Shaddus2010-06-24 08:08:22
To give a bit of background.. a few days ago, Haiden decided to declare and kill me in the city not once, but twice. The first time, I forgave him. The second, he ended up enemied to Fain for a bit, with an active war shrine in the city. Needless to say, he wasn't pleased. This bit of RP happened tonight. Sorry it's so rough.
Tsumadine mutters discontentedly.
Tsumadine rubs her eyes tiredly.
You tilt your head curiously at Tsumadine.
Tsumadine scowls miserably at you.
You raise an eyebrow at Tsumadine.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth (Female Undead Human).
She is 46 years old, having been born on the 11th of Dvarsh, 241 years after the Coming of Estarra.
She is ranked 415th in Lusternia.
She is an extremely credible character.
She is a Serf in the Grand Dominion of Magnagora.
She holds the position of a Thorn of the Amaranth in the ur'Guard.
She holds the position of a Task Mistress in the ur'Guard.
She is a Professor in the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research.
She is a Visionary of Distance in the Fellowship of Explorers.
She is Worthless Maggot in the Divine Order of Fain, of the Red Masque.
She is a graduate of the Ancestral Glade of the Moonharts (honours), the Shadowmaze (honours), and the College of
Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours).
She is a member of the clan called 'The Barracks.'
She is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
Her motto: 'Crimson will be a lovely colour for you...'
She is considered to be approximately 10% of your might.
She is a first generation member of the House of Zayah.
See HONOURS FULL TSUMADINE to view her 4 special honours.
You say, "Pardon, serf?"
You stare implacably at Tsumadine, and she shrinks from your gaze.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Regard me as you will...I will remain less than pleased
with the actions I've heard you've performed recently, Penitent Mes'ard."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Tsumadine rolls her eyes at Ruiku.
Tsumadine leaves to the south.
You tell Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth, "Return to the Megalith, serf."
You open up a window in the cosmic fabric and search out Tsumadine. Through the cosmic window, you see Tsumadine at on the
roof of the ur'Guard tower.
Tsumadine tells you, "I will not. I have better things to do than be insulted and irritated by the likes of you and Marshal
You tell Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth, "You will return now or vacate the city. Your choice."
{* New Target: (tsumadine) *}
summon tsumadine
A monolith sigil prevents you from summoning.
Tsumadine arrives from the east.
You say to Ruiku, "Is it my imagination, or is that serf glaring at both of us and being quite unruly?"
You say to Tsumadine, "Sit."
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
You say to Tsumadine, "That wasn't a request. Sit, or I'll put you in another position with a bit more pain."
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I came to the Megalith as requested. I
won't sit, however."
You frown at Tsumadine.
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I expect you have some chastising of me to
Tsumadine rubs her eyes tiredly.
You murmur to Esano, "You know, I wasn't this unruly as a serf. Perhaps we should send her back to our southern garden
where she came from."
You begin to chant the words of vile darkness, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Tsumadine. Vicious spikes
slam into her flesh and nail her to the cross. She screams in pain and agony as blood is splattered in all directions.
With a look of agony on her face, Tsumadine manages to writhe herself free of the cross.
You say to Tsumadine, "Now then. Are you less tired?"
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "May I be excused now."
You say, "Did I dismiss you, serf?"
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
Tsumadine shrinks from the implacable gaze of Esano.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth lowers her eyes to the ground.
You say, "Odd, I thought the ur'Guard were known for their discipline. Perhaps Marshal Ruiku here is the last of a dying
Tsumadine scoffs arrogantly.
You say to Tsumadine, "Perhaps you wish to prove me wrong?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs to you, "I do."
You raise an eyebrow at Tsumadine.
You say, "Good. Then show some discipline and follow orders."
You say, "Now, sit."
Tsumadine sits down.
You nod your head.
You say, "Good, you learn quickly. Perhaps you are smarter than I had first thought."
You have emoted: Shaddus taps his chin, deep in thought.
Tsumadine rubs her eyes tiredly.
You say, "Now then. Explain your communication to me earlier."
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "It was nothing. Foolish babbling from an
irritated Sergeant."
Smiling wryly, you say, "That's not what I asked, Sergeant."
You stare pointedly at Tsumadine and strum your fingers impatiently.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "You've left my Queen's Own unhappy, and as one who takes it
upon themselves to tend to his attitude, I've listened to his such, I'm irritated."
You say, "You are enamored with Haiden, your guild champion?"
Ur'Marshal Ruiku i'Viani, Wrath of the Red Masque says, "It is all making sense."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
You tap your nose knowingly at Ruiku.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Enamored is -not- the word. I have no feelings for Haiden.
I wanted to marry Ruiku, but he was too ignorant to realize that."
You say to Tsumadine, "That is another matter. Explain what you believe you know of Haiden and my dealings."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I know nothing. I've simply heard things."
You have emoted: Shaddus motions for you to proceed.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Things involving an enemy status to Lord Masque for
something utterly foolish and the unleasing of a war shrine on the Queen's Own. That's all that's reached my ears other
than the Commander being displeased."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
You nod your head.
You say, "Good. You have heard part of the story, and have formed an assumption based on this. Am I correct?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth bites her fingers, blood trickling over her lips.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "No. I have no assumptions. I care not for the -story-, only
that the Queen's Own is angry with the city and guild..."
You wave your hand dismissively.
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "May I be excused -now-?"
You say, "I care not for Haiden's feelings. Let me explain to you what happened, before you stare at me entirely too often
and I'm tempted to snatch your eyeballs from your head."
You stare implacably at Tsumadine, and she shrinks from your gaze.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "It wouldn't be the first time..."
Tsumadine gives a pained sigh.
Tsumadine tilts her head and listens intently to you.
You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully gather your thoughts.
You say, "Haiden has a.. habit. This habit is to attack citizens for no other reason than because he is impulsive, or
because he feels he can do so with impunity because of rank, or position, or because he percieves some sort of friendship
with this person."
You say, "Haiden lacks discipline. He attacked me not once but twice without provocation, slaying me both times."
You say, "This wasn't a friendly spar, nor rough-housing."
You say, "This is also not something I agreed upon beforehand. Now, have you read the city laws?"
You tilt your head and listen intently to Tsumadine.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "No. I haven't had the time, nor reason. I'm simply a serf,
after all."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
You say, "A lack of rank is no excuse to not read the laws of the city. In fact, it's more of a reason, so you might know
how to better serve the Engine."
You say, "To make short of a long story, attacking another citizen without express permission is against our city laws."
You say, "Haiden as not only an ur'Guard but the guild champion is held to a higher standard. Do you understand what I
Tsumadine nods her head at you.
You say, "Now. Does what he has done show the discipline required for not only his station in the city, but his guild?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "No, I suppose not."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "However."
You say, "Not only that, but his lack of discipline shames his Guild Patron, Lord Fain. His slaying of me also cost Lord
Fain essence."
You say to Tsumadine, "Do you know what is done to people who cost Lord Red Masque essence?"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I would hope they're hung."
You say, "No, they are generally enemied."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "While still remaining within Lord Fain's city?"
You say, "Indeed. Should I give him time to leave the city, seeing as he has already slain me twice?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I think a citydisfavour would have been more reasonable. He
is a citizen, after all...but what do I know. I don't have to deal with such things. Only the after effects."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth stares into space absently.
You nod your head.
You say, "Perhaps so. Tempers were high, yes?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I suppose..."
You say, "Now. When tempers lowered and Commander Shiawase spoke to both of us, I said I would unenemy him to Lord Fain for
the mere act of posting to the city about discipline, and how important it is to not only his guild, but the rest of us."
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
Leaning forward slightly, you say, "He agreed, and then once I had unenemied him, he ran crying to his commander and
refused to write the post."
You raise an eyebrow at Tsumadine.
Tsumadine gives a pained sigh.
You say to Tsumadine, "So not only did he act without discipline, but he went back on his oath. He stood within the council
chambers, undressed and dropped his personal effects on the ground at the Warlord's feet, and cried about how life isn't
fair to him."
You smirk.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth mutters, "... much silliness...I never had to de.. with t.... things
in ... fore.....and they called -us- barbarians? Bah..."
You say to Tsumadine, "Now, tell me. Why is it your duty to deal with Haiden's "attitude"?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Because no one else does."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "And I have nothing better to do with my time than cater to
the Marshals and tend to the maggots."
Raising an eyebrow slightly, you say, "So you take it upon yourself to coddle your guild champion?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "If he needs to be coddled, I do. If Marshal i'Viani needed
to be coddled, I'd coddle him as well."
You say, "I wasn't aware the ur'Guard were in the coddling business."
Ur'Marshal Ruiku i'Viani, Wrath of the Red Masque says, "I don't need coddling."
Ur'Marshal Ruiku i'Viani, Wrath of the Red Masque says, "Never have I coddled with this maggot."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Only those who are native Serens and have a hard time
letting go of the affectionate side. Luckily, followers of Lord Fain don't need coddling...and as they outweigh others...I
coddle few..."
Tsumadine gives Ruiku the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say, "Not only that, but Marshal Ruiku is man enough to take care of his own issues, and not wait for.. pardon the
expression, but a wet behind the ears drill sergeant... to coddle him and hold his hand while he cries."
You nod your head.
You say to Tsumadine, "I'm not sure I approve of your "coddling", but affection isn't something we shut away, so long as it
doesn't get in the way of serving the Engine."
You wave your hand dismissively.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "It's not...-affection-."
You say to Tsumadine, "Very well. Unless Marshal Ruiku needs you for something, you are dismissed."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Pardon me. I have someone to attend to, as ordered by my
You say to Tsumadine, "Indeed."
Tsumadine closes her hand into a fist and crosses it across her chest, giving a crisp bow from the waist.
You dismiss Tsumadine with a wave of your hand.
Tsumadine leaves to the east.
Tsumadine rubs her eyes tiredly.
You tilt your head curiously at Tsumadine.
Tsumadine scowls miserably at you.
You raise an eyebrow at Tsumadine.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth (Female Undead Human).
She is 46 years old, having been born on the 11th of Dvarsh, 241 years after the Coming of Estarra.
She is ranked 415th in Lusternia.
She is an extremely credible character.
She is a Serf in the Grand Dominion of Magnagora.
She holds the position of a Thorn of the Amaranth in the ur'Guard.
She holds the position of a Task Mistress in the ur'Guard.
She is a Professor in the College of Necromantic & Tainted Research.
She is a Visionary of Distance in the Fellowship of Explorers.
She is Worthless Maggot in the Divine Order of Fain, of the Red Masque.
She is a graduate of the Ancestral Glade of the Moonharts (honours), the Shadowmaze (honours), and the College of
Necromantic & Tainted Research (honours).
She is a member of the clan called 'The Barracks.'
She is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
Her motto: 'Crimson will be a lovely colour for you...'
She is considered to be approximately 10% of your might.
She is a first generation member of the House of Zayah.
See HONOURS FULL TSUMADINE to view her 4 special honours.
You say, "Pardon, serf?"
You stare implacably at Tsumadine, and she shrinks from your gaze.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Regard me as you will...I will remain less than pleased
with the actions I've heard you've performed recently, Penitent Mes'ard."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Tsumadine rolls her eyes at Ruiku.
Tsumadine leaves to the south.
You tell Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth, "Return to the Megalith, serf."
You open up a window in the cosmic fabric and search out Tsumadine. Through the cosmic window, you see Tsumadine at on the
roof of the ur'Guard tower.
Tsumadine tells you, "I will not. I have better things to do than be insulted and irritated by the likes of you and Marshal
You tell Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth, "You will return now or vacate the city. Your choice."
{* New Target: (tsumadine) *}
summon tsumadine
A monolith sigil prevents you from summoning.
Tsumadine arrives from the east.
You say to Ruiku, "Is it my imagination, or is that serf glaring at both of us and being quite unruly?"
You say to Tsumadine, "Sit."
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
You say to Tsumadine, "That wasn't a request. Sit, or I'll put you in another position with a bit more pain."
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I came to the Megalith as requested. I
won't sit, however."
You frown at Tsumadine.
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I expect you have some chastising of me to
Tsumadine rubs her eyes tiredly.
You murmur to Esano, "You know, I wasn't this unruly as a serf. Perhaps we should send her back to our southern garden
where she came from."
You begin to chant the words of vile darkness, and an iron cross rises up from the ground before Tsumadine. Vicious spikes
slam into her flesh and nail her to the cross. She screams in pain and agony as blood is splattered in all directions.
With a look of agony on her face, Tsumadine manages to writhe herself free of the cross.
You say to Tsumadine, "Now then. Are you less tired?"
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "May I be excused now."
You say, "Did I dismiss you, serf?"
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
Tsumadine shrinks from the implacable gaze of Esano.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth lowers her eyes to the ground.
You say, "Odd, I thought the ur'Guard were known for their discipline. Perhaps Marshal Ruiku here is the last of a dying
Tsumadine scoffs arrogantly.
You say to Tsumadine, "Perhaps you wish to prove me wrong?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs to you, "I do."
You raise an eyebrow at Tsumadine.
You say, "Good. Then show some discipline and follow orders."
You say, "Now, sit."
Tsumadine sits down.
You nod your head.
You say, "Good, you learn quickly. Perhaps you are smarter than I had first thought."
You have emoted: Shaddus taps his chin, deep in thought.
Tsumadine rubs her eyes tiredly.
You say, "Now then. Explain your communication to me earlier."
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "It was nothing. Foolish babbling from an
irritated Sergeant."
Smiling wryly, you say, "That's not what I asked, Sergeant."
You stare pointedly at Tsumadine and strum your fingers impatiently.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "You've left my Queen's Own unhappy, and as one who takes it
upon themselves to tend to his attitude, I've listened to his such, I'm irritated."
You say, "You are enamored with Haiden, your guild champion?"
Ur'Marshal Ruiku i'Viani, Wrath of the Red Masque says, "It is all making sense."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
You tap your nose knowingly at Ruiku.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Enamored is -not- the word. I have no feelings for Haiden.
I wanted to marry Ruiku, but he was too ignorant to realize that."
You say to Tsumadine, "That is another matter. Explain what you believe you know of Haiden and my dealings."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I know nothing. I've simply heard things."
You have emoted: Shaddus motions for you to proceed.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Things involving an enemy status to Lord Masque for
something utterly foolish and the unleasing of a war shrine on the Queen's Own. That's all that's reached my ears other
than the Commander being displeased."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
You nod your head.
You say, "Good. You have heard part of the story, and have formed an assumption based on this. Am I correct?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth bites her fingers, blood trickling over her lips.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "No. I have no assumptions. I care not for the -story-, only
that the Queen's Own is angry with the city and guild..."
You wave your hand dismissively.
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
Sultry and soft, Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "May I be excused -now-?"
You say, "I care not for Haiden's feelings. Let me explain to you what happened, before you stare at me entirely too often
and I'm tempted to snatch your eyeballs from your head."
You stare implacably at Tsumadine, and she shrinks from your gaze.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "It wouldn't be the first time..."
Tsumadine gives a pained sigh.
Tsumadine tilts her head and listens intently to you.
You purse your lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as you carefully gather your thoughts.
You say, "Haiden has a.. habit. This habit is to attack citizens for no other reason than because he is impulsive, or
because he feels he can do so with impunity because of rank, or position, or because he percieves some sort of friendship
with this person."
You say, "Haiden lacks discipline. He attacked me not once but twice without provocation, slaying me both times."
You say, "This wasn't a friendly spar, nor rough-housing."
You say, "This is also not something I agreed upon beforehand. Now, have you read the city laws?"
You tilt your head and listen intently to Tsumadine.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "No. I haven't had the time, nor reason. I'm simply a serf,
after all."
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
You say, "A lack of rank is no excuse to not read the laws of the city. In fact, it's more of a reason, so you might know
how to better serve the Engine."
You say, "To make short of a long story, attacking another citizen without express permission is against our city laws."
You say, "Haiden as not only an ur'Guard but the guild champion is held to a higher standard. Do you understand what I
Tsumadine nods her head at you.
You say, "Now. Does what he has done show the discipline required for not only his station in the city, but his guild?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "No, I suppose not."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "However."
You say, "Not only that, but his lack of discipline shames his Guild Patron, Lord Fain. His slaying of me also cost Lord
Fain essence."
You say to Tsumadine, "Do you know what is done to people who cost Lord Red Masque essence?"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I would hope they're hung."
You say, "No, they are generally enemied."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "While still remaining within Lord Fain's city?"
You say, "Indeed. Should I give him time to leave the city, seeing as he has already slain me twice?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I think a citydisfavour would have been more reasonable. He
is a citizen, after all...but what do I know. I don't have to deal with such things. Only the after effects."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth stares into space absently.
You nod your head.
You say, "Perhaps so. Tempers were high, yes?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "I suppose..."
You say, "Now. When tempers lowered and Commander Shiawase spoke to both of us, I said I would unenemy him to Lord Fain for
the mere act of posting to the city about discipline, and how important it is to not only his guild, but the rest of us."
Tsumadine stares implacably at you.
Leaning forward slightly, you say, "He agreed, and then once I had unenemied him, he ran crying to his commander and
refused to write the post."
You raise an eyebrow at Tsumadine.
Tsumadine gives a pained sigh.
You say to Tsumadine, "So not only did he act without discipline, but he went back on his oath. He stood within the council
chambers, undressed and dropped his personal effects on the ground at the Warlord's feet, and cried about how life isn't
fair to him."
You smirk.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth mutters, "... much silliness...I never had to de.. with t.... things
in ... fore.....and they called -us- barbarians? Bah..."
You say to Tsumadine, "Now, tell me. Why is it your duty to deal with Haiden's "attitude"?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Because no one else does."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "And I have nothing better to do with my time than cater to
the Marshals and tend to the maggots."
Raising an eyebrow slightly, you say, "So you take it upon yourself to coddle your guild champion?"
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "If he needs to be coddled, I do. If Marshal i'Viani needed
to be coddled, I'd coddle him as well."
You say, "I wasn't aware the ur'Guard were in the coddling business."
Ur'Marshal Ruiku i'Viani, Wrath of the Red Masque says, "I don't need coddling."
Ur'Marshal Ruiku i'Viani, Wrath of the Red Masque says, "Never have I coddled with this maggot."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Only those who are native Serens and have a hard time
letting go of the affectionate side. Luckily, followers of Lord Fain don't need coddling...and as they outweigh others...I
coddle few..."
Tsumadine gives Ruiku the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
You say, "Not only that, but Marshal Ruiku is man enough to take care of his own issues, and not wait for.. pardon the
expression, but a wet behind the ears drill sergeant... to coddle him and hold his hand while he cries."
You nod your head.
You say to Tsumadine, "I'm not sure I approve of your "coddling", but affection isn't something we shut away, so long as it
doesn't get in the way of serving the Engine."
You wave your hand dismissively.
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "It's not...-affection-."
You say to Tsumadine, "Very well. Unless Marshal Ruiku needs you for something, you are dismissed."
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "Pardon me. I have someone to attend to, as ordered by my
You say to Tsumadine, "Indeed."
Tsumadine closes her hand into a fist and crosses it across her chest, giving a crisp bow from the waist.
You dismiss Tsumadine with a wave of your hand.
Tsumadine leaves to the east.
Jigan2010-06-24 08:19:16
I approve.

Kante2010-06-24 08:22:20
This bothers me. A lot.
Jigan2010-06-24 08:27:39
The major thing that bothered me was this...
Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "If he needs to be coddled, I do. If Marshal i'Viani needed
to be coddled, I'd coddle him as well."
That is not Magnagorian. Not by a long shot. Personally, I'd have him crucified again for that comment.

Drill Sergeant Tsumadine Zayah, Thorn of the Amaranth murmurs, "If he needs to be coddled, I do. If Marshal i'Viani needed
to be coddled, I'd coddle him as well."
That is not Magnagorian. Not by a long shot. Personally, I'd have him crucified again for that comment.

Shaddus2010-06-24 08:28:31
QUOTE (Kante @ Jun 24 2010, 03:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This bothers me. A lot.
What I did, or what she did?
Kante2010-06-24 08:29:50
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jun 24 2010, 04:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What I did, or what she did?
What she did.
Did anyone else in the Ur'Guard know? Because Tyngh probably would have executed her for being so unruly.
Shaddus2010-06-24 08:31:46
QUOTE (Kante @ Jun 24 2010, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What she did.
Did anyone else in the Ur'Guard know? Because Tyngh probably would have executed her for being so unruly.
Did anyone else in the Ur'Guard know? Because Tyngh probably would have executed her for being so unruly.
Ruiku was there the whole time, and Ixion was listening with bond, I think.
Kante2010-06-24 08:35:42
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jun 24 2010, 04:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ruiku was there the whole time, and Ixion was listening with bond, I think.
I'm not sure if that depresses me even more or not.
Either way, I think we need more public executions for unruly citizens.
Jigan, you know what to do (and I'll help you).
Jigan2010-06-24 08:39:24
QUOTE (Kante @ Jun 24 2010, 03:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure if that depresses me even more or not.
Either way, I think we need more public executions for unruly citizens.
Jigan, you know what to do (and I'll help you).
Either way, I think we need more public executions for unruly citizens.
Jigan, you know what to do (and I'll help you).
I'm always ready to commit a crime. All I need is a motive.
Give me good enough reason in game, and it's a wonderful story, with slaughter!

Unknown2010-06-24 09:04:42
Excellent, excellent log. Just curious, what was this emote?
Tsumadine closes her hand into a fist and crosses it across her chest, giving a crisp bow from the waist.
Tsumadine closes her hand into a fist and crosses it across her chest, giving a crisp bow from the waist.
Shaddus2010-06-24 09:06:06
QUOTE (Vliuun @ Jun 24 2010, 04:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Excellent, excellent log. Just curious, what was this emote?
Tsumadine closes her hand into a fist and crosses it across her chest, giving a crisp bow from the waist.
Tsumadine closes her hand into a fist and crosses it across her chest, giving a crisp bow from the waist.
Probably an aliased emote, like my CHINTAP and PROCEED
Ixion2010-06-24 09:20:34
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jun 24 2010, 04:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ruiku was there the whole time, and Ixion was listening with bond, I think.
Correct on both counts. I was waiting for him to handle it since he was there in person, and he did

PS the title made me think of someone who actually did dress down..
Unknown2010-06-24 09:53:09
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jun 24 2010, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably an aliased emote, like my CHINTAP and PROCEED
Doesn't look like it. No title.
Kante2010-06-24 10:26:34
Justice was, indeed, served. Tsumadine was guild disfavoured.
Thank you, Ruiku.
Thank you, Ruiku.

Sakr2010-06-24 13:37:54
Im interested in Magnagora moreso now. Is there a way I can read the laws of the city out of curiosity?
Tekora2010-06-24 13:41:09
QUOTE (Falcon @ Jun 24 2010, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im interested in Magnagora moreso now. Is there a way I can read the laws of the city out of curiosity?
Above the Seal of Justice there's a bunch of rooms with pillars that have the laws of the cities/communes on them. That is, of course, except for Gaudi and Halli, who HAVEN'T GOTTEN THEIRS YET.

Saran2010-06-24 14:21:02
QUOTE (Tekora @ Jun 24 2010, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Above the Seal of Justice there's a bunch of rooms with pillars that have the laws of the cities/communes on them. That is, of course, except for Gaudi and Halli, who HAVEN'T GOTTEN THEIRS YET.

Gaudi doesn't need one and hallifax thought they only needed three but a few more are on the way?
Tekora2010-06-24 14:25:39
QUOTE (Saran @ Jun 24 2010, 10:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gaudi doesn't need one and hallifax thought they only needed three but a few more are on the way?
Of course Gaudi needs one. Where else will they write their two laws down?
And yeah, Halli's gonna need their own atrium.
Aliod2010-06-24 15:09:14
Has it really gotten that bad?
Kante2010-06-24 15:19:00
QUOTE (Aliod @ Jun 24 2010, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has it really gotten that bad?
Once I get GA it won't be.