Aramel2010-07-03 14:21:11
I only just noticed this today due to being not-very-active for a while previously.
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Some messy, excited scrawl has been crammed into a block of space,
leaving ridiculously wide margins on all sides. "Friend of the Talnara
Family Ring Design," it proclaims in large script, letters a quarter of
an inch high. A crude sketch of two rings have been drawn, accompanied
by labels "phoenix wings" and "crescent moon". A tilt of the head and a
generous imagination suggests it is the same ring drawn from above and
below. No mention of jewel or metal is included. This vague designer's
nightmare has been faithfully signed by Xiran.

<3 Xiran
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Some messy, excited scrawl has been crammed into a block of space,
leaving ridiculously wide margins on all sides. "Friend of the Talnara
Family Ring Design," it proclaims in large script, letters a quarter of
an inch high. A crude sketch of two rings have been drawn, accompanied
by labels "phoenix wings" and "crescent moon". A tilt of the head and a
generous imagination suggests it is the same ring drawn from above and
below. No mention of jewel or metal is included. This vague designer's
nightmare has been faithfully signed by Xiran.

<3 Xiran
Unknown2010-07-03 17:20:56
<3 Aramel
<3 Aramel
Shiri2010-07-04 10:17:32