Elonwe2010-06-08 18:40:58
Looking to trade any number of Lusternia credits for Imperian credits. Please PM me here in forums if you're interested! 

Lendren2010-06-08 19:22:23
So that's where you went... 

Extempo2010-08-04 03:30:50
I am trying to trade my Imperian credits for Lusternian, Send me a msg ingame or on forums. have about 225
Leisane2010-10-08 07:08:27
Shameless Bump.
I have 256(?) Imperian credits I would like to try to trade for a like-number of Lusternian. Send me a PM here if you're interested. Thank you in advance!
I have 256(?) Imperian credits I would like to try to trade for a like-number of Lusternian. Send me a PM here if you're interested. Thank you in advance!