Order Affinity - Feedback Thread

by Tekora

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Tekora2010-05-06 04:37:46
Date: 2/11/2010 at 1:39
From: Estarra, the Eternal
To : Everyone
Subj: Order Affinity

Orders now have an affinity to their god's city or commune. Basically,
it is more helpful to your god if you are aligned with the order's affinity
and more difficult to be outside of the order's affinity. Please see
HELP AFFINITY for details.

Penned by My hand on the 6th of Avechary, in the year 257 CE.

With this very short and seemingly innocent post, the nature of Divine Orders and how Divine interacted with the player base changed dramatically. Ever since Order Affinity was implemented, many players have been affected in many ways. The outcry was almost instantaneous, as were the repercussions.

My reason for posting this is fairly basic. Tekora joined Lyreth's order during his original run. After Lyreth went inactive, Tekora stayed with the order, even after people started bailing, including the Order Head, leaving the order defunct. Then Order Affinity hit and Tekora decided to be a good little Hallifaxian and join Elostian's order. Then Lyreth came back and the regret of leaving Lyreth's order after waiting for him for almost a year hit.

Now Tekora is trying to rejoin Lyreth's order, but is meeting resistance. He has talked with Lyreth Himself and Lyreth raised some severe doubts about the fact that Tekora was a member of Hallifax. Since that talk, Tekora has not heard anything from Him. This, despite large donations of essence over the past several days. Even worse is that I had read here on the forums that after Lyreth appointed new Order Heads, the first thing they did was kick any remaining order members that weren't in Celest. For me, this raised the question, "Even if Tekora had stayed with Lyreth, would he have been kicked anyway?"

So, I want to find out how many other people are having the same difficulties I am. How many players have these changes affected? Have they affected your enjoyment of the game? Do you believe that Order Affinity serves a purpose? And please, keep the comments constructive.
Sylphas2010-05-06 04:41:33
It serves exactly the purpose Estarra wants it to, i.e. you are not meant to be in an order that's not in your pantheon. Despite that killing off huge avenues of roleplay and being considered by many to be one of the absolute worst decisions that have been made for the game in it's lifetime, Estarra has stuck by it.
Eldanien2010-05-06 04:42:16
Not sure if all the information is full and complete. There's a fairly well known log of Lyreth inducting a Hallifax citizen into his order, which runs counter to your statement.
Sylphas2010-05-06 04:50:48
Meh. I had to vote for "My position was unchanged" but I was stuck with the task of hunting all our foreign members down and interrogating them and figuring out what to recommend we do with them. Not fun at all.
Everiine2010-05-06 05:02:30
I voted, in before lock.
Furien2010-05-06 05:22:56
They're not going to go back on this change no matter how persuasive you try and be in regards to changing it for what may very well be the better. Locked in 15.
Eventru2010-05-06 05:28:27
Sorry. The chance has been had several times over for an intelligent and polite thread, and every time it degrades into flaming, insults and all around unpleasantness.