Hell Munsia has probably insulted, talked back, and criticized more than anyone in gaudiguch. She also doesn't cross that 'line' at least not with me.
Know your facts.
As for Trace, you conveniently keep missing the point that *he* made the choice, but then I suppose your argument falls apart if you acknowledge that.
Unknown2010-05-07 23:44:28
I wouldn't say my argument falls apart so much as I'm not sure I want to get into it with someone who's clearly angry about it. I have my con law final in four days, and in the US of A, forcing someone to perform speech is actually regarded with stricter scrutiny normally than simply preventing speech in the first place. The fact that "Trace made the choice by not retracting it" does not, then, make Gaudiguch look better for what they did in my eyes, since there are good reasons you don't force people to say things.