Llesvelt2010-06-04 20:16:42
An interaction by my character Llesvelt with Elostian. Originally, the plan was finding some sort of common ground with the faith, as his family very much advocated him joining the Order of Elostian.
The Sanctuary of Twilight.
The floor here radiates a comfortable energy that speaks of sanctity.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, that was quite the track."
You say, "I am not the great traveller."
You cough softly.
You have emoted: Llesvelt straightens his robe.
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
You incline your head politely to those around you.
You say, "Lord Elostian?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Freeman Llesvelt."
You have emoted: Llesvelt coughs slightly, seemingly feeling quite small all of a sudden.
You say, "Yes, I am Llesvelt. Minister of Cultural Affairs, Freeman of the Hallifax Collective, adopted son of Saaga and Atellus of the Shavatt family."
You say, "Freeman LLesvelt..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I know."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You have managed to locate the current location of My attention. How will you use this newfound, valuable, and most powerful knowledge?"
The air vibrates with a profound sense of amusement.
You have emoted: Llesvelt seems rather, intimidated, before speaking quietly and carefully.
You say, "Yes... My mother, Saaga, recently asked me if I was a devotee of ours, or considering..."
You say, "But, no... I told her I was never much of a spiritual person."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That is most
fortunate. After all, out dear Chairman teaches that Religion is the opium of
the populace, does he not?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Does that not
make it un-hallifaxian to be religious?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt seems thoughtful, for a while.
You say, "I have always held the words of the Chairman in great esteem, but I tend to do a bit of thinking on my own when time is... I'd reckon, the Chairman existed in the time where religion and spiritual quests were a hollow affair which seemed most of all to provide some with a goal. Time which could be spent improving our material situation..."
You say, "I am not sure think that is how things are, though..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You were making a
point before I so rudely interrupted you?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt winces slightly.
You say, "I do not know. I think I prefer, not thinking on such matters... Or when I do, not sharing them, because I am not a very wise person."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "One might argue that wisdom is but relative to the intelligence and experience of other individuals."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless, we digress. Why did you seek Me?"
You say, "I would like to see my mother happy, and I genuinely do want to know something about, well, the Enigma. But I have no idea what questions to ask. I'dreckon if I was my cousin, Ileein, I would be more, decisive."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks towards the sculptures in quiet shame at the last words.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You seek to learn about Me?"
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Yes."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why did you seek My out then? Surely there are more efficient methods than trying to wring moisture from rock?"
You say, "I do not know... It must be a failure on my part..."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks down, scratching his neck, quite intimidated.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Failure? You seem rather harsh on yourself. Why is this?"
You say, "I am not a very talented individual, I think... My family, they are so talented. My cousin, Ileein, my mother, father, Aunt, Uncle... I do not do them justice, I fear, I so want to. But I am just me, just... Freeman Llesvelt."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Minister of Culture. YOu seem to take after your aunt in this. Along with her, you are the most powerful minister in the Commonwealth."
You have emoted: Llesvelt bites the nail on his left thumb, for a second, clearly without much courage at the moment.
You say, "I am only adopted."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That argument is illogical."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks up, seeming questioning.
You have emoted: Llesvelt lowers his head again, slowly, sighing.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why is your adoption relevant in your position?"
You say, "Yes, I am quite a mess am I not? Can not even keep consistently logical arguments... It is just, I do want to feel part of my family, I already do. But I am so very afraid that they will find one day I am not, well, worthy... I love my mother as much as if she were my birth mother, I respect her and my father greatly... I want, ever so much, that they have reason to be proud of me."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see. And how has your inferiority complex led you to Me?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt gets slightly teary-eyed, for a moment, before rubbing his left eye with his thumb. Keeping what little composure he has, he looks up before speaking.
You say, "I, I... Have one queston, one true question... But I am afraid to ask. How can I..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "This sounds interesting."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Make your question sufficiently interesting and I may even deign to answer it, in My endless benevolence."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
In a hushed voice, devoid of zest, you say, "Nothing about me is interesting.."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I must warn you that contrary to popular opinion, I am not of Glomdoring."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You say, "What is that meant to imply?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Is that your question? It is not very interesting."
You say, "... No, that was not it..."
You say, "I do not know how to word it... But, basically... Am I worthy?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Of what?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt spreads out his arms, quietly, looking out towards both of them.
You say, "Am I worthy... As, well, as me... Am I even, capable, of being worthy, in being me?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How could you not be worthy of being yourself?"
You say, "My question is more properly expressed, I think, as in. Am -I- worthy in being regarded as anything but irrelevant?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "And why do you believe I have the answer to that?"
You say, "Because, I do not... And you seem wiser, the wisest I could seek an answer from..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Have you asked your mother how often I answer questions?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt shakes his head, quietly.
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I suggest you pose her this question when you next have the opportunity. In the mean time, I will provide you with a question in response to yours before I depart."
You nod your head emphatically.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You argue like worth is bestowed by others in their opinions of you. Why do you care what others think, when the main protagonist in your life is yourself?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Perhaps we shall speak again."
You have emoted: Llesvelt seems in thought, but nods, once.
The floor here radiates a comfortable energy that speaks of sanctity.
You see a single exit leading south (open door).
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, that was quite the track."
You say, "I am not the great traveller."
You cough softly.
You have emoted: Llesvelt straightens his robe.
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
You incline your head politely to those around you.
You say, "Lord Elostian?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Freeman Llesvelt."
You have emoted: Llesvelt coughs slightly, seemingly feeling quite small all of a sudden.
You say, "Yes, I am Llesvelt. Minister of Cultural Affairs, Freeman of the Hallifax Collective, adopted son of Saaga and Atellus of the Shavatt family."
You say, "Freeman LLesvelt..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I know."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You have managed to locate the current location of My attention. How will you use this newfound, valuable, and most powerful knowledge?"
The air vibrates with a profound sense of amusement.
You have emoted: Llesvelt seems rather, intimidated, before speaking quietly and carefully.
You say, "Yes... My mother, Saaga, recently asked me if I was a devotee of ours, or considering..."
You say, "But, no... I told her I was never much of a spiritual person."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That is most
fortunate. After all, out dear Chairman teaches that Religion is the opium of
the populace, does he not?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Does that not
make it un-hallifaxian to be religious?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt seems thoughtful, for a while.
You say, "I have always held the words of the Chairman in great esteem, but I tend to do a bit of thinking on my own when time is... I'd reckon, the Chairman existed in the time where religion and spiritual quests were a hollow affair which seemed most of all to provide some with a goal. Time which could be spent improving our material situation..."
You say, "I am not sure think that is how things are, though..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You were making a
point before I so rudely interrupted you?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt winces slightly.
You say, "I do not know. I think I prefer, not thinking on such matters... Or when I do, not sharing them, because I am not a very wise person."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "One might argue that wisdom is but relative to the intelligence and experience of other individuals."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless, we digress. Why did you seek Me?"
You say, "I would like to see my mother happy, and I genuinely do want to know something about, well, the Enigma. But I have no idea what questions to ask. I'dreckon if I was my cousin, Ileein, I would be more, decisive."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks towards the sculptures in quiet shame at the last words.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You seek to learn about Me?"
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Yes."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why did you seek My out then? Surely there are more efficient methods than trying to wring moisture from rock?"
You say, "I do not know... It must be a failure on my part..."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks down, scratching his neck, quite intimidated.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Failure? You seem rather harsh on yourself. Why is this?"
You say, "I am not a very talented individual, I think... My family, they are so talented. My cousin, Ileein, my mother, father, Aunt, Uncle... I do not do them justice, I fear, I so want to. But I am just me, just... Freeman Llesvelt."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Minister of Culture. YOu seem to take after your aunt in this. Along with her, you are the most powerful minister in the Commonwealth."
You have emoted: Llesvelt bites the nail on his left thumb, for a second, clearly without much courage at the moment.
You say, "I am only adopted."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "That argument is illogical."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks up, seeming questioning.
You have emoted: Llesvelt lowers his head again, slowly, sighing.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why is your adoption relevant in your position?"
You say, "Yes, I am quite a mess am I not? Can not even keep consistently logical arguments... It is just, I do want to feel part of my family, I already do. But I am so very afraid that they will find one day I am not, well, worthy... I love my mother as much as if she were my birth mother, I respect her and my father greatly... I want, ever so much, that they have reason to be proud of me."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see. And how has your inferiority complex led you to Me?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt gets slightly teary-eyed, for a moment, before rubbing his left eye with his thumb. Keeping what little composure he has, he looks up before speaking.
You say, "I, I... Have one queston, one true question... But I am afraid to ask. How can I..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "This sounds interesting."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Make your question sufficiently interesting and I may even deign to answer it, in My endless benevolence."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
In a hushed voice, devoid of zest, you say, "Nothing about me is interesting.."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I must warn you that contrary to popular opinion, I am not of Glomdoring."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You say, "What is that meant to imply?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Is that your question? It is not very interesting."
You say, "... No, that was not it..."
You say, "I do not know how to word it... But, basically... Am I worthy?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Of what?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt spreads out his arms, quietly, looking out towards both of them.
You say, "Am I worthy... As, well, as me... Am I even, capable, of being worthy, in being me?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "How could you not be worthy of being yourself?"
You say, "My question is more properly expressed, I think, as in. Am -I- worthy in being regarded as anything but irrelevant?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "And why do you believe I have the answer to that?"
You say, "Because, I do not... And you seem wiser, the wisest I could seek an answer from..."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Have you asked your mother how often I answer questions?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt shakes his head, quietly.
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I suggest you pose her this question when you next have the opportunity. In the mean time, I will provide you with a question in response to yours before I depart."
You nod your head emphatically.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You argue like worth is bestowed by others in their opinions of you. Why do you care what others think, when the main protagonist in your life is yourself?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Perhaps we shall speak again."
You have emoted: Llesvelt seems in thought, but nods, once.
Ileein2010-06-04 20:25:14

Llesvelt2010-06-04 20:33:58
Aeleon2010-06-04 20:39:32
QUOTE (Llesvelt @ Jun 4 2010, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Make your question sufficiently interesting and I may even deign to answer it, in My endless benevolence."
I saw this and thought "Whut? He never answers any of mine..."
Aicuthi2010-06-04 20:40:29

Llesvelt2010-06-04 20:43:27
QUOTE (Aeleon @ Jun 4 2010, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I saw this and thought "Whut? He never answers any of mine..."
He must have a thing for inferiority complexes.
QUOTE (Aicuthi @ Jun 4 2010, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Yeah, I know what you mean.
Aicuthi2010-06-04 20:58:43
Elostian can be an extremely intimidating Divine to talk to. I still have a hard time thinking of how to phrase things towards Him.
Llesvelt2010-06-04 20:59:36
Seen from an OOC viewpoint, I did not find him too intimidating.
Llesvelt was scared shitless, as evident.
Llesvelt was scared shitless, as evident.
Llesvelt2010-06-08 07:19:35
Sorry for the double post, but it seemed more appropriate to post it here than start a new topic.
moar interaktion wid ellostiand
moar interaktion wid ellostiand
The Bridge of Aspiration.
The area is enveloped in a mysterious, deep blue glow that signifies a shield
shrine of Elostian nearby. Banks of clouds roil about here. A glistening crystal
staircase rises up from the suspended, translucent platform here, reaching up
into the University of Cosmic Understanding, while a bridge of similar material
reaches out towards the northwest. A thin railing of crystal offers the only
support for those who dare tread it, yet the oddly still wind poses little
threat - though just beyond the railing, the sheer winds of the high altitude of
the city shriek and wail, generally drowned out by the aesthetic and pleasing
chimes of nearby crystals. A painting of Vasha, Lady of the East Wind is proudly
exhibited on a nearby wall.
You see exits leading northwest and up (open door).
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What are you doing?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt looking up, he answers, nonchalantly.
You say, "Paperwork."
You say, "An application arrived after the stated deadline, usual stuff."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see. And you are still considering it?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt shakes his head slightly.
You say, "It is very well written, so I will tell the author that I will keep it noted down until such time that another Aide steps down."
You have emoted: Llesvelt folds the letter, storing it in his satchel.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I suppose it is difficult to read closing dates, even for Ayden."
You say, "Everyone can make mistakes."
You shrug helplessly.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You say, "You passed, by chance?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I enjoy questions. And I enjoy asking them."
You say, "You do not like answering them, though?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Answers are irrelevant."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Ask three people the same question and you will get three different answers. Hence, the answers are worthless. It is the process that leads to these answers that is relevant, hence, the question is what matters."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks up, a look of comprehension upon his face.
You say, "That makes sense..."
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why did you seek Me, the other day? Surely it was not to tell Me all about your problems?"
You say, "No, that part was probably something akin to a nervous breakdown."
You cough softly.
You say, "A bit embarassing, really."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Fain in a pink dress, that would be embarassing."
You smirk.
You say, "No, I wanted to understand."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Understand what?"
You say, "Well, You, naturally. Not understand completely, I do not think that is possible, i'd think the process would be quite interesting, if self-destructive. All I know about You is snippets heard from others. Much of my family holds much devotion towards you, there must be a reason for this."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "I am pretty sure you will not answer anything. I like to think I understand why, now, though. I like to think that I perhaps gain a bit more insight through asking a question and thinking on it, I always suspected answers were irrelevant."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Your mother is
still trying, she has been trying for nearly a century now."
You nod your head emphatically.
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "Hm..."
You say, "Answer one question, at least?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You may ask, but
I give you no guarantee of a straight answer."
You say, "Would you allow me to join your Order?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "If you feel that joining My order is the right course for you I would be happy to see you seek entrance."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Most of your
family is capable of assisting you in this."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Thank you."
You say, "Now, I should really be done with these paperworks."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks over some notes, putting them within his satchel a second later.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I must redirect My attention. We shall speak again."
You nod your head emphatically.
The area is enveloped in a mysterious, deep blue glow that signifies a shield
shrine of Elostian nearby. Banks of clouds roil about here. A glistening crystal
staircase rises up from the suspended, translucent platform here, reaching up
into the University of Cosmic Understanding, while a bridge of similar material
reaches out towards the northwest. A thin railing of crystal offers the only
support for those who dare tread it, yet the oddly still wind poses little
threat - though just beyond the railing, the sheer winds of the high altitude of
the city shriek and wail, generally drowned out by the aesthetic and pleasing
chimes of nearby crystals. A painting of Vasha, Lady of the East Wind is proudly
exhibited on a nearby wall.
You see exits leading northwest and up (open door).
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What are you doing?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt looking up, he answers, nonchalantly.
You say, "Paperwork."
You say, "An application arrived after the stated deadline, usual stuff."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I see. And you are still considering it?"
You have emoted: Llesvelt shakes his head slightly.
You say, "It is very well written, so I will tell the author that I will keep it noted down until such time that another Aide steps down."
You have emoted: Llesvelt folds the letter, storing it in his satchel.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I suppose it is difficult to read closing dates, even for Ayden."
You say, "Everyone can make mistakes."
You shrug helplessly.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You say, "You passed, by chance?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I enjoy questions. And I enjoy asking them."
You say, "You do not like answering them, though?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Answers are irrelevant."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Ask three people the same question and you will get three different answers. Hence, the answers are worthless. It is the process that leads to these answers that is relevant, hence, the question is what matters."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks up, a look of comprehension upon his face.
You say, "That makes sense..."
A subtle sense of bemusement creeps into the vicinity.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Why did you seek Me, the other day? Surely it was not to tell Me all about your problems?"
You say, "No, that part was probably something akin to a nervous breakdown."
You cough softly.
You say, "A bit embarassing, really."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Fain in a pink dress, that would be embarassing."
You smirk.
You say, "No, I wanted to understand."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Understand what?"
You say, "Well, You, naturally. Not understand completely, I do not think that is possible, i'd think the process would be quite interesting, if self-destructive. All I know about You is snippets heard from others. Much of my family holds much devotion towards you, there must be a reason for this."
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "I am pretty sure you will not answer anything. I like to think I understand why, now, though. I like to think that I perhaps gain a bit more insight through asking a question and thinking on it, I always suspected answers were irrelevant."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Your mother is
still trying, she has been trying for nearly a century now."
You nod your head emphatically.
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "Hm..."
You say, "Answer one question, at least?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You may ask, but
I give you no guarantee of a straight answer."
You say, "Would you allow me to join your Order?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "If you feel that joining My order is the right course for you I would be happy to see you seek entrance."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Most of your
family is capable of assisting you in this."
You nod your head emphatically.
You say, "Thank you."
You say, "Now, I should really be done with these paperworks."
You have emoted: Llesvelt looks over some notes, putting them within his satchel a second later.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "I must redirect My attention. We shall speak again."
You nod your head emphatically.
Kante2010-06-08 07:36:14
Pretty awesome.
Elostian, while hilarious and mostly benevolent, is still somewhat frightening to talk to somehow.
Elostian, while hilarious and mostly benevolent, is still somewhat frightening to talk to somehow.
ongaku2010-06-08 08:18:22
I really wish Xaakin didn't feel so uncomfortable with him now. :\\ Though I think it's gotten to the point more where I feel stupid conversing with him, and I really don't like feeling stupid.
So Xaakin will most likely be Godless soon, just because I can't think of anything to write about.
Pity, because the interactions everyone else has with Elostian seem to be great, whereas mine tend to be terrifying.
So Xaakin will most likely be Godless soon, just because I can't think of anything to write about.

Unknown2010-06-08 08:22:29
Man, you people and your good Elostian interactions!
I personally seem to be cursed with him only showing up when Phoe is in the middle of questionable conversations.
I personally seem to be cursed with him only showing up when Phoe is in the middle of questionable conversations.

Ileein2010-06-08 11:03:41
QUOTE (Kante @ Jun 8 2010, 03:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pretty awesome.
Elostian, while hilarious and mostly benevolent, is still somewhat frightening to talk to somehow.
Elostian, while hilarious and mostly benevolent, is still somewhat frightening to talk to somehow.
Mostly benevolent... except when he isn't!

QUOTE (Phoebus @ Jun 8 2010, 04:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man, you people and your good Elostian interactions!
I personally seem to be cursed with him only showing up when Phoe is in the middle of questionable conversations.
I personally seem to be cursed with him only showing up when Phoe is in the middle of questionable conversations.

That would be because questionable conversations attract awkward questions. Such as, for example, "What are you doing?" It's a law of nature.
Elostian2010-06-08 11:26:51
QUOTE (Ongaku Nil'Goeth @ Jun 8 2010, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So Xaakin will most likely be Godless soon, just because I can't think of anything to write about.
Pity, because the interactions everyone else has with Elostian seem to be great, whereas mine tend to be terrifying.

Is it really that hard? And why does everyone always think that if you don't write I am going to kick you from my order? You're welcome to just lounge about, you just won't progress until you decide to take on a project, which, incidentally, is what many of my followers find some of the most enjoyable things of being in elo's order.
Arel2010-06-08 12:01:12
Man, I wish I had awesome conversations like that with Elo. Mine always go something like this...
Arel: Oh great and mighty Enigma, highest of high, I humbly request an opportunity to converse with thee.
Elostian: No, Arel. Shut the hell up and get back to work.
Arel: Oh great and mighty Enigma, highest of high, I humbly request an opportunity to converse with thee.
Elostian: No, Arel. Shut the hell up and get back to work.
Llesvelt2010-06-08 12:26:06
QUOTE (Arel @ Jun 8 2010, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man, I wish I had awesome conversations like that with Elo. Mine always go something like this...
Arel: Oh great and mighty Enigma, highest of high, I humbly request an opportunity to converse with thee.
Elostian: No, Arel. Shut the hell up and get back to work.
Arel: Oh great and mighty Enigma, highest of high, I humbly request an opportunity to converse with thee.
Elostian: No, Arel. Shut the hell up and get back to work.
I am sure it is not -that- bad.
Funny, though.
Saran2010-06-08 13:11:17
every time I see this thread come up I think "There is no such thing"
Kante2010-06-08 13:18:54
QUOTE (Saran @ Jun 8 2010, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
every time I see this thread come up I think "There is no such thing"
Deep, man.
Unknown2010-06-08 13:34:15
>.< After reading that I got slightly depressed/understood where Llesvelt is coming from as me, personally, am in that boat at the moment really.
But props to the player playing Elostian, you play that character very very well.
But props to the player playing Elostian, you play that character very very well.

Llesvelt2010-06-08 13:49:47
QUOTE (Saran @ Jun 8 2010, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
every time I see this thread come up I think "There is no such thing"
What about this one?
Fairly straightforward, I think.