Gregori2010-05-17 23:22:22
A scorching ascent up the Great Pyramid. (Capital City of the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch.)
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. Thesia Cylys, the white tiger prowls here quietly. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a dark grey nightmare paws impatiently at the grey mist that roil beneath her hooves. Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor is here, shrouded. She wields a fiery basalt staff in her left hand. Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx is here, sprawled on the floor. Tranquil Knight Egran is here. He wields a flying dragon klangaxe with both hands. Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii is here. She wields a greatshield depicting the Eternal Flame in her left hand. Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment is here. He wields a steel shortsword in each hand. Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield towers here, shrouded. She wields a fiery basalt staff in her left hand and an etched-platinum dagger in her right.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, up, and down.
"Yo!" Munsia exclaims cheerfully as she waves to you.
Munsia sniggers evilly.
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "Believe what you will, I know what I saw, I was there when our city was released, I was there whe Scuci woke up the first time."
You doff a platinum crown of thorns cordially to Munsia.
Munsia nods her head in agreement.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Munsy made out."
You say, "Oh oh me too me too!"
Munsia waggles her eyebrows comically.
You say, "Ummm I was there.. not made out."
Munsia peers about herself unscrupulously.
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "No, you didn't make out with her."
Munsia blinks in confusion and asks, "Wot?"
Munsia crosses her arms on her chest, sticks out her lower lip, and pouts.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "She didn't kiss back but I kissed."
Munsia nods her head sagely.
Alexandera's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Akraasiel growls menacingly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Oh...well that makes sense then."
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Hot girl on girl action, woo!"
Egran quickly ducks down.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Taht I can believe."
You say to Munsia, "Forcing your love on someone is not making out."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Yes it is."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor sticks out her tongue and says to Munsia, "She didn't kill you, so she liked it."
Munsia dismisses you with a wave of her hand.
Arcanis nods his head at you.
Munsia nods her head at Athenas, showing her acceptance.
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says, "You're a sick person."
Rodngar arrives from the down.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I think i kissed Kalikai once too."
Rodngar leaves to the north.
Munsia peers about herself unscrupulously.
Munsia ponders the situation.
Rodngar arrives from the north.
Rodngar leaves to the up.
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says, "And I am being very loose with the use of the word person here."
Egran glances askance at Akraasiel.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I'm a monster, I know."
Akraasiel stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Rodngar arrives from the up.
Munsia scolds herself angrily.
Athenas rolls her eyes at Akraasiel.
You say, "She may be sick but at least she isn't insulting Scuci's name by pretending to be part of a family she is not."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says to Akraasiel, "You need to relax a bit man."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "Learn to have some fun."
Rodngar peers about himself unscrupulously.
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says to you, "Would you challenge what Isune and Lisaera do not?"
Munsia bounces about wildly, stamping her feet to some unheard tune.
"What?" Munsia asks curiously.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Athenas, "I guess you can understand why he is angry, I mean she is an ancestor of his."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "What the :censored: do they have to do with this."
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says to you, "Are you a god to deny me my heritage?"
Rodngar looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "There is no proven bloodline."
You say to Akraasiel, "You can pretend to be who ever you want to be, it's still an insult to her name to do so."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I missed something, clearly."
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Actually, Kalin might have the authority to remove that part of your title."
Egran ponders the situation.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akraasiel, "If you have proof of lineage, I'm sure this would be an easy resolution."
suffix akraasiel
Akraasiel will now be known as Whelp Akraasiel.
You say, "Hey it seems I do."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "Until then, I'd have to say Kalin is well within rights to say you are fake."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Akraasiel, "Hmm, you really should get the official paperwork, or you will probably be having this problem alot."
Munsia peers about herself unscrupulously.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I'll go make out with my Tiger now."
Akraasiel leaves to the north.
Munsia easily vaults onto the back of Thesia Cylys, the white tiger.
Munsia strokes Thesia Cylys, the white tiger tenderly.
Thesia Cylys, the white tiger grins gleefully.
Munsia waggles her eyebrows comically.
Rodngar leaves to the north.
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "If I remember correctly, she stated that she had no more family within the Basin, all that she knew had long dies already."
You nod your head at Athenas.
Alexandera nods her head emphatically.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Don't we have Tlwixthingy in the city?"
You say, "He is just a poser and it is an insult to the prominent families of gaudiguch."
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Arcanis nods his head at Munsia.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Never been good with names."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Dont recall where I saw one."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But I recently did."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "South side."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Keymaker?"
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "May have been in Zoaka."
Munsia ponders the situation.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Somewhere down there."
Arcanis nods his head emphatically.
Thesia Cylys, the white tiger paws the ground and shuffles about impatiently.
"Shh!" Munsia says to Thesia Cylys, the white tiger, putting a finger to her lips.
6010h 5100m 5100e 10p elrxkd-
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "He's gone!"
Alexandera points northwards.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "He went in there."
Comprehension flashes across Munsia's face.
The Gaudiguch Council Chamber. (Capital City of the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch.)
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Turned entirely to sand, Scuchidira Tliwx stands majestically here with her basalt staff wielded proudly in her hand. Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni is here. He wields a serrated draconic rapier in each hand. Whelp Akraasiel is here, sprawled on the floor.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
Rodngar stretches languidly.
Whelp Akraasiel says to Scuchidira Tliwx, "It's just rough."
Akraasiel gives a pained sigh.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to you, "What'd I miss?"
Arcanis arrives from the south.
Alexandera arrives from the south.
A bank of grey mist rolls in from the south, upon which gallops a dark grey nightmare.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "Anything relatively important that I should care about in the past few months?"
Rodngar looks exhausted and opens his mouth in an enormous yawn.
Akraasiel stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Arcanis tilts his head curiously at Rodngar.
Whelp Akraasiel says to you, "That was petty."
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Whelp Akraasiel says to you, "And about as foul an abuse of power as I could imagine. You are no man of freedom."
You say to Rodngar, "Did you fall over laughing at Krin contesting you yet?"
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Anywho, the city leader has the power to strip someone's family title? that seems odd, thought that was the Divine's job."
Whelp Akraasiel says to you, "You are a son of chains."
Akraasiel spits on the ground in disgust.
You say to Akraasiel, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of town then."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to you, "Something like that, yeah. I went cold with sweat from containing the laughter because he was right next to me."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "I don't think I'll be leaving."
Egran arrives from the south.
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "The Grand Mistress, poor woman, I laughed to her until she probably went even further deaf."
Rodngar snickers softly to himself.
You say to Arcanis, "I didn't strip his family title. Because he has no family. Claiming to be part of a family does not make it so."
Tranquil Knight Egran frowns and says, "Seriously, none of you bought comms while I was away?"
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Go buy from our commodity shop."
Rodngar utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Egran.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "I have to agree with Kalin on this."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "Just wearing a family name does not make it so."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to you, "So then you just stripped someones title?"
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to you, "But on what grounds then?"
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "It is not a title he deserves."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "It's how you represent that family name and you carry it with honor and pride so you honor those before you."
Arcanis scratches his head in confusion.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "On the grounds that he is not truly of that family."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "The gods themselves have called me by my name, a name I have worn for many times your lifespan."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But that isnt anywhere in our laws..."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Arcanis, "I would strip people of the Naresni name if people went about wearing it with no proven relation to me."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "That is in a way against the law of free will, my 2 gold on the matter anyway."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "There are a lot of things not in our laws that should be - apparently, 'common sense' is one of them."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "Scuchi stated that all that she knew and loved had died, he was not of her lineage."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "Ironically, though, common sense IS our only law."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "I am of the line of Iborchi."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Rodngar, "Though in that case you would have cause over it since you are part of that family, but are you a Tliwx to say another isnt?"
You say to Arcanis, "Impersonating one of the cities most important families should not have to be a law."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "Son of Scuchidira, long dead."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Arcanis, "No, but this is a special circumstance."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Hmm."
Arcanis shrugs helplessly.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "Did you not hear what Athenas said?"
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akraasiel, "I've had about enough of this, Whelp."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "Scuchi stated that all she knew and loved were dead, her lineage is gone."
Egran whispers soothing words to Rodngar.
Akraasiel chuckles long and heartily.
Arcanis looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But the Tliwx family isnt though."
You say to Arcanis, "It is a very simple deed to see if he is a member of the family. The Records state each and every person's bloodline."
Arcanis nods his head emphatically.
Whelp Akraasiel says, "Only if they have registered it."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "If the lineage is gone, he cannot be Tliwx!"
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Akraasiel, "Like I said, make it official, much easier."
Arcanis blinks.
Akui enters from the south, emanating an aura of immense power.
Whelp Akraasiel says to Arcanis, "I guess I'll have to gather the bloody money then."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "There is no lineage. The last and only Tliwx stands before us."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Alexandera, "Alexandera...Scuchi wasnt the only Tliwx..."
You say to Akraasiel, "You have fun with that."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "She was the last of them."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "There are other Tliwx in the city right now."
Akraasiel snickers softly to himself.
Arcanis shakes his head.
Arcanis nods his head emphatically.
Athenas's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "You people are ignorant and foolish to think you can claim lineage to her."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Has been waht I am trying to say with all this insanity...she isnt the last of that family's bloodline."
Akui blinks.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "She may be the last of her family."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "There are Tliwx here in the city other than myself."
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "As in mother, father, siblings, etc."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But she isnt the last of the Tliwx's."
You say to Akraasiel, "And they can prove they are. You cannot."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "You cannot claim lineage to Tliwx. It's as simple as that."
Rodngar sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Tranquil Knight Egran says to Akui, "Isn't the Flame a lovely shade of red-orange today?"
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan dusts the floor with her foot before sitting.
Akui rubs her tummy contentedly.
Akui beams broadly.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akui, "Oh, Grandmistress. Pleasant seeing you here."
Akui beams broadly at Rodngar.
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "It is very simple to prove, but not very simple in the doing. If you are as you say you are, you must demonstrate this. You must research your family history and prove the linkage to the fates themselves."
Rodngar shrugs helplessly at Akui.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "I believe he has vanished."
You nod your head at Akui, showing your acceptance.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "In which case, can I now cease holding in my laughter?"
You say, "No he is here."
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Akraasiel? He's right there."
Finger extended, Egran pokes Akraasiel.
Akraasiel growls menacingly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Rodngar, "No need to be rude now."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "If you do this thing, nobody will counter your claim."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Lets all remember we are of the same city."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "Until you do this thing, your claim is sand in the wind."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan rises to her feet.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akraasiel, "Excuse me if I find your claim utterly ridiculous, Whelp. You cannot just waltz in here and claim lineage - you will, as the Grandmistress so kindly put it, prove your relation."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "I rather like sand in the wind. It is peaceful."
Akui's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni gnaws mirthfully at his lip.
Akui leaves to the south, emanating an aura of immense power.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Akraasiel, "You said the goddesses stated this also, perhaps you can ask Them to help you even."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Anywho this whole thing lookes like it is over."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "That will be my first order of business."
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Yes, we should make a field trip to go buy that awesome silver."
Akraasiel leaves, following Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment.
Arcanis leaves to the south.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. Thesia Cylys, the white tiger prowls here quietly. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a dark grey nightmare paws impatiently at the grey mist that roil beneath her hooves. Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor is here, shrouded. She wields a fiery basalt staff in her left hand. Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx is here, sprawled on the floor. Tranquil Knight Egran is here. He wields a flying dragon klangaxe with both hands. Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii is here. She wields a greatshield depicting the Eternal Flame in her left hand. Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment is here. He wields a steel shortsword in each hand. Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield towers here, shrouded. She wields a fiery basalt staff in her left hand and an etched-platinum dagger in her right.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, up, and down.
"Yo!" Munsia exclaims cheerfully as she waves to you.
Munsia sniggers evilly.
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "Believe what you will, I know what I saw, I was there when our city was released, I was there whe Scuci woke up the first time."
You doff a platinum crown of thorns cordially to Munsia.
Munsia nods her head in agreement.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Munsy made out."
You say, "Oh oh me too me too!"
Munsia waggles her eyebrows comically.
You say, "Ummm I was there.. not made out."
Munsia peers about herself unscrupulously.
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "No, you didn't make out with her."
Munsia blinks in confusion and asks, "Wot?"
Munsia crosses her arms on her chest, sticks out her lower lip, and pouts.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "She didn't kiss back but I kissed."
Munsia nods her head sagely.
Alexandera's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Akraasiel growls menacingly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Oh...well that makes sense then."
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Hot girl on girl action, woo!"
Egran quickly ducks down.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Taht I can believe."
You say to Munsia, "Forcing your love on someone is not making out."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Yes it is."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor sticks out her tongue and says to Munsia, "She didn't kill you, so she liked it."
Munsia dismisses you with a wave of her hand.
Arcanis nods his head at you.
Munsia nods her head at Athenas, showing her acceptance.
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says, "You're a sick person."
Rodngar arrives from the down.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I think i kissed Kalikai once too."
Rodngar leaves to the north.
Munsia peers about herself unscrupulously.
Munsia ponders the situation.
Rodngar arrives from the north.
Rodngar leaves to the up.
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says, "And I am being very loose with the use of the word person here."
Egran glances askance at Akraasiel.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I'm a monster, I know."
Akraasiel stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Rodngar arrives from the up.
Munsia scolds herself angrily.
Athenas rolls her eyes at Akraasiel.
You say, "She may be sick but at least she isn't insulting Scuci's name by pretending to be part of a family she is not."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says to Akraasiel, "You need to relax a bit man."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "Learn to have some fun."
Rodngar peers about himself unscrupulously.
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says to you, "Would you challenge what Isune and Lisaera do not?"
Munsia bounces about wildly, stamping her feet to some unheard tune.
"What?" Munsia asks curiously.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Athenas, "I guess you can understand why he is angry, I mean she is an ancestor of his."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "What the :censored: do they have to do with this."
Whelp Akraasiel Tliwx says to you, "Are you a god to deny me my heritage?"
Rodngar looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "There is no proven bloodline."
You say to Akraasiel, "You can pretend to be who ever you want to be, it's still an insult to her name to do so."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I missed something, clearly."
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Actually, Kalin might have the authority to remove that part of your title."
Egran ponders the situation.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akraasiel, "If you have proof of lineage, I'm sure this would be an easy resolution."
suffix akraasiel
Akraasiel will now be known as Whelp Akraasiel.
You say, "Hey it seems I do."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "Until then, I'd have to say Kalin is well within rights to say you are fake."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Akraasiel, "Hmm, you really should get the official paperwork, or you will probably be having this problem alot."
Munsia peers about herself unscrupulously.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "I'll go make out with my Tiger now."
Akraasiel leaves to the north.
Munsia easily vaults onto the back of Thesia Cylys, the white tiger.
Munsia strokes Thesia Cylys, the white tiger tenderly.
Thesia Cylys, the white tiger grins gleefully.
Munsia waggles her eyebrows comically.
Rodngar leaves to the north.
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "If I remember correctly, she stated that she had no more family within the Basin, all that she knew had long dies already."
You nod your head at Athenas.
Alexandera nods her head emphatically.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Don't we have Tlwixthingy in the city?"
You say, "He is just a poser and it is an insult to the prominent families of gaudiguch."
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Arcanis nods his head at Munsia.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Never been good with names."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Dont recall where I saw one."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But I recently did."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "South side."
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Keymaker?"
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "May have been in Zoaka."
Munsia ponders the situation.
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "Somewhere down there."
Arcanis nods his head emphatically.
Thesia Cylys, the white tiger paws the ground and shuffles about impatiently.
"Shh!" Munsia says to Thesia Cylys, the white tiger, putting a finger to her lips.
6010h 5100m 5100e 10p elrxkd-
Crimson General, Munsia D'cente`, Her Sword and Shield says, "He's gone!"
Alexandera points northwards.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "He went in there."
Comprehension flashes across Munsia's face.
The Gaudiguch Council Chamber. (Capital City of the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch.)
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Turned entirely to sand, Scuchidira Tliwx stands majestically here with her basalt staff wielded proudly in her hand. Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni is here. He wields a serrated draconic rapier in each hand. Whelp Akraasiel is here, sprawled on the floor.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
Rodngar stretches languidly.
Whelp Akraasiel says to Scuchidira Tliwx, "It's just rough."
Akraasiel gives a pained sigh.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to you, "What'd I miss?"
Arcanis arrives from the south.
Alexandera arrives from the south.
A bank of grey mist rolls in from the south, upon which gallops a dark grey nightmare.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "Anything relatively important that I should care about in the past few months?"
Rodngar looks exhausted and opens his mouth in an enormous yawn.
Akraasiel stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Arcanis tilts his head curiously at Rodngar.
Whelp Akraasiel says to you, "That was petty."
Arcanis tilts his head curiously.
Whelp Akraasiel says to you, "And about as foul an abuse of power as I could imagine. You are no man of freedom."
You say to Rodngar, "Did you fall over laughing at Krin contesting you yet?"
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Anywho, the city leader has the power to strip someone's family title? that seems odd, thought that was the Divine's job."
Whelp Akraasiel says to you, "You are a son of chains."
Akraasiel spits on the ground in disgust.
You say to Akraasiel, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of town then."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to you, "Something like that, yeah. I went cold with sweat from containing the laughter because he was right next to me."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "I don't think I'll be leaving."
Egran arrives from the south.
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "The Grand Mistress, poor woman, I laughed to her until she probably went even further deaf."
Rodngar snickers softly to himself.
You say to Arcanis, "I didn't strip his family title. Because he has no family. Claiming to be part of a family does not make it so."
Tranquil Knight Egran frowns and says, "Seriously, none of you bought comms while I was away?"
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Go buy from our commodity shop."
Rodngar utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Egran.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "I have to agree with Kalin on this."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "Just wearing a family name does not make it so."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to you, "So then you just stripped someones title?"
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to you, "But on what grounds then?"
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "It is not a title he deserves."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "It's how you represent that family name and you carry it with honor and pride so you honor those before you."
Arcanis scratches his head in confusion.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "On the grounds that he is not truly of that family."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "The gods themselves have called me by my name, a name I have worn for many times your lifespan."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But that isnt anywhere in our laws..."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Arcanis, "I would strip people of the Naresni name if people went about wearing it with no proven relation to me."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "That is in a way against the law of free will, my 2 gold on the matter anyway."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "There are a lot of things not in our laws that should be - apparently, 'common sense' is one of them."
Lady of Eternal Fire, Athenas Eldunari, Crimson Counselor says, "Scuchi stated that all that she knew and loved had died, he was not of her lineage."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "Ironically, though, common sense IS our only law."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "I am of the line of Iborchi."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Rodngar, "Though in that case you would have cause over it since you are part of that family, but are you a Tliwx to say another isnt?"
You say to Arcanis, "Impersonating one of the cities most important families should not have to be a law."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "Son of Scuchidira, long dead."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Arcanis, "No, but this is a special circumstance."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Hmm."
Arcanis shrugs helplessly.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "Did you not hear what Athenas said?"
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akraasiel, "I've had about enough of this, Whelp."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "Scuchi stated that all she knew and loved were dead, her lineage is gone."
Egran whispers soothing words to Rodngar.
Akraasiel chuckles long and heartily.
Arcanis looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But the Tliwx family isnt though."
You say to Arcanis, "It is a very simple deed to see if he is a member of the family. The Records state each and every person's bloodline."
Arcanis nods his head emphatically.
Whelp Akraasiel says, "Only if they have registered it."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "If the lineage is gone, he cannot be Tliwx!"
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Akraasiel, "Like I said, make it official, much easier."
Arcanis blinks.
Akui enters from the south, emanating an aura of immense power.
Whelp Akraasiel says to Arcanis, "I guess I'll have to gather the bloody money then."
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "There is no lineage. The last and only Tliwx stands before us."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Alexandera, "Alexandera...Scuchi wasnt the only Tliwx..."
You say to Akraasiel, "You have fun with that."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says to Arcanis, "She was the last of them."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "There are other Tliwx in the city right now."
Akraasiel snickers softly to himself.
Arcanis shakes his head.
Arcanis nods his head emphatically.
Athenas's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "You people are ignorant and foolish to think you can claim lineage to her."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Has been waht I am trying to say with all this insanity...she isnt the last of that family's bloodline."
Akui blinks.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "She may be the last of her family."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "There are Tliwx here in the city other than myself."
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "As in mother, father, siblings, etc."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "But she isnt the last of the Tliwx's."
You say to Akraasiel, "And they can prove they are. You cannot."
Lady of Flame, Alexandera Il'Undurii says, "You cannot claim lineage to Tliwx. It's as simple as that."
Rodngar sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Tranquil Knight Egran says to Akui, "Isn't the Flame a lovely shade of red-orange today?"
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan dusts the floor with her foot before sitting.
Akui rubs her tummy contentedly.
Akui beams broadly.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akui, "Oh, Grandmistress. Pleasant seeing you here."
Akui beams broadly at Rodngar.
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "It is very simple to prove, but not very simple in the doing. If you are as you say you are, you must demonstrate this. You must research your family history and prove the linkage to the fates themselves."
Rodngar shrugs helplessly at Akui.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "I believe he has vanished."
You nod your head at Akui, showing your acceptance.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says, "In which case, can I now cease holding in my laughter?"
You say, "No he is here."
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Akraasiel? He's right there."
Finger extended, Egran pokes Akraasiel.
Akraasiel growls menacingly.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Rodngar, "No need to be rude now."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "If you do this thing, nobody will counter your claim."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Lets all remember we are of the same city."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "Until you do this thing, your claim is sand in the wind."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan rises to her feet.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni says to Akraasiel, "Excuse me if I find your claim utterly ridiculous, Whelp. You cannot just waltz in here and claim lineage - you will, as the Grandmistress so kindly put it, prove your relation."
Grand Mistress General Akui, Bladed Koan says, "I rather like sand in the wind. It is peaceful."
Akui's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Marshal Champion Rodngar Naresni gnaws mirthfully at his lip.
Akui leaves to the south, emanating an aura of immense power.
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says to Akraasiel, "You said the goddesses stated this also, perhaps you can ask Them to help you even."
Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment says, "Anywho this whole thing lookes like it is over."
Whelp Akraasiel says, "That will be my first order of business."
Akraasiel shrugs helplessly.
Tranquil Knight Egran says, "Yes, we should make a field trip to go buy that awesome silver."
Akraasiel leaves, following Arcanis, Seeker of Enlightenment.
Arcanis leaves to the south.
Wish I had noticed Munsia dropping the F-Bomb there too. *mutter*
Shaddus2010-05-18 02:27:17
Lol. On the one hand, I can see that people don't want Scuchi's name maimed. On the other hand, people take family last names informally all the time. The paperwork comment was a vaguely dickish or Hallifaxian move.
Ileein2010-05-18 03:12:48
Just means we're winning. 

Aramel2010-05-18 03:33:58
My first thought was "Gaudi is more Hallifax than Hallifax!"
Gregori2010-05-18 04:13:41
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ May 17 2010, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol. On the one hand, I can see that people don't want Scuchi's name maimed. On the other hand, people take family last names informally all the time. The paperwork comment was a vaguely dickish or Hallifaxian move.
Nobody takes historic names informally since the admins stepped on magnagorans for doing it years ago. If you want to be a historic family you jump through the hoops. It's neither dickish nor Hallifaxian that Gaudiguch reveres their prominent families, in fact it's a big part of Gaudiguch that is often left by the wayside. I was actually glad to see that people took offense to the fact that someone was running around with the name. Arcanis would have been in that group of people impersonating a prominent family too, but he dropped 'Chum' from his title so got spared the ridicule.
Felicia2010-05-18 05:12:32
I'm not sure why you even post these logs. This is only the second one I have seen, but they're eerily similar.
The heckling, bullying, vague condescension, and outright insults heaped upon that character, acts utterly devoid of tact and social grace as far as I can determine, are... well, sad.
I'm quite sure this will fall on deaf ears (again), but spitting venomous insults at people (even if they've become belligerent) is far less effective than reasoning with them in a neutral environment, rather than publicly dog-piling them. The escalation of this situation was as much the senior citizens' fault as it was his.
The heckling, bullying, vague condescension, and outright insults heaped upon that character, acts utterly devoid of tact and social grace as far as I can determine, are... well, sad.
I'm quite sure this will fall on deaf ears (again), but spitting venomous insults at people (even if they've become belligerent) is far less effective than reasoning with them in a neutral environment, rather than publicly dog-piling them. The escalation of this situation was as much the senior citizens' fault as it was his.
Gregori2010-05-18 05:14:20
I take offense. I was pretty sure the condescension wasn't vague at all.
ongaku2010-05-18 05:15:42
QUOTE (Felicia @ May 18 2010, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure why you even post these logs. This is only the second one I have seen, but they're eerily similar.
The heckling, bullying, vague condescension, and outright insults heaped upon that character, acts utterly devoid of tact and social grace as far as I can determine, are... well, sad.
I'm quite sure this will fall on deaf ears (again), but spitting venomous insults at people (even if they've become belligerent) is far less effective than reasoning with them in a neutral environment, rather than publicly dog-piling them. The escalation of this situation was as much the senior citizens' fault as it was his.
The heckling, bullying, vague condescension, and outright insults heaped upon that character, acts utterly devoid of tact and social grace as far as I can determine, are... well, sad.
I'm quite sure this will fall on deaf ears (again), but spitting venomous insults at people (even if they've become belligerent) is far less effective than reasoning with them in a neutral environment, rather than publicly dog-piling them. The escalation of this situation was as much the senior citizens' fault as it was his.
I'm inclined to agree with Felicia. This could have been handled much, much more gracefully. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive like that, but forcing him to do your bidding doesn't really scream "Freedom" to me. If you had sat down and explained calmly and rationally why it was a big deal, I think he would have seen your point. As it was, reading all of that, I felt myself siding with poor Akraaziel, even if I do believe that he shouldn't go around wearing an historical name like that.
Lehki2010-05-18 05:25:44
To me this sounds like it was later on in the conversation, possibly after calm attempts to have him change his name, and thus the more interesting parts. =o
Felicia2010-05-18 05:31:34
QUOTE (Lehki @ May 18 2010, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To me this sounds like it was later on in the conversation, possibly after calm attempts to have him change his name, and thus the more interesting parts. =o
I agree that this is a possibility; I've thought of it myself.
Logs or it didn't happen. (Judging by tone and context, I highly doubt any attempts at reasonable discussion occurred.)
Gregori2010-05-18 05:38:05
Oh please. Seriously. There was nothing wrong with how this was handled. In fact, people were on pretty damn good behaviour. The only condescension going on here is from yourself. You don't like how people in Gaudiguch RP things, tough. You don't like the log, tough.
Felicia2010-05-18 05:45:15
QUOTE (Gregori @ May 18 2010, 01:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh please. Seriously. There was nothing wrong with how this was handled. In fact, people were on pretty damn good behaviour. The only condescension going on here is from yourself. You don't like how people in Gaudiguch RP things, tough. You don't like the log, tough.
The problem with this defense is that your OOC statements bear a striking similarity to your IC statements where these matters are concerned.
Your character's leadership style (during these sorts of incidents) is abrasive, petty and ultimately ineffective. That is my assessment of your RP style.
Gregori2010-05-18 05:47:26
Seemed pretty damned effective to me. He isn't wearing the name, he is going through the proper methods to become the name he wants, and the problem is no longer there. So take your holier than thou attitude and stuff it.
Xavius2010-05-18 05:49:08
QUOTE (Lehki @ May 18 2010, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To me this sounds like it was later on in the conversation, possibly after calm attempts to have him change his name, and thus the more interesting parts. =o
No, Gregori is only missing ~10 lines of conversation about the name, none of them all that significant. Mostly it was Akraasiel trying to say that he knew Scuchi best as one of her descendants vs. Munsia trying to say she knew Scuchi best as her last fleeting love interest.
Gregori2010-05-18 05:51:22
it suddenly dawns on me that I know who Xavius is in gaudiguch and am actually glad he is one of the few intelligent people I have met there.
Felicia2010-05-18 05:59:17
QUOTE (Gregori @ May 18 2010, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seemed pretty damned effective to me. He isn't wearing the name, he is going through the proper methods to become the name he wants, and the problem is no longer there. So take your holier than thou attitude and stuff it.
My holier-than-thou attitude actually stems from your inability to discuss anything in a calm and reasonable fashion, or make a point without resorting to insults.
Gregori2010-05-18 06:06:47
If I was insulting you, you would know it.
Your holier-than-thou attitude stems right from the very first post you made both here and in the twits thread on the subject and includes the condescending message you sent me that as much as said "rp my way". As I said, you don't like the way it was handled, tough. There was in fact almost nothing in there that was venomous, condescending, or insulting. If being told "you can't claim something you are not" till you are blue in the face (by everyone in the room except Arcanis who was guilty of the same thing at one time) is insulting to you then there is little else to say on the matter. I shudder to think of the tears that would flow from your face had you joined Glomdoring in the days of Shayle and Xenthos.
Edit:: changed Xavius to Xenthos.. silly X names got me all confused.
Your holier-than-thou attitude stems right from the very first post you made both here and in the twits thread on the subject and includes the condescending message you sent me that as much as said "rp my way". As I said, you don't like the way it was handled, tough. There was in fact almost nothing in there that was venomous, condescending, or insulting. If being told "you can't claim something you are not" till you are blue in the face (by everyone in the room except Arcanis who was guilty of the same thing at one time) is insulting to you then there is little else to say on the matter. I shudder to think of the tears that would flow from your face had you joined Glomdoring in the days of Shayle and Xenthos.
Edit:: changed Xavius to Xenthos.. silly X names got me all confused.
Xavius2010-05-18 06:09:45
Stop confusing me with Xenthos, people. I was the champion of the oppr--ok, that's a lie, but that mess wasn't my fa--er. Um.
Stop confusing me with Xenthos, people!
Stop confusing me with Xenthos, people!
Shiri2010-05-18 06:09:47
Calm down.
Unknown2010-05-18 06:17:37
Don't calm down!
*incites rage*
*Eats popcorn*
*incites rage*
*Eats popcorn*