Rank to lessons MUSHclient plugin

by Unknown

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Unknown2010-06-05 01:14:45
Hello! I made this for myself just now, since I'm so horrible with math that I continually forget basic percent calculations. Here is what it does...

calc lessons fabled 13

You are 49.4 lessons into fabled.
You are 330.6 lessons away from mythical.
You are 753.6 lessons away from transcendent.
You have used 961.4 lessons on this skill.

No, it doesn't round the numbers, but it doesn't really matter too much anyhow. Easy to use as shown above, simply type "calc lessons skill_rank percent_into_rank" It is case sensitive.

I've uploaded this as a file attachment.
Kante2010-06-05 05:21:58
This is relevant to my interests.

I'll give it a shot once I get home from work and what have you.
Unknown2010-06-05 06:26:11
Silly me, I forgot to make the variables local! Not that that it matters, it works all the same, and there isn't any significant difference.

I'm up for porting this over to Mudlet if anyone wants it. Wont take me very long.

This is relevant to my interests.

I'll give it a shot once I get home from work and what have you.

If I was more into web-scripting, I'd make an online one for novices to easily access. Unless one already exists! A novice just today was asking over the newbie channel how to find how many lessons he has into a skill. I explained to him how to do it, but he never replied so I assume it was too much input at the time. A website version would be perfect for novices.